1. Look for the good in your marriage (in your mate).
Do your best to make it right, especially if you have invested years into it (Rom. 8:28 – And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God…). God can turn messes into miracles and obstacles into opportunities, and remember that in every mess, there’s a message.

2. Consider all the positive things in the union.
Remember all the happy times, fun times, romantic times, and what you have built together. Keep intimacy fresh and make each other feel important. A man can function fairly well if intimacy goes from the marriage, but a woman cannot live in an emotionally stable way without it, whether she is 23 or 83. Don’t let boredom enter into your marriage, keep love alive. John 10:10b says, “I’ve come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.” Start complimenting and exhorting one another (Eph. 4:32). Words fitly spoken are like apples of gold in pictures of silver (Prov. 25:11).

3. Ask for each other’s forgiveness.
Ask God to forgive you and ask your partner to forgive you (James 5:16). Eph. 4:31-32, Matt. 18:21-22, Matt. 5:23-24,

4. Learn to work out, work through, and communicate properly, problems and challenges.
Let’s grow up and be open for change (Eph. 4:15, 2 Peter 3:18)! Remember that the mind is not new, but it is constantly being renewed. Know that God is able (Eph. 3:20); Is there anything too hard for God (Gen. 18:14)?

5. If at all possible, don’t ever contemplate divorce!
God is a restorer (Psalms 23:3). He brings life back into situations. Romans 13:14 tells us to make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts, and John 10:10 says to give him no pleasure. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. Resist him! Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you (James 4:7). We are conquerors (Romans 8:32-34). Allow nothing to separate you.

6. Develop a personal private prayer life and start praying together. Alone, one can put a thousand to flight, however, when you and your spouse are in agreement, you can put ten thousand to flight. I am referring to enemy forces (Luke 18:1, Eph. 6:18, Deut. 32:30).

7. To the husband, love your wife as Christ loved the church.
Listen to your wife, learn your wife, understand your wife. Spend time together, know your wife, and communicate with your wife.

8. To the wife, give your husband respect.
(Eph. 5:33) Submit to his leadership, learn your husband, understand your husband. Do not trouble your own house (Prov. 11:29).

'Tis the season many people declare: "Nes Gadol Hayah Sham/A Great Miracle
Happened There" in Jerusalem. They will do this as they celebrate Chanukah; a
time to remember when God performed a miracle with oil. When the Maccabees
regained control of the Temple in Jerusalem, they only had enough sacred, ritual oil
which should have lasted 1 day. But a great miracle happened there, and the oil
lasted for 8 days until the special oil was ready.
During this season many people also declare: "Nes Gadol Hayah Sham/A Great
Miracle Happened There" in Bethlehem. They will do this as they celebrate the
virgin birth of the Jewish Messiah. God came to earth, lived in flesh or a body and
many people take time to celebrate this in December.

'Tis the season when many people remember these 2 great miracles which happened there, in Israel.
1. an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs
2. wonderful event that is believed to be caused by the power of God
We all have days when we need a miracle. As you see above a miracle is a time when God
intervenes in our lives to do something out of the ordinary for us. He does things that are beyond
ordinary and are not possible by human ability or knowlegde, or possible within the time frame
allotted. When we find ourselves in a time of need, we need to ask God to demonstrate His power
and do what no person can do.
(Malachi 3:6) “I am the Lord, and I do not change.”
(Hebrews 13:8) Yeshua Messiah is the same yesterday and today and forever.
The same God who did the miracles in the past still lives today and has not changed. Anything and
everything He did in the past He can do today. God can perform miracles any day they are needed.
We don’t have to wait until December to seek God for a miracle. But God knows how much we all
need Him to intervene in our lives so He sets aside time every year for us to remember that He is a
God who performs miracles.
As you take time this season to remember the great miracles God did for us in the past, remember
that God loves you as much as He loves the people He provided miracles for years ago, and that He
is not limited to performing miracles in Israel. He can perform a
miracle for you wherever you are, and whenever you have a need.
So when your need for a miracle arises, pray in faith, asking God for
your miracle. Pray expecting that soon you will declare: "Nes Gadol
Hayah Poh/A Great Miracle Happened Here." And if this short
message encouraged you to seek your miracle, send me an email to
 Pray with you for your miracle
 Declare: "Nes Gadol Hayah Sham/A Great Miracle Happened
Here" when God grants your miracle so I can rejoice with you.
Email: Ron@RabbiRonSpeaks.com

The War of the Seed
This is the war of the seed, which is the first prophecy of the Bible found in Genesis 3. Genetic manipulation is also what was happening in the “Days of Noah” because all flesh had become corrupt. Flesh cannot become corrupt unless our DNA had become corrupt. The “Days of Noah” also record the first occurrence of a new creature which God did not create, and they were called the Nephilim. They were bigger, better, stronger, and more difficult to kill than regular humans, and that is why they must have had different DNA. The fact that they were better than humans in some ways tells us who their father is. It is the same person that told us he could turn us into gods. This first temptation of the Bible is still the most powerful one today.

More importantly, making us somewhat more like God was not a completely empty promise. Yet, what could cause the whole world to take such a plunge down a hole that would end humanity as we know it? Well, for some, they will be lining up to be changed into something that is Trans-human or a super-soldier. But when it comes to a cause, for as long as I can remember, I have been told that a world-wide pandemic might be the best explanation for how they “cause” everyone to take a mark in their hand or forehead. (for more information go to prophecydays.com and see “Days of Noah”)
Revelation 13: 16-18 – Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.
While vaccines can have great beneficial value, I can say that they can also be used for great evil because they can give a government access to our bodies. If you don’t think vaccines can be used by evil, then watch the movie “The Origin of Aids” on Amazon prime. Aids has killed 85 million people world-wide. The stunning thing that is different about the Covid vaccine is that it has RNA in it, which is what is what writes DNA. RNA is also used in recombinant DNA or gene therapy.

Why on earth would fighting Covid-19 require therapy to change our DNA? Who would want to do that? Again, this is why I recommend referencing the “Days of Noah” study on prophecydays.com. Now research into the Covid vaccine has not been the point of this article, but both political parties are pushing it here in America. The only difference is that some of them are saying mandatory. Here are some articles that bring out some of these ideas.

Role of Recombinant DNA Technology to Improve Life
This article details CRISPR technology, a way of sequencing DNA through RNA, and then incorporating it into human beings.

Should Vaccines Will Be Made Mandatory?

Bill Gates Foundation’s COVID-19 Vaccine is a Satanic Plot says Oscar-Winner
Bill Gates wants to vaccinate/chip the world. Vaccines really could have nano-teched particles that allow us to be identified, tracked, and even genetically manipulated. Patent #060606, may not require insertion, but how does it reward us for bodily activity based on crypto-currency?

God Hasn’t Changed
The simple truth of the Gospel means that all lives are precious to God. During these trying times this must be “Our Motto,” and what distinguishes us in the world. What matters is our lives, our freedoms and our respect for everyone. We cannot stop Covid, but we can do our best to save all the lives we can in other areas. The problem is we aren’t doing that. What I am proposing is that we continue to share the story of how lives are being lost, and what we can do to save them. In this way, we will be the light to the whole world. We could easily get rid of malaria, contaminated water, and world hunger. These are things that all Christians can unite on.

Fighting for all lives will destroy the most grievous accusations against us, which is that we are a hate group because we still believe in something called sin. We can no longer allow sin to be the main narrative of the Bible. God is love, and the Gospel is that God loves us so much that He died for us. Doing what only love can do is what will bring back truth. Truth is what works, and lies are what lead to bad decisions and even worse consequences. Yet, there is nothing more hateful then the idea of political correctness. This is why it is time to return to love, freedom, respect, and mercy regardless of someone’s view. Their value to God hasn’t changed, because there is one thing that love would never do. Love would never take away our ability to choose between love or hate.

This is where the truth of love must be told, and where consequences certainly can become severe. God is not willing that any should perish. So, if people perish, they perish because of their own will. They do not love the God of love. This is why we cannot let the winds of this new movement of hate and fear bring us down to where we join them in hate and condemnation. We must fight division with love and truth, otherwise we risk losing all that our forefathers have handed to us on a silver platter. Now is the time to look to the men who built this country, and find the values that have made us great. Don’t get distracted, God hasn’t changed how He wants us to handle each and every situation with love and dignity for all who are involved.

“I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him.”

“You can’t hold a man down without staying down with him.”
Booker T. Washington was born a slave, but became the first great American educator for African Americans by founding Tuskegee Institute. Booker was also an author, orator, and adviser to multiple presidents of the United States. He was also the dominant leader in the African American community between 1890 and 1915.
Loving the Unloved, and Remembering the Prodigals
Social justice is really all about people feeling like they had a raw deal. That is why they are violently protesting what they see as wrong with our society. But the truth is that they really feel unloved, unwanted, unworthy, unprivileged, and inferior. This is the source of their rage, and only Jesus can help them. How they want help has nothing to do with what will heal their soul because America has lost sight of what privilege really is. There is one predictor of success in life that stands high above all the others, and that is the blessing of being born into a family where we are loved, guided, and disciplined.

