
By: Dr Kevan Kruse

Special Note: The subject matter of this article has caused much debate in the Christian community. As a ministry we try to provide content that might help you and educate you regarding a variety of these type subjects. Please review and pray about every article that we offer. Thank you very much.

Paul Pickern

Part 1- John 8:32

Goal: To Show how “The Truth” of what Jesus would have done in the face of a Pandemic will set us free.

1) Jesus is the Way, The Life, and The Truth (John 4:6)

2) The truth will set us free. (John 8:32)

3) But those who seek shall find. (Matt 7:8)

4) Even God’s people can perish for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6.

Loving the Truth Is Part of Loving God.

Loving truth is loving reality, embracing our situation, understanding our enemies, and not allowing Satan to take away the joy of our salvation.

  • 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. For this reason, God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness. (BSB)

God’s Promises Regarding Truth

•       Seek and you shall find. – but there may also be some asking and knocking involved. (Matt 7:8)

•       Verse: Ask and you shall receive, Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be opened to you

•       God’s children will be able to know the truth and the truth will set them free. (John 8:32)

•       God’s people can perish for lack of knowledge. – Hosea 4:6

We Were Destined To Be a Culture of Truth Seekers

•       Acts 17:11 – Now the Berean’s were more noble-minded than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if these teachings were true. BSB

 Why Is Truth So Important?

Because Deception Is the Signature of Satan and the “End Times.”

  • Mark 13:22 – For false Christ’s and false prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. (NKJV) The number one sign of the times is deception.
  • The reason why it is impossible to deceive the very elect is because they have remained “In Christ” and in the truth.
  • The truth of what we believe is the biggest factor in making a good decision.

A Culture of Truth Versus a Culture of Deception

  • Review: “Mass Formation Psychosis” & Cognitive Dissonance
  • We cannot commit to any leader we already have one and his name is Jesus.
  • When we fail to seek or address the truth on any matter, we are allowing Satan to have dominion over that area.
  • Satan will always use lies to form the construct a prison full of hate, slavery and Bondage.

Question: Were God’s people kept in slavery, bondage and fear needlessly during this supposed pandemic?

Top 10 Covid Deceptions

# 1: The CDC Changed the Rules

Vital Statistics Reporting Guidance – Report No. 3 ▪ April 2020

Guidance for Certifying Deaths Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID–19)

  • The change allowed for Covid to be listed as the cause-of-death whether it was confirmed or suspected.
  • Previously, death certificates could not be based upon suspicion.
  • The change allowed for an “active” or immediate condition to supersede the normal procedure of using the “underlying condition” as the (line a) cause of death.
  • The active condition was always Covid and it allowed for people with heart disease, cancer, and even car accidents to legally list Covid as the cause of death.
  • These rule changes make it impossible to compare Covid to other calendar diseases because they changed the way they counted deaths.

# 2: A Covid Diagnosis Was Given Significant Monetary Incentives

CDC director agrees hospitals have monetary incentive to inflate COVID-19 data

Hospitals were paid $13,000 per person if they were admitted as a COVID case, and another $39,000 for every patient put on a ventilator.”


# 3: The Covid Numbers Are Inflated

Fauci admits Covid hospitalization numbers are inflated.

  • Play Video:

Democrat Governor Admits COVID Hospitalization May Be Inflated By 50%, Makes Move To Change Count


New York Times issues correction after egregiously exaggerating coronavirus child hospitalizations

  • Just how far did they overestimate the number of child Covid hospitalizations: 900,000 was decreased to 63,000

Rhoda Wilson, BREAKING: NHS Director confirms Hospitals lied about Cause of Death to create illusion of COVID Pandemic


Another Example Of The Numbers Being Inflated

CDC Says It Accidentally Inflated Children’s COVID Death Numbers In ‘Coding Logic Error’

  • “An adjustment was made to COVID Data Tracker’s mortality data on March 14 involving the removal of 72,277 — including 416 pediatric deaths — deaths previously reported across 26 states because CDC’s algorithm was accidentally counting deaths that were not COVID-19-related,” Jasmine Reed, a spokesperson for the CDC, told the Washington Examiner


# 4: Is Covid Statistically Different Than Other Respiratory Diseases?

In the 2017-2018 flu season 2.56 million people died from pneumonia in 6 to 8 months. How long did it take Covid-19 to reach the same figures? Answer: closer to 14 months.

  • This did not include pneumonia, which could be another 400-600 thousand deaths.

The world suffered 1.88 million COVID deaths in 2020.

Is Covid Statistically Different Than the Flu in Children?

The Wall Street Journal admits: The Flimsy Evidence Behind the CDC’s Push to Vaccinate Children By The Wall Street Journal

  • the evidence behind vaccinating our children is flimsy at best.
  • For example, did you know that according to the CDC, only 335 children have died from Covid from its inception to July of 2021?
  • Depending on when you officially say Covid arrived in the US, that means 16.75 to 19.7 kids died per month. (see article below)
  • To put that in perspective, up to 16.6 kids per month have died from the flu.
  • They also won’t consider if one shot is sufficient.

We have run out of time, but next week we will be talking about the problems with the PCR test.


  • Already, most of us feel polarized by what we have heard so far.
  • Remember, be like the Berean’s – a culture of truth seekers.
  • Be open, but search for the truth.
  • Remain relational by remaining in Christ.
  • Only in Christ can we have peace.
  • Remember what love will not do, which is take away our choices.
  • Do not disconnect from people you disagree with,

Bottom Line:

  • Was the unanimous truth being presented by our government and media regarding Covid-19 actually true?
  • Did they harm the church and God’s people by causing needless closings, threats, fear, and religious discrimination?
  • I believe that when we end this series, the answer to these questions will be an unequivocable yes!
  • The Truth of Covid Can Set Us Free, as well as Reveal Our Enemy!

