The most starling thing about Covid-19 since its beginning in 2020 is the disconnections between what we see on TV and a basic search for the facts. Now before we continue to show how only Covid-19 lives, matter, I must first show that the total number of deaths, especially here in America, have been inflated and virtually manufactured. These are bold claims, but honestly all we have to do is to look at two basic statements by the CDC, which is the Center for Disease Control here in America. The CDC would certainly be most people’s go to source for actual facts on Covid, so listen closely. The first piece of evidence came when the director of the CDC agrees that hospitals have a monetary incentive to inflate COVID-19 data or deaths. He also went on to say that inflated numbers of certain diagnoses has already happened in the past with HIV / AIDS.
Unfortunately, there are lots of reasons why this inflation has happened. The first is that Covid shutdowns resulted in hospitals that were more than half empty. On top of that, all elective procedures were canceled. I have had two billing specialists for different hospitals that both confirmed that billing is down 70-80%. Now imagine that your business is running on fumes, but there is the new diagnosis that pays at least $10,000 more than anything else. Now imagine that there aren’t even enough tests to confirm this diagnosis, which makes a Covid-19 diagnosis less objective and more about subjective symptoms.
Maybe this is why for a while it seemed that Covid was responsible for some new problem almost every day. Almost like it had a literal mind of its own. It should also be kept in mind that the validity of the testing itself has also been in question since day one, and that the current test we use was not the one we started with that took weeks to get results. I had a nurse, who works in a contagious disease practice, say that they do not do Covid testing because the test is not accurate. I have had nurses tell me that they have tested positive for two weeks, negative for the next week, and they go back to positive again a few weeks later. I have had several patients tell me that they received their Covid-19 test results when they were never even tested at all.
All of these instances are why we have all heard how audits of Covid-19 deaths have revealed things like someone dying from a car accident, but still being listed as dying from Covid. I have multiple patients report that the hospital specifically asked if they could diagnose the death of their loved one as Covid-19. One patient says that their family was offered $5000 by the hospital to let them diagnose the patient with Covid. These stories explain why routine audits of Covid deaths can have somewhere between 30-50% inaccuracy. Here is one such article on the accuracy of Covid deaths, including deaths that had already been counted previously.
Let’s look at the next piece of information to consider that also corresponds with the financial incentive to diagnose someone with Covid. The CDC released the fact that 94% of COVID-19 deaths had underlying health problems, while only 6% died of the virus alone. My first question was, well then if there was something else going on, then why did they diagnose them with Covid at all? Unfortunately, we already answered why. Money. What also becomes obvious is that unless we have some pre-existing conditions, most of us have very little risk of dying from Covid.
So, why didn’t they say what they really died from? This is important because it allows us to make a differential diagnosis of the risk rate of each individual based on their pre-existing conditions, which we will detail shortly. Unfortunately, we have a one size fits all prognosis for Covid, which is 100% fear, 100% of the time, and for 100% of us. But as we will see, this is just not true. So, we should already be asking ourselves, why are they trying to scare everyone? What do they have to gain, and what is the hidden agenda?
Certainly, death is scary enough without someone giving 24 /7 coverage of it, but how exactly does Covid fit into the bigger picture of death as a whole. Whose deaths are we not being told about? Obviously, we all die, but what I was shocked to discover is that not all lives are valued the same. In fact, the following statistics reveal a startling truth, “that Only Covid lives matter.” (See as of 10/28/20)
- 1,011,981 Deaths due to Corona virus.
- 6,750,000 have died of hunger. (Based on around 9 million people die of hunger, according to the international relief agency Mercy Corps. That’s more than the death toll of AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined)
- 300,000 – 650,000 – Flu typically kills –
- 2.56 million people died from pneumonia in 2017 (Remember the best way to prevent pneumonia is to prevent the flu) – (source:
- 629,427 – Deaths caused by contaminated water
- 31,807,452 – Abortions
- 733,156 – Deaths caused by malaria
- 801,522 – Suicides
- 1,008,976 – Road traffic accident fatalities
These are the facts of what people are dying from and it is astonishing to think that suddenly, only “Covid-19 lives matter.” After all, there are much more significant killers that have shockingly simple and cost-effective solutions. Now follow the money. We have spent more than 6 trillion dollars just on a stimulus package to shut things down for 12 weeks. Not to mention the economic impact of such a decision. This is a massive amount of money to spend just to delay the Covid-19 phenomenon. When it comes to death, it is hard to talk about bang for the buck, but that certainly should be a part of the equation when it comes to helping people. Let me give some examples of what I mean. For a few million dollars, we could eliminate anyone dying from Malaria, since there is already a cure that costs a few dollars per person.
