Jesus final command was “Go Ye” into all the world.  We have to be careful we don’t practice “Sit Ye”.  Jesus was pro-active when it came to the harvest.  He was forever empowering and sending.  “After these things the Lord appointed seventy others also, and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go. Then He said to them, ‘The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.’”  (Luke 10:1-2)  Jesus held the shortest “School of Evangelism” in history.  First He “Appointed” them, then He “Sent” them, and finally He told them to “Pray” for the harvest. This appointment was so important that Jesus, for the rest of His earthly ministry, never went to one city or place, but that His front teams from Luke 10 had gone before Him to prepare the way. We know what they did, by what they reported.  “Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.  And He said to them, ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.’”  (Luke 10:17). When we go, we release His authority!  When we sit, we watch Satan take over nations.  Jesus came into the world to “manifest” two things.  First, the power to take away our sins, for He was sinless.  Second, to destroy the works of the devil.  The first is evangelism, the second is discipleship.

1. What is the need?  Jesus said there was only one TRUE sign on earth before His return.  “When this gospel of the kingdom is preached in all the world, unto all nations, then shall the end come”.  Matthew 24:14 We can hasten the coming of the Lord by finishing the harvest.  Jesus, by the way, said he will not return until this is done.  Kinda threatens our eschatology views doesn’t it?  

  1. Where do we stand in completing this mandate from Jesus?  The JOSHUA PROJECT gives us the best global reports on the progress of the world harvest.  I quote directly from their front page of their website:  Number of people groups in the world… 16,584.  Number of unreached people groups… 6,733.  Percentage of unreached groups 42.2% of world population.  The world’s population is currently 7.39 Billion.  The world’s unreached population is 3.11 Billion.  A people group is defined as a “dialect” or “Nation” in Matthew 24:14.  “Unto all nations” means “distinct dialectic people group”.
  2. What is Action Evangelism doing to make a difference? We have been working the harvest of the nations for over 40 years.  Nations like the Philippines, Romania, Singapore, India, Africa, etc. have all been hotspots for Action Evangelism. Not only have I traveled to those nations, but have set up our Kingdom Life University remote mission campuses to train nationals to help finish the harvest.  They are doing a magnificent job!  Nations like Northern India have seen 132 churches planed in remote villages.  Some churches running into the hundreds.  

I will be sharing, on Pastor Paul Pickern’s request, a monthly article outlining the need for your church to mobilize for the world harvest.  We have some practical ways you can partner with us, or if you like, do it on your own.

Video of the need… well done!  

Dr. Jerry Brandt   Founder of Action Evangelism/ Kingdom Life University, WATV network  

I am honored to be writing an article as a Pastor for Pastors to encourage and inspire.  I have been a full-time Pastor going on fourteen years and one of the best things that has ever happened to me was when I joined a “Champion’s Table” through the ministry of All Pro Pastors.  Paul Pickern really encouraged me to join a Champion’s Table as I attended the All Pro Pastors’ events but I kept putting it off.  Paul never gave up on me and even personally called me in regard to joining a Table.

When I really started to consider it, and pray, I felt inspired by the Holy Spirit to follow through with joining a Champion’s Table. Paul set everything up for me to introduce myself to the table and I’ll never forget that it was at McDonald’s in Valrico.  After that initial meeting, I was then accepted at the table and it has been truly life changing ever since.  It takes time to get to know one another and at this time we really do know each other.

One of the challenges that all pastors face is accountability and friendships outside the church. When I Joined the Champion’s Table, I was blessed to be able to have accountability and friendships.  Being a Pastor can truly be a lonely place where you cannot relate to a lot of people because of your position. Pastors are not perfect and there’s a lot of pressure when people put you on a pedestal.  When I come to the Table each week, I get to vent and truly pour out my heart with whatever is pressing me.  Being at the table allows me to be a better listener and not being the one who does all the talking.  I find it interesting that Yeshua had His last supper at a table with His disciples in Jerusalem before He was crucified and I get to meet my friends every week at a table.  I look forward to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb when we can all sit at the same table with Yeshua our Messiah.


Pastor Nick

Beit Tehila Congregation


In a study I read in relations to a personality profile test, that there are 4 aspect of a person’s life. Most in which only the first one gets revealed in the test. Nevertheless, in my humble opinion, I believe that small group relationships can actually touch all 4 of these aspects. Most people tend to grow more wholesome in a small group of close friends.

(Proverbs 18:24 ISV)  A man with many friends can still be ruined, but a true friend sticks closer than a brother.

There are friends, then there are friends that are close. Also in these four aspects of a person’s life I can see 3 core basic needs that man needs that is desired to be meant. I believe God put them inside of us causing us to search for Him. They are LOVE, SIGNIFCANCE and SECURITY.

By defining 4 aspects of our live, I hope to show how we need each other – and how seriously considering joining a Champion’s Table can be a benefit to some pastors who need close friends.

First there is the arena persona. It’s the public you. It’s the part of you that you know and others know. When we first meet all you see is the “arena” me – But there is more because we have that…“I need people who really know me. Who knows what going on inside”. All of us have a part inside of us no one else can see. We need someone that knows us.

We all have a need to feel a sense worth. We have a need for significance.

Next is the mask – It’s the aspect of “What you know about you and others don’t know”.

(1 Corinthians 2:11) “For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man’s spirit within him?”

We all have stuff no one else knows about except God. You are not safe if you are the only human being that knows about that thing. Adam walked with God and God said “It is not good for man to be alone” (Gen. 2:28). The enemy wants you isolated in your issues so he has a better chance in causing you to be defeat through it.

Here is another reason why we need someone else who knows what’s behind the mask. God forgives our sins, specifically in this case, those that may have caused physical sickness. Nevertheless, the prayer of a righteous man, a spiritually passionate for God kind of man, has great power. His prayers have the power to heal the condition that sin leaves us in.

James 5:16 MKJV Confess faults to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous one avails much.

Like verse 17 of James 5 signifies, that man can have his own issues, but still zealous, passionate and true to the things of God. That only means that you need each other.  It is good having friends whose prayers are available in the sight of God. This is friends who know the truth about what to prayer, because God only works in truth.

You don’t have to particularly go to an All Pro Pastor’s Champion Table, but you better have someone who knows what’s behind the mask. The Champion’s Table is a place that you can find those kinds of friends. I’m not saying the first week at a Champion’s Table the mask is going to come off. But hopefully after several weeks you feel safe enough to reveal what behind it.

We wear masks to protect ourselves, or to hide some undesirable truth. But God intent is that we protect each other. We need people who will protect us, because we have a need for security.

(2 Corinthians 4:2 MKJV)  But we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness, nor adulterating the Word of God, but by the revelation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.

In layman’s terms “We refuse to wear masks and play games.… rather, we keep everything we do and say out in the open…”Your life will be better and you will be free from the control any habitual thing/sin.

“You know that thing that you don’t want to do but you do it anyway. Yeah, that thing”. (Rom 7:15-18)“You say that Jesus’ job – Nope – He will forgive you. If you confess your sins to God He will forgive you, but He will not be the one who makes sure you don’t do it again. He will only forgive you for it because He has already given you the grace not to do it.

(I John 1:9)   If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

(James 5:15)  And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he who have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

(James 5:16) “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.” The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

People’s prayer cannot forgive your sins but can get you to healed and delivered from the condition of your situation. I personally believe it’s because of accountability. Lack of accountability (revealing what’s behind the mask) is the number one reason pastors fall and men fail as husbands and fathers.  

