

  As a pastor I have found it very difficult to trust anyone. I have many friends/acquaintances in my church and denomination, but these are people I would never expose my hurts or weaknesses to. There are times that I have questions and frankly I am embarrassed to ask anyone because of what they might think. Other times I get so frustrated I just want to quit, knowing I can’t it just stays inside of me like a sore that keeps festering up. I get so lonely on this island surrounded by people! Where can I go just to talk?

Does this sound familiar? You may have other issues that only you know about. The Champion Table may be the place that over time you build deep rooted trust. The kind of trust that you can say anything and know you are not going to be cast out and burned at the stake. How refreshing to find a place where I can take my “Pastor Suit” off and just be plain old me.  


I wanted to drop you a line to express my joy in our All Pro Pastors Champion Table. We have been meeting since May, 2007 now, and the intimacy level is really growing. We have seen barriers come down, and transparency taking place. Our four pastors have learned to lean on and count on one another. Hardly a week goes by that I don’t receive an email or phone call, giving or asking for encouragement. Every pastor needs a Table like ours.

In Christ,

 Fred Harrold, New life Community Church,USA

All Pro Pastors has helped me as a man, a husband and a Pastor. The impact of Champion Tables in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania is changing the Kingdom of God for all of Africa. My life will never be the same!

Ambassador Peter Simwa, Higher Vision Center, Eldoret, Kenya,   

Our “All Pro Pastors” Champion Table meets every Tuesday morning. I was at a point where I had decided not to add anything else to my weekly calendar. After visiting a couple of weeks I discovered that “All Pro Pastors” was not your normal “meeting type” atmosphere as some would think.  It offered open discussion with likeminded people who share the same type of accomplishments, challenges, and needs.  We share the importance of honoring God as the husbands, fathers, and leaders in our homes.  I now look forward to Tuesday mornings as a priority.   

 Kevin M. Wynne,  FBC Durant, USA

 Getting Started 
  • Find 3 other Pastors who you will agree to meet with every week. These may be Pastors who you are not acquainted with and need to seek out. (4 total is best but you may have to start with less)
  • Establish a place and time that works for all. 
  • Be committed and make attendance a Priority!  
  • The first few meetings is a time of introduction.  Share about your family, personal interests, Salvation Experience, hobbies, where you have lived, etc.   Just get acquainted with one another.
  • Note: Each Champions Table should have someone volunteer to be the Table Champion. This is a commitment to contact each Table member the day before your meeting as a reminder.
  • After your time of introduction share with the Table any current goals that you feel comfortable sharing. (Marriage, Family, Physical, Household, Personal Improvement, Spiritual Growth, Business, Financial, Health, Education, Ministry, etc.) 
  • Share any Personal areas of Improvement that you want to be encouraged to acheive.                                                                                    
  • Examples:  I need to lose 30 pounds, I need to increase my income, I want to write a book, I need to finish school, I need to spend more time with my wife, I need to read more, I need to watch less TV, I need time off/vacation, I have many debts that I need to pay-off. You get the idea.  (Your Table is there to Encourage you, cheer you on, not judge or give unrequested advice.)                                    
  • Review the “Accountability” Questions and discuss how your Table wants to use these. (You may want to add some or revise them). Where do you want to start? How much Accountability does your Table want!? (This will make a big difference in your Table. If you have some who want a high level of accountability and others who do not, be patient. You, who want it, go ahead and lay it out on the table each week. Watch God work. Trust HIM!)
  • The week you decide to start your journey as “Champions” is a very important week. This is the week your decide to embrace the “Accountability Questions  as your Personal Guideline”. You start talking about the good and bad of your week.  You can unload or just listen to one another. Do not talk so much that others do not have a chance.  You can be reserved or let it all out. You must decide personally. Each week is different. Things happen. There is a direct relationship in what you give and what you receive.
  • Each week try to set personal and specific goals. You may have one or many goals. Write them down and share with your group.  This is your “TO DO LIST”.ASK for Accountability and each week give a progress report. This is not a requirement for the Table only a proven way to help you reach goals while building trust and real friendships! 
  • End each week by sharing Prayer needs and close with prayer.