For hundreds of millions of dollars, we could have provided clean water to drink for every person on the planet. For billions of dollars, we could have saved more than 6 times as many people from dying of hunger. If we just stopped abortion, then 31 times as many lives could have been saved. But what should be obvious at this point is that some lives don’t matter. In fact, some would say unborn babies aren’t even alive the day before their due date. Furthermore, if all lives matter, then why does no one care about the people that commit suicide? The fact remains, that when we value one life over another in a general way, we are actually practicing some kind of hypocrisy or racism.
Now for the next bit of deception. Remember, the flu and pneumonia are impossible to separate, so much so that the CDC now lumps them altogether with Covid-19. Of course, lots of people are jumping up and down and saying, “But Covid-19 is so much worse than the flu!” This is true. But this is all just word play, because the flu is the main reason someone gets pneumonia. Pneumonia alone has killed 2.5 times as many people than Covid during the 2017-2018 pneumonia season. So, between the two of them, (see the numbers above) they can easily kill close to 3 million people world-wide. This is almost three times as many people as Covid at the time this article was written.
So, these deaths are not unprecedented, then why does Covid take priority over every other disease we have seen in the modern era? Why has no disease previously had 24/7 TV coverage, closed down the whole world, or caused us to alter our lives with masks and social distancing. Yet, these same things can be argued to be appropriate for people who might catch the flu or pneumonia. This is clearly a double standard because it is saying that the only lives that matter are “Covid lives,” even though similar diseases kill more people. These facts are why I am convinced that at worst, there is a dark deception being played upon the world. At best, hysteria has gotten completely out of control.
Sadly, politicians, “never let a good crisis go to waste.” It has not been a coincidence that all of the cities, counties, and states controlled by socialist leaders must be kept closed until after the election. This is why when I mention these facts, I am usually met with the comment, “it is an election year.” What this means is that America has become so divided that there is a group of people who would rather destroy America than to let the other party win. They are OK with lying, cheating and stealing to get what they want. Unfortunately, they have succeeded at what their true goal is, which is dividing America. Unfortunately, both parties are playing their part in the larger picture.
Why do I say that division is the main goal? Because the old saying goes, “United we stand and divided we fall.” As Christians, we hate to see America become divided, completely embroiled in bickering, and embracing hate or violence. However, we still have the greatest freedoms and privileges of any citizens in world history. Of course, we do have a host of problems, but division and hate are not how we move forward.
Covid-19, like any other problem, must not be approached emotionally and irrationally. Dividing us will only make things worse if not out-right destroy us. This is the point where we have to fault the media. They are the ones who need to be defunded for putting out a false message aimed at dividing us. If there is anything that is negative or would destroy and divide America, they will cover it 24 / 7. Unfortunately, the traditional media is not the only one that is involved.
The movie, “The Social Dilemma,” provides us with a shocking possibility. The movie perfectly portrays how individual tracking of everything we do is being collected by artificial intelligence, and used to control us. AI’s continue to feed us only the polarizing things that we gravitate to and hold our attention. Determining what comes up in a search for each of us individually means that we are being manipulated without our knowledge. This is why the “fake news” has taken such a hold on America. The final conclusion of the movie is that this kind of manipulation will eventually cause a civil war in America.
While the writers of that film believed this to be an accident, I don’t believe that for a minute. Foreign powers are also at play. It has also been well documented the sudden influx of world-wide input on social media regarding our election. By now, the situation should seem obvious, someone or something is trying to destroy America. Who would like to destroy or divide America? Some obvious possibilities are China, Russia, or the New World Order. With China being the new #1 in the world, current political trends are saying that America must join a united Europe to balance that kind of power. Thus far it would seem that Covid-19 is playing its part by bringing about division and financial ruin wherever it goes in the free world.