The Asian slaves also arrived here in America somewhat close to the African slaves. They were the last to get the right to vote, or own property. Many of them were in concentration camps during WWII. But today they make more money than any other race. The reason is because of family. Asians have the most intact families in America, with the fewest divorces and the fewest abortions. The power of the family holds up even in a secular world. For example, children of black nuclear families have only a 12% chance of living below poverty, versus 45% for a black single mom, and 36% for a black single dad. The fatherless youth represent: 90% of homeless and runaways; 85% of behavior problems; 80% of rapists with anger problems; 71% of high school drop outs; 85% of youths in prison, 71% of pregnant teenagers; 90% of repeat arsonists


These are the facts that matter, and they should not surprise us Christians because the first thing God did when He made mankind was to form a family. Promoting family is also one of the things that most people are open to talking about. As Christians, we can build on that by letting them know how they can become part of God’s family. (John 1:12) In fact, God is all about family, and one of His goals are to show us the unconditional love that has always eluded us. Re-familing someone is about discipling them in the context of close relationships. This loss of relational context must be a part of what we want to recover in reaching this un-parented generation of prodigal children. The problem is they haven’t even heard about who their real Father is.

No one has told them of just how good their Father in heaven really is. Without this knowledge many will never come back home. Most people are honestly a little confused about how to fix what is happening and family is something we can all relate to. The other problem is that there are way too many false gods being promoted in our society. Just as important is that no one has told them about the many pitfalls of life, and each one of us can be destroyed by them. While I believe Capitalism is a great form of government, it has inextricably led us to the worship of false gods such as money, power, fame, and career.

Materialism is destroying America, because it has produced a generation of unparented people who were simply unwanted. They have been told their whole lives that they do not matter. How may we ask? Because they have been abandoned. Their parents had something better to do than to raise them, love them, or spend time with them. We all know money doesn’t make us happy, and that money can’t buy love, but do we really? Virtually everything in the media says differently. This too is one of the lies we must destroy because the family is the very fabric or foundation upon which our society is built.

For example, nowhere is the “Black Lives Matter” movement trying to build up the families of America. In fact, BLM is against the nuclear family. Yet, the predicament found only in the ghetto’s is why this generation is ripe for the prideful and hateful message of Satan. They want their chance to be on top. Focusing our message on love and family is the best way to reinforce a positive message. The brotherhood of man has been lost because they have failed to accept the Fatherhood of God. We have the opportunity to show them true brotherhood. The good news is that God is still waiting for all His children to come home with open arms.

In closing, the message of this entire article is to help us see that God still has the answers for every problem known to man. If we are to take God’s message that “All Lives are Precious to God,” then Christians need to humble themselves and pray. But as I hope you are starting to see, after this reorientation with our Father happens, we can no longer go along with the media or political narrative because they are full of deception and hate. We must become truly counter cultural just like Jesus was. Of course, we still need to figure out how to engage our society. This is true whether it is about the Covid, politics, vaccinations, or what privilege is. People need to see that Christianity is about how all lives matter. To do this we must learn to represent the least in God’s kingdom.

We also need to be prepared because people are going to walk away from us and the church because we are still going to tell them the truth no matter what. We also need to figure out a way to go to the ghettos’ and reach this lost generation. I have struggled with this because I clearly have zero street cred. I don’t have all the answers. The question is how do we reach someone who is living from fear of Covid or convinced that life is an issue of survival of the fittest or that money is the greatest privilege? Just as a baby has no way to communicate but to cry, so too this generation is erupting in violence. This too is exactly what the New World Order wants because they are sheep without a Shepherd. Yet, there is something sinister that is coming that will change everything with respect to saving our souls. A barrier that cannot be overcome with the Gospel. This deception is so powerful, that if it were possible it would deceive us all.
“For false Christs and false prophets will appear and they will provide great signs and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect (God’s chosen ones).

The Greater Deception

The Covid deception has divided us, financially destroyed us, and caused us to go cashless and touchless, but there is an even bigger deception that is a foot.  What do I mean?  The mark of the beast may very well be here, and they will make it mandatory. A mandatory vaccine means that we no longer have rights to our own bodies.   If this is the case, then it doesn’t matter whether this vaccine is the Mark of the beast or not.  We will be allowing them to pass a law that will force us to be marked later.  Consequently, time has run out.  If we are going to be Christians in the future, then we will not be able to believe what is on TV.  Not facing this fact is only going to make matters worse because the Beast is building a bigger deception each and every day.  As the church, we must now realize that we have to fight this narrative.  


We cannot capitulate or surrender.  Yet, most churches are constantly assessing their public relations because they function more like businesses than the church. This is why they say that religion and politics don’t mix, yet Jesus was killed for political reasons.  The question is, what can the church actually confront in our society without losing church members.  This kind of thinking is not going to work anymore. Either people are going to believe their Bibles or they are going to allow their government to mark their bodies (genetically, for identity verification, or to buy and sell).  The fact that RNA is part of this new vaccine is astonishing.  Why would a vaccine have anything to do with DNA?  Yet, the sad truth is that vaccines already are mandatory, and most everybody gets them.


The shocking revelation that the church has not yet arrived at is that taking the “Mark of the Beast” will destroy our ability to save anyone.  Salvation may literally come down to our ability to convince someone that they should not capitulate with law or what they see on TV. Unfortunately, the “Mark of the Beast” is already here in some forms, and Covid is clearly pushing the narrative.  Without a firm belief in Bible prophecy, the church cannot make this transition about the truth of salvation.  We cannot be saved if we take the mark of the beast. (Revelation 14:9-11)  Think this truth isn’t being censored?  I found it difficult to find this verse on google, so I had to use yahoo.

Prayer Is the Answer

Still, “let not our heart be troubled,” because God is in control. (Luke 14:1-3)  God has told us that all the nations will be shaken. (Haggai 2:7)  While men’s “hearts are failing them for fear of what they see coming on the earth,” we are told to “lift us our heads, because our redemption is drawing near.”  (Luke 21) This must be our voice of hope to the world. People must know that this world is not our home because we were born for heaven. 


Yet, the warning is clear, we are in the “End Times,” and we must be about our Fathers’ business.  The greatest prophetic voice specific to America that I have heard in my lifetime is Jonathan Cahn.  His new book is called the Harbinger II, and it clearly makes a case that America is ripe for God’s judgement in the form of a diminished hedge of protection around America.  Covid also comes into play.  


As I was praying about a month ago doing the research for this article, I became more and more troubled about the future, and, consequently, my prayers became more and more intense.  Suddenly, a scripture came to mind.  “What is that to you?” (John 21:18-22) I was offended for a moment, but then I realized that I was the guy in that story complaining and not trusting in the sovereignty of God.  The next thing I heard was the scripture I just used, “I will shake all the nations.”  It wasn’t long before I realized that the reason I would shake someone is to wake them up.  


Within a minute, I was struck with the message, “Kevan, if I shake the nations, then more of my people are going to wake up, and more of them will get saved.”  This is why God is God and I am not.  God really is in control, but we must recognize what God is telling us.  God is telling us the time is short.  In these circumstances, my motto is to hope for the best and be prepared for the worst. I also believe that “each and every one of us were born for a time like this.” It is time to stop being politically correct, and become more relational and loving with the truth. Still, there is a division that is coming and we must prepare for it. The shaking is going to separate the wheat from the chaff, and we have to realize that persecution of Christians and the truth is now in full swing. 


Jesus told us that this would happen, and for us to “not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”  (2 Corinthians 4:16-18) There appears to be a point that is fast approaching where we must be willing to break with all of the world’s narratives.  


We can no longer be conformed to this world because America is no longer Christian in any way.  Yet, if there is one thing that still tugs at the heart of America, it is that “all lives matter,” and we must tirelessly represent them  This is why we must move forward with love, but focus specifically on renewing the mind of as many people as possible. (Romans 12:2)  Without the correct information during these times, many will lose heart and perish for lack of knowledge.  My ultimate hope is that we would all see what time it is on God’s clock. I also pray that we can see the coming deception more clearly, and still love Jesus more dearly.

The most starling thing about Covid-19 since its beginning in 2020 is the disconnections between what we see on TV and a basic search for the facts.  Now before we continue to show how only Covid-19 lives, matter, I must first show that the total number of deaths, especially here in America, have been inflated and virtually manufactured.  These are bold claims, but honestly all we have to do is to look at two basic statements by the CDC, which is the Center for Disease Control here in America.  The CDC would certainly be most people’s go to source for actual facts on Covid, so listen closely.  The first piece of evidence came when the director of the CDC agrees that hospitals have a monetary incentive to inflate COVID-19 data or deaths.  He also went on to say that inflated numbers of certain diagnoses has already happened in the past with HIV / AIDS.  


Unfortunately, there are lots of reasons why this inflation has happened.  The first is that Covid shutdowns resulted in hospitals that were more than half empty.  On top of that, all elective procedures were canceled.  I have had two billing specialists for different hospitals that both confirmed that billing is down 70-80%.  Now imagine that your business is running on fumes, but there is the new diagnosis that pays at least $10,000 more than anything else.  Now imagine that there aren’t even enough tests to confirm this diagnosis, which makes a Covid-19 diagnosis less objective and more about subjective symptoms.  


Maybe this is why for a while it seemed that Covid was responsible for some new problem almost every day.  Almost like it had a literal mind of its own.  It should also be kept in mind that the validity of the testing itself has also been in question since day one, and that the current test we use was not the one we started with that took weeks to get results.  I had a nurse, who works in a contagious disease practice, say that they do not do Covid testing because the test is not accurate.  I have had nurses tell me that they have tested positive for two weeks, negative for the next week, and they go back to positive again a few weeks later. I have had several patients tell me that they received their Covid-19 test results when they were never even tested at all.  


