
In our day where technology seems to take us almost anywhere by the click of a button. We want to invite you to an extraordinary event that will take you back in time to a bigger than life experience. On September 18 and 19th the full length feature movie “Route 60, The Biblical Highway” opens in theaters all across America.

Seeing this beautifully produced movie in Israel by TBN on the big screen is second to only being there in person. Linda and I have been to Israel and “Route 60” takes us on a journey where few are able to visit. With our hosts Mike Pompeo and David Friedman we are able to travel on the screen to places as special guests of Israel. All of these locations are rich in the history of our Judeo Christian heritage.

As I was watching the screening we were honored to see, it actually brought clarity to me about locations that we read about in the Bible. This movie brings to life where Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and many of our heroes and prophets walked. We go with them to where Jesus lived and ministered to the masses. Mike Pompeo and David Friedman bring together the connection of Jews and Christians and how we are blessed to have such a common history.

The cinematography is absolutely gorgeous and you will feel as if you are right beside them. Stepping into the past has never been easier and we are certain that even if you have visited Israel many times “Route 60, The Biblical Highway” will take you places and share some history you have never seen.

David Friedman as our former Ambassador to Israel and Mike Pompeo as a former Secretary of State were given this special opportunity to travel and see these historic landmarks and thanks to TBN and Mathew and Laurie Crouch we are able to join them.

Let us encourage you get your tickets early as we expect it to sell out everywhere.

Click Here to watch the Trailer!

Special Note: Our APPI Team wrote all of the Study Resources for “Route 60, The Biblical Highway”

Dr Jerry Brandt has written on a subject that I find most people are very unsure of. Knowing who we are in Christ is critical to living a powerful Holy Spirit led life! It is one thing to accept Jesus as our personal Savior and Lord and yet another to fully walk with Him each day through the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Study to show ourselves approved unto God is an instruction given us for a reason. Knowing God’s word is vital to truly understand the language of God. It is more than a history book. It is more than an instruction book. Is our book that reveals the heart of God and teaches us His divine language!

“I Am Who You Say That I Am” is an easy to read scripture based text on understanding what the Bible says about us as God’s children. Dr Brandt has more than 50 years of ministry experience and been in countless countries and he testifies that he only survived and thrived because he learned early on who he was/is in Christ and what it means when Christ actually abides within a person according to the Bible!

You do not have to totally agree with him on some points but let me assure you, this book will bring revelation to many people, bring questions to others and confirmation to a very few.

You must look within yourself and ask who am I in the Lord? Does Jesus abide within me and have I possibly put Him in the corner of my heart because of tradition and lack of total faith.

I recommend everyone read this book and see for yourself. Is it really possible to pray with expectation/anticipation/power?

We are praying for you!

Current project is to help over 200+ churches in Honduras.

Providing assistance to the people in their area, to keep them safe at home and productive for their families.

(SOIL Ministry is a ministry partner of All Pro Pastors International)


• Church Administration – Video & Internet Series

• Master Life – The Disciples Personality

• Bible Training Center for Pastors (10 course pack)

• G.O.A.L.S. Mentoring – 13 week course

• Experiencing God – Knowing and Doing the Will of God

• Project – Saturate Honduras

• Love Is A Hunger Designed by God – Marriage Seminar


• English as a Second Language – ESL

Church Wide Studies

• CIVICS (Honduran & USA)

• HISTORY (Honduran & USA)

MEDICAL MISSIONS – Surgical Teams last conducted in Tocoa, Colon

If you have some time in your schedule I would love to talk about joining this effort. A great way to spread Goodwill while assisting the USA with the immigration issues, while doing it with compassion.

Anthony Ponceti, Th.D.
Global Goodwill Ambassador
Soil Ministry Honduras
All Pro Pastors International
(863) 370-1080

This time of year brings back memories of childhood and family, at least for those of us who were blessed to have parents who made Christmas a memorable time.  As a parent myself, there was a special joy in creating similar Christmas memories for our daughter when she was young.

As I grew in my walk with the Lord, however, our culture’s annual celebration of the holiday began to bother me.  The rank commercialism is so out of character with what the birth of Christ means for the world that being part of it felt more wrong with each passing year.

Recently, there’s been a growing trend among some Christians to take it further.  It’s not just the trees and decorations that appear before Halloween, it’s the day itself that some Christians object to.

