There has been a lot of talk and writings about Businessmen & women in Marketplace Ministry and exactly what it means for the organized church and the body of Christ. During the last 25 -30 years, there have been many good & some great books and articles written about this topic and what it means. Some have received what I believe is divine revelation, some were filled with just practical information which, of course, could have also been divine revelation. Some great books that come to mind are “Kings & Priests” by David R. High, “The 9 to 5 Window” by Os Hillman, “The Seven Mountain Prophecy” by Johnny Enlow, and the one that most changed me personally – “Secrets of the Kingdom Economy” by Paul Cuny. And there are many more too numerous to mention.
The teaching from many of these books that impacted me most is “How important Christian Business people are to the body of Christ”. I had always up to about 10 years ago felt like I wasn’t all that important to the body of Christ. When you think about it, without businesses making a profit and paying tithes & offerings there would be no or severely limited organized churches or ministries. Some might say, well government workers would be paying tithes & offerings. Without taxes being paid by private businesses, there would be no government workers. Now I’m obviously talking about a free enterprise economy, which is I pray what we keep in the United States.
I’m not implying that no other segment (Pastors in particular who we desperately need) of our culture is as important to the body of Christ as businesses, but I am implying that Christian business people are critical to the success of many ministries and as business people we have a great responsibility. It is clear in Deut. 8:18 that God has given us the power to gain wealth for the purpose of establishing His covenant on the earth. And if He gave us the power then I believe you can conclude that He wants those to whom He has given the power (that would be us!) to be wealthy. Let’s face it, a poor person is very limited to help anyone financially. Look at the lives of the Green family who own “Hobby Lobby” & the Cathy family of Chick-fil-A. These organizations and their founders have inspired Christians everywhere.
God laid it on my heart 9 years ago (in 2008) that it was time to gather together Christians in business to network, encourage each other, do business with each other, pray for each other, recommend each other and to learn what God’s word has to say about business, wealth & their effect on the Kingdom of God.
I wanted every connected Christian business person to commit to “BRING IN THE HARVEST – MONEY AND SOULS.” Today our organization “Integrity Business Referrals” has about 40 members from 29 different churches. We meet twice per month in Lakeland and Plant City, Florida. All of our members have space available on our website, a listing in our printed directory and can, if possible, attend our networking meetings. Because of our website IBR77.COM and our Facebook page, we receive phone calls and emails from all over the country mostly from Christian consumers looking for believers to do business with. We do not accept just anyone as a member, who has the money & professes to be a Christian. We actually spend time with them & talk with their Pastors if needed. The applicants give us written permission to do just that.
One of the great benefits of a group like ours, to Pastors, is that it relieves him or her from having to recommend a business to someone in their congregation only to find out later that there was a problem. We do the vetting for them. We require that any member must be a born again believer in Jesus Christ and be a regular supporter of a church, home church, missionary group or other Christian fellowship that he/she is accountable to. We ask Pastors to allow us to place copies of our directory in their church foyers or reception areas so their members would know whom to call when they needed help. If businesses in the pastor’s church are also listed, then many other churches will also have their contact information. “This is a KINGDOM DIRECTORY”
There are many reasons why Christians should do business with other Christians. Pastors need to know this & be confident of it. So much so that they know that their recommendation of our members or any other Christian business person will be a blessing to their congregant members and to the kingdom of God. We are looking for Kingdom Minded Pastors & ministry leaders to partner with. It’s time to grow the kingdom NOW!
In a future article, I will present & discuss the reasons from the Word of God and dispel the myths & excuses of Christians doing business or not doing business with each other. Also in future articles, answer the question “ where does the ministry part come in?” And the Circle of Blessing – VERY POWERFUL!
God wants us to bless each other & to keep it in the Kingdom!
Lew Frye, Founder
Lew, a native of Portsmouth, VA is a graduate of East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, and TN. and now resides in Lakeland, FL.
Lew worked for 7 years in the commercial mortgage banking and direct mortgage lending business with large insurance companies & mortgage bankers.
As a State Certified General Contractor since 1978, Lew has completed hundreds of building projects, ranging from single family homes, to light commercial including churches. Lew has also completed hundreds of inspections for insurance companies.
Lew & his wife, Marleen, married over 50 years, were both “born again” in 1979 with strong encounters with God. Joined Carpenter’s Home Church, Lakeland, FL in 1985 with Pastor Karl Strader. Now attends Ignited Church in Lakeland, Florida with Pastor Stephen Strader.
In 2010, Lew founded “Integrity Business Referrals, Inc.” and “”, a business networking organization for Christians in the marketplace. Currently with 40 business members, representing 29 different churches, this premier networking organization is expanding with a 2nd chapter in Plant City, FL
Lew and Marleen’s hearts have always been to impact the community with the gospel of “Jesus Christ” & Kingdom principles in the marketplace. You can find out more at or email Lew at
Integrity Business Referrals, Inc.
7922 Sioux Ln.
Lakeland, Fl 33810
Kingdom principles in the marketplace
Over the centuries, tomb robbers have removed most of the useful evidence from the dolmens of the Jordan River valley. The few bones left behind in burial chambers don’t show any evidence of giantism, or at least I haven’t found any papers reporting it. Most of the dolmens are oriented north-south, although about 10 percent appear to be oriented east-west, perhaps to face the rising sun.
Is this significant? While it’s interesting to note that the Pole Star was Thuban (Alpha Draconis) in the constellation Draco, the Dragon, when the dolmens were built, we don’t know if that was relevant. Despite their ability to lift stupendously heavy blocks of stone, the dolmen-builders weren’t considerate enough to leave behind any written evidence.
That makes a recent discovery in the Golan all the more intriguing and frustrating at the same time. In 2012, archaeologists examined a massive, multichambered dolmen in the Shamir Dolmen Field on the western foothills of the Golan Heights, a site with over four hundred dolmens. What was truly remarkable about this particular dolmen was the discovery of rock art on the underside of the capstone, a basalt monster weighing about fifty tons. (For comparison, that’s about twice as heavy as a fully-loaded, eighteen-wheel, tractor-trailer in the United States.) That’s the first time art has been found inside any of the thousands of dolmens in the region, possibly the first written or artistic record that might be connected directly to the biblical Rephaim.
The dolmen itself is surrounded by a tumulus, a burial mound of about four hundred tons of stone. Think about that! Four thousand years ago, maybe a century or so before Abraham arrived in Canaan, a government on the Golan Heights was powerful enough to organize the manpower and logistics (food, water, etc.) to move and assemble some eight hundred thousand pounds of stone into a multichambered tomb for—who? The king and his family? Archaeologists recovered enough bones and teeth to identify “an 8–10 year-old child, a young adult and a 35–45 year-old adult.”
Were they—dare we speculate—of the dynasty that produced Og, the enemy of Israel, about six hundred years later? Well, probably not. Most dynasties don’t last that long. But it’s interesting to wonder.
The engravings were fourteen figures comprised of a vertical line and a downturned arc. What did the symbol mean? No idea. Nothing like it has been found anywhere in the Levant or anywhere else. It might be a representation of the human soul taking flight, but because the artist didn’t leave a note, we’re guessing. Or—and again, we’re speculating—this could be an ancient symbol with occult meaning even today. Three-dimensional scanning of the images show that at least some of them look very much like the Greek character psi, which is a trident (and the logo for Indiana University), the three-pronged spear traditionally carried by the Greco-Roman god of the sea, Poseidon/Neptune. Today it’s used, among other things, as a symbol for parapsychology, especially research into extrasensory perception, and in a mathematical formula that claims to guide occultists in how to perform rituals in chaos magick.
What did that symbol mean in the twentieth century BC? We have no way to know. It might have been doodling by a bored Bronze Age stonemason.
The takeaway is this: For at least a thousand years, people living in lands the Bible identifies as the home of Rephaim tribes built burial tombs with massive slabs of limestone and basalt. And those huge burial tombs inspired place names linked to the dolmen-builders (Iye-Abarim, “ruins of the Travelers”) and to the restless dead (Oboth, “Spirits of the Dead”).
Get this: Even the place where Moses died was called the Mountain of the Travelers.
Go up this mountain of the Abarim, Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, opposite Jericho, and view the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the people of Israel for a possession. And die on the mountain which you go up, and be gathered to your people, as Aaron your brother died in Mount Hor and was gathered to his people.…
So Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the Lord, and he buried him in the valley in the land of Moab opposite Beth-peor; but no one knows the place of his burial to this day. (Deuteronomy 32:49–50, 34:5–6, emphasis added)
Here’s a thought: Moses was buried in the valley of the Travelers, a place where the Rephaim spirits were believed to cross over to the land of the living. Is that why Satan, lord of the dead, thought he had a claim to Moses’ body after his death?
Another question comes to mind: Were all those dolmens up and down the Jordan Valley thought to be portals to the underworld?
Here’s another connection between this valley and the realm of the dead: Remember the prophecy of Balaam? After the king of Moab tried to buy a curse from the pagan prophet, Israel began drifting away from Yahweh again.
While Israel lived in Shittim, the people began to whore with the daughters of Moab. These invited the people to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people ate and bowed down to their gods. So Israel yoked himself to Baal of Peor. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel. (Numbers 25:1–3)
Who was Baal of Peor? Remember, baal in Hebrew simply means “lord.” So, the Lord of Peor was a local deity linked to a mountain near Shittim in Moab, northeast of the Dead Sea. The clue to the character of Baal-Peor is in the name.
Peor is related to the Hebrew root p’r, which means “cleft” or “gap,” or “open wide.” In this context, that definition is consistent with Isaiah’s description of the entrance to the netherworld:
Therefore Sheol has enlarged its appetite and opened [pa’ar] its mouth beyond measure. (Isaiah 5:14)
Since we’re looking at a place associated with the dead, it’s worth noting that the Canaanite god of death, Mot, was described in the Ugaritic texts as a ravenous entity with a truly monstrous mouth:
He extends a lip to the earth,
a lip to the heavens,
he extends a tongue to the stars.
That’s what’s in view here: Baal-Peor was apparently the lord of the entrance to the underworld—or, at the risk of being sensationalistic, “Lord of the Gates of Hell.”
Yes, the Canaanites believed the entrance to the underworld was at Bashan. But both Milcom (whom the Hebrews called Molech) and Chemosh, the national gods of Ammon and Moab, the nations that controlled most of the land east of the Jordan from the Dead Sea to Mount Hermon, demanded child sacrifice. Veneration of the dead and appeasing the gods of the dead through human sacrifice appear to have been the norm in this region east of the Dead Sea.
This was also the location of Sodom and Gomorrah. This is an awful lot of evil concentrated in a small area.
Anyway, perhaps because of the association with death and the dead, there was, shall we say, a fertility aspect to the cult of Baal-Peor.
And behold, one of the people of Israel came and brought a Midianite woman to his family, in the sight of Moses and in the sight of the whole congregation of the people of Israel, while they were weeping in the entrance of the tent of meeting. When Phinehas the son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he rose and left the congregation and took a spear in his hand and went after the man of Israel into the chamber and pierced both of them, the man of Israel and the woman through her belly. (Numbers 25:6–8)
How to put this delicately? There are only a couple of physical positions in which Phinehas could have speared both the Israelite man and Midianite woman with one thrust. If you’re an adult, I don’t need to draw you a picture. Emphasizing the point, the Hebrew word translated “belly,” qevah, can refer to a woman’s womb. In other words, the sin here wasn’t that an Israelite man brought a foreign woman home for dinner, it’s that the couple performed a lewd ritual act in full view of Moses and the assembly of Israel!
Well, it’s no wonder the men of Israel were tempted to follow Baal-Peor. Roughly 60 percent of the Christian pastors in America today struggle with addiction to pornography. Just imagine the temptation of being surrounded by people whose god decreed that extramarital sex was a form of worship. We don’t mean to be flippant, but it might take the real threat of death to keep men away from the temples! Indeed, twenty-four thousand people died in the plague that God sent as punishment for that apostasy because it wasn’t just the one couple involved.
And there was even more to it than that. Not surprisingly, given the Amorite/Rephaim culture in that time and place, one of the pagan rites the Israelites adopted during their time in Moab was veneration of the dead:
Then they yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor,
and ate sacrifices offered to the dead;
they provoked the Lord to anger with their deeds,
and a plague broke out among them. (Psalm 106:28–29)
The psalmist remembered the sacrifices to the dead, which is a basic description of the Amorite kispum ritual. The sexual sin of the young couple (and Phinehas’ violent reaction) is shocking to us today, but apparently the psalmist didn’t find it worth mentioning. The real sin that provoked God’s anger was venerating the dead, one of the “abominable practices” of the pagan nations He’d promised to drive out of the land before them.
That brings us back to the point: We’ve identified the area that Ezekiel called the Valley of the Travelers as the east side of the Jordan Rift Valley, specifically ancient Moab east and just northeast of the Dead Sea. And by now you’re asking, “Why are we spending all of this time identifying the area and unraveling the meaning behind the word Travelers?”
Here’s why: It connects the Rephaim to Ezekiel’s prophecy of Gog and Magog.
How? Stay tuned.
Derek P. Gilbert hosts SkyWatchTV, a Christian television program that airs on several national networks, the long-running interview podcast A View from the Bunker, and co-hosts SciFriday, a weekly television program that analyzes science news with his wife, author Sharon K. Gilbert.
