With popular shows such as Ancient Aliens promoting the belief that ancient gods were just
misidentified extraterrestrials, mistaken for gods by the men who met them, the world is now
very familiar with the Ancient Astronaut Theory. Many ancient texts, especially those from the
ancient near-east, are used to support this claim. Among the most used are ancient Sumerian,
Babylonian, and Jewish texts.
However, there are certain inconsistencies found within those texts which do not seem to
promote Ancient Astronaut Theory. For example, in the creation mythology of Baal, the gods
existed in a watery abode. Ancient Astronaut theorists might be tempted to think of this as a
water-world exoplanet. If this were the case, and if these alien gods communicated with
mankind, we should expect beliefs around those communications to develop within their culture
and religion. Why is it, then, large bodies of water such as the sea were more closely related to
concepts of chaos and death in these belief systems? If alien creator gods came from water-
worlds, shouldn’t the seas of Earth represent life rather than death? A closer look at the ancient
texts themselves can provide us a clearer picture of the whole story.
The Enuma Elish is the Babylonian epic of creation, also known as The Seven Tablets of
Creation. 1 All the tablets containing the creation myth were found at Ashur, Kish, Nineveh,
Sultante, and other excavated sites. The tablets date to about 1100 BC but there are indications
that they’re copies of a much older version of the story. 2 The myth describes the birth of the
gods, the universe, and human beings. In the beginning, according to the story, there was nothing
else except chaotic water everywhere. Out of the movement of the water, the waters divided into
fresh and salt water. The fresh water is identified as the god Apsu while the salt water is
identified as the goddess Tiamat. Through these two entities came the birth of younger gods.
The younger gods were noisy and troubling Apsu, so upon the advice of Mummu, Apsu
decides to kill the younger gods. Tiamat hears of this and warns her eldest son, Enki (sometimes
Ea), so he puts Apsu into a sleep and kills him. Enki then creates his home from Apsu’s remains.
Tiamat becomes angry over Apsu’s death and consults with Quingu, who advises her to bring
war against the younger gods. Tiamat gives Quingu the Tablets of Destiny, which solidifies the
rule of a god. Quingu wears the tablets as a breastplate. Tiamat then summons the forces of chaos
and creates eleven monsters to destroy the younger gods.
Ea/Enki and the other younger gods fight against Tiamat, but are unable to win the battle
until Marduk emerges as a champion among them. Marduk defeats Quingu and kills Tiamat by
shooting her with an arrow, splitting her in two. Marduk creates the heavens and the earth from
Tiamat’s corpse (half to make the heavens, half to make the earth). He then appoints jobs to the
younger gods and binds Tiamat’s eleven monsters to his feet as trophies. He then takes the
Tablets of Destiny from Quingu, thereby solidifying his reign.
Marduk then talks with Ea, recognized as the god of wisdom, and decides to create
human beings. He does this by killing the gods who convinced Tiamat to go to war. Quingu is
found guilty and killed. Ea creates Lullu, the first man, from the blood of Quingu. Lullu’s job is
to help the gods in their task of maintaining order and keeping chaos restrained. The story then
ends with a long praise of Marduk for everything he did. The entire story is about chaos being
subdued by the destruction of a great sea beast.
In other words, the sea beast is a symbol for chaos.
A similar story can be found in the Ugaritic Baal Cycle. Ugarit was an ancient city,
located at what is now Ras Shamra in northern Syria.

In the second millennium BC, the population of Ugarit was Amorite and would have
controlled roughly 2,000 square kilometers on average. 3 During some of its history, Ugarit would
have been directly within, or at least in close proximity to, the Hittite Empire.
Ugarit was destroyed in the early 12th century BC and its location forgotten until 1928
when a peasant accidentally discovered an old tomb. The area of the tomb was found out to be
the necropolis of Ugarit. Excavations have since revealed a city with a prehistory reaching back
to c. 6,000 BC. 4
Archaeologically speaking, Ugarit is considered Canaanite. 5 Arguably, the most important
literary document recovered from Ugarit is the Baal Cycle, which describes the basis for the
belief system surrounding the Canaanite deity Baal. In fact, Ugarit bordered the northern Israelite
kingdom and can be considered the center of ancient Baal worship. Of further importance is the
discovery of the Ugaritic language, which is closer to biblical Hebrew than any other Semitic
language. There are extremely interesting word-for-word parallels between Ugaritic myths and
passages in the Old Testament which show clear polemics (controversial arguments intended as
an attack on a differing belief or idea). As we will explore a bit later, we can read the creation
account in the Bible and see a polemic to the Baal Cycle.
The Baal Cycle isn’t as much about creation as it is a competition between gods to win a
position of rulership with the supreme god El. It describes a battle between Baal (meaning
“lord”) and Yam (meaning “sea”), and another battle between Baal and Mot (meaning “death”).
Yam is also called Nahar (meaning “river”) and is also described as a sea monster with seven
heads named Litanu (the Canaanite word for ‘Leviathan”). In the Baal Cycle, Yam is a symbol
for the sea and the forces of chaos, comparable to Tiamat in the Enuma Elish. Baal defeats Yam
and is declared king of the other gods, yet still under El. He is given the titles “the Rider on the
Clouds,” “Most High,” and is described as having everlasting dominion.
To a person in the ancient Near East, the sea was considered extremely dangerous,
chaotic, and even otherworldly. The sea is untamable, unpredictable, and wild. Sea creatures
themselves were considered symbolic portrayals of the place in which they lived: the sea. This is
the reason we see the symbol of the sea and a great sea beast/monster/dragon repeated in the
religious texts of the ancient near-east. To those people, there was no better representation for
death and chaos. 6 We even see this idea turn up in the Bible.
We are at least two thousand years and half a world removed from the ancient Jewish
culture in which much of the Bible was written. The best way to understand and interpret the
Bible is to put yourself in the ancient writer’s shoes. What was going on at the time of the
writing? What was the writer dealing with in terms of competing theologies? What was the
cultural environment of that time? By asking these questions and looking at the text through
ancient Near Eastern eyes, we can gain a better understanding of the scriptures.
This brings us back to the idea of polemic. As stated briefly earlier, a polemic is a type of
theological jab at a different religion or belief. These show up all over the texts in the Bible. The
idea was not always to give a literal account of something, but to attribute credit to the true God
of Israel, YHWH. For example, we find in the Baal Cycle the term “Rider on the Clouds” is
attributed to Baal. Yet, we read a response to that claim throughout the Bible as YHWH is
referred to in the same way. 7 Even Jesus Christ referred to Himself in this manner. 8 The point was
not to describe the oddity of God riding on clouds; it was to state that Baal was not the one in
charge. It is a deliberate swipe at the belief of Baal having everlasting dominion by taking his
title and attributing it to the true God, YHWH.
This is only one example of a polemic in the Bible. There are many others.

Some of the most interesting polemics can be found in the creation accounts of the Bible.
The idea of polemic will also help explain some different descriptions between these creation
accounts. For example, we can compare Genesis 1:1-3 with Psalm 74:12-17.
1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void,
and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of
the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. (Gen. 1:1–3, ESV)
Yet God my King is from of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth. You divided the sea
by your might; you broke the heads of the sea monsters on the waters. You crushed the heads of
Leviathan; you gave him as food for the creatures of the wilderness. You split open springs and
brooks; you dried up ever-flowing streams. Yours is the day, yours also the night; you have
established the heavenly lights and the sun. You have fixed all the boundaries of the earth; you
have made summer and winter. (Ps. 74:12–17, ESV)
Here, we have two very different sounding accounts. In Genesis, we learn God created the
heavens and the Earth; the Earth was without form and void; there was darkness over the face of
the deep; the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters; and then God began His creation by
creating light.
The account in Genesis establishes the conflict between God and primordial chaos,
represented by the sea and a sea monster, in the very second verse of the Bible. The word
translated “deep” is the Hebrew tehom. That’s a cognate—same word, different language—to the
Akkadian têmtum, which in turn is a variant form of Tiamat, the Sumerian name for the chaos
monster of the sea.
Why did the Spirit of God hover over the waters? Although there is no record here of the
conflict between YHWH and “the deep,” it appears the intent was to restrain something—chaos

1 All seven tablets, translated to English, can be read here: http://www.sacred-texts.com/ane/enuma.htm
2 http://www.ancient.eu/article/225/
3 Pardee, Dennis. “Ugaritic”, in The Ancient Languages of Syria-Palestine and Arabia (2008) (pp. 5–6).
Roger D. Woodard, editor. Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-68498-6, ISBN 978-0-521-68498-9
(262 pages).
4 Yon, Marguerite (2006). The City of Ugarit at Tell Ras Shamra. Singapore: Eisenbrauns. p. 15.
ISBN 978-1-57506-029-3. Retrieved 16 May 2015.
5 Tubb, Jonathan N. (1998), “Canaanites” (British Museum People of the Past)
6 For more information on this, refer to the Chaos to Restoration Lecture Series by Dr. Michael S. Heiser
at https://youtu.be/xUspLJjSjqo?list=PL52EgTwZYdvWlIxnSQphmeI8dDgE1mNde
7 Psalm 68:4 and Daniel 7:13, for example.
8 Mark 14:61-62

Linda and I had the privilege to preview the movie Route 60: The Biblical Highway and were so excited to see how this movie brings to life our Judeo Christian history and heritage. Mike Pompeo and David Friedman host this wonderful documentary taking us along the highway in Israel, Route 60 which runs through the middle of the country from north to south.