A belief has been growing that Christmas is based on pagan celebrations.  December 25 was selected for Christmas, it’s believed, because it was the date of the annual Saturnalia, a Roman festival for the winter solstice.  It was celebrated with a sacrifice in Rome’s Temple of Saturn was followed by a big party—a public feast, private gift-giving, and temporary suspension of social rules with masters waiting on slaves, gambling, and general drunkenness.

It’s probable that the church sometimes adopted days celebrated by pagan religions and Christianized them—which is not to say the pagan holy days were made Christian, just given a Christian veneer.  For example, All Hallows Eve and All Saints Day, which likely developed out of the Celtic festival of the dead, Samhain.  So, the logic goes, it must also have happened with Christmas—the “Christ mass”—and Saturnalia.

Or Christmas might have been an attempt to hijack the birthday celebration for Sol Invictus, the “unconquered sun” god of Rome.

Some take the rites back even farther in time and claim that December 25 was celebrated in the ancient Near East as the birthday of the world’s first emperor, Nimrod.  The belief is that Christmas originated as a celebration of the birth of Nimrod, king of Babylon, to his wife-mother, Semiramis.  You see, she didn’t like the idea of giving up the lifestyle of a queen just because of Nimrod’s untimely and inconsiderate death, and so she produced another child—either Nimrod’s unborn son or through an affair—who she claimed was the resurrected Nimrod.  She declared Nimrod a god, a sun god by most accounts, thus making herself a goddess.  The yule log represents Nimrod, who’s also sometimes identified as Ba’al, and the Christmas tree represents Nimrod resurrected as his son, Tammuz.

On top of all that, we’re told that we also celebrate the birth of Christ on the wrong day.  We can’t know for sure, but clues in the Bible suggest a birthday in the spring or fall.  (There is an excellent analysis of prophetic clues in Revelation 12:1-5, the passages referring to “the woman clothed with the sun,” by E.L. Martin in his book The Star of Bethlehem: The Star That Astonished the World, pointing to the precise arrangement of the skies over Jerusalem on September 11, 3 B.C.)  Some feel that the birth of the Messiah, if it’s going to be celebrated at all, should at least be remembered on the correct day—or as correct as we can be, anyway.

So what shall we say then?  Should we just chuck Christmas out with the uneaten Thanksgiving leftovers?

No.  Not necessarily.

The questions we need to ask are these:

  • Is Christmas really based on the worship of pagan gods?
  • When did the early church begin celebrating Christmas?
  • Why did they settle on December 25 for the holiday?

The answer to the first question is a resounding “no.”  First of all, the concept of Nimrod as a god is a non-starter.  Let me make this very clear: There is no evidence whatsoever from the ancient Near East that Nimrod was ever worshiped as a god in any way, shape, or form.

In fact, the myths that grew up around the memory of Nimrod were probably based on a Babylonian god—most likely the warrior god Ninurta—instead of the other way around!

Furthermore, Semiramis, the Assyrian queen Sammuramat, reigned between 811 and 808 B.C. or from 809 to 792 B.C.  She was one of the first women in history to rule an empire.  However, to put Nimrod at the Tower of Babel (which was not at Babylon—but I’ll spare you the explanation because it is in my book, The Great Inception, see below), we have to go back about 2,300 years before Semiramis.

It’s tough to have children when you live 2,300 years apart.

Much of the information about Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz comes from Alexander Hislop’s 1858 book The Two Babylons.  With all due respect, because he was no doubt sincere in his desire to warn the world about what he believed was the false religion of the Roman Catholic Church, Hislop’s scholarship was poor at best.  It looks like he took the names of literally dozens of ancient gods and goddesses and mixed them up into an ancient myth smoothie.  Hislop may have meant well, but he’s misled Christians for more than 150 years.

Now, that’s not to say Nimrod got a bum rap.  There was a reason God came down to personally stop construction at Babel.  You’ll have to wait for the book for that explanation, too.

In short, Nimrod was not a sun god and he wasn’t Ba’al, either.  In fact, Ba’al would probably be insulted you said so.  Nimrod was only human, while Ba’al was a god of storms, rain, and vegetation.  He was worshiped for a time as one of the ancient Near East’s “dying and rising gods”—like Tammuz.  (Who was worshiped as a god in Sumer long before Semiramis came on the scene.)  As such, Ba’al and Tammuz would have been mourned in the fall and celebrated in the spring.  Neither of those seasons matches December 25.