Special Note:   The Table is not a Bible Study Group or Prayer meeting, you should already be doing that. It is Men getting serious about Real Men issues.  (Men meet with Men and Women with Women.)


Weekly “Accountability Points”

(You should use first names and avoid titles. Dr., Bishop, Pastor, etc).

  • How have I done on my weekly “TO DO’S”?
  • Have I spent enough personal time in God’s word and in prayer?
  • Have I had any flirtatious or lustful attitudes, tempting thoughts, wandering eyes or exposed myself to any explicit materials (TV, Internet, Mag. Etc) which would not glorify God?
  • Did anyone in/from my church tempt me (wandering eyes) or approach me in an inappropriate manner?  What did I do?
  • Have I met my wife/children’s need for LOVE each day (Words of encouragement and appreciation; Hugs, touches and intimacy; acts of kindness and service; my personal time and attention; gifts of love? What would they say?
  • Have I prayed with my wife every day?
  • Have I been completely above reproach in my financial dealings? Have I been honest with my wife about my spending?
  • Have I treated my body as God’s Temple? (Health, Exercise, Weight)
  •  ( Have I lied in any of my answers?)

What am I going to do about it this week? 

As you are talking and listening, write down “action items” that jump out as this weeks “To Do’s”. These are specific actions you are planning to do before your next “Table”. You Are asking your fellow Champions to challenge you and encourage you to succeed? You must be Specific! Note, you should have a few items that you have as “To Do’s” that are each and every week in order to start new habits.

 If you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always gotten and you will continue to be what you have always been! It is time to step up and step out. 

Dear Pastor,

In 2003 the Lord clearly spoke to me that Pastors needed to learn to trust one another and to love each other. He also said that we as Pastors need to live” Holy” lives at home and embrace accountability.  This word started my wife and me on a journey to begin a ministry called All Pro Pastors (APP) and now The Champion Table Global Ministries.

The Champion Table is the foundation of APP and these guidelines have helped Pastors throughout the world to experience miracles, start lifelong friendships, save marriages and ministries, and unify the Body for Kingdom building. We are committed to praying for you and encouraging you to stay the course! When we say we love you, we mean it.

Thank you for reading through the Champion Table Guidelines. We are absolutely sure the Holy Spirit has given this to us. Many Pastors want specific guidelines and others already understand the principles to become real Champions through accountability/trust and friendship.

Each Pastor makes the decision as to whether you want a strong “Accountability” table or simply a Fellowship/Friendship table. Both are extremely essential in our life. These are a few specifics that it takes to make a successful “Champions Table”.

(1)          Pastors/Men should meet together with Pastors from different churches/denominations/tribes/etc (if at all possible).  

(2)           4 Pastors are the best number at a Table. 5 or more reduce “Trust Building” genuine intimacy and increases the time needed each week.

 (3)          There are stages “Strong Tables” go through. : Fellowship-Friendship-Honesty-Encouragement-(Commitment)-Trust-Accountability-Acheivement-Success-CHAMPIONSHIP

(4)          Setting Weekly To Do’s give a foundation for commitment, it is the easiest way to learn accountability without the need for deep trust, helps establish Achievable Goals, provides a circle of friends to cheer us on to success each week  

(5)          The Table is not a Bible study. (You should already have this). It is easy for us as Pastors to avoid real issues by using the Bible as a way not to face them.

Again, Please review the attached carefully and discuss with your Table. We love you and this ministry is striving to honor God best by serving you as we serve Him. It is up to each of us.

Your Friend and Servant,


Thursday August 2, 2012 The River Church of Tampa Florida hosted one of our All Pro Pastors Luncheon. It was set up for 64 pastors/spouses and we experienced a great overflow. We heard testimonies from Pastors Dan Reid and Willie Bolden about their Champion Tables and the benefits that they personally enjoy as part of one. We also had a special surprise when the Founder of the Florida Family Policy Council, John Stemberger gave us a visit. He shared briefly about what he is doing to protect our rights as Christians in Florida.