Linda and I spent about 12 days there a few years ago and loved it however we never heard one word about Route 60 and the remarkable historic sites along this route. After watching the movie we felt like we needed to return to Israel and see it first hand but both of us replied that this movie was almost as good as being there in person.

Mike Pompeo and David Friedman walk through history showing the actual locations where Abraham walked and lived, where Joshua made a great altar, where Jesus walked was born and buried, plus much much more.

The movie brings to life the ancient Hebrew lifestyle and that this was how Jesus lived. It demonstrated the importance of Christians understanding our Jewish roots and ultimately what it means to be grafted in as Paul wrote. It was beautiful to see David Friedman an Orthodox Jew and Mike Pompeo an Evangelical Christian walking together discussing the history and the relationship of these two great religions.

Many people forget that Jesus was a Jew and he actually said to his disciples to reach out to the Jews first with his gospel message. He never said to leave and ignore them. He said to love them and share the good news.

This movie explains and shows where and how to start and that is with relationships! Until you understand your own heritage and history as a Christian, it is very hard to have an honest loving conversation with our Jewish friends and neighbors.

We loved this movie because it takes us right to where Christianity started, Bethlehem in Judea. Route 60, explains so much of the history of Israel before Christ that is essential to understanding Christ as a Jew and some of his teachings. Traveling back in time down Route 60 you actually feel like you are there and a part of something much bigger than you can imagine.

This movie brought a lot of the Old and New Testaments together very clearly and made people and locations real! I would suggest that every Pastor make plans to see this movie and to take the time to teach on the history and relationship of Jews and Christians. Teach on what is happening in Israel today and why the entire world is watching this tiny little country!

Finally, I would suggest if I may, take a group to see Route 60, The Biblical Highway and utilized the study materials that will be made available. Israel is the most watched and contested country on the planet. Jerusalem is the most coveted city on earth. Take the tour with Mike and David and see and hear for yourself why this is still true today. As they were both part of the making of the historic Abraham Accord a few years ago, they cover a lot more in what they say than any tour guide.

Finally, Linda and I pray you will be encouraged to pray for Israel and the Jewish people, and if possible take your own trip down Route 60! It will change your life forever!

Pastors and leaders watch this trailer to get a taste of what you will experience: Route 60


Without a doubt, Star Trek has been one of the most influential entertainment franchises
in history. Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty, and others are iconic characters, recognized around
the world. Oddly enough, though, through the series creator Gene Roddenberry, the starship
Enterprise is linked to CIA mind control experiments, a group of “aliens” who claim to be
the creators of humanity, and—believe it or nothere we go again—the assassination of John
F. Kennedy.
Let’s back up to World War 2. During the war, Andrija Puharich, the son of immigrants
from the Balkans, attended Northwestern University outside Chicago where he earned a
bachelor’s degree in philosophy in 1942 and his M.D. in 1947. Through an invitation from a
well-off family friend, who’d married into the Borden dairy family, Puharich found himself
in Maine in early 1948, where he established a research institute to pursue his interest in
parapsychology, the Round Table Foundation of Electrobiology, usually shortened to the
Round Table. 1
An early member of the Puharich Round Table was Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New
World and The Doors of Perception, a book about his experiences with mescaline (and the
book that inspired rock singer Jim Morrison to name his band The Doors). Puharich financed
his research with gifts from donors, one of whom was Henry Wallace, who’d been vice
president under Franklin D. Roosevelt. Wallace, a 32 nd degree Freemason, persuaded
Roosevelt to add the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States—the pyramid and the all-
seeing eye—to the dollar bill. 2
This book isn’t big enough to hold a full account of what Puharich was up to for the U.S.
Army in the 1950s 3 , but the upshot is that he was apparently researching parapsychology and
chemical substances that might stimulate the human mind to reach into realities beyond those
we can normally perceive with our natural senses. And at one of his gatherings in Maine, on
New Year’s Eve in 1952, Puharich and his Round Table, working with a Hindu channeler
named Dr. D. G. Vinod, conducted a seance that apparently made contact with something
calling itself The Nine. 4 Thus began a truly breathtaking chapter in America’s mostly hidden
programs that searched for ways to weaponize the occult.
Some months later, on June 27, 1953, the night of the full moon, Puharich gathered
around him what was to be a core group of the Round Table Foundation for another
session with Vinod. The membership of this group of nine members—á la The
Nine—is illuminating. Henry Jackson, Georgia Jackson, Alice Bouverie, Marcella Du
Pont, Carl Betz, Vonnie Beck, Arthur Young, Ruth Young, and Andrija Puharich. Dr.
Vinod acted as the medium.
Imagine the Fellowship of the Ring, with government funding and a security
classification that was, well, “cosmic.” 5

This group included old money—very old money. The Du Pont name is obvious, but
some of the others were no less prominent. Alice Bouverie was an Astor—a descendent of
John Jacob Astor and the daughter of Col. John Jacob Astor IV, who built the Astoria Hotel
and went down with the Titanic. Arthur Young was the designer of the Bell helicopter; his
wife had been born Ruth Forbes. Yes, that Forbes.
Ruth’s previous marriage had been to another old money family that traced its roots back
to the early days of the American colonies, George Lyman Paine. Their son, Michael Paine,
married a woman named Ruth Hyde, and in 1963, Michael and Ruth Paine became friends
with a young couple newly arrived from Russia, Lee and Marina Oswald.
Yes, that Lee Oswald. Lee Harvey Oswald.
So. A Du Pont, an Astor, and a Forbes/Paine, in a psychic research group funded by the
U.S. government, communicating with… what?
And what was the monkey god doing there?
Dr. Vinod sat on the floor, the nine members of the group in a circle around him, with
a copper plate on his lap, prayer beads in his hands, and a small statue of “Hanoum,”
a Hindu god that the author believes to be Hanuman, the Monkey King. If this is so, it
is interesting in that Hanuman was a human being, a minister, before becoming divine
due to his devotion and courage. The half-human, half-divine image is one that
becomes more important and more obvious as this study progresses. Another
important aspect of Hanuman is his depiction in much Indian art as holding an entire
mountain in one hand (and a club in the other). When—in the Ramayana and during
the battle of Rama and Ravana—Lakshmana was mortally wounded, Hanuman raced
to a mountain covered with different healing herbs. Not knowing which one
Lakshmana required, Hanuman simply brought the entire mountain. Hanuman—as
well as his fellow monkey-men, the Vanaras of southern India—is often shown with
his hand in front of his mouth, signifying “silence” as well as obedience, in much the
same way western occultists depict Harpocrates. In this sense, replete with silence,
obedience, a club, and a mountain of herbs, Hanuman might easily have been the
patron saint of MK-ULTRA. 6
What an interesting coincidence, if you’re a coincidence theorist. Remember that Aleister
Crowley believed The Book of the Law was dictated to him by Aiwass, the messenger of
Anyway, The Nine disclosed that they wanted the Round Table to lead a spiritual renewal
on Earth, and eventually revealed that they were extraterrestrials orbiting the planet in a
giant, invisible spacecraft.
It sounds crazy, but remember that the group assembled that night included highly
intelligent, very successful people. And Puharich later wrote, “We took every known