So when did Christians begin to celebrate Christmas?  The earliest record of its observance comes from Clement of Alexandria around 200 A.D.  But the first suggestion that Christmas might be linked to pagan worship didn’t come until the 12th century, about 900 years later.

In other words, as far as historians can tell, none of the Christians from the 3rd through 12th centuries seemed to think they were accidentally worshiping a pagan god.

The Donatist sect in North Africa celebrated Jesus’ birth on December 25 in the early 4th century, before Constantine became emperor of Rome (so we can’t blame him).  And while it’s true that the emperor Aurelian, who really hated Christians, made veneration of Sol Invictus the law throughout the Roman Empire in 274, a collection of ancient writings called Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae records the feast day during the reign of Licinius (308-324 A.D.) as being on the 18th of November.

There is limited evidence that a feast for Sol Invictus was held on December 25 before the middle of the 4th century.  And remember, Christians were celebrating the birth of Christ on December 25 about half a century earlier.

In other words, we can just as easily say that pagans moved the feast of Sol Invictus to hijack a Christian tradition!

So, given that nobody in the first century thought to write down the actual date of Jesus’ birth, how did the early church arrive at December 25?  It’s a little complex, but it illustrates the motives of the church fathers—which, you might have guessed, was not to sneak pagan worship into the faith.

It seems that second-century Latin Christians in Rome and North Africa wanted to determine the exact date of the Lord’s death.  For reasons that escape us, they settled on March 25, 29 A.D.  (The reasons escape us because March 25 was not a Friday that year, nor was it Passover Eve, nor did Passover Eve fall on a Friday in 29 A.D., or even in the month of March, for that matter.  Still, there we are.)

Now, there was a widespread belief in Judaism back then in the “integral age” of great Jewish prophets.  It was thought that the prophets of Israel died on the same day they were conceived.

It’s not biblical, but that’s not the point.  The early church believed it and that’s what led to their conclusion:  When you add nine months to March 25, you arrive at… December 25.

There you have it.  No pagan influence, just a desire to know the dates that forever changed the history of the world.

Now, are there unbiblical, and even un-Christian, traditions in our culture that surround the Christmas holiday?  Absolutely!  And if they lead you to avoid Christmas, then by all means you are correct to do so.

But if you are satisfied in your mind that Christmas is a time to reflect, remember, and give thanks to a loving God who willingly came to Earth as one of us, ultimately to sacrifice Himself for our sins, then by all means celebrate the day without a trace of guilt.

If God judges us on accidental paganism, we’re all doomed.  The wedding ring is a tradition that started in ancient Egypt.  The days of the week are named for pagan gods (in English, anyway).

The apostle Paul put it best:

One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. The one who observes the day, observes it in honor of the Lord. The one who eats, eats in honor of the Lord, since he gives thanks to God, while the one who abstains, abstains in honor of the Lord and gives thanks to God.

Romans 14:5-6 (ESV)

Be convinced in your own mind. If you keep Christmas, or if you do not, do it for the Lord.

Merry Christmas, and may God richly bless you and your family.


Derek Gilbert

Last Clash of the Titans: The Prophesied War Between Jesus Christ and the Gods of Antiquity |
The Great Inception: Satan’s PSYOPs from Eden to Armageddon |

The Day the Earth Stands Still: Unmasking the Old Gods Behind ETs and UFOs (with Josh Peck) |

My podcast: A View from the Bunker – live Sundays 7-9 PM Central Time
Weekly Bible study: The Gilbert House Fellowship

My YouTube channel
Twitter: @derekgilbert | @viewfrombunker | @SWTV_SciFriday

The end of the Sumerian poem Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta is mostly missing, but it appears that Enmerkar ultimately triumphed over his rival. Other stories suggest that Enmerkar, who I believe was the biblical Nimrod (I make that case in my book, The Great Inception), later marched the army of Uruk to Aratta and conquered it.

This is consistent with archaeological evidence of the Uruk Expansion, which covers the period from about 3500 B.C. to about 3100 B.C. Although scholars usually downplay the violence that created the world’s first empire, Uruk spread its influence as far away as northwest Iran and southeastern Turkey. Pottery from Uruk has been found are more than 500 miles away from the city. To put it into context, Uruk at its peak controlled more territory than Iraq under Saddam Hussein.