All of these instances are why we have all heard how audits of Covid-19 deaths have revealed things like someone dying from a car accident, but still being listed as dying from Covid.  I have multiple patients report that the hospital specifically asked if they could diagnose the death of their loved one as Covid-19.  One patient says that their family was offered $5000 by the hospital to let them diagnose the patient with Covid.  These stories explain why routine audits of Covid deaths can have somewhere between 30-50% inaccuracy.  Here is one such article on the accuracy of Covid deaths, including deaths that had already been counted previously.

  • https://www.tri-cityherald.com/news/coronavirus/article246326410.html


Let’s look at the next piece of information to consider that also corresponds with the financial incentive to diagnose someone with Covid.  The CDC released the fact that 94% of COVID-19 deaths had underlying health problems, while only 6% died of the virus alone.  My first question was, well then if there was something else going on, then why did they diagnose them with Covid at all?  Unfortunately, we already answered why.  Money.  What also becomes obvious is that unless we have some pre-existing conditions, most of us have very little risk of dying from Covid.  


So, why didn’t they say what they really died from?  This is important because it allows us to make a differential diagnosis of the risk rate of each individual based on their pre-existing conditions, which we will detail shortly.  Unfortunately, we have a one size fits all prognosis for Covid, which is 100% fear, 100% of the time, and for 100% of us.  But as we will see, this is just not true.  So, we should already be asking ourselves, why are they trying to scare everyone?  What do they have to gain, and what is the hidden agenda?

  • https://www.christianpost.com/news/94-of-covid-19-deaths-had-underlying-health-problems-6-died-of-virus-alone-cdc-238680/?fbclid=IwAR0LkPG-WoKNBkm0pFEiF0U5r9DwTT4TM_5PLqafJhqf2MzWbpN9lb9nekQ


Certainly, death is scary enough without someone giving 24 /7 coverage of it, but how exactly does Covid fit into the bigger picture of death as a whole.  Whose deaths are we not being told about?  Obviously, we all die, but what I was shocked to discover is that not all lives are valued the same.  In fact, the following statistics reveal a startling truth, “that Only Covid lives matter.” (See worldometers.com as of 10/28/20) 


  • 1,011,981 Deaths due to Corona virus. 
  • 6,750,000 have died of hunger. (Based on around 9 million people die of hunger, according to the international relief agency Mercy Corps. That’s more than the death toll of AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined) 
  • 300,000 – 650,000 – Flu typically kills – https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2017/p1213-flu-death-estimate.html
  • 2.56 million people died from pneumonia in 2017 (Remember the best way to prevent pneumonia is to prevent the flu) – (source:  https://ourworldindata.org/pneumonia)
  • 629,427 – Deaths caused by contaminated water  
  • 31,807,452 – Abortions 
  • 733,156 – Deaths caused by malaria 
  • 801,522 – Suicides  
  • 1,008,976 – Road traffic accident fatalities 


These are the facts of what people are dying from and it is astonishing to think that suddenly, only “Covid-19 lives matter.” After all, there are much more significant killers that have shockingly simple and cost-effective solutions.  Now follow the money.  We have spent more than 6 trillion dollars just on a stimulus package to shut things down for 12 weeks.  Not to mention the economic impact of such a decision. This is a massive amount of money to spend just to delay the Covid-19 phenomenon.  When it comes to death, it is hard to talk about bang for the buck, but that certainly should be a part of the equation when it comes to helping people.  Let me give some examples of what I mean. For a few million dollars, we could eliminate anyone dying from Malaria, since there is already a cure that costs a few dollars per person.  


For hundreds of millions of dollars, we could have provided clean water to drink for every person on the planet.  For billions of dollars, we could have saved more than 6 times as many people from dying of hunger.  If we just stopped abortion, then 31 times as many lives could have been saved.  But what should be obvious at this point is that some lives don’t matter. In fact, some would say unborn babies aren’t even alive the day before their due date. Furthermore, if all lives matter, then why does no one care about the people that commit suicide?  The fact remains, that when we value one life over another in a general way, we are actually practicing some kind of hypocrisy or racism.


Now for the next bit of deception.  Remember, the flu and pneumonia are impossible to separate, so much so that the CDC now lumps them altogether with Covid-19. Of course, lots of people are jumping up and down and saying, “But Covid-19 is so much worse than the flu!”  This is true.  But this is all just word play, because the flu is the main reason someone gets pneumonia.  Pneumonia alone has killed 2.5 times as many people than Covid during the 2017-2018 pneumonia season.  So, between the two of them, (see the numbers above) they can easily kill close to 3 million people world-wide. This is almost three times as many people as Covid at the time this article was written.


So, these deaths are not unprecedented, then why does Covid take priority over every other disease we have seen in the modern era?  Why has no disease previously had 24/7 TV coverage, closed down the whole world, or caused us to alter our lives with masks and social distancing.  Yet, these same things can be argued to be appropriate for people who might catch the flu or pneumonia. This is clearly a double standard because it is saying that the only lives that matter are “Covid lives,” even though similar diseases kill more people.  These facts are why I am convinced that at worst, there is a dark deception being played upon the world. At best, hysteria has gotten completely out of control.  


Sadly, politicians, “never let a good crisis go to waste.”  It has not been a coincidence that all of the cities, counties, and states controlled by socialist leaders must be kept closed until after the election.  This is why when I mention these facts, I am usually met with the comment, “it is an election year.”  What this means is that America has become so divided that there is a group of people who would rather destroy America than to let the other party win. They are OK with lying, cheating and stealing to get what they want.  Unfortunately, they have succeeded at what their true goal is, which is dividing America.  Unfortunately, both parties are playing their part in the larger picture.


Why do I say that division is the main goal?  Because the old saying goes, “United we stand and divided we fall.”  As Christians, we hate to see America become divided, completely embroiled in bickering, and embracing hate or violence.  However, we still have the greatest freedoms and privileges of any citizens in world history.  Of course, we do have a host of problems, but division and hate are not how we move forward.  


Covid-19, like any other problem, must not be approached emotionally and irrationally.   Dividing us will only make things worse if not out-right destroy us.  This is the point where we have to fault the media.  They are the ones who need to be defunded for putting out a false message aimed at dividing us.  If there is anything that is negative or would destroy and divide America, they will cover it 24 / 7.  Unfortunately, the traditional media is not the only one that is involved.  


The movie, “The Social Dilemma,” provides us with a shocking possibility.  The movie perfectly portrays how individual tracking of everything we do is being collected by artificial intelligence, and used to control us.  AI’s continue to feed us only the polarizing things that we gravitate to and hold our attention. Determining what comes up in a search for each of us individually means that we are being manipulated without our knowledge. This is why the “fake news” has taken such a hold on America.  The final conclusion of the movie is that this kind of manipulation will eventually cause a civil war in America.  


While the writers of that film believed this to be an accident, I don’t believe that for a minute.  Foreign powers are also at play.  It has also been well documented the sudden influx of world-wide input on social media regarding our election.  By now, the situation should seem obvious, someone or something is trying to destroy America.  Who would like to destroy or divide America?  Some obvious possibilities are China, Russia, or the New World Order.  With China being the new #1 in the world, current political trends are saying that America must join a united Europe to balance that kind of power.  Thus far it would seem that Covid-19 is playing its part by bringing about division and financial ruin wherever it goes in the free world.


So, how do we fight this deception?  We fight this deception by adding the perspective of the cross, which is that all lives matter and are precious to God.  Obviously, people are dying every day, but people don’t actually know why or how we can help.  We have the opportunity to save lives and to show God’s love.  We cannot save everyone, but we can make strategic decisions about how to save the most lives we can.  Only focusing on Covid-19 lives has caused us to lose sight of the bigger picture.  We need to break this deception by representing those who have no voice in the media.  This is what Jesus would do because “God so loved the whole world.”  So, what is the bigger picture of our reaction to Covid?


Recently, thousands of doctors have written a letter to Trump to end the lock downs.  This is because 150,000 people are diagnosed with cancer each month.  Not getting that timely diagnosis will lead to their death. I recently had to go on blood pressure meds because I could not go to the gym during Covid shutdowns.  Even skipping routine dental care can lead to increased strokes and heart attacks. Virtually no one is talking about depression, alcohol abuse, drug abuse as some of the negative effects of Covid shutdowns. Some people didn’t even go outside.  This deprived them of vitamin D, which is one of the best nutritional preventions for Covid.  While this is the tip of the iceberg, it starts to become easier to see that we may be killing more people in one month than Covid has killed in 8 months.


If you still think you have been hearing the truth about what other doctors besides Dr. Anthony Fauci think, then ask yourself why you haven’t heard of the “Great Barrington Declaration,” This document was initially authored by doctors and epidemiologists from Oxford, Harvard and Princeton.  Since its inception, tis declaration has been signed by more than 35,000 medical doctors and health scientists from around the world.  The petition is to end lockdowns because they are causing “irreparable damage.”  They have specifically listed some of their reasoning to include: “lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings, and deteriorating mental health.  


