
“The Last Supper” is a movie about the life of Jesus that takes us to the last supper with the disciples in the upper room and then to the garden, the crucifixion and finally the resurrection. It is truly captivating how this movie brings the biblical history about Jesus in a condensed version on the big screen to life. The characters we all know so well become more realistic by seeing how they act and react.

“The Last Supper” gives us perspectives on what life was like walking with Jesus and witnessing miracles first hand. We experience the emotions of several of the disciples as they react to what they see and we also see the questions that they must deal with internally. We also peer into how the minds of Jesus’ enemies were thinking and plotting to destroy Jesus. The influence of satan and how he entraps people is exposed on screen in multiple scenes.

The audience may notice a few changes in the sequence of events as written in the gospels or the landscape may be different than imagined but let me say, the heart of the message of Jesus is spot-on! I was very impressed with how this movie takes much of what we know in the gospels and puts them together in a strong understandable order that anyone watching can clearly follow!

When the movie opens we are beside the sea of Galilee and Jesus is preaching, heals a young boy and feeds the crowd with a couple of fish and 5 loaves of bread. The disciples are assisting in everything, including Judas Iscariot. I say including Judas because it was very intriguing how detailed the journey of Judas from faithful follower of Jesus to the betrayer of Jesus was so powerfully shown. They give us a lot to think about. Also, we all have wondered, how could Peter deny Jesus after 3 years of living life together. After you see Jesus washing Jesus and Judas’ feet this becomes even more of a challenge.

Peter and Judas are two of the disciples that we follow the most in this story. Sadly, the betrayer gives in to temptation but Peter is restored after his fall. Beautifully shown is how Jesus loved them both unconditionally!

One of the most powerful scenes of the movie for me personally was when the prepared lamb for the Passover meal was brought out and put in front of Jesus. I had never thought about how this might affect him. What could He have been thinking or feeling seeing the slain lamb laid out to eat. Helps us to understand His teaching on eating His flesh when we see this on the big screen. My emotions jumped as the scenes changed and I could feel His pain!

The writers clearly explain the Passover and how God made His covenant with the Hebrew children by the shedding of the blood of the lamb. We share in the experience of the New Covenant being introduced by Jesus. We learn why we have Communion and why it is so important.

“The Last Supper” is packed with so much for Christians to learn and to reflect on. It brings the Bible to life!

Friends, I would encourage you to watch this movie and take some friends and family. Take a church group. APPI was honored to help with some of the church resources and a sermon outline to accompany the movie. Use these resources to prepare your church and to make new disciples. We believe “The Last Supper” will bring a renewal to many and salvation to others.

To watch trailer and get details click: The Last Supper

We are praying for you!


What is prayer?
Prayer is communication with God where it involves both speaking to God and also engaging
quality listening to God as the feedback. We can communicate with God through praising Him,
confession of our sins, thanks giving to God and asking for God to supply our needs according to
his perfect will and His riches in glory. All men ought to pray to God because that is how God
designed life to be so that men can depend on Him in everything in life. Through prayer we
engage in a loving fellowship relationship with our maker. Prayerlessness can lead to
disobedience and spiritual weakness, as we become disconnected to from God’s voice and
power. Jesus said in Mathew 26:41,” watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The Spirit
indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
The act of prayer is more than words. It is an expression of the heart towards God. Prayer is an
experience, and a relationship. As a child of God the only way by which you can approach boldly
the throne room of God the father is through prayer. You can have the opportunity to present
your petition before God the father as a son speaks to his father through prayer.
Prayer is essential and extremely important to every believer in Jesus Christ because God
commands us to pray, and it is a daily way of communicating with God. When we pray, we are
opening up our hearts to God and through that He is able to work in us and through us. Prayer
is the most important activity that can help us stay closer to God, it is the language of intimacy
between God and His children. Prayer also helps us to grow in our relationship with God. The
more we talk and spend time with someone the more we get to know them. The same applies
when we spend time in our prayer closet with God. In James 4:8 – The Bible says, “Draw near to
God and He will draw near to you” The only means by which we can draw near to God is
through prayer
Effective prayer should be guided by the Spirit of God
The book of Romans 8:26 says, “In the same way, the spirit helps us in our weakness. We do
not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless
God in His wisdom valued prayers so much so that He assigned the duty of prayer as part of the
work of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God is constantly praying for those who believe and trust in
God. The prayers offered by the Spirit of God is of high level which no human word can express.
The prophetic utterances as recorded in the book of Ezekiel 37 where prophet Ezekiel is
commanding life back in to the dry bones is done prayerfully. It is the power of this prayer that
raised the dry bones back to life and it was done carefully in accordance to the instructions
given by God. This gives us a very important lesson that for any given prayer to be effective

then it must be done in accordance to God given direction. The directives given by God is
important to avoid engaging in vain prayers.
Prayer is the most effective tool that acts as a source of help to the believers to see things from
the heavenly optics. The world view of every person differs depending on so many factors.
Prayers is the platform on which we can share the same world view in matters pertaining to life,
it helps believers to locate a point of convergence with God’s plan. Many people have lost focus
in life because of paralysis in their prayer life.
Apostle Paul writes in Philippians 4:6 – “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything through
prayers and supplication with thanks giving let your request be made known to God; and the
peace of God which surpasses all human understanding will guard your hearts and minds
through Christ Jesus” Many rehabilitation centers today are buzzling with a lot of activities
partly because many people have dropped the act of prayer. I am not discrediting in any way
the good works being done in our rehabilitation centers, as a matter of fact we do a lot of
meaningful collaboration work with the centers around our geographical location here in
Nairobi, may the Lord bless the good work done by our men and women who have devoted
themselves in these centers where many lives and being transformed. One thing that God is
trying to impart through the above scripture is that men ought to become deliberate in
engaging prayer as the most effective tool to guard our minds against external attacks.

Why Prayer?
It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without heart. Whether we
realize it or not prayer is the encounter of God’s thirst with ours. God thirsts that we may thirst
for Him. “Prayer enlarges the heart until it is capable of containing God’s gift of himself”
Forgiveness of sin as a result of prayer of repentance is the greatest story of redemption in the
life of mankind.
Freedom that comes with the power of forgiveness is eternal life through Christ Jesus, this is
the freedom from the slavery of the bondage of sin and the true cure for death. Declaration of
righteousness is pronounced upon every repentant person. The heavenly kingdom also
becomes party to this step of faith of repentance prayer by recording the name of the person in
the lamb’s book of life and the end result is sanctification.
Proverbs 15:8 – The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord; But the prayer of the
upright is his delight
Prayer is not only a good thing but is also a Godly attribute of which every believer needs to
espouse, but most important there is a need to know how to pray. The disciples of Jesus asked
him to teach them how to pray. Many people so much but they do not know how to pray.
Knowing how to pray will translate your prayer into quality prayer. Quantity prayer can only
leave you exhausted but with very little results or none at all.

Pray with the right attitude
Your attitude in prayer determines your altitude of breakthrough in the prayer. Every prayerful
person needs to guard their attitude so that their prayer format should not be influenced
negatively by the environmental factors. All prayers are supposed to glorify God both in their
content and design. In Mathew 6:5-8 – “When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they
love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men……. But
when you pray go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.”
The revelation of the fatherhood of God is the foundation of prayer. The apex of fatherhood is
the ease to release. When you approach God as Abba, that means you are aware of his
propensity to give. God is not a withholder; He is generous in the nature of His fatherhood. It
matters that your prayer is constructed in compliance to the heavenly protocol. Romans 8:15 –
God has given us His spirit whereby we cry Abba father. Abba means source. When you go to
God in prayer with understanding that he is Abba father then that means that you are already
acknowledging God as the primary source of all your needs. Every other person who might
appear as your helpers be it your parents, your boss, your friends or any good Samaritan for
that matter are just but channels.
Your God is the source; He is not one among the helpers but the principle source of supply to all
your needs. Your employer or counselors, or any provider cannot equate to God because they
are agents sent by God to accomplish that which God has already provided. You therefore must
acknowledge God’s supremacy in your prayer if your prayer is to become effective and
impacting, it is true that God uses systems and structures to bless you but He remains to be the
origin of all your blessings.
Your prayer must elevate God to His rightful position not only here on earth but also in heaven.
When your prayer begins to acknowledge God as the sustainer of everything it marks the
beginning of Him being glorified. Many people who are endowed with great wealth always find
themselves in to temptation of thinking that it was their own ability. Some of those who are
academically brilliant and have emerged as great scientist have tragically found themselves
confessing that there is no God. Effective prayers is meant to neutralize such school of thoughts
so that only God can be elevated to occupy that realm of fame and glory.
Your prayer must distinguish the name of our Lord Jesus Christ as the most outstanding above
all other names. The name of Jesus has been lifted higher above all other names here on earth
and up in heaven. 1 Samuel 2:30 –Therefore the Lord the God of Israel, declares,: “I promised
that members of your family would minister before me forever,” But now the Lord declares: Far
be it from me! Those who honor me I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained.
To approach God boldly does not justify carelessness. As much as He is our father He is also the
God off the universe. There must be the Spirit of reverence in the midst of your prayer.
Approaching God requires honor and understanding that He is a supernatural being. All powers

belong to Him and nothing can stop Him when He decides to do anything. It is also prudent to
remember that God does not share His glory with any man.

Prayer of Jonah
Jonah 2:1 – From inside the fish Jonah prayed to the Lord his God. He said; “in my distress I
called to the Lord, and he answered me. From deep in the realm of the dead, I called for help,
and you listened to my cry.
The prayer of Jonah is essential in remedying the season of judgment in life. Every man has a
season that they are going through, a season when we are in dire need of deliverance from
God. Jonah found himself in this unfamiliar territory of his life when his action of disobedience
attracted judgment from God, his disobedience exposed him to be thrown into the sea and
finally he got swallowed by the fish. The situation that Jonah found himself in was so dire such
that his case was done and dusted according to men’s’ perspective, but thank God for the
prayer he made. Jonah cried to God through prayers in the belly of the fish and God heard his
cry and redeemed him from death.
Jonah was literally covered in a whale vomit, and he turned to God in prayer, and
acknowledged the goodness of God and God’s ability to deliver him and God delivered him. In
like manner, we can be covered in sin, and turn to God in prayer for deliverance, trust in God’s
ability to deliver us and He will indeed deliver us.
Our payers are powerful because of the God to who we are praying, not because of the place,
posture, or circumstance of our prayer. The fact that Jonah could pray to God from the belly of
the fish, and that God heard him from that same situation is a reminder to us that there is no
place and no circumstance that we can find ourselves in where we cannot connect with God
through prayer and receive comfort and help from Him in our time of need.
The prayer of Jonah came from a man with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, Jonah repented
while in the belly of the fish, and him being a servant of God who used to hear God very well,
he was well aware that he needed to turn to God in prayer of repentance and indeed God
heard his prayer even from the belly of the fish. When we find ourselves on the wrong side with
God the most inevitable action to take is repentance. Many people always try to prove a point
and try to show the reason why they are right.
Jonah’s situation that looked like it is beyond salvage was turned around by God for good
because of the power of prayer which was offered by Jonah while in the belly of the fish, the
same fish which was to kill Jonah became the vehicle that delivered him to the destination that
God had planned for him to go and accomplish the God given mission. God miraculously
directed the whale that swallowed Jonah to vomit him in Nineveh, and this was the place God
had planned that Jonah should come and preach to them.

In our walk with God it is never too late to pray over everything for God to intervene. Many
people have suffered serious consequences for failing to commit to God issues in their life in
prayer. Pray at all times without ceasing so that God may deliver you from whoever trouble you
might be facing the God of Jonah will deliver from them all.
Prayer of Jabez
The prayer of Jabez is a short yet very powerful prayer found in 1Chronicle 4;10 in the Bible. Its
significance comes from its focus on a direct and humble request for God’s blessings and
guidance. The prayer reads:
“Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me
from harm so that I will be free from pain.” (1Chronicle 4:10)
Tapping God’s blessings through prayer
When we are born here on earth there are so many hindering factors that oppose our potential
and greatness. The same way Jabez was born with the DNA of greatness but he found himself in
a lot of pain, he needed to tap into the blessings of God for his greatness to be unveiled. The
power that comes with the blessings of God is able to lift off the veil that covers our greatness,
it is able to lift off the spirit of oppression of all kinds. The process of being delivered from such
oppression must begin first and foremost with the individual’s realization that they need that
deliverance. Jabez took the first step of asking God to bless him.
Tapping into God’s blessings through prayer is possible, it is a profound, personal experience
that allows us to connect with the divine. When God starts to release His blessings upon you
then nobody can stop it, it requires a deep relationship with God. Here are some of the
thoughts on deepening that connection;
1. Gratitude and praise – when praying you need to start with the heart of gratitude,
thanking God for what you already have. Acknowledging blessings fosters a mindset of
2. Intention and sincerity: speak from the heart with genuine faith and humility.
Expressing your true need and desires helps create an honest connection
3. Meditation and listening: Prayer isn’t just speaking; it is also listening. Spend quiet time
in meditation after praying, opening yourself to any guidance, insights, or peace God
4. Consistency: Make prayer a regular practice. It doesn’t have to be long or elaborate –
what matters is sincerity and consistency
5. Faith and Expectation: Pray with the belief that God is always present, caring, and
capable of blessing you in ways beyond what you can imagine. Indeed, the ways of God
are not our ways and His plans are above our plans.
The prayer of Jabez is a very significant life transforming prayer, a prayer that commands
several levels of blessings in life. The prayer unveils the need in human life which can only be
achieved through divine intervention from God. Some of these divine intervention highlighted
in the prayer of Jabez include personal blessings, expansion of territory, dependence on God’s

