'Tis the season many people declare: "Nes Gadol Hayah Sham/A Great Miracle
Happened There" in Jerusalem. They will do this as they celebrate Chanukah; a
time to remember when God performed a miracle with oil. When the Maccabees
regained control of the Temple in Jerusalem, they only had enough sacred, ritual oil
which should have lasted 1 day. But a great miracle happened there, and the oil
lasted for 8 days until the special oil was ready.
During this season many people also declare: "Nes Gadol Hayah Sham/A Great
Miracle Happened There" in Bethlehem. They will do this as they celebrate the
virgin birth of the Jewish Messiah. God came to earth, lived in flesh or a body and
many people take time to celebrate this in December.

'Tis the season when many people remember these 2 great miracles which happened there, in Israel.
1. an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs
2. wonderful event that is believed to be caused by the power of God
We all have days when we need a miracle. As you see above a miracle is a time when God
intervenes in our lives to do something out of the ordinary for us. He does things that are beyond
ordinary and are not possible by human ability or knowlegde, or possible within the time frame
allotted. When we find ourselves in a time of need, we need to ask God to demonstrate His power
and do what no person can do.
(Malachi 3:6) “I am the Lord, and I do not change.”
(Hebrews 13:8) Yeshua Messiah is the same yesterday and today and forever.
The same God who did the miracles in the past still lives today and has not changed. Anything and
everything He did in the past He can do today. God can perform miracles any day they are needed.
We don’t have to wait until December to seek God for a miracle. But God knows how much we all
need Him to intervene in our lives so He sets aside time every year for us to remember that He is a
God who performs miracles.
As you take time this season to remember the great miracles God did for us in the past, remember
that God loves you as much as He loves the people He provided miracles for years ago, and that He
is not limited to performing miracles in Israel. He can perform a
miracle for you wherever you are, and whenever you have a need.
So when your need for a miracle arises, pray in faith, asking God for
your miracle. Pray expecting that soon you will declare: "Nes Gadol
Hayah Poh/A Great Miracle Happened Here." And if this short
message encouraged you to seek your miracle, send me an email to
 Pray with you for your miracle
 Declare: "Nes Gadol Hayah Sham/A Great Miracle Happened
Here" when God grants your miracle so I can rejoice with you.
Email: Ron@RabbiRonSpeaks.com

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