precaution against fraud, and the staff and I became thoroughly convinced that we were
dealing with some kind of an extraordinary extraterrestrial intelligence.” 7 In other words, if
this was a hoax, it worked on some very smart people.
On the other hand, the decades-long career of Andrija Puharich suggests that it may also
have been a case of “leading the witnesses,” in a sense. He appears to have been a seeker
who, like Fox Mulder in The X-Files, really wanted to believe.
But it was more than that. The Nine declared, “God is nobody else than we together, the
Nine Principles of God.” 8
So extraterrestrial and divine. Remember that while the Round Table was hearing from
The Nine, Aleister Crowley’s acolyte Kenneth Grant was developing his occult system based
on an ET god from Sirius.
Dr. Vinod returned to India a short time later and contact with The Nine was interrupted
for more than fifteen years. Then, in 1971, Puharich discovered Israeli psychic Uri Geller.
Geller, best known for his alleged power to bend silverware with his mind, became for a
time the new link to The Nine. Through Geller, The Nine informed Puharich that his life’s
mission was “to alert the world to an imminent mass landing of spaceships that would bring
representatives of The Nine.” 9
Well, that didn’t happen. And Geller decided to move on in 1973, so Puharich had to find
someone else to bridge the gap between Earth and the giant, invisible craft allegedly orbiting
the earth. He eventually connected with former race car driver Sir John Whitmore and
Florida psychic Phyllis Schlemmer, who became the authorized spokesperson for their
contact within The Nine, who identified himself as “Tom.” 10
Puharich, Whitmore and Schlemmer then set up Lab Nine at Puharich’s estate in
Ossining, New York. The Nine’s disciples included multi-millionaire businessmen
(many hiding behind pseudonyms and including members of Canada’s richest family,
the Bronfmans), European nobility, scientists from the Stamford Research Institute
and at least one prominent political figure who was a personal friend of President
Gerald Ford. 11
Also, a member of Lab Nine in 1974 and ’75 was Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry,
who reportedly wrote a screenplay based on The Nine. Some suggest that concepts from the
channeling sessions Roddenberry attended surfaced in the early Star Trek movies and in the
series Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
Before Lab Nine folded in 1978, the identities of Tom and the Other Eight were finally
revealed: Tom was Atum, 12 he said, the creator of the Great Ennead, the Egyptian gods
worshipped at Heliopolis, near modern-day Cairo. Besides Atum, the Ennead included his
children Shu and Tefnut; their children Geb and Nut; and their children Osiris, Isis, Set,
Nephthys, and sometimes the son of Osiris and Isis, Horus. 13

Connecting dots between Andrija Puharich, who was almost certainly a CIA asset during
much of the time he conducted parapsychological research, 14 and the volunteers of his Round
Table and Lab Nine, we can link the United States government (and specifically the U.S.
Army and CIA during the period of mind control research projects like BLUEBIRD and
MKULTRA), 15 members of upper class society from the East Coast and Canada, the creator
of the most successful science fiction entertainment franchise in history, extraterrestrials, and
gods. And not just any gods—the pantheon that included the chaos god, Set, who Crowleyite
Kenneth Grant believed was the spirit of the age.
Oh, yes—and the Kennedy assassination.
How do we wrap our heads around this? Considering that Puharich was likely doing this
research for the government and that he led the witnesses, suggesting to Geller and at least
one of his successors while they were under hypnosis that they were being contacted by The
Nine, 16 it appears that this was a long PSYOP to stir up belief in the existence of ETIs and the
return of the old gods.
To what end? For Puharich and his superiors, maybe it was an experiment into group
dynamics, or maybe a test of how people would react to the imminent arrival of
extraterrestrial visitors. Or maybe, as with the Paul Bennewitz case, it was an intelligence op
to misdirect the wealthy members of Lab Nine and their social circles toward an ETI
explanation for any unexplained aerial phenomena and away from secret government

1 Levenda, Peter (2005). Sinister Forces—The Nine: A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft. Walterville,
Oregon: TrineDay. Kindle Edition, Kindle Locations 7603-7604.
2 Melanson, Terry (2001). “The All-Seeing Eye, The President, The Secretary and The Guru.”
http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/NWO/All_Seeing_Eye.htm, retrieved 8/14/17.
3 For that we recommend Peter Levenda’s Sinister Forces: The Nine.
4 Levenda, op. cit., Kindle Locations 7734-7737.
5 Levenda, op. cit., Kindle Locations 7765-7769.
6 Levenda, op. cit., Kindle Locations 7809-7815.
7 Puharich, A. (1974). Uri; a journal of the mystery of Uri Geller. Garden City, NY: Anchor Press, p. 18.
8 Penre, Wes (1999). “The Council of Nine.” Fortean Times. Republished at UriGeller.com:
http://www.urigeller.com/plan-nine-outer-space/. Retrieved 8/22/17.
9 Ibid.
10 Ibid.
11 Ibid.
12 Ibid.
13 Christiane., Zivie-Coche, (2004). Gods and men in Egypt : 3000 BCE to 395 CE. Cornell University Press.
14 Penre,

w/ Pastor Don Rhone
Father’s Day was just a couple of weeks ago and we know that it isn’t the same for
everyone. For some it’s great and for others it’s not so great. Even if your dad
wasn’t the best, through Christ we could always receive the best from what your
dad did offer. Even if that something was nothing, God can make something great
out of nothing. I wanted to share the following story as an example of how God
can give you the greater good from whatever you received from your earthly
In May 2020, about a month before Father’s Day, some friends of ours invited my
wife and I to join them for a few days at a north Georgia mountain cabin. It was in
celebration of a special birthday of the wife. But, just one week before the trip it
dawned on me that the trip would be over the Father’s Day weekend. My heart
sank, and I began to feel overcome because it would be the first Father’s Day I
would ever miss being with my children. My children were ok with us being away
in the mountains on Father’s Day, but I so sadly apologized just the same.
Thinking about how disappointed and troubled I felt in planning that trip at that
time, I began to do some soul searching. “Why was I struggling so badly over this?
My wife and my adult kids were all ok with it, all except me.” As I searched my
heart and soul, the Lord took me back to something from my past. He took me
back to when I was 5, the 4th child of 5 children. It was a time when dad was the
man, he was the stuff in my eyes, because he was DADDY. But God took me back
to one specific day when I had suffered a great disappointment. He brought me
back to one Father’s Day when I was 5 years old. I was so excited because, that
Saturday before my mom had bought my dad the Father’s Day cake that I
remembered seeing on a TV commercial of a popular bakery. The cake had these
little plastic, brown and white oxford shoes on top of it (click pic below). They
looked just like the shiny two-tone shoes my dad wore. I always wanted dad to
have that cake and mom finally got it for Him.
On that Father’s Day, my dad did what he often did on Sunday mornings. He
would be gone by the time the rest of us got home from church and wouldn’t return
until very late that night.

But surely, I thought that he would be home all day with us on Father’s Day, or at
least till after we cut his cake. After all, we have this special cake for him…, for
But still, that Sunday morning, my dad was gone, and mom, my sibling, and I
waited all day for him to return. He didn’t come home until late that night, after I
was in bed and had cried myself to sleep. Consequently, for years after that I
carried that sadness within me, but it didn’t change my feelings about my dad. All I
know was I didn’t like that feeling but would have more disappointing situations
like it. I had long forgiven my dad for the mistakes he made, and the
disappointments he caused, and we maintained a very good relationship throughout
my adult life until he passed. Nevertheless, I apparently still carried some of the
effects of what happened. Because of times like that Father’s Day, I vow never to
be apart from my children on Father’s Day.
Back in 2020 I asked the Lord, “why bring me back to that now, when I had almost
completely forgotten it all. Even as I’m writing this now, God said to me… “It has
been a lot of your earthly father’s mistakes, disappointing pain that has helped to
forge you into being a better husband and father than you have been. It has helped
to give you wisdom in this area and drives you to be the man that I called you to be
and be of husband and father that your family needed you to be. You are seeing this
now because your children are adults, and you no longer need the past
disappointments of your father and the sentimentality to drive you to be better. You
have long learned and are driven to nurture and love your family by genuine
understanding, patience, and compassionate love. You are now, and have been for a
long time, healed of those disappointments and hurts. New chapters have already
begun, so you need to let go of some sentimentalities to continue forward. The
prophecy given to you years ago about sentimentality has been a longtime coming,
and it is now here.”
In 2020 I texted my children, apologizing about making plans to be away over that
Father’s Day weekend and how disturbed I was about. I tried to explain why I felt
the way I did, and that I never wanted to miss a Father’s Day with them. It would
have been ok with me if they had to miss it, but not for me. Their response to me
was, “Dad, take the trip, you deserve it, we can get together when you get back.”
At first my children’s response to what I was feeling hit me as them being a little
indifferent about being with me on Father’s Day. But knowing how our children
have always loved and honored us, that lie quickly dissolved. They all blew past
my sentimentality of it and responded with empathy, love, and respect, just as they
had always done in family situations like these.

