All Pro Pastors has a Facebook and Twitter presence. We are actively trying to invite everyone who cares about Pastors and their families to become connected with us. We ask that you put words of encouragement in your messages and posts. The challenges that you may be facing have been shared by many and Pastors are no exception.

The wife of a Pastor is often taken for granted and called on by the church to do many things that makes her very uncomfortable. This year try to remember that many of these precious ladies have children who need her undivided love and attention. Being the wife to a Pastor can be very demanding and impact the family in many ways that the body of Christ is often unaware of. They need time to be mom and wife just like all mom’s do.

The life of a Pastor is a special call and challenge that only Pastors/wife’s can grasp. This year help us encourage the Body of Christ to stand behind their “Pastor Family” and give them time as a family that is uninterupted! Insist that they take timeoff to be a family and a couple away from the high activities and demands of the church. 

The refreshing of any family can bring strength and life back in to any relationship. Be Blessed!

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