Before joining SkyWatchTV in 2015, his secular broadcasting career spanned more than 25 years with stops at radio stations in Philadelphia, Saint Louis, Little Rock, and suburban Chicago.
Derek is a Christian, a husband and a father. He’s been a regular speaker at Bible prophecy conferences in recent years. Derek’s most recent book is The Great Inception: Satan’s PSYOPs from Eden to Armageddon. He has also published the novels The God Conspiracy and Iron Dragons, and he’s a contributing author to the nonfiction anthologies God’s Ghostbusters, Blood on the Altar, I Predict: What 12 Global Experts Believe You Will See by 2025, and When Once We Were a Nation. Gilbert Gilbert2022-01-17 13:54:132022-01-17 13:54:13Lord of the Gates of Hell
One of the most interesting and overlooked parallels in Scripture is the location of the Israelite camp just before the conquest of Canaan and what appears to be the route […]
Derek P. Gilbert hosts SkyWatchTV, a Christian television program that airs on several national networks, the long-running interview podcast A View from the Bunker, and co-hosts SciFriday, a weekly television program that analyzes science news with his wife, author Sharon K. Gilbert.
Before joining SkyWatchTV in 2015, his secular broadcasting career spanned more than 25 years with stops at radio stations in Philadelphia, Saint Louis, Little Rock, and suburban Chicago.
Derek is a Christian, a husband and a father. He’s been a regular speaker at Bible prophecy conferences in recent years. Derek’s most recent book is The Great Inception: Satan’s PSYOPs from Eden to Armageddon. He has also published the novels The God Conspiracy and Iron Dragons, and he’s a contributing author to the nonfiction anthologies God’s Ghostbusters, Blood on the Altar, I Predict: What 12 Global Experts Believe You Will See by 2025, and When Once We Were a Nation.
One of the giants killed by David and his men during Israel’s war with the Philistines carried the unusual name Ishbi-benob. It’s usually taken to mean “his dwelling is in Nob.” However, as we mentioned last month, that’s an error. Given that the Hebrew word ôb means “medium” (or, more accurately, “necromantic ritual pit”), the giant wasn’t Ishbi-benob, he was Ishbi ben Ob. or “Ishbi son of the medium.”
But this goes even deeper. ʾÔb, in turn, is related to the Hebrew word ʾab, which means “father.” In the Old Testament, the word “fathers” most often refers to one’s dead ancestors. For example:
And when the time drew near that Israel [Jacob] must die, he called his son Joseph and said to him, “If now I have found favor in your sight, put your hand under my thigh and promise to deal kindly and truly with me. Do not bury me in Egypt, but let me lie with my fathers [ăbōṯ]. (Genesis 47:29–30)
Looking at all of this in context, then, we can pretty safely say that Oboth, one of the stations of the Exodus named in Numbers 21:10–11 and Numbers 33:43–44, essentially means “Spirits of the Dead.”
The other location mentioned in those verses, Iye-abarim (or “ruins of the Abarim”), is based on the same root. Abarim is the anglicized form of ōbĕrîm, a plural form of the verb ʿbr, which means “to pass from one side to the other.” In this context, it refers to a spirit that passes from one plane of existence to another, or crosses over, in the same sense that the ancient Greeks believed that the dead traveled across the River Styx to reach or return from the underworld.
The placement of Oboth and Iye-abarim in Numbers 33 suggests that they were east of the Dead Sea, close to Mount Nebo and the plains of Moab. This is confirmed by the proximity of Shittim to Beth-Peor. And that’s a name that needs a deeper dive.
Peor is related to the Hebrew root p’r, which means “cleft” or “gap,” or “open wide.” In this context, that’s consistent with Isaiah’s description of the entrance to the netherworld:
Therefore Sheol has enlarged its appetite and opened [pa’ar] its mouth beyond measure. (Isaiah 5:14)
This is similar to the Canaanite conception of their god of death, Mot, who was described in Ugaritic texts as a ravenous entity with a truly monstrous mouth:
He extends a lip to the earth, a lip to the heavens, he extends a tongue to the stars.
It appears, then, that Baal-Peor was the “lord of the entrance to the netherworld.” So, Beth-Peor, the “house (or temple) of the entrance to the netherworld,” was near the plains of Moab and Mount Nebo—which God called “this mountain of the Abarim.”
All of this leads to the real reason God was angry with the Israelites when they camped at Shittim. The worship of Baal-Peor was not about sexual fertility rites, as you might think after reading the story of the zeal of Phinehas.
Then they yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor,
and ate sacrifices offered to the dead;
they provoked the Lord to anger with their deeds,
and a plague broke out among them.
Then Phinehas stood up and intervened,
and the plague was stayed. (Psalm 106:28–30, emphasis added)
Writing four hundred years after the incident at Shittim, the psalmist didn’t even mention the young couple caught in the act by Phinehas. It was eating sacrifices offered to the dead that angered Yahweh. And judging by the words of later prophets, the Israelites were slow to learn their lesson.
But you, draw near,
sons of the sorceress,
offspring of the adulterer and the loose woman.
Whom are you mocking?
Against whom do you open your mouth wide
and stick out your tongue?
Are you not children of transgression,
the offspring of deceit,
you who burn with lust among the oaks,
under every green tree,
who slaughter your children in the valleys,
under the clefts of the rocks?
Among the smooth stones of the valley is your portion;
they, they, are your lot;
to them you have poured out a drink offering,
you have brought a grain offering.
Shall I relent for these things? (Isaiah 57:3–6)
Isaiah wrote nearly seven hundred years after the Exodus, but the Israelites were still engaged in the occult practices that compelled God to smite them with a devastating plague. To “burn with lust among the oaks” suggests fertility rites, which seems obvious given the prophet’s condemnation of the children of the adulteress and “loose woman,” which is also rendered “prostitute” and “whore” in other English translations. Ah, but once again, there is more in the Bible verse than meets the English-reading eye.
The Hebrew word translated “sorceress,” ʿanan, is difficult to pin down. “Witch” and “fortune teller” have also been used in translation. More likely, however, is a correlation with the Arabic ʿanna, meaning “to appear,” which suggests that the sorceress was actually a female necromancer.
This may explain why the word rendered “oaks” or “terebinths,” normally spelled ʾêlîm, is ʾēlîm in Isaiah 57:5. This could be a scribal error, but it seems more likely that it’s the same word we find in Psalm 29:1:
Ascribe to the Lord, O heavenly beings (bənē ʾēlīm),
Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.
As we saw above in the story of Saul and the medium of En-dor, elohim and its shortened form, elim, was used in Hebrew to refer to dead ancestors. So, Isaiah wasn’t necessarily railing against sex rites among the sacred oaks, but rather something like, “You sons of the necromancer…who burn with lust among the spirits of the dead.” It’s likely the prophet was engaging in the wordplay for which he’s well known, using a pun to emphasize the spirits behind the rituals—the ʾêlîm among the ʾêlîm.
Isaiah continues his diatribe by connecting the death cult to the rites of Molech. The valley of the son of Hinnom, later called Gehenna, was the location of the tophet, where Israelites sacrificed their children to the dark god of the underworld. The Valley of Hinnom surrounds Jerusalem’s Old City on the south and west, connecting on the west with the Valley of Rephaim (interesting coincidence) and merging with the Kidron Valley near the southeastern corner of the city. It’s as Isaiah described it, a narrow, rocky ravine that was used as a place for burying the dead. Tombs along the sides of the valley are plainly visible to visitors to Jerusalem today. This helps us better understand the real meaning behind verse 6, which begins, “among the smooth stones of the valley is your portion.”
An alternative understanding of the phrase challeqe-nachal, “smooth things of the wadi,” is the “dead” of the wadi. This meaning is based on examples of the related Semitic word chalaq found in Arabic and Ugaritic with the meaning “die, perish.”
The brings the picture into focus. This chapter of Isaiah is obscure and hard to understand only if we read it without understanding what the prophet knew about the Amorite cult of the dead. This is confirmed by the next few verses of the chapter:
On a high and lofty mountain
you have set your bed,
and there you went up to offer sacrifice.
Behind the door and the doorpost
you have set up your memorial;
for, deserting me, you have uncovered your bed,
you have gone up to it,
you have made it wide;
and you have made a covenant for yourself with them,
you have loved their bed,
you have looked on nakedness.
You journeyed to the king with oil
and multiplied your perfumes;
you sent your envoys far off,
and sent down even to Sheol. (Isaiah 57:3–9)
The high places were almost constantly in use in Israel and Judah, even during the reigns of kings who tried to do right by God, like Hezekiah. The imagery of adultery and sexual license is a common metaphor in the Old Testament for the spiritual infidelity of God’s people. But even here, there are some deeper things to bring out.
This section of Scripture confirms that the target of Isaiah’s condemnation was a cult of the dead. Because Hebrew is a consonantal language (no vowels), similar words in the original Hebrew text, written before diacritical marks were used to indicate vowels, can be confusing. Verse 9 is a case in point. The consonants mem, lamed, and kaph can be used for melech (“king,” which is how it’s interpreted in Isaiah 57:9), malik (“messenger,” especially as a type of angel), or the name of the god Molech. Considering what precedes that verse, specifically Isaiah’s reference to slaughtering children in the valleys, the latter option is most likely.
So, Isaiah 57:3–9 should be understood as God’s condemnation of the worship of the dead. Isaiah calls out the “sons of the necromancer” who “burn with passion” among the spirits of the dead, sacrificing their children among the dead of the wadis, who were offered food and drink consistent with the Amorite kispum ritual for the ancestral dead. But it was worse than that—the apostate Jews “journeyed to Molech with oil…and sent down even to Sheol,” the realm of spirits worshiped as the long-dead, mighty kings of old.
Derek P. Gilbert hosts SkyWatchTV, a Christian television program that airs on several national networks, the long-running interview podcast A View from the Bunker, and co-hosts SciFriday, a weekly television program that analyzes science news with his wife, author Sharon K. Gilbert.
Before joining SkyWatchTV in 2015, his secular broadcasting career spanned more than 25 years with stops at radio stations in Philadelphia, Saint Louis, Little Rock, and suburban Chicago.
Derek is a Christian, a husband and a father. He’s been a regular speaker at Bible prophecy conferences in recent years. Derek’s most recent book is The Great Inception: Satan’s PSYOPs from Eden to Armageddon. He has also published the novels The God Conspiracy and Iron Dragons, and he’s a contributing author to the nonfiction anthologies God’s Ghostbusters, Blood on the Altar, I Predict: What 12 Global Experts Believe You Will See by 2025, and When Once We Were a Nation. Gilbert Gilbert2021-11-15 13:38:242021-11-15 13:38:24Among the Spirits of the Dead
With the help of many, All Pro Pastors International organized and hosted an extremely well-attended Central Florida Leadership Prayer Breakfast in Plant City, Florida on September 15, 2021.
In a faith-filled Grimes Family Agricultural Center, more than 650 folks heard powerful and inspiring testimonies from Lieutenant General (retired) William G. “Jerry” Boykin and Mike Lindell, founder/CEO of the My Pillow organization. And the best news – by the end of the event, 48 people had made decisions for Christ.
General Jerry Boykin is one of the original members of the Delta Force and has spent much of his career in Special Forces. His work in this area of the military placed him in many legendary battles. He was commander of the Delta Force team portrayed in the movie Black Hawk Down. He also led the operations to remove and capture the notorious General/Dictator Manuel Noriega of Panama. Throughout his talk at the breakfast, the highly regarded warrior and author credited God for divine intervention and encouraged everyone attending to make a relationship with Jesus a priority in their life.
Mike Lindell’s journey to faith in Christ was not an easy road, but today he gives all glory to God for the restored success of his companies and for his non-profit outreach ministry, the Lindell Recovery Network. His incredible life gave inspiration and hope to many who attended. As a thank you gift, he provided breakfast attendees with a copy of his new book, What are the Odds? From Crack Addict to CEO.
All Pro Pastors International was thankful for its title sponsor- Lighthouse Ministries, and for the eight platinum sponsors, as well as the delicious breakfast by Fred’s Market Restaurant and program printing by Beit Tehila congregation.
Dan Shock with Florida Marketplace Ministries has assumed responsibility for follow-up with those who made new decisions for Christ at the event.
In addition to serving in-person attendees, the Central Florida Leadership Prayer Breakfast was livestreamed to more than 175 countries, thanks to producer/director Jade Fulford and the All Pro Pastors International’s reach throughout the world.
With such a wonderful turnout for this first-ever event, the APPI ministry and its supporters are encouraged that the 2022 prayer breakfast will have even more in attendance. If you or your organization would like to be involved, please contact Paul Pickern by phone (813-481-8743) or e-mail (
Every effort will be appreciated because we can never have too much help in sharing the Gospel.
Please invest in this great ministry with a generous gift today or become one of our ministry partners by clicking here!
Paul is the Founder and CEO of All Pro Pastors International, a ministry that encourages and challenges Pastors to join together as Kingdom Brothers to develop trust, accountability and unity. It is a ministry that strengthens Pastors marriages, families, and ministries by establishing “Champions Tables”. The “Champions Table” is a safe place where Pastors can meet together and develop genuine relationships. The Champions Table is a pastors “Prayer Fortress!”
Pastor Paul Pickern is married to his wife Linda. They have 5 children (Tony, Stephanie, Dale, Seth, Schyler) and 12 grand children. Their home is in Plant City, Florida between Tampa and Orlando. Paul was born in Belleville, Illinois and Linda was born in Charleston, West Virginia.