I’m speaking of sentimentality in terms of “things we are overly or excessively
sensitive to, because of our past, and how we react to it instead of responding.”
Sentimentality could be a good thing depending on what it is driven by. If it’s
driven by disappointment, hurt or fear, then you will expect everyone or everything
to adhere to your feelings. In that there will be a struggle when things change.
Please believe me, in this life things will change, but God is the only absolute, and
He never changes. So, when we respond to sensitive things in our lives, with the
love of God we can successfully overcome. Though the phrase “love conquers all”
is not in the bible, there are several scriptures that gives the sentiment that it does.

  • I Corinthians 13:1-13 (v7-8 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things,
    endures all things v8 Love never fails.)
  • Galatians 5:22-23 KJV 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
    longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such
    there is no law.
    Like in most families, the dynamics can change because of the natural and spiritual
    progression of life, like marriage, children, grandchildren, beliefs, geographical
    distance, or death. Prior to the process of change sentimentalities can already have
    set in and could either drive a family apart or be used to draw them closer and
    better. It depends on if we react to the change with emotions or respond with the
    love of God. You can embrace sentimentality or step above them and love
    genuinely. Sentimentality can keep you hanging on to the past and hinder you from
    progressing through life healthily. Empathy and love are a part of growth, change,
    and progress that brings you to an abundant life.
    Despite the hurts and disappointments, we may sometime suffer in life or from
    family, we all know that we genuinely love each other. And, in that love there is no
    need to fear. “1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear,
    because fear has punishment; and the one fearing has not been perfected in love “.
    In genuine love we have the power to dispel the fear of getting hurt and overcome
    any offense. In this we can easily forgive, love, and have peace of mind against all
    malice (II Tim 1:7).
    To the fathers and men, we can be hard as marble and as fragile as a rose.
    Sentimentality can set in as principles and rules to guard against disappointments
    and hurts. Nevertheless, principles can easily be changed. So, live your life and let
    it be guided by conviction of the love of God, because convictions are difficult to

Dedicated to Pastor Dads

By: Dr Kevan Kruse

Special Note: The subject matter of this article has caused much debate in the Christian community. As a ministry we try to provide content that might help you and educate you regarding a variety of these type subjects. Please review and pray about every article that we offer. Thank you very much.

Paul Pickern

Part 1- John 8:32

Goal: To Show how “The Truth” of what Jesus would have done in the face of a Pandemic will set us free.

1) Jesus is the Way, The Life, and The Truth (John 4:6)

2) The truth will set us free. (John 8:32)

3) But those who seek shall find. (Matt 7:8)

4) Even God’s people can perish for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6.

Loving the Truth Is Part of Loving God.

Loving truth is loving reality, embracing our situation, understanding our enemies, and not allowing Satan to take away the joy of our salvation.

  • 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. For this reason, God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness. (BSB)

God’s Promises Regarding Truth

•       Seek and you shall find. – but there may also be some asking and knocking involved. (Matt 7:8)

•       Verse: Ask and you shall receive, Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be opened to you

•       God’s children will be able to know the truth and the truth will set them free. (John 8:32)

•       God’s people can perish for lack of knowledge. – Hosea 4:6

We Were Destined To Be a Culture of Truth Seekers

•       Acts 17:11 – Now the Berean’s were more noble-minded than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if these teachings were true. BSB

 Why Is Truth So Important?

Because Deception Is the Signature of Satan and the “End Times.”

  • Mark 13:22 – For false Christ’s and false prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. (NKJV) The number one sign of the times is deception.
  • The reason why it is impossible to deceive the very elect is because they have remained “In Christ” and in the truth.
  • The truth of what we believe is the biggest factor in making a good decision.

A Culture of Truth Versus a Culture of Deception

  • Review: “Mass Formation Psychosis” & Cognitive Dissonance
  • We cannot commit to any leader we already have one and his name is Jesus.
  • When we fail to seek or address the truth on any matter, we are allowing Satan to have dominion over that area.
  • Satan will always use lies to form the construct a prison full of hate, slavery and Bondage.

Question: Were God’s people kept in slavery, bondage and fear needlessly during this supposed pandemic?

Top 10 Covid Deceptions

# 1: The CDC Changed the Rules

Vital Statistics Reporting Guidance – Report No. 3 ▪ April 2020

Guidance for Certifying Deaths Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID–19)

  • The change allowed for Covid to be listed as the cause-of-death whether it was confirmed or suspected.
  • Previously, death certificates could not be based upon suspicion.
  • The change allowed for an “active” or immediate condition to supersede the normal procedure of using the “underlying condition” as the (line a) cause of death.
  • The active condition was always Covid and it allowed for people with heart disease, cancer, and even car accidents to legally list Covid as the cause of death.
  • These rule changes make it impossible to compare Covid to other calendar diseases because they changed the way they counted deaths.
  • https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvss/vsrg/vsrg03-508.pdf

# 2: A Covid Diagnosis Was Given Significant Monetary Incentives

CDC director agrees hospitals have monetary incentive to inflate COVID-19 data

Hospitals were paid $13,000 per person if they were admitted as a COVID case, and another $39,000 for every patient put on a ventilator.”

  • https://www.ozy.com/the-new-and-the-next/use-ventilators-or-not-the-big-question-covid-doctors-are-now-grappling-with/315946/

# 3: The Covid Numbers Are Inflated

Fauci admits Covid hospitalization numbers are inflated.

  • Play Video: https://rumble.com/vroez1-fauci-admits-covid-hospitalization-numbers-are-bogus.html

Democrat Governor Admits COVID Hospitalization May Be Inflated By 50%, Makes Move To Change Count

  • https://www.dailywire.com/news/democrat-governor-admits-covid-hospitalization-may-be-inflated-by-50-makes-move-to-change-count?itm_source=parsely-api/

New York Times issues correction after egregiously exaggerating coronavirus child hospitalizations

  • Just how far did they overestimate the number of child Covid hospitalizations: 900,000 was decreased to 63,000
  • https://www.theblaze.com/news/nyt-correction-covid-child-vaxx?fbclid=IwAR1q5thOlT5YoxQH6tNQWTKIEYviGh6SPp7bg2PqxvBllKyYWOx3JMD5RB4

Rhoda Wilson, BREAKING: NHS Director confirms Hospitals lied about Cause of Death to create illusion of COVID Pandemic

  • https://jameshfetzer.org/2023/01/rhoda-wilson-breaking-nhs-director-confirms-hospitals-lied-about-cause-of-death-to-create-illusion-of-covid-pandemic/

Another Example Of The Numbers Being Inflated

CDC Says It Accidentally Inflated Children’s COVID Death Numbers In ‘Coding Logic Error’

  • “An adjustment was made to COVID Data Tracker’s mortality data on March 14 involving the removal of 72,277 — including 416 pediatric deaths — deaths previously reported across 26 states because CDC’s algorithm was accidentally counting deaths that were not COVID-19-related,” Jasmine Reed, a spokesperson for the CDC, told the Washington Examiner

·      https://dailycaller.com/2022/03/18/cdc-data-kids-pediatric-covid-coronavirus-deaths/

# 4: Is Covid Statistically Different Than Other Respiratory Diseases?

In the 2017-2018 flu season 2.56 million people died from pneumonia in 6 to 8 months. How long did it take Covid-19 to reach the same figures? Answer: closer to 14 months.

  • This did not include pneumonia, which could be another 400-600 thousand deaths.
  • https://ourworldindata.org/pneumonia)

The world suffered 1.88 million COVID deaths in 2020.

Is Covid Statistically Different Than the Flu in Children?

