1. Look for the good in your marriage (in your mate).
Do your best to make it right, especially if you have invested years into it (Rom. 8:28 – And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God…). God can turn messes into miracles and obstacles into opportunities, and remember that in every mess, there’s a message.

2. Consider all the positive things in the union.
Remember all the happy times, fun times, romantic times, and what you have built together. Keep intimacy fresh and make each other feel important. A man can function fairly well if intimacy goes from the marriage, but a woman cannot live in an emotionally stable way without it, whether she is 23 or 83. Don’t let boredom enter into your marriage, keep love alive. John 10:10b says, “I’ve come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.” Start complimenting and exhorting one another (Eph. 4:32). Words fitly spoken are like apples of gold in pictures of silver (Prov. 25:11).

3. Ask for each other’s forgiveness.
Ask God to forgive you and ask your partner to forgive you (James 5:16). Eph. 4:31-32, Matt. 18:21-22, Matt. 5:23-24,

4. Learn to work out, work through, and communicate properly, problems and challenges.
Let’s grow up and be open for change (Eph. 4:15, 2 Peter 3:18)! Remember that the mind is not new, but it is constantly being renewed. Know that God is able (Eph. 3:20); Is there anything too hard for God (Gen. 18:14)?

5. If at all possible, don’t ever contemplate divorce!
God is a restorer (Psalms 23:3). He brings life back into situations. Romans 13:14 tells us to make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts, and John 10:10 says to give him no pleasure. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. Resist him! Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you (James 4:7). We are conquerors (Romans 8:32-34). Allow nothing to separate you.

6. Develop a personal private prayer life and start praying together. Alone, one can put a thousand to flight, however, when you and your spouse are in agreement, you can put ten thousand to flight. I am referring to enemy forces (Luke 18:1, Eph. 6:18, Deut. 32:30).

7. To the husband, love your wife as Christ loved the church.
Listen to your wife, learn your wife, understand your wife. Spend time together, know your wife, and communicate with your wife.

8. To the wife, give your husband respect.
(Eph. 5:33) Submit to his leadership, learn your husband, understand your husband. Do not trouble your own house (Prov. 11:29).

Current project is to help over 200+ churches in Honduras.

Providing assistance to the people in their area, to keep them safe at home and productive for their families.

(SOIL Ministry is a ministry partner of All Pro Pastors International)


• Church Administration – Video & Internet Series

• Master Life – The Disciples Personality

• Bible Training Center for Pastors (10 course pack)

• G.O.A.L.S. Mentoring – 13 week course

• Experiencing God – Knowing and Doing the Will of God

• Project – Saturate Honduras

• Love Is A Hunger Designed by God – Marriage Seminar


• English as a Second Language – ESL

Church Wide Studies

• CIVICS (Honduran & USA)

• HISTORY (Honduran & USA)

MEDICAL MISSIONS – Surgical Teams last conducted in Tocoa, Colon

If you have some time in your schedule I would love to talk about joining this effort. A great way to spread Goodwill while assisting the USA with the immigration issues, while doing it with compassion.


Anthony Ponceti, Th.D.
Global Goodwill Ambassador
Soil Ministry Honduras
All Pro Pastors International
(863) 370-1080

What is a Champion Pastor or better yet who is a Champion Pastor? You may think that we are going to start with some deep theological statements accompanied by a list of scripture but that is for another day.

A Champion is someone who has defeated or surpassed all others in some type of competition and also can be someone who is the advocate in support of others or a cause.

Pastors, you have been called/assigned by God to “Champion” the gospel and to defend the cause of Jesus Christ. You have also been called to be a Shepherd, ready to defend your sheep against the evil of the physical as well as spiritual world! However, many of you men needed a helpmate and God supplied you with a wife. A wife to love even as Jesus loves the Church. In other words you are to be your wife’s “Champion”! You are to love your wife even if it means to lay down your life for her, (just as Jesus did for you)! You never replace your wife with your sheep! She will always take priority over the sheep! She is your first priority above all others on earth.

In fact, the way you love and treat your wife is a direct reflection of how you sincerely love and honor God. You can not say you love God with all your heart and then mistreat your wife. This is totally contrary to God’s Word.

First step to truly be a Champion Pastor starts at home!

Now let me ask you a few questions to see how good of a Champion you are.

Champion Maker Questions

Have I spent enough time in personal prayer this week? (What would God say?)

Have I spent enough personal time in God’s word?

Did my faith waiver any this week and if so how did I struggle; fear, doubt, temptation, judgement, etc. ?