I am writing to let you know of my concern over how the Covid narrative has taken over our society and divided the church. While I initially wrote a series of articles for, I have recently completed “The Covid Beast: Why We Cannot Give Up Access to Our Bodies.” During times like these, I lean heavily upon the words of Jesus in Luke 21:28. “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near.” The key to this verse is that Jerusalem must no longer be “trodden down by the gentiles.” (v. 24) But since 1967, Israel has been in control of Jerusalem, which means our generation has become the target audience of Jesus.
Indeed, Luke 21:28 reveals the prophetic paradigm of Jesus, which does not require us to predict the future. But we do need to know when our Bibles are happening. The problem is the church isn’t doing that or what Jesus says to do next. We are specifically told to “stand up and lift up our heads.” Standing up does not mean sitting down and being quiet. Our continued silence has become an acquiesce. When pastors are silent, the flock assumes the wolves are gone. Lifting up our heads means we are not to be discouraged. In fact, while other men’s hearts will be “failing them for fear,” (v. 26) our chins will be up because Jesus told us these things ahead of time so that we might have peace and not lose heart. (John 16:33) Sadly, preaching Bible prophecy has become synonymous with preaching fear instead of the encouragement it was intended to be.
Yet, God is the one doing the shaking in order to wake the nations before His return, which is why we are not supposed to hide or insulate people from what is happening. Now more than ever, we need to allow the prophetic words of God to declare that He is still in control, and that He has a plan for our lives. If the Bible is happening, then God’s plan is for us is to stand up, look up, and occupy until He comes. (Luke 19:12-13) Occupying is not giving up any ground. Standing up is what Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did in the face of a mandate. However, like any warning, prophecy must be given before it is too late. Consequently, no matter how controversial, we must stand in obedience to Jesus and speak the truth in love. Unfortunately, the beastly government with its ungodly mandates that require access to our bodies are getting more powerful each day.
Vaccine passports that prevent people from “buying and selling” are being enforced around the globe. Yet, this kind of absolute power over our individual temples of the Holy Spirit is something we cannot let anyone have, let alone Satan. These disturbing developments have caused me to start the Supernatural Junkies Podcast to get the word out about what is happening. Amazingly, in just 9 weeks, we now have 50,000 downloads. This success proves a new generation of lost souls is desperately searching for God’s answers to a world in chaos. In particular, our 10th episode explains the Biblical fulfilment of the rise of a “beast like” government and its corresponding mark. My hope is you get a chance to listen to an episode, or review one of the Covid Beast articles already on
May God Continue to Bless Your Ministry,
Dr. Kevan D. Kruse, D.C.
The above article is by one of our contributor teams. It may be controversial and we respectfully ask that when you read this understand that this ministry tries to provide thought engaging subjects that are simply for you to review and decide for yourself. Our team has many backgrounds and educational achievements and our prayer is that you will see this as simply one possibility.
Dr. Kevan Kruse has been practicing Chiropractic in the Bay area since 1992. Educated at the University of Tampa and Life University, Kevan received a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and a Doctorate of Chiropractic. Kevan was born in Florida, but he was raised with down to earth Midwestern values. These values translate into an office that is dedicated to serving patients in a surprisingly relaxed atmosphere. Each patient is evaluated on an individual basis and treated appropriately.
Dr. Kruse is also open to multi-disciplinary approaches to health care, with his focus being primarily chiropractic and nutritional ways to help solve health problems. His fascination and extensive participation in sports makes his treatment of automobile accidents, work related injuries and sports injuries especially on-target. Dr. Kruse is married to Alexandra and they have two sons named Wiatte and Whestan. Dr. Kruse supports many local charities and attends Bell Shoals Baptist church, where he occasionally teaches classes on various topics.
Why is the church important? The church is where the friends of Jesus meet and grow. It is a hospital for those who admit they are sick and who want to get better. The church is not a building or an organization, it is just people. The church is also part of your spiritual family. Does anyone you know have a perfect family? Good, because that won’t happen in church either. You won’t like all the people there, but you will grow to love many of them. You may have to visit around some to find the right church for you, but if you work at it, you will be better for it. My church friends are one of my greatest sources or encouragement and joy. Kevan Kruse Kevan Kruse2021-10-08 13:33:272021-10-08 13:35:18Open Letter To Pastors
During the Exodus, one of the more unusual confrontations between the Hebrews faithful to Yahweh and those who preferred a more tolerant view of the pagan religions they encountered occurred in the plains of Moab, the fertile area northeast of the Dead Sea, across the Jordan from Jericho.
While Israel lived in Shittim, the people began to whore with the daughters of Moab. These invited the people to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people ate and bowed down to their gods. So Israel yoked himself to Baal of Peor. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel. And the Lord said to Moses, “Take all the chiefs of the people and hang them in the sun before the Lord, that the fierce anger of the Lord may turn away from Israel.” And Moses said to the judges of Israel, “Each of you kill those of his men who have yoked themselves to Baal of Peor.”
And behold, one of the people of Israel came and brought a Midianite woman to his family, in the sight of Moses and in the sight of the whole congregation of the people of Israel, while they were weeping in the entrance of the tent of meeting. When Phinehas the son of Eleazar, son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he rose and left the congregation and took a spear in his hand and went after the man of Israel into the chamber and pierced both of them, the man of Israel and the woman through her belly. Thus the plague on the people of Israel was stopped. Nevertheless, those who died by the plague were twenty-four thousand. (Numbers 25:1–9)
This requires some unpacking. To our twenty-first-century minds, the reaction of Phinehas seems excessive. Today, many would call him out for his intolerance and accuse him of xenophobia, racism, or both. To atheists and skeptics, this story makes God out to be a monster since He obviously approved of Phinehas’ violent act. But that’s because most Americans today, especially those most likely to throw around that kind of epithet, view the world through a naturalistic bias. There is a lot here that’s only obvious if you understand what was happening in the spirit realm.
The first clue that there’s more to this story than is obvious at first read is the description of Phinehas’ killing stroke. Did you notice that he killed both the Israelite prince and the Midianite princess with one thrust of his spear? Without getting too graphic, there are only a couple of physical positions in which Phinehas could have speared them both with one jab.
There is other evidence in the text that suggests the sexual sin of Zimri and Cozbi, the young lovers who dared transgress “in the sight of all Israel.” The Hebrew word translated “belly,” qevah, means the lower abdomen and can refer to the womb or pubic region, emphasizing that Phinehas caught the young couple in the act. The word translated “chamber” in the ESV (other translations use “tent” or “pavilion”), qubbah, appears only here in the Old Testament. The passage is a little obscure, but the sense is that the couple were engaged in some rite to the Baal of Peor, possibly a fertility ritual. So, what do we know about this pagan deity?
The name Baal-Peor is actually a title, the “lord of Peor.” The location of Peor isn’t known exactly, but it must be near Mount Nebo, where Moses got his only look at the Holy Land. On a clear day, visitors to Nebo today can see the Dead Sea, Jericho, and the Mount of Olives, which is only about twenty-five miles away. Shittim, or Abel-Shittim, was the name given to the place of the Israelites’ camp in the plains of Moab, directly below the western slope of Mount Nebo. Shittim means “acacia,” the desert tree that provided the wood of the Ark of the Covenant. It’s a hardy plant, surviving where most other vegetation can’t because of its resistance to drought and tolerance for salt water.
A team led by Dr. Steven Collins of Trinity Southwest University has been digging since 2005 at a site in Jordan that overlooks the ancient plains of Moab. Dr. Collins is convinced that this site, called Tall el-Hammam, is the biblical Sodom. Based on its estimated population, it would have been the largest city in the Levant in the time of Abraham next to Hazor, near the Sea of Galilee.
The evidence suggests that it was destroyed around 1700 BC by an air blast similar to the 1908 Tunguska event in Siberia. Soil samples taken from the lower city revealed a high concentration of salts and sulphates in the ash layer from the city’s destruction, and the chemical composition of the salts and sulphates was “virtually identical to the chemical composition of Dead Sea water.” So, whatever exploded over the north end of the Dead Sea around the time of Abraham had enough force to drop brine over the lower part of the city. This was devastating—the lower city was built on a hill seventy-five feet above the Jordan valley!
Further investigation of the plain itself, the Kikkar, revealed that the salty water essentially poisoned the ground. It was at least six hundred years—about the time of Saul, David, and Solomon—before agriculture and civilization could resume. So, when the Israelites arrived on the plains of Moab, it was well named Abel-Shittim, the “meadow of acacias”—because virtually nothing would grow there besides salt-tolerant acacia for another 250 years.
Now, why is all of that relevant? Because the area east of the Dead Sea, and especially near the ruined city of ancient Sodom, was a place where it was believed that the dead intervened in the affairs of the living. In fact, two of the stops along the Exodus route refer to places where the veil between worlds was believed to be thin.
And the people of Israel set out and camped in Oboth. And they set out from Oboth and camped at Iye-abarim, in the wilderness that is opposite Moab, toward the sunrise. (Numbers 21:10–11)
The name of the first, Oboth, derives from ʾôb, which refers to necromancy, the practice of summoning and consulting with spirits of the dead. This is the Hebrew behind the English word “medium,” as in the woman consulted by Saul to summon the spirit of Samuel.
This is a controversial topic among Christians. Those of us who take the Bible seriously are inclined to believe that there’s no such thing as ghosts. But there is nothing in the biblical account to suggest that the spiritwho delivered God’s message to Saul was anything but the ghost of Samuel—who, it’s important to note, was called an elohim as he emerged from the earth.
“Elohim” is not a proper name, and it doesn’t refer specifically to “gods.” It’s a designator of place, like “American” or “New Yorker.” Spirits live in the spirit realm, but not all spirits are equal. Some are archangels and others are demons, but all are spirits. In the same way, spirits are all elohim, even the spirits of dead humans, but there is only one capital-E Elohim.
Interestingly, this casts new light on the name of one of the giants who fell before the swords of David’s mighty men.
There was war again between the Philistines and Israel, and David went down together with his servants, and they fought against the Philistines. And David grew weary. And Ishbi-benob, one of the descendants of the giants, whose spear weighed three hundred shekels of bronze, and who was armed with a new sword, thought to kill David. But Abishai the son of Zeruiah came to his aid and attacked the Philistine and killed him. (2 Samuel 21:15–17)
Contrary to the most common definitions of the name, the giant wasn’t Ishbi-benob, he was Ishbi ben Ob—“Ishbi, son of the medium”! And the “descendants of the giants” (yĕlîdê hā-rāphâ) were probably a Philistine warrior cult that venerated the “mighty men who were of old,” a practice that had persisted for at least 1,500 years by the time of David.
Derek P. Gilbert hosts SkyWatchTV, a Christian television program that airs on several national networks, the long-running interview podcast A View from the Bunker, and co-hosts SciFriday, a weekly television program that analyzes science news with his wife, author Sharon K. Gilbert.
Before joining SkyWatchTV in 2015, his secular broadcasting career spanned more than 25 years with stops at radio stations in Philadelphia, Saint Louis, Little Rock, and suburban Chicago.
Derek is a Christian, a husband and a father. He’s been a regular speaker at Bible prophecy conferences in recent years. Derek’s most recent book is The Great Inception: Satan’s PSYOPs from Eden to Armageddon. He has also published the novels The God Conspiracy and Iron Dragons, and he’s a contributing author to the nonfiction anthologies God’s Ghostbusters, Blood on the Altar, I Predict: What 12 Global Experts Believe You Will See by 2025, and When Once We Were a Nation. Gilbert Gilbert2021-10-08 13:26:052021-10-08 13:28:28Sodom, Baal-Peor, and the Cult of the Dead
You are no doubt familiar with the basic outline of the story of Father Abraham: He faithfully followed God’s call and left his home in northern Mesopotamia, near Harran (it’s spelled with two Rs outside the Bible) and traveled to Canaan. God promised that his descendants would return from Egypt to Canaan and become a great nation. As time passed, Abraham and Sarah began to doubt because they reached their senior years without a child and heir. Trying to jump-start God’s promise, Sarah gave her servant, Hagar, to Abraham, who promptly fathered Ishmael, considered the father of the Arabian tribes. But even with this display of disbelief, God reappeared to Abraham and Sarah and promised a son, who arrived in the form of Isaac, the son of the promise.
Most of us, reading this with a modern, Western worldview, interpret Abraham’s distress at the lack of an heir as the understandable sadness a father might have over not seeing his family line continue, or over leaving his (rather large) estate to an outsider.
After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: “Fear not, Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great.” But Abram said, “O Lord God, what will you give me, for I continue childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?” (Genesis 15:1–2)
Having read this far into the chapter, you already have a better understanding of why Abraham was distressed about not having a son. Since he didn’t know what later prophets and the apostles knew about the afterlife, Abraham can be excused for thinking that he needed a son to call his name and feed him on the thirtieth of every month. Scholar Nicolas Wyatt explains Abraham’s angst at being childless by digging deeper into Genesis 15:2:
mâ titten-lî wĕʾānōkî hôlēk ʾărîrî ûben mešeq bêtî {hûʾ dammešeq} ʾĕlî ʿezer
What can you give me, since I am childless, and the one who will pour libations on my tomb… is Eliezer?
The expression hûʾ dammešeq is a scribal gloss, explaining what was felt to be a damaged text, since the meaning of mešeq was lost until the Ugaritic texts were found. It may be translated “that is, Damascus”, but is an ill-directed attempt to explain an obscure term, and should be omitted. Ben mešeq, “son of the cup”, alludes to the eldest son’s ritual duties at the obsequies of his father.