The Wall Street Journal admits: The Flimsy Evidence Behind the CDC’s Push to Vaccinate Children By The Wall Street Journal

  • https://www.wsj.com/articles/cdc-covid-19-coronavirus-vaccine-side-effects-hospitalization-kids-11626706868/that the evidence behind vaccinating our children is flimsy at best.
  • For example, did you know that according to the CDC, only 335 children have died from Covid from its inception to July of 2021?
  • Depending on when you officially say Covid arrived in the US, that means 16.75 to 19.7 kids died per month. (see article below)
  • To put that in perspective, up to 16.6 kids per month have died from the flu.
  • They also won’t consider if one shot is sufficient.
  • https://www.cdc.gov/flu/spotlights/2020-2021/pediatric-flu-deaths-reach-new-high.htm

We have run out of time, but next week we will be talking about the problems with the PCR test.


  • Already, most of us feel polarized by what we have heard so far.
  • Remember, be like the Berean’s – a culture of truth seekers.
  • Be open, but search for the truth.
  • Remain relational by remaining in Christ.
  • Only in Christ can we have peace.
  • Remember what love will not do, which is take away our choices.
  • Do not disconnect from people you disagree with,

Bottom Line:

  • Was the unanimous truth being presented by our government and media regarding Covid-19 actually true?
  • Did they harm the church and God’s people by causing needless closings, threats, fear, and religious discrimination?
  • I believe that when we end this series, the answer to these questions will be an unequivocable yes!
  • The Truth of Covid Can Set Us Free, as well as Reveal Our Enemy!

By: Eric Metexas

After hearing and meeting Eric Metexas at a Pastors conference in Nashville earlier this year, Linda and I knew we had to get his books. “Letter to the American Church” is a powerfully written detailed comparison of what is happening in America as compared to Nazi Germany as Hitler took over. This compelling book takes you on a journey of how the church was or wasn’t involved in the Nazi takeover. Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer is the central figure working to awaken the Pastors/churches to what was happening.

This book is full of scripture and actually points out God’s expectations of each of us who are Christians. Metexas wrote a biography on Bonhoeffer’s life and this book pulls out some of the turning points of his life and Germany that should have and could have turned out much differently.

Pastors, this should give you some very teachable points to be shared with your congregations. The book actually starts with, “What is the Church”? Some of the chapters are: The Spiral of Silence, Two Errors of Faith, The Church Paralyzed, and Be Ye Not Political to name a few.

Metexas asks many thought provoking questions that every Patriot Christian should be asking themselves. He challenges Pastors to not invite satanic forces to take over the church while taking over the country by simply turning your back and pretending it will go away!

Letter to the American Church should be read by every pastor in America! If you are not a pastor please buy one for yours and challenge that it be read and give you feedback!

I am Passionate about seeing everyone come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior and I am also passionate that we must do everything possible to protect the freedom we have in America to share His message and worship openly!

I rate this as a 5 star book!

We need to separate the UFO/UAP phenomenon from the accounts of those who claim they’ve been contacted or abducted by aliens. The sheer number of cases argues against all of them being hoaxes or hallucinations.

However, as Jack Brewer documents in his excellent book The Greys Have Been Framed: Exploitation in the UFO Community, the primary source of evidence touted by the UFO community—memories recovered by abductees under hypnosis—is unreliable, to put it mildly. Hypnosis is not a trustworthy method of retrieving memories, and may actually be harmful.1 Sadly, as Brewer notes:

Traumatized individuals are then at risk of sustaining deeper emotional damage while failing to seek qualified professional treatment. Such professional treatment is often discouraged within the UFO community in lieu of compiling so-called evidence of fantastic encounters with extraterrestrials.2

Contactees may have various reasons for concocting stories of ETI encounters from just wanting to feel special to out-and-out delusions resulting from psychosis. Sadly, there are traumatized individuals whose treatment is of lesser importance to those who are most willing and eager to hear their stories—true believers desperate for “evidence” of ET’s existence.

The intelligence community doesn’t have to work very hard to push the ETI meme. The UFO community is doing just fine with that on its own.

Now, there are, without question, cases that can’t be explained away as delusions, hoaxes, or intelligence ops. Joe Jordan, co-founder of CE4 Research Group and a longtime MUFON investigator,3 has compiled hundreds of accounts of “alien” abductions that have been stopped by victims who called on the name of Jesus. And, according to Jordan, this happens consistently. Now, why would that be, if the abductors were, say, aliens from Zeta Reticuli? The logical answer, if one is open to a supernatural explanation, is that the alien abduction phenomenon is primarily spiritualin other words, demonic.

But that isn’t an answer the UFO community wants to hear, either, which is why Jordan calls it “the unwanted piece of the UFO puzzle.”4

Here is the hard truth for sci-fi fans and true believers in extraterrestrial visitation: For all of the interest in ETIs and the continuing popularity of science fiction in pop culture, there is no concrete evidence that aliens are visiting Earth, if they exist at all.

So, why the deception? In part, spooks and military men find it a useful cover for things they’d rather not tell the rest of us. On a spiritual level, there is a darker agenda.

In 2010, researcher and author Nick Redfern published Final Events and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife, which he calls “probably my most controversial book to date.”5 It tells the story of an interdepartmental think tank inside the United States Government nicknamed the Collins Elite. The group, according to Redfern’s source, had been tasked with analyzing the UFO phenomenon, and it reached a disturbing conclusion: UFOs aren’t extraterrestrial, they’re demonic. Worse, the Collins Elite reportedly believes “the phenomenon ‘feeds’ upon a poorly understood form of energy contained in the human soul. In other words, we are being reared, nurtured, and finally digested, just like cattle.”6

According to Redfern’s source, these demonic entities are a type of cosmic vampire, sucking the spiritual life out of their human victims.

Furthermore, these so-called “aliens” anticipated that discerning Christians might identify them for what they are and countered that development. The ETI disclosure movement was developed to make Christians look foolish by convincing the public that extraterrestrial life is real.

Members of the Collins Elite reportedly settled on an odd strategy for dealing with the crisis—taking over the government and establishing a Christian-ish theocracy in America. According to Redfern’s source, the group believed that imposing Pharisaical laws on the country would turn the global tide against the infernal, soul-sucking entities.7

It sounds like the plot of a dystopian cable TV series. Exactly how forcing Americans to follow the Mosaic Law is supposed to defeat evil incarnate isn’t explained in the book.

Redfern can be excused as he admits to being agnostic on matters spiritual, but if the story of the Collins Elite is true—and bear in mind that Redfern’s work is mainly based on secret informants—then the U.S. government is in serious need of people who’ve opened a Bible at least once.

As Bible scholar Dr. Michael Heiser wrote in his review of Final Events:

In my mind, the most disturbing thing about the book is that highly-placed insiders within the intelligence community could think so poorly — especially if they are Christians. […]

What is the theological logic of this? That if the ruling elite are Christians, the demons will be powerless? Or that if a majority of U.S. citizens are Christians, then God can or will act? (This makes God capricious to say the least [“I won’t intervene against evil unless enough humans measure up”] or powerless to act unilaterally [“I cannot intervene against evil unless enough humans measure up”]). You can have that God. And how small-minded is this approach — to presume that the fate of humanity lies in the hands of the Church in the United States? What a muddled theological mess.8

But maybe putting out the story of the Collins Elite was itself an intelligence operation. As Redfern noted elsewhere, the United States government has been thinking about how to use religious ideas as propaganda for a long time.9 A 1950 RAND Corporation report commissioned by the Air Force, “The Exploitation of Superstitions for Purposes of Psychological Warfare,” details examples of how closely held beliefs were manipulated by operatives for various governments.10 The RAND report appeared just as the UFO phenomenon hit its stride in the U.S.

Predictably, the publication of Final Events seeded the notion among skeptics and atheists that evangelical Christians are willing to use the UFO phenomenon to justify “a concentration camp vision of America based in ancient Jewish law.”11 Secular progressives had a field day holding up Final Events as proof that Christians really do want to use the power of the federal government to impose our view of morality on everyone else.