A Champion’s table of men also is a hedge or guard to help protect us from our vulnerabilities and that thing that you struggled with and no longer do. Apostle, Arch Bishop, Bishop, Pastor we all are vulnerable so we have a need for security, which brings us to the next aspect of our lives.   

Blind spots – Blind spots is when “you don’t know or see it but other know and see it of you”.  It’s like having spinach in the teeth, or your fly is open and you are putting on your arena persona.  

Once I yelled out to my wife from across the house that I was running out to the grocery store. So I put on this really nice golf shirt I had been wanting to wear. I strutted through the store greeting and smiling back at people while styling my new shirt. I went on through the checkout line, only to get home and my wife telling me that my shirt was on inside out.

Who protects your blind side? Who do you have around you that loves you enough to be honest with you? We need people who will be honest with us.  

We have that need for love and protection.

Your Greatest Vulnerability?

Have you ever seen The Blind Side?  It’s the story of  Michael Oher, and how he came up from high school, through college then to play in the NFL. The position he plays is left offensive tackle. One the highest paid positions and highly valued positions in the NFL. Left tackles in the NFL are called silent millionaires because they are sometimes the highest paid position after the QB. Why is the left tackle so critically important? It’s because he protects the quarterback’s blind side.

Most quarterbacks are right handed, so when they drop back to pass, they can’t see pass rushers coming from their left sides. That is why it’s called the blind side.

In 1985, Monday Night Football, it was quarterback Joe Theismann of the Washington Redskin verses the NY Giants and Linebacker Lawrence Taylor.

Lawrence Taylor beat the Skins left offensive tackle, broke free and snapped Theismann’s leg like a breadstick, ending the quarterback’s career.

As a quarterback, you need a world-class left tackle covering your blind side, your greatest vulnerability. As husband, as a father, or pastor, you need a world class friend to protect your blind side. If you get blindsided too much, you not only lose the game, you might lose your career. Just like a professional quarterback, as a husband, father, and pastor, you are crucial and incredibly valuable to the team. You are valuable to your family, your church, the Body of Christ and to God, and just as important, to yourself. 

Like a quarterback, you have a blind side that must be protected at all costs. So, who or what protects your blind side? Your left tackle could be a trusted friend, who keeps you informed, covers you and stands with you when things gets tough. OF course you can also serve as someone else’s left tackle when that person is distressed. Whatever or whoever you choose to be your left tackle, you need one.

When your blind side is protected, you have a foundation to stand upon. You have the love, significances and security necessary to take risks to be the champion that God made you to be.

We have to earn the right to say certain things to people. That’s really only to those who I believe really love me. If I think that you really care, I’m going to listen to you.

(Proverbs 27:6 NKJV) “Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.”

We all need someone who has our back…to stop us from going over the edge.

Potential – it’s the aspect of “I don’t know and you don’t know”.  

Who knows? God knows! The potential He knows that we have is always far greater that what we could ever imagine or think.

So what could that have to do with Champion’s tables? God has devised a plan for us to find our potential through us getting together with other believers.

(Proverbs 27:17 ISV)  Iron sharpens iron; so a man sharpens a friend’s character.

You will never realize you full potential alone…not ever. You will always hit a ceiling that’s never close to your potential. It’s a whole lot more when you connect with a team.

Proverbs 15:22 RV Where there is no counsel, purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counselors they are established.

We all need a place where we can realize our full potential because it’s not going to happen for you us alone. The real motivation is for you because it’s going to help you to go farther. The more you connect to the body the stronger you grow

(James 5:16) “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.”

Who can benefit greatly from a Champion’s table? Those who have…

  • Those who has a blind side and are vulnerable
  • Those who have ever been disappointed – Lost trust –have been hurt
  • Anyone who has or had “you know… that thing. (Rom.7:15-18)
  • One who doesn’t have a Barnabas to come along side of them mutually sharing love, significances, and security when you are dealing with that thing.
  • Desire to maintain a strong marriage

As pastors we all know that we cannot do everything or just can’t commit to another thing.  Nevertheless there will always be a lot of thing things that is urgent,   but there are a few are critical. The critical being the most important.

Luke 10:41 ESV But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things,

Whatever you do first affects the rest.

(Hebrews 10:25) “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

There are pastors who have struggled, stumbled and fell. Many have left the ministry because of discouragement. Plenty has lost their families, and some have even taken their own lives. Most of whom I believe loved and honored God and did the best that they could. But I am convinced that the baseline of their demise were the lacked the LOVE – SIGNIFCANCE – SECURITY and knowledge of their God given POTINIAL that would come through a relationship of a close friend or brother in their life. We need a friend that sticks closer than a brother, one born for harsh conditions.

(Proverbs 17:17 ESV)  A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

These words that I have written come from personal observation, experiences, and truths that are in my heart. They are without intentions to generalize anything or anyone.

-Pastor Don Rhone Sr.-

Bridge of The Bay Community Church.


Who cuts the barber’s hair? Who pastors the pastor? Who shepherd’s the shepherd? Who do I go to when I need council or advice? I can’t go to my staff, they look to me for leadership. Sometimes, a staff member could be the cause of my stress! I don’t want to burden my wife with every problem in the church because she didn’t marry her pastor, she married her husband. What’s a pastor to do?

Last Saturday I took my grandson to the barber shop. Sitting there I noticed that all these young barbers had neat looking haircuts, some shaved and some styled. I thought to myself, they must cut each other’s hair. I asked the young man, hey who cuts your hair? He replied Oh, he does, he’s cuts everybody’s, He’s the best barber here. Ah ha, I said to myself. I need to find a pastor better than me, or least longer in the ministry, who can impart to me guidance, advice and wisdom.

The Champions table was never intended to be a Bible study, I know the Bible. It was never intended to be a church growth seminar, the Lord builds his church. It was created to be a safe haven for men who just happen to be pastors. My table is a place where I can unload weekly on my brothers, my co-laborers. It’s a place where love and encouragement meet. A place of respite and refreshment is how I would describe my weekly trip to my ministerial barber shop however it takes place in our local I.H.O.P.

Pastors, fellow laborers in the Lord’s work, get sharpened weekly by joining a Champions table near you. It can make you a better husband, father, grandfather and it may just spill over into your pastor role.


Pastor Rev. Fred Harrold AAed, BAom, MAbs

One Accord Church, Plant City, Fl. USA

We jumped in head first with faith of a mustard seed and have been amazed every step of the way how our Lord blesses. We also realize how it takes continuous fertilizing for that seed to grow.

Paul and I are overwhelmed how Pastors and wives are clutching onto this calling of “ALL PRO PASTORS” and how much they are craving to be the men and women God called them to be—-as individuals, husbands, wives and parents, becoming a blessing for their ministries.

Unless you have been there it’s hard to understand

Why is it that we find it difficult to sympathize with others if we haven’t walked in their steps? As the wife of a pastor, she feels like others can’t imagine what she should deal with daily.

I hear the wives saying:

I work all day and come home with the phone ringing off the hook……

They expect me to be there for every meeting, occasion, shower, funeral,        births, dinner….

He is never home when we need him….

His mistress is the church…

He is too tired when he gets home to play with the kids, missing their games and activities….