We must applaud The River for providing a fabulous completely organic meal. They treated our local pastors as royalty. Dr. Rodney and Adonica Howard Browne were the perfect hosts. It was a true expression of seeing the Kingdom in its fullness as they opened their church in genuine love to Baptist, Assembly of God, Church of God, Messianic Jews, Throne of David, non-denomination,  and many others.

We have already established one new Champion Table and others are soon to come as the result of Thursday”s luncheon. Every Pastor that I personally spoke with said that they were encouraged and learned a lot. When we asked Dr Rodney to close the meeting out many were surprised at his compassion for America and passion to see Pastors come together in unity.

We want to thank The River for being great hosts and opening their doors for APP to have a Pastors/spouse luncheon as their guests. Praise God for places that are completely open and invite the Body of Christ to come together without reservation.

Please contact us if you would like to host a Pastors luncheon at your church.

On September 27th  we have a Pastor/spouse luncheon scheduled at the First Baptist Church at the Mall in Lakeland Florida. Please see “Events” for the details. All Pastors are invited.

March 2012

Dear Friends and Beloved of God,

Linda and I are sincerely thankful for your prayers and continued support of All Pro Pastors. God has heard your prayers and this ministry is growing at an amazing rate. Pastors and their wife’s are testifying on a  daily basis of how APP is encouraging them and giving them strength to stay the course.

Pastor Moses Brown from Tampa spent 10 days in February for a Pastors conference in Kenya, Africa and started a new All Pro Pastors Chapter. Since his visit 16 New Champion Tables have started in Africa. 

 “ChampionTables” are starting to form all throughout the world, simply because Pastors need each other as men to lean on, talk to, laugh with and cry with. Most people do not know how lonely being a Pastor or a Pastors Wife can be. We need to be encouraged to live up to the standards God expects and requires us to. And perhaps more so, we need trusted friends to pick us up when we fail and fall short. Praise God that a great “Champions Table” will not kick us when we are down. We lift each other up and offer a shoulder to lean on for as long as it takes. The “Table” challenges us to keep our relationships with God and family in proper order so that we stay qualified as Pastors to lead and be living examples.

You need to know that you are helping reach Ten’s of Thousand’s of people for Jesus throughout the world through All Pro Pastors. The Pastors that we serve are encouraged to stay the course and stand strong through the struggles. They are comforted and challenged to link arms with each other to hold each other up when the going gets tougher!! These Pastors lead large and small congregations that rely on them to be living examples of Jesus. They give hope when things look hopeless. This ministry provides a safe place where Pastors can rest each week and truly lay their mantle off for a few minutes and breathe in a fresh breath of Holy Spirit with a few other hungry warriors for Christ! It is a place that they receive a re-fill of hope for themselves and power to move mountains!

We ask that you pray that every Pastor have the opportunity and challenge to become a part of a Champion Table. We are expecting to reach 1000’s of Pastors this year through the internet, personal engagements, Pastors telling Pastors and other media we expect God to open up. We ask that you pray for God to open doors and to provide provisions to see this vision come to pass quickly. What do you believe would happen if our Pastors started loving one another across all the divisions that exist today? We would see an amazing outpouring of His Spirit that would shake the world from the bottom up to the top!

Thank you for continuing to help us help Pastors develop trust with one another and embrace personal challenging accountability! Now tell someone else about this ministry and what God is doing.

Your Servants, Paul and Linda

PS. Please read through our local and Global news on page (2) and the Vision on the last page.

We are excited to announce that Bishop Peter Simwa has been asked and he has accepted the role as  our official resident “Ambassador in Africa” Pastor/Bishop Simwa lives in Kenya and travels throughout many countries in Africa working with Pastors throughout the continent. He is married and has 4 children. Last week Pastor Moses Brown from Tampa, Florida USA was the featured speaker to nearly two hundred pastors at a pastors conference in Kenya. He presented All Pro Pastors as part of the conference and many Pastors committed to starting Champion Tables. Pastor Simwa has started his and is moving forward to start others. Praise God!