Now, since you’re reading this, the odds are that you’re laugh out loud at the idea that Christians will take over this or any other national government any time soon. Look at the culture around us, then ask yourself: Is this a society that’s going to vote a truly godly government into power?12

When we analyze the story of the Collins Elite, which serves as an appropriate summary of the 75-year history of the modern UFO phenomenon, the most likely explanation is this: Once again, human agents working for the principalities and powers arrayed against God carried out an op, using “official disclosure” to advance the kingdom of darkness.

  1. Brewer, Jack (2016). The Greys Have Been Framed: Exploitation in the UFO Community, Kindle Edition. Kindle location 378.
  2. Ibid, Kindle locations 210-212.
  3. As of May 2023, Joe is MUFON State Section Director for Brevard County, Florida, and previously served as MUFON’s Field Director for South Korea. He has been a member of MUFON since 1993.
  4. http://www.alienresistance.org/ce4.htm, retrieved 8/13/17.
  5. Redfern, Nick (September 18, 2013). “Feeding the UFO Phenomenon”. Mysterious Universe. http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2013/09/feeding-the-ufo-phenomenon/, retrieved 8/26/17.
  6. Ibid.
  7. Heiser, Dr. Michael S. (November 27, 2010). “Review of Nick Redfern’s Final Events”. http://drmsh.com/review-of-nick-redferns-final-events/, retrieved 8/26/17.
  8. Ibid.
  9. Redfern, Nick (October 1, 2011). “A Religious Deception?” Mysterious Universe. http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2011/10/a-religious-deception/, retrieved 8/26/17.
  10. Pilkington, Mark (November 3, 2010). “RAND, Superstition, and Psychological Warfare”. Mirage Men. https://miragemen.wordpress.com/2010/11/03/rand-superstition-and-psychological-warfare/, retrieved 8/26/17.
  11. http://www.talk2action.org/comments/2010/10/2/142824/582/9?mode=alone;showrate=1#9, retrieved 8/26/17.
  12. For a further examination of that idea, we recommend the books Saboteurs by Tom Horn and The Deeper State by Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis (U.S. Army, ret.)

We just celebrated the feast of Shavuot, which some people call Pentecost. On this day, many years ago, God met with Moses on Mt. Sinai. During this time God entered a covenant of marriage with the people of Israel, and those from other nations who were there with Israel.

(Jeremiah 2:2 TLV) “… I remember the devotion of your youth, your love as a bride, and the way you followed Me in the wilderness.”

(Jeremiah 2:2 GNT) how you loved Me when we were first married; you followed Me through the desert.

(Jeremiah 31:31-32) “… I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, … I was a husband to them,” declares the Lord.

The prophet Jeremiah shared how God became a husband to Israel, and Israel became His bride, when they were in the Sinai wilderness (after leaving Egypt).

But God did not enter a covenant of marriage with only Jewish people at Mt. Sinai. In Exodus 12:38 we learn that people from other nations left Egypt with Israel, so they were present at Mt. Sinai and entered a covenant of marriage with God also.

God loves all His creation, so He did not limit His wedding proposal to just those at Mt. Sinai.

(Shabbat 88b) Every single word that went forth from the Omnipotent was split into seventy languages.

In the Talmud we read that when God spoke at Mt. Sinai His words were spoken in 70 languages. God wanted His words to be heard in every language so that all people could become betrothed to Him on this day.

The rabbis said that God spoke in 70 languages because Noah had 70 descendants (Genesis 10), and that the 70 families from Noah became the 70 nations of the earth.

When the rabbis say that God spoke in 70 languages it does not mean that He spoke in 70 specific languages. They mean that His words were spoken in every language so that all people on earth could hear Him in their native tongue. This means that God did not just speak to the people of Israel, but He spoke to everybody, or all mankind in their native tongue.

God invited all people to be betrothed to Him at Mt. Sinai, and everyday He invites people to become His bride as well. If you are already betrothed to Messiah Yeshua, share God’s invitation to become His bride with other people. If you are not yet betrothed to Messiah Yeshua, I want to invite you to become betrothed to Him today.

Until you see something in vivid living color you just can’t get the full picture. It is nothing like a news item or breakroom table talk. Linda and I have had the privilege to watch a private screening of the movie “Sound of Freedom” starring Jim Caviezel. He plays Tim Ballard a Homeland Security Agent who leaves his job to rescue children from sex trafficking. This heartbreaking true story put a new meaning to the statement sex trafficking for both of us! The movie takes you deep into South America into the dark world that is real for thousands of children. Then it brings us to our own backyard. Get ready to be glued to the screen and your heart beating out of your chest!

On July 4th this movie opens on screens all across the country and many in Hollywood have literally fought against its release. When you see the conditions of these children and the attitudes of the criminals regarding them you will be Shocked! Let us warn you, it is happening near you, guaranteed!

Linda and I want to humbly and boldly ask you to go and see this movie and if possible take a group. No this is not a Christian movie with a gospel message. What it is, is another wake-up call to the church and its leaders to see what is happening to the children and families in your community!

There are so many areas Pastors and Ministers choose to be silent on, if you are silent on this one perhaps you should rethink what you stand for and who do you really serve. We love our Pastors but the church and these children need Shepherds who will defend them and fight for them just like David did when he fought a lion and a bear who came after his sheep. Praise God for you who do stand and fight and are not afraid of the enemies who are attacking your sheep!

This is a powerful movie in which Jim Caviezel said it is the most important movie he has ever been in second only to “The Passion of the Christ” where he played the role of Jesus.

Now watch this movie trailers and order your tickets: Sound of Freedom Get Tickets Now

There are more people in slavery today than anytime in history. Sex trafficking is a 150 Billion Dollar a year industry and the USA is one of the top customers!

The famous Roswell UFO crash in 1947 was either an extraterrestrial craft (which I do not believe) or it was an advanced project of the United States military. Either way, it didn’t benefit the government of the United States to tell the truth. If it was an ETI, then the Pentagon certainly didn’t want to share the technology it might harvest from an alien spaceship with other nations, and if it was a secret project, then for sure the military didn’t want Russia to know about it.

And if it was a secret project employing Nazi scientists smuggled into America via Operation Paperclip just two years after the end of World War 2, then the United States government certainly didn’t want American taxpayers to know about it!1

Deception in war is a very old art, going back at least to the time of the great Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu. During the Second World War, the Pentagon created a task force called Joint Security Command to preserve secrecy around planned military operations.

Joint Security Control (JSC) was founded during WW2 as the US deception planning counterpart to the British deception organization knows as the London Controlling Section (LCS). Together, JSC and LCS perfected the art of strategic wartime deception, initially in North Africa but then throughout the theater of the European war, including the deception planning that contributed to the success of D-Day. […]

In May of 1947, JSC received a revised charter, one that authorized it to continue its deception mission not just under wartime conditions but also during times of peace. JSC was tasked with preventing important military information from falling into the hands of the enemy, to control classified information through proper security classification, to correlate, maintain and disseminate all of the information furnished to JSC by the War and Navy Department Bureau of Public Relations, and finally the very important mission of cover and deception planning and implementation.2

Note that the JSC’s revised charter was issued less than two months before the UFO outbreak of June-July 1947, which included the Roswell crash. A declassified FBI memo dated July 21, 1947 related how a Colonel Carl Goldbranson of the War Department’s Intelligence Division had sent a telegram on July 5 to Army Air Force Major Paul Gaynor, a public relations officer, advising him to contact “[blacked out] Illinois who may have important information concerning [UFOs’] origin.”3 Major Gaynor had been quoted in a United Press story dated July 3 as saying the AAF had dropped its investigation into flying saucers because of a lack of concrete evidence.4

Independent researcher and author James Carrion, a former international director of the Mutual UFO Network, a former signals intelligence analyst for the U.S. Army, and an IT manager, has established that Col. Goldbranson was a member of the JSC since at least 1943, specifically working on “Cover, Deception, and Task Force Security.”5 The July 21 memo is important because it documents that a member of a military unit responsible for strategic deception, operating just below the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had asked the FBI to investigate UFO reports.

And thus we have FBI agent Guy Banister sending telexes marked SM-X to Bureau Director J. Edgar Hoover.

If, as I believe, the ET hypothesis is the least likely explanation for the wave of modern UFO sightings that began in the summer of 1947, then the motives of intelligence agencies to spin a compelling cover story become clear. Blaming odd lights and strange shapes in the sky on an extraterrestrial intelligence gets curious eyes looking at a target as far removed from the government as one can get. Is it better for the government for the public to believe that we’re being visited by ETIs or for word to get around about tests on a new supersonic fighter/bomber/drone?