In short, Abraham wasn’t upset that he might have to leave his wealth to a distant relative in Damascus. In fact, Eliezer may not even have been related; he might have been the servant Abraham sent north to find a bride for Isaac. Abraham was distressed that he’d have to name a servant his ben mešeq, “son of the cup,” to pour the water every month for the kispum.
Oddly enough, this practice of “pouring the water” for the ancestors is one more religious rite that appears to be connected to, if not inspired by, the Watchers and Mount Hermon.
In September of 1869, Sir Charles Warren climbed the mountain as part of a survey of the Levant for the Palestine Exploration Fund. We quote an excerpt from his report for the PEF later in this book, but the relevant point right now is this: In addition to discovering a four-foot-high stela inside the ruins of a temple near the summit inscribed in archaic Greek with a reference to “those who swore an oath” (i.e., the Watchers), Warren found that the summit of the mountain was scooped out to form a giant bowl about nine feet across and at least six feet deep.
If you’re familiar with the Book of 1 Enoch, you probably know that the two hundred rebellious Watchers descended to the summit of Hermon and bound one another with a mutual oath before proceeding to mate with human women and corrupt most of the living things on the planet. The text of Enoch puts the event “in the days of Jared.”
Scholar Edward Lipiński, however, has a different view:
The word yarīd… is not the name of a person, as authors generally believe, but a cultic term denoting the rite of hydrophory, which consisted in going down to a well in order to draw water out of it and bring it up in procession to pour it out as a libation.
In other words, the descent of the Watchers didn’t take place in the days of Jared, it happened in the days of the yarīd, or perhaps in the days when the yarīd was introduced. Lipiński documents from classical sources that the ritual was performed at several places in the Levant, including Hierapolis (modern Manbij, Syria) to honor Atargatis, another name for the goddess Inanna/Ishtar, and Tyre, for the chief god of that city, Melqart—the Phoenician name for the most famous of the Greek demigods, Herakles.
The practice of venerating one’s ancestors predates Abraham’s day, but we can only definitely date the practice of the monthly care and feeding ritual, the kispum, to the rise of the Amorites around 2000 BC. It’s difficult to believe that religious rites based on the worship of ancestors would have continued for the last four thousand years without some evidence to compel cultures as different as modern, high-tech South Korea and rural Madagascar to continue them to this day. While this won’t satisfy most scientists, who tend to limit the scope of their inquiries by denying the existence of anything that falls outside the definition of the “natural,” the only rational explanation for this long history of ancestor veneration is the intrusion of the supernatural in the physical realm, since it was fear of the power of the dead motivated Amorites to feed them in the first place.
As Christians, we understand that the dead only visit the living under special circumstances sanctioned by God. The only example in the Bible was the visit by the prophet Samuel to the medium at En-dor (1 Samuel 28:1–25). So, it’s safe to say that demands for food and drink from the dead weren’t coming from dead ancestors. Those demands came from another kind of spirit. They were spirits of the dead, all right, but not dead humans—dead hybrids. Nephilim.
In other words, what the Amorites of old believed were the spirits of their ancestors were actually demons.
Derek P. Gilbert hosts SkyWatchTV, a Christian television program that airs on several national networks, the long-running interview podcast A View from the Bunker, and co-hosts SciFriday, a weekly television program that analyzes science news with his wife, author Sharon K. Gilbert.
Before joining SkyWatchTV in 2015, his secular broadcasting career spanned more than 25 years with stops at radio stations in Philadelphia, Saint Louis, Little Rock, and suburban Chicago.
Derek is a Christian, a husband and a father. He’s been a regular speaker at Bible prophecy conferences in recent years. Derek’s most recent book is The Great Inception: Satan’s PSYOPs from Eden to Armageddon. He has also published the novels The God Conspiracy and Iron Dragons, and he’s a contributing author to the nonfiction anthologies God’s Ghostbusters, Blood on the Altar, I Predict: What 12 Global Experts Believe You Will See by 2025, and When Once We Were a Nation. Gilbert Gilbert2021-09-06 14:09:212021-09-06 14:09:21Son of the Cup
Before God revealed the true nature of the afterlife to us through Jesus and, to a lesser degree, the prophets and apostles, the ancient world had a very different idea about what came after death. The people who dominated the world during the time of the patriarchs, the Amorites, believed that the quality of life after death depended on one’s children, and their children, and their children, et cetera, until the end of time.There was more to it than that. The people of the Near East in Abraham’s day never really said goodbye to their ancestors. The dead hung around, always near, as part of everyday life. In fact, they required the attention of their descendants, and through the rituals of the living, those who’d passed on remained an active part of family, tribe, and community. Life among the Amorites of the second millennium BC, at least as far as one’s relationships with family and tribe, both living and dead, were very similar to the ancestor veneration found today in many parts of the world. It may seem odd to Protestants, but the practice is widespread and very old. The earliest written accounts that describe and explain the practice come from the Amorites of the ancient Near East.Mesopotamians four thousand years ago believed the netherworld was a dark, dreary place. The only food and drink available to the dead was what was provided by one’s descendants. The living were bound by duty to summon the ancestors to a ritual meal called the kispumon the thirtieth day of each month. This was the night of no moon, the darkest night, when the veil between the world of the living and the land of the dead was apparently thinnest. This is likely why one text in Sumerian and Akkadian from the time of Abraham described the last day of the month as “the evil day,” “dangerous day,” “the day of the kispum,” “day of the disappearance,” and “the day of ‘purification’.”This wasn’t like children putting out cookies and milk for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. The kispum was a necromancy ritual at which the family called the ancestors by name. Failure to perform the rite condemned the ancestors to a gloomy existence of dull, constant hunger.The monthly kispum rite may have originated with the Amorites. The first written references to it date from the early second millennium BC, which is when control of Mesopotamia shifted from the Akkadians and Sumerians to the Amorites. The ritual was comprised of three elements: a communal meal, šuma zakāru (“remembering the name”), and mē naqû (“pouring the water”). Dead ancestors were represented by statues call en-en-ku-ku (“lords who are sleeping”). These statues are probably what the Bible calls teraphim, the household gods stolen by Rachel when Jacob fled from his father-in-law Laban (see Genesis 31).The food provided to the dead was simple—bread, cold water, hot broth, flour, honey, and maybe some wine or beer flavored with roasted grain. Liquids might be poured into a pipe inserted into the earth, presumably to deliver it directly to the deceased. The provision of water was so important that the family heir who was responsible for the monthly kispum was called a “pourer of water.”It’s hard for us in the modern world to grasp how crucial these monthly rites were in ancient Mesopotamia. Participation in the afterlife absolutely depended on one’s descendants faithfully fulfilling their duties every New Moon. This not only nourished the dead through the long years in the netherworld; it kept them pacified. This was important—the dead were dangerous! To guarantee that the heir, usually the eldest son, did right by the expired ancestors, inheritance was tied to the performance of the kispum. Receiving one’s birthright was conditional on performing the monthly rites. Disobedient children might be punished in a will by being barred from accessing the gods and the dead of the recently deceased.The month of Abu in the Babylonian calendar (the Hebrew month of Ab, or July/August) seems to have been especially important in the annual cycle of the kispum. A letter from Ammi-ditana, the Amorite king of Babylon during the seventeenth century BC, a contemporary of Jacob and Joseph, calls for milk and butter for the offerings that month. It seems that Abu was believed to be a good time to ask dead relatives to leave the living in peace and to consult them for supernatural advice about how to cope in the world of the living.Interestingly, the name of the month may derive from a Semitic term ab, meaning “entrance to the netherworld.” In Hebrew, ab means “father,” but in the broader sense of honored ancestors or deities. Many of the gods worshiped in Mesopotamia were called “father,” such as the creator-god of Canaan, El, the “father of mankind,” and the war-god Chemosh, who is described as the father of the Moabites in Numbers 21:29. This has relevance beyond trying to understand the ancient Mesopotamian monthly meal for the dead, because another word based on ab, the Hebrew abarim(“travelers”), identifies the mountain from which Moses got his only look at the Promised Land and the battleground where the army of the Antichrist will fall.Ab is also a component of the name “Moab,” where the Israelites camped before crossing the Jordan (and the site of the “mountain of the Abarim,” Mount Nebo). The most common explanation of the etymology of Moab (“from father”) derives from the Bible’s origin story of the nation; the patriarch of the Moabites was a child of incestuous unions between Abraham’s nephew Lot and his daughters, who plied their father with wine when they despaired of having children after losing their fiancés in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Likewise, Moab’s northern neighbor, Ammon, was founded by Lot’s other son/grandson, Ben-Ammi, whose name means “son of my people.”The relationships between the living and the dearly departed were so important that scholars haven’t found any communal cemeteries among Amorite settlements from the Old Testament period—in other words, when the Amorites controlled the lands of the Bible. Families buried their dead under the floors of their homes, maybe so the dead only had to travel about six feet, more or less, to attend the kispum. This practice is even mentioned in the Bible. Have you ever wondered why the prophet Samuel was buried “in his house at Ramah”? That wasn’t a figure of speech; it was the custom of the time and culture in which Samuel, Saul, David, and Solomon lived.This dedication of the living to the dead, and the dependence of the dead on the living for their existence after death, is likewise reflected in the story of Abraham. I’ll explain how in next month’s article.
Derek P. Gilbert hosts SkyWatchTV, a Christian television program that airs on several national networks, the long-running interview podcast A View from the Bunker, and co-hosts SciFriday, a weekly television program that analyzes science news with his wife, author Sharon K. Gilbert.
Before joining SkyWatchTV in 2015, his secular broadcasting career spanned more than 25 years with stops at radio stations in Philadelphia, Saint Louis, Little Rock, and suburban Chicago.
Derek is a Christian, a husband and a father. He’s been a regular speaker at Bible prophecy conferences in recent years. Derek’s most recent book is The Great Inception: Satan’s PSYOPs from Eden to Armageddon. He has also published the novels The God Conspiracy and Iron Dragons, and he’s a contributing author to the nonfiction anthologies God’s Ghostbusters, Blood on the Altar, I Predict: What 12 Global Experts Believe You Will See by 2025, and When Once We Were a Nation. Gilbert Gilbert2021-08-09 12:42:392021-08-09 12:42:39The Pourer of Water
The following article is by one of our contributor teams. It is very controversial and we respectfully ask that when you read this understand that this ministry tries to provide thought engaging subjects that are simply for you to review and decide for yourself. Our team has many backgrounds and educational achievements and our prayer is that you will see this as simply one possibility.
By Dr Kevan Kruse and Dr Dennis O’Hara
The Beast Is Evolving
Since the last article, I have had a growing amount of feedback, and I wanted to further address some of the concerns that pastors have voiced. I also want to update us all on the latest Covid developments as they continue to unfold.
Proof Corona Virus Was Man-Made
If the “cause” is a deception, then the “cure” must also be a deception.
GOP Medical Witnesses: COVID-19 ‘Exactly What You’d Expect If You’d Gone Through Gain-Of-Function’
Not only has this virus been tampered with to be more contagious, but they cannot find either the original host or the secondary hosts (even after testing 10,000’s of animals in the Wuhan area) necessary for it to be transmitted to humans in a natural progression.
Dr. Simone Gold says Dr. Fauci FOIA emails reveal:
He discussed gain of function research
A scientist told him the virus seemed “engineered.”
He privately admitted masks aren’t effective.
He was aware of a possible slab leak but denied it
Dr. Gold also stated the Wuhan lab had three know leaks when the facility was a level 3 facility. How in the world did it ever get to be a level 4?
Dr. Simone Gold: The Origins of COVID-19 (America’s Frontline Doctors)
Dr. Wodarg: “I Think This Vaccination is Really the Pinnacle of the Crime”
Did COVID Come from a Lab? – Bret Weinstein
Brilliant atheist doctor explaining in no uncertain terms how viruses work. Specifically, the timeline and the fact that there are no intermediary hosts, proves that this a man-made virus starting in Wuhan.
Rep. McCaul Calls Covid-19 Origins ‘Worst Coverup in Human History’
PolitiFact Deletes Fact Check on Wuhan Lab Leak Theory
Science, Politics, and COVID | Scott W. Atlas – A voice of reason from the beginning.
The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan?
Coronavirus Lab Leak Theory: Evidence Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
Google Funded Virus Research by Wuhan Lab-Linked Scientist
The Deception is Pharmakeía
Revelation 18:23 – And never again will the light of a lamp shine in you, and never again will the voice of the bridegroom and bride be heard in you; for your merchants were the great and prominent men of the earth, because all the nations were deceived and misled by your sorcery (witchcraft, sorcery) your magic spells and poisonous charm). AMP
A pastor friend showed me the above verse because he felt like it helped him see the direct connections I have been trying to make between the MOB and genetic therapy. I agreed and jumped on it wholeheartedly. The context of the verse above is talking about “Mystery Babylon,” which for our purposes is the same thing as the Divided Kingdom of Daniel 2 or “Beast” government of Revelation. What follows gives us some additional clues as to how this all comes together.
When it says, “never again will the light of a lamp shine in you, and never again will the voice of the bridegroom and bride be heard in you,” I believe he is talking about the end of our relationship with God. After all, God is a “lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path.” Jesus has also said to us that He is the light. Furthermore, He has told us that He is the groom and we are His bride, but suddenly, we find out some of them will never speak again. Revelation 18:23 is a beautifully and yet tragic rendering of someone who is lost with no further hope of salvation.