If only we could get away for a weekend together without feeling guilty….

I have no one to share my REAL feelings, pain and thoughts with….

Who can I really trust?……



Hopefully, if your husband is NOT already in a CHAMPIONS TABLE—-He soon will be!

Be sure to look at our website “ALLPROPASTORS.ORG”, if you are not familiar yet with all the All Pro Pastors is doing, I am sure it will give you some encouragement.

We are witnessing some remarkable changes in MEN who happen to be PASTORS, and because of those changes we can’t help but to notice some very HAPPY wives.

Ladies, I urge you to pray with your husband. If he hasn’t already initiated it you may have to do it for him.

We are in a WAR ZONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We need to pray for our husbands before they walk out the door in the morning.

He needs that FULL ARMOR on so that he can tackle each problem, temptation, and only heaven knows what else during the day.

Yes, ladies he needs our prayers more than ever before to have the wisdom and courage to stand up to what God has called him for. I PROMISE-you will see the MAN that you married real soon!

Please contact me if there is anything I can do or help you with.

Your Servant,




You’re standing on a battlefield. A war rages around you, although you can’t perceive it—not directly, anyway.The combatants are supernatural. On one side, the Creator of the universe: God. Yahweh, or YHWH, if you prefer. On the other, evil intelligences who chose rebellion over service long ago.

In former days, people were closer to the conflict than we are today. Or maybe they were just more sensitive to the struggle. Three thousand years ago, if the Bible is to be believed, people understood that nations were under the rule of gods. While people might believe in a pantheon, nations in the ancient Near East were championed by national deities—Chemosh for Moab, Molech for Ammon, Marduk for Babylon, Ashur for Assyria, Hadad for Aram, and so on.

Today, Christians have a cosmology that’s been, well, dumbed down since the apostolic age. For the last 1,600 years, we’ve been taught that since God is the only true god, then the gods of the nations around ancient Israel were just imaginary beings represented by carved images.

That is spectacularly incorrect.

The authors of the books of the Bible understood that there were many small-G gods. They knew that these supernatural entities had been assigned to the nations, but that Israel had been reserved for Yahweh. Their writings reflected this. It’s in the Bible. We just haven’t heard about it in church. For example, when God told Moses:
For I will pass through the land of Egypt that night, and I will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and on all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am the Lord.

Exodus 12:12 (ESV), emphasis added
Or later, when we read:
They set out from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month. On the day after the Passover, the people of Israel went out triumphantly in the sight of all the Egyptians, while the Egyptians were burying all their firstborn, whom the Lord had struck down among them. On their gods also the Lord executed judgments.

Numbers 33:4 (ESV), emphasis added
Now, are we supposed to believe that God inspired Moses to write about His righteous judgments on lifeless bits of wood and stone?

The conflict between Yahweh and the gods who chose to rebel is most clearly seen in Psalm 82:
God has taken his place in the divine council;

in the midst of the gods he holds judgment:
“How long will you judge unjustly

and show partiality to the wicked? Selah
Give justice to the weak and the fatherless;

maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.
Rescue the weak and the needy;

deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”
They have neither knowledge nor understanding,

they walk about in darkness;

all the foundations of the earth are shaken.
I said, “You are gods,

sons of the Most High, all of you;

nevertheless, like men you shall die,

and fall like any prince.”
Arise, O God, judge the earth;

for you shall inherit all the nations!

Psalm 82:1-8 (ESV), emphasis added
Traditional analysis explains away the use of the word “gods” in this psalm as references to human rulers. This makes less sense than a straightforward reading of the text.

Yahweh presides over a divine council that is tasked with carrying out His orders. Some of these supernatural beings disobeyed orders and were informed by God that their punishment would be to die “like men.” That makes no sense if God was addressing a human audience.

The divine council concept is not new, although it may be to you. (It was to me when I first encountered it ten years ago.)  Rather than build a case for it here, which would cover territory that’s already been explored in greater depth by better minds, I recommend Dr. Michael S. Heiser’s excellent book The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible. In a nutshell, a group of seventy bene elohim (“sons of God”) were assigned to supervise the nations after God divided mankind at Babel. (You’ll note that seventy ethnic groups are named in Genesis chapter 10, the Table of Nations.)  They apparently decided to present themselves as gods to humankind, which required God’s counter-move—reserving one nation for Himself that would someday produce the Savior.

Mountains have always been key in this drama. People have known since our earliest days that mountains are sacred, the abode of the gods. Why? Is it the mystery inherent in locations that are remote and inaccessible? Is it the awe inspired by their size and beauty? Is it simply that primitive humans noticed that mountains were tall and closer to heaven than where they lived?

No. Mountains are sacred because the original location of the divine council was on a mountain. The original home of humankind was also on that mountain. After rebellion broke out, the Fallen chose other mountains to call their own. And all of history is a chronicle of the long war that broke out on the original cosmic mountain, Eden. (Yes, it’s a garden, but it was also on a mountain.  See Ezekiel 28.)

But the accounts of this war aren’t just contained in the Bible. Secular history records important information about this conflict, although most scholars don’t see it for what it is. The war between God and the gods has been fought in the supernatural realm and in our time-space domain by human agents of the warring parties. In the months ahead, we’ll look at some well-known events in the Bible in a way you probably haven’t before—acts of war by God against gods that you’ve been told were imaginary.

We’ll examine one of the people groups Joshua and the Israelites had to fight to claim their new homeland in Canaan. We’ll document the connections between this group of people and the shadowy race of giants called the Rephaim, the occult center that was Babylon (past and future), the king of Egypt who was forced to let God’s people go, and the mythical race of old gods called the Titans.

You read that right: There are links between the Titans of Greek mythology, ancient Egypt, Babylon, and Canaan, and the prophesied Babylon the Great.

We’ll also examine the roles of two divine entities that have been particularly resilient in the long war, appearing again and again at key points in history. And we’ll present what we think is a plausible scenario for the end times that’s best described as a cosmic double-cross, a PSYOP that exploits our human biases and weaknesses—nationalism, racism, and a desire to take onto ourselves a role that God has reserved for the Messiah.

This all sounds like what skeptics call “woo,” but it’s not. These claims are based on documented history, theology, and linguistics. No fringe research, and only a little speculation—although the scholars whose work I cite would probably disagree with my conclusions. That’s to be expected. We’ll apply a supernatural filter to offer an analysis of why history happened the way it did, and to demonstrate that the historical record supports the biblical account if you look at it the right way.

But mainly we want to emphasize that the supernatural war that’s been fought since Eden is more obvious than you think. If you read the Bible with your spiritual eyes open, you’ll see stories you’ve known since Sunday School a whole new way.

The command centers of this long war are mountains. The prophesied climactic battle at the end of history will be fought for control of one specific mountain. We will identify the key mountains of history and lay out a prophetic scenario that the Enemy may use to deceive the world into accepting their man as a savior.

Sadly, most American Christians don’t believe Satan is real, much less end times prophecy.

To confuse things even further, the Fallen have introduced other religions into the end times mix, most significantly Islam. Muslims will play a significant role in the unfolding drama. Sadly for them, their end won’t be victorious global jihad. Their most likely future is as sacrificial victims to draw Jews and Christians into the greatest double-cross in history.

Jesus didn’t warn us of a great deception for nothing.