Cases like the Paul Bennewitz affair, where a businessman whose company supplied equipment to the US Air Force was fed bogus information by an agent of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations to convince him that Earth was being colonized by aliens working from an underground base near Dulce, New Mexico, only highlight the impact the intelligence community has had on the UFO phenomenon over the last seventy years.

Bennewitz was a physicist by training. He lived in New Mexico within sight of Kirtland Air Force Base, home to the Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility, and Sandia National Labs, a research site that mainly tests non-nuclear components of nuclear weapons.

In the late 1970s, Bennewitz became convinced that the strange lights in the sky over Kirtland were the advance team of a race of hostile aliens preparing to invade. He began using his skills as a physicist and an inventor to monitor strange radio emissions from Kirtland.

More significantly, he began writing letters to people that he thought should know what was happening in New Mexico. This brought him to the attention of the United States government and its military. Apparently, there was concern that someone as bright as Bennewitz might unintentionally expose something the Pentagon didn’t want the Kremlin to know. So, the Air Force Office of Special Investigations got involved.6

Having learned the essential parts of Bennewitz’s theories—very ironically from the man himself, by actually breaking into his home while he was out and checking his files and research notes—that aliens were mutilating cattle as part of some weird medical experiment; that they were abducting American citizens and implanting them with devices for purposes unknown; that those same aliens were living deep underground in a secure fortress at Dulce, New Mexico; and that we were all very soon going to be in deep and dire trouble as a direct result of the presence of this brewing, intergalactic threat, the Air Force gave Bennewitz precisely what he was looking for – confirmation that his theories were all true, and more.

Of course, this was all just a carefully-planned ruse to bombard Bennewitz with so much faked UFO data in the hope that it would steer him away from the classified military projects of a non-UFO nature that he had uncovered. And, indeed, it worked.

When Bennewitz received conformation (albeit carefully controlled and utterly fabricated confirmation) that, yes, he had stumbled upon the horrible truth and that, yes, there really was an alien base deep below Dulce, the actions of the Intelligence community had the desired effect: Bennewitz became increasingly paranoid and unstable, and he began looking away from Kirtland (the hub of the secrets that had to be kept) and harmlessly towards the vicinity of Dulce, where his actions, research, and theories could be carefully controlled and manipulated by the Government.7

No, Virginia, there is no underground alien base at Dulce. It’s a government PSYOP. (Or rather, a MISO—Military Intelligence Support Operation is now the preferred term.) Paul Bennewitz was gaslighted by the AFOSI with the help of prominent ufologist William Moore, co-author of the first major book on the Roswell phenomenon, 1980’s The Roswell Incident. Moore admitted to his role in the Bennewitz affair in a presentation to the 1989 MUFON national convention, but he justified it by claiming he’d used the opportunity to search for information that might expose government knowledge about the alien origin of UFOs—to work as a double agent, in other words.8

Oddly enough, this revelation only reinforced the faith of true believers in the ETI meme. The government wouldn’t try to discredit a prominent ufologist like Paul Bennewitz if he wasn’t on to something extraterrestrial, would they?

Yes, it would. What Bennewitz was investigating had more to do with Russians than aliens.

The government deception worked beautifully. Not only did it distract attention from whatever the Air Force wanted to keep hidden at Kirtland AFB, it established the underground Dulce base as a fixture in UFO lore.

To be blunt, the UFO research community has assisted this deception by being willing dupes. The low standard of evidence required for wide acceptance makes it easy for stories like the Dulce base to spread. French researcher Jacques Vallee illustrated this point in his 1991 book Revelations: Alien Contact and Human Deception.

“Why doesn’t anybody know about [Dulce]?” I asked.

“It’s underground, hidden in the desert. You can’t see it.”

“How large is it?”

“The size of Manhattan.”

“Who takes out the garbage?”

The group looked at me in shock. There is a certain unwritten etiquette one is supposed to follow when crashed saucers and government secrecy are discussed; you must not ask where the information comes from, because informants’ lives would be in danger, presumably from hired assassins paid by the Pentagon, the kind who try to hit the tires of fully-loaded gasoline trucks speeding through refineries. And you are not supposed to point out contradictions in the stories. Questions must always be directed at the higher topics, such as the philosophy of the aliens, or their purpose in the universe—not the practical details of their existence. In other words, it is not done to ask any question that has a plain, verifiable answer.9

Valee’s point has been ignored for thirty years. The fact that the heat signature of an underground base the size of Manhattan would be visible to relatively low-tech commercial satellites is no match for the simple fact that many in the UFO community, like the character Fox Mulder in the iconic sci-fi series The X-Files, simply want to believe.

But what about the multitude of contactees and abductees? Surely, not all of their cases are fake.

True enough. But, in most cases, it appears their stories stem from emotional or psychological issues that have nothing to do with the existence of ETIs. Sadly, rather than getting help to deal with their problems, some of which are rooted in trauma, they are exploited by true believers because it supports the desired narrative—that Earth is a favored destination by advanced races of extraterrestrials.

More on that next month.

  1. Which is a plausible scenario. See “The 1947 Roswell UFO Crash,” http://www.roswellufocrash.com, retrieved 8/11/17.
  2. Carrion, James. “Human Deception at Play during the UFO Wave of 1947.” August 20, 2016. http://historydeceived.blogspot.com/2016/08/human-deception-at-playduring-ufo-wave.html, retrieved 8/11/17.
  3. Ibid.
  4. “AAF Drops Flying Disc Probe For Lack of Evidence.” The Waco News-Tribune, July 4, 1947, p. 3.
  5. Carrion, op. cit.
  6. Coppens, Philip. “Driving Mr. Bennewitz Insane.” http://philipcoppens.com/bennewitz.html, retrieved 8/23/17.
  7. Redfern, Nick (2012). “UFOs: The Project Beta Scandal.” Mysterious Universe. http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2012/04/ufos-the-project-beta-scandal/. Retrieved 8/22/17.
  8. Donovan, B. W. (2011). Conspiracy films: a tour of dark places in the American conscious. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, pp. 104-105.
  9. Vallee, J. (1991). Revelations: alien contact and human deception. New York: Ballantine Books, p. 53.