So, how do we fight this deception? We fight this deception by adding the perspective of the cross, which is that all lives matter and are precious to God. Obviously, people are dying every day, but people don’t actually know why or how we can help. We have the opportunity to save lives and to show God’s love. We cannot save everyone, but we can make strategic decisions about how to save the most lives we can. Only focusing on Covid-19 lives has caused us to lose sight of the bigger picture. We need to break this deception by representing those who have no voice in the media. This is what Jesus would do because “God so loved the whole world.” So, what is the bigger picture of our reaction to Covid?
Recently, thousands of doctors have written a letter to Trump to end the lock downs. This is because 150,000 people are diagnosed with cancer each month. Not getting that timely diagnosis will lead to their death. I recently had to go on blood pressure meds because I could not go to the gym during Covid shutdowns. Even skipping routine dental care can lead to increased strokes and heart attacks. Virtually no one is talking about depression, alcohol abuse, drug abuse as some of the negative effects of Covid shutdowns. Some people didn’t even go outside. This deprived them of vitamin D, which is one of the best nutritional preventions for Covid. While this is the tip of the iceberg, it starts to become easier to see that we may be killing more people in one month than Covid has killed in 8 months.
If you still think you have been hearing the truth about what other doctors besides Dr. Anthony Fauci think, then ask yourself why you haven’t heard of the “Great Barrington Declaration,” This document was initially authored by doctors and epidemiologists from Oxford, Harvard and Princeton. Since its inception, tis declaration has been signed by more than 35,000 medical doctors and health scientists from around the world. The petition is to end lockdowns because they are causing “irreparable damage.” They have specifically listed some of their reasoning to include: “lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings, and deteriorating mental health.
All of these are leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden.” They also went on to say that “Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice,” because “We know that vulnerability to death from COVID-19 is more than a thousand-fold higher in the old and infirm than the young.” What is also shocking is that they also maintain that, “For children, COVID-19 is less dangerous than many other harms, including influenza.” I’m still speechless that no one knows this. What they are recommending is an approach they call “Focused Protection” because they believe that eventually the populations will eventually reach herd immunity.
They recommend allowing those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally so that immunity to the virus is developed as part of natural infection. This will allow Covid to pass through a population in a shorter period of time, thereby lowering some of the risks to everyone. Of course, we do need to take some significant protective measures for those who are at highest risk of dying from Covid-19. So, the question is, “Why is it that these doctors’ opinions don’t matter?” What am I really trying to say? I am saying that the Covid cure is worse than the disease. I am saying that only Fauci’s opinion matters, even though there are thousands of doctors that disagree with him.
But keeping people from seeing their doctors is not the only way that we are killing more than we save. Look at the increase in the cost of food since the onset of Covid. Food prices have gone up at least 25-30%. Now remember that 6-7 times as many people die of hunger than Covid-19. Even the UN is not recommending more shutdowns for Covid because millions more are going to starve this year than usual. Winning the battle against Covid is causing us to lose the war against world hunger. Currently, hunger is killing 7-9 times as many people than Covid-19. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to talk about this.
Now think about how this verse, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6) This is clearly the case here with Covid-19. The truth is that no one in America has heard there are other possibilities with how to respond to Covid. For example, Sweden never did shut down, and they did better than we did with much less death and economic impact. Of course, Sweden did not take away all of the business away from the hospitals or give a lot more money for a Covid diagnosis either. Everyone was too quick to take a stimulus, as if there is such a thing as free money. Once the option of a stimulus was announced, 9 out of my 13 therapists in my office decided to stay home because they can make more money. So, even the stimulus has bought most of us off and kept us from making too much of a fuss about the plan.
Borrowing from our children has also delayed the financial consequences of shutting down, but like all debt, it will be a bitter pill to swallow for our children. But much of the goal with the Covid deception is aimed at destroying the world economy and specifically America. People are losing their jobs, their businesses, their houses, and their cars even though they have no risk of dying from Covid-19. They are literally being forced into bankruptcy because they aren’t allowed to work. But the facts are that that most people under 40 have virtually a zero percent risk of dying from Covid-19, while people over 65 comprise 80% of Covid deaths.