In other words, they have probably taken the MOB. Enter a new entity, that of the international merchants, companies, businesses, corporations, and what amounts to a cabal. These are the 62 rich men that have more money than 3.5 billion people, and they have finally let everyone know who is running the world. This same cabal forms “Mystery Babylon,” which goes back to the Tower of Babel
The 62 Richest People on Earth Now Hold as Much Wealth as The Poorest 3.5 billion
The exclusiveness of their global economy is how they were able to carry out their threat, “if you don’t take this, then you can’t buy or sell,” which means you can’t participate in our global economy. All of this means the Bible is pro-conspiracy. Then a new revelation! Exactly how did they pull this deception? They used the sin of Pharmakeía, which is commonly translated as sorcery and witchcraft.
But this is an inadequate translation. The Greek word (5331) means to administer drugs or medicine; properly, drug-related sorcery; the use of medication, drugs, or spells. The implication of these ingredients is no less than a cure. Indeed, Pharmakeía is where we get the word pharmacy, which means anything we get at the pharmacy is a potential candidate for how this deception is played out, and it could even be the MOB.
Remember, the thing that allows them to pull off this deception is a “cause” that affects everyone. We know that the solution or “cure” to this cause is something that we might get at the pharmacy or our doctor’s office. Like our elections, suddenly merchants, professional associations, companies, businesses, and corporations are all in on the deception. Most people don’t know the law says that they have the right to make us take a vaccine.
Feds say employers can require vaccines and offer incentives
117 employees sue Houston Methodist hospital for requiring COVID-19 vaccine
They Lost!! The judge threw it out.
What also should not be missed is that “Mystery of Babylon” is a group of rich “merchant” people that are still working towards the plan of ancient Babylon. They are the ones behind the scenes putting this together and perpetuating this deception on the world. Now they are forming the “Beastly” system, but above all, they need access to our bodies to execute their final plan. By the way, the new program is just a different version of the same strategy being implemented in the Days of Noah, aka – the development of human hybrids.
The difference this time is that it will be medical technology that turns us into gods, thereby fulfilling Satan’s ancient promise. We are being misled by medicine, drugs, and gene therapy as we speak about the solutions that we are being forced to worship. The kicker is that a “cause” has led us to this place, and now they are ready to carry out their threat. “If you don’t take this, you cannot buy or sell.”
The only question is: are we going to bend the knee, bow our heads, and take something into our bodies that over-writes what God has written? While this may only be the precursor to the MOB, if we don’t stop them now, next time, it will be impossible. They will disenfranchise and outlaw everything that we know and love of the Christian life.
Summary of Revelation 18:13
Something makes the light go out in the heart of man forever. Something separates the bride from the groom and ends their relationship permanently, which is precisely what the MOB does.
“Mystery Babylon” will identify itself through the influence of wealthy merchants, corporations, and businessmen to form a “New World Order” or “Beastly” government that is reminiscent of an “Old World Order.” These are likely the same people who can keep us from buying or selling and developing “Beast” technology.
Their deception is carried out through the sin of Pharmakeía, which can be administered through drugs, medicine, sorcery, spells, and witchcraft. Most of these procedures or rituals require access to our bodies, which what the MOB requires. Both a vaccine and gene therapy could fit these descriptions and could be bought at a pharmacy.
The Hand & The Forehead
Since I have been writing these articles, the biggest obstacle for most people to the idea that this vaccine could be the “Mark of the Beast” (MOB) or its’ precursor is because there is no visual mark in our right hand or forehead. But as we will see, this is not what the text says in Greek. Remember, there is a spiritual war going on, and Satan is always looking for an advantage. Satan also knows our Bibles better than we do. Satan has been studying Bible prophecy for thousands of years.
Consequently, if God gave too many specific details about the “end times,” Satan will do the opposite. The point here is that for the MOB to happen, Satan must have access to our bodies to do something, to mark it in a strange new way. We have already talked about “Luciferase” and “Hydrogel” as technologies that could do this. Curiously, some people are demonstrating that their vaccination sites are magnetic.
Proof Versus Probability
Because it is difficult to prove just how magnetic the Covid jabs are, I need to go back and share how this line of reasoning all began. When I went to pre-med back in 1986, I had to take all of the core sciences. Evolution was the dominant theory, and so I loved to debate people about it.
It is hard to understand why I can remember something so unrelated 25 years later. Yet, in one of my biology classes, I remember talking about just how strange viruses are. The question was how evolution could have produced them because they are not even alive. Adaptation, the driving force of evolution, in no way made them more likely to survive. Then the professor says, “it is almost as if they were created to carry a DNA payload to every cell of our body.”
Here comes the kicker, “it is almost as if a virus was designed to carry a genetic payload to every cell in our bodies.” Fast forward 15 years, and I would realize that the convergence of trans-humanism, viruses, and the vaccine narrative would probably give us the MOB scenario. But the one thing I could never understand is how they would be able to push whatever genetic therapy into every cell of our body.
Yet, while doing some basic search on the connection between magnetic technologies and genetic therapies, I nearly fell out of my chair. I was shocked to find a plethora of magnetic nanotechnology that is readily available to promote the distribution of genetic components throughout the body. These technologies would make the Covid genetic therapy jab 1000’s of times more effective.
Now ask yourself a few questions. First, when was the last time people spent a lot of time and money developing something that they were not going to use? Second, now realize that many competing companies are trying to figure out how to push genetic components throughout our bodies, which would change everything about us.
The question then becomes, if they did not already have a goal of changing our DNA and identifying us with trackers (biometrics), then why are there so many different technologies that do precisely that? Why are all of these technologies always paired with vaccines? They are going to use the vaccine narrative to establish their real goals. At a minimum, they are getting ready to implement the real MOB, so now is the time to sound the alarm. The only question I have now is whether they have the genetic codes they want to push.
You Got Chipped with Nanobot Technology Why Magnets Stick to Injection Sites
Superparamagnetic nanoparticle delivery of DNA vaccine
EXPOSED! Magnetism INTENTIONALLY Added to ‘Vaccine’ to Force mRNA Through Entire Body
Magnetofection is a novel, simple, and highly efficient method to transfect cells (push DNA or RNA) into a culture (tissue or cells). It exploits magnetic force exerted upon gene vectors associated with magnetic particles to draw the vectors towards, possibly even into, the target cells. In this manner, the total vector dose applied gets concentrated on the cells within a few minutes so that 100% of the cells get in contact with a significant vector dose. (1000% increase)
Magnetic Field-Activated Sensing of mRNA in Living Cells
Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticle – SPIONs
Surface functionalization of SPIONs with therapeutic (health-related) molecules, including antimicrobial agents, has been successfully used in nanomedicine. By applying an external magnetic field, antimicrobial-loaded SPIONs can be guided to the desired infection site allowing a direct and specific therapeutic effect with minimum side effects. The great advantage of SPIONs is their magnetic properties that will enable direct delivery of matter into the pathogen zone without influencing the whole organism.
New magnetic technology launched
‘Luciferase’ Enzyme makes Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccine work
The fact remains, there is technology available that could make this vaccine the MOB. However, the scariest thing I have heard so far is that the vaccine has been called an “operating system” because and operating system can be updated later or turned on at a later date. While I can’t prove just what kind of operating system this is, I am unwilling to take the chance. However, many forms of nanotechnology could also fit this bill of being an operating system.
mRNA vaccine injects an ‘operating system’ into your body called “The Software of Life.” This Is Not a Vaccine –
We also know a conspiracy to get access to our bodies because they lie to us about the Covid narrative. If the Covid narrative is a lie, then it would make sense that the solution to the problem is also a lie. The question then becomes, “Why is everyone in the world pushing an “emergency use” only supposed vaccine if there is no emergency. “Why are we willing to trust them with our bodies?” Why can’t changing our DNA be the MOB?
What kind of Mark?
We have previously addressed how many modern technologies would be invisible to the eye but visible on a scanner. The most prominent placement for scanning people would be either be their right hand (since most people are right-handed) or their forehead. I believe that they can already do this with the supposed vaccines they have already distributed.
Now think about it as if you were someone from 2000 years ago observing the situation. The only people allowed to move freely had their right hand or forehead scanned with modern technology. Even the past year, most of us have had our foreheads checked for the temperature to allow for admission. This observation alone tells us that Bible prophecy surrounding the MOB is beginning to come true. Both the system and technology for the MOB are already here.
A Deep Dive into Revelation 13:16
He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or their foreheads.
The Cause – Greek Word 4160
The basic definition of this word is to make someone do something, which means there is a cause or chaos of some kind that to pushes us to a prescribed action or solution. “Cause” has been translated to execute, expose, form (a conspiracy), produce, or perform.
The Mark – Greek Word 5480
The word means to stamp, etch, impress, as in the case of a sculpture, a coin, a seal, branding, a die, or engraving. The word can also be translated as something that provides undeniable identification, a symbol showing an irrefutable connection between two parties, an identification-marker, or an owner’s unique “brand-mark.”
This form of marking could easily be fulfilled by genetic markers such as DNA or other identifiable substances. This idea is also fulfilled with numerous new biometric technologies. The root word (deeper meaning) of “mark” is charassó, which means to sharpen or engrave, which implies that what makes the mark is sharp like the syringe being used to inject someone is quite sharp and marks us with its’ ingredients.
Right Hand or Side – Greek Word 1188
While this word means right hand or side, there is something about this word that has been lost in translation. How does this word mean someone’s right hand in the following verses?
Matthew 5:29 – If “your right” eye makes you stumble or offends, cut it out.
Matthew 20:23 – but to sit “on My right” and [My] left
The key to our “right hand” is to notice that we are probably not talking about something literal. The right hand seems to indicate our power and authority, but it could also represent a special place of honor and allegiance. Consequently, holding or marking our right hand appears to be akin to bridling a horse. Thus, it would appear that anything else but God in our “right hand” is some form of idolatry. Vice versa, if we have something occupying this position that is not God, then we are told to cut it out, or we could end up missing out on heaven.
Indeed, this is what is happening with the MOB. However, the key to understanding the right hand might come down to the fact that God Himself wants to hold our right hand to help us. God alone is worthy of receiving our power and authority. God is the only savior and the one who can calm our fears. (Isaiah 43:10) We cannot let anyone else play that role in our lives.
For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. (Isaiah 41:13)
Can there be any doubt that Satan would also want to hold our hand and be our savior? To make us trust him or his system. So, what better way to accomplish this than to provide a supposed vaccine that carries his genetic material under the guise of saving us from a false pandemic?
So, in the end, our right hand represents a place in our life where only God can be allowed to sit, hold authority, believe, or trust. Our right hand is what we allow to control us. It is who we call God. The fact that we cannot buy or sell without this mark means that the “Beast” is in control of our “right hand.”
Hand – Greek Word 5495
The word properly means the hand, but figuratively it can mean the instrument a person uses to accomplish their purpose, intention, or plan. It has been translated agency, charge, and grasp. The idea that Satan marks our hands indicates that he has marred our God-given purpose, intention, or plan.
The Forehead – Greek Word 3359
“I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind, I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.” Romans 7:25
The literal translation of this word is “after the eye” or possibly between the eyes. Between the eyes is the frontal lobe of the brain, which houses our mind and personality. As we discussed in parts 6 & 7, in Hinduism, the dot in the forehead is the location of the “third eye,” which is also on our one-dollar bill. The opening of this third eye allows someone to see spiritual things, but it also allows someone to be tampered with by demons.
The mark or seal in the forehead also appears to be linked to a different kind of seal. Before the Abyss is opened, the “seal of the Living God” is applied to our foreheads by an angel. This seal of God in our foreheads will protect our minds from the hosts of Satan when they are released. (Revelation 7:3) Vice versa, the seal or mark of Satan (MOB) does the exact opposite.
The Root Word for Forehead is Meta – Greek Word 3326
This word has a deeper meaning, which implies “change afterward” (i.e., what results after an activity); the after-effect (change or result) is defined by the context. Think of a butterfly going through a metamorphosis. Before the process he is a caterpillar, but afterward he is a butterfly.
Applying that to humans and it means before the process you were a human being, but afterwards you are something different – a meta-human being. The fact that this change takes place in our forehead implies that we go through a metamorphosis of the mind. Interestingly, DC comics routinely call superheroes “meta-humans,” which is their term for a genetically altered human being. Coincidence or not? You decide.
My “Expanded Translation” of Revelation 13:16
Satan (causes) executes a plan, exposes a weakness, forms a conspiracy, produces chaos, and performs an Oscar-winning performance that affects everyone (small, great, rich, poor, old, young, slave and free) so that they receive a (mark) a stamp, etching, become a sculpture, are sealed, imprinted with a signet, branded with a die, or engraving that “provides undeniable identification,” a symbol showing an irrefutable connection between the two parties, an identification-marker, an owner’s unique “brand-mark.”
The root word ” mark” hints that the process will be carried out by something sharpened to a point, such as a needle. The mark is literal but may not be visible. However, the place we are marked, our right hand, may not be literal because it represents a particular part of us (what we value, trust, and give power and authority to) that only God has the right to hold. Because Satan now (figuratively or literally) holds our hand, it could mean he controls our purpose, intention, or plan. This same mark is also on their foreheads or between their eyes.