We have been invited to come to Kenya to meet with Pastors and trust that when the time is right, God will make a way. It is our prayer that these men of God will teach other men how to treat their wife and children according to God’s word and that they will work together to reach the lost. Many of these pastors are struggling for food, shelter and food. There are times that they must go and lead their church in worship and have not eaten nor have their chilren and yet they go with a smile on their face and joy in their heart. Please pray for these Precious Brothers, their wives and their families.

Next week Pastor Simwa travels to Uganda to meet with more Pastors. Pray that his journey is powerful with God’s anointing and that many pastors will start new Champion Tables! This is a big step forward as God stretches All Pro Pastors to reach around the Globe. Pastors touching Pastors, encouraging one another and holding each other accountable is critical for us to stay strong in this war against our enemy. Please pray for God to continue to open doors and to send more “Ambassadors” to carry this message.

Thank you again for your prayers, Linda and I continue to pray for you, in His Name that is above all others!


Dearest Paul and ALL PRO PASTORS,
I want first thank the allmighty  God and  the holy spirit for the conference that we ahd  in Eldoret,Kenya.I also want to thank all of you for praying with us and encouraging us.
Pastor Brown arrived in Eldoret on 23th after i picked  him  fro Kisumu Airport.we drove for 2 hours to to Eldoret and booked Pastor Brown in a Hotel.I came to know of pastor Brown through the Face book and we charted for some time and the Holy spirit bond us together.I invited him to Kenya and he agreed,he said he was looking for an Air ticket,and  by december he had gotten the we i started putting the meeting together for Pastors.
Pastor Brown had introduced me to ALL PRO PASTORS and PAUL PICKERN.Paul send me an email and we also had a to talk through the phone after i called him.
Back to our Pastors meeting,I had invited 200 Pastors  to attend the conference and so we were expecting a good number,Paul send me an email encouraging me to bring together as many Pastors as possible,and by the grace of God and  your prayers we had almost 200 Pastors.
Pastor Brown and myself shared about ALL PRO PASTORS and what it means to be part  of it.the response was positive and also many Pastors are willing to Join in this ministry.Pastor Brown preached and we could feel the flow  of the HOLY  SPIRIT speaking to many.we had a powerful time of prayer, and we so God move in many  lives.

We did lounch the ALL PRO PASTORS AFRICA,and we want it to start in kenya  then other countries in Africa will join us.We are so excited with what the LORD is about to do as many Pastors in kenya are passing through many things and they need to be encouraged and  encourage each other.
We believe the CHAMPIONS TABLE is  going to bring great changes and healing in many Pastors lives.
I have always have a burden for Pastors and God  has  Just connected me to you for this purpose.
As we sarted the seminar I was expecting Pastor  Brown to help me to surport the Pastors with meals as they were  going  to be staying in the meeting the whole  day  and we also had some  who came from from as far as 100 miles and others 50 miles.Pastor Brown said he  had no money and he came by  faith.Let me  tell you    PAUL, God is a God of Mirracles,he provided for me  for the three days.

We have already started with three Pastors and we are going to move a  head and bring in others who have already shown interest in joining the CHAMPIONS TABLE.

I very much need your prayers to have this ministry  move forward,pray for my family,the church and provision and wisdom from God.

hope to hear from you,

My  Adress,



Pastor Fred challenged the men and women who attended today’s luncheon at the Hawthorne Inn  in Lakeland Florida to stay focused on Christ as they focused on their spouses. It is true that we have wandering eyes that are built in but these eyes do not have to thirst with lust and immoral desires. As men we must admit that looking is what men do but what happens next is where the battles are often the hardest fought. We need to hold each other accountable to stay true to our wives and strong in our passion for God’s Word. The lust of the eyes has been the starting place for many who fall. Admitting that it is a real battle is where many men need to start. It is easy to say that you don’t look but we doubt your honesty with your self. Looking is normal. God built that into to us, but fighting off the temptation that follows strengthens us to stand strong when tougher battles confront us. How good it is to surround ourselves with Champion brothers to help us stand firm. Praise God!