By: Eric Metexas

After hearing and meeting Eric Metexas at a Pastors conference in Nashville earlier this year, Linda and I knew we had to get his books. “Letter to the American Church” is a powerfully written detailed comparison of what is happening in America as compared to Nazi Germany as Hitler took over. This compelling book takes you on a journey of how the church was or wasn’t involved in the Nazi takeover. Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer is the central figure working to awaken the Pastors/churches to what was happening.

This book is full of scripture and actually points out God’s expectations of each of us who are Christians. Metexas wrote a biography on Bonhoeffer’s life and this book pulls out some of the turning points of his life and Germany that should have and could have turned out much differently.

Pastors, this should give you some very teachable points to be shared with your congregations. The book actually starts with, “What is the Church”? Some of the chapters are: The Spiral of Silence, Two Errors of Faith, The Church Paralyzed, and Be Ye Not Political to name a few.

Metexas asks many thought provoking questions that every Patriot Christian should be asking themselves. He challenges Pastors to not invite satanic forces to take over the church while taking over the country by simply turning your back and pretending it will go away!

Letter to the American Church should be read by every pastor in America! If you are not a pastor please buy one for yours and challenge that it be read and give you feedback!

I am Passionate about seeing everyone come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior and I am also passionate that we must do everything possible to protect the freedom we have in America to share His message and worship openly!

I rate this as a 5 star book!

Until you see something in vivid living color you just can’t get the full picture. It is nothing like a news item or breakroom table talk. Linda and I have had the privilege to watch a private screening of the movie “Sound of Freedom” starring Jim Caviezel. He plays Tim Ballard a Homeland Security Agent who leaves his job to rescue children from sex trafficking. This heartbreaking true story put a new meaning to the statement sex trafficking for both of us! The movie takes you deep into South America into the dark world that is real for thousands of children. Then it brings us to our own backyard. Get ready to be glued to the screen and your heart beating out of your chest!

On July 4th this movie opens on screens all across the country and many in Hollywood have literally fought against its release. When you see the conditions of these children and the attitudes of the criminals regarding them you will be Shocked! Let us warn you, it is happening near you, guaranteed!

Linda and I want to humbly and boldly ask you to go and see this movie and if possible take a group. No this is not a Christian movie with a gospel message. What it is, is another wake-up call to the church and its leaders to see what is happening to the children and families in your community!

There are so many areas Pastors and Ministers choose to be silent on, if you are silent on this one perhaps you should rethink what you stand for and who do you really serve. We love our Pastors but the church and these children need Shepherds who will defend them and fight for them just like David did when he fought a lion and a bear who came after his sheep. Praise God for you who do stand and fight and are not afraid of the enemies who are attacking your sheep!

This is a powerful movie in which Jim Caviezel said it is the most important movie he has ever been in second only to “The Passion of the Christ” where he played the role of Jesus.

Now watch this movie trailers and order your tickets: Sound of Freedom Get Tickets Now

There are more people in slavery today than anytime in history. Sex trafficking is a 150 Billion Dollar a year industry and the USA is one of the top customers!

The famous Roswell UFO crash in 1947 was either an extraterrestrial craft (which I do not believe) or it was an advanced project of the United States military. Either way, it didn’t benefit the government of the United States to tell the truth. If it was an ETI, then the Pentagon certainly didn’t want to share the technology it might harvest from an alien spaceship with other nations, and if it was a secret project, then for sure the military didn’t want Russia to know about it.

And if it was a secret project employing Nazi scientists smuggled into America via Operation Paperclip just two years after the end of World War 2, then the United States government certainly didn’t want American taxpayers to know about it!1

Deception in war is a very old art, going back at least to the time of the great Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu. During the Second World War, the Pentagon created a task force called Joint Security Command to preserve secrecy around planned military operations.

Joint Security Control (JSC) was founded during WW2 as the US deception planning counterpart to the British deception organization knows as the London Controlling Section (LCS). Together, JSC and LCS perfected the art of strategic wartime deception, initially in North Africa but then throughout the theater of the European war, including the deception planning that contributed to the success of D-Day. […]

In May of 1947, JSC received a revised charter, one that authorized it to continue its deception mission not just under wartime conditions but also during times of peace. JSC was tasked with preventing important military information from falling into the hands of the enemy, to control classified information through proper security classification, to correlate, maintain and disseminate all of the information furnished to JSC by the War and Navy Department Bureau of Public Relations, and finally the very important mission of cover and deception planning and implementation.2

Note that the JSC’s revised charter was issued less than two months before the UFO outbreak of June-July 1947, which included the Roswell crash. A declassified FBI memo dated July 21, 1947 related how a Colonel Carl Goldbranson of the War Department’s Intelligence Division had sent a telegram on July 5 to Army Air Force Major Paul Gaynor, a public relations officer, advising him to contact “[blacked out] Illinois who may have important information concerning [UFOs’] origin.”3 Major Gaynor had been quoted in a United Press story dated July 3 as saying the AAF had dropped its investigation into flying saucers because of a lack of concrete evidence.4

Independent researcher and author James Carrion, a former international director of the Mutual UFO Network, a former signals intelligence analyst for the U.S. Army, and an IT manager, has established that Col. Goldbranson was a member of the JSC since at least 1943, specifically working on “Cover, Deception, and Task Force Security.”5 The July 21 memo is important because it documents that a member of a military unit responsible for strategic deception, operating just below the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had asked the FBI to investigate UFO reports.

And thus we have FBI agent Guy Banister sending telexes marked SM-X to Bureau Director J. Edgar Hoover.