This one size fits all is not the way medicine is usually practiced. Imagine if we had to treat all patients like we did our elderly patients? Yeah, I am sure you get the point. In fact, it is this differential diagnosis that keeps a doctor from being charged with malpractice. Besides age, the other big risk factors are issues with breathing or auto-immune disorders. Being overweight, having diabetes, or heart disease are also factors. Age considering, if you don’t have one of these risk factors, then you virtually have a zero percent chance of dying from Covid-19. So, why would the media be making 100% of us afraid, when less than 1% of us are going to die?
Why would we destroy America or borrow money from our children over something with such a small risk for most of us? Why is there so much disinformation about Covid-19? Why is the media lying to us and why are both political parties capitulating with it? Why are we being blinded from both science and the facts? Why are most people completely wrong about what their personal risk level really is? This deception is exactly what is addressed in the following article that people are needlessly living in fear. Of course, we also need to keep in mind that there really are some who are at risk, and they too must be informed about this risk because their lives also matter.
Not only are lies the source of this conspiracy, but this is exactly what the Bible means when it says, “they have traded the truth for a lie.” (Romans 1:25) Disinformation has always been one of the key techniques used by everyone from communists to Satanists to destroy America. This is exactly what the movie “Disinformation: The Secret Strategy to Destroy the West” brought out back in the late 80’s. Russia’s plan to destroy the west involved starting all kinds of non-profit world groups aimed at putting out false information to under mind freedom, faith, and capitalism.
Currently, General H.R. McMaster, who is the former National Security Advisor, has written a book called Battlegrounds, in which he affirms that the US is actually at war. Not a direct war, but an information or cyber war driven by social media /operatives, and the internet. His final message: America needs to wake up, catch up, and stop being so narcissistic. What is also notable is that while he is not a fan of Trump, he refuses to talk about it because he recognizes that this is exactly what is dividing and destroying America. It doesn’t stop there either because division is also what is destroying the American church. There is a spiritual war for the truth! Most Christians in the world are already experiencing heavy persecution and tribulation. Unfortunately, the doctrine of the rapture has been used to teach the idea that Christians will never see any tribulation, but recent events rule this possibility out.
Even though there is going to be an escape (Luke 21:36) or rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:17) because Christians were not appointed to wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9), it is time to realize that Americans are likely to experience some kind of tribulation. We also have to face the fact that there is a growing population of Americans that actually hate their own country. What is also obvious is that these complainers could easily go somewhere else where their ideal government already exists. The reason they don’t is because none of these countries hold a candle to ours. Still, Americans at large are acting like we have no enemies, when we are actually the last of our kind. Unfortunately, no one in the free world has dared to even challenge the Covid narrative or even check the facts.
Yet, with all of the deception, most of us still don’t actually believe it. Just watch what happens when masks become optional. Still, the financial damage has been done, and this alone is one of the best ways to destroy us. As Christians who believe our Bibles, we have to know that America has to be severely hampered in order for the beast government to be formed at all. In fact, the only reason the world is not fully communist right now is the United States of America. Not one other country could stop Russia or China from invading them. This is why the world as we know it is at total risk, and why Covid is a deception that is meant to keep us from focusing on what really matters.
How do you know that Covid-19 is a deception? The first part of that answer is because the powers that be have engineered inflation of the Covid deaths by offering more money. The second is that we are not being told about any other deaths except Covid-19. The last is that 94% of the Covid deaths did not die of Covid. But the greatest proof is how the average person has over estimated their risk of dying from Covid to a shocking extent. The following article shows how we are being blinded to the truth with regard to people understanding what their personal risk really is. The study found that this deception is worse for democrats, partisanship (those who are biased for their own cause such as their dislike for the current president), and for people on social media. Read it.
- On average, Americans believe that people aged 55 and older account for just over half of total COVID-19 deaths; the actual figure is 92%.
- Americans believe that people aged 44 and younger account for about 30% of total deaths; the actual figure is 2.7%.
- Americans overestimate the risk of death from COVID-19 for people aged 24 and younger by a factor of 50; and they think the risk for people aged 65 and older is half of what it actually is (40% vs 80%).
Source: They Blinded Us from Science: How Americans misperceive the risks of death from COVID-19 to a shocking extent.