All of these are leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden.” They also went on to say that “Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice,” because “We know that vulnerability to death from COVID-19 is more than a thousand-fold higher in the old and infirm than the young.” What is also shocking is that they also maintain that, “For children, COVID-19 is less dangerous than many other harms, including influenza.”  I’m still speechless that no one knows this.  What they are recommending is an approach they call “Focused Protection” because they believe that eventually the populations will eventually reach herd immunity.  


They recommend allowing those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally so that immunity to the virus is developed as part of natural infection.  This will allow Covid to pass through a population in a shorter period of time, thereby lowering some of the risks to everyone.  Of course, we do need to take some significant protective measures for those who are at highest risk of dying from Covid-19.  So, the question is, “Why is it that these doctors’ opinions don’t matter?”  What am I really trying to say?  I am saying that the Covid cure is worse than the disease.  I am saying that only Fauci’s opinion matters, even though there are thousands of doctors that disagree with him. 


But keeping people from seeing their doctors is not the only way that we are killing more than we save.  Look at the increase in the cost of food since the onset of Covid.  Food prices have gone up at least 25-30%.  Now remember that 6-7 times as many people die of hunger than Covid-19.  Even the UN is not recommending more shutdowns for Covid because millions more are going to starve this year than usual.  Winning the battle against Covid is causing us to lose the war against world hunger. Currently, hunger is killing 7-9 times as many people than Covid-19.  Unfortunately, we are not allowed to talk about this.


Now think about how this verse, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6)  This is clearly the case here with Covid-19.  The truth is that no one in America has heard there are other possibilities with how to respond to Covid.  For example, Sweden never did shut down, and they did better than we did with much less death and economic impact.  Of course, Sweden did not take away all of the business away from the hospitals or  give a lot more money for a Covid diagnosis either.  Everyone was too quick to take a stimulus, as if there is such a thing as free money.  Once the option of a stimulus was announced, 9 out of my 13 therapists in my office decided to stay home because they can make more money. So, even the stimulus has bought most of us off and kept us from making too much of a fuss about the plan.


Borrowing from our children has also delayed the financial consequences of shutting down, but like all debt, it will be a bitter pill to swallow for our children.  But much of the goal with the Covid deception is aimed at destroying the world economy and specifically America.  People are losing their jobs, their businesses, their houses, and their cars even though they have no risk of dying from Covid-19.  They are literally being forced into bankruptcy because they aren’t allowed to work.  But the facts are that that most people under 40 have virtually a zero percent risk of dying from Covid-19, while people over 65 comprise 80% of Covid deaths.  

  • https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extra-precautions/older-adults.html


This one size fits all is not the way medicine is usually practiced. Imagine if we had to treat all patients like we did our elderly patients? Yeah, I am sure you get the point. In fact, it is this differential diagnosis that keeps a doctor from being charged with malpractice.  Besides age, the other big risk factors are issues with breathing or auto-immune disorders.  Being overweight, having diabetes, or heart disease are also factors. Age considering, if you don’t have one of these risk factors, then you virtually have a zero percent chance of dying from Covid-19.  So, why would the media be making 100% of us afraid, when less than 1% of us are going to die?  


Why would we destroy America or borrow money from our children over something with such a small risk for most of us?  Why is there so much disinformation about Covid-19?  Why is the media lying to us and why are both political parties capitulating with it?  Why are we being blinded from both science and the facts? Why are most people completely wrong about what their personal risk level really is?  This deception is exactly what is addressed in the following article that people are needlessly living in fear. Of course, we also need to keep in mind that there really are some who are at risk, and they too must be informed about this risk because their lives also matter.

  • https://www.franklintempletonnordic.com/investor/article?contentPath=html%2Fftthinks%2Fcommon%2Fcio-views%2Fon-my-mind-they-blinded-us-from-science.html&fbclid=IwAR0FOF0ED1H600UkjTl5OHj8bIlqIrVRBBQoGWuRDaxQ_ugHRbYoyjoPRuY 

Not only are lies the source of this conspiracy, but this is exactly what the Bible means when it says, “they have traded the truth for a lie.”  (Romans 1:25)  Disinformation has always  been one of the key techniques used by everyone from communists to Satanists to destroy America.  This is exactly what the movie “Disinformation:  The Secret Strategy to Destroy the West” brought out back in the late 80’s.  Russia’s plan to destroy the west involved starting all kinds of non-profit world groups aimed at putting out false information to under mind freedom, faith, and capitalism.  


Currently, General H.R. McMaster, who is the former National Security Advisor, has written a book called Battlegrounds, in which he affirms that the US is actually at war.  Not a direct war, but an information or cyber war driven by social media /operatives, and the internet.  His final message: America needs to wake up, catch up, and stop being so narcissistic.   What is also notable is that while he is not a fan of Trump, he refuses to talk about it because he recognizes that this is exactly what is dividing and destroying America.  It doesn’t stop there either because division is also what is destroying the American church.  There is a spiritual war for the truth!  Most Christians in the world are already experiencing heavy persecution and tribulation.  Unfortunately, the doctrine of the rapture has been used to teach the idea that Christians will never see any tribulation, but recent events rule this possibility out.


Even though there is going to be an escape (Luke 21:36) or rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:17) because Christians were not appointed to wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9), it is time to realize that Americans are likely to experience some kind of tribulation.  We also have to face the fact that there is a growing population of Americans that actually hate their own country.  What is also obvious is that these complainers could easily go somewhere else where their ideal government already exists.  The reason they don’t is because none of these countries hold a candle to ours. Still, Americans at large are acting like we have no enemies, when we are actually the last of our kind. Unfortunately, no one in the free world has dared to even challenge the Covid narrative or even check the facts. 


Yet, with all of the deception, most of us still don’t actually believe it.  Just watch what happens when masks become optional.  Still, the financial damage has been done, and this alone is one of the best ways to destroy us.  As Christians who believe our Bibles, we have to know that America has to be severely hampered in order for the beast government to be formed at all.  In fact, the only reason the world is not fully communist right now is the United States of America.  Not one other country could stop Russia or China from invading them.  This is why the world as we know it is at total risk, and why Covid is a deception that is meant to keep us from focusing on what really matters.


How do you know that Covid-19 is a deception?  The first part of that answer is because the powers that be have engineered inflation of the Covid deaths by offering more money.  The second is that we are not being told about any other deaths except Covid-19.  The last is that 94% of the Covid deaths did not die of Covid.  But the greatest proof is how the average person has over estimated their risk of dying from Covid to a shocking extent. The following article shows how we are being blinded to the truth with regard to people understanding what their personal risk really is.  The study found that this deception is worse for democrats, partisanship (those who are biased for their own cause such as their dislike for the current president), and for people on social media. Read it.


  • On average, Americans believe that people aged 55 and older account for just over half of total COVID-19 deaths; the actual figure is 92%.
  • Americans believe that people aged 44 and younger account for about 30% of total deaths; the actual figure is 2.7%.
  • Americans overestimate the risk of death from COVID-19 for people aged 24 and younger by a factor of 50; and they think the risk for people aged 65 and older is half of what it actually is (40% vs 80%).


Source:  They Blinded Us from Science:  How Americans misperceive the risks of death from COVID-19 to a shocking extent.  

More Stunning Headlines


The 1% conundrum: How a simple but flawed math prediction by US Covid-19 experts caused the world to panic and order lockdowns.


Buried lead: New WHO estimate downgrades COVID-19 death rate by 3.8-7.7X

World Health Organization said Monday the agency’s “best estimates” indicate roughly 1 in 10 people worldwide may have been infected by the coronavirus — more than 20 times the number of confirmed cases, which is how they got to their 10% of the world population number.  


In America, 80,000 died of flu in winter of 2017-2018, but suddenly the number of flu deaths in the U.S. as of October 3, 2020 is only 6714. Why is that?  Did the flu suddenly stop killing people or were some of these Covid deaths actually due to the flu.

  • https://www.statista.com/statistics/1113051/number-reported-deaths-from-covid-pneumonia-and-flu-us/


Issues & Insights – The Big Surge in Coronavirus Deaths Is A Media-Fed Myth

“The grim milestones come quickly in the Sunshine State,” CNN reported. “The Florida Department of Health reported 156 new coronavirus-related deaths on Thursday, the most yet in a 24-hour period.”  Yet, Florida’s health department reports only 68 deaths that day. The most deaths occurring in a single day in the state is 101.  


Gateway Pundit – Coronavirus Study Confirms, with Exception of New York and New Jersey, Overall Mortality Not Much Different Than a Bad Flu Season.  

These two states accounted for up to 40% of the total deaths in the country.  This is because these other states aren’t sending COVID-19 patients into nursing homes.  Yet, if there was one thing we learned from Italy, since they are one of the oldest populations in the world, it was that old people are at risk of Covid.  So, who was responsible for making the decisions that led to this unprecedented loss of life?  The same people jumping up and down about how everything is the president’s fault.  I personally supported our president when he decided that Covid is not a one size fits all solution, which allowed for states, governors, cities, and counties to make their own decisions about how to respond based on their individual situations. The problem is that some states made their decisions, and then blamed it on the president.


‘Rather die from COVID than loneliness’: Seniors protest against coronavirus lockdowns

No one asked the senior what they wanted.  How many people died alone because someone wouldn’t let a loved one in to see them?