If, as I believe, the ET hypothesis is the least likely explanation for the wave of modern UFO sightings that began in the summer of 1947, then the motives of intelligence agencies to spin a compelling cover story become clear. Blaming odd lights and strange shapes in the sky on an extraterrestrial intelligence gets curious eyes looking at a target as far removed from the government as one can get. Is it better for the government for the public to believe that we’re being visited by ETIs or for word to get around about tests on a new supersonic fighter/bomber/drone?

Cases like the Paul Bennewitz affair, where a businessman whose company supplied equipment to the US Air Force was fed bogus information by an agent of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations to convince him that Earth was being colonized by aliens working from an underground base near Dulce, New Mexico, only highlight the impact the intelligence community has had on the UFO phenomenon over the last seventy years.

Bennewitz was a physicist by training. He lived in New Mexico within sight of Kirtland Air Force Base, home to the Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility, and Sandia National Labs, a research site that mainly tests non-nuclear components of nuclear weapons.

In the late 1970s, Bennewitz became convinced that the strange lights in the sky over Kirtland were the advance team of a race of hostile aliens preparing to invade. He began using his skills as a physicist and an inventor to monitor strange radio emissions from Kirtland.

More significantly, he began writing letters to people that he thought should know what was happening in New Mexico. This brought him to the attention of the United States government and its military. Apparently, there was concern that someone as bright as Bennewitz might unintentionally expose something the Pentagon didn’t want the Kremlin to know. So, the Air Force Office of Special Investigations got involved.6

Having learned the essential parts of Bennewitz’s theories—very ironically from the man himself, by actually breaking into his home while he was out and checking his files and research notes—that aliens were mutilating cattle as part of some weird medical experiment; that they were abducting American citizens and implanting them with devices for purposes unknown; that those same aliens were living deep underground in a secure fortress at Dulce, New Mexico; and that we were all very soon going to be in deep and dire trouble as a direct result of the presence of this brewing, intergalactic threat, the Air Force gave Bennewitz precisely what he was looking for – confirmation that his theories were all true, and more.

Of course, this was all just a carefully-planned ruse to bombard Bennewitz with so much faked UFO data in the hope that it would steer him away from the classified military projects of a non-UFO nature that he had uncovered. And, indeed, it worked.

When Bennewitz received conformation (albeit carefully controlled and utterly fabricated confirmation) that, yes, he had stumbled upon the horrible truth and that, yes, there really was an alien base deep below Dulce, the actions of the Intelligence community had the desired effect: Bennewitz became increasingly paranoid and unstable, and he began looking away from Kirtland (the hub of the secrets that had to be kept) and harmlessly towards the vicinity of Dulce, where his actions, research, and theories could be carefully controlled and manipulated by the Government.7

No, Virginia, there is no underground alien base at Dulce. It’s a government PSYOP. (Or rather, a MISO—Military Intelligence Support Operation is now the preferred term.) Paul Bennewitz was gaslighted by the AFOSI with the help of prominent ufologist William Moore, co-author of the first major book on the Roswell phenomenon, 1980’s The Roswell Incident. Moore admitted to his role in the Bennewitz affair in a presentation to the 1989 MUFON national convention, but he justified it by claiming he’d used the opportunity to search for information that might expose government knowledge about the alien origin of UFOs—to work as a double agent, in other words.8

Oddly enough, this revelation only reinforced the faith of true believers in the ETI meme. The government wouldn’t try to discredit a prominent ufologist like Paul Bennewitz if he wasn’t on to something extraterrestrial, would they?

Yes, it would. What Bennewitz was investigating had more to do with Russians than aliens.

The government deception worked beautifully. Not only did it distract attention from whatever the Air Force wanted to keep hidden at Kirtland AFB, it established the underground Dulce base as a fixture in UFO lore.

To be blunt, the UFO research community has assisted this deception by being willing dupes. The low standard of evidence required for wide acceptance makes it easy for stories like the Dulce base to spread. French researcher Jacques Vallee illustrated this point in his 1991 book Revelations: Alien Contact and Human Deception.

“Why doesn’t anybody know about [Dulce]?” I asked.

“It’s underground, hidden in the desert. You can’t see it.”

“How large is it?”

“The size of Manhattan.”

“Who takes out the garbage?”

The group looked at me in shock. There is a certain unwritten etiquette one is supposed to follow when crashed saucers and government secrecy are discussed; you must not ask where the information comes from, because informants’ lives would be in danger, presumably from hired assassins paid by the Pentagon, the kind who try to hit the tires of fully-loaded gasoline trucks speeding through refineries. And you are not supposed to point out contradictions in the stories. Questions must always be directed at the higher topics, such as the philosophy of the aliens, or their purpose in the universe—not the practical details of their existence. In other words, it is not done to ask any question that has a plain, verifiable answer.9

Valee’s point has been ignored for thirty years. The fact that the heat signature of an underground base the size of Manhattan would be visible to relatively low-tech commercial satellites is no match for the simple fact that many in the UFO community, like the character Fox Mulder in the iconic sci-fi series The X-Files, simply want to believe.

But what about the multitude of contactees and abductees? Surely, not all of their cases are fake.

True enough. But, in most cases, it appears their stories stem from emotional or psychological issues that have nothing to do with the existence of ETIs. Sadly, rather than getting help to deal with their problems, some of which are rooted in trauma, they are exploited by true believers because it supports the desired narrative—that Earth is a favored destination by advanced races of extraterrestrials.

More on that next month.

  1. Which is a plausible scenario. See “The 1947 Roswell UFO Crash,”, retrieved 8/11/17.
  2. Carrion, James. “Human Deception at Play during the UFO Wave of 1947.” August 20, 2016., retrieved 8/11/17.
  3. Ibid.
  4. “AAF Drops Flying Disc Probe For Lack of Evidence.” The Waco News-Tribune, July 4, 1947, p. 3.
  5. Carrion, op. cit.
  6. Coppens, Philip. “Driving Mr. Bennewitz Insane.”, retrieved 8/23/17.
  7. Redfern, Nick (2012). “UFOs: The Project Beta Scandal.” Mysterious Universe. Retrieved 8/22/17.
  8. Donovan, B. W. (2011). Conspiracy films: a tour of dark places in the American conscious. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, pp. 104-105.
  9. Vallee, J. (1991). Revelations: alien contact and human deception. New York: Ballantine Books, p. 53.