What makes a pastor rejoice and become thankful? When a pastor sees personal and organizational progress. Progress is when a pastor observes people’s lives being changed, church service attendance increases, spiritual commitment deepens, and finances increase—then the pastor has the freedom to expand serving and evangelizing others and hire the right staff and compensate them properly. I am humbled by the truth that 95% of Senior and Lead pastors whom I coach with the Holy Spirit’s help see an immediate increase in people saved, healed, and delivered as well as solid, responsible stewardship and financial growth. This has created thankful pastors who spread the word around about my ministry and leadership coaching programs.


What makes a pastor frustrated? The opposite is true: personal and organizational stagnation. Lack of spiritual hunger, decreasing conversions, attendance plateau or decline, frayed relationships, waning discipleship, and financial struggles. I cannot tell you how many leaders prior to receiving coaching told me that there were days, weeks, or just a few months away from quitting. In fact, many confessed they considered quitting every Monday.


Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord,

that you may fulfill it (Colossians 4:17).


Are you in a season of progress, stagnation or decline? Progress is the constant movement toward your God-given dreams and goals and a better life. Let’s look at the Three Turnaround Strategies that will help you increase your pastoral intelligence so you can move forward and fulfill your ministry assignment.


Strategy 1 – See it as it is.


The first strategy of turnaround leadership is not to just “be positive.” One of my megachurch pastor clients thought if he would just keep thinking positive, problematic ministry leaders would change in his church. I told him, “If I were you, I would quickly fire some of your disgruntled employees,” and I named a few. He did not listen to me and the negative staff, along with the congregants they influence, actually ran him out of his church after he had started the church and pastored there for thirty-seven years. You can think positive thoughts about your church all day long—but negative things will continue to fester.


Tell yourself nothing but the truth.


If you want to be successfully effective, you have to start telling yourself the truth. Refuse living in denial. If you are not progressing, then realize that what you have been doing is not working. There is nothing wrong with having a problem…unless it’s the same problem you had last year.

  • It’s hard to admit your church is not growing because your sermons are only “good” simply because you are not spending the time necessary to preach “GREAT” messages.
  • It’s hard to admit that your church is not growing because you have not equipped 100 or more highly qualified leaders in your church, and you have been pastoring 5, 10, or even 20+ years.
  • It’s hard to admit that your church is not growing because you don’t have the leadership skills necessary to lead a church the size of God’s dreams for your church.


On the other hand, it’s easy to blame the economy, your geographical area, and your church members for the lack of spiritual, numerical, and financial growth. As I am sure you have preached to others, “The truth will set you free.” Increase your Leadership Intelligence (LQ) by memorizing this:




Strategy 2 – See it better than it is.


Great pastors have trained themselves to look beyond “what is” and have learned to use their God-given imagination to see what “could be.” Great pastors only tolerate the present and live in the future. Everything created was actually created twice—first in the mind then in the realm of the physical.


Refuse to see things worse than they really are.


Some pastors see a thing worse than what it is so they have an excuse for not doing anything about it. It’s time to cut your excuses in half and double the actions you take as a pastor. I don’t know how often I have seen pastors get stuck because they are afraid to either fire a person who is underperforming or too afraid to make the one change they know they have needed to make for a long time.


I graciously encouraged one pastor to fire a poor-performing children’s church pastor. He said, “If I fire this person, he will start another church, and I will lose 50-100 people.” After an entire year of working with the disgruntled, lazy associate pastor, he finally fired him. Nobody left the church, and the children’s church doubled in size in four months.


I lovingly told one pastor he preached too long. He said, “If I preach for only a half hour, almost everybody in my church would leave next week.” When he finally decided to take my advice and told his leaders he was going to preach for half an hour, the entire team stood up and applauded. By the way, his church started growing after that, and he broke the 1,000-member barrier.

The number one responsibility of a leader is to see. Jesus said you are the blind leading the blind and the blind lead everybody into the ditch. Point people in the direction of a bigger, brighter, and better future. See things ten times better than what they are!




Mandate 3 – Make it the new way you see it.


The third strategy of turnaround is do whatever it takes to make what you see on the inside manifested on the outside. You need some TRACTION—a TRAC to take ACTION on. In order to turn your ministry dreams into reality, you need a detailed strategic plan to give you the TRAC you need to run on. I have coached some leaders who have notebooks full of plans, but they fail to execute the proper action steps needed to move their churches and ministries forward. It’s of the utmost importance that you get a successfully proven M.A.P.—Massive Action Plan!


A fool with a plan can outsmart a genius with no plan. –T. Boone Pickens, Texas billionaire and successful businessman




Smart leaders leverage the advantages of a personal consultant or coach. Don’t try to make the changes alone. Don’t rely on your own wisdom. What got you “here” will not get you “there.” Proverbs 15:22 paraphrased says, “Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers [coaches, consultants, mentors] they succeed.”


Avoid the biggest lie: I cannot afford a coach. I have seen this lie paralyze several ministry leaders. However, I have witnessed with my own eyes Senior Pastors who have stepped out in faith and hired a leadership coach and the process propelled themselves to the next level…and beyond.


Look at the biblical teams that God put together who changed history: Abraham and Sarah, Moses and Aaron, Joshua and Caleb, Deborah and Barak, David and Jonathan, Esther and Mordecai, Jeremiah and Baruch, Mary and Joseph, the apostles, Paul and Silas, Priscilla and Aquila, etc. You can’t afford not to team up!


It’s time for progress. It’s time to move forward toward your ministry dreams. It’s time to enjoy being in the ministry again!


About Keith Johnson

Keith Johnson is known as one of the premier speakers on the subjects of Christian leadership, confidence building, and strategic planning. For the past 16 years, his messages, books, and leadership coaching has helped some of the largest and most prestigious churches in the world to experience spiritual, numerical, and financial growth. Keith is an amazon best-selling author and recognized by other leaders as America’s #1 Confidence Coach.

I finally decided to go through my wallet and pull out some items with the hope of making it smaller. Since I have two daughters, I never have to worry about having any cash but the collection of receipts, business cards, and the like seem to make the wallet a bit unmanageable as well as uncomfortable. As I begin the process, what started out as a simple task became an interesting “spring cleaning” adventure. I decided to dump out everything in the wallet and “start fresh” with what was just needed for the day to day journey. As I finished, I felt the wallet and it was then that I discovered a long lost treasure. It was not a 20$ bill (remember, I have two daughters) nor a coupon for a free burger (just used that one) but an old torn, worn, piece of dingy white cloth. I hold the cloth between my fingers and remember when I placed it into the wallet. I placed the cloth into “service” in June 2006 when I spoke at a men’s breakfast at Turkey Creek First Baptist in Plant City, Florida. The “Cloth of Service” event was from John 13:1-16 where Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, took off his outer garment and picked up a water basin and a towel and began to wash the feet of the disciples. Here was the Creator of the universe stooping to pour water over dirty feet and lovingly and tenderly dry them- even the feet of Judas, the one to whom Jesus knew would betray him hours later. It was a powerful picture of what we are called to do as a “chosen people and a holy priesthood”. I challenged each of the men to take a small cloth that had been cut for them and commit with me to live a life of service that is worthy of the “washing of the feet by Jesus”. It is a commitment that I have tried to hold true since that day and the little cloth in my wallet is a steady reminder of that promise. As we enter into this journey of leadership through the All Pro Pastors’ newsletter, we will learn that Godly leadership comes not from the positon we hold, but the person we become. It is also not just about the experiences we will have in life but how we “Express God” by the simple acts of love throughout our life. I want us as Pastors and Ministers of the Gospel to make a commitment to be willing to figuratively wash the feet of more than each other (fellow Christians) but to be willing to wash the feet of those that despise you, persecute you, and even hurt you. You see, the cloth is more than a piece of fabric- it is an article of clothing that requires a commitment and cost. Jesus said in John13:13-16, You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” I desperately desire to not only be blessed by God; I want to be a blessing for Him. Will you join me?