Masks are yet another part of the intrusion into our freedoms, and they too are dividing this country.  One of the first things I remember hearing about Covid-19 on TV was by a doctor who said, “There is nothing so silly as all these people wearing masks.”  Suddenly, everyone, including Fauci, changed their minds and gave in.  Of course, there are not enough medical grade masks to go around, so we are all just left wearing a piece of cloth.  Still, when I see someone wearing a mask out in the middle of nowhere or by themselves in a car, I cannot help but chuckle to myself because they are the “true believers.”  On the other hand, if you are the only person in the Wawa station not wearing a mask, you are going to get more dirty looks in 5 minutes then you will usually get all year. 


Unfortunately, trying to figure out how, when, and where to wear a mask is confusing because it changes everywhere, we go.  The sign on the gym says, “No Mask, No Entry, No Exceptions.”  Yet, once you scan your key card, everyone takes their mask off and works out like normal.  This is the same for restaurants that require you to wear the mask to the table, but then you can take it off.  One of the reasons we have enjoyed lots of water parks during Covid is because you can’t wear masks in the water.  However, the same dry theme park next door literally has hecklers throughout the park reminding everyone to pull their masks up over their nose. 


What is also interesting is that the actual laws requiring masks all seem to have clear exceptions, but that doesn’t seem to matter because most places do not allow for any exceptions.  This literally means many places are discriminating against people with health conditions.  Even more sinister is that we are quietly developing a Gestapo or “Secret Police” mentality.  Then there are the face shields, which are particularly useless because there is simply no filtration at all.  On the other hand, no one will give you a problem about a face shield because this is all part of the psychological warfare in making us become a faceless society.  A new world order is being imposed on us and our freedoms are being taken away.  I could have posted hundreds of articles about masks, but here are a few that speak to the situation.


Union says Ontario nurses can’t be forced to wear masks in flu season?

The question is, how did the nurses win this law suit? The answer is with overwhelming evidence.


New CDC Study Finds Majority of Those Infected with COVID-19 ‘Always’ Wore Masks

People diagnosed with Covid-19 were asked about their use of masks 14 days prior to catching Covid.  Here are their answers:  Never – 3.9%, Rarely – 3.9%, Always – 70.6% 

  • https://californiaglobe.com/section-2/new-cdc-study-finds-majority-of-those-infected-with-covid-19-always-wore-masks/


Mask Facts – By the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons

COVID-19 is as politically-charged as it is infectious. Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, the WHO, the CDC and NIH’s Dr. Anthony Fauci discouraged wearing masks as not useful for non-health care workers. Now they recommend wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are hard to do (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies). The recommendation was published without a single scientific paper or other information provided to support that cloth masks actually provide any respiratory protection. Let’s look at the data, and their conclusions?  

  • The preponderance of scientific evidence supports that aerosols play a critical role in the transmission of Covid 19.  If anything gets through, you will become infected.  Therefore, a mask must provide a high level of filtration and fit to be highly effective.  
  • A COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) particle is 0.125 micrometers/microns (μm); influenza virus size is 0.08 – 0.12 μm; a human hair is about 150 μm.  
  • All of this means that this virus is too small.  Surgical masks are loose-fitting devices and they aren’t effective at blocking particles smaller than 100 μm. 
  • Even a properly fitted N95 will only block particles down to 0.3 μm, but this thing is 0.125 μm. 
  • Consequently, there is virtually no mask on the market that can filter Covid-19.
  • Public health authorities define a significant exposure to COVID-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic COVID-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes).
  • The chance of catching COVID-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal.
  • Source:  https://aapsonline.org/mask-facts/


A cluster randomized trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers.

Conclusion:  cloth or non-medical masks increase risk of infection, which is what we are all wearing.


These 12 Graphs Show Masks Do Nothing to Stop Covid

  • https://thefederalist.com/2020/10/29/these-12-graphs-show-mask-mandates-do-nothing-to-stop-covid/


The Real Reason for Covid-19?

If Covid-19 is not worse than the flu / pneumonia was in the 20`7-2018 flu season, then what is really going on here?  If we really could save more lives by opening up and encouraging people to see their doctors, then why are we closed down?  If 94% of people who died of Covid didn’t die of only Covid, then why isn’t the main dialog here about what else did most of those people have?  If we are really interested in just saving lives, then why don’t we save the lives that we easily save for just a few million dollars? The answer to all of these questions is because Covid is not about saving lives, it is about creating fear and chaos. The question then becomes, why chaos?  This is where I would like to introduce the idea of “Order out of Chaos” or as it is said in Latin, “Ordo ab Chao.”  


This is a motto directly attributed to the Masons, who also happen to call themselves an order.  Specifically, the Thirty-third Degree of the supreme council of the Scottish Rite of Free Masons. Whether it is the Masons, the Bilderberg’s, the Illuminati, or the New World Order, most people have to accept the fact that there is a group of people in the world that believe humanity is going to destroy itself if they don’t intervene.  There is too much global warming, weapons of mass destruction, and tampering with mother earth, so we must all be controlled.  These are the same 62 people in the world that Bernie Sanders referred to in the 2016 election as having more money than 3.6 million of us.  


What Bernie forgot to mention is that he works for those people.  In fact, the only people that these super rich people actually fear is the American middle and upper class.  That is why wiping out classes of people is exactly what socialism and communism are all about.  The Hegelian Dialectic is another form of manipulation that can be used to accomplish an agenda.  In its simplest form, the Hegelian Dialectic simply says, “if you want to do something, create a problem where the natural solution to the problem is exactly what you wanted to do in the first place.” 


If we are a Christian, looking for signs of the return of Jesus, then we should all be looking for the development of a one world government.  The Bible calls this government the Beast in Revelation and the Divided Kingdom in Daniel.  In each case, this government has ten horns or ten toes. Curiously, the United Nations has divided the world into ten regions.  This New World Order appears to be developing around ancient Europe in the form of the EU.  This is also important because according to Daniel, the last Kingdom is supposed to have iron, which was thought to be some type of revival of the old Roman Empire.  However, what should be obvious is that the biggest obstacle to a one world government is the United States of America.  


One must admit, after looking at this final beast government, that it is very similar to communism, with the exception of a deep state religion.  Again, the only reason the world is not communist right now is the USA.  No other countries can actually defend themselves against Russia or China.  Sadly, millennials and now generation Z are quite open to socialism, which is a form of communism.  Yet, the reality is that communism is the greatest evil the world has ever seen because it has killed over 100 million people that we know of.  (A good movie to watch about the dangers of the socialist agenda is by Dinesh D’Souza called Trump Card)  So, why do we not hear of this evil?  Why do we hear more about the Holocaust, slavery, or how we wiped out the Native American’s?  


While America has tried to spread freedom and capitalism around the world, it really hasn’t worked.  We really are one of a kind. Yet, the biggest delusion of most Americans is that we do not know we are not number one in the world anymore. Who did we borrow money from when we needed money? It was China. Beijing has 21 times as many skyscrapers as New York City. How much longer are the entitled people of America going to continue to say, “in the richest country in the world, why can’t we afford to do _____?”  Yet, no country can spend more than it makes. No country can continue to have massive trade deficits forever.  No, one day, the Prodigal child will run out of their fathers’ money, and this is what is going to happen to America.  


The only great hope that we have is that when this happens, America will remember its’ spiritual Father.  Unfortunately, the idea of nationalism or loving our country has turned into an insult, when it used to be a cry to arms.  Yet, the entire world is dependent upon us for its freedoms. Think about how rich America would be if we didn’t have to defend ourselves.  Think about what the world would be like if China played by the rules, and didn’t steal everyone’s technology.


A Recipe for Destruction

There are two main ways to destroy any country without ever going to war. The first is to divide the people within it, and the second is to destroy it financially. Both of these can be accomplished with chaos, and that is why they are both happening simultaneously as we speak. We have never seen a more intense and violent divide between Americans. We have never seen such large-scale riots and destruction of whole cities in America. They are using the same strategy as the communists who divided the people based on the “haves versus the have nots.” The only difference is that now they are using racism as well.  They have 24/7 coverage by 95% of the media all saying the same thing.  


Even the police have become a target. Not only is our society being divided, but our national debt is out of control.  What most people do not know is that our national deficit is held by the Federal Reserve, which is actually privately owned.  This is extremely disturbing because I have never told myself that I owned my house until I paid it off.  So, we don’t own our country anymore. In fact, the more debt we have, the less of it we own.  These same people own the IMF or International Monetary Fund.  They are also the same people that own the mortgages on our houses or our cars.  The other great uncertainty is who are these people, and what do they want in return?

Chaos and Control 

It is very clear that we are in chaos, and now we can see the new level of control that our government now requires.  We have been forced to borrow 6-7 trillion dollars, shut down our businesses, stay home, wear masks, can’t go to church, can’t sing in church, keep away from everyone, and for sure don’t touch anyone.  This is the tip of the iceberg with what the New World Order wants.  The next level of control involves being penetrated and marked.  They want access to our bodies so that they can monitor and control everything we do:  what we can buy or sell, how much currency is in our accounts, and even what our DNA looks like.  

You heard that last one right. I have been saying now for over 12 years, that the Mark of the Beast is not just going to be a computer chip or tattoo, but a genetic marker that changes our DNA.  I first got this idea after listening to a Bible prophecy series by Thomas Horn.  The scariest thing about changing our DNA is that it would change the image in which we were created, and the dimensions of God’s temple. What must be obvious to all of us is that God was the one who wrote our DNA, and then He called it good.  Changing what God wrote is blasphemy according to our Bibles.  Changing our DNA is changing whos’ son we are and who our Father is.  It changes our seed, our very identity, and who we are related to.  