I recently read this book named “The God who Hung on the Cross. There was no way to know what to expect. The life and ministry work of Dois Rosser are revealed in such graphic detail that I want to ask everyone of you to find it and read it.

Many people complain that they are to old to get involved or start a ministry, Dois was in his 70’s and has built over 12,000 churches throughout the world. He has traveled into many life threatening situations and time after time God miraculously turned the tide on the enemy.

Sometimes pastors and churches are seriously looking for how to get involved in reaching the world for Christ but they just don’t know who they can trust with their money or they want more hands on involvement. This book will take you through several adventures that you will feel a part of as you explore it page by page. I feel certain your questions will be answered.

Friends, this book reveals how God is reaching the world through men and women you likely have never met. Meet them today and see if God will put it on your heart to write your own chapter in this book. Anyone can make a difference. What about you?

Order your copy today and start the adventure of a lifetime and beyond! You can find it in many online resources.

Remember: Linda and I are faithfully praying for you!

(Esther 4:13-14) Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, “Do not imagine that you in the king’s palace can escape any more than all the other Jews. For if you keep silent at this time, liberation and rescue will arise for the Jews from another place, and you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?”

We all encounter challenges and dangerous situations at different times in our lives. Too often when this happens, we think either:

  • That we will escape the danger or be spared from it for some reason.
  • That someone else will take care of it.

Sometimes we are fortunate and this happens, but Mordecai reminded Esther that things were too dangerous to sit back, do nothing, and hope that someone else will deal with it. He also told her that there is a good possibility that God purposely made her queen at that specific time in history so that she could be the one who delivers the Jewish people. In the famous words of Mordecai, “Who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?”

This is advice we all need to hear. I do not always spring into action when bad things happen. Sometimes I do nothing except hope that someone else will get involved and deal with the problem. I’ve been fortunate that I haven’t suffered badly because of this, but I need to heed Mordecai’s advice. I also know that many people are just like me. 

There is a popular saying, “Better safe than sorry.” It’s often better to play it safe and do something instead of simply hoping someone else will take of care the problem. If every person hopes that someone else will take care of things, no one will get involved and then we are guaranteed to suffer. It often is better to be safe than sorry.

As I read the book of Esther I am also reminded that sometimes when we find ourselves in danger or difficulty we think that we are in the wrong place at the wrong time. It is true that something bad is happening, but Mordecai reminds us that there is more to the story. Could it be that God knows what is happening, and that God might even be involved, directing everything that is going on?

Is it possible that God brought the people of Israel to Persia, or at least allowed it to happen? Did God know that Haman would ultimately come into power and plan to kill the Jewish people? God is all knowing (knows everything), so we know for sure that God knew about all that happened to Israel. Is it possible that God chose to use this opportunity (Israel being taken into captivity) to deal with Haman and change public opinion about the Jewish people? [see Esther 8:17]

Esther listened to Mordecai and told the King all that Haman was going to do. The King was not happy that Haman was planning on killing his wife so Haman was hung on the same gallows he built to kill Mordecai. 

Since Mordecai was the person who saved the King’s life and was Esther’s cousin he rewarded Mordecai. Just like Esther, it turns out that Mordecai was in the right place at the right time. We could have asked Mordecai the same question he asked Esther, “Who knows whether you were brought here to Persia for such a time as this?”

(Esther 8:1-2) On that day King Ahasuerus gave the house of Haman, the enemy of the Jews, to Queen Esther; and Mordecai came before the king, because Esther had disclosed what he was to her. Then the king took off his signet ring, which he had taken away from Haman, and gave it to Mordecai. And Esther set Mordecai over the house of Haman.

(Esther 8:8) Now you write to the Jews as you see fit, in the king’s name, and seal it with the king’s signet ring; for a decree which is written in the name of the king and sealed with the king’s signet ring may not be revoked.”

As a result of all that happened, the King gave Mordecai his signet ring which gave him the authority to enact laws in the land which people were obligated to follow and obey.

The story of Mordecai reminds me of the story of Joseph. Joseph experienced captivity just like the people of Israel in the Book of Esther. His brothers sold him as a slave, and then he wound up in jail. But while in jail Joseph interpreted a dream which got the attention of the King of Egypt. The King of Egypt rewarded Joseph and he became the #2 leader, right behind the King. The story of Joseph is similar to the story of Mordecai and I believe we could have said to Joseph, “Who knows whether you were sent to jail for such a time as this?”

(Romans 8:28) And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

It is not a good thing when people are taken into captivity, sold as a slave or sent to jail when they did nothing wrong. But Paul reminds us of this beautiful promise which I believe Esther, Mordecai, Joseph, and many other people of faith have experienced before. There are times that bad things happen. Sometimes we wind up in the wrong place, at the wrong time. But, since God causes all things to work together for good (for His children), we discover that while we were in the wrong place at the wrong time, we were also in the right place, at the right time.

Celebrate Purim

(Esther 9:20-21) Then Mordecai recorded these events, and he sent letters to all the Jews who were in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus, both near and far, obliging them to celebrate the fourteenth day of the month Adar, and the fifteenth day of the same month, annually.

Ever since that day, Jewish people all over the world celebrate the feast of Purim when God delivered His people. God loves the Jewish people (His firstborn son) and all His other children. Not only does He love us, but He offers to protect us in times of trouble. I encourage you to celebrate Purim. It is a great time to celebrate how God delivered you from the consequences of your sins and other bad things that have happened in your life. Happy Purim!


Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has written what I believe is his finest book to-date! “Return of the Gods” explores the scripture from a deep prophetic perspective while bringing other ancient writings and mythologies into the mix. His unique style of writing makes it easy to read and even easier to follow. Rabbi Cahn is able to bring the true Hebrewic history, culture and viewpoint into this book where it is understandable for anyone and very believable.

America was set aside as a special Nation for the spreading of the gospel to the world. This book clearly explains this and the catastrophic downfall in the past few years, but what has caused this and how has this happened? It was not by accident and the battle still wages.

Let me say this is one of the most revealing books you will ever read and every minister of the gospel who truly wants to understand our adversary should read this and study its content! Pastors especially need to know the information contained within these few but powerful pages in order to properly educate and protect their sheep!

Finally, I have read it and encourage you to get a copy of it as well.

I am now reading Michael Heiser’s book “Unseen Realm” which I will be doing a review on it next month. I believe the two of these books may compliment one another. Will let you know soon.



Author Derek Gilbert is a prolific researcher and amazing author. His books and articles dive into areas the mainstream church chooses to ignore. This exclusive article for APPI gives information that millions of people are buying into everyday. Pastors and ministers need to wake up and see/learn what your people are dealing with at home, at school, on TV, and in the workplace! There are many detailed eye-popping articles like this archived in our website written by Derek. Thank you Derek!  (Paul Pickern)

You can say one thing for Erich von Däniken—he isn’t shy about challenging accepted history:

I claim that our forefathers received visits from the universe in the remote past, even though I do not yet know who these extraterrestrial intelligences were or from which planet they came. I nevertheless proclaim that these “strangers” annihilated part of mankind existing at the time and produced a new, perhaps the first, homo sapiens.

Chariots of the Gods? had the good fortune of being published in 1968, the same year Stanley Kubrick’s epic adaptation of Arthur C. Clarke’s 2001: A Space Odyssey hit theaters. The film, based on the idea that advanced alien technology had guided human evolution, was the top-grossing film of the year, and was named the “greatest sci-fi film of all time” in 2002 by the Online Film Critics Society. By 1971, when Chariots finally appeared in American bookstores, NASA had put men on the moon three times (including Edgar Mitchell in Apollo 14, who later tried to meet with President Obama to discuss ETIs from a “contiguous universe”) and the public was fully primed for what von Däniken was selling.

It’s hard to overstate the impact Chariots of the Gods? has had on the UFO research community and the worldviews of millions of people around the world over the last half century. In 1973, Twilight Zone creator Rod Serling built a documentary around Chariots titled In Search of Ancient Astronauts, which featured astronomer Carl Sagan and Wernher von Braun, architect of the Saturn V rocket. The following year, a feature film with the same title as the book was released to theaters. By the turn of the 21st century, von Däniken had sold more than 60 million copies of his twenty-six books, all promoting the idea that our creators came from the stars.

This, even though von Däniken told National Enquirer in a 1974 interview that his information came not through archaeological fieldwork but through out-of-body travel to a place called Point Aleph, “a sort of fourth dimension” outside of space and time.

Wow. Might that be the same cosmic place Kenneth Grant found the ethereal Necronomicon?

The claims of von Däniken just don’t hold water. His theories have been debunked in great detail and he’s even admitted making things up, but lack of evidence has never stopped crazy ideas for long. And now, thanks to a new generation of true believers, Ancient Aliens and its imitators are still mining von Däniken gold five decades after his first book hit the shelves.

Ancient alien evangelists have effectively proselytized the American public since Chariots of the Gods went viral nearly fifty years ago. As we noted earlier, more adults in the U.S. believe in ETI than in the God of the Bible. Interestingly, serious UFO researchers are disturbed by the impact of the ancient alien meme on their work.

MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, which calls itself “the world’s oldest and largest UFO phenomenon investigative body,” has gone all in with ancient aliens in recent years. The group now openly supports pseudoscientific and New Age (in other words, occultic) interpretations of the UFO phenomenon instead of sticking to what can be supported by evidence. For example, the theme of MUFON’s 2017 national convention was “The Case for a Secret Space Program,” which was described by one critic as “blatantly unscientific and irrational.”

One of the conference speakers claimed he was recruited for “a ‘20 & Back’ assignment which involved age regression (via Pharmaceutical means) as well as time regressed to the point of beginning service.” In plain English, he says he served twenty years in an off-planet research project, and then was sent back in time to a few minutes after he left and “age-regressed” so no one would notice that he’s twenty years older than the rest of us.


Another speaker claimed he was pre-identified as a future president of the United States in a CIA/DARPA program called Project Pegasus, which purportedly gathered intel on past and future events, such as the identities of future presidents. He also claimed Barack Obama was his roommate in 1980 in a CIA project called Mars Jump Room, a teleportation program that sent trainees to a secret base on the red planet.


The content of MUFON’s 2017 symposium was so over the top that Richard Dolan, a longtime advocate for ETI disclosure, felt it was necessary to publicly explain why he’d sit on a MUFON-sanctioned discussion panel with men who claimed, without any corroboration whatsoever, that they’d been part of a “secret space program.”

[W]hen I learned I would be on a panel with Corey [Goode], Andy [Basiago], Bill [Tompkins], and Michael [Salla], I phoned Jan [Harzan, MUFON’s Executive Director] and politely asked him what was he thinking. I mentioned my concern about MUFON’s decision to bring in individuals with claims that are inherently impossible to verify. MUFON, after all, is supposed to have evidence-based standards.

Maybe it shouldn’t surprise us that MUFON has morphed from an “evidence-based” organization to one that promotes unverifiable claims at its national convention. As the controversy grew over the theme of MUFON’s 2017 convention, it was revealed that MUFON’s “Inner Circle” included New Age teacher J. Z. Knight.