Dr. Daniel Middlebrooks

CEO, Chaplaincy Care, INC

To help me explain why most of my motivation for teaching hinges on prophecy, I need to tell you about my family and my experiences when I was growing up. Sure, sometimes my heartstrings are pulled in other directions with respect to God’s infinite kingdom, but I keep coming back to prophecy as the thing that the body of Christ seems to know the least about.  My grandfather F.C. Kruse was a Pentecostal minister for 40 years and he was quite the influential person in my life and of course my father’s life.  He was a very “old-school” church planter starting evangelical churches across this America. F.C. was also considered progressive in some ways because he frequently referred to himself as a “Bapti-costal.”  My father Jonn Kruse traveled and sold Christian educational materials for more than 50 years.  It is because of these two influential men in my life, along with years of sitting in pews, I have heard more than my share of prophecy. I have also been through many of the date-setting fiascos that have temporarily stirred up the Christian community. Of course, over the years I have definitely formed my own opinions and I am not afraid to chime in on many of the debates and talking points of Bible prophecy.

Most people are uncomfortable with prophecy and find it to be just wild speculation. Other people are so afraid of some of the pictures that prophecy paints, that they just avoid the subject entirely.  So when I teach prophecy, I start with the simple things that will later form a foundation for other possibilities.  While the whole point of prophecy is not to predict the future, there are still some things that we absolutely know.  For example, my father was visibly shaken and felt impacted when Israel became a nation again in 1948. He had been told that this would have to happen in order for the real “end times” to commence. The idea that Israel had to become a nation again was not necessarily that popular. When the prophetic parts of the Bible had gone mostly “silent” for almost 1900 years, people tended to start  making up theories about possible end time scenarios.   People couldn’t make sense of prophecy and that is why many churches just “washed” Revelations and other prophetic passages right out of the Bible.  During this time many began to step away from a literal interpretation of prophecy and they began to see it as allegorical or symbolic. Even some of the best theologians advocated for something called Replacement Theology, which says that God is finished with Israel. In fact, it goes on to say that the church has replaced Israel. So everywhere we see Israel in prophecy, we are really just talking about the church.  The problem is that there is a centricity to prophecy. Bible prophecy revolves around the nation of Israel, the Middle East and the children of Abraham. The fact that Israel had become a nation again especially fascinated my father because now he could look at prophecy in a more literal way. Since that time he has hardly ever stopped studying prophecy.  He is always reading some prophetic book or talking about a prophetic show that he saw on Christian television.

Back when I was a teenager, my father told me how one day the whole world would go to war over Israel. (See Zechariah 12:1-3) I called him out for being quite out of touch with reality.  “There is no way that would happen. No one cares about that little country over there.” Well, we can all laugh now can’t we? Obviously based on the geo-political situation in the world, this event could happen any day!  On the other hand, maybe you don’t realize that we really are on the verge of WWIII, but Vladimir Putin has warned the world on multiple occasions within the last few years of just such a scenario? Just how much time do you think is on God’s time clock? Why has there been so much time from when Jesus disappeared into the heavens? Why has God waited 1900 years to start fulfilling some of His prophetic promises?  I find that the answer to that question is that God is very merciful! God wants to save as many people as possible during the times of the Gentiles. Unfortunately, the times of the Gentiles are coming to a close and I will share that with you as you read on.

Even though there are many who are starting to wake up to the season that we have found ourselves in, the amount of skepticism in the world and the church is very palpable. Prophecy is even being censored in the church.  Peter directly warns us of this kind of attitude.


  • 2 Peter 3:3 – First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 4“Where is the promise of His coming?” they will ask. “Ever since our fathers fell asleep, everything continues as it has from the beginning of creation.” 5 But they deliberately overlook the fact that long ago by God’s word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water, 6 through which the world of that time perished in the flood. 7 And by that same word, the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, kept for the Day of Judgment and destruction of ungodly men.


In the same way that we can count on God fulfilling His promises to us about our salvation, we can depend on Him to also fulfill His promises found in the prophetic parts of the Bible.  Unfortunately, the world really is in a situation much like in the story of the “boy who cried wolf.” Christians have been talking about the return of Jesus for 1900 years. Some of this is because they did not understand a very clear cipher that Jesus has given us so that we would know when we are really close.  For that entire time the church has taught the world, that Christ could come back any minute.  To the world, this sounds like the makings of a good old- fashioned fairly tale, but to the church and the bride of Christ, this is our great hope. What Peter is saying in this passage is that there will be scoffers all the way up to the last second before Christ returns.  Peter is also saying, that just as surely as there was a flood, there will also be a fire upon the earth to judge and destroy the ungodly. Still, the scoffers these days don’t even believe in the flood, so how can we wake them up?  The question is, can we wake up the church?  Is there really a way to know that we are in the end times?


What I want to share with you in this article is how we absolutely know that God’s time clock has started ticking again and why we are in a season called the “end times.” For myself, it all starts with what Jesus says in Luke 21. This passage is considered part of the Olivet Discourse and therefore it is linked to similar passages in Matthew 24:1- 25:46 and Mark 13. For the record, there are many who believe that Luke may be speaking about different events than the other two. It also is possible that this discourse was given on the temple mount, where as the other two passages were given on the Mount of Olives. Nonetheless, the integrity of the text is unquestioned! The reason I use Luke 21 is because it conveys something that is not included in the other texts and it is stunning!  The first thing that happens as Jesus is spending time with His disciples is that Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple.


  • 5 Then, as some spoke of the temple, how it was adorned with beautiful stones and donations, He said, 6 “These things which you see—the days will come in which not one stone shall be left upon another that shall not be thrown down.”


From our perspective, it is important to note that the total destruction of Jerusalem and Israel actually occurred around 70 A.D., which makes 70 A.D. the first anchor point in history as to where chronologically this passage starts.   To His disciples, this bold statement by Jesus caught them off guard! This was like telling them that everything they know and loved was going to be destroyed, so naturally they were going to be asking Him a lot more questions.

  • 7 So they asked Him, saying, “Teacher, but when will these things is? And what sign will there be when these things are about to take place?” 8 And He said: “Take heed that you not be deceived. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am He,’ and, ‘The time has drawn near.’ Therefore, do not go after them. 9 But when you hear of wars and commotions, do not be terrified; for these things must come to pass first, but the end will not come immediately.” 10 Then He said to them, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.11 And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven. 12 But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons. You will be brought before kings and rulers for My name’s sake. 13 But it will turn out for you as an occasion for testimony. 14 Therefore settle it in your hearts not to meditate beforehand on what you will answer; 15 for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist. 16 You will be betrayed even by parents and brothers, relatives and friends; and they will put some of you to death. 17 And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. 18 But not a hair of your head shall be lost. 19 By your patience possess your souls.