Have I had any flirtatious or lustful attitudes, tempting thoughts, wandering eyes or exposed myself to any explicit materials (TV, Internet, Mag. Etc) which would not glorify God?

Did anyone tempt me (wandering eyes) or approach me in an inappropriate manner?  What did I do?

Have I been completely above reproach in my financial dealings? Have I been honest with my wife about my spending?

Have I treated my body as God’s Temple? In my(Eating, Morality, Exercise, Purity/Holiness)

Have I prayed with my wife every day in a personal way? (not blessing a meal)

Have I treated my wife as “Jesus loves the Church”? (How much time, listening, helping, appreciating and encouraging her?)

Have I worked to make our home a safe place for our family to spend time alone together?

Have I been a great husband and father this week? What would my wife say?

Have I been a Man of God in ALL my dealings this week? What would God say?

( Have I lied in any of my answers?)

  What am I going to do about it this week?

If you are in a Champions Table I suggest that you take these questions and review with your Table. If you do not have a Champion Table perhaps you should start one today! Click Here!


Upon arriving in the USA in 1995, we noticed how the stores were always gearing up for the next holiday, season or event. If it’s not Easter, it’s Mother’s Day. If not Mother’s Day, it’s Valentine’s Day, if not Valentine’s Day, then Halloween and so on. Why am I saying this? We, as bible believing Christians need to take our cue from the Word of God, not from culture. In other words, don’t be event centered, but rather Christ centered.
In Him we live and move and have our being. (Acts 17:23)
The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places. (Psalm 16:6)
It’s Christ in us, the hope of glory. (Col 1:17)
Why is it so important to not be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine or by what season it is, or whether a holiday is coming? Because we need to be grounded in the season of God and in His Word, learning to receive from God without all the stuff potentially getting in the way and learning to be content when the bank account is low or the circumstances are challenging.
A.W. Tozer said it best many years ago when he spoke about how culture would play into our inability to be able to receive from God; that we would need props, gimmicks, shorter services, shorter worship, drive through services and entertainment to keep our attention, etc…
He said this…
The tragic results of this sport are about us: 
Shallow lives, hallow religious philosophies, the preponderance of the element of fun in the gospel meetings, the glorification of men, trust in religious externalities, quasi-religious fellowships, salesmanship methods, the mistaking of dynamic personality for the power of the Spirit. These and such as these are the symptoms of an evil disease, a deep and serious malady of the soul.
AW Tozer, The Pursuit of God.
Is that prophetic or what?!
Yes, we need to draw the unbeliever with whatever means necessary but once we have their ears, then they need to experience God and not man. My feeling is that if an unbeliever darkens the door of a church then they are looking for God. They’ve had it with man. Man has let them down. Man has not been there when their loved one has died or when they lost their child.  Man cannot replace God but can point to one who saves us into eternal life.
At this most polarizing time of the year, let us not be tempted to slip into consumer mode. Be the answer to the child’s prayer for a toy. Be the solution to the family’s plea for a hot Christmas lunch. Be the mouthpiece of God to bring comfort to those who mourn and a lifeline to God for the desperate sinner needing a Savior.
Let us all be mindful of the deep cry of the soul for a friend to lean on and an ear to hear. It’s time to stop and smell the yellow roses! Why yellow? Because yellow is significant of friendship. It means a new day, a new year, and a new purpose to walk in the fullness of God.
Merry Christmas

Welcome to our Worldwide Prayer Network. This network spans the globe where Ministers, Ministries, Individuals and Congregations are joining in unity to pray for the “Body of Christ” to work together in the spirit of love, harmony and purpose. It is our prayer that this network will pray every hour of every day until Jesus returns.

We invite you and your ministry/church to commit to one specific hour per week to pray and join in this final international prayer gathering of the saints. This is a life commitment that you will pray each and every week for only one hour. There are 168 hours each week and we are expecting every hour to have many leaders and churches praying during each one and every one. Below are a few of the prayer points that we are praying. The list will continue to grow and change over time.

Please sign-up to join the network

Suggested and needed areas for prayer. Leaders are encouraged to select and edit as led by “Holy Spirit”!