According to MUFON’s website, the Inner Circle provides “advisory guidance” to the organization because its thirteen members—a curiously coincidental number—have “shown unparalleled generosity towards MUFON by donating in excess of $5,000 in a single donation.”

Hmm. So, the only qualification to advise and guide America’s premier UFO investigating collective is an extra five large in your pocket. And one of MUFON’s Inner Circle makes her living by packaging and selling rehashed teachings of Madame Helena Blavatsky.

J. Z. Knight, born in Roswell, New Mexico (!) in March of 1946, just about the time Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard were wrapping up their magickal ritual, the Babylon [sic] Working, claims to channel the spirit of Ramtha the Enlightened One, a warrior who lived 35,000 years ago in the mythical land of Lemuria.

Ramtha, Knight says, led Lemurian forces against the tyrannical Atlanteans before eventually bidding his troops farewell and ascending to heaven in a flash of light. Ten years after he first appeared, Knight founded Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment, through which she has become a very wealthy woman by selling counseling sessions based on the wisdom of the ancient Lemurian warrior.

While Ramtha has no need for creature comforts, Ms. Knight apparently likes nice things.

As of 2017, the school employed 80 full-time staff, and annual profits from book and audio sales ran into the millions. According to Knight, Ramtha’s teachings can be boiled down to mind over matter: “Ramtha tells people that if they learn what to do, the art of creating your own reality is really a divine act. There’s no guru here. You are creating your day. You do it yourself.”

Even so, your author assumes Ms. Knight still looks both ways before crossing the street.

Three students of RSE produced the 2004 film What the Bleep Do We Know?, a low-budget movie that twisted quantum physics into pseudoscientific New Age propaganda. Of course, Ramtha’s doctrine of changing the physical world through proper spiritual discipline was the heart of the film. In spite of the criticism of actual physicists, Bleep has grossed nearly $16 million worldwide to date.

J. Z. Knight may be MUFON’s wealthiest benefactor. This begs at least three questions: First, how much “advisory guidance” do the thirteen members of MUFON’s Inner Circle give? Second, how much did Knight donate above and beyond the $5,000 Inner Circle threshold? And third, how did her wealth and worldview influence MUFON’s approach to the subject of ETI disclosure?

For the record, your author is not the only one asking these questions. Former MUFON state director James E. Clarkson, a thirty-year member, publicly resigned July 22, 2017, citing Knight’s position of influence within the group: “I will not have my reputation in this field compromised by affiliating with a rich and powerful cult leader who is now a member of the MUFON Inner Circle.”

It sounds bizarre when we step back and summarize things, but there is no way to make it sound rational: The horror fiction of H. P. Lovecraft, who was apparently inspired by the same spirits behind 19th century occultists like Helena Blavatsky (and possibly the same spirit that communicated with Aleister Crowley), was filtered through the French science-fiction scene in the 1960s, adapted by a Swiss hotelier named von Däniken, and recycled back to the United States at the time of the first moon landings, where it’s grown into a scientistic religion that replaces God with aliens.


To paraphrase our friend, Christian researcher and author L. A. Marzulli: As we approach the 50th anniversary of Chariots of the Gods, the ancient alien meme is real, burgeoning, and not going away.

And the old gods are using it to set the stage for their return.

Wow! “Live Like a Champion” is a book that will help you stretch and be challenged to all God has created you to be! Dr. Jerry Ingalls, Pastor, National Champion Athlete, US Olympian, Author and so much more, has packed into his latest book the basic steps God has ordained for each of us to follow to become His Champions!

He has masterfully written from a Champion Athletes perspective what it takes for anyone to become a true Champion. The disciplines he lines out are taken directly from God’s Word. The instructions he has laid out covers a 40 day challenge that every Pastor should embrace and utilize to make Champion Disciples.

Dr. Ingalls presents God as our Coach and us as Athletes in training. He even identifies where the Bible uses this comparison in easy to understand examples.

As a National Champion representing the United States he shares stories of success and falling short, but most of all how he learned from each life experience.

Pastors and Leaders, I respectfully invite you(challenge you) to join me as I embrace “Live Like a Champion Today” as our 2023 discipline. I ask you to take the 40 day challenge as outlined in the book. I also challenge you to create a “Champions Table” that will hold you accountable and be your encouragers too. In the book we see God as the Coach but we also see the importance of teammates and unity.

Live Like a Champion Today” is easy to read and understand but it will take some discipline to finish the challenge strong!

This year we are praying that Pastors all across America will have the courage to join our Table of Champions network and start their own Champions Table. What about you? This powerful book could be your ticket to changing you and your life forever. Embrace the challenge to be a true Champion for your spouse, your children, your church and community and most of all your Lord Jesus Christ!

To learn more visit here!

“Left Behind, Rise of the AntiChrist” is based on a true story! (coming our way soon)The Bible states that there will be a sudden and unexpected Vanishing (or Rapturing) away of millions of people some day. It talks about specific deceptions that will take place and the masses will be fooled or frightened into believing anything. The Bible also tells of a Global government that will rule and a powerful leader will captivate nearly everyone. In this movie the antichrist is introduced in a very realistic and terrifying way. It is done in a way to shake everyone up, it needs to seen by everyone!

Left Behind, Rise of the AntiChrist, will bring you to the edge of your seat as you see that what is happening today can clearly be seen as the fulfilling of biblical prophesy. But how will our unbelieving friends and family learn and accept this as truth? This movie takes us on a journey with several individuals who share in this same doubt. Some of them are agnostic or atheistic in their attitudes and are left with many unanswered questions after the vanishings. Our main characters, Buck, Ray, Chloe and Pastor Bruce Barnes each have to deal with the lies and deceptions being thrown at them as well as their personal search for the real truth. Each of them had heard the truth before and rejected it! Many of our friends and relatives are exactly like Ray, Buck and Chloe. They have heard about God and been to church but have still rejected Christ. Each one of our movie characters, including a pastor, has to now face reality!