The Destruction of Jerusalem


  • 20 “But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. 21 Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her. 22 For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. 23 But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! For there will be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people. 24 And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.


I have highlighted verse 24 because I believe it is the key verse to establish another anchor point in human history, but this time it is on our timeline. This is the statement that is not included in Mathew 25 and Mark 13. In other words, Jesus literally told His disciples that Jerusalem and Israel would be destroyed, that many would fall by the sword and the rest would be led away captive into all nations. This dispersion would go on until there would come a day when Jerusalem was no longer trodden down of the gentiles. That day happened in 1967 in the six-day war. Israel finally took control over the city of Jerusalem for the first time in almost 1900 years! What is even more important is that all of us have seen this fulfilled in our lifetime! This simple reality is what even now controls the fate of the world. This statement by Jesus gives us another anchor point on His scale of things yet to come. There are many other passages that don’t just talk about Israel becoming a nation again, but specifically focus on the city of Jerusalem.  This is why for me 1967 is the most prophetic year we have ever seen in our era. This is not to say that the year 1948, when Israel first became a nation again, is not also very significant. However, it is the taking back of Jerusalem in 1967 that has put us back on Jesus’ prophetic map with only a few things still left to occur before His coming.  

What also begs the question is what exactly is going to happen from here on out?  This is where the Son of Man is going to enter human history once again. We are only given a few more details about this time period and they come in verses 25-28. I do want to mention that it is very possible that verses 8-11 also happen after 12-24, because it says so at the beginning of verse 12. This means that we may still need to be looking for false Christ’s, wars and commotions. We are also looking for “nation to rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.” Verse 25 further describes the situation leading up to the coming of the Son of Man. These are the things that we can expect to occur after the year 1967.

  • – And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; 26 men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”


We are specifically told that after Jerusalem is under the control of Israel, then we will see signs in the sun, moon and stars.  We have certainly seen this with the blood moons / eclipse phenomenon’s. Now think back to how much interest in “end times” was generated leading up to year 2012. It is important to remember that the whole 2012 phenomenon all started with NASA talking about how the earth might be hit with an unprecedented amount of solar flares, which could create an end of the world, as we know it scenario.  We also clearly have many nations in perplexing situations, especially the Middle East where no one in the world has any plausible solutions for a 4000 year old family feud about who is God’s chosen people that has the world in it’s grip. Not only can it not be a coincidence that the exact same people are still controlling the world 400 years later, but the free world is being held hostage because God put all that oil underneath the Arab world.  We have also seen record setting waves and tsunamis devastating many parts of the world, but there is clearly more travail coming. Very soon we may see men’s hearts failing them for fear from what they see coming on the face of the earth. Soon the heavens and the spiritual powers therein may begin to shake our reality. All of this means that we may be very near to actually seeing Jesus split the clouds with power and great glory!

In verse 28, Jesus gives what I believe to be the definitive Biblical cipher for interpreting all of Bible prophecy. “Now when you see these things,” what things do you think Jesus is talking about?  Well, the things He just got done sharing in this passage, but I also believe this applies to all the prophecies in the Bible. When you see the things in the Bible happening and especially with regard to this sequence of events, then stand up, and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.

This statement by Jesus proves that we cannot use the Bible to primarily predict the future, but we can know that we have entered into a specific season of human history known as the “end times.” Sometimes we don’t even realize that something prophetic has happened until after the event has already happened. God purposely keeps a heavy veil over prophecy, but why?  I believe this is because the purpose of prophecy is not to predict the future, but to prove to us that God is in complete control of the future.  This experience of reading our Bibles and seeing it happen in our newspapers has a way of producing faith in very difficult times that nothing else does.  A sincere belief that God knows the future also means that God knows your future. You can trust Him with your life. My father’s sharing this information with me and then seeing this exact scenario develop is why I believe my Bible more today than I did then. This new faith is why I teach prophecy today because it proves that we have a God that we can trust.

I firmly believe that prophecy can prove that God is true to the “Generation Next.” My dad may have offended many of my sensibilities when I was young and naive, but God’s word was found to be true! I had another similar experience about another passage my father shared with me around the same time.  Just about 5-6 years ago, I nearly fell out of my chair, when I read another article about how Russia had made a “NATO” like pact with Iran. This was exactly what my father had explained to me was a likely possibility based on Ezekiel 38 & 39. Most of the world had already been watching what was going to happen with Iran.  You could literally say that maybe the biggest security threat in the world was a nuclear Iran and here we have the Bible chiming in from 3000 years beforehand!

There are many other ways that I could go on to show that prophecy is one of the main ways God has proven that we can trust Him. However, there is no greater purpose of prophecy than to reveal Christ Himself. If Jesus didn’t fulfill 300 prophecies in the Bible, then we would have never known that He was unmistakably the messiah. Still, the Scribes and Pharisee’s of the His day, who knew the Bible possibly better that almost anyone today, were somehow able to completely miss Him. A study of Daniel’s 70 weeks reveals that Jesus literally road into Jerusalem on a donkey, declaring to the world that He was the Messiah, on the exact day that the Bible predicted that He would.  No wonder Jesus stood outside Jerusalem and wept saying, “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.” (Matt 23:37) Knowing that prophecy is the bedrock of our faith helps me understand an imperative for those who are alive just prior to Christ’s return. There is literally 8 times as much prophecy about when Jesus comes the second time as when He came the first time. When you understand that deception and unpreparedness are the hallmarks of the world at His return, I honestly believe that Christ is weeping yet again in heaven.  He longs to gather the world to Himself. Each day is yet another extended mercy towards reaping a harvest of souls for His kingdom, but knowing Him and his prophecies is the key to recognizing the season, as well as the counterfeit christ’s that are to come.

Now think about the modern church. Is the church really standing up for Jesus and the God of the Bible?  Are we really lifting up our heads in expectation of the return of Jesus?  Well, in many parts of the world the answer is yes.  Persecution of the church is happening around the world on an unprecedented level! This persecution is coming with signs and wonders of God’s miraculous deliverance along with stories that are truly horrifying. Yes, many Christians are wide-awake, but here in America the church is largely asleep.  Yes, there has to be some amount of awakening that occurred with the recent presidential election. I honestly believe America received a miracle and a stay in our execution. Like Jonathon Cahn has preached in our capitol and in his books (The Harbinger), every nation that abandons God and does not heed God’s warnings is going to be judged.  When I talk about waking up to the reality that we are in the final season of human history or that we are the “terminal generation,” then I thing about the Parable of the Fig Tree.  As it turns out, this is exactly what Jesus brings up next.

  • 29 Then He spoke to them a parable: “Look at the fig tree, and all the trees. 30 When they are already budding, you see and know for yourselves that summer is now near. 31 So you also, when you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is near. 32 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation (the generation that saw the end of the times of the gentiles) will by no means pass away till all things take place. 33 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.

