Where every time you turn around predjudice seems to raise its ugly head we would like to announce that many Pastors who have started Champion Tables are breaking these generational attitudes! Pastors of all races, denominations and tribes are meeting each week in groups of (4) for relationship and trust building. These Champion Table Pastors are producing Kingdom Champions and Leaders who are linking arms to destroy the enemy strongholds in their communities!

In Valrico, Florida one Table has brought Southern Baptist, Assembly of God, Seventh Day Adventist and a Messianic Rabbi together to meet every week. In Eldoret, Kenya many Tribal Pastors are now becoming best of friends because of weekly encouraging and holding each other to serious accountabilty.

When people see Pastors loving one another, liking one another and publicly fellowshipping and having fun, the curse of predjudice suffers a huge blow. When Pastors in every city in America follows suit, America will change! Praise God many are!

Pastor, what about you? 


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