More Stunning Headlines
The 1% conundrum: How a simple but flawed math prediction by US Covid-19 experts caused the world to panic and order lockdowns.
Buried lead: New WHO estimate downgrades COVID-19 death rate by 3.8-7.7X
World Health Organization said Monday the agency’s “best estimates” indicate roughly 1 in 10 people worldwide may have been infected by the coronavirus — more than 20 times the number of confirmed cases, which is how they got to their 10% of the world population number.
In America, 80,000 died of flu in winter of 2017-2018, but suddenly the number of flu deaths in the U.S. as of October 3, 2020 is only 6714. Why is that? Did the flu suddenly stop killing people or were some of these Covid deaths actually due to the flu.
Issues & Insights – The Big Surge in Coronavirus Deaths Is A Media-Fed Myth
“The grim milestones come quickly in the Sunshine State,” CNN reported. “The Florida Department of Health reported 156 new coronavirus-related deaths on Thursday, the most yet in a 24-hour period.” Yet, Florida’s health department reports only 68 deaths that day. The most deaths occurring in a single day in the state is 101.
Gateway Pundit – Coronavirus Study Confirms, with Exception of New York and New Jersey, Overall Mortality Not Much Different Than a Bad Flu Season.
These two states accounted for up to 40% of the total deaths in the country. This is because these other states aren’t sending COVID-19 patients into nursing homes. Yet, if there was one thing we learned from Italy, since they are one of the oldest populations in the world, it was that old people are at risk of Covid. So, who was responsible for making the decisions that led to this unprecedented loss of life? The same people jumping up and down about how everything is the president’s fault. I personally supported our president when he decided that Covid is not a one size fits all solution, which allowed for states, governors, cities, and counties to make their own decisions about how to respond based on their individual situations. The problem is that some states made their decisions, and then blamed it on the president.
‘Rather die from COVID than loneliness’: Seniors protest against coronavirus lockdowns
No one asked the senior what they wanted. How many people died alone because someone wouldn’t let a loved one in to see them?
Masks are yet another part of the intrusion into our freedoms, and they too are dividing this country. One of the first things I remember hearing about Covid-19 on TV was by a doctor who said, “There is nothing so silly as all these people wearing masks.” Suddenly, everyone, including Fauci, changed their minds and gave in. Of course, there are not enough medical grade masks to go around, so we are all just left wearing a piece of cloth. Still, when I see someone wearing a mask out in the middle of nowhere or by themselves in a car, I cannot help but chuckle to myself because they are the “true believers.” On the other hand, if you are the only person in the Wawa station not wearing a mask, you are going to get more dirty looks in 5 minutes then you will usually get all year.
Unfortunately, trying to figure out how, when, and where to wear a mask is confusing because it changes everywhere, we go. The sign on the gym says, “No Mask, No Entry, No Exceptions.” Yet, once you scan your key card, everyone takes their mask off and works out like normal. This is the same for restaurants that require you to wear the mask to the table, but then you can take it off. One of the reasons we have enjoyed lots of water parks during Covid is because you can’t wear masks in the water. However, the same dry theme park next door literally has hecklers throughout the park reminding everyone to pull their masks up over their nose.
What is also interesting is that the actual laws requiring masks all seem to have clear exceptions, but that doesn’t seem to matter because most places do not allow for any exceptions. This literally means many places are discriminating against people with health conditions. Even more sinister is that we are quietly developing a Gestapo or “Secret Police” mentality. Then there are the face shields, which are particularly useless because there is simply no filtration at all. On the other hand, no one will give you a problem about a face shield because this is all part of the psychological warfare in making us become a faceless society. A new world order is being imposed on us and our freedoms are being taken away. I could have posted hundreds of articles about masks, but here are a few that speak to the situation.
Union says Ontario nurses can’t be forced to wear masks in flu season?
The question is, how did the nurses win this law suit? The answer is with overwhelming evidence.
New CDC Study Finds Majority of Those Infected with COVID-19 ‘Always’ Wore Masks
People diagnosed with Covid-19 were asked about their use of masks 14 days prior to catching Covid. Here are their answers: Never – 3.9%, Rarely – 3.9%, Always – 70.6%
Mask Facts – By the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons
COVID-19 is as politically-charged as it is infectious. Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, the WHO, the CDC and NIH’s Dr. Anthony Fauci discouraged wearing masks as not useful for non-health care workers. Now they recommend wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are hard to do (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies). The recommendation was published without a single scientific paper or other information provided to support that cloth masks actually provide any respiratory protection. Let’s look at the data, and their conclusions?