The traditional interpretation of the fig tree is that it represents Israel.  Again, Jesus is talking about seeing one thing, the flowering of a tree, and then knowing through inference that summer or a season is near.  This is also why we have been able to infer that one-day Jerusalem would not be trodden down of the Gentiles and that those who had been dispersed would some day return.  While we know from Mathew 24:36 that “no man knows the day nor the hour,” this passage tells us that we can know the season.  Like two little children on a long trip always asking “when are we going to get there,” Jesus also knows ahead of time that we are going to be asking these type of questions. When we think of a season with regard to 6000 years of human history, the timing is obviously still a mystery.   Consequently, we are still left wondering just exactly what does ‘near’ mean? Then Jesus gives us something quantifiable when He says, “this generation will by no means pass away till all things take place.”  This is why we use the phrase, “terminal generation.”  Gary Stearman does a whole study on just everywhere this term is used in the Bible and it is very interesting. For general purposes, a generation in the Bible can be up to 70 years.  If we add 70 years to 1967, the years that Israel took back the whole city of Jerusalem, we come up with the year 2037. We are clearly in this time frame!  The final part of the passage talks about another important part of the purpose of prophecy, and that is to reinforce the importance of watching.

  • 34 “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. 35 For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36 Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

In the same way that the Bible warns us of the thorns, which represent the cares of this world, in the parable of the sower, this passage warns us of the fact that we all can get so entangling in life that we are literally unaware of the eminency of God’s time clock.  I absolutely believe that this applies to the church, and especially in America.  The warning of prophecy stands for all generations, but especially for the terminal one.  This also makes me think of the Laodicean Church in Revelations 3, which is also known as the lukewarm Church.

  • 14 “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write,, ‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God: 15 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. 16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. 17 Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked— 18 I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent.

Not only does this match the “wealth prosperity gospel” found here in America, but it also matches the politically correct church here as well. No longer is the church willing to stand up for what the Bible clearly says.  Sure Jesus is all right, but so is abortion, gay marriage or being a man trapped in a woman’s body. The politically correct church paints Jesus as Mr. Rodgers and surely Jesus would never offend anyone.  The church is also especially afraid of becoming political. Maybe that is because they are afraid of their tax status being revoked.  Either way, these two issues with where the church stands today are in stark contrast with the fact that religious and political leaders for religious and political reasons killed Jesus! Then Jesus told us that they would do the same to us.  This kind of attitude from a church or even when it comes from myself is very frustrating. I want you to notice what God does next.  God sends his love message to this politically correct church in the form of a rebuke and a call towards repentance. I believe just like the foolish virgins, they do not know what time it is and that is why they are sleeping or simply following after other god’s.  The warning of prophecy can play a major part in this awakening because the warning of prophecy is real.

As we look back over this passage, I feel that Luke 21 validates the Historical view of scripture because it literally covers 1900 years without blinking. Yes, many of the things that Christ mentions in this passage have absolutely happened. The destruction of everything Jewish in 70 A.D. along with the dispersal of God’s people throughout the whole world are good examples.  This fact proves that the Preterist viewpoint can be real possibility because some things in this passage have clearly happened.  On the other hand, there are many things in this passage that are yet to be fulfilled like the actual physical return of Jesus.  This idea of an actual physical return of Jesus makes perfect sense with the rest of scripture.  Think about all of these literals. Jesus: was a literal person; was literally crucified; was literally raised from the dead; literally rose into Heaven; literally predicted the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem, which was literally fulfilled; literally predicted the death of so many Jews and the dispersion of the survivors into the whole world, which literally came true. If we believe all of these literals, then why would we suddenly look to His return as symbolic or figurative? Why is the coming of Jesus purely limited to our hearts? This type of reasoning shows without a shadow of a doubt that the futurist viewpoint of prophecy can make perfect sense. If it didn’t, then why is Jesus telling us to stand up and lift up our heads because our redemption is drawing near?  Without the literal return of Christ, the only redemption we will ever receive is when we die?

The truth is that we need all of these viewpoints to get a balanced view of prophecy. Still, the point of this entire article is that we have seen Jerusalem come to a place where it is no longer trodden down of the Gentiles.  Christ Himself has told us explicitly, that when we see these things, we are to lift up our heads in expectation of Christ’s return.  When we see the convergence of Bible prophecy with our newspapers, then something and someone is getting very close.  Israel is indeed the super sign! Israel is a modern day miracle and each day that it exists is against all odds! This is why I recommend the movie narrated by Leonard Nimoy by the same title.  The more people know about Israel and what is happening in the world, the more I believe that the real church is going to stand up for what we believe. Prophecy can help us lift up Jesus to a whole new generation that needs faith like never before?

One of the last things I will share about Luke 21 is that it gives a contrast to the two types of people that find themselves in the last days.  The ones, who know their Bible prophecy and know what is happening are the ones who are fulfilling the purpose of prophecy, which is to given expectancy to the return of Christ. Reading God’s word and seeing it happen have an effect on our faith like nothing else. This building of faith is what all scripture is about, but the miracle of prophecy is that it can build faith even in prophetic times and in the face of persecution. This is why the people that know prophecy are able to stand up for their faith even unto death. They are excited to see the things in the Bible happen because they know that their faith is true and that the one in whom they have believed is true. There are many purposes of prophecy, but this definition is the one I like the most.   Prophecy was not given to us in order to predict the future, but so that we would know that God knows the future.  If God knows the future, then I can trust the He knows my future.  Knowing that our fate is secure helps us become even more persuaded that the God of the Bible is able to keep His promises.

This kind of faith is in stark contrast to the other people groups in this story. The one’s who did not know their Bible, saw the very same things happen and they are struck with fear to the point that their hearts literally failed! This kind of loss of heart will make them easily prey for the deception that Satan has waiting for them during this perilous time in history. Now let’s ask a different question. What if these two groups of people were to meet? One is afraid and the other one is excited. Now can you imagine how someone who is genuinely afraid of something might react if they see their neighbor who is excited about the same things?  I really cant imagine it, but this is going to be one of those times in history where people of faith can have a great witness because everyone is going to be searching for answers.  Those answers are all found in the prophetic parts of the Bible. If we, as a body of Christ, do not know the whole Gospel, then how can we proclaim the good news of Christ’s soon return for the entire length of history? Paul when he was speaking to the elders and pastors of the church says, “therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel /purpose of God.” (Acts 20:25&26) Now consider that up to 30 percent of the Bible was prophetic when it was written. The Bible is also clear that every generation has been called to know and preach the whole counsel of God, but one generation is actually going to see all these things happen. They are the generation that end times prophecy was made for and it would be a tragedy if they missed it.  

As I read Luke 21, I cannot help but realize that Jesus brought this whole subject up to His disciples on purpose. Jesus knew just how difficult their road was going to be and He was trying to prepare them for it.  The disciples literally saw these things happen and I am sure that they not only remembered these words, but they wrote them down and read them often. When the day came where their entire city, country and temple was destroyed, I can’t imagine how hard that must have been. But it would have been a lot harder if they had not been warned. It would have been a lot harder if they had no hope of ever returning. When many of them were led away captive, just as they were in the days of Daniel, I believe this prophecy gave them hope.  Hope that one-day Jerusalem would no longer be trodden down of the gentiles and that the times of the Israel might one day come again.  This same passage has shown that the God of the Bible knows the beginning from the end. We are and we are going to see more things that are going to make other men’s hearts fail them for fear, but Jesus has given us prophecy to give us a hope and an excitement about His return. We have seen most all of this passage come to pass and now there are only few things left before Jesus is to return.  