This movie is action packed with high energy and a powerful thought provoking storyline that no one can ignore! Left Behind is entertaining yet has the most important message in the world. As a pastor and ministry we want to encourage you to make this your opportunity to take family and friends even your entire church to watch this movie. Use it as a special outreach to your community.

Pastors, it is the perfect time to preach on the return of Jesus and how that will look? Take the opportunity to have small group discussions breaking down parts of the movie and see how it lines up with God’s word. Many people will have questions after seeing it. Be prepared to answer and introduce them to Christ. Start looking in the website: for Resources and Sermon ideas.

If at all possible buy out an entire theater in your town. This not only encourages your church to come and bring a friend but it is a testimony to the theater owners about what Christians are looking for.

You may ask, why are you doing this? Truth is, we don’t want you or anyone Left Behind!

What about you? Watch the Trailer Here!


In the early 1970s, Kenneth Grant, personal secretary to Aleister Crowley twenty-five years earlier, broke with the American branch of Crowley’s Ordo Templi Orientis and formed his own Thelemic organization, the Typhonian O.T.O. The “Sirius/Set current” that Grant identified in the ‘50s referred to the Egyptian deity Set, god of the desert, storms, foreigners, violence, and chaos.

To grasp the significance of Grant’s innovation to Crowley’s religion, a brief history of Set is in order.

Set—sometimes called Seth, Sheth, or Sutekh—is one of the oldest gods in the Egyptian pantheon. There is evidence he was worshiped long before the pharaohs, in the pre-dynastic era called Naqada I, which may date as far back as 3750 BC. To put that into context, the Tower of Babel incident probably occurred toward the end of the Uruk period around 3100 BC. Writing wasn’t invented in Sumer until about 3000 BC, around the time of the first pharaoh, Narmer.

Set was originally one of the good gods. He protected Ra’s solar boat, defending it from the evil chaos serpent Apep (or Apophis), who tried to eat the sun every night as it dropped below the horizon. During the Second Intermediate Period, roughly 1750 BC to 1550 BC, Semitic people called the Hyksos, who were probably Amorites, equated Set with Baʿal, the Canaanite storm-god, and Baʿal-Set was the patron deity of Avaris, the Hyksos capital.

The worship of Baʿal-Set continued even after the Hyksos were driven out of Egypt. Two centuries after Moses led the Israelites to Canaan, three hundred years after the Hyksos expulsion, Ramesses the Great erected a memorial called the Year 400 Stela to honor the 400th year of Set’s arrival in Egypt. In fact, Ramesses’ father was named Seti, which literally means “man of Set.”

Set didn’t acquire his evil reputation until the Third Intermediate Period, during which Egypt was overrun by successive waves of foreign invaders. After being conquered by Nubia, Assyria, and Persia, one after another between 728 BC and 525 BC, the god of foreigners wasn’t welcome around the pyramids anymore. No longer was Set the mighty god who kept Apophis from eating the sun; now, Set was the evil god who murdered his brother, Osiris, and the sworn enemy of Osiris’ son, Horus.

By the time of Persia’s rise, Greek civilization was beginning to flower, and the Greeks identified Set with Typhon, the terrifying, powerful serpentine god of chaos. That’s the link between Set and Typhon. And this is the entity Kenneth Grant believed was the true source of power in Thelemic magick.

That’s why the “Sirius/Set current” led to the Typhonian O.T.O, and that’s the destructive, chaos-monster aspect of Set-Typhon we need to keep in view when analyzing the magickal system Grant created by filtering Crowley through the horror fiction of H. P. Lovecraft.

Grant’s anxiety, as expressed in Nightside of Eden and in his other works, is that the Earth is being infiltrated by a race of extraterrestrial beings who will cause tremendous changes to take place in our world. This statement is not to be taken quite as literally as it appears, for the “Earth” can be taken to mean our current level of conscious awareness, and extraterrestrial would mean simply “not of this current level of conscious awareness.” But the potential for danger is there, and Grant’s work— like Lovecraft’s—is an attempt to warn us of the impending (potentially dramatic) alterations in our physical, mental and emotional states due to powerful influences from “outside.”

Lovecraft died in 1937, but his work found a new audience in the 1970s. His stories were mined as source material by Hollywood. Then in 1977, a hardback edition of the Necronomicon, which Lovecraft invented as a plot device for his horror fiction, suddenly appeared (published in a limited run of 666 copies!), edited by a mysterious figure known only as “Simon,” purportedly a bishop in the Eastern Orthodox Church. According to Simon, two monks from his denomination had stolen a copy of the actual Necronomicon in one of the most daring and dangerous book thefts in history.

A mass market paperback edition followed a few years later. That version has reportedly sold more than a million copies over the last four decades. Kenneth Grant, who believed that Crowley and Lovecraft had been inspired or guided by the same supernatural source, validated the text, going so far as to offer explanations for apparent discrepancies between Crowley and the Necronomicon.

Crowley admitted to not having heard correctly certain words during the transmission of Liber L, and it is probable that he misheard the word Tutulu. It may have been Kutulu, in which case it would be identical phonetically, but not qabalistically, with Cthulhu. The [Simon] Necronomicon (Introduction, p. xix) suggests a relationship between Kutulu and Cutha…

Simon’s Necronomicon was just one of several grimoires (books of magic spells) published in the 1970s that claimed to be the nefarious book. The others were either obvious fakes published for entertainment purposes, or hoaxes that their authors admitted to soon after publication. Simon, on the other hand, appeared to be serious. But people involved with producing the “Simonomicon” have since admitted to making it up, and the central figure behind the book’s publication was Peter Levenda—author of The Dark Lord, the book documenting the highly improbable “coincidences” connecting Aleister Crowley and H. P. Lovecraft.