- The preponderance of scientific evidence supports that aerosols play a critical role in the transmission of Covid 19. If anything gets through, you will become infected. Therefore, a mask must provide a high level of filtration and fit to be highly effective.
- A COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) particle is 0.125 micrometers/microns (μm); influenza virus size is 0.08 – 0.12 μm; a human hair is about 150 μm.
- All of this means that this virus is too small. Surgical masks are loose-fitting devices and they aren’t effective at blocking particles smaller than 100 μm.
- Even a properly fitted N95 will only block particles down to 0.3 μm, but this thing is 0.125 μm.
- Consequently, there is virtually no mask on the market that can filter Covid-19.
- Public health authorities define a significant exposure to COVID-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic COVID-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes).
- The chance of catching COVID-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal.
- Source:
A cluster randomized trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers.
Conclusion: cloth or non-medical masks increase risk of infection, which is what we are all wearing.
These 12 Graphs Show Masks Do Nothing to Stop Covid
The Real Reason for Covid-19?
If Covid-19 is not worse than the flu / pneumonia was in the 20`7-2018 flu season, then what is really going on here? If we really could save more lives by opening up and encouraging people to see their doctors, then why are we closed down? If 94% of people who died of Covid didn’t die of only Covid, then why isn’t the main dialog here about what else did most of those people have? If we are really interested in just saving lives, then why don’t we save the lives that we easily save for just a few million dollars? The answer to all of these questions is because Covid is not about saving lives, it is about creating fear and chaos. The question then becomes, why chaos? This is where I would like to introduce the idea of “Order out of Chaos” or as it is said in Latin, “Ordo ab Chao.”
This is a motto directly attributed to the Masons, who also happen to call themselves an order. Specifically, the Thirty-third Degree of the supreme council of the Scottish Rite of Free Masons. Whether it is the Masons, the Bilderberg’s, the Illuminati, or the New World Order, most people have to accept the fact that there is a group of people in the world that believe humanity is going to destroy itself if they don’t intervene. There is too much global warming, weapons of mass destruction, and tampering with mother earth, so we must all be controlled. These are the same 62 people in the world that Bernie Sanders referred to in the 2016 election as having more money than 3.6 million of us.
What Bernie forgot to mention is that he works for those people. In fact, the only people that these super rich people actually fear is the American middle and upper class. That is why wiping out classes of people is exactly what socialism and communism are all about. The Hegelian Dialectic is another form of manipulation that can be used to accomplish an agenda. In its simplest form, the Hegelian Dialectic simply says, “if you want to do something, create a problem where the natural solution to the problem is exactly what you wanted to do in the first place.”
If we are a Christian, looking for signs of the return of Jesus, then we should all be looking for the development of a one world government. The Bible calls this government the Beast in Revelation and the Divided Kingdom in Daniel. In each case, this government has ten horns or ten toes. Curiously, the United Nations has divided the world into ten regions. This New World Order appears to be developing around ancient Europe in the form of the EU. This is also important because according to Daniel, the last Kingdom is supposed to have iron, which was thought to be some type of revival of the old Roman Empire. However, what should be obvious is that the biggest obstacle to a one world government is the United States of America.
One must admit, after looking at this final beast government, that it is very similar to communism, with the exception of a deep state religion. Again, the only reason the world is not communist right now is the USA. No other countries can actually defend themselves against Russia or China. Sadly, millennials and now generation Z are quite open to socialism, which is a form of communism. Yet, the reality is that communism is the greatest evil the world has ever seen because it has killed over 100 million people that we know of. (A good movie to watch about the dangers of the socialist agenda is by Dinesh D’Souza called Trump Card) So, why do we not hear of this evil? Why do we hear more about the Holocaust, slavery, or how we wiped out the Native American’s?