guidance, and protection from harm and pain. All of us are affected in one way or the other by
these factors and many times we have no solution to these challenges.
Through the prayer of Jabez God was able to release personal blessings upon his life to a level
like never before. In this prayer Jabez ask God to bless him, which reflects a desire for God’s
favor in his life. This can be understood as a request for spiritual, material, or relational
prosperity. Many people are frustrated in life today because of the so many limitations they are
facing in these areas. The reality is that God has an answer for you if only you can discover the
secret and power of prayer. You only need to trust upon Jesus and surrender your life to him
and commit all thing to him in prayer and he will answer you.
Jabez also desired and prayed that God may enlarge his territory. The phrase, “enlarge my
territory”, symbolizes growth, influence and opportunity. For many, this means asking for the
expansion of their ability to serve others, increased responsibilities, or greater opportunities to
fulfill God’s purpose. It is amazing to know that the greater the responsibilities to serve others
the greater the blessing and favor that comes with it. When you set yourself to seek ways on
how God can use you to add value to the lives of people that will mark the beginning of your
success and prosperity. Serving others calls for servanthood spirit and high level humility. You
must learn to love people and see people from God’s lenses. Only God’s guidance can lead to
one becoming effective people servant. God’s ambassadors have this common attribute of
humility that gives God unlimited control over their lives.
The need for God’s guidance in life
The need to depend on God’s guidance in life cannot be underestimated. It is through
prayerfulness that we can enable the Spirit of God to propagate a spirit led Christian life. All
men need God’s guidance on daily basis for them to make the right decision. When we pray in
the spirit then we are able to create a positive spiritual climate which is conducive for spiritual
growth unto maturity. Fruitful disciples of Jesus are those who have mastered the game of
seeking God’s guidance prayerfully on daily basis.
Many people are faced with serious problems today because of the wrong decision they made
in the past, given chance they would first seek for God’s guidance on how they can have a fresh
approach. Jabez ask for God’s hand to be with him, which demonstrates dependence on divine
guidance and protection in navigating life’s challenges. Success in life requires persistent
dependence on divine guidance from God. The hand of God is the most trusted instrument in
life that can steer you from grass to grace.
God’s guidance is often seen as vital to many people’s lives because it provides direction,
purpose, and moral compass. Some of the key reasons why God’s guidance may include but not
limited to the factors such as moral direction, purpose and meaning, support in difficult time,
personal growth, community and unity, wisdom, and inner peace.
Many people believe that God’s guidance offers moral compass, helping people to discern right
from wrong. It provides ethical standards that shape behavior, helping individuals to lead a life
of integrity and goodness. It is this kind of demeanor that demonstrate practical faith in Christ

Purpose and meaning is one of the key elements to success in life. It is only through God’s
guidance that a man can discover his purpose in life. God’s guidance often gives people a sense
of purpose. Many feel that by aligning their lives with God’s will, they are living according to a
higher purpose, which brings fulfillment, and a deeper meaning to life.
Strength in adversity is another good example of the advantages encountered when we allow
ourselves to be guided by God. Life is filled with challenges, and believers always turn to God
for divine intervention. Many believers turn to God’s guidance in times of uncertainty or
difficulty. It can offer comfort, hope and strength, knowing that there is a divine plan or support
through hard times.
God’s guidance can also support the much needed spiritual growth in life. It is viewed as
essential for spiritual growth. It helps individual to develop values like patience, love, humility,
and faith, aligning them more closely with the divine nature. Every believer needs to evaluate
themselves with regards to the real life.
King Solomon prayed for God to bless him with wisdom in the book of 1 Kings 3:10-15 – “You
did not ask for long life and riches for yourself. You did not ask for death of your enemies. You
asked for the wisdom to listen and to make the right decisions”, meaning that wisdom is
extremely critical in our walk with God. God’s guidance is sought for making wise decisions,
whether in personal, professional, or moral dilemma. Believers often pray or seek divine insight
to make choices that are in harmony with God’s will.
Following God’s guidance can provide inner peace. Believers often find tranquility in knowing
they are being led by a higher power that cares for their wellbeing. God’s guidance, therefore is
seen as a foundational element in acquiring this higher power, in living a life of purpose, virtue,
and peace. We all are in need of God’s guidance if we are to accomplish the God given mandate
for our life.
The prayer of Hannah
Hannah made a special prayer in the book of 1 Samuel 1:11 – saying, “If you will look upon my
sorrow and answer my prayer and give me a son, then I will give him back to you. He will be
yours for his entire lifetime, and as a sign that he has been dedicated to the Lord, his hair will
never be cut.”
1 Samuel 1:20 – So in the course of time, Hannah conceived and gave birth to a son. She named
him Samuel, saying, “because I asked the Lord for him”
Hannah is the only Old Testament woman to make a vow to the Lord. Hannah spoke God’s
name, she spoke God’s name Yahwe, more than any other woman in the Old Testament.
Hannah called herself, “God’s servant” three times in her prayer, showing humility. Most
remarkably, Hannah knew God more intimately than Eli, the local priest.
Hannah prayed at a time when God had closed her womb for reason only known to God. Some
challenges we go through are not because we have sinned but simply because God is in the
middle of it. One thing I am glad about every challenge orchestrated by God in our life is that
the end of those challenges ends with greater glory to God.

Testing Faith and Deepening Trust is one of the key objective of Hanna’s barrenness. The
barrenness created a situation that tested her faith and dependence on God. In her anguish,
she turned to God in fervent prayer, pouring out her heart at the temple (1 Samuel 1:10-11).
This shows how trials can lead believers to a deeper reliance on God. God is looking for those
who can learn to depend on Him fully so that he can show Himself as a mighty warrior and sole
provider. Deepening our prayer life in God is the sure way to activate the flow of divine
intervention when things seems to have hit a snag.
Through prayer Hannah was able to align her desires with God’s will. Through her barrenness,
Hanna’s prayer evolved from a personal longing for a child to a dedication of that child to God’s
service. In her vow, she promised to give her son back to God to serve Him all his life (1 Samuel
1:11) Her trial helped align her desires with God’s purposes. The secret of many great servants
of God in the Bible is their ability to align to the will and purposes of God. God will deliberately
allow certain wilderness and dry bones to prevail in our lives so that our faithfulness to align to
His will can be tested. Sometimes what we are fighting for might appear and look good before
the eyes of men but it does not matter as long as it isn’t aligned to God’s will then you would
rather drop it. Not all good ideas are God’s idea. Test every spirit and see whether it is in the
perfect will of God.
God’s plan for Samuel as a leader was greater than all other interests and nothing could stop it.
God had a greater purpose for Samuel, Hanna’s son, who became a prophet, priest, and judge
in Israel. Samuel was instrumental in leading Israel during a critical period of transition and
anointing its first kings Saul and David. Hanna’s barrenness paved the way for the miraculous
birth of Samuel, setting the stage for his pivotal role. Whenever we labor for a destiny and pay
heavy price we might not be aware of the whole picture of what God has in store for us. The
role played by Samuel during the transitions that took place in Israel was a clear manifestation
that the birth of Samuel was indeed in the will of God.
Hanna’s conception after intense prayer was a clear demonstration of God’s power and timing.
Hann’s eventual opening of womb after many years of barrenness, was a testimony of God’s
power and perfect timing. Her story was a reminder that God works according to his plan and
can bring about blessings that exceeds human expectations. The miracle of Hanna’s conception
is a stack reminder that we should not try to put God in a box. Sometimes people have
embraced a certain way in which they expect God to do things but God’s plan and style of
accomplishing His will is the perfect way.
Hanna’s testimony has remained a pillar of encouragement to many generations till now. Her
song of thanks giving in 1 Samuel2:1-10 reflects her joy and gratitude for God’s intervention.
Her testimony has encouraged countless others to trust in God’s ability to transform seemingly
hopeless situations.
One can authoritatively conclude that Hanna’s barrenness was not meaningless; it was a part of
God’s larger plan to show that through prayer God would bring forth a leader for Israel and to
glorify Himself through Hanna’s prayer of faith and obedience. Her story demonstrates that
even in our struggles, God is at work, shaping events for His greater purpose. It is my prayer

that God will shape your struggles into His greater purpose. It is my trust that God will turn your
scars into stars for the glory of His name.
The situation you are going through today might be resembling a lot with that which Hanna
went through. Prayer mixed with vows of covenant with God can be your silver bullet to
transform your situation. Hannah walked alone during her prayer when things were thick. Be
strong and remain steadfast even as you take a step of faith to walk along this path of prayerful
life and you will see the glory of God by the end of the season.

The fall of man in the garden of Eden marked the beginning of the loss of the
glory of God since creation began, simply because God’s glory cannot stand the
presence of sin and rebellion. Mankind was created to thrive only in the
environment of God’s glory, and it is for that reason the Bible says that men are
created in image and likeness of God. Every time a man will find himself leading a
life minus the glory of God then that man will experience high level deficiency and
shall remain highly incapacitated so much so that he can’t fulfill the purposes of
his life.
God created men for a purpose and that purpose can only be revealed and
manifest in a life filled with the glory of God. Romans 3: 23 – for all have sinned,
and come short of the glory of God. The events in the Bible following aftermath of
the fall of man and departure of the glory of God brings to the fore the first
pronouncement of curse to the ground by God, the fullness of the repercussion as
far as this curse is concerned meant that man was cut off from the life of plenty
that he used to enjoy in the garden at the beginning before the fall. Adam and Eve
were expelled out of the garden of Eden where all provision was made sufficient
by God.
The glory of God isn’t just a feeling, an event or an Old Testament experience, it is
a spiritual tsunami of everything contained in the character of God. The word
glory is literally translated “heavy weight,” meaning the heaviest, grandest thing
about someone. The glory of God is the manifest presence of God; in fact, it is
greater than just presence it is the power. When Jesus resurrected from the dead
it was this power that resurrected him. Our source of deliverance power is from
the glory of God, this power is greater and stronger than any other power on
earth and in heaven
Some people might think that the glory of God is untouchable may be because it
is power reserved only for certain individual or some churches; the truth is that
God intended all men to operate in the power of His glory and to enjoy every
influence that comes with it. God’s glory is not meant only for a Sunday service
when we go to church, it is supposed to be a lifestyle experience, a twenty-four
hour seven days’ experience with God. It’s inbuilt capacity to establish God’s
kingdom through us as His ambassadors here on earth. The place to see God face

to face is on the platform of His glory. Men are able to interact with God safely on
the platform of God’s gory because when God comes and meets a man soaked in
His glory then He only sees His glory and that gives God comfort.
The Lord’s glory is the supernatural power that enables wealth creation. The
ground lost its power of abundant production of crops and fruits and instead
started producing thistles after the fall of man. Other series of many challenges
like enmity between mankind and other wild animals started at this point of time
of the departure of God’s glory. It was at this point that snakes became a
dangerous enemy to mankind while initially the two co-existed peacefully. Many
hostilities being experienced by mankind until today can be directly or indirectly
traced back to the time when God’s glory departed from mankind in the garden of
Eden after the fall.
The need for redemption of God’s glory in the life of mankind is so much
pertinent such that it cannot be overemphasized. All men have the opportunity to
enjoy the free justification by the grace of God through Jesus Christ the son of the
living God. (Romans 3:23-24 – For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of
God. And all are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that by Christ
Jesus.) This scripture provides the only sure way of restoration of the lost
relationship between God and man. The act of redemption through the grace of
God comes with such a great number of blessing to all who believe in Jesus Christ
and are saved by the blood.
The seven blessings associated with the glory of God in mankind
i. Filling of the Holy Ghost – Holy Spirit of God is one of the perfect gift to
all men who believe and love the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal
savior. We all have the opportunity to experience redemption through
the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Revelation 22:1 –
The angel of the Lord showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as
crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the lamb) The blood
always brought the fire down in the old covenant, and so it is today, the
blood brings the Spirit of the Lord down upon your life. The river of life
refers to the Holy Spirit. He proceeds out of the lamb who is the Lord
Jesus Christ who died on the cross for the sins of the world.

