Please visit each of our Ministry Partners below to see who might best serve you. There may be several. We at APPI are thankful to be working with each of these in an effort to serve and support Pastors/Leaders throughout America and around the World.  You will notice that each Partner has themselves a wide variety of areas that they focus on and can provide you with multiple choices to connect with. Let us suggest that you visit each website and learn for yourself.

We believe providing a diversity of relationships for you will provide a better choice to support your effort to teach and lead the congregations and organizations that depend on you. We have included legal, educational, political, historical, governmental, media and entertainment, community, church engagement and biblical considerations when identifying our partners.
–Each of our Ministry Partners has a mutual understanding to support each other in our individual God ordained Missions!


TPUSA Faith is dedicated to empowering Christians to put their faith into action.

We engage, equip, and empower millions of grateful Americans who are prepared to defend our God-given rights, by giving them the tools to expose lies and articulate the connection between Faith and Freedom.


A team of ministries and faith-based organizations who are committed to providing a clear path for pastors and churches to move into active engagement with culture for the purpose of bringing God’s moral values, once again, as the foundation of America’s success, while also opposing evil in our land.  

Our strategy is a clear, step-by-step plan to make churches the hub of local light and local action for God’s purpose in every community of our republic. 


We Move Ideas from Development to Marketplace

Our team has the unique skill sets necessary to manage the numerous aspects of a full media campaign, ensuring each area of a campaign works efficiently and cohesively. Through our experience, we have attained understanding on what it takes to move an idea from its initial development into its optimum presence in the marketplace. Collide is able to analyze and assemble industry professionals, whose expertise is positioned to unite the most strategic and capable campaign team available.


Our purpose is to establish an alliance, a community of faith, that will inform and equip citizens to actions that will save our nation. (Matt. 5:13)

Specifically, our goal is to 1) reach pastors and leaders, 2) about the truth surrounding the legitimate dangers to our faith, families, freedoms, bodies, and country, 3) to take strategic actions to preserve our country and our freedoms. (Luke 21:28 and Ezekiel 33:6)