While America has tried to spread freedom and capitalism around the world, it really hasn’t worked. We really are one of a kind. Yet, the biggest delusion of most Americans is that we do not know we are not number one in the world anymore. Who did we borrow money from when we needed money? It was China. Beijing has 21 times as many skyscrapers as New York City. How much longer are the entitled people of America going to continue to say, “in the richest country in the world, why can’t we afford to do _____?” Yet, no country can spend more than it makes. No country can continue to have massive trade deficits forever. No, one day, the Prodigal child will run out of their fathers’ money, and this is what is going to happen to America.
The only great hope that we have is that when this happens, America will remember its’ spiritual Father. Unfortunately, the idea of nationalism or loving our country has turned into an insult, when it used to be a cry to arms. Yet, the entire world is dependent upon us for its freedoms. Think about how rich America would be if we didn’t have to defend ourselves. Think about what the world would be like if China played by the rules, and didn’t steal everyone’s technology.
A Recipe for Destruction
There are two main ways to destroy any country without ever going to war. The first is to divide the people within it, and the second is to destroy it financially. Both of these can be accomplished with chaos, and that is why they are both happening simultaneously as we speak. We have never seen a more intense and violent divide between Americans. We have never seen such large-scale riots and destruction of whole cities in America. They are using the same strategy as the communists who divided the people based on the “haves versus the have nots.” The only difference is that now they are using racism as well. They have 24/7 coverage by 95% of the media all saying the same thing.
Even the police have become a target. Not only is our society being divided, but our national debt is out of control. What most people do not know is that our national deficit is held by the Federal Reserve, which is actually privately owned. This is extremely disturbing because I have never told myself that I owned my house until I paid it off. So, we don’t own our country anymore. In fact, the more debt we have, the less of it we own. These same people own the IMF or International Monetary Fund. They are also the same people that own the mortgages on our houses or our cars. The other great uncertainty is who are these people, and what do they want in return?
Chaos and Control
It is very clear that we are in chaos, and now we can see the new level of control that our government now requires. We have been forced to borrow 6-7 trillion dollars, shut down our businesses, stay home, wear masks, can’t go to church, can’t sing in church, keep away from everyone, and for sure don’t touch anyone. This is the tip of the iceberg with what the New World Order wants. The next level of control involves being penetrated and marked. They want access to our bodies so that they can monitor and control everything we do: what we can buy or sell, how much currency is in our accounts, and even what our DNA looks like.
You heard that last one right. I have been saying now for over 12 years, that the Mark of the Beast is not just going to be a computer chip or tattoo, but a genetic marker that changes our DNA. I first got this idea after listening to a Bible prophecy series by Thomas Horn. The scariest thing about changing our DNA is that it would change the image in which we were created, and the dimensions of God’s temple. What must be obvious to all of us is that God was the one who wrote our DNA, and then He called it good. Changing what God wrote is blasphemy according to our Bibles. Changing our DNA is changing whos’ son we are and who our Father is. It changes our seed, our very identity, and who we are related to.
PART 2 COMING Thanksgiving Day November 26th !

Dr. Kevan Kruse has been practicing Chiropractic in the Bay area since 1992. Educated at the University of Tampa and Life University, Kevan received a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and a Doctorate of Chiropractic. Kevan was born in Florida, but he was raised with down to earth Midwestern values. These values translate into an office that is dedicated to serving patients in a surprisingly relaxed atmosphere. Each patient is evaluated on an individual basis and treated appropriately.
Dr. Kruse is also open to multi-disciplinary approaches to health care, with his focus being primarily chiropractic and nutritional ways to help solve health problems. His fascination and extensive participation in sports makes his treatment of automobile accidents, work related injuries and sports injuries especially on-target. Dr. Kruse is married to Alexandra and they have two sons named Wiatte and Whestan. Dr. Kruse supports many local charities and attends Bell Shoals Baptist church, where he occasionally teaches classes on various topics.
Why is the church important? The church is where the friends of Jesus meet and grow. It is a hospital for those who admit they are sick and who want to get better. The church is not a building or an organization, it is just people. The church is also part of your spiritual family. Does anyone you know have a perfect family? Good, because that won’t happen in church either. You won’t like all the people there, but you will grow to love many of them. You may have to visit around some to find the right church for you, but if you work at it, you will be better for it. My church friends are one of my greatest sources or encouragement and joy.
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