ii. Uninterrupted, abiding cleansing through His shed blood
The book of 1John 1:7-9 – But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light,
we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His son,
purifies us from all sin. If we claim to be without sin, we deceive
ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful
and just, and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all
unrighteousness. This is an a biding continual cleansing. When God looks
at you He sees the blood of His son Jesus and the power of the glory.
The image and likeness of God is restored back to mankind through the
blood of Jesus shed on the cross. Your righteous is not made on the
account of your good works, but it is purely on the account of the power
of the blood of Jesus.
iii. You receive your sanctification through redemption
We are washed by the blood of Jesus and not by our good works. The
work done by the blood of Jesus on the cross was sufficient to transform
us and that made us to be called sons of God. (1Corinthians 6:11 – We
were washed by God. Because of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
because you trusted in Him, and because His Spirit has transformed your
life, you are a new person.) The old nature of the old man gets
swallowed by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, you become a new
creation. Your identity is changed and you become a child of God
iv. You get reconciled back to God through redemption
In the book of (Ephesians 2:13 – But now in Christ Jesus you who were
once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ). The
blood of Jesus restored your lost relationship with God, all the benefits
of being a child of God also gets restored by the same blood. The power
that comes with the glory of God also gets restored through the
redemption. The book of (Colossians 1:20 – and through Him to
reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in
heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross)
Everything in man was created to function only in the presence of God
and this is the purpose why God in His own wisdom saw the need to
reconcile man back to Himself. You are the one to benefit in the
redemption plan because your source of power for you to operate

optimally is solely founded in God’s presence. Away from God’s
presence is death.
v. Because you are redeemed, God does not remember your sins
Jeremiah 31:34 – No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one
another, “know the Lord; because they will all know me, from the least
of them to the greatest,” declares the Lord.” For I will forgive their
wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” There is such a great
importance that comes with our sins being washed away. Our place in
heavenly kingdom is guaranteed by the cleansing power of the blood of
Jesus Christ. There is no more death penalty by the washing of our sins
through the blood of Jesus Christ. Our son ship to the kingdom of God is
reaffirmed through the washing of our sins. The real impact here is that
all the accusations the enemy has labeled against you before the court
room of heaven is removed completely. You are set free by the blood of
vi. You become perfected through redemption
Perfection simply means, the action or process of improving something
until it is faultless. Can you imagine what it means being declared
faultless before God? It is amazing for sure what the blood of Jesus can
help us achieve. (Hebrews 10:14 –For by one sacrifice he has made
perfect forever those who are being made holy) When we become
perfect it means that we can deliver our targets because we are efficient
in our ways of operation. A perfect man can become a perfect husband
not because of his own strength but because of the divine power behind
his activities. The God given perfection will ensure that your talent is
sharpened for it to function properly. You can achieve your goals and
purposes in life without much struggle because God is behind every
project you are engaged in. Your family becomes God’s agenda when
you gain perfection with God, your battles becomes God’s business
when you gain perfection with God. Perfection power in you activates
the power of covenant with God to be aroused, you are escalated in the
spiritual realm to walk at the level where certain things will just begin to
manifest even without you praying over them because the Holy Spirit
will be doing some prayers on your behalf with words that men cannot

vii. Because you are redeemed you have both victory and protection
The power of redemption in your life is meant to usher in a new
dimension in your life as far as your spiritual warfare is concerned.
Winning battles one after the other becomes a normalcy because of
redemption. (Revelation 12:11 – And they overcame by the blood of the
lamb and the word of their testimony.) Exodus 12 describes the Passover
in Egypt when Israelites marked their doorposts with the blood of the
lamb, symbolic of the blood of Jesus. You now have victory over the
enemy and protection by the redemptive blood of Jesus. You can engage
in offensive spiritual warfare and nothing shall harm you because you
are fully protected by the blood of Jesus. The nations which are
regarded as super power like United States of America are indeed given
that status because they have the capability to both defend their
territory and also take any decisive offensive military measure to
neutralize anything that poses potential threat to their security as a

The relevance of man’s life on earth is hidden in the glory of God. Great servants
of God have stood out in their generation because they carry unique measure of
God’s glory. Jesus himself is on record testifying after he came from the forty
days’ prayer and fasting that the glory of the Lord God is upon him to accomplish
the task God sent him to do, meaning that he has been empowered now by the
glory of God to execute the task God sent him to do here on earth. The moral
lesson we can learn here is that not a single man can by himself alone accomplish
the purposes of God in his life without the backing of the glory of God. Isaiah 60:1
– Arise, shine, for your light has come and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
It is the glory of God that will enable you to arise and stand out among your
peers. When you discover the secrets on how to dwell in the presence of the glory
of God then you will always find yourself a head of your competition. God’s glory
is able to inspire divine wisdom and understand which is above academic
knowledge. Joseph was able to interpret dreams not because he was more
schooled than those of his time but simply the power of the glory of God which
was operational in his life. The official agent carrier of God’s glory is the Holy
Spirit of God.

There is a need for the manifestation of the glory of God for one to practically
experience a tangible change and transformation in the physical realm. The world
is tired and sick of theoretical Christianity where there is a lot of talks but very
little practical manifestation. The famous story of the dry bones coming back to
life valley of dry bones in the book of Ezekiel happened because God found a
faithful man by the name of prophet Ezekiel who was used by God to unveil the
glory of God. The very single aspect that distinguishes prophets from other men is
that they are men and women who carry the grace of God. Prophet Ezekiel
unveiled the glory of God by having faith in God and he did so by practically
obeying the instructions of God even when it appeared not make sense.
One of the requirements that will help you manifest the glory of God is practical
faith in God. The Bible tells us in the book of John 11:40 – Jesus said unto her,
“Did I not tell you that if you believe you would see the glory of God?” You can
see the glory of God manifesting to raise the dead if you believe, but for you to
witness this then your faith must be alive.
What is FAITH?
Faith is obedience to God.
Faith is not just mere believing; faith is more than believing. Believing is part of
the process of faith. Faith is the name given to the action that we take, actions of
obedience based on our conviction of who God is and the integrity of His word. If
there is no obedience component to your definition of faith, then that is not faith
according to the word of God.
Faith is an action of obedience. Even if you take action without obedience to the
word of God then still it does not measure to the definition of faith. Many people
sometimes take action based on a different motive for instance some will take
action to be seen by men because they want to please men, that action is not
action of faith at all.
Faith with works

  1. Faith comes by hearing the word – Romans 10:17
  2. Faith is established by confession – Mark 11:23 – Whosoever shall say to
    this mountain, be thou removed
  3. Make your faith complete -Vs 22 -Faith is made complete by what we do

Speak prophetic word to manifest the glory of God
Prophet Ezekiel was instructed by God to prophesy and indeed he prophesied. He
did not just act or prophesied according to the way he wanted to do things as a
person, he acted according to the way God commanded him to do. Following the
direction as per the command of the Lord is a very key component factor to
manifesting the glory of God. Sometimes people do certain thing because they
seem to be a good idea. Not every good idea is God’s idea. If you want to
manifest the glory of God, then you must learn to discover the will of God and
test the spirit so that you can establish the presence of God in that action before
you engage in it. For you to manifest God’s glory you must understand the
scriptural conditions connected to every promise of God. Knowing the promises
of God is good but it is not enough. You must understand the scriptural
requirements connected to that promise then take an action of faith according to
that scriptural requirement.
Purpose to live in obedience to God
Deuteronomy 28:1-2 – “If you fully obey the Lord your God and observe to do His
commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the
nations on earth”
There are numerous blessings associated with obedience to God. It is the power
of the glory of God when it is unlocked by the act of obedience to God that
escalates you to the next level of life. The benefits of obedience include blessings,
deliverance, and miracles. Some of the ways in which a believer in Jesus Christ can
exercise obedience include keeping God’s commandments, trusting God, living a
life of humility, praying always, studying the word, and living in love.
Most believers have not paid keen attention to study the participatory role they
need to inject for God to reveal His glory in and through them. There is a space for
grace when God’s manifestation is to happen and also there is a space for work
required from men as a contributory factor to enable the complete circuit of the

Abraham also chose to obey God when he accepted to go to a place he did not
know. God finally unveiled his glory upon the life of Abraham and he got a child of
promise in the long run
Hebrews 11:8-22 – It was by faith Abraham obeyed God’s call to go to another
place that God promised to give him. He left his own country, not knowing where
he was to go. It was by faith that he lived in the country God promised to give him.
The action of Abraham leaving his own mother land to a country he did not know
was an act of faith. The glory of God will follow the first step of faith we take in
life. Some acts of faith might look like foolishness before the eyes of men but one
needs not to bother what men will say because it will bear forth great dividend.
Faith without works is dead
A person is justified by faith alone apart from works for heaven, but he is justified
by works for usefulness on earth.
James 2:17 – In the same way faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action is
It is the role of man to input tangible work in order to activate the results of faith
in the physical realm. God is a spirit and as such God has no legal authority to
work anything on earth until he finds a man to use as a vehicle. The terrestrial
world is under the authority of mankind and that is part of the reason Jesus had
to put on the suit of the body of a man for him to operate on earth. The God Jesus
could not die because God is immortal, he needed to leave his glory, come down
on earth to wear the body of a man so that he became like one of us that is when
he could carry the punishment of men on behalf of men. Faith is obedience to
scriptural requirements that commits God to reveal His glory in you.
Diligence in serving God
God told Israelites in the Old Testament to prepare themselves for three days if
they wanted to see Him. In Exodus 19:10-19 – The Lord told Moses, “God down
and prepare the people for my arrival. Consecrate them today and tomorrow, and
have them wash their clothing. Be sure they are ready on the third day; for on
that day the Lord will come down on Mount Sinai as all the people watch”

God’s glory cannot just be accessed casually as if you are taking a walk in the park,
there is need for proper preparation. The process of preparedness on our side is
what will pave the way for the Lord to appear in our circumstances. The glory of
requires a specific spiritual infrastructure for it to land on safely; just in a similar
manner you cannot land an air plane anywhere. A broken heart and a contrite
spirit God cannot despise. Israelites needed to separate themselves apart for the
glory of God to come; and God instructed them to take three good days of
cleansing process. The nation of Israel needed to put away every idol in the land,
they needed to engage in prayers of repentance and exercise forgiveness. The call
to washing of the clothing was a connotation of spiritual purification process. Our
God is a Holy God hence the need for us to be Holy if we are to see the glory of
God in our life.
It is not enough just to say that I believe and stop there, there is more that needs
to be done after confessing that you believe. There are many people believing
when they say that I believe I will be healed, I believe I will prosper, I believe I will
get a child. All these powerful confessions sound good but it is not the end of the
road as far as faith is concerned. If all you do is just believe meaning to agree then
that is not enough. There are conditions given by God. Every promise in scripture
has conditions connected to it for its manifestation to come forth. Believing is one
of the requirement but not the only requirement.
Hebrews 11:1 – Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of
things not seen. Faith is the purchasing power of things not seen. Faith is the
currency that purchases thing for us in the realm of the spirit. Romans 10:17 –
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. This tells us that faith is
movable, it can move from one place to the other. Faith can move from a location
outside your spirit in to your spirit.
There is need for men to understand faith. Failure to understand faith is what
makes many believers to remain stagnant in their journey with God. There is a
relationship between your faith in God and expression of the glory of God in your
life. Four times in scripture the Bible talks about the just shall live by faith.
Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:38 All of these four
scriptures point very clearly that the just shall live by faith. In Mark 11:22-23 –
And Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. Truly I say to you, whoever says to

this mountain, “Be taken up and thrown into the sea, and does not doubt in his
heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him.”
Jesus was giving the disciples an understanding the need to have faith in God
Bible based Faith is predicated on two attributes of God and these attributes
assists in manifesting the glory of God
i) Attribute of integrity – The word integrity comes from the word integer,
meaning semblance, consistency – Numbers 23:19 – God is not human,
that he should lie, not a human being that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
Men don’t lie because they are bad but because they are men. Lying is a
system that is enshrined in men and for various reasons they lie. Every
time God speaks he submits to what he says and that is what
distinguishes him from man. When God speaks even him he is bound by
his word. There men who are sincere but they lack integrity in their
ways of operation. In life there are no guarantees except in God alone,
the word of God is the only guarantee that you can trust and it will come
to pass. Men can change their mind and disappoint you. The Bible says
cursed is the man who trust in another man, but blessed are those who
put their trust in the Lord. Your guarantee is in the word that proceeds
from the mouth of God. You therefore need to learn to hear the word of
God at all times. When we study scripture it gives us an opportunity to
vet the integrity of the word of God. God is not afraid to allow you to
prove His integrity. The Bible is a compendium of God’s integrity. God
can be trusted. Regardless what you can see God can be trusted,
regardless of the medical report God can be trusted. It does not matter
the bills arrears you are currently in but one thing that remains constant
is that God can be trusted. Make a choice to trust in God today and your
life will never remain the same again. God will turn around your
situation to make sure that your trust in him is fully compensated to the
maximum. When God promised Abraham that he will make his name
great it came to pass and today we are the seed of Abraham standing as
a manifestation of the faithfulness of God.
ii) Attribute of Grace and Truth

Jesus being the son of God possessed these attributes and he
manifested them during his ministry here on earth. Christ was the glory
Himself. His divine glory was veiled during His earthly life. The glory of
God in this attribute is the magnificence, worth, loveliness, and the
grandeur of His many perfections. The power of forgiveness through the
blood of Jesus shed on the cross was the clearest demonstration of the
power of God’s grace. In the book of John 1:14 – The word became flesh
and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory if
the one and only son, who came from the father, full of grace and truth.
We all need this glory for us to experience the fullness of salvation of our Lord
Jesus Christ, without which our life in salvation will always remain a struggle. The
church needs this glory for her to impact the world according to the plan of God.
Church cannot continue doing the work of ministry as per the head knowledge
and assume that all shall be well. The things of God are spiritual and only the
divine empowerment from God through His glory is the only cure for this gap.
The need to look for the glory
There are four ways in which we can use to tap the glory of God into our life. One
of the ways is you learn to look for the glory. Stephen being full of the Holy Spirit
gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, Acts 7:55 – But Stephen full of the
Holy Spirit looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at
the right hand of God. Looking for the glory of God is a very critical component in
life because what we see in life determines our decision making process. Our
world view is shaped by what we can see; we can lose hope when we look at the
many things that are not working. God commanded Moses in the wilderness to
lift up a serpent for Israelites just to look. The serpent was symbolic of God’s
glory; it was made in a way that anyone who would look at the serpent would be
saved when they are bitten by a snake.
The same glory that Stephen saw is the same glory that raised Jesus from the
dead, it was manifested as fire by night and cloud by day time (Exodus 13:21).
This same glory separated Israel and the land of Goshen from the rest of Egypt
when there was light in the land of Goshen, but not in Egypt (Exodus 10:23). We
need to see that glory of God’s presence even in this generation.
The need for prayer