  • Pastors will work together in their community to save the lost and make disciples
  • For all Christian Churches and pastors in their community regardless of their race or denomination
  • Pastors will establish relationships of love and trust between themselves
  • Local churches and Pastors will stop criticizing one another and start loving one another
  • Leaders of the denominations to work together with purpose to reach every community for Christ
  • Pastors to have a Kingdom attitude and heart
  • Pastors marriages and families to be strong, healthy and holy. To be examples of Christ.
  • Pastors to pray with their spouse every day
  • That strong Pastors will step forward to establish “Champion Tables” as leaders in every community
  • The Body of Christ, the Church, to become passionate about praying and will develop the discipline to pray each day with intensity and intentionally
  • That Pastors “Fast and Pray” with accountability and encouragement to one another with confidentiality
  • That anyone who calls themselves a Christian will serve and honor God with their life, words, actions, thoughts, attitudes and above all “love”
  • Our National leaders will turn to Jesus and become committed Christians
  • All Presidents, Prime Ministers and Heads of State will use the Bible as the standard for governing
  • That our Governmental leaders will call for fasts and prayers to be held at their governmental headquarters
  • For Pastors to be called to every country’s capital to pray in unity repenting and worshiping Jesus
  • That Christians will vote where and when allowed for candidates who are committed Christians
  • For Israel and their people to accept Jesus as their Messiah and Savior
  • For All Pro Pastors International and The Pastors Prayer Center to fulfill it’s Mission and Vision
  • For provision to come into this ministry so that there is more than enough to reach the entire world with this mission and for the gospel of Jesus Christ to be shared to all people
  • That the 24/365 Prayer Network will have pastors and leaders sign-up quickly and honestly to faithfully pray
  • That our hearts will have forgiveness for one another for years of racial and cultural division and criticism
  • For a great move of the Holy Spirit to move through the land with a great demonstration of power
  • For all Christian Married couples to pray together every day showing compassion for each other before God

A successful marriage is a give and take relationship, with each person doing as follows:

90% giving and 10% taking = 100% success


Here are ten questions to ask yourself when testing your ability to give and take.


(1) Are you willing to give silence when your spouse needs a little quiet time

(Proverbs 5:1-2)?


(2) Are you willing to give your spouse the benefit of the doubt (Proverbs 2:2)?

(3) Are you willing to take a rebuke or correction and let it rest unchallenged

(Proverbs 3: 11-12)?


(4) Are you willing to take on the extra chores during a time when you know your

spouse if feeling stressed, sick, or tired (Ecc. 4:9)?


(5) Are you willing to give positive words of encouragement (I Thes. 5:11)?


(6) Are you willing to give time to spend with your spouse – alone, without interruptions

(Eph. 5:25)?


(7) Are you willing to give your spouse the courtesy of “please” and

“Thank-you” (I Cor. 13:5)?


(8) Are you willing to take a “time-out” when a disagreement appears to be overheating

(James 1:19)?


(9) Are you willing to give a compliment (Col. 4:6)?


(10) Are you willing to take criticism?

(A) Be careful starting a sentence with “you never” or “you always” (Prov. 25:11).

(B) If you give more – the take becomes easier.

(C) If you must criticize, do it lovingly.


Listen, if you could not answer yes to all of these questions, please take heart. Marriage is a growing process, a “marathon,” not a “sprint.” As each of you grow in your willingness to give and take, you will grow closer together. “Be gentle and ready to forgive, never hold grudges (Col. 3:13 TLB).


Pastors we need each other and our families need us to be strong.

Watch this short video and be encouraged!

How to TALK So My Spouse Will Listen
It is very important to seek God in prayer for wisdom. Proper timing and direction before
engaging in conversation is essential. Notice this scripture, Psalms 16:11-“I will show
you the path(s) of life. In my presence is fullness of joy; at my right hand there are
pleasures for evermore.” He has given all of us a powerful ministry. It is called the
ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18). Let’s take an optical view of these guidelines.
 Go to the proper person with a good attitude
(Matt. 5:23-24, 18:15).
 Sit down in a quiet place with no distractions.
 Pray before engaging in conversation (Optional but important).
 Have dialogue conversation (Both people talk), which involves
talking and listening. One person should not dominate the
 No name-calling, no yelling, no foul language.
 Focus on the problem, not the person; stick to the issue.
 Avoid generalities. Examples: you never, you always.
 Use the “I” statement.
a. I have a problem ………………………………………………………………………
b. I need to know…………………………………………………………………………..
c. I feel frustrated about ………………………………………………………………
d. I feel disappointed ……………………………………………………………………
e. I feel hurt …………………………………………………………………………………
f. I want to bring some closure to our argument.
g. I am sorry that I ……………………………………………………………………….
 Show humility and empathy-James 5:16a -“Confess your faults one to
 If it still seems to be challenging to talk to the other person or your
mate, write him/her a letter, text, or email, then read and meditate
on Psalms 138:8 -“The Lord will perfect that which concerns you.”