Now is the time to preach the whole gospel and to let the world know that the things in the Bible are happening.  As I have had more opportunities to speak about prophecy, it has also affected my witness to those outside the church.  I am a chiropractor by profession, but for a while I would tell people that I taught classes on prophecy.  To my amazement, not one person looked at me funny.  In fact, all of them seemed to be interested in talking a bit more.  One day I was working out next to a guy, and I had my t-shirt that says “Jesus Saves.”  There is also a picture of Jesus that has Him wearing a goalie uniform and standing in front of a hockey net.  He couldn’t resist picking up a conversation.  I told him that my wife loves hockey and I love Jesus.  We laughed and then I went on and told him that I taught prophecy classes.  He was very nice, but I could tell he was thinking about everything I said more than the average bear. I could also tell by his questions that he clearly knew more than he was leading on.  About 25-30 minutes into the conversation he finally told me what gives.  He told me that he was a pastor and that he had to be careful whom he told that to because sometimes people would just end the conversation and walk away.  I was kind of shocked, but I responded immediately.  You should just tell them that you teach prophecy and then I went on to tell him that I was actually a chiropractor.  

It’s amazing how Christians have the most relevant and best-documented book in the world, but the world is shutting us out. Meanwhile, every TV network has a show on ghosts or aliens because the world is obsessed with them. The world is crying out for the supernatural and we have the only book that tells the whole truth. Somehow we stayed too close to the lines and failed to show the world what an amazing book the Bible is.  I cannot tell you how many history channel shows I have seen about the prophetic works of Nostradamus or Edgar Cayce, but not one show talking about just how accurate the Bible’s predictions are. What if I told you that more people around the world and even in America believe in Aliens than God? When was the last time anyone talked about that subject in church?  Meanwhile, the Catholic Church has said that if aliens show up they will baptize them. No, I am not kidding.  What I am trying to say is that when I see the apostles in the New Testament, I see them standing at the cross roads of society and engaging the people on every level.  When Paul taught about the un-known God, he was being “all things to all men, so that some might be saved.”  The Bible talks about all of these subjects, but we don’t do it in the church.  Men’s hearts are already filled with fear and we need to share with them why we can have hope. Not just by sharing the gospel, but also by showing them that the God of the Bible can be trusted because He knows the future.

The Bible is still relevant and sharper than a two-edged sword.  More importantly, the Bible is happening and the world is helpless to see it unless we tell them! During the course of the upcoming year, I will use this same Biblical cipher given by Jesus to show that there is indeed a convergence of Bible prophecy like never before. If you are hungry for more and want to begin learning and sharing the prophetic things of the Bible, I have developed a completely free reference website called  There are many different series on the site and each series lists the links for the YouTube videos.  You can also download the audio version of each session in mp3 format, as well as the notes in Microsoft word. After hearing the classes and reading the notes, I hope that you will be able to teach the class yourself.  The sooner we begin to share the incredible and undeniable proofs of the Bible, the more that we will be able to give the world a supernatural relationship with the one and only true God that knows their future.

(1) Listen to what is being said rather than planning the next statements you intend to make.

(2) Eliminate distractions such as loud noises, the telephone, the TV, or computer.  Also pray first that God will lead you to a proper place and proper time.

(3) Repeat what has been said. This helps your spouse know you have truly understood what she/he said and meant.

(4) Ask questions if you need something clarified, such as, “Would you like some advice or do you want me to just listen?”

(5) Stay on the issue being discussed rather than making it personal. Refuse to have a mindset of getting revenge. I Corinthians 13:5 (NIV) declares that love keeps no record of wrongs. That means a loving spouse does not bring up old arguments or issues to use in an attack. Statements such as, “There you go again!” or “You always…” only create hostility and defensiveness.

(6) Remember that love always hopes for (assumes) the best (I Cor. 13:7 AMP). Assume that your spouse is concerned about what is best for the relationship. Always show love and think right towards your spouse.

(7) Use “I” centered messages. Make statements such as, “I feel discouraged, “rather than “You make me so mad!” Center upon your own emotions and feelings, but remain on the real issue. The use of “you” during an argument may cause the listener to be defensive and feel personally attacked.

(8) Remember that love is patient (I Corinthians 13:4, Hebrews 10:35-36, James 1:4). Wait for the most appropriate time to bring up an important issue. Introducing a big issue when your spouse first comes through the door from a long day at work, or after a hectic day of running errands is simply not a good idea.

As a pastor you are often asked what is the size of your church?  A question which for years made me question my leadership and the health of our church.  I would find myself making excuses for the size of the congregation or follow the question up by explaining how we are going to grow in the not so distant future.   Walking away wondering what is going on.

Then it hit me!  We may be small in numbers, but we are mighty in our passion and desire to serve the Lord.  I started looking at the church in a different light.  Maybe we are small for a reason.   And that reason doesn’t have to be a negative one.  Maybe God, who said He would build the church and the gates of Hades couldn’t overcome it, had a special mission for our small group.  That’s when my military background birthed the idea that maybe we are like the Special Forces!  That’s right, the Green Beret.  The Green Beret’s motto is “De Oppresso Liber,” which is Latin for “To Free the Oppressed”.  WOW!  Isn’t that our purpose, to free the lost world from the oppression of sin.

Now a new way to look at what the world calls a small church.  Not mom and pop, but rather a tight knit group of believers on a special mission to reach the lost with limited resources and support.  That’s right, we are in the trenches fighting the battle behind enemy lines and completing the mission with the resources the Commanding General in Heaven has given us.  

Today I am thankful to be an officer in God’s Special Forces!  I look forward to every opportunity I have to serve with such a dedicated group of Spiritual Soldiers!   HOOAH!!

It would be nice to believe we live in Mayberry, where anyone suspicious is immediately locked up in the city jail, faithfully guarded by the ever-skeptical Barney Fife. Yes…that would be nice. However, the world we live in today is a scary place, and let’s face it – whether your non-profit insurance or church insurance “requires” all volunteers and/or workers to have a background screening or not, it’s always a good idea. Not convinced? Read on…

When it comes to your church or organization hiring a new employee or bringing on volunteers, not only are you looking for the best candidate possible, you’re also looking for someone who will properly represent your best interests. Not only does background screening convey the idea that you are serious about protecting your church or organization, but it also helps to defend your congregation against any accusations of negligence.

Douglas Kubacki, a police Sergeant out of Milwakee has dealt with a plethora of situations arising from the lack of a background screening.

“The congregation should develop a set of guidelines for volunteer screening that list the types of background checks performed for each position,” he commented. “For example, it is very important

to run a personal credit check on someone who will be handling the congregation’s finances. If a

position requires driving, request a motor vehicle record, or for a position that has exclusive

contact with children, consult the sex offender and child abuse registry. It also is wise to conduct

screenings, such as motor vehicle and credit checks on a regular basis.”

According to an article posted online at The Birmingham (AL) News, an agency that conducted 5,000 background checks for 450 churches found serious felonies in 80 cases and more than 600 people – almost 1 in 8 – that had some criminal history that may disqualify them from working at a church. (These statistics do not relate to any geographical or denominational breakdowns whatsoever.)

If your organization or church does not have a background screening process in place, now is the time to instigate one. Follow these steps to get started:

  1.  Locate a background screening company who will work side-by-side with you throughout the process. Some examples are:

Note: This blog provided to you by Strong Tower Insurance, Inc. Strong Tower Insurance is pleased to partner with All Pro Pastors in support of pastors and their congregations by offering a variety of insurance solutions to protect the mission of the church!