Secondly we need to pray for the glory of God to come. Jesus went into the
wilderness where he prayed and fasted for forty days and forty nights. In Look
4:18 – The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to proclaim
good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and
recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free. There can never be any
other better source of freedom apart from that which is given by the glory of God.
Nelson Mandela in South Africa fought for freedom and independence and he
was jailed at Robben island for twenty-seven years, but finally he died and did not
enjoy that freedom. Many South Africans today are yearning for fresh leadership
that can guarantee freedom despite having gotten their political freedom many
years ago.
Freedom that comes from the glory of God is everlasting and very much
sustainable because God himself is the one who pays the bills. You need to start
looking unto Jesus who is the glory of God then you will receive the liberty that
comes with that glory. Your expectations and hope should be focused upon Jesus
who is the source of our glory given to us by God the father. Seek him and he will
be found ask it will be given to you knock and the door shall be opened unto you.
Prayer is the master key to the store room of heaven where the glory of God the
father is kept.
You need to pray that the glory of God will be revealed to you and in you. You can
see and experience the glory of God but you must pray that God may reveal His
glory upon your life. Miracles, signs, and wonders will become a normal thing in
your life when the glory of God comes down upon you. The story of God’s glory in
the upper room still remains as the most spectacular day when God manifested
His glory upon his children, Acts 2:1-4. The Bible says all of them were filled with
the power of the Holy Spirit and they spoke in tongues. Each and every believer in
Jesus Christ born again has the capacity to see the glory of God through the filling
of the Holy Spirit. Prayerfulness is extremely key in experiencing this divine
encounter. A prayer less Christian is a powerless Christian, while a prayerful
Christian is a powerful Christian. Pray in the morning, in noon time and in the
evening. Pray about everything both small and big things.
Pastor need to pray for their families, church members and nation at large. Pray
that the will of God be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Pray that God’s

mercy be revealed and that the world may come to the knowledge of Christ Jesus
by receiving his salvation. Seek God in prayer that the great commission may be
fulfilled according to the will of God the father.
The need for preparation
Thirdly the need for preparation for the glory of God is very critical if you are to
see and experience the glory of God. The glory of God does not just come upon
anybody anywhere. The manifest presence of God calls for serious spiritual
preparation because it’s a consuming fire, it can kill if not handled with care by
demonstrating maturity. Preparation from our end as children of God is very
patient because God has delegated to us the authority to have control of our
body and the earth. Failure to prepare our mind to embrace the glory of God is in
itself good enough to hinder the move of God in us, hence lack of manifestation
of God’s glory. You have the power to choose good or evil, God does not chose for
you because he says in His word that he has laid before life and death and it is
upon you to choose.
You must prepare your spirit if you want to walk in the fullness of experience of
the glory of God. Romans 5:5 – And hope does not put us to shame, because
God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has
been given to us. We must learn to walk in love and obedience to the commands
of the Lord, meditating upon the word day and night. God commanded Joshua to
meditate on His word and observe to do all that which is written in the book of
the law, then he will experience the glory of good success. We must overcome the
heart diseases that easily clog our spiritual arteries in order for us to stay healthy
spiritually. You must learn to love everyone around you unconditionally because
that is the love of God, this will help you to increase the amount of God’s glory in
your life. Avoid at all cost the spirit of strife, bitterness and anger. Forgive easily
those that wrong you and learn to forget.
The need to walk in the glory
The glory of God looks for a permanent dwelling place, an environment where His
presence is very much welcome. It takes a mindset which is ready to have a long-
term journey in God’s presence. 2Cor 3:18 – And we all who with unveiled faces
contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His image with ever-
increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. It is important to

realize that the ultimate goal for the glory of God is to transform us so that we
may experience restoration of the image of God in our life. The process of
transformation can be long and tedious but it requires resilience and serious
When you choose to take a walk with the agent of Satan you can be sure that the
end result is going to be disastrous. Simple research will tell you that most of the
decisions you have made in your life were influenced by the friends you have
been walking with. Learn to walk with God at all times. Remove all the red tapes
in your life, some of the zones you refer to as private till they become private and
no go zone to God, these are the areas that needs transformation. God is ready to
walk with you so that He can transform your life today. Only say yes to His will
and you will experience a life full of the glory of God.

Today as I observe and experience life in America I am shocked at how so many of my friends and family choose to be ignorant. Yes, I said it!

People who are calling themselves Christian today and turning their eyes away from the evil that is spreading like a plaque through our modern day churches, where the Bible is trampled and pages are ripped out so as not to offend someone, and being led by Pastors ignoring sin as described clearly in scripture are soon going to find themselves standing on the outside wondering what happened. This is not said in judgement but in concern for those who are following leaders who know how to tickle the ears and appeal to the flesh.

When our government passes laws that totally ignore God’s word and make it a crime to obey the basic tenets as given in holy scripture it is time for us as citizens to change that government and replace the evil with the good! This country’s founding fathers put in place the mechanism, if honored, that can peacefully change and manage our governments at all levels.

It is every Christian’s responsibility to stand strong on God’s word and to be active and to make the changes in our God given power to make these legal changes by utilizing these laws that are in place. These laws which also protect our rights to free speech and to worship without interference by the government, also give us the right and responsibility to select who we want to represent us in our government. This is most important for Christians because if we do nothing we are saying to evil, “you decide for me”, “you pick my representatives”!

This amazing country that we live in was most certainly founded on Biblical Judeo Christian values by men who were far from perfect but were given supernatural guidance. The true history of the Pilgrims and the Puritans has been so corrupted by todays education system of indoctrination that even the teachers that are teaching it are dumbfounded when they learn the truth! The history of patriotic pastors and the determination of their church members reveals that it was in fact the church that was the backbone that led to our independence as a nation. King George and his counselors proclaimed initially that the uprising in the colonies was brought on by Presbyterians.

It was the ‘Great Awakening” with George Whitfield, Jonathan Edwards, and others that brought spiritual unity across denominations and the Colonies together in such a way that the idea of a “united Nation” could actually be realized. It was the hand of God that truly moved through George Whitfield as he traveled from town to town preaching the gospel with power and authority, reportedly over 18,000 sermons throughout nearly all 13 colonies. It was the love of God and the appreciation of God’s word that brought the country back to the founding roots that reminded the colonists/settlers why their parents and grandparents came to America and why they were in America too. Our Christian history in the forming of this nation can not by denied or ignored and anyone who does so is not a friend of yours, of our country or of God!

I have studied the Bible for over 60 years and I love and believe it. I accept God as almighty and Jesus as His only son whereby only by faith in Him can anyone be saved! I have studied our American history for many years. I have heard many challenges to our humble beginnings and respect others ideas and beliefs, I respect that they can be sincerely wrong and misguided just as many in our churches today are. Our concern is that many are being led to a lifetime of deceit, misery and eternal damnation.

As a minister to Pastors let us insert here that we have many wonderful Pastors who are brave Champions for God serving throughout America today and we applaud them. Sadly there are many many more Pastors who are willingly silent as their sheep are being hurt by government and regulatory changes. These Pastors are feeling the same impact on their families and saying nothing and doing less. As a Pastor you can not allow someone to shut you up because they say “something is Political”. As a Pastor you must teach truth and right from wrong. It is not showing “grace” if your silence allows your congregants to go into eternity without a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ! 

If you are not calling sin out at all levels from personal lifestyle to governmental laws redefining marriage and God’s design for man and woman, then it may be time to step back and review your own relationship with God! Yes, this may sound hard but these and other sins are specifically identified in God’s Holy Word!

History shows that when God’s people turned away from His statutes and his commandments then His judgement would always come! It also shows that when His people repented and fell before Him he would forgive their sin. Pastor, I trust that you are in God’s word and faithfully study it. You may be a wonderful biblical scholar. Now I will challenge you to become an expert on our American History too, at least know how we began as a nation and how Pastors were a vital part of this.

Pastor you are not alone. There are many Pastors in your community that feel your pain, confusion and maybe your shame but now is not the time to hunker down in a fetal position. Now is the time to educate yourself. You become the expert. You “Shepherd” the flock God has given you with boldness. Prepare your flock by equipping them with knowledge and the truth of what is happening in our world today. You teach with authority of the scripture without fear of man but fear of God! Surround yourself with other Pastors who will join you. Start or join a Champions Table. Your family and congregation need you to be strong and above all don’t be afraid of your sheep. You are there to fight for them not with them!

There are four action items that I suggest:

#1 Read “The Black Robe Regiment” by Pastor Dan Fisher (a must for Pastors)

#2 Take the “Biblical Citizenship Course” offered by The Patriot Academy and FREE through “TPUSA Faith”

#3 Read “One Nation Under God” by Attorney David Gibbs, Jr, “Ten things every Christian needs to know about the Founding of America”

#4 Read “The American Story” by David and Tim Barton,  by America’s foremost authorities on America’s Founding Fathers

These 4 things will give an accurate historical foundation of this country that is Biblical and supported with actual documentation. It is what every Christian in America should know! (We have provided these links for you for convenience only. We have no tie to any of these authors other than being Christian brothers.)

As a prayer ministry we are constantly praying for our Pastors. We love and provide encouragement to Pastors around the world. If you would like for me and Linda to pray for you and start sending you our personalized e-prayer please register with us. We know how hard pastoring is and you need to know someone is faithfully praying!  

I pray that you will do the 4 things suggested and you will see for yourself why I say “The Past Reveals the Truth”



“The Shift” is an incredibly well written movie set in modern times but based on the story of Job in the Bible. This movie will have you sitting on the edge of your seat. The relationships of the characters are very authentic and most will identify with one or more of the characters at different times in your life.

This movie brings the supernatural to a new level of thinking for most Christians and will definitely grab the attention of the sci-fi fans as well. When Kevin Garner meets The Benefactor he is carried to the multiverse and the struggle between good and evil begins.

The very emotions that you can imagine that Job must have experienced comes to life on the big screen in epic proportions! In the movie Kevin’s personal life is under attack and his faith is questioned. He is carried thru the multiverse thru time and space. He even fights with himself! He meets many people along this journey some good and some not so good! Just like real life.

When watching “The Shift” you will feel all the struggle Kevin feels and will see the many temptations “The Benefactor” brings to try and break Kevin.

This is masterfully done and I believe it will appeal to todays audience whether Christian or not. I am purposefully being a bit vague because I do not want to spoil it in any way for you.

The cast is incredible with: Neal McDonough(Band of Brothers), Sean Astin(Lord of the Rings/Rudy), Kristopher Polaha(Wonder Woman 1984), Rose Reid(Finding You), John Billingsley(Star Trek: Enterprise), Emily Rose(Haven) and from (The Chosen) Liz Tabish, Paras Patel and Jorden Walker Ross.

This movie also has discussion guides prepared for your use as well as a five day reading plan that can be accessed in the website.

We are being blessed with another Angel Studio’s movie that is highly entertaining and very powerful! “The Shift” will touch lives that tradition will not. Now is the time for churches to embrace this as a great opportunity to reach the lost and offer hope to many who may never enter their church!

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By: Pastor Joshua Gwara Omolo, Kenya, Africa

2Timothy 2: 20: – But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of
wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonor. If a man therefore purges
himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use,
and prepared unto every good work
Definition of a vessel
The word vessel is often used in the Bible, and in English terms it translates to be either a
container such as a bowl or a jug, or either a ship or a boat. The Biblical meaning denotes a
person whom God calls and uses as a vessel.
God’s plan to all mankind is to use men for a special purpose and special calling to fulfill the
purposes of God. The primary purpose of God to all men is to worship God in truth and in the
Spirit.There are also numerous advantages and blessings that accompany the when an
individual accepts to be used by God as a vessel, there is a special level of honour and favor that
manifest when a believer choses to obey God’s command to be used by Him and those
blessings comes in handy to remove the shortcomings in the life of the carrier of the grace of
The power of being a vessel of honour
Some challenges can only persist in your life simply because you are yet to yield to the calling of
God. Becoming a vessel of honour is a choice in life. A person who has chosen to accept God’s
calling has the opportunity to undergo divine transformation process that leads to experience
of honour and favour from God. Greatness in life can only manifest in the life of a man who is
able to accommodate the process of sanctification and transformation that comes from God.
The call of Simon Peter by Jesus is what led him to be transformed from being a fisherman to
being an Apostle (fishers of men), “a chosen vessel.” The word “chosen” implies that he was
special, precious, valued and prized. Even before Peter started serving God he was special in
the eyes of the Lord.. Jesus is on record telling Peter, “follow me and I will make you fishers of
men” (Mark 1:16-20) and that comes with honour. All of us are very special to the Lord. All of us
have great value to God. We possess certain uniqueness in us different from the other people
around us.

