Special Announcement
Pastor Joshua Gwara appointed: Kenya Africa National Director (Acting)
Director Gwara has been actively introducing many Pastors to All Pro Pastors International throughout Africa. He has been very instrumental in helping to start our new International School of Biblical Studies. He has traveled to other countries sharing about how Pastors are being strengthened and brought together in love and he has also held several Zoom meetings with our World Headquarters in Florida, USA.
We thank God for bringing Pastor Gwara to this ministry!
We want to thank Director/Pastor Jefferson Haynes in Liberia for faithfully starting Champion Tables in many areas of Liberia. He has had many conferences over the past 2 years introducing APPI to many Pastors. ALL PRO PASTORS INTERNATIONAL/Liberia P.O.BOX 2093 REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA, AFRICA APPI LIBERIA WEST AFRICA+231 777267O99