
The Pastors Summit, Saturday November 5th will include a RSVP only Luncheon/Dinner from 11:30-1:30 that will be exclusive for Pastors and their wife. This is going to be a very fine “Chef” prepared full course meal. There will be special guests and music. This is limited because of seating and it is Primarily for Senior Pastors. (Associates may get on the waiting list.) Again, this complimentary, but we need to have your RSVP to assure your seating.

The Pastors Summit will have other luncheon options for anyone who does not RSVP. Please share this with all Pastors.


Special Announcement: Reverend Rogatien Q Nze is headed to Libreville Gabon Africa and has scheduled an All Pro Pastors meeting for August 24th at 10:00AM. Pastor Nze is our Ambassador to Gabon. We want to thank him in advance for his commitment to this ministry and for his passion to encourage Pastors worldwide.

We look forward to having Pastor Nze with Apostle Mathew Kalu who is the Vice President of the Libreville Missionary Pastors Association, work together to introduce All Pro Pastors and Champion Tables to the many great Pastors in Gabon.  We believe that every Pastor should be a part of a Champions Table and the meeting on the 24th will give everyone that is able to attend the opportunity to hear how Champion Tables are strengthening and encouraging Pastors and their families.

Please be in prayer for them.


In a recent e-mail message from Bishop Ebenezer Sefah in Ghana-Africa, he writes “I would like to inform you we have started the Champion Group in Ghana-Africa and its really helping the Pastors here. Thank you for introducing me to this idea. It really helps!”  He later wrote, ” It’s really working here. Ghana-Africa says Thank You.”

Praise God!! What a blessing to hear from a Pastor and Leader who attended a Luncheon in Bartow Florida and took it back to his country. It is our prayer to see every man called Pastor, Bishop, Dr., Apostle, etc. connected through Champion Tables and serving God as men of God arm in arm! 

Please pray for Africa!!! We love you!!!

On May 12th from 11:30 -1:00 there will be a Pastor and Spouse luncheon at the Kings Ave Baptist Church in Brandon, Florida. This is for all Pastors and Spouses from all Christian Denominations.

There will be great words of encouragement and great food. Come and meet some fellow warriors for Christ.

We Pray that you can make it. RSVP’s requested

We want to thank God for bringing so many Pastors and Spouses to the Luncheon in Lakeland Florida April 28th. Moody Radio was our Sponsor and they did a fabulous job spreading the word. We had 84 in attendance and there was a great mix of men and women, denominations and many cultures.

We heard from Pierre Chestang Gen Manager of Moody Radio Florida and Bishop John Boyd from Bartow. Several other pastors gave testimonies about their Champions Tables.

There were several other requests to start or join Champion Tables and one got started that day in Dade City, Florida.

If you feel alone as a Pastor or the walls collapsing around you consider strating a Champions Table. It can significantly change your life and help you defeat the the attacks of the enemy!

Many  Blessing

Praise God for two great Pastor luncheons in February. We had 60 in attendance at Plant City Church of God in Plant City Florida and CrossRoads Baptist in Lakeland Florida. Many Pastors testified about the impact of being in a Champions Group. Many others asked to get started. The Champions Group helps us to stay on course as the men God created us to be.

What about you? Click on the Champions Group tab and start your group today. Please let us know when you do and where you are. We will be praying for you. Please invite Pastors to this website. Thank you!

November 11th is a very special day for All Pro Pastors. We will be joining the 3rd Annual Shepherds Guide and Moody Radio Church Business Trade show this year as the honored ministry host. This event brings Christian businesses together and Churches together for an unprecedented gathering of the Kingdom. For years there has been a struggle for many Churches to know how to embrace Christian businesses within their own congregation and community. Many times a Pastor is not even aware of who is in business within his own church. On the eleventh Polk County Christian business owners will have an opportunity to showcase their business for their local church leaders to see. We invite everyone who is interested to come and join us in this effort.(For more information go to the events section and click on the link)

A very special Pastors and Wives luncheon is going to take place right in the middle of this event and we are thankful that Lakeland, Florida Mayor  Gow Fields will be our special guest. Every Pastor who is a veteran will recieve special recognition and a gift. This event will be at the Highland Park Nazarene Church from 9AM-2PM. Pastors and Staff are encouraged to attend!!!