Fred also shared about how our desires for possessions can destroy lives, marriages and churches. Our lust for the things of this earth can easily become our next IDOL! Financial honesty is critical in every marriage! Secrets are the road to trouble. Keep it open and honest even if it hurts.

Power struggles are common as Pastors, from boards at the church to that long time member who thinks they own the church. It can also be a struggle at home when a husband and wife allow the church to be their “playing field for arguments”. Men you need to date your wife every day. Treat her with loving compassion as Christ certainly treats you. Wives need to respect and support your husband even allowing him to fail. As long as he is trying support his efforts. Husbands need to realize that your wife wants you to succeed and probably has good ideas if you will ask and listen. She loves you! It is up to you to fight off the attacks of the enemy by showing kindness and respect for one another!

Above all, pray together hand in hands!!!! Every Day!!!! Do not pray at one another. Let’s face it, we are in WARFARE and it is our responsibility to utilize the armor and the weapons God has given us. Men, today you were charged to step up as real men of God and be a “CHAMPION”. Joining a Champions Table may be your next step. Being honest at your Table may be where you are?! Some may need to take good counsel and apply it. It may save your marriage, family, children, and possibly your church. One Pastor’s wife said today that the Champions Table has saved their marriage “for now“, but there is more work to do! The Champions Table is a safe place and it can also be the place that fuels your life with the wisdom and energy you thirst for!

Now, what are you going to do about it????


November 11th is a very special day for All Pro Pastors. We will be joining the 3rd Annual Shepherds Guide and Moody Radio Church Business Trade show this year as the honored ministry host. This event brings Christian businesses together and Churches together for an unprecedented gathering of the Kingdom. For years there has been a struggle for many Churches to know how to embrace Christian businesses within their own congregation and community. Many times a Pastor is not even aware of who is in business within his own church. On the eleventh Polk County Christian business owners will have an opportunity to showcase their business for their local church leaders to see. We invite everyone who is interested to come and join us in this effort.(For more information go to the events section and click on the link)

A very special Pastors and Wives luncheon is going to take place right in the middle of this event and we are thankful that Lakeland, Florida Mayor  Gow Fields will be our special guest. Every Pastor who is a veteran will recieve special recognition and a gift. This event will be at the Highland Park Nazarene Church from 9AM-2PM. Pastors and Staff are encouraged to attend!!!

Blessings to All!

All Pro Pastors has a Facebook and Twitter presence. We are actively trying to invite everyone who cares about Pastors and their families to become connected with us. We ask that you put words of encouragement in your messages and posts. The challenges that you may be facing have been shared by many and Pastors are no exception.

The wife of a Pastor is often taken for granted and called on by the church to do many things that makes her very uncomfortable. This year try to remember that many of these precious ladies have children who need her undivided love and attention. Being the wife to a Pastor can be very demanding and impact the family in many ways that the body of Christ is often unaware of. They need time to be mom and wife just like all mom’s do.

The life of a Pastor is a special call and challenge that only Pastors/wife’s can grasp. This year help us encourage the Body of Christ to stand behind their “Pastor Family” and give them time as a family that is uninterupted! Insist that they take timeoff to be a family and a couple away from the high activities and demands of the church. 

The refreshing of any family can bring strength and life back in to any relationship. Be Blessed!

All Pro Pastors was blessed by being on WTBN AM radio in Tampa, Florida with Mike and Sherry Moore. Sandi Patty was their call in guest while we were there. Linda and I shared how APP is encouraging Pastors and their families. Being a Pastor can be as trying on their family as it can be rewarding as a servant of God. We ask that you pray for our Pastors and their families. Pastor wife’s often are under a lot of pressure to do things that they are not called to do by the church. We pray also that churches encourage Pastor wife’s and do everything possible to protect and support them as a family.  

We Thank Mike and Sherry and WTBN for inviting us to share about this often forgotten need.


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