(To identify with or to make him feel special)

  1. Don’t interrupt or correct him when he is telling a story.
  2. Compliment him in front of his children, your parents, his parents and friends.
  3. Let him have some time to relax when he arrives home from work.
  4. Develop a genuine interest in his work and hobbies.
  5. Admire him for his strength and significance.
  6. If he wants to take a lunch to work, pack it for him.
  7. Try to be home (and off the phone) when he gets home from work and be up

in the morning when he leaves.

  1. Help your kids be excited about Dad’s coming home.
  2. Understand when he wants to spend time enjoying sports or hobbies with his


  1. Keep his favorite snack on hand.
  2. Stick to your budget.
  3. Watch his favorite sporting events with him.

Family Focus Ministry (ffm@tampabay.rr.com)

Judges 9:53 NKJV “But a certain woman dropped an upper millstone on Abimelech’s head and crushed his skull.”  Wow, some real drama and a historical victory for God’s children. However, one day as I read the account I related to it very personally.  In pastoral ministry I was often referred to as Carlotta or Ms. B. Both were pleasing to me; they were personal. Yet when being introduced in pastoral, missions and itinerary ministry I have been introduced innumerable times as, “Larry’s wife.”  I do like the sound of it because I love being his wife. But I am also an individual. Don’t misunderstand, I am not one of those ministers’ wives who goes around trying to establish a platform by declaring, “But what about me, I have something to offer too.”  However, I will admit that on one occasion when being introduced as merely Larry’s wife, by a pastor with whom we had been in close fellowship for years, I demonstrated some holy boldness – well, some kind of boldness – and declared, “You know I do have a name.”  Please recognize what I am saying. There are times when such an introduction is appropriate, but when the opportunity presents itself anyone can appreciate respect and personal acceptance.


I had often read this story of a “certain” woman but until this time had not researched and determined that the same reference is so frequently included in Scripture for other women and men.  It sounds like the introduction of more modern day stories reading, “Once upon a time….”


Now the lesson that I would like to present from the Judges 9 story is something that stirred my heart and continues to challenge me.  I won’t go into a lot of detail since you know the story and can further study at your convenience, but the main facts are as follows:


  1. The certain woman, along with her fellow citizens, had fled into the city’s strong tower because they were being pursued by the wicked king Abimelech who had killed his brothers, seventy sons of Jerubbaal (Gideon).  God had lifted His restraints because of his many cruel and evil deeds. At last the people revolted against the king’s ungodly rule.
  2. The king saw the vulnerability of the people, approached the tower himself and was attempting to set fire to the entrance.
  3. Mind you, the tower was crowded with all the citizens who had climb it in desperation but note –
  4. A certain woman saw opportunity, acted upon it, proved courageous and dropped a millstone on Abimelech’s head, crushing his skull.  This action caused him to beg to be killed by his men so it couldn’t be said that it was a woman who had destroyed him.

This woman is still an example of encouragement to us.  In fact, she reminds me of another woman in Judges, Jael.  They both saw opportunity and seized the moment. One is not named and one is. You may be made to feel at times that your name is “No Name.” The challenge is this – are you presenting yourself to be a certain woman or a certain man?  Regardless of whether your name is mentioned or is not.  The point is that you are you. You are vital, whether in vocational ministry, education, business, the medical field, the arts, stay-at-home parenting, even in a state of physical disability.  We hear the term marketplace frequently. The marketplace has always been the place of mingling, interaction. So may I say it this way? Your marketplace is anywhere and everywhere you take in oxygen and do life.  Be the person who sees need, sees opportunity, seizes the moment, takes action for God and man. You are God’s certain woman or God’s certain man.  You have His favor, His help, His anointing as soon as you put your hand/your mind/your voice to what is provided.  He is still saying “well done” to the woman in Judges 9 and he says “well-done” to your obedience.

(To identify with or to make her feel special)

1. Have good conversation when you’d rather read the paper or watch tv.
2. Give her a back rub with no expectation of physical intimacy.
3. Keep your home repaired and in good order. ***
4. Make sure the car has good tires and is in good running condition. ***
5. Hold her hand when you lead the family prayer.
6. Find a way to save something from every pay check.
7. Ask for her input before making decisions.
8. Hold her tenderly when she cries, and tell her it’s okay.
9. Ask her out and plan the entire date yourself, including making the
10. Call, if you are going to be more than fifteen minutes late.
11. Encourage her to take time out with her friends.
12. Remember to carry a clean handkerchief when you go to a romantic movie.
*** (These actions make her feel more secure) ***
Family Focus Ministry (ffm@tampabay.rr.com