Busy But Not Productive
“The least productive people are usually the ones who are most in favor of holding meetings.” […]

Dr. Larry Bennett writes from the perspective of an experienced warrior on the front lines, not one of an armchair observer. He has a strong apostolic/prophetic anointing and Dr. Bennett has served in many facets of ministry giving him the experience to share his knowledge to other leader’s. He has a strong anointing for marketplace ministry and wants to see the church rise to the new movement of releasing church members into the marketplace.
If you wish to contact Dr. Bennett you may do so through his email which is ch.larrybennett57@gmail.com, or call him at 863-206-2567.
Carlotta Bennett grew up in a Christian home, met her husband, Larry, in a Christian college and became a partner in various aspects of ministry. She is also a mother and a grandmother. Along with the supportive role to her husband’s ministry she has had experience in various leadership roles – Bible teacher, conference speaker, music and writing. She has ministered in numerous states, Europe, South America, Australia and the Caribbean Islands. Her ministry theme is The Courageous Living Series. Her primary focus at this point in time is writing.
Carlotta Bennett/Courageous Living