Our forehead houses the frontal lobe of our brain and it contain both our conscious mind and personality. In this sense, the “seal in our foreheads” could represent the gateway to our mind and possibly our soul. “With our mind, we follow the law of God.” Consequently, the MOB could cause a “metamorphosis of the mind” that gives Satan control, which would also explain why they worship him.
Lastly, the root word for the forehead is the word “meta,” and it refers to what the person will become after this marking process. Indeed, after someone takes the MOB, they could be referred to as a meta-human: which is synonymous with hybrid human beings, super soldiers, or DC Comics superhero’s. The human hybrids of the Bible were the Nephilim or the giants.
The Mind & The Forehead
None of these definitions require the MOB to be visible to us, only to Spiritual beings. The Bindi is an actual mark the Hindus place on their forehead to represent the opening of the “third eye,” which is a portal from our mind to the spiritual world. Additionally, opening this door can also lead to demonic possession of the soul.
Indeed, the MOB appears to be the opposite of the “seal of God in our foreheads” because one keeps the demonic spirits out, and the other lets them in. (Revelations 7:3) The idea of meta-humans is also synonymous with the concept of human hybrids. In the Old Testament, these were the Nephilim who roamed the earth in the Days of Noah. Yet, this modern “mingling of seeds” (See Daniel 2) will cause the same hostility that it did between the two seeds of Genesis 3.
Who are the meta-humans or superheroes of the Bible; mighty men, men of legends? That would be the Nephilim or the hybrid human beings of the “Days of Noah.” Marking, changing, altering our DNA defiles the book that God wrote when He made us. Changing our genetic material is changing the reality of who we are and especially our minds. So, why would we let anyone do that? Sound like blasphemy to me.
If our genetic information becomes blasphemy, why wouldn’t our minds and words also become blasphemy? Consequently, the MOB could represent the changing or metamorphosis of our minds. Could this be the reason why Goliath walked up to God’s people and said, “I defy the armies of Israel?” Could this be the reason that the minds of those during the “Days of Noah” were only “evil continually?”
Can Genetic Markers Be the MOB?
Does a genetic marker fulfill the idea of a mark or MOB? Could a genetic marker be considered any of the following: a stamp, etching, become a sculpture, are sealed, imprinted with a signet, branded with a die, or engraving that “provides undeniable identification,” a symbol showing an irrefutable connection between the two parties, an identification-marker, an owner’s unique “brand-mark?” Do we use genetic markers to define ownership, brand, or determine rights of creation?
When Tal Zaks, chief medical officer of Moderna, says they are “hacking the software of life.” Here is what he means when he says that: When “changing” a line of code or “introducing” a line of code” (referring to DNA), the “code” or DNA is then altered, meaning the individual or “subject” has now had their genome changed to what the “scientists” have coded. The individual or subject is no longer a creation of God but a creation of man, meaning the individual or subject could be the object of a “patent.”
Moderna Chief Medical Officer Admits MRNA Alters DNA –
What is a patent? According to Webster’s Dictionary, a patent can be talking about the exclusive control and possession of a particular individual or party; protected by a trademark or a brand name to establish proprietary or property rights analogous to what is conveyed by letters (of patent). A patent can also invoke the right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention, which gives them a monopoly or right so granted.
It is clear that from the perspective of Mr. Zaks, those genetic codes are indeed patentable because they invented them. When someone takes these codes, they become altered genetically. Essentially, they have overwritten their God-given mRNA codes. Changing one line of code is all that is needed to create an argument for a patent. The code itself also implies ownership and branding. It also “provides undeniable identification, shows an irrefutable connection between the two parties, and exhibits an owner’s unique brand-mark.”
Companies like Monsanto have been patenting work based on the same premise. They take something God made and then modified it to claim it as their creation. The other obvious correlation with how our DNA connects and unmistakably links us together is our familial relationships. Without these shared codes, there is no family connection to the point that the parents have no legal rights to the children. This argument is being made on earth. Why can’t it be made in heaven? Only God can know and decide.
Can Someone’s DNA Keep Them from Being Saved?
Yes. Enter the Nephilim narrative. Just like those who take the MOB, the Nephilim were human hybrids, and they could not be saved. Moreover, they were un-redeemable because they were not God’s children. Consequently, they were not created in God’s image. After all, God never created them, nor did He ever call them good.
Nephilim means “fallen ones.” They were also traditionally referred to as “soulless ones.” Not only did God send the flood to destroy the Nephilim, but even the second wave of them were ordered to be killed every man, woman, and child. One of the implications of this ethnic cleansing was to keep their corrupted bloodline from repopulating the world again. It could also have been to keep the messianic bloodline pure. Specifically, the descendants of Israel, Esau, Lot, and the Philistines were all commanded by God to rid their lands of the Nephilim. (See: Gen 14:5-6, Numbers 13:32-33, Deut 1:26-28, 2:10-11, 2:2-23 & 3:11; 1 Samuel 17 & 2 Samuel 21:15-22)
Here’s my thought. What if Satan has finally come up with a way to change our genes to be more like the Nephilim? That would be quite the deception, wouldn’t it? That would explain why someone has to choose to change their DNA. The reality is that Satan has found a way to change our genetic material, and this supposed vaccine is only the warm-up. Does the question now become how much genetic change is too much?
The Nephilim Mind
Another possible reason salvation wasn’t available to a Nephilim could have something to do with their mind. Remember, the “Days of Noah” were a time when “every intent of the thought of (their) heart was only evil continually.” It seems probable that we could say that “with their minds, they only served Satan.” Consistency would also allow us to say that Satan had a seal or control or ownership over their minds, which happens to be what is in our foreheads. It also seems likely that their minds were not able to confess or repent.
What does seem evident about the people in Noah’s day was they had lost both their conscience and their ability to feel conviction over evil. A seared conscience is consistent with the idea that Nephilim were truly unredeemable. However, the Nephilim also had a natural enmity with God and His children. The age-old “War of the Seeds” from Genesis 3 could be one reason why Christians will be persecuted so severely in the tribulation.
However, what we have missed about the Days of Noah and the Nephilim is a very significant technical issue. Nephilim have different DNA. They have different genetic markers than we do. Our DNA is what marks us because it determines the family we belong to. Are we a sheep or a goat? It is also entirely probable that changing our DNA would also change our minds and our heart.
Making extensive changes to our DNA could certainly destroy what we look like, feel like, desire, believe, and how we behave. But, most importantly, it could change who we worship. Consequently, unless we are willing to throw out the Nephilim narrative of the Bible, we must face the fact that they had different DNA.
The idea of changing our genes must be considered as a real possibility for why someone could become unredeemable. If this kind of genetic manipulation was happening in the Days of Noah, and now it is happening again, how is it not time to sound the alarm? However, none of these changes are possible if we don’t give them access to our bodies. Could it be a coincidence that their solution to their “man-made” problem just happens to be “genetic therapy” and not a vaccine?
The Connection Between the Nephilim and the MOB
They are both connected to the Days of Noah.
They both defy God and worship Satan.
They are at odds with God’s people.
Neither of them can be saved.
The Nephilim had different DNA.
Consequently, the MOB could have a genetic component.
The Choice to Stay Human
None of the theology surrounding Genesis 6 or the Nephilim narrative matter in the age of grace unless they are happening again. Unfortunately, the church is unaware of the “World’s Most Dangerous Idea.” Even more importantly, an entirely new generation had so forgotten what was in their Bibles that they didn’t even recognize when it was happening again.
We are coming to a turning point in human history. The “times of the Gentiles” is also coming to a close. The fact that the MOB keeps us from being saved indicates that a dispensational or covenant change is about to happen. The MOB itself may also represent a change back towards Old Testament law in this one area. While I am not saying the age of grace is over, there does seem to be a new limit to how far grace can go. Knowing these changes and remembering that “people perish for lack of knowledge” means that we must begin to speak out about this new deception of Pharmakeía: drugs, medicine, sorcery, and witchcraft. Here are some things that qualify for all four.
Hydrogel/Quantum Dot Can Erase Your Memory of God and His Creation from Your Brain
Recall that we also had someone having this experience documented with an AstraZeneca trial.
Genetic Developments Surrounding the Experimental Covid Vaccines
April 9: mRNA vaccines may EDIT your genes through “retro-integration,” … and the DNA damage might be passed on to future generations
This Injection is Not a Vaccine.
The Israeli people haven’t been given the information required for a sufficient risk-benefit analysis in this extraordinary endeavor. Maybe this is why we have a new Prime Minister.
Dr. Mercola: Bill Gates Horrifying ID2020 Quantum Dot Tattoo – A Rockefeller Tracking Plan
Are vaccines being merged with biometric IDs? Why? Because one narrative makes the true agenda possible.
Quantum Dot Tattoos Hold Vaccination Records
If there is never to be hidden technology in vaccines, why are genetic therapy and biometrics specifically designed to be used with vaccines?
Horrifying study reveals mRNA vaccine nanoparticles are circulated throughout the entire body: Brain, heart, liver, ovaries, testes, and more
A Japanese study showed the mRNA codes appear in all of our tissues, thereby marking every cell of our body. Complete distribution is only likely to be possible through magnetic technology.
The Abomination of Desolation
Many people often say that the Abomination of Desolation (AOD) must take place before the MOB. I would have to say it is before the AOD because of its connection to the “Opening of the Abyss.” In essence, the AOD is carried out when the “Spirit of the Anti-Christ” is released from the Abyss. So, it would also make sense that the mark comes before the opening of the Abyss. But here is an alternative perspective.
Is the MOB a form of the AOD? Before the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed, the veil of the Holy of Holies was rent from top to bottom, which signifies that God no longer lives in temples. God dwells inside our bodies. If the MOB changes one part of the book that God wrote when He created us, we defiled His temple. If Satan or a demon sits on the throne of our heart, then the ultimate AOD has already taken place. This ties into the idea that our bodies are members of Christ, and we don’t join our bodies to harlots or demons.
Of course, I am not saying that the AOD will not also occur in the temple in Jerusalem, but the true temple of God in our bodies. After all, when Jesus said, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up,” Jesus was talking about his body. (John 2:19) So, there may be a double meaning regarding the AOD.
What we believe, have faith in, obey, and bend the knee to defines our worship.
The Great Division is Happening
Daniel 2:43 – “And whereas thou saw iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.”
This verse is being fulfilled as we speak. Giving up the notion that the seed being referred to here is genetic material, we can then say that the last “divided Kingdom” comprises people with mingled seed and those with non-mingled seed. The problem is that these two groups of people are at odds with one another. The two seeds are reminiscent of Genesis 3 because there was “enmity” between them. Already, the natural health world is in an uproar and wanting to keep vaccinated people away from them over the ideas of shedding and infertility issues.
Meanwhile, the vaccinated are pushing forward with a vaccine passport to keep unvaccinated from being able to go to Walmart, a concert, their favorite restaurant, or fly to another state. I am already experiencing patients asking me if I have had the vaccine and not wanting to continue treatment because of my decision. Even the church is being divided as we speak. Yet, “United We Stand, and Divided We Fall” is still the equation for survival in each of these situations. Creating division is how they formed communism and why the communists said they would destroy America without firing a shot. The pandemic is all about dividing us and destroying our financial resources so that we can hate each other. Hate is what built hell.
*** This may be only the beginning of the pandemics. In the future, our governments will demonize Christians and blame the unvaccinated for the next pandemic because we are the ones who are refusing access to our bodies to be marked or changed genetically.
The Real Risk of Dying from Covid
** Remember, there is no reason anyone should take an “emergency use” only vaccine if there is no emergency.
** Remember, if you have no underlying conditions, your chance of dying from Covid is significantly lower than the following chart. The CDC already released the statistic that 94% of all those the die of Covid have underlying conditions, which means your chance of dying could be only 6% of the following figures if you have no underlying conditions.
Calculated based on the number of deaths due to Covid-19 (568,053 deaths) divided by the United States Population (which is 332,769,579), the overall chance of dying is 0.17% over the past 18 months.
Remember, these numbers are inflated due to the guidance changes the CDC made to how they did death certificates and the financial incentives offered to health care providers by insurance companies.
Total Deaths
Population (million)
Chance of Dying
.000393 %
.0040 %
.014 %
.042 %
.139 %
.39 %
.98 %
85 & older
2.59 %
**Note: these death rates include people with underlying conditions. If someone has no underlying conditions, then their death rate is dramatically lower.
Lifetime odds of death for selected causes, United States, 2019
Heart disease 1 in 6 16.6%
Suicide 1 in 88 1.13%
Drug Overdose 1 in 92 1.08%
Fall 1 in 106 .94%
Pedestrian Incident 1 in 543 .18%
Motorcycle 1 in 899 .11%
Drowning 1 in 1,128 .088%
Bicyclist 1 in 3,825 .026%
Dog Attach 1 in 86,781 .0011%
Lightning 1 in 138,849 .00072
The Implications
Can you imagine the media covering every pedestrian, bicycle, and motorcycle accident for a year and a half, and the kind of fear they would have generated around those activities by then?
By then, dogs, swimming pools, walking, or riding a bike or motorcycle would be illegal.
Can you imagine keeping kids out of school for over a year because of any of these things? So, what is the real reason they didn’t go to school?
Bottom line, all of these items except the bottom 3 are more dangerous than Covid if you are under 50.
If motorcycles, bikes, and dogs are still legal, then why is it illegal to work, go without a mask, or refuse to take an emergency use only vaccine when natural immunity works just fine?