The Purpose Driven Life
The purpose as to why God created man is to serve God. Our worship to God is the number one
assignment in life. Our God the father of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ is very categorical in
His word when He says in the book of John 4:23 – Yet a time is coming and now has come when
the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of
worshippers the Father seeks. God is looking for true worshipers whose hearts are inclined to
the word of God, this therefore calls for mankind to offer himself as a living sacrifice.
Our worship to God is always hindered due to the fallen nature of mankind. There are many
things in our life that requires purging for God to use us as vessels of honour; for us to become
carriers of the divine power of God it requires total sacrifice where we should purpose to live
selfless life fully dedicated to the master’s need. The need for us to purge ourselves from the
carnal desires is extremely important in order to create sufficient space for the Spirit of God to
sanctify us in readiness for the work of God.
Learn to purge yourself by choosing to live a holy life
Holiness is a choice and not a chance in life. The reward that comes with it is beyond
imagination. Holiness is the pillar on which God’s divine promises to successful life is pegged
on. The Bible says without holiness it is impossible to please God. We can engage in so many
activities in life but without holiness then all that we are doing is exercise in futility. There is
need for our value systems to go through serious purging process for us to be transformed to
be like Christ.
We carry a lot of dry bones within us after the fall of man and the process of sanctification is
inevitable for the purpose of our transformation.
The old nature which was the nature of the sinful man cannot qualify to become a vessel of
honour that can be entrusted by God to carry his glory. True believers must purpose to become
intentional faithful worshippers and deliberately invest serious capital in quality work of
spiritual development in order to acquire the gold status in the kingdom of God (Phil 2:12 –
work out your salvation with fear and trembling).
Kingdom of God operates on reward system
Salvation is purely by grace but the rewards from God are based on the good works. The
faithful followers of Christ must desire to live a life like Christ himself. Purging process is that
step of choosing to say no to ungodly behaviors and to say yes to those things that glorifies
God. Our salvation requires quality investment on character development. We need to be
accountable to one another, the church needs to develop the habit of reading and studying the

Bible. Application of the word in our day to day walk with Christ is the main proof of a new life
in Christ Jesus. Let every believer in Christ Jesus learn to not only hear the word but also
become doers of the word; meditating on the word day and night in order to make the word of
God dwell in us richly is key to spiritual development. Every level in our spiritual walk with God
attracts a given measure of favor commensurate to that level and every believer has an
opportunity to choose the level they want to belong.
It is important to remember that everyone shall be rewarded according to their works. The
quality of your investment and the value of the materials invested. In Genesis 5:24 – Enoch
walked with God and he was no more seen; for God took him away. Enoch simply allowed God
to increase in him till there was nothing left of him that death could claim. We need to learn to
reduce so that God may increase in us on daily basis. Quality work on our personality and
interest’s that conflicts against the intentions of God must be purged for the Spirit of God to
sanctify us in preparation for the next level. We must learn to sacrifice our time, finances and
energy by giving them fully to the Lord’s service then we will increase in the knowledge of God.
Four levels of vessels/workers in the kingdom of God: –

  1. Gold
  2. Silver
  3. Wood and
  4. Clay
    5 Kingdom Principles to becoming a vessel of honour
  5. Arm your soul with the power of love – Mark 12:30-31 – Love the Lord your God with all
    your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind…
  6. Guard your soul/heart – Proverbs 4:23 – Above all else, guard your heart, for everything
    you do flows from it
  7. Purge yourself – 2Tim 2:21 – those who cleanse themselves from the latter.., James
    5:16:- confess your faults one to another
  8. Avail yourself for God – Isaiah 6:8 – whom shall I send and who will go for us. (Mathew
    24:38-39 – For as in the days that were before the flood…)
    -Mathew 9:37-38 – The harvest is plenty but the laborers are few…
  9. Build Trust – Luke 16:10 -Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted
    with much.
    Love covers a multitude of sin. – Mark 12:30-31 – Love the Lord your God with all your

Love is a person and it is the person of God. Love determines the wellness of the condition of
your soul. When your soul is sick then you suffer acute limitations in living a purpose driven life.
Lack of love creates a high level deficiency of passion to please God in everything you do hence
leading to boredom. When you hear people say that they don’t find a meaning in life the reason
behind is that love of God is not present in that person. Many people who commit suicide fall in
this category where they try to substitute the love of God with other substances which doesn’t
work at all. Love is a force of God, it has power over hate.
Two forces govern this world: the force of hate and the power of love. John 3:16 – for God so
loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not
perish but have an everlasting love. Jesus was full of love and the Bible says he did good in
every place he went. Vessels of honour worthy to be used by God are supposed to be agents
and carriers of the love of God. The easiest way to defeat evil in the present world is to show
love even to your enemy.
We steal and cheat because we do not love. We commit immorality because we do not love.
Sex outside marriage destroys both parties involved. Government leaders embezzle public
resources because they do not love. In fact man sinned and channeled all evil into the world
because he chose to let go of God’s love. God is calling all men back to the first love through
effective repentance. Revelation 2:1-2 – Nevertheless I have this against you, that you left your
first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first work.. God
is raising case against the church in Ephesus about the lost love. Love is a force from God and
hate is a force from Satan (1John 4:7). You live in the light when you carry love. Just as light has
power over darkness so love has power over hate.
In the book of Hebrews 10:32, says “When the people were in the bloom of their first love,
were they enthusiastic! They put everything into their relationship. They yielded themselves to
God” The love for God surpasses everything in life because it is the core foundation of the
reason for our living. We are blessed the way we are today because of the great love God has
for us, and if we are indeed the children of God then we need to exhibit the same of the father
to the world. Ephesians 2:4-5 – But because of His great love for us , God, who is rich in mercy,
made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions – it is by grace you have
been saved.
Many wars and rumors of war happening in the world today are orchestrated by hate because
love is absent. Many families have become dysfunctional because there is no love. The
shootings in our public schools are happening because of hate. God is calling all men to
embrace His love by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and savior over our life for us to experience
the true love of God, it is impossible to share the love of God without the salvation of Jesus
Christ. When we receive Christ Jesus then we can become a vessel of honour.

Guard your soul/heart – Proverbs 4:23 – above all else guard your hearts………
Self-preservation is the enemy number one to spiritual prosperity. When we quit thinking about
ourselves and our own self-preservation, we undergo a truly heroic transformation of
consciousness ( By Joseph campell). Self-sacrifice is the heavenly language and the truest
weapon to guard our heart. The Bible says in Mathew 16:25 – “For whoever wants to save his
life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of me will find it” We must learn to carry our
cross daily and follow Christ.
The heart of a man is the center piece of his/her personality. Every bit of the destruction of a
man begins at the point when the heart is corrupted through perversion. Proverbs 4:23 –
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Keep your mouth free
from perversity; keep corrupt talks far from your lips, let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your
gaze directly before you. The most effective way to guard your heart is by ensuring that the
four main gates in your body are properly manned. The two gates in human body are the eyes
and the mouth
Guarding your heart is essential in the context of sin because it helps you protect your inner
most self from the deceptive allure of sinful temptations. It involves making choices that align
with your moral and spiritual values, avoiding harmful influences, and striving for a pure heart.
In the Bible the heart is considered the seat of life or strength. Hence it means mind, soul, spirit,
or one’s full emotional nature and understanding.
Guarding your heart involves energizing your life with the transforming truth of God’s love and
God’s word. Never treat scripture like a collection of facts. Pay attention to all the instructions
given by God in His word. The servant of God Joshua was told by God himself to ensure to
mediate the word of God day and night and to observe to do all that is written in the word and
then God will prosper you together with your children. Listen closely to the word of God.
Engage in a routine spiritual service to clean your heart on regular basis by reading the word of
God which is the Bible and meditate on the word. Our character tends to follow the path of
what we constantly meditate about whether good or bad. When you form a habit of meditating
on the word of God then this will positively build high self-esteem. People who suffer low self-
esteem cannot perform to the expectation of their masters, as the Bible says in the book of
Proverbs 23:7 – As a man thinketh, so is he. This expression means that what someone says or
does is directly proportionate to what he thinks. The mind here becomes the primary breeding
ground for who we become.
The consequences of unguarded heart can manifest in so many ways for instance poor choices,
broken relationships, hurt and disappointments. But remember when we mess up and are not

the best version of ourselves, God is faithful to forgive and restore. The desire to press on and
walk closer to the Lord is all we need.
Purge yourself – 2Tim 2:21 – If a man therefore purges himself…….
Confession of our sins to God and one to another is the primary foundation means to purging
ourselves from sinful desires. You must make concrete and even extreme choices against that
which you have sinfully desired. There needs to come a time when you need to take a break
and move to a solitary place and call yourself to a meeting room where you dialogue with your
spirit, you need to reach a point where you take a vote on issues that matters not only in this
temporal life here on earth but also on matters regarding eternity. Self-assessment based on
the truth of the word of God is extremely important when you start evaluating your
performance in life. It is at this point that you can make independent decision which is devoid
of any human influence as the third party.
Vessels of honour are costly to make and they take time and a lot of sacrifice to produce. The
same principle applies when you reach a point where you must let go and let God have his will
and way in your life. Sometimes it will cost you to separate from some of the friends you value
so much. In some instances it will cost you to reject certain offers for the sake of Christ, but in
all these it’s worth paying the price for the sake of the prize ahead. I want to just remind us that
there is a crown awaiting those that will overcome in heaven, so there is need to keep
reminding ourselves this fact in order to make the wise decision to glorify God in all that we do.
I hope you believe in the say that goes, “in life no pain no gain”
Guarding your heart in essential in the context of sin because it helps you protect your
innermost self from the deceptive allure of sinful temptations. It involves making choices that
align with your moral and spiritual values, avoiding harmful influences and striving for a pure
heart. The reason David sang to the Lord saying, “Create in me a clean heart and renew your
right spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10). Only God can create in you a clean heart, all other human
efforts cannot achieve anything of this kind.
Allow God to constantly search your heart and show you if there is any evil that needs
attention. Always ensure that you carefully weigh your heart at all times to ensure it remains
pure. Prayerfully you can seek for God’s guidance and protection. Learn to set aside time when
you can dedicate yourself to the reading and meditation of the word of God so that he word
may dwell in you richly, this calls for discipline to overcome the temptation of being glued to
the gadgets and television.
It is prudent to learn to evaluate all information before you consume them. Social media is a
wash of much illicit information that comes with the intention to pollute people’s minds.
Pornographic images and literatures is a deadly poison to the heart.

Avoid rourmour mongering and spreading of lies and propaganda among your friends. Your
tongue must be bridled if you are to walk right with God. The tongue is a small part of the body
but it can wreak havoc if left unchecked at all time. All these are steps to becoming a vessel of
honour which God can use for noble purposes in the kingdom
Availability for God’s service – Isaiah 6:8 – Whom shall I send……
We are living in a very fast world where everything seems to be on the first lane, this culture
has permeated in the church where we are almost rubbishing the need for fellowship. Almost
everything is going virtual so much so that today many churches are having majority of their
members attending virtually especially after the covid19 effects.
Virtual fellowship is good but physical fellowship is better. We will never reach a point of
satisfaction by substituting our physical presence in the presence of God with gadgets. Jesus
second coming will not be virtual but physical, it’s the reason God wants you physically
regardless of your busy schedule. Hebrews 10:24-25 – And let us consider how we may spur
one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in
the habit of doing, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day
God is looking for people whom he can send worldwide. The harvest is plenty but the laborers
are few because not many people are ready to avail themselves to be sent by God. Many
excuses that we keep on advancing cannot hold water at all. Some are waiting to serve when
it’s convenient, others are waiting till they retire then is when they can engage in the ministry.
Elisha was unable to stand mentorship of his master prophet Elijah when he tried to still hold
on to the things of the world and his people. Elijah had to rebuke him sharply that is when
Elisha saw the need to go back and slaughter the oxen then he came back and served Elijah
effectively and finally he got a double portion of his anointing.
You cannot become a vessel of honour till you refuse to remain an average Christian, carrying
average testimony, earning average income and living average life. God’s vision and dream for
you is abundant life (Joh 10:10 – The thief comes not but to steal, to kill and to destroy: I am
come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly). Double portion
anointing which was received by Elisha was as a result of total sacrifice and quality focus on the
things of God. Both your time and money are needed to be available for the Lord/s service.
When you serve God, you grow closer to Him. You learn more about His character and what He
desires for your life. As you draw near him he reveals more of Himself to you and gives you a
greater understanding of His will. Serving God also strengthen your faith and deepens your
trust in Him.