This was not always a peaceful endeavor. An ancient city called Hamoukar in northeast Syria was destroyed and burned by an army from Uruk sometime around 3500 B.C. Scholars have identified the origin of the army by the pottery they left behind. Hamoukar was overwhelmed and then burned by attackers who used clay bullets fired from slings to defeat the city’s defenders. Strangely, what appears to have been a trading post from Uruk outside the city was destroyed, too, suggesting that maybe the men sent by Uruk to keep the locals in line had gone native.

That was how the kingdom of Nimrod obtained materials like jewels, copper, silver, lead, gold, timber, wine, and other things that were scarce in the plains of Sumer.

Of course, there is no way we’ll ever know for certain that Nimrod was Enmerkar, and that he was responsible for the Uruk Expansion—which is a nice way of describing the process of conquering everybody within a two-month march of home. Artifacts from Uruk are found everywhere in the Near East, especially a type of pottery called the beveled-rim bowl. This is significant because it offers a glimpse into the way the society of Uruk was organized.

Scholars have found that the society just before the Uruk period, the Ubaid culture, became more stratified as people moved from rural settlements to cities. The Ubaid civilization produced high-quality pottery, identified by black geometric designs on buff or green-colored ceramic. In contrast, around 3500 B.C., the Uruk culture developed the world’s first mass-produced product, the beveled-rim bowl.

The beveled-rim bowl is crude compared to the pottery from the Ubaid culture, but archaeologists have found a lotof them. About three-quarters of all pottery found at Uruk period sites are beveled-rim bowls. Scholars agree that these simple, undecorated bowls were made in molds rather than on wheels, and that they were probably used to measure out barley and oil for workers’ rations.

The way they were produced left the hardened clay too porous to hold liquids like water or beer. (Yes, the Sumerians brewed beer. Enki’s alternate name, Nudimmud, is a compound word: nu = “likeness” + dim = “make” + mud = “beer.” One could argue that Enki is the spirit of our age.)  The bowls were cheap and easy to make, so much so that they may have been disposable. At some archaeological sites, large numbers of used, unbroken bowls have been found in big piles. Basically, these cheap bowls were the Sumerian version of Styrofoam fast-food containers.

The concept of measuring out rations implies an employer or controlling central authority responsible for doling out grain and oil to laborers. It’s not a coincidence that the development of these crude bowls happened alongside Uruk’s emergence as an empire. After the flood, which we theorize marked the end of the Ubaid period, people again gravitated to urban settlements where they apparently exchanged their freedom for government rations.

It looks like that’s how Nimrod and his successors, including Gilgamesh, controlled their subjects—moving them off the land and into cities, keeping a tight rein on the means of production and distribution of food and resources.

Now, it’s possible we’re reading more into the evidence than is truly there. It could be that the beveled-rim bowl was nothing more than an easy way for people to carry lunch to work. Will future archaeologists conclude that Americans were paid in carry-out hamburgers because of the billions of Styrofoam containers in our landfills?

Still, given the unprecedented growth of the Uruk empire between about 3500 B.C. and 3100 B.C., it’s not going too far to speculate that the use of mass-produced ration bowls was a symptom of the stratification of society under the rule of Nimrod/Enmerkar and his successors. As in the Ubaid culture, citizens of Uruk found themselves working for hereditary leaders—kings, who justified their rule as ordained by the gods.

As an example, the Sumerian myth Enki and Inanna tells the story of how the divine gifts of civilization, the mes (sounds like “mezz”), were stolen from Enki by the Inanna and transferred from Eridu to Uruk. Enki, always ready for a romp with a goddess, tried to ply Inanna with beer. She maintained her virtue while Enki got drunk, offering her gift after gift as his heart grew merry and his mind grew dim. When he awoke the next day with a hangover, Inanna and the mes were no longer in the abzu. The enraged god sent out his horrible gallu demons (sometimes translated “sea monsters”) to retrieve them, but Inanna escaped and arrived safely back at Uruk, where she dispensed the hundred or so mes to the cheers of a grateful city. Enki realized he’d been duped and accepted a treaty of everlasting peace with Uruk. This tale may be a bit of religious propaganda to justify the transfer of political authority to Uruk.

One more thing:  We mentioned earlier that archaeologists at Eridu have found 18 construction layers at the site of Enki’s temple. Some of those layers are below an eight-foot deposit of silt from a massive flood. The most impressive layer of construction, called Temple 1, was huge, a temple on a massive platform with evidence of an even larger foundation that would have risen up to almost the height of the temple itself.