Blessings to All!

The “Day of Play” was a phenomenal success! The guys and gals called Pastors and wives had a day of fun filled with great food and plenty of laughs.

Thank you Randy Knapp of Schalamar Creek Golf Club of Lakeland Florida for making this possible. Another thanks goes to Travis Avery as Chairman of the event co-Chairman Lynn Briedenback and special assistance of Terry Tucker, Sam Goss, Curt Patterson and a host of others. Praise God for helping make this a very special day.

The wives kicked off the “Hey Girl” minstry for Pastor’s wives. There were about 5o ladies who started this new movement for these often forgotten women. They had special guests to pamper and entertain them as they got acquainted. Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves.

We had 75 men and one lady playing in the golf tournament, which was all about fun!!! Three pastors had an oppotunity for a hole in one to win $25,000, a new car, and One Million Dollars. (Unfortunately they did not make it). 

The meal from Grandpa Johnsons Barbeque was provided by Scalamar Creek and it was delicious. Travel by Horizon gave away several Vacations. There were gifts and prizes for all who attended, even 2 bicycles were given away.

A very special painting was done on stage by Christian Artist Keith Goodson. It left everyone in awe!!!

We were also blessed to have as our Platinum Sponsor Dallas 1 Corporation/Faith Tampa Bay Ministries. Our good friend Bart Azzarelli worked with us to make every Pastor welcome.

We again thank Randy Knapp for his heart to give and bless this ministry and the Pastors we serve. We believe that this will be the first of many events with Randy Knapp and Schalamar Creek

The Lakeland “Highland Park Church or they Nazarene” is hosting the April 29th Pastors Luncheon. We want to invite any Pastor in the area to attend.

All Pro Pastors has a Facebook and Twitter presence. We are actively trying to invite everyone who cares about Pastors and their families to become connected with us. We ask that you put words of encouragement in your messages and posts. The challenges that you may be facing have been shared by many and Pastors are no exception.

The wife of a Pastor is often taken for granted and called on by the church to do many things that makes her very uncomfortable. This year try to remember that many of these precious ladies have children who need her undivided love and attention. Being the wife to a Pastor can be very demanding and impact the family in many ways that the body of Christ is often unaware of. They need time to be mom and wife just like all mom’s do.

The life of a Pastor is a special call and challenge that only Pastors/wife’s can grasp. This year help us encourage the Body of Christ to stand behind their “Pastor Family” and give them time as a family that is uninterupted! Insist that they take timeoff to be a family and a couple away from the high activities and demands of the church. 

The refreshing of any family can bring strength and life back in to any relationship. Be Blessed!

All Pro Pastors was blessed by being on WTBN AM radio in Tampa, Florida with Mike and Sherry Moore. Sandi Patty was their call in guest while we were there. Linda and I shared how APP is encouraging Pastors and their families. Being a Pastor can be as trying on their family as it can be rewarding as a servant of God. We ask that you pray for our Pastors and their families. Pastor wife’s often are under a lot of pressure to do things that they are not called to do by the church. We pray also that churches encourage Pastor wife’s and do everything possible to protect and support them as a family.  

We Thank Mike and Sherry and WTBN for inviting us to share about this often forgotten need.

A Pastors Encouragement Luncheon will be at the Imperial Swan Restaurant in Lakeland, Florida December 17th at 11:30-1:00 .

Pastors should RSVP  by December 14th.  Pastors meal will be complimentary.

There will be a special guest speaker. Our host will be Pierre Chestang of Moody Radio 91.1 FM.


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