We are more likely to die of suicide or a drug overdose than Covid until we hit 85.
Natural Immunity Versus mRNA Genetic Therapy. Which would you choose?
Natural Immunity
Supposed Vaccines
If you are under 50 and have no underlying health condition, you have virtually no risk of dying from Covid.
If you are over 65 and have underlying conditions, then Covid is a more significant risk.
Natural immunity has kept us here for thousands of years.
50% of all vaccines have been pulled due to complications. Long term risk of mRNA therapy is unknown.
80% of those testing positive never have any symptoms.
50-80% of those who take genetic therapy get symptoms.
Provides Full Immunity
Provides No Immunity
Cannot Transmit Covid
Can still transmit Covid
Immunity can last up to decades
Increased Immunity is temporary.
100% Natural
Experimental – not FDA approved unless there is an emergency.
Maintains My God-Given Genetic Coding
Not a vaccine. This is genetic therapy that overwrites my God-given RNA codes and makes my body produce spike proteins, which is a pathogen that makes people sick.
Safe because natural immunity survival rates are extremely low:
Age 0-14 survival is 99.9998%
Age 15-44 survival is 99.9931%
Age 45-65 survival is 99.9294%
Age 65-85 survival is 99.6297%
Over 85 survival is 98.2499%
Not Safe – CDC listed side effects are too numerous to count.
No long-term testing on human or animals.
No testing on pregnant patients.
No testing on brain, kidneys, lungs, or heart.
No testing on the effects on our DNA.
No testing on pre- or post-natal development.
Includes experimental ingredients, industrial chemicals, and “proprietary” ingredients, means they won’t tell us what it is.
No liability needed.
Prep Act Makes Insurance companies not liable.
If this not-a-vaccine is so good, then why, when I show this to people under 65 with no underlying health conditions, does no one think vaccination is the best choice. Instead, people are being bullied into getting this experimental vaccine, which is a crime against humanity. If you are interested in more reasons why not to take this vaccine. Please watch this video.
**Link to CDC side effects:
The Defamation of Natural Immunity
On June 23 KY Senator Rand Paul at the Senate Health Committee hearing addressed that the majority of false claims about Natural immunity being less effective protection against future Covid infections were in fact coming from the government. He questioned former President of the America Medical association on Covid-19 vaccinations Dr. Susan Bailey on why the gov. Is spreading misinformation about peer reviewed sources stating natural immunity is as effective if not more effective against covid as vaccines.
Link to this clip:
As of June 24th :Business insider report 54% of early cases of Delta Covid cases in Israel are vaccinated…
Vaccine Passports
What a clever name for saying they are putting everyone who doesn’t take this vaccine under house arrest, which will eventually lead to them taking everything they have. They have spread lies and fear, and now it has turned into hate! It has now accomplished its goal of dividing America even though natural immunity is better than vaccinated immunity, and probably more than 50% of us already have it.
Johns Hopkins Prof: Half of Americans Have Natural Immunity; Dismissing It Is ‘Biggest failure Of Medical Leadership.’
No Rational
If these supposed vaccines do not give immunity (they can still catch and transmit Covid), why should there be a vaccine passport? They have no advantage over natural immunity, and they are experimental with no long-term studies done on humans. Furthermore, there were troubling results detailed in various studies using mRNA therapy on animals.
Europe officially launches covid “vaccine passports” after clueless media dismissed the idea as a “conspiracy theory.”
The High Wire with Dr. Naomi Wolf – Are Vaccine Passports the End of America?
UVA to mandate COVID-19 vaccination for in-person students this fall
Eric Clapton says his musician friends cut him off after he spoke out about his ‘disastrous’ vaccine side effects: ‘I just don’t hear from them anymore.’
Red flags as Oregon forces businesses to ask for ‘vaccine passports’ from customers that go mask less
Unfriend The Unjabbed GMB / Hugo Talks Some More
The Next Push is to Get Pastors to Comply
Public health officials find churches are ideal sites for COVID vaccine clinics!
Churches to host vaccination clinics across DC region to help boost confidence
Fireside Chat Ep. 188 — The Churches That Refused to Kneel
Vaccine Side Effects
CDC Holding Emergency Meeting over Cases of Heart Inflammation Disorder in Young Coronavirus Vaccine Recipients
CDC Officials Admit More Hospitalizations of Young People from Vaccine than From the Actual COVID Virus – Including HUGE Number of Heart Problems Reported
Pfizer Confirms COVID-Vaccinated People Can ‘Shed’ Spike Proteins and Harm the Unvaccinated
Tucker Carlson: How many Americans have died after taking the COVID vaccine?
More in 4 months, then from all the vaccines for the past 15.5 years.
New mRNA Vaccine Could Cause Immune Cells to Attack Placenta Cells, Causing Female Infertility, Miscarriage or Birth Defects.
Two brave doctors, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and Dr. Michael Yeadon have issued a motion for administrative and regulatory action to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) regarding the new mRNA coronavirus vaccines developed by Pfizer/BioNTech. They warn that the vaccines can attack placenta cells, causing female infertility. New mRNA Vaccine Could Cause Immune Cells To Attack Placenta Cells, Causing Female Infertility, Miscarriage Or Birth Defects
Sunday Live: Fauci’s NIH Doctors Refusing to Take COVID Shot Despite Saying Safe & Effective
Elon Musk says he won’t take coronavirus vaccine, calls Bill Gates a ‘knucklehead.’
A Doctor and a Voice of Reason about Vaccines and Current Events.
“The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays an additional key role in illness” shows that SARS-CoV-2’s “distinctive ‘spike’ protein”…”damages cells, confirming COVID-19 as a primarily vascular disease.” While the paper focuses strictly on Covid-related issues, it unavoidably raises questions about the new vaccines that contain billions of spike proteins that could significantly increase the chances of severe illness or death.
20 Mechanisms of Injuries (MOI) How COVID-19 Injections Can Make You Sick; Even Kill You
(Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, USA) – VAERS COVID REPORTS
227,805 reports of adverse events through May 14, 2021.
“Global Time Bomb” First case of postmortem study of patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2; “viral RNA found in every organ of the body.”
Situation Update, April 6: The vaccinated will DIE; the unvaccinated will be HUNTED
Geert Vanden Bossche Ph.D. and his warning to the world against ‘Immune Escape.’
Horrifying Bombshell! Connecticut Warns Moderna VAX Contains Deadly Poison
Nobel Prize Winner Exposes That COVID Shots Create Variants!
COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease J. Bart Classen, MD*
Former Pfizer Vice President Dr. Mike Yeadon Speaks Out
Inventor of mRNA Technology: Vaccine Causes Lipid Nanoparticles to Accumulate in ‘High Concentrations’ in Ovaries
UK Researchers Warn Government: “COVID-19 Vaccines Unsafe for Use in Humans
CDC Limits Review of Vaccinated but Infected; Draws Concern
Professor Delores Cahill and Ole Dammegard join me to share a red alert warning for the world about the experimental biological agents being peddled as safe and effective “vaccines.”
She has also joined another group of doctors united for truth concerning Covid.
False Flag “COVID-19 Pandemic” Depopulation Program Exposed Iatrogenic Death Cult – Dr. Ben Edwards
Impact of COVID Vaccinations on Mortality
Professor Delores Cahill and Ole Dammegard share a red alert warning for the world about the experimental biological agents being peddled as safe and effective “vaccines.”
False Flag “COVID-19 Pandemic” Depopulation Program Exposed Iatrogenic Death Cult – Dr. Ben Edwards
Listen To This Doctor Lay Down the Truth
Spanish doctor declares there is no Pandemic and that “Prions,” which cause mad cow disease, are in the vaccine.
Covid Lies & Fauci’s Follies
Sen. Paul: Fauci Committed Perjury over Gain of Function Comments Related to Wuhan Lab
Video: Rand Paul Says “Elitist” Fauci Believes Americans Too Stupid to See Through “Pseudoscience”
Rand Paul Grills Fauci Over Funding Dangerous Research at the Wuhan Lab
Fauci Didn’t Alert White House When Gain-Of-Function Research Ban Lifted; Said Worth Pandemic Risk In 2012: Report
Fauci did not alert senior White House officials before lifting the ban on gain-of-function research in 2017. Fauci argued that the benefits of doing gain-of-function research outweighed the risk that it could spark a pandemic. He was wrong. But he has had to readjust his thinking a lot lately.
Tucker Carlson: Is Dr. Fauci under criminal investigation?
Dr. Fauci: Funder and Founder of the Covid-19 Crime Against Humanity
COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless
Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose
How the CDC is manipulating data to prop up “vaccine effectiveness.”
Caught Red-Handed: CDC Changes Test Thresholds to Virtually Eliminate New COVID Cases Among Vaxx’d
Alternative Treatments for Covid
They are censoring doctors who are talking about alternative treatments such as Hydroxychloroquine Ivermectin, Vit D, Zinc, and Monoclonal Antibodies.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Authorizes Monoclonal Antibodies for Treatment of COVID-19
Rand Paul is saying there is an effective alternative to Covid treatment.
Hydroxychloroquine is effective and consistently so when provided early, for COVID-19.
Vaccines and the Role of Monoclonal Antibody Treatment
Dr. Rachel Levine, Assistant Secretary for Health, discusses how clinicians should counsel their patients on monoclonal antibody treatment for COVID-19.
For a discussion of this article visit: The Supernatural Junkies Podcast on Charisma Magazine – Episode 9 & 9.5
Note:Dr Dennis O.Hara is a guest contributor/co-author Dr. Dennis O’Hara was born and raised on Long Island, NY and was an athlete throughout his school years. He fell in love with chiropractic while being helped as a patient for numerous sports injuries. Dr. O’Hara has been in practice since he graduated from National College of Chiropractic in April 1992. Dr. O’Hara continued his education achieving his Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians.
Dr. O’Hara’s clinical emphasis focuses on injuries of the neck and back, Sports injuries, biomechanical and postural correction and rehabilitation. He has worked with amateur and professional athletes and was the chiropractic physician for the Washington DC United MLS soccer team from 1996-1998. Dr. O’Hara had been a ringside physician for amateur MMA from 2009 through 2015 having worked hundreds of hours evaluating fighters before and after fights.
Dr. O’Hara’s continued passion for chiropractic drives his desire to help educate the public on the importance of spinal health and overall wellness.wait to deceive.” We will let people back into the church. We will be the rock upon which God builds His kingdom, instead of a stepping stone towards Satan’s final agenda. May God prick our hearts, and may the church begin to wake up, because the time is getting short. Jesus is coming soon.
Dr. Kevan Kruse has been practicing Chiropractic in the Bay area since 1992. Educated at the University of Tampa and Life University, Kevan received a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and a Doctorate of Chiropractic. Kevan was born in Florida, but he was raised with down to earth Midwestern values. These values translate into an office that is dedicated to serving patients in a surprisingly relaxed atmosphere. Each patient is evaluated on an individual basis and treated appropriately.
Dr. Kruse is also open to multi-disciplinary approaches to health care, with his focus being primarily chiropractic and nutritional ways to help solve health problems. His fascination and extensive participation in sports makes his treatment of automobile accidents, work related injuries and sports injuries especially on-target. Dr. Kruse is married to Alexandra and they have two sons named Wiatte and Whestan. Dr. Kruse supports many local charities and attends Bell Shoals Baptist church, where he occasionally teaches classes on various topics.
Why is the church important? The church is where the friends of Jesus meet and grow. It is a hospital for those who admit they are sick and who want to get better. The church is not a building or an organization, it is just people. The church is also part of your spiritual family. Does anyone you know have a perfect family? Good, because that won’t happen in church either. You won’t like all the people there, but you will grow to love many of them. You may have to visit around some to find the right church for you, but if you work at it, you will be better for it. My church friends are one of my greatest sources or encouragement and joy.
Baghdad, Iraq, 2005. Victory Base Chapel. Early morning.
I watch Soldiers who are just now entering chapel for services. They look weary, most have been up all night either on a mission or pulling guard duty. They bring their weapons with them and drop them on the floor, and then they lift their hands in worship. After service is over, they pick up their firearms and continue their mission. There is no respite in combat.
I want you to get this picture: Soldiers never leave their weapons unattended, even in chapel services at Victory Base, Baghdad, Iraq. They have those weapons beside them just in case of an enemy attack. They are ready for combat at all times.
If we did that here in America, it would be a strange sight indeed, but not in a war zone, not in combat. The interesting thing to note is we are at war in America!
What war, you ask?
There are dark spiritual forces at war with believers here in America and around the world. Make no mistake about it; we are in combat every day with the unseen enemy. Ephesians 6:12 tells us: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
What do we need to do to combat the forces of darkness? Be ready and prepared! The Lord, in these last days, is preparing His Army for spiritual hand to hand combat.
Look at Matthew 25:1-5, the parable of the ten virgins: “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.
The ten virgins’ job was to provide light, and some of them, according to John Piper, had “lamps without oil, candles without wicks, torches without fire, light bulbs without electricity. They had the outward form of religion and no internal power. They liked their position; otherwise, they would have left. But they did not have a passion for using the necessary means to fulfill the point of their position.”[1]
Five were ready, and five were not. Those five were distracted, too busy with politics or shopping or sports or whatever. They probably relished the excellent church services, loved the sermons, enjoyed fellowship feasts, and were very busy with the details of the day, yet the Bible tells us they were asleep! They were not ready for the coming of their Lord.