When you become available and serve God, you grow closer to Him and God promises to
establish your plans. You need to commit to Him every day and committing just means giving
your best every day to God. You don’t need to be perfect. Belong to a fellowship where you are
known by the leadership that you are a member. Participate in the programs of your church or
fellowship with the rest of the church members.
One of the best ways to know that you are available to the service of God is when the programs
of your church or fellowship are fairly accommodated in your diary. When you grow to the
point where you can decline certain rising assignment because you have already dedicated that
time to God in your calendar then that will be a sign that indeed you are available and ready for
growth. The only way you can be disciple to grow to maturity in Christ is when you allow your
spiritual mentor to determine a sizable portion of your diary. God through his servants who are
your mentors sometimes can change your personal plans you had already slotted in your diary
and you will not need to struggle so much to accommodate the God given instruction, which is
The desire to make more wealth has remained today one of the main obstacle to availability for
God’s service. Many churches are struggling to gather sufficient quorum of congregation
because members are doubling from job employment to other businesses, many working for
over twelve hours a day in order to make the ends meet. Unfortunately the money is never
enough, this trend has turned around God’s plan where now people are serving money instead
of money being the servant to men.
Build Trust – Luke 16:10 -Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with
Trusty deficit is a big challenge today not only among the spouses but also between man and
God. Many businesses have gone under based on lack of trust among the employees. Trust is
the currency that can never experience recession regardless of the season of life. Trust is like
the air we breathe, when it is present nobody notices; when it is absent, everybody notices.
Mistrust begets mistrust; trust begets accomplishment. Many pastor are struggling to accept
the concept of champions table because they are wondering whom they can trust with
sensitive information about them.
Many employees fail to get their promotions at their places of work because of trust deficit.
Majority of spouses have divorced because they suffered trust deficit in their marriage.
Corruption and economic challenges being experienced in many nations across the world can
be directly linked to mistrust among the leaders in government.
God is looking for men who can be entrusted with little so that they can graduate to much.
Always learn to do what you believe is right, even when others disagree, will lead others to

respect your honesty. Interestingly when building trust, you must be willing to upset others in
occasion. Do not be thirsty of affirmation from men if you want to build trust because most of
your decision will not be appealing to the majority around you.
Mathew 3:17 – And a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved son, in whom I am well
pleased!” This was God’s signature of trust He had on Jesus. Trust is the master key that opens
the strong room of great success that money cannot buy. Risking your heart by trusting
someone else to take care of it takes courage, and that’s the reason why when you choose to
trust another person, you step out of your comfort zone.
The Lord is telling us in Jeremiah 17:7-8 – Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, The man
who puts his decision based on the faith in God. The man whose value system is aligned to the
will of the Lord is that man who is ready to forego anything for the sake of relationship with
God. Abraham was ready to sacrifice his only son Isaac because He trusted in the Lord God.
When he fully obeyed God then it was counted righteousness by faith.
God wants to give you life of abundance, influence, greatness, confidence and balance if only
you trust Him. The journey of faith must begin with first and foremost trusting upon the Lord
Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior of your life. When you trust in the Lord he will give you
power to become the son of God. John 1:12 – But to all who received him, to those who
believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God. Trust in the Lord is the seed
that begets life eternal in Christ through the washing of the blood of Jesus. You can change your
life today by choosing to become trust worthy in all your relationships. Above all you can be
saved if you choose to trust in the Lord with all your heart, with your entire mind and with all
your spirit
Trust can be built by placing block after the other, and with gradual commitment till it becomes
a powerful tool to make you become a vessel of honour .A vessel that God can use to bring
glory to His name. You should purpose to use every tool given by God which is the application
of the word of God to build trust with God and with the people around you.

God made a puzzling statement to Abraham while establishing His covenant with the patriarch, linking the time that Israel would sojourn in Egypt to the behavior of one group of people. 

Then the Lord said to Abram, “Know for certain that your offspring will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs and will be servants there, and they will be afflicted for four hundred years. But I will bring judgment on the nation that they serve, and afterward they shall come out with great possessions. As for you, you shall go to your fathers in peace; you shall be buried in a good old age. And they shall come back here in the fourth generation, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete.” (Genesis 15:13–-16, ESV)

Iniquity is easy enough to understand; it means sin, vice, or immorality. But what did the Amorites do that God found so offensive? Who were these people and where did they come from?

The Amorites first stepped onto the world stage in the middle of the third millennium B.C. The earliest known reference to an Amorite was from the ancient city of Shuruppak, dated to about 2600 B.C. According to the Sumerian King List, Shuruppak, about halfway between modern Baghdad and the Persian Gulf, was the home city of the last Sumerian king before the Flood. That king was either a man named Ubara-Tutu or his son, the hero of the Sumerian flood myth, Ziusudra, the Mesopotamian Noah.

Scholars disagree on the location of the Amorite homeland. There are two main candidates: One is Jebel Bishri, a low mountain range along the west side of the Euphrates River in central Syria. The other is the Diyala River valley, which descends from the Hamrin mountains toward modern Baghdad. This is the traditional border between Iraq and Iran, and between Arab lands to the south and Kurdish territory to the north.

There is evidence for both theories. One of the peaks in the Jebel Bishri range, Jebel Diddi, may be named for an ancient Amorite tribe, the Didanu (or Tidanu, or Tidnum, depending on when and in what language it was written). Or it may be that the tribe was named for the mountain. Either way, the name is important.

Estonian scholar Amar Annus has demonstrated that the name of this ancient Amorite tribe was probably the origin of the name of the old Greek gods, the Titans. That’s significant, because it links the Amorites and their worship of gods connected to the netherworld, such as Molech, Dagan, Baal-Hammon, and the Rephaim, to the sinful angels mentioned by Peter and Jude—the “sons of God” of Genesis 6:1–4, called “Watchers” in Jewish texts of the Second Temple period such as the Book of the Watchers, or what we know now as the first thirty-six chapters of the Book of First Enoch.

Annus also showed that the Watchers were known as apkallu in ancient Mesopotamia long before the Second Temple period. They were considered sages who brought the gifts of civilization to humanity on behalf of Enki, the god of wisdom. That’s similar to the description of the Watchers in Enoch, although the Jewish and early Christian view of “gifts” like weapons, witchcraft, and mating with human women to produce giants was considerably less favorable than in, say, Babylon.

How do Watchers differ from run-of-the-mill angels? Unfortunately for us English speakers, our language lacks the richness of some others. The word “angel,” borrowed from the Greek angelos (“messenger”), hides the fact that there are several classes or categories of angel, such as malakim (“messenger”), cherubim, seraphim, ophanim (the wheels of Ezekiel’s vision), and others. Based on the use of the term in Enoch, it’s clear that Watchers were especially powerful and exercised free will. Their decision to commit what they knew was a sin suggests that they also had knowledge of good and evil.

Not coincidentally, the Bible tells us that these rebellious angels were cast into Tartarus, just like the Titans of the Greeks. Although your Bible probably reads “hell” in 2 Peter 2:4, the original Greek names Tartarus as the prison of these spirits. Tartarus is a separate place from Hades, a sort of maximum-security hell reserved for supernatural threats to the divine order. Yet the Amorites (and their descendants, the Phoenicians), Greeks, and Romans continued to worship the old gods, especially the king of the Titans, Kronos (Saturn to the Romans, Baal-Hammon to the Phoenicians). Their offspring, the demigod heroes such as Perseus and Hercules, were, by definition, Nephilim.

By 2000 B.C., the Tidanu tribe had developed a reputation across the ancient Near East of being mad, bad, and dangerous to know—so dangerous, in fact, that the last Sumerian kings of Mesopotamia ordered a massive public-works project directed at these savage Amorites. The kings of the Third Dynasty of Ur, a mighty city-state in what is now southeastern Iraq, built a wall north of modern Baghdad 175 miles long, from the Euphrates across the Tigris to the Diyala. This wall, which one smart-aleck scholar recently suggested was intended to “make Sumer great again,” was built specifically to keep the Tidanu away. We know this because the Sumerian name of the wall literally translates into English as, “Amorite Wall That Keeps Tidanu Away.”

The problem for Ur was that it didn’t keep Tidanu away. More on that later.

So, the big question for scholars is this: Did the Amorites come from the middle of Syria, or did they come from northeastern Iraq/northwestern Iran? The answer may be “yes” to both.

Some scholars believe that Amorites, specifically the Tidanu/Ditanu, began migrating east from around Jebel Bishri sometime in the middle of the tThird mMillennium B.C., moving through northern Mesopotamia and northwest Iran before descending the Diyala Vvalley and entering Sumer from the north. Evidence suggests that Amorites lived farther east into what is now Iran than previously thought, possibly following their flocks through the mountains or setting up trading posts along routes that connected Sumer to people living east of Mesopotamia. Lapis lazuli, a blue stone prized in the ancient world, is still found mainly in northeast Afghanistan, and it was used in art and jewelry in Egypt as far back as 3700 B.C. Merchants hauling cargo through the mountains needed places to eat, sleep, and care for their donkeys, and it appears that some of those ancient caravan stops on the eastern edge of Mesopotamia may have been staffed by Amorites by the time of Abraham in the early second millennium B.C.

We’re limited in how far back we can trace the Amorites. While it’s clear that the Amorites had their own language, most of what we know about it comes from deciphering Amorite names. Almost all of the early written records from the places they lived are in Sumerian or Akkadian. For example, while the moon-god was called Nanna by Sumerians and Sîn by Akkadians, he was Yarikh to the Amorites. But when Amorites came to power across the Near East after 2000 B.C., government documents were still written in Sumerian or Akkadian, even in diplomatic messages sent to faraway countries like Hatti (the Hittites, who controlled most of modern Turkey) and Egypt. So, piecing together Amorite culture and history from tablets written in Amorite will probably never happen. Tracing their movements is only possible by identifying Amorite names in Akkadian and Sumerian records.

While it can’t be proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, evidence suggests that the cult of Kronos, king of the Titans, began where the Amorites were first identified. Stories of the old god did not originate in Greece. Instead, evidence firmly documents the earliest worship of Kronos in northern Mesopotamia (southern Turkey or northern Syria), and older circumstantial evidence points specifically to Jebel Bishri, exactly where the earliest Mesopotamian records place the Amorites.

At the risk of sounding like a television presenter (oh, wait—I am one), I have to ask It’s worth asking at this point: Is it possible that the Titans, called Watchers by the Hebrews, made an infernal bargain with the early Amorites? Was this why the Amorite kings who ruled nearly all the lands of the Bible in the days of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob traced their ancestry back to one Ditana, the legendary founder of the Tidanu/Ditanu tribe? Could this explain the pride of the Amorites who founded Babylon, whose magicians considered themselves masters of occult knowledge received from the spirit realm before the Flood? Is this why Amorite kings as late as the time of the judges in Israel summoned “the council of the Ditanu” from the netherworld through necromancy rituals?

More important: Is the child sacrifice demanded by the old god, Kronos (and his other identities, Saturn and Baal-Hammon), the reason the practice continues even today?

Almost five thousand years after they emerged onto the world stage, the iniquity of the Amorites is still not complete. The bad news is the Watchers/Titans were not the only gods they served.

By: Pastor Joshua Gwara Omolo, Kenya, Africa

Definition of social life
Three words are important here; Society, social life and relationship. A society is a group of
people that have common factors of life, and are therefore able to, not only co-exist, but also to
live together. The predominant factor of life they share here being culture. The fact that they
share the same culture empowers them to live in harmony in almost every aspect of life. That is
society. Many pastors are living in loneliness detached from the society and unable to feel the
Social life around them hence the reason All propastors international is addressing this
challenge by encouraging pastors to form champions table where they can defeat loneliness;
this is meant to empower them to master the individual’s manner of integration into the
society. Every man needs to understand and create an inbuilt capacity to correlate with each
member of the society and experience mutual benefit from the relationship
The perfect Relationship
Relationship on the other hand can be defined as, “the way in which two or more people or
groups regard and behave towards each other, and it is the state of being connected. God
never intended that any man should live in silos as it is the norm in many societies today
especially in the cities around the world. The book of psalm 133 clearly demonstrates the divine
benefits that can be achieved when people live together in unity, God pours his unprecedented
blessings in such kind of a fellowship beyond anyone’s’ imagination Allow me to say at this
point that the vast majority of the human population today is faced with the big problem of
broken relationship not only with fellow men but also with God the creator of Heaven and the
The society we are living in today has become largely dysfunctional due to multiple systemic
failures which can be attributed to the broken relationship between man and God. When God
created the first man Adam he said it is not good for man to be alone then Eve was created to
complement and social life of Adam in order to solve the challenge of loneliness by providing an
effective companionship and to enable them to reproduce
Every level of relationship in life has a specific mutual benefit which should be realized by both
parties involved. The intention of God the author of the perfect relationship was to empower
mankind to develop an effective social life which is also dependent on God’s divine
supernatural relation with Him God the father. Many failures in the life of mankind today can be directly or indirectly attributed to the broken relationship between man and God; it is for
this reason that Jesus the son of God came and died on the cross in order to restore back the
original relationship between man and God. Jesus died for us to show God’s greatest love for
mankind and to restore our relationship with Him (John 15:13). In Jesus, God has shown us how
much He loves us, even while we are still sinners. In Christ we are assured of His constant love
that will never fail; this is the solid foundation for our relationship with God
Four Steps to Redeem our Relationship with God

  1. Receive the Gift of God who is Jesus
    Our spiritual birth is the perfect point of mending our relationship with God the father (John
    3:3-8). We need to believe in our heart that Jesus son of God died on the cross for our sins and
    on the third day he resurrected from the dead, then confess with our mouth that Jesus is our
    lord then we receive salvation immediately (Romans 10:9-10). Our restored relationship with
    God is the beginning of our ongoing transformation into Christ likeness (2Cor 5:17). The perfect
    relationship with God leads to perfect relationship with men.
    Only God can redefine our dysfunctional relationships in the society today. Embracing other
    items in an attempt to fill the void of the broken relationship cannot suffice at all. Many people
    have chosen to fellowship with gadgets instead of fellow men, but still the void of loneliness
    remains. God is the author of perfect relationship and we must admit that He is the only one
    who can restore this broken relationship.
    Many other things like pets too cannot substitute the place of effective relationship with fellow
    men. There is nothing wrong keeping these animals but God’s original plan was for men to
    relate with fellow men in accordance to the Patten and guidelines given by the scriptures in the
    Bible. The ultimate goal in the whole mix of relationship is to establish eternal relationship with
    God, relationship that knows no barrier so much so that even death cannot conquer it.
    Definition of social life
    Social life is a relational ability with fellow man. Healthy social life is the ability to build a
    healthy relationship with fellow man. You build the kind of relationship that enhances the well-
    being of each party involved. Your relationship with fellow man is built in such a way that each
    party involved draws optimal destiny benefits. It is a relationship that enhances mutual benefit
    for everyone involved. That is a healthy relationship.
    Not all relationships carry mutual benefit. Many relationships we form with fellow men are
    platforms of being used, in the end, only the user benefits. Some are platforms of being abused.
    Abuse is abnormal use. And at times the relationships are platforms on which people use us for very wrong things. You meet a house wife whose husband has turned her into a punching bag.