PART 2 COMING Thanksgiving Day November 26th !


A key thread woven through the fiction of H. P. Lovecraft was a fictional grimoire, or book of witchcraft, called the Necronomicon. The book, according to the Lovecraft canon, was written in the 8th century AD by the “Mad Arab,” Abdul Alhazred. This was a bit of wordplay, Lovecraft’s childhood nickname because of his love for the book 1001 Arabian Nights (Alhazred = “all has read”).

Lovecraft claimed inspiration for the Necronomicon came to him in a dream, and through his many letters to friends and colleagues he encouraged others to incorporate the mysterious tome into their own fiction. Over time, references to the Necronomicon by other authors led to a growing belief that the book was, in fact, real.

By the 1970s, Lovecraft’s work had found a new audience, and his stories were being mined by Hollywood. Then in 1977, a hardback edition of the Necronomicon suddenly appeared (published in a limited run of 666 copies!), edited by a mysterious figure known only as “Simon,” purportedly a bishop in the Eastern Orthodox Church. A mass market paperback edition followed a few years later. That version has reportedly sold more than a million copies over the last four decades.

Simon’s Necronomicon arrived on the wave of a renewed interest in the occult that washed over the Western world in the 1960s and ‘70s. Interestingly, it was a French journal of science fiction that helped spark the revival, and it did so by publishing the works of H. P. Lovecraft for a new audience. Planète was launched in the early ‘60s by Louis Pauwles and Jacques Bergier, and their magazine brought a new legion of admirers to the “bent genius.” More significantly for our study here, however, was the book Pauwles and Bergier co-authored in 1960, Les matins des magiciens (Morning of the Magicians), which was translated into English in 1963 as Dawn of Magic.


The book covered everything from pyramidology (the belief that the Egyptian pyramids held ancient secrets) to supposed advanced technology in the ancient world. Likewise, the authors praised Arthur Machen, the Irish author of horror fiction, about surviving Celtic mythological creatures, and they discussed the genius of H. P. Lovecraft in the same breath as the scientist Albert Einstein and psychoanalyst Carl Jung. From Lovecraft, Bergier and Pauwles borrowed the one thought that would be of more importance than any other in their book. As we have seen, Morning of the Magicians speculates that extraterrestrial beings may be responsible for the rise of the human race and the development of its culture, a theme Lovecraft invented (emphasis added).


The success of Pauwles and Bergier inspired others to explore the concepts they’d developed from the writings of Lovecraft. The most successful of these, without question, was Erich von Däniken’s Chariots of the Gods, the best-selling English language archaeology book of all time.

You can say one thing for von Däniken—he wasn’t shy about challenging accepted history:


I claim that our forefathers received visits from the universe in the remote past, even though I do not yet know who these extraterrestrial intelligences were or from which planet they came. I nevertheless proclaim that these “strangers” annihilated part of mankind existing at the time and produced a new, perhaps the first, homo sapiens.


The book had the good fortune of being published in 1968, the same year Stanley Kubrick’s epic adaptation of Arthur C. Clarke’s 2001: A Space Odyssey hit theaters. The film, based on the idea that advanced alien technology had guided human evolution, was the top-grossing film of the year, and was named the “greatest sci-fi film of all time” in 2002 by the Online Film Critics Society. By 1971, when Chariots of the Gods finally appeared in American bookstores, NASA had put men on the moon three times and the public was fully primed for what von Däniken was selling.

It’s hard to overstate the impact of Chariots of the Gods on the UFO research community and the worldviews of literally millions of people over the last fifty years. In 1973, Twilight Zone creator Rod Serling built a documentary around Chariots titled In Search of Ancient Astronauts, which featured astronomer Carl Sagan and Wernher von Braun, architect of the Saturn V rocket. The following year, a Chariots of the Gods feature film was released to theaters. By the turn of the 21st century, von Däniken had sold more than 60 million copies of his twenty-six books, all promoting the idea that our creators came from the stars.

This, despite the fact that von Däniken told National Enquirer in 1974 that his information came not through archaeological fieldwork but through out-of-body travel to a place called Point Aleph, “a sort of fourth dimension” outside of space and time.

To put it simply, the claims of von Däniken don’t hold water. His theories have been debunked in great detail and he’s even admitted to making things up, but lack of evidence has never stopped crazy ideas for long. And now, thanks to a new generation of true believers, Ancient Aliens and its imitators are still mining von Däniken gold five decades after his first book hit the shelves.

Ancient alien evangelists have effectively proselytized the American public since Chariots of the Gods went viral nearly fifty years ago. This may sound like a joke, but more adults in the United States believe that the earth is being visited by extraterrestrials than believe in God as He’s revealed Himself in the Bible.

MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, which calls itself “the world’s oldest and largest UFO phenomenon investigative body,” has gone all in with ancient aliens in recent years. The group now openly supports pseudoscientific and New Age interpretations of the UFO phenomenon instead of sticking to what can be supported by evidence. For example, the theme of MUFON’s 2017 national convention was “The Case for a Secret Space Program,” which was described by one critic as “blatantly unscientific and irrational.”

The conference featured among its speakers a man who claims he was recruited for “a ‘20 & Back’ assignment which involved age regression (via Pharmaceutical means) as well as time regressed to the point of beginning service.” In plain English, he claims he served for two decades in an off-planet research project, and then was sent back in time to a few minutes after he left and “age-regressed” so no one noticed that that he’s really twenty years older than he looks.

Another speaker claimed he was pre-identified as a future president of the United States in a CIA/DARPA program called Project Pegasus, which purportedly gathered intel on past and future events, such as the identities of future presidents. He also claimed Barack Obama was his roommate in 1980 in a CIA project called Mars Jump Room, a teleportation program that sent trainees to a secret base on the red planet.


You know, it sounds really bizarre when we step back and summarize things but there is no way to make this sound rational. The horror fiction of H. P. Lovecraft, which was inspired by the spirits behind 19th century occultists like Helena Blavatsky (and possibly the same spirit that communicated with Aleister Crowley), was filtered through the French science-fiction scene in the 1960s, adapted by a Swiss hotel manager named von Däniken, and recycled back to the United States at the time of the first moon landings, where it’s grown into a scientistic religion that replaces God with aliens.


To paraphrase our friend, Christian researcher and author L. A. Marzulli: Now fifty years on from the publication of Chariots of the Gods, the ancient alien meme is real, burgeoning, and not going away.

And the old gods are using it to set the stage for their return.

“The Betrothal at Sinai,” and “The marriage of God and Israel.” These are two different phrases I read over and over again in articles about Shavuot (a.k.a. Pentecost).

At Mt. Sinai God asked Israel to marry Him. They said “Yes,” and Moses officiated the wedding.

While preparing Moses for his meetings with Pharaoh, God says I will take you for My people, and I will be your God. (Exodus 6:7)

Years ago when arranging a marriage in the Ancient Near East, a groom would say to a lady, “You will be my wife and I will be your husband.” Since the words God said to Israel are so similar it appears that God declared His intention to marry the people of Israel.

God delivered Israel from their slavery in Egypt and brought them to Mt. Sinai. At Mt. Sinai God shared with Moses His covenant or conditions for His relationship with Israel. Moses relayed this to the people of Israel, and they …

(Exodus 19:8) … answered together and said, “All that the Lord has spoken we will do!” And Moses brought back the words of the people to the Lord.

The people of Israel said “We do” to God. During this time when couples got betrothed they wrote a contact or covenant stating the terms and conditions of their marriage. This covenant defined the relationship between the two people.

At Mt. Sinai the terms of Israel’s relationship with God were written down, and we call it the Torah. The Torah is our wedding Ketubah detailing our covenant of marriage with God.

At Mt. Sinai God entered a relationship with the people of Israel. All throughout the Scriptures God shares His desire to be in a lasting relationship with Israel, but what about people from the nations? Does God love them too?

Who heard God’s wedding proposal?

(Exodus 20:18 (15 JPS)) Israel heard the thunder or voices –הַקּוֹלֹת

(https://www.sefaria.org/sheets/177393.16?lang=bi&with=all&lang2=enAnd all the people perceived the thunderings” (Exodus 20:15). Since there was only one voice, why “thunderings” in the plural? Rabbi Yochanan said: Because God’s voice divided into seventy voices, into seventy languages, so that all the nations might hear it … (Shemot Rabbah 5:9)

(Shabbat 88b) Every single word that went forth from the Omnipotent was split into seventy languages.

Why do the rabbis say “seventy voices” and “seventy languages”? In Genesis 10 we read that Noah had 70 descendants, so the 70 families from Noah became the 70 nations of the earth. Since there were 70 nations, these phrases are used to mean all the nations, or all the people on earth.

When God spoke in 70 languages it means that His words were spoken in every language so that all people on earth could hear Him in their native tongue. This means that God did not just speak to the people of Israel, but He spoke to everybody, or all mankind.

At Mt. Sinai, God gave an open invitation to everyone on the earth to become His bride. God is inviting you to become His bride; have you said “Yes” to His wedding proposal?

In the book of Exodus there is another sign given to us which proves that God invited people from every nation to join Israel and become His bride.