The text itself was Levenda’s creation, a synthesis of Sumerian and later Babylonian myths and texts peppered with names of entities from H. P. Lovecraft’s notorious and enormously popular Cthulhu stories. Levenda seems to have drawn heavily on the works of Samuel Noah Kramer for the Sumerian, and almost certainly spent a great deal of time at the University of Pennsylvania library researching the thing. Structurally, the text was modeled on the wiccan Book of Shadows and the Goetia, a grimoire of doubtful authenticity itself dating from the late Middle Ages.

“Simon” was also Levenda’s creation. He cultivated an elusive, secretive persona, giving him a fantastic and blatantly implausible line of [BS] to cover the book’s origins. He had no telephone. He always wore business suits, in stark contrast to the flamboyant Renaissance fair, proto-goth costuming that dominated the scene.

In The Dark Lord, Levenda not only analyzed Kenneth Grant’s magickal system and documented synchronicities between Crowley and Lovecraft, he validated the supernatural authenticity of the fake Necronomicon that he created!

But make no mistake—this doesn’t mean the Necronomicon is fake in the supernatural sense.

[W]e can conclude that the hoax Necronomicons—at least the Hay-Wilson-Langford-Turner and Simon versions—falsely claim to be the work of the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred; but in so falsely attributing themselves, they signal their genuine inclusion in the grimoire genre. The misattribution is the mark of their genre, and their very falsity is the condition of their genuineness. The hoax Necronomicons are every bit as “authentic” as the Lesser Key of Solomon or the Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses.

In other words, while the published editions of the Necronomicon were obviously invented long after the deaths of H. P. Lovecraft and Aleister Crowley, they are still genuine tools for practicing sorcery. And, as Grant and Levenda suggest, they share a common origin in the spirit realm.

Simon’s Necronomicon arrived on the wave of a renewed interest in the occult that washed over the Western world in the 1960s and ‘70s. Interestingly, it was a French journal of science fiction that helped spark the revival, and it did so by publishing the works of H. P. Lovecraft for a new audience.

Planète was launched in the early ‘60s by Louis Pauwles and Jacques Bergier, and their magazine brought a new legion of admirers to the “bent genius.” More significantly for our study here, however, was the book Pauwles and Bergier co-authored in 1960, Les matins des magiciens (Morning of the Magicians), which was translated into English in 1963 as Dawn of Magic.

From Lovecraft, Bergier and Pauwles borrowed the one thought that would be of more importance than any other in their book. As we have seen, Morning of the Magicians speculates that extraterrestrial beings may be responsible for the rise of the human race and the development of its culture, a theme Lovecraft invented (emphasis mine).

The success of Pauwles and Bergier inspired others to run with the concepts they’d developed from the writings of Lovecraft. The most successful of these, without question, is Erich von Däniken’s Chariots of the Gods?

You can say one thing at least for von Däniken: He wasn’t shy about challenging accepted history.

I claim that our forefathers received visits from the universe in the remote past, even though I do not yet know who these extraterrestrial intelligences were or from which planet they came. I nevertheless proclaim that these “strangers” annihilated part of mankind existing at the time and produced a new, perhaps the first, homo sapiens.

The book had the good fortune of being published in 1968, the same year Stanley Kubrick’s epic adaptation of Arthur C. Clarke’s 2001: A Space Odyssey hit theaters. The film, based on the idea that advanced alien technology had guided human evolution, was the top-grossing film of the year, and was named the “greatest sci-fi film of all time” in 2002 by the Online Film Critics Society. By 1971, when Chariots of the Gods? finally appeared in American bookstores, NASA had put men on the moon three times and the public was fully primed for what von Däniken was selling.

It’s hard to overstate the impact Chariots of the Gods has had on the UFO research community and the worldviews of millions of people around the world over the last half century. In 1973, Twilight Zone creator Rod Serling built a documentary around Chariots titled In Search of Ancient Astronauts, which featured astronomer Carl Sagan and Wernher von Braun, architect of the Saturn V rocket. The following year, a feature film with the same title as the book was released to theaters. By the turn of the 21st century, von Däniken had sold more than 60 million copies of his twenty-six books, all promoting the idea that our creators came from the stars.

To this day, von Däniken’s book is the best-selling English language archaeology book of all time. Is it any wonder that more Americans believe that we’ve been visited by ET than in God as He’s revealed Himself in the Bible?

Dr Jerry Brandt has written on a subject that I find most people are very unsure of. Knowing who we are in Christ is critical to living a powerful Holy Spirit led life! It is one thing to accept Jesus as our personal Savior and Lord and yet another to fully walk with Him each day through the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Study to show ourselves approved unto God is an instruction given us for a reason. Knowing God’s word is vital to truly understand the language of God. It is more than a history book. It is more than an instruction book. Is our book that reveals the heart of God and teaches us His divine language!

“I Am Who You Say That I Am” is an easy to read scripture based text on understanding what the Bible says about us as God’s children. Dr Brandt has more than 50 years of ministry experience and been in countless countries and he testifies that he only survived and thrived because he learned early on who he was/is in Christ and what it means when Christ actually abides within a person according to the Bible!

You do not have to totally agree with him on some points but let me assure you, this book will bring revelation to many people, bring questions to others and confirmation to a very few.

You must look within yourself and ask who am I in the Lord? Does Jesus abide within me and have I possibly put Him in the corner of my heart because of tradition and lack of total faith.

I recommend everyone read this book and see for yourself. Is it really possible to pray with expectation/anticipation/power?

We are praying for you!


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