That is abuse. And that is not a healthy relationship.
Giving as a building block towards a healthy relationship
God has provided a very elaborate and well detailed protocol on how to engage and build a
healthy relationship through the principle of giving. The culture of giving is the master key to
almost every success. One story share by all those deemed to be successful in the world today
and this cuts across the divide is giving.
Offer your body as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing unto God. This is your spiritual act of
worship. Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the
renewing of your mind (Romans 12:1). Since our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, God is
placing this non-negotiable terms and condition that His friends must surrender their bodies to
be owned and utilized for worship. Holiness is the act of individuals decision to separate
him/her self from any form of sinful indulgence, it is a choice deliberately made by the man of
faith to honor God with his body. The man of faith must learn to live according to the covenant
of the word. Failure to take this action of living a life full of sanctity is what is referred to
engaging in the patterns of the world. The world has its own culture and ways of doing thing.
Quiet often, the patterns of the worldly life is offensive to God because they are contrary to the
kingdom principles of living right with God.
The word of God says it more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35 – In everything I did, I
showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the word of the
Lord Jesus himself said; “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” But the hard reality today is
that the culture of giving is diminishing by the day in every culture.
America became a great Nation based on the platform of giving, but the culture is diminishing
each and every day and no wonder some other the Tigger nations are emerging with such a
great challenge to the economy of the USA. The newly formed BRICS alliance has but one
agenda to sideline the US Dollar in order to bring down the US economy.
The great funding for missionary works that used to flow from America to Africa has reduced
significantly and the many churches activities in the outreach ministries in African has also
reduced marginally, seminary colleges that used to sponsor theology courses are turning into
commercial training institutions in order to remain a float. The Bible is saying that we should
not grow tired in doing good because it will soon flow back to us (Ecclesiastes 11:1 – cast thy
bread in many waters: for thou shall find it after many days)
All these changes are sponsored by the new emerging trend of the culture of materialism
where people would want to be defined by the wealth they own instead of the God they

worship, hence this has broaden the gap between the rich and the poor. Many economies in
African countries today project a grim picture of inequality; a quick profile of a society where
1% of the population owns the 99% of the wealth in the land while the 99% population are left
to survive on 1% of the wealth in the country, what a big shame and what a negative contrast.
Healthy relationship can never exist in such unequal society where majority of people die of
hunger instead of disease. A healthy relationship is a platform for sustainable peace. Peace is a
relational state of being. It is a state in which conflict has no power to access and shake your
relationship. A relationship that is attaining the state of peace manifests in conflicts being less
frequent. But the intensity of the conflict is also less and less. It takes longer to experience the
next conflict.
A healthy relationship has friendship. The Greek word ‘philos’ from which we obtain the word
‘friend’ means associate.
Friendship as a building block towards a perfect relationship
A friend is someone you associate with. When couples are friends, they tend to always
associate with each other. They keep each other’s company. Not only do you associate
physically, you also do so internally. You easily divulge the secrets of your hearts to each other.
The purpose of champion’s table initiative by the All propastors international (APPI) is to enable
pastors to embrace this intimate level of fellowship of sharing the burdens with one another
just the way Jesus did with Peter, James and John. Learning to be compassionate and caring; is
quite a challenge but its rewarding.
This is what we see in John 15:15-16. In the beginning of this Scripture our Lord Jesus
announces to his disciples that he is the true vine and they are the branches. Then he speaks of
the need for the branches to abide in the vine. In vs 13 he says, “Greater love has no-one than
this, that he lay down his life for his friends” Then in this portion of scripture, he says,
I no-longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead I
have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my father I have made known to you.
You did not chose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit”
Abraham became a friend of God and he was accounted as righteous in the eyes of God. The
tag of friendship comes along with unmatched favor that opens many doors in life. Our Gog the
father of our Lord Jesus Christ is very much alive to this kingdom principle of friendship. And the
scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for
righteousness.” And he was called the friend of God (James 2:21=23). There are many gates
that God is will open in your life if only you cultivate and appreciate this kingdom principle. The
friendship pillar requires one to be sensitive of the need of the other party.

Friends will be careful not to venture into areas that can easily offend their counterparts.
Friendship requires serious investment of quality time and support; using every relevant
material that can add value to ensure that it remains sustainable. God is calling for effective
worship done in truth and in the spirit. You don’t need to be perfect to engage friendship with
God; God is the one who will make you perfect through sanctification. God does not call the
qualified but he qualifies the called ones and you can be a part of the called ones only by having
faith in God as earlier mentioned.
Affirmation as a building block towards effective relationship
True friends celebrate one another whenever there is achievement. Acknowledging the
strength in your friend is a key to winning confidence of that friend. Affirmation is one of the
good mannerisms in building friendship in a relationship that can stand the test of time.
Celebrate your fellow pastor by pointing out to him the area of his strength even as you
cultivate friendship in you champion’s table. Spouse need to learn to acknowledge the strength
in their partners and that will remain as a pillar of trust in their holy matrimony. Leaders need
to learn how to commend their followers in the areas where their performance has exceeded
Many parents have lost control of their children simply because they have never affirmed the
strength in their sons and daughters. In Mathew 3:17 – And a voice from heaven said, “This is
my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased” This was a land mark statement loud enough to
erase any fear of doubt or contradiction about the identity of Jesus and his relationship with
God the father. God himself spoke expressly without using any messenger to send a very strong
message to the world that Jesus is the son of God and that God id well pleased with him. Our
sons and daughters are in need of similar affirmation for them to manifest and project their
strength effective in their generation.
Every man on the planet is born with a special talent and unique gifting. The challenge we have
in the society is that people are trying to compare and compete with each other instead of
complementing one another. Often many people have been broken and their self-esteem
destroyed because this same mistake of unhealthy competition. God’s plan was to ensure that
his strength is revealed in our weakness and this is the reason why we need to learn on how
depend on God at all times. Spouses can only walk the long journey of marriage successfully
when they learn to discover and appreciate the strength in their partners. The culture of blame
game and finger pointing which is common in many marriages is one of the main factors that
have led to collapse in many marriage institutions.

Effective communication as a building block towards healthy relationship
Dialogue is a key factor in enhancing effective relationship because dispute and disagreement is
bound to occur where there are two or more people. Proper communication channels and
communication tools must be put in place to facilitate this process. Effective communication
must ensure that that there is feedback as a confirmation that the message has been received
properly. The language involved must be made simple and understandable by the parties
involved, it must also be structured in a manner that is should contain elements of respect to
the consumer or receiver. Some of the other extraneous factors that can hinder effective
communication may include environmental stress factor like illiteracy, hunger, diseases,
insecurity and uncontrolled external information.
Jesus warned his disciples to be weary of the dangers the disciples were to encounter. In
Mathew 10:16 – Behold, I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; therefore be as
shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. The message here was to prepare the disciples
psychologically so that they can be made ready for tough times ahead; it also contains
measures that the disciples were to apply in order to overcome the difficult situations they
were to encounter. The symbols used in the message (sheep, wolf, dove and snake) are to
create a clear and simple understanding of the hostility that would come their way.
The world around us is today has become more hostile to the people of God and the situation is
not going to get any better. The anti-Christ movements are now come out in the open to
declare that they do not want God. We believers must therefore come alive to this fact that we
need to engage the strategies of communications that were shared by Christ himself. We must
begin by establishing clear channels of communications in our households then escalate it to
the outer most parts of the world.
A good communicator must also learn first to be a good listener. Failure to listen to the
feedback can destroy a relationship. Believers often find themselves in this league where we
only want to speak to God all our thoughts and once we are done then we leave God’s presence
thinking that we are done with our prayers. Effective prayers must include listening to what
God is telling with regards to the petitions made before him. God is the one to determine the
final answer to our petitions hence the need to want to hear from Him. Parents must learn to
listen to their kids. The habit of treating kids like they must only follow what they have been
told to do without being given an opportunity to share their take is an outdated approach is
positive parenting.

  1. Admit that we are sinners
    The first step to restoration of the perfect relationship between men and Go is to admit that
    the life we are living is headed in the wrong direction. We must accept responsibility because of
    the bad choices we keep on making on daily basis. In the book of Luke 15:11-17, the prodigal
    son made a choice to detach himself from the father; we need to acknowledge the sins that
    separates us from God the father (Romans 3:23) and its penalty of death. But for many of us it
    is very difficult to come to this conclusion of admitting our sins, and we tend to hide or blame
    others for our sins as did Adam. We still try to convince ourselves that life is good even on the
    face of this massive failure we can see in our society today. Admitting our mistakes like the
    prodigal son is the first step to restoration of our relationship with God.
  2. Return to God in repentance
    We need to climb down from our ivory towers with a repentant, humble attitude rather than
    hiding and covering (Acts 3:19; Genesis 3:10; Isaiah 59:2). Returning to God through confession
    and asking for forgiveness of our sins removes the sin that blocks our relationship with Him.
    When we confess our sins before God he promises to forgive us (John 1:9), and forgiveness is
    what restores relationship that has been broken. The prodigal son did not just plan to get his
    relationship right with his father but he practically took a step and returned back to the father.
    Many people keep on with procrastination of their step to returning to God by harboring many
    unnecessary excuses. God is saying in the book of 2Corinthians 6:2 – “In acceptable time I have
    heard you, And in the day of salvation I have helped you,” Behold, now is the accepted time;
    behold now. The prodigal son humbly acknowledged, “I am not worthy to be called your son”
    (Luke 15:19). He was simply acknowledging that he did not deserve anything from the father.
    This is the kind of spirit that we need to wear for us to return back to God
  3. Recognize that God will lovingly welcome us home
    No matter how far we have gone, our loving God the father of our Lord Jesus Christ welcomes
    us home. There are seven things that the father does in the story of the prodigal son – looking,
    running, kissing, giving clothing and ring and sandals, and throwing a feast (Luke 15:20-24).

These acts are a clear illustration of the heavenly father’s love for sinners. The story of the prodigal son gives us a clear picture of our heavenly father who is always ready to forgive all sins no matter how deep they may seem to be. In Isaiah 1:8 – God says, “Come now, let us
reason together,” says the Lord though your sin are like scarlet, they will be as white as snow.
He is a compassionate and loving father who runs towards us to give us a hug. Let us embrace
this unmatched love. Let each one of us consider this outpouring love of God so that we may
receive of His great salvation.

  1. Receive the Gift of God who is Jesus
    Our spiritual birth is the perfect point of mending our relationship with God the father (John
    3:3-8). We need to believe in our heart that Jesus son of God died on the cross for our sins and
    on the third day he resurrected from the dead, then confess with our mouth that Jesus is our
    lord then we receive salvation immediately (Romans 10:9-10). Our restored relationship with
    God is the beginning of our ongoing transformation into Christ likeness (2Cor 5:17). The perfect
    relationship with God leads to perfect relationship with men.
    Only God can redefine our dysfunctional relationships in the society today. Embracing other
    items in an attempt to fill the void of the broken relationship cannot suffice at all. Many people
    have chosen to fellowship with gadgets instead of fellow men, but still the void of loneliness
    remains. God is the author of perfect relationship and we must admit that He is the only one
    who can restore this broken relationship.
    Many other things like pets too cannot substitute the place of effective relationship with fellow
    men. There is nothing wrong keeping these animals but God’s original plan was for men to
    relate with fellow men in accordance to the Patten and guidelines given by the scriptures in the
    Bible. The ultimate goal in the whole mix of relationship is to establish eternal relationship with
    God, relationship that knows no barrier so much so that even death cannot conquer it.
    Definition of social life
    Social life is a relational ability with fellow man. Healthy social life is the ability to build a
    healthy relationship with fellow man. You build the kind of relationship that enhances the well-
    being of each party involved. Your relationship with fellow man is built in such a way that each
    party involved draws optimal destiny benefits. It is a relationship that enhances mutual benefit
    for everyone involved. That is a healthy relationship.
    Not all relationships carry mutual benefit. Many relationships we form with fellow men are
    platforms of being used, in the end, only the user benefits. Some are platforms of being abused.
    Abuse is abnormal use. And at times the relationships are platforms on which people use us for very wrong things. You meet a house wife whose husband has turned her into a punching bag.