I want to share with you the secret of the US Army’s success. The number one priority is READINESS! There is no other number one priority. If the Army was not adequately trained, equipped, manned, and supplied, what do you think will happen in the next conflict? We lose. Period.
The five virgins who were ready had oil, and they had their lamps, they prepared for the return of the groom. Are You ready?
Here are some ways to start getting ready:
1. Take a good hard look at your life right now: are you focused and doing all that Christ has asked of you? How do you spend your time?
2. Start by repenting! Just start. When the Army throws you into boot camp, on day one you are now a Soldier, not a civilian. No looking back.
3. Determine to follow Christ every moment of every day by putting to death the flesh, that part of me that doesn’t relate to Christ. In the Army, you follow the orders of those who are over you. Throw out all idols in your life, those things that are higher priority than God.
4. Fill your lamp with oil, which is the power of the Holy Spirit. We need power packed disciples. Listening to Him every moment of every day.
5. Read and live the Word every day.
How shall we live in 2021 and beyond? Keep your weapons by you at all times.
Chaplain (COL) David Giammona, U.S. Army Ret., is an end-time expert, scholar, author, writer, and speaker. He retired from the Army in June 2018 after 32 years of military service in the Army. His last assignment was the Installation Management Command (IMCOM) in San Antonio, Texas, where he was responsible for religious support on all 75 Army installations worldwide. He had oversight and administrative responsibility for over 1,000 chaplains and others, along with several thousand volunteers.
Giammona was the strategic advisor to a 3-Star Commanding General and the chief executor for the Chief of Chaplains to deliver world-class spiritual support services. Upon his retirement, President Donald Trump, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, Pastor Rick Warren, New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado, and others sent him letters to express their appreciation for his service to his country.
An ordained Assemblies of God minister since 1988, the Colonel, has dedicated his life in retirement to writing and speaking with a focus on preparing the church and warning the world about the end times.
His education includes a Master of Divinity, Golden Gate Baptist Seminary, Master of Science in Counseling – Marriage/Family Therapy, Columbus State University, and a Master of Strategic Studies (MSS) at the Army War College.
His Army assignments include four years in the Pentagon as the Personal Assignments Officer for the Chief of Chaplains, three tours of combat duty in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia, and extensive travel throughout the world as a trainer, mentor, and coach to the military.
Generals and fellow chaplains and colonels who served with Giammona describe him as a “heavy hitter” with “gravitas,” a “servant leader” who could “help lead through tough situations,” and a chaplain and Colonel chosen for this position because of his “compassion, his skills, and his love of God and country.” “He was well-liked and very well respected among people at IMCOM,” says retired U.S. Army Major. Gen Warren Patterson. “IMCOM was the headquarters of about 600-700 people, and he reached out to them. He had the utmost respect of everybody there. His staff absolutely loved him because he cared about them.
His awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Global War on Terror Service Medal, and Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal. Giammona is a native of Sacramento, California. He and his wife Esther have been married for 39 years and have three adult children: Micah, Catarina, and Melissa. They are married and serving Christ. Giammona and Esther also have three grandchildren: Isaac, Michael, and Eva. Col. Giammona and Esther live at their home on the 46-acre Warrior Refuge near Columbus, Georgia.
In his free time, the world-class motivational speaker enjoys playing the saxophone, working out, hunting, and reading. He has an extensive background in music and graduated with a degree in saxophone performance from Sacramento State University. He performs at churches and other venues.
The Greeks and Romans shared a good deal of their religion. The names were different (with the notable exception of Apollo), but the gods were pretty much the same. Zeus of the Greeks was Jupiter of the Romans. Likewise, Aphrodite was Venus, Ares was Mars, Hera was Juno, Hephaestus was Vulcan, and so on.
Similarly, the old god of the Romans, Saturn, was the equivalent of Kronos, king of the Titans. In both Roman and Greek religion, this was the old god who ruled the earth during a long-ago Golden Age, when humanity lived like gods, free from toil and care. Both were overthrown by their son, the storm-god, and confined to the netherworld. To the Greeks, this was Tartarus, a place as far below Hades as the earth is below heaven; in Roman myth, Saturn was chained by Jupiter to ensure that he didn’t overeat. It was believed that Saturn consumed the passing days, months, and years. It obviously would have been a problem if the old god had turned his voracious appetite to consuming the present and future as well.
The most famous of the Roman religious festivals, Saturnalia, was adapted from the Kronia celebrated in the Greek world. The Kronia is first recorded in Ionia, the central part of western Anatolia (modern Turkey) in the eighth century BC, roughly the time of Isaiah. From there, the celebration spread to Athens and the island of Rhodes, and ultimately westward to Rome, although the festival shifted from midsummer to the winter solstice. Both festivals were a time of merriment and abandoning social norms, with gambling, gift-giving, the suspension of normal business, and slaves being served by their masters.
The annual party notwithstanding, the god had a darker side. It’s well documented that both Saturn and Kronos were connected to human sacrifice. Classical sources report that condemned prisoners were sacrificed to Kronos at Rhodes, children were offered to the god at Crete, and, as Baal-Hammon, the god was offered sacrifices of Phoenician children well into the Christian era. Perhaps most horrifying of all is the description of the first-century philosopher Plutarch.
[Carthaginians] offered up their own children, and those who had no children would buy little ones from poor people and cut their throats as if they were so many lambs or young birds; meanwhile the mother stood by without a tear or moan; but should she utter a single moan or let fall a single tear, she had to forfeit the money, and her child was sacrificed nevertheless; and the whole area before the statue was filled with a loud noise of flutes and drums took the cries of wailing should not reach the ears of the people.
Historians of the classical age made no distinction between Saturn, Kronos, and Baal-Hammon; to them, they were the same god worshiped under different names by Romans, Greeks, and Phoenicians. The parallel between child sacrifice and the myth of Saturn/Kronos devouring his own children to prevent their eventual rebellion is obvious. Diodorus Siculus, writing in the first century AD, drily noted that “the story passed down among the Greeks from ancient myth that Kronos did away with his own children appears to have been kept in mind among the Carthaginians through this observance.” Christian apologist Tertullian was less charitable:
Since Saturn did not spare his own children, of course he stuck to his habit of not sparing those of other people, whom indeed their own parents offered of themselves, being pleased to answer the call, and fondled the infants, lest they should weep when being sacrificed. And yet a parent’s murder of his child is far worse than simple homicide.
Indeed. In our modern, civilized world, we’ve mostly avoided the guilt associated with infanticide by convincing ourselves that an unborn child is simply a clump of cells that’s part of a pregnant woman’s body—heartbeat and unique DNA sequence notwithstanding.
We cannot lay the blame for the cult of Kronos, and the sacrifices offered later to his alter egos Saturn and Baal-Hammon, entirely on the Greeks. Careful reading of ancient texts reveals that this god is much older than the Greek civilization and originated farther east, in northern Mesopotamia. As at Saturnalia, the Kronia featured a reversal of normal social roles, most notably slaves served by their masters and eating with them at a common meal. It appears that this festival was very old by the time the Greeks established themselves as a world power.
A text discovered in 1983 at the site of the capital city of the Hittite kingdom, Hattuša, dated to about 1400 BC, the time of the Israelite conquest of Canaan, describes a myth in which the king of the gods, the storm-god Teshub (Baal/Zeus/Jupiter by a different name) has a ritual meal with the sun-goddess, Allani, and the “primeval gods” who’d been banished to the netherworld. Not only were the old gods at the table; they sat in the place of honor at Teshub’s right hand.
The celebration of the temporary suspension of the cosmic order surely accompanied the temporary suspension of the social order on earth. In other words, the myth with the “primeval gods” will have been associated with a ritual of reversal between masters and slaves. Now the Titans were also called “the old gods,” old and/or dumb people were insulted as Kronoi, and Attic comedy used expressions such as “older than Kronos” and “older than Kronos and the Titans.” Evidently, the antiquity of this divine generation had become proverbial at a relatively early stage of the tradition. The Titans thus can be legitimately compared to the Hurrian “primeval” gods.
It’s no coincidence that, like Kronos and Saturn, the Hurrian-Hittite god Kumarbi became king of the gods for a while by castrating his father, the sky-god, and was in turn deposed by his son, the storm-god, called Teshub by the Hurrians and Tarhunz by the Hittites. In other words, Kumarbi, who was worshiped in what is now Turkey and northern Syria, was an older incarnation of Kronos/Saturn/Baal-Hammon.
West drew attention to the conceptual similarity of the (Hittite) “former gods” (karuilies siunes) with the Titans, called Προτεροι Θεοι in Theogony 424, 486. Both groups were confined to the underworld (with the apparent exceptions of Atlas and Prometheus), and as Zeus banished the Titans thither, so Tešup [Teshub] banished the karuilies siunes, commonly twelve in number, like the Titans. They were in turn identified with the Mesopotamian Anunnaki. These were confined by Marduk to the underworld, or at least some of them were (half the six hundred, Enuma Elish vi 39–47, see 41–44), where they were ruled over variously by Dagan or Shamash.
The evidence for the earliest traces of this god point to a Mesopotamian origin, not Greek. Specifically, the trail leads to northwest Mesopotamia, in the area of the Mediterranean coast along the border between modern Syria and Turkey.
But this goes farther back than the Hittites and Hurrians of Joshua’s day. Scholar Amar Annus, who has done some absolutely brilliant work tracing the Watchers back from Hebrew texts to older Mesopotamian sources, came to an astonishing conclusion when he dug into the origin of the name of the former gods of the Greeks, the Titans. Annus notes first the existence of an ancient, and by the time of the Judges in Israel, almost mythical Amorite tribe called the Tidanu or Ditanu. They had a bad reputation in Mesopotamia—uncivilized, warlike, and dangerous. In fact, they were so threatening to the last Sumerian kings of Mesopotamia, the Third Dynasty of Ur, that around 2037 BC they began building a wall 175 miles long north of modern Baghdad specifically to keep the Tidanu away. We know this because the Sumerians literally named it bàd martu muriq tidnim, the “Amorite Wall Which Keeps the Tidnum at a Distance.”
Annus notes that the name “Ti/Di-ta/da-nu(m)—most possibly ‘large animal; aurochs; strong, wild bovide’—is the name of the eponymic tribe.” Then he points out that this tribe was linked to the Rephaim in ritual texts at Ugarit, the Amorite city-state destroyed around 1200 BC.
Greatly exalted be Keret
In the midst of the rpum (Rephaim) of the earth
In the gathering of the assembly of the Ditanu
So, the Ditanu/Tidanu were linked to the Rephaim in mind and ritual among the ancient Amorites, who, you remember, considered the Rephaim to be the divinized ancestors of their kings. What’s more, this assembly was summoned in what can only be described as a necromancy ritual for the coronation of Ugarit’s last king, Ammurapi III.
You are summoned, O Rephaim of the earth,
You are invoked, O council of the Didanu!
Ulkn, the Raphi’, is summoned,
Trmn, the Raphi’, is summoned,
Sdn-w-rdn is summoned,
Ṯr ‘llmn is summoned,
the Rephaim of old are summoned!
You are summoned, O Rephaim of the earth,
You are invoked, O council of the Didanu!
This council or assembly was more than just a group of honored forefathers, like the framers of the Constitution. One text from Ugarit makes reference to ritual offerings for the temple of Didanu, and temples owed sacrifices are typically devoted to gods. It appears, then, that between the birth of Abraham, around 1950 BC, and the time of the judges, circa 1200 BC, the Tidanu/Ditanu were transformed from a scary tribe of Amorites named for a giant wild bull into divine beings connected to the Rephaim, who likewise disappeared from the earth (in physical form) during that period.
And the Tidanu/Ditanu are probably the origin of the name of the bad old gods of the Greeks.
Then it may not be overbold to assume that the Greek Titanes originates from the name of the semi-mythical warrior-tribe (in Ugarit) tdn—mythically related to the Rpum in the Ugarit, and once actually tied together with Biblical Rephaim in II Samuel 5:18-22, where we have in some manuscripts Hebrew rp’m rendered into LXX as Titanes.
So, the veneration of this group of ancient entities extends at least as far back as the time of the judges, and probably much further. But why would the Greeks choose the name of an Amorite tribe for the old gods confined to Tartarus? Was that tribe literally descended from the old gods—the rebellious “sons of God” in Genesis 6? In other words, were the Tidanu/Ditanu literally Nephilim?
We’ll explore that next month.
Derek P. Gilbert hosts SkyWatchTV, a Christian television program that airs on several national networks, the long-running interview podcast A View from the Bunker, and co-hosts SciFriday, a weekly television program that analyzes science news with his wife, author Sharon K. Gilbert.
Before joining SkyWatchTV in 2015, his secular broadcasting career spanned more than 25 years with stops at radio stations in Philadelphia, Saint Louis, Little Rock, and suburban Chicago.
Derek is a Christian, a husband and a father. He’s been a regular speaker at Bible prophecy conferences in recent years. Derek’s most recent book is The Great Inception: Satan’s PSYOPs from Eden to Armageddon. He has also published the novels The God Conspiracy and Iron Dragons, and he’s a contributing author to the nonfiction anthologies God’s Ghostbusters, Blood on the Altar, I Predict: What 12 Global Experts Believe You Will See by 2025, and When Once We Were a Nation. Gilbert Gilbert2021-06-08 14:06:292021-06-08 14:06:29The Gods of the Abyss