God invited people to be His bride at Mt. Sinai. He did not wait until they arrived in Israel. If God waited until after they entered the land of Israel, people could say that it was only the Jewish people God proposed to. But God asked people to marry Him at Mt. Sinai which is in the wilderness and belongs to no nation. Since God proposed in the wilderness it was an open wedding invitation to all mankind. Anyone, and everyone, can marry God. Have you said “Yes” to God’s proposal?

God’s laws were written in all languages

There is still another sign given in the Bible showing that God’s wedding invitation was made to all mankind.

(Deuteronomy 27:1-8) … when you cross the Jordan to the land which the Lord your God gives you, that you shall set up for yourself large stones and coat them with lime and write on them all the words of this law, when you cross over, … So it shall be when you cross the Jordan, you shall set up on Mount Ebal, these stones, as I am commanding you today, and you shall coat them with lime. … You shall write on the stones all the words of this law very distinctly.”

Moses told the people that when they cross the Jordan and arrive at Mt. Ebal they are to set up large stones and clearly (plainly) write on them all the words of God’s law. In Joshua 8 we read that Joshua had the people do exactly as Moses commanded. In Joshua 8:35 we read that “There was not a word of all that Moses had commanded which Joshua did not read before all the assembly of Israel with the women and the little ones and the strangers who were living among them.”

People from the nations were living together with Israel, and they were there when this happened. These foreigners probably learned some Hebrew during this time, but the Mishnah says that the words were written in seventy languages on the altar. (Mishnah Sotah 7:5) Ancient rabbis believed that Israel wrote down God’s Laws in all languages so that people from every nation could read them.

Since the rabbis wrote this in the Mishnah, they either had some information or evidence that God’s commands were written in 70 languages, or they strongly believed that God wanted everyone to be His people or married to Him. Either way, we see that ancient rabbis believed that God married Israel, and people from the nations. Have you married God?

God’s invitation spoken in all languages once again

(Acts 2:1-3) When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And there appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they rested on each one of them.

On the Feast of Shavuot (or Pentecost) shortly after Yeshua rose from the dead and ascended to heaven, we see God interacting with the people of Israel exactly the same way He did at Mt. Sinai (which also happened on Shavuot).

Is this simply an amazing coincidence, or did God do this on purpose? I am thoroughly convinced that God did this on purpose so that we would connect these two events.

At Mt. Sinai God spoke in all languages, and in Jerusalem (Acts 2) God’s people spoke in all languages. On both occasions God invited people to be His people so His invitation was given in all languages so that everyone would hear it. Have you heard God’s invitation and said “Yes” to His wedding proposal?

We are living in a time period where nothing is what it used to be and we are not sure it will ever go back. I would like to offer a different perspective so that we don’t look at things from a human point of view but get God’s perspective and be plugged in to His timeline and greater plan.
Covid 19 did not take God by surprise. It’s a test to see where our heart is, to determine what our source really is.
There are many times in my life when I’ve not had a salary and had to live on whatever came in through love offerings and freelance jobs in music. My bills kept coming but many a time I needed $2000 or more by the end of the week and I did not know how God would provide. Not one time did He let us down.
I want to encourage you to look beyond the circumstances and challenges that you are facing. You may have lost your job but you haven’t lost your God.Can you imagine if that was the other way around. Sometimes one door has to close before another opens.
You may have lost your routine and things seem upside down.Its good when things shake because it allows you to see what needs to be pruned and what things are meant to stay.
God wants you to trust Him with your life, your livelihood, your family and your finances. Yes I’m over simplifying with these words because sometimes we over complicate the way through when all God wants from us, is to be quiet enough to hear His still small voice directing us.
While we are in that place of stillness, we need to keep sowing of our time and resources and walk in love and forgiveness one with another. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed as we look at the state of our country and say, what difference could I make? It starts with us, a random act of kindness, going out of our way to help someone that can’t help themselves,
demonstrating reconciliation with someone with a different skin color.These small steps by individuals can become a big step by society, and change is induced.
We need to feed our spirits with the truth and with a worshipful heart, trust in the Lord leaning not to our own understanding but acknowledging Him in all our ways and He will,direct our paths. (Prov.3:5)


Current project is to help over 200+ churches in Honduras.

Providing assistance to the people in their area, to keep them safe at home and productive for their families.

(SOIL Ministry is a ministry partner of All Pro Pastors International)


• Church Administration – Video & Internet Series

• Master Life – The Disciples Personality

• Bible Training Center for Pastors (10 course pack)

• G.O.A.L.S. Mentoring – 13 week course

• Experiencing God – Knowing and Doing the Will of God

• Project – Saturate Honduras

• Love Is A Hunger Designed by God – Marriage Seminar


• English as a Second Language – ESL

Church Wide Studies

• CIVICS (Honduran & USA)

• HISTORY (Honduran & USA)

MEDICAL MISSIONS – Surgical Teams last conducted in Tocoa, Colon

If you have some time in your schedule I would love to talk about joining this effort. A great way to spread Goodwill while assisting the USA with the immigration issues, while doing it with compassion.


Anthony Ponceti, Th.D.
Global Goodwill Ambassador
Soil Ministry Honduras
All Pro Pastors International
(863) 370-1080

The title “lord of the dead” was probably some kind of honor in the minds of the pagan Canaanites. The spirits of the Rephaim were called “warriors of Baal” and “warriors of Anat” (their incredibly violent war-goddess), and some scholars believe that one of Baal’s functions may have been to resurrect them at ritual meals to which the Rephaim were summoned.

However, the prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel make it very clear that this was a demotion.

You were in Eden, the garden of God;

every precious stone was your covering, 

sardius, topaz, and diamond, 

beryl, onyx, and jasper, 

sapphire, emerald, and carbuncle; 

and crafted in gold were your settings 

and your engravings. 

On the day that you were created 

they were prepared. 

You were an anointed guardian cherub. 

I placed you; you were on the holy mountain of God; 

in the midst of the stones of fire you walked. 

You were blameless in your ways 

from the day you were created, 

till unrighteousness was found in you. 

In the abundance of your trade 

you were filled with violence in your midst, and you sinned; 

so I cast you as a profane thing from the mountain of God, 

and I destroyed you, O guardian cherub, 

from the midst of the stones of fire. (Ezekiel 28:13–16)


All of [the Rephaim] will answer 

and say to you: 

“You too have become as weak as we! 

You have become like us!”

Your pomp is brought down to Sheol, 

the sound of your harps; 

maggots are laid as a bed beneath you, 

and worms are your covers. (Isaiah 14:10–11, 15)

From the pinnacle of creation to a bed of maggots. A real comedown. Even the Rephaim, who are supposed to be Satan’s warriors, recognize his diminished status.

Lest you think we’re reading our preconceptions of Satan into Isaiah 14, let’s take this a bit further. Scholars have known for a long time that the prophet was a brilliant writer, and he was a master of wordplay. The influence of Egypt on the kingdom of Judah during Isaiah’s lifetime provided him with another opportunity to make his point.

All the kings of the nations lie in glory, each in his own tomb; but you are cast out, away from your grave, like a loathed branch, clothed with the slain, those pierced by the sword, who go down to the stones of the pit, like a dead body trampled underfoot. (Isaiah 14:18–19)

At the risk of pointing out the obvious, the phrase “a loathed branch” in verse 18 is weird. And remember: weird = important. What in the world did Isaiah mean by that?

The Hebrew word netser is easy. It means “branch.” The adjectives translators chose to describe the branch includes “loathed,” “repulsive,” “rejected,” “worthless,” and “abominable,” but they convey the same sense—something utterly detestable. The Hebrew word rendered “abhorred” or “abominable,” taʿab, is significant. It modifies the noun netser, which would normally have a positive connotation. In this context, taʿab means something like “unclean” or “ritually impure.”

Still, even trying to allow for differences in cultures over the last twenty-seven hundred years, calling someone an “unclean or impure branch” is puzzling. But there is a likely explanation: Isaiah meant something other than “branch” because the Hebrew netser wasn’t the word he used at all.

[The] term is best explained as a loanword from the common Egyptian noun nṯr. Nṯr is generally translated “god,” but is commonly used of the divinized dead and their physical remains. It originally came into Hebrew as a noun referring to the putatively divinized corpse of a dead king, which is closely related to the Egyptian usage. (Emphasis added.)

The Egyptian word nṯr is especially relevant here. Isaiah connects the divinized dead god, Baal/Satan, with the dead kings venerated by the pagan Amorites and Canaanites, the Rephaim—the spirits of the Nephilim destroyed in the Flood.

This is not a weird, out-of-left-field stretch to force the Scriptures to fit a pet theory involving antediluvian giants. The prophet devoted several chapters, especially Isaiah 30 and 31, to condemning Israel for turning to Egypt instead of Yahweh for protection against Assyria. Sennacherib’s official mocked Hezekiah for “trusting in Egypt, that broken reed of a staff, which will pierce the hand of any man who leans on it.”

Recently, a seal of Hezekiah was found in Jerusalem at the foot of the southern wall of the Temple Mount. While this one, apparently from later in Hezekiah’s reign, featured an Assyrian-style winged solar disc, his older seals were decorated with a scarab beetle, which represented the Egyptian sun-god Ra. This was apparently part of Hezekiah’s foreign policy, an attempt to curry favor with his stronger neighbor, Egypt, to further his dream of reunifying Judah and Israel. This required standing up to the Assyrian juggernaut, which had destroyed the northern half of the kingdom of David and Solomon about six years after Hezekiah became king.