That is abuse. And that is not a healthy relationship.
Giving as a building block towards a healthy relationship
God has provided a very elaborate and well detailed protocol on how to engage and build a
healthy relationship through the principle of giving. The culture of giving is the master key to
almost every success. One story share by all those deemed to be successful in the world today
and this cuts across the divide is giving.
Offer your body as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing unto God. This is your spiritual act of
worship. Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the
renewing of your mind (Romans 12:1). Since our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, God is
placing this non-negotiable terms and condition that His friends must surrender their bodies to
be owned and utilized for worship. Holiness is the act of individuals decision to separate
him/her self from any form of sinful indulgence, it is a choice deliberately made by the man of
faith to honor God with his body. The man of faith must learn to live according to the covenant
of the word. Failure to take this action of living a life full of sanctity is what is referred to
engaging in the patterns of the world. The world has its own culture and ways of doing thing.
Quiet often, the patterns of the worldly life is offensive to God because they are contrary to the
kingdom principles of living right with God.
The word of God says it more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35 – In everything I did, I
showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the word of the
Lord Jesus himself said; “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” But the hard reality today is
that the culture of giving is diminishing by the day in every culture.
America became a great Nation based on the platform of giving, but the culture is diminishing
each and every day and no wonder some other the Tigger nations are emerging with such a
great challenge to the economy of the USA. The newly formed BRICS alliance has but one
agenda to sideline the US Dollar in order to bring down the US economy.
The great funding for missionary works that used to flow from America to Africa has reduced
significantly and the many churches activities in the outreach ministries in African has also
reduced marginally, seminary colleges that used to sponsor theology courses are turning into
commercial training institutions in order to remain a float. The Bible is saying that we should
not grow tired in doing good because it will soon flow back to us (Ecclesiastes 11:1 – cast thy
bread in many waters: for thou shall find it after many days)
All these changes are sponsored by the new emerging trend of the culture of materialism
where people would want to be defined by the wealth they own instead of the God they

worship, hence this has broaden the gap between the rich and the poor. Many economies in
African countries today project a grim picture of inequality; a quick profile of a society where
1% of the population owns the 99% of the wealth in the land while the 99% population are left
to survive on 1% of the wealth in the country, what a big shame and what a negative contrast.
Healthy relationship can never exist in such unequal society where majority of people die of
hunger instead of disease. A healthy relationship is a platform for sustainable peace. Peace is a
relational state of being. It is a state in which conflict has no power to access and shake your
relationship. A relationship that is attaining the state of peace manifests in conflicts being less
frequent. But the intensity of the conflict is also less and less. It takes longer to experience the
next conflict.
A healthy relationship has friendship. The Greek word ‘philos’ from which we obtain the word
‘friend’ means associate.
Friendship as a building block towards a perfect relationship
A friend is someone you associate with. When couples are friends, they tend to always
associate with each other. They keep each other’s company. Not only do you associate
physically, you also do so internally. You easily divulge the secrets of your hearts to each other.
The purpose of champion’s table initiative by the All propastors international (APPI) is to enable
pastors to embrace this intimate level of fellowship of sharing the burdens with one another
just the way Jesus did with Peter, James and John. Learning to be compassionate and caring; is
quite a challenge but its rewarding.
This is what we see in John 15:15-16. In the beginning of this Scripture our Lord Jesus
announces to his disciples that he is the true vine and they are the branches. Then he speaks of
the need for the branches to abide in the vine. In vs 13 he says, “Greater love has no-one than
this, that he lay down his life for his friends” Then in this portion of scripture, he says,
I no-longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead I
have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my father I have made known to you.
You did not chose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit”
Abraham became a friend of God and he was accounted as righteous in the eyes of God. The
tag of friendship comes along with unmatched favor that opens many doors in life. Our Gog the
father of our Lord Jesus Christ is very much alive to this kingdom principle of friendship. And the
scripture was fulfilled which says, “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for
righteousness.” And he was called the friend of God (James 2:21=23). There are many gates
that God is will open in your life if only you cultivate and appreciate this kingdom principle. The
friendship pillar requires one to be sensitive of the need of the other party.

Friends will be careful not to venture into areas that can easily offend their counterparts.
Friendship requires serious investment of quality time and support; using every relevant
material that can add value to ensure that it remains sustainable. God is calling for effective
worship done in truth and in the spirit. You don’t need to be perfect to engage friendship with
God; God is the one who will make you perfect through sanctification. God does not call the
qualified but he qualifies the called ones and you can be a part of the called ones only by having
faith in God as earlier mentioned.
Affirmation as a building block towards effective relationship
True friends celebrate one another whenever there is achievement. Acknowledging the
strength in your friend is a key to winning confidence of that friend. Affirmation is one of the
good mannerisms in building friendship in a relationship that can stand the test of time.
Celebrate your fellow pastor by pointing out to him the area of his strength even as you
cultivate friendship in you champion’s table. Spouse need to learn to acknowledge the strength
in their partners and that will remain as a pillar of trust in their holy matrimony. Leaders need
to learn how to commend their followers in the areas where their performance has exceeded
Many parents have lost control of their children simply because they have never affirmed the
strength in their sons and daughters. In Mathew 3:17 – And a voice from heaven said, “This is
my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased” This was a land mark statement loud enough to
erase any fear of doubt or contradiction about the identity of Jesus and his relationship with
God the father. God himself spoke expressly without using any messenger to send a very strong
message to the world that Jesus is the son of God and that God id well pleased with him. Our
sons and daughters are in need of similar affirmation for them to manifest and project their
strength effective in their generation.
Every man on the planet is born with a special talent and unique gifting. The challenge we have
in the society is that people are trying to compare and compete with each other instead of
complementing one another. Often many people have been broken and their self-esteem
destroyed because this same mistake of unhealthy competition. God’s plan was to ensure that
his strength is revealed in our weakness and this is the reason why we need to learn on how
depend on God at all times. Spouses can only walk the long journey of marriage successfully
when they learn to discover and appreciate the strength in their partners. The culture of blame
game and finger pointing which is common in many marriages is one of the main factors that
have led to collapse in many marriage institutions.

Effective communication as a building block towards healthy relationship
Dialogue is a key factor in enhancing effective relationship because dispute and disagreement is
bound to occur where there are two or more people. Proper communication channels and
communication tools must be put in place to facilitate this process. Effective communication
must ensure that that there is feedback as a confirmation that the message has been received
properly. The language involved must be made simple and understandable by the parties
involved, it must also be structured in a manner that is should contain elements of respect to
the consumer or receiver. Some of the other extraneous factors that can hinder effective
communication may include environmental stress factor like illiteracy, hunger, diseases,
insecurity and uncontrolled external information.
Jesus warned his disciples to be weary of the dangers the disciples were to encounter. In
Mathew 10:16 – Behold, I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; therefore be as
shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. The message here was to prepare the disciples
psychologically so that they can be made ready for tough times ahead; it also contains
measures that the disciples were to apply in order to overcome the difficult situations they
were to encounter. The symbols used in the message (sheep, wolf, dove and snake) are to
create a clear and simple understanding of the hostility that would come their way.
The world around us is today has become more hostile to the people of God and the situation is
not going to get any better. The anti-Christ movements are now come out in the open to
declare that they do not want God. We believers must therefore come alive to this fact that we
need to engage the strategies of communications that were shared by Christ himself. We must
begin by establishing clear channels of communications in our households then escalate it to
the outer most parts of the world.
A good communicator must also learn first to be a good listener. Failure to listen to the
feedback can destroy a relationship. Believers often find themselves in this league where we
only want to speak to God all our thoughts and once we are done then we leave God’s presence
thinking that we are done with our prayers. Effective prayers must include listening to what
God is telling with regards to the petitions made before him. God is the one to determine the
final answer to our petitions hence the need to want to hear from Him. Parents must learn to
listen to their kids. The habit of treating kids like they must only follow what they have been
told to do without being given an opportunity to share their take is an outdated approach is
positive parenting.

In our day where technology seems to take us almost anywhere by the click of a button. We want to invite you to an extraordinary event that will take you back in time to a bigger than life experience. On September 18 and 19th the full length feature movie “Route 60, The Biblical Highway” opens in theaters all across America.

Seeing this beautifully produced movie in Israel by TBN on the big screen is second to only being there in person. Linda and I have been to Israel and “Route 60” takes us on a journey where few are able to visit. With our hosts Mike Pompeo and David Friedman we are able to travel on the screen to places as special guests of Israel. All of these locations are rich in the history of our Judeo Christian heritage.

As I was watching the screening we were honored to see, it actually brought clarity to me about locations that we read about in the Bible. This movie brings to life where Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and many of our heroes and prophets walked. We go with them to where Jesus lived and ministered to the masses. Mike Pompeo and David Friedman bring together the connection of Jews and Christians and how we are blessed to have such a common history.

The cinematography is absolutely gorgeous and you will feel as if you are right beside them. Stepping into the past has never been easier and we are certain that even if you have visited Israel many times “Route 60, The Biblical Highway” will take you places and share some history you have never seen.

David Friedman as our former Ambassador to Israel and Mike Pompeo as a former Secretary of State were given this special opportunity to travel and see these historic landmarks and thanks to TBN and Mathew and Laurie Crouch we are able to join them.

Let us encourage you get your tickets early as we expect it to sell out everywhere.

Click Here to watch the Trailer!

Special Note: Our APPI Team wrote all of the Study Resources for “Route 60, The Biblical Highway”

By: Eric Metexas

After hearing and meeting Eric Metexas at a Pastors conference in Nashville earlier this year, Linda and I knew we had to get his books. “Letter to the American Church” is a powerfully written detailed comparison of what is happening in America as compared to Nazi Germany as Hitler took over. This compelling book takes you on a journey of how the church was or wasn’t involved in the Nazi takeover. Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer is the central figure working to awaken the Pastors/churches to what was happening.

This book is full of scripture and actually points out God’s expectations of each of us who are Christians. Metexas wrote a biography on Bonhoeffer’s life and this book pulls out some of the turning points of his life and Germany that should have and could have turned out much differently.

Pastors, this should give you some very teachable points to be shared with your congregations. The book actually starts with, “What is the Church”? Some of the chapters are: The Spiral of Silence, Two Errors of Faith, The Church Paralyzed, and Be Ye Not Political to name a few.

Metexas asks many thought provoking questions that every Patriot Christian should be asking themselves. He challenges Pastors to not invite satanic forces to take over the church while taking over the country by simply turning your back and pretending it will go away!

Letter to the American Church should be read by every pastor in America! If you are not a pastor please buy one for yours and challenge that it be read and give you feedback!

I am Passionate about seeing everyone come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior and I am also passionate that we must do everything possible to protect the freedom we have in America to share His message and worship openly!

I rate this as a 5 star book!

Wow! “Live Like a Champion” is a book that will help you stretch and be challenged to all God has created you to be! Dr. Jerry Ingalls, Pastor, National Champion Athlete, US Olympian, Author and so much more, has packed into his latest book the basic steps God has ordained for each of us to follow to become His Champions!

He has masterfully written from a Champion Athletes perspective what it takes for anyone to become a true Champion. The disciplines he lines out are taken directly from God’s Word. The instructions he has laid out covers a 40 day challenge that every Pastor should embrace and utilize to make Champion Disciples.

Dr. Ingalls presents God as our Coach and us as Athletes in training. He even identifies where the Bible uses this comparison in easy to understand examples.

As a National Champion representing the United States he shares stories of success and falling short, but most of all how he learned from each life experience.

Pastors and Leaders, I respectfully invite you(challenge you) to join me as I embrace “Live Like a Champion Today” as our 2023 discipline. I ask you to take the 40 day challenge as outlined in the book. I also challenge you to create a “Champions Table” that will hold you accountable and be your encouragers too. In the book we see God as the Coach but we also see the importance of teammates and unity.

Live Like a Champion Today” is easy to read and understand but it will take some discipline to finish the challenge strong!

This year we are praying that Pastors all across America will have the courage to join our Table of Champions network and start their own Champions Table. What about you? This powerful book could be your ticket to changing you and your life forever. Embrace the challenge to be a true Champion for your spouse, your children, your church and community and most of all your Lord Jesus Christ!

To learn more visit here!

“Left Behind, Rise of the AntiChrist” is based on a true story! (coming our way soon)The Bible states that there will be a sudden and unexpected Vanishing (or Rapturing) away of millions of people some day. It talks about specific deceptions that will take place and the masses will be fooled or frightened into believing anything. The Bible also tells of a Global government that will rule and a powerful leader will captivate nearly everyone. In this movie the antichrist is introduced in a very realistic and terrifying way. It is done in a way to shake everyone up, it needs to seen by everyone!

Left Behind, Rise of the AntiChrist, will bring you to the edge of your seat as you see that what is happening today can clearly be seen as the fulfilling of biblical prophesy. But how will our unbelieving friends and family learn and accept this as truth? This movie takes us on a journey with several individuals who share in this same doubt. Some of them are agnostic or atheistic in their attitudes and are left with many unanswered questions after the vanishings. Our main characters, Buck, Ray, Chloe and Pastor Bruce Barnes each have to deal with the lies and deceptions being thrown at them as well as their personal search for the real truth. Each of them had heard the truth before and rejected it! Many of our friends and relatives are exactly like Ray, Buck and Chloe. They have heard about God and been to church but have still rejected Christ. Each one of our movie characters, including a pastor, has to now face reality!

This movie is action packed with high energy and a powerful thought provoking storyline that no one can ignore! Left Behind is entertaining yet has the most important message in the world. As a pastor and ministry we want to encourage you to make this your opportunity to take family and friends even your entire church to watch this movie. Use it as a special outreach to your community.

Pastors, it is the perfect time to preach on the return of Jesus and how that will look? Take the opportunity to have small group discussions breaking down parts of the movie and see how it lines up with God’s word. Many people will have questions after seeing it. Be prepared to answer and introduce them to Christ. Start looking in the website: for Resources and Sermon ideas.

If at all possible buy out an entire theater in your town. This not only encourages your church to come and bring a friend but it is a testimony to the theater owners about what Christians are looking for.

You may ask, why are you doing this? Truth is, we don’t want you or anyone Left Behind!

What about you? Watch the Trailer Here!