Man Praying Sunset
We are living in a time period where nothing is what it used to be and we are not sure it will ever go back. I would like to offer a different perspective so that we don’t look at things from a human point of view but get God’s perspective and be plugged in to His timeline and greater plan.
Covid 19 did not take God by surprise. It’s a test to see where our heart is, to determine what our source really is.
There are many times in my life when I’ve not had a salary and had to live on whatever came in through love offerings and freelance jobs in music. My bills kept coming but many a time I needed $2000 or more by the end of the week and I did not know how God would provide. Not one time did He let us down.
I want to encourage you to look beyond the circumstances and challenges that you are facing. You may have lost your job but you haven’t lost your God.Can you imagine if that was the other way around. Sometimes one door has to close before another opens.
You may have lost your routine and things seem upside down.Its good when things shake because it allows you to see what needs to be pruned and what things are meant to stay.
God wants you to trust Him with your life, your livelihood, your family and your finances. Yes I’m over simplifying with these words because sometimes we over complicate the way through when all God wants from us, is to be quiet enough to hear His still small voice directing us.
While we are in that place of stillness, we need to keep sowing of our time and resources and walk in love and forgiveness one with another. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed as we look at the state of our country and say, what difference could I make? It starts with us, a random act of kindness, going out of our way to help someone that can’t help themselves,
demonstrating reconciliation with someone with a different skin color.These small steps by individuals can become a big step by society, and change is induced.
We need to feed our spirits with the truth and with a worshipful heart, trust in the Lord leaning not to our own understanding but acknowledging Him in all our ways and He will,direct our paths. (Prov.3:5)


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