By using a loan word from Egypt that meant “dead god”—and not “branch,” as translated in our English Bibles—Isaiah was emphasizing the theme of chapter 14: The entity who rebelled in Eden, the storm-god Baal (whom Jesus identified as Satan), was cast down to the land of the dead to become the unclean, profane, abominable lord of the shades—the Rephaim.

This theme is echoed by Ezekiel in chapter 28. A deeper dive into the Hebrew of that text reveals a surprising parallel with Isaiah.

Your heart was proud because of your beauty; 

you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor. 

I cast you to the ground; 

I exposed you before kings, 

to feast their eyes on you. (Ezekiel 28:17) 

Reading this as another account of Lucifer’s fall to Sheol is a bit of a stretch, but only until we dig into the original Hebrew behind the English text. The word translated “kings,” mǝlākîm, uses the same consonant sounds, M-L-K, as mal’akh, or “messenger,” a word usually translated into English as “angel.” But in the Semitic languages spoken in the lands to the north and east of the ancient Israelites, similar words such as maliku and malku referred to underworld spirits who received kispum offerings and were possibly linked to the Rephaim.

Translators, both English and Hebrew, seeing the consonants mlkm would understandably assume that the word referred to kings. Translators may not have been aware of the maliku spirits of ancient Ebla or Mari or why they were relevant to Ezekiel’s verse. But in the context of the cults of the ancestors and divinized dead kings who were an integral part of the pagan religions in and around ancient Israel, it seems more likely that Ezekiel was referring to malakim, the malevolent spirits of the dead Nephilim, rather than “kings,” just as Isaiah called the demoted rebel from Eden an unclean dead god and not a “loathed branch.”

This has interesting implications. It suggests that the fall of Satan, or at least his punishment, took place after the Flood, because the “shades,” the Rephaim (the spirits of the Nephilim), were already in Sheol when Satan landed there. That assumes, of course, that time in the spirit realm moves in a linear manner, the way it does for us. But that kind of speculation is way outside the scope of this book.

The bottom line is this: Satan’s ambition got the better of him. He was thrown out of Eden, cast down from the mountain of God, where he was greeted by the shades, the Rephaim—and not exactly with praise and thanksgiving (“You have become as weak as we!”).

However, while Satan was down, he wasn’t out. Although he’d been demoted from guardian of the throne of God to overseer of the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim, Satan took the form of the storm-god under names like Hadad (Baal), Zeus, Jupiter, and Thor, and set himself up as king of pagan pantheons from India to Rome to Scandinavia. And the Rephaim, called “warriors of Baal” in ancient Amorite ritual texts that have only been translated within the last fifty years, have been literally bedeviling humanity—which they will continue to do until Jesus returns.

What is a Champion Pastor or better yet who is a Champion Pastor? You may think that we are going to start with some deep theological statements accompanied by a list of scripture but that is for another day.

A Champion is someone who has defeated or surpassed all others in some type of competition and also can be someone who is the advocate in support of others or a cause.

Pastors, you have been called/assigned by God to “Champion” the gospel and to defend the cause of Jesus Christ. You have also been called to be a Shepherd, ready to defend your sheep against the evil of the physical as well as spiritual world! However, many of you men needed a helpmate and God supplied you with a wife. A wife to love even as Jesus loves the Church. In other words you are to be your wife’s “Champion”! You are to love your wife even if it means to lay down your life for her, (just as Jesus did for you)! You never replace your wife with your sheep! She will always take priority over the sheep! She is your first priority above all others on earth.

In fact, the way you love and treat your wife is a direct reflection of how you sincerely love and honor God. You can not say you love God with all your heart and then mistreat your wife. This is totally contrary to God’s Word.

First step to truly be a Champion Pastor starts at home!

Now let me ask you a few questions to see how good of a Champion you are.

Champion Maker Questions

Have I spent enough time in personal prayer this week? (What would God say?)

Have I spent enough personal time in God’s word?

Did my faith waiver any this week and if so how did I struggle; fear, doubt, temptation, judgement, etc. ?

Have I had any flirtatious or lustful attitudes, tempting thoughts, wandering eyes or exposed myself to any explicit materials (TV, Internet, Mag. Etc) which would not glorify God?

Did anyone tempt me (wandering eyes) or approach me in an inappropriate manner?  What did I do?

Have I been completely above reproach in my financial dealings? Have I been honest with my wife about my spending?

Have I treated my body as God’s Temple? In my(Eating, Morality, Exercise, Purity/Holiness)

Have I prayed with my wife every day in a personal way? (not blessing a meal)

Have I treated my wife as “Jesus loves the Church”? (How much time, listening, helping, appreciating and encouraging her?)

Have I worked to make our home a safe place for our family to spend time alone together?

Have I been a great husband and father this week? What would my wife say?

Have I been a Man of God in ALL my dealings this week? What would God say?

( Have I lied in any of my answers?)

  What am I going to do about it this week?

If you are in a Champions Table I suggest that you take these questions and review with your Table. If you do not have a Champion Table perhaps you should start one today! Click Here!


Upon arriving in the USA in 1995, we noticed how the stores were always gearing up for the next holiday, season or event. If it’s not Easter, it’s Mother’s Day. If not Mother’s Day, it’s Valentine’s Day, if not Valentine’s Day, then Halloween and so on. Why am I saying this? We, as bible believing Christians need to take our cue from the Word of God, not from culture. In other words, don’t be event centered, but rather Christ centered.
In Him we live and move and have our being. (Acts 17:23)
The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places. (Psalm 16:6)
It’s Christ in us, the hope of glory. (Col 1:17)
Why is it so important to not be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine or by what season it is, or whether a holiday is coming? Because we need to be grounded in the season of God and in His Word, learning to receive from God without all the stuff potentially getting in the way and learning to be content when the bank account is low or the circumstances are challenging.
A.W. Tozer said it best many years ago when he spoke about how culture would play into our inability to be able to receive from God; that we would need props, gimmicks, shorter services, shorter worship, drive through services and entertainment to keep our attention, etc…
He said this…
The tragic results of this sport are about us: 
Shallow lives, hallow religious philosophies, the preponderance of the element of fun in the gospel meetings, the glorification of men, trust in religious externalities, quasi-religious fellowships, salesmanship methods, the mistaking of dynamic personality for the power of the Spirit. These and such as these are the symptoms of an evil disease, a deep and serious malady of the soul.
AW Tozer, The Pursuit of God.
Is that prophetic or what?!
Yes, we need to draw the unbeliever with whatever means necessary but once we have their ears, then they need to experience God and not man. My feeling is that if an unbeliever darkens the door of a church then they are looking for God. They’ve had it with man. Man has let them down. Man has not been there when their loved one has died or when they lost their child.  Man cannot replace God but can point to one who saves us into eternal life.
At this most polarizing time of the year, let us not be tempted to slip into consumer mode. Be the answer to the child’s prayer for a toy. Be the solution to the family’s plea for a hot Christmas lunch. Be the mouthpiece of God to bring comfort to those who mourn and a lifeline to God for the desperate sinner needing a Savior.
Let us all be mindful of the deep cry of the soul for a friend to lean on and an ear to hear. It’s time to stop and smell the yellow roses! Why yellow? Because yellow is significant of friendship. It means a new day, a new year, and a new purpose to walk in the fullness of God.
Merry Christmas

Let your light shine

(Matthew 5:14-16) “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

(Ephesians 5:8) For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.

We are taught to place our Chanukah Menorah in a window so everyone who goes by our house can see it. Light is not meant to be hidden; it is meant to be seen. Yeshua needs to be seen so people can receive the gift of eternal life and have their needs met for their spirit, soul and body. Yeshua lives in us so now it’s our job to let Him shine so people can see Him and get their needs met.

When we do good works and are used by God we are not to draw attention to ourselves. Yeshua the light is to shine in such a way that it’s evident or plain to see that we are not the Light, but Yeshua is. When it’s obvious that Yeshua is the Light, people will thank God and glorify Him.

This is one reason we light the Menorah. We should not spend too much time inside our homes or the Synagogue/Church. We need to get outside where there are people and let God’s Light shine so that others can see it. Today, this includes using the internet to shine God’s Light.

We are mirrors who reflect Yeshua

(2 Corinthians 3:18 NLT) So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord – who is the Spirit – makes us more and more like him as we are changed into His glorious image.

(2 Corinthians 3:18 TLB) But we … have no veil over our faces; we can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord.

(2 Corinthians 3:18 MSG) Nothing between us and God, our faces shining with the brightness of His face. And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like Him.

Since the Hebrew word Chanukah means dedication, we need to dedicate our temples (or bodies) to God every year during this feast. When we dedicate our temples to God, we remove things that function as a veil. Things that are like a cover or blanket and prevent people from seeing Yeshua. We need to remove any masks that hide Yeshua’s face from being seen. 

We need to make sure there is nothing between us and God so we can be a mirror which reflects and shines the glory of God or the brightness of Yeshua’s face. 

Judas Maccabee told us to celebrate the rededication of God’s temple every year, over and over again. We too must rededicate our temples to God over and over again. The truth is we’re all works in progress. We will spend our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as we allow God to enter our temples and make us more like Him.

Take time to celebrate Chanukah and rededicate your temple to God. Clean your temple so Yeshua the Light will shine more than ever before, and people will glorify your Father in heaven.