Our goal in writing a book on the UFO phenomenon, The Day the Earth Stands Still, was not to document the crazy cults that have emerged since the beginning of the modern UFO era in 1947. There are plenty, and you, as a discerning reader, don’t need us to tell you how far removed from reality they are. Some are relatively harmless, and others are not—like the Heaven’s Gate cult that convinced thirty-nine of its members to commit suicide in late March of 1997 in the belief they’d be taken aboard a spacecraft following Comet Hale-Bopp.
It’s more important that we look at how the ancient astronaut/alien meme has influenced our society in more subtle ways. It’s shaping the beliefs of people who have been convinced by media and academia that the Bible cannot be true, so we must look elsewhere for answers to the Big Questions.
As Christians who should understand that we’re in the middle of a war for our souls, this shouldn’t surprise us. And yet it does, because too many churches have been lured by principalities and powers—fallen angels and their demonic minions—into a modernist or postmodernist worldview, either looking to science as the only tool for revealing spiritual truth or buying into the absurd, self-refuting notion that absolute truth doesn’t exist at all.
What should concern American evangelicals is not the role played by UFO researchers in spreading the ETI disclosure meme. That’s why they’re interested in the phenomenon in the first place. We expect that from them. No, what’s bothersome is that the government of our purportedly Christian nation has deployed a variety of agencies and operatives to sell the existence of ETI over the last seventy-five years.
It began early in the modern UFO era. About two weeks before the crash at Roswell, New Mexico made headlines, a harbor patrolman named Harold A. Dahl anchored in Maury Island Bay with his son, their dog, and two crewmen. At 2:00 P.M. on June 21, 1947 (the summer solstice, coincidentally), they spotted half a dozen odd, metallic, doughnut-shaped craft hovering a couple thousand feet above them. According to Dahl, one of the ships seemed to be in trouble, with the other five circling around it as it lost altitude. A small explosion showered Dahl’s boat with hot metal, killing his dog and injuring his son. Dahl beached the boat and took some pictures of the craft, which took off in the direction of Canada.
His boat’s radio was jammed, so Dahl headed back to Tacoma, got treatment for his son’s injured arm, then took his camera and some of the metal fragments to his boss, 27-year-old Fred L. Crisman.
The Maury Island Incident has gone down in the books as a hoax. Whether it is or isn’t is irrelevant. The important point is that more than twenty years later, Crisman, a former officer in the OSS (forerunner of the CIA), was subpoenaed by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison in the conspiracy trial of businessman Clay Shaw, who’d been charged with being part of the conspiracy to kill President John F. Kennedy. Some thought Crisman was one of the three tramps picked up by Dallas police in the rail yard near Dealey Plaza, although evidence suggests he wasn’t in Dallas that day. In spite of that, Garrison apparently believed that Crisman was one of the trigger men on the grassy knoll.
Here’s where things get even weirder: A few days after the Maury Island incident, Kenneth Arnold of Boise, Idaho, a successful businessman, deputy federal marshal, experienced pilot, and member of an Idaho Search and Rescue Team—in other words, an excellent witness—was flying home from Washington when he spotted a formation of nine UFOs north of Mount Rainier moving at upwards of 1,200 miles per hour. That’s not a speed any known aircraft could reach in 1947.
Fred Crisman, even though he wasn’t a witness to whatever Harold Dahl claimed he saw, reached out to the editor of Amazing Stories magazine, Raymond Palmer. Palmer had already been in touch with Arnold, offering him an advance for an interview about his UFO encounter. After hearing from Crisman, who’d had a pair of letters to the editor published in Amazing Stories in the previous year, Palmer persuaded Arnold to fly from Boise to Tacoma to meet with Dahl and check out the Maury Island incident. Oddly, when he arrived, Arnold found all the hotels in Tacoma fully booked—until he tried the most expensive place in town and discovered a reservation in his name, although no one seemed to know who made it.
The odd series of events apparently gave Arnold the feeling that the situation was a setup, possibly an intelligence op to discredit both him and Harold Dahl. Because of this, he contacted the two Army intelligence officers who’d debriefed him after his initial report, Captain William Davidson and 1st Lieutenant Frank M. Brown. They flew to Tacoma immediately, arriving that afternoon and discussing the case with Arnold and United Airlines pilot Captain Emil J. Smith, who had likewise been invited by Arnold. The two pilots had become friends after Smith and his crew reported five “somethings” over Idaho the night of July 4, 1947, flying wings or discs similar to what Arnold had seen two weeks earlier near Mount Rainier.
After meeting with Arnold, Smith, Crisman, and Dahl, the intelligence officers seemed to think the Maury Island sighting was a hoax, and they prepared to fly back to Hamilton Field in California late the night of July 31 as their B-25 bomber was scheduled to fly in the first Air Force Day celebration the next day.

At the airport, an odd thing happened, one which has plagued UFO researchers for years. Crisman, the man the intelligence officers seemed to think was nothing more than an oddball hoaxer, turned up at the last minute and gave the men a heavy box which he claimed was filled with the debris from the damaged UFO. To Arnold, who was there, the contents looked like a bunch of rocks. The men stowed the box in the trunk of their car and left for the airport, catching their flight. They never made it back to base. Both Davidson and Brown were killed. The enlisted men on board parachuted to safety after the left engine caught fire—according to the report of one of the survivors—and the two officers remained with the aircraft for a full ten minutes before the B-25 bomber crashed to earth. No one has any idea why the two intelligence officers would have remained with the plane and not parachuted themselves; or why they did not radio a distress call.

It’s important to note that Davidson and Brown were preparing to fly their B-25 out of Tacoma at around 2:00 AM. What are the odds that Fred Crisman just happened to be driving by the airport at that time of night?
A report filed by the FBI’s Butte, Montana field office designated SM-X, for “Security Matter X” (real life X-files!), noted that Arnold remembered Crisman calling him and Smith at their hotel in the morning to tell them about the deadly crash, and wondering how Crisman had known who was on the B-25 before the Army had released any information to the press. And as for the press: Reporters for the United Press office in Tacoma were getting reports from someone who sat in the meetings between Crisman, Dahl, Arnold, Smith, and the Army intelligence officers, because bits of conversation were quoted back to Arnold and Smith verbatim.
The big question is this: what was Fred Crisman really doing in Tacoma that summer?
The UFO sightings by Kenneth Arnold and E. J. Smith were only two of dozens in the Pacific Northwest, and literally hundreds across the country, in June and July, 1947. On June 24 alone, seventeen reports of UFOs eventually surfaced in the Northwest from Boise, Idaho to Bellingham, Washington.
Crisman’s behavior after Dahl’s UFO sighting was odd, to say the least. And what path could possibly lead from the first flap of the modern UFO era to the Kennedy assassination?
In 1967, Harold Dahl authored an odd addendum to the Crisman chronicle in a note to UFO researcher Gary Leslie:

There is a TV series running now that I swear is based in the main on the life of F. Lee Crisman. I know him better than any living man and I know of some of the incredible adventures he has passed through in the last twenty years. I do not mean that his life has been that of this TV hero on The Invaders show… but there are parts of it that I swear were told to me years ago by Mr. Crisman… and I know of several that are too wild to be believed… even by the enlightened attitude of 1967.

Dahl made Crisman sound like the mysterious Cigarette Smoking Man from The X-Files. This may have been by design. Crisman may even have written Dahl’s letter himself to divert attention from what he was really doing in the Seattle area after World War II.

[Crisman’s] involvement with Maury Island may have had to do with covering up top-secret radar-fogging discs or the dumping of nuclear waste from the nearby Hanford plutonium reactor. Crisman wanted people to believe the [UFO] scenario, however. In early 1968, he corresponded with well-known UFO researcher Lucius Farish as the contact person for a group he called Parapsychology Research, under the pseudonym Fred Lee. The alias, which only dropped his last name, provided Crisman with a means to discuss himself in the third person, telling Farish: “Mr. Crisman is probably the most informed man in the United States on UFOs and also one of the hardest to find—as the FBI has learned several times.”

Even more bizarre is Fred Crisman’s link to another far-reaching conspiracy dubbed “the Octopus.” This was the name given by investigative journalist Danny Casolaro to a network of shadowy groups that overlapped the intelligence community, global bankers, the military-industrial complex, and the theft of powerful case management software called PROMIS by the Justice Department during the Reagan administration. Central to Casolaro’s investigation was an electronics and computer expert named Michael Riconosciuto, who claimed he’d modified PROMIS at the request of a friend of former Attorney General Ed Meese to allow secret back-door access by the government.
As it happens, Crisman worked for a Tacoma advertising agency owned by Riconosciuto’s father, Marshall, thus linking the earliest UFO sightings of the modern era, the Kennedy assassination, and major figures in the Iran-Contra scandal, the October Surprise, the savings and loan crisis of the ’80s and ’90s, and other global conspiracies too convoluted to get into here.
To give you a hint of the type of games being played: Casolaro was found dead, his wrists brutally slashed, in a motel room in August 1991. His death was officially ruled suicide. Riconosciuto was convicted early the next year of seven drug-related charges and given a minimum twenty-year sentence, despite his claim that the video evidence presented by the prosecution was faked. Riconosciuto was finally released in 2017 after serving about twenty-five years behind bars.
Back to Fred Crisman: As strange as his story is, he wasn’t the only spook linked to early UFO accounts and the Kennedy assassination. You see, the FBI agent who filed the SM-X report on the Maury Island case was Special Agent Guy Banister.
Banister is well known to JFK assassination researchers. He retired from the FBI in 1954 and, after a stint with the New Orleans police department, set up a private detective agency that may have served as a front to supply weapons used by Cuban exiles in 1961’s disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion. Banister’s mistress later said she was present when he advised Lee Harvey Oswald to set up a local pro-Castro Fair Play for Cuba Committee office in the same building as Banister’s agency.
In the 1940s, during the first wave of the modern UFO era, Guy Banister served as the Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s Butte, Montana field office, which had jurisdiction over several western states. Declassified FBI documents obtained through FOIA requests include several telexes marked SM-X sent by Banister from Butte to Washington, D.C., all related to UFO sightings.
The assassination of John F. Kennedy had the fingerprints of the intelligence community all over it. But what were some of the same operatives doing with UFO reports in the 1940s?
And why have American intelligence agencies—and presumably those of other nations—remained involved in the UFO phenomenon to the present day?

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