Here’s the thing:  Temple 1 was never finished. At the peak of the builders’ architectural achievement, Eridu was suddenly and completely abandoned.

… the Uruk Period … appears to have been brought to a conclusion by no less an event than the total abandonment of the site. … In what appears to have been an almost incredibly short time, drifting sand had filled the deserted buildings of the temple-complex and obliterated all traces of the once prosperous little community.i

Why? What would possibly cause people who’d committed to building the largest ziggurat in Mesopotamia at the most ancient and important religious site in the known world to just stop work and leave Eridu with the E-abzu unfinished? Could it be…

“Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another’s speech.” So the Lord dispersed them from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city. (Genesis 11:8-9, ESV, emphasis added)

To the Sumerians, and later the Akkadians and Babylonians (who knew him as Ea), Enki was the supernatural actor with the most influence on human history. He was the caretaker of the divine gifts of civilization, the mes (at least until he was tricked by Inanna), and he retained enough prestige for powerful men to justify their reign by claiming kingship over his city, Eridu, for 2,500 years after the city around the temple complex was abandoned.

For one moment in human history, Enki induced a human dupe—Nimrod, the Sumerian king Enmerkar—to build what he hoped would be a new abode of the gods, the bāb ilu, to rival Yahweh’s mount of assembly. It was to be the heart of a one-world totalitarian government.

Yahweh put a stop to it. But as George Santayana wrote, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

The sin of Nimrod is being repeated today by the globalist movement, which is slowly but surely leading us back to Babel.

i Safar, Fuʼād; Lloyd, Seton; Muṣṭafá, Muḥammad ʻAlī; Muʼassasah al-ʻĀmmah lil-Āthār wa-al-Turāth. Eridu. Republic of Iraq, Ministry of Culture and Information, State Organization of Antiquites and Heritage, Baghdad, 1981.

As Pastors we often separate ourselves from having TRUST for anyone! WE put ourselves on an island guarded by a moat of hungry sheep! Sometimes our spouse and family are farther away than the sheep. The enemies SATAN and FLESH has caused many to buy into a culture of division! Pastors compete with each other so often while our enemies wreak havoc! Please continue. 


In America there are more than 250 Denominations recognized by the IRS(The World has many thousands). Throughout the “Church” in America the differences of Denomination, Doctrine, Race, Culture and Social Status has caused great division. According to the many Pastors as a group and particularly within the same denomination do not Trust one another. Sadly the Body and “Pastors” also still struggle with Racial Prejudice and Segregation. As Pastors we are taught how to build a “Castle”, more commonly called the Local Church.

IMG_3034.JPGThe Simple Solution:

Diligently Strive to Transform our Differences into Wholeness in the Body! (One Body with many parts working together to grow the Kingdom) Develop a “Kingdom Culture”! This is the culture when Pastors in a community agree to attack the enemy as one Army and one Body in love, trust and power! It is the mindset of bringing the Lost to the Kingdom and allowing the Holy Spirit to direct them to the right “Church Fellowship”. Pastors Need each other! We must find Pastors to establish True Relationships of Trust, Accountability and Encouragement across all barriers and walls. We suggest that every Pastor make a commitment to find Three other Pastors-different denomination, race, and culture “if possible” and meet with them EVERY WEEK for about 1-2 hours to talk as real men about real issues.                                                                                                                                    20 If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen. 1 John 4:20 NAS

The Results: The Body is quickly Healed! More lost will be brought into the Kingdom of God. Communities will see what being “Christian” really means. Your “Church Fellowship” will benefit because you get refreshed and re-fired every week. Many Pastors say that their “Messages” become more powerful. Your Wife will be Thrilled because she will be spending more time with her Husband and not her Pastor. You will develop trusted friendships to share things that only another Pastor can understand. You will finally have a place to unload without fear of betrayal. You will personally grow because you have embraced accountability. You will learn more about the “Body”…… a lot more! As we build these Friendships with Trust and Encouraging Accountability the Body also comes together and is held tightly together by this bonding also! The community will become shaken. When Pastor’s come together publicly and regularly in love and relationship it overflows to congregations and communities. Note: Pastor’s Marriages, Ministries, and Lives have been saved by starting these weekly Champion Tables! (Just ask Me)                  

On Thursday May 29, 2014 All Pro Pastors had a Powerful luncheon with Pastors from many denominations and races at the “Church in the Son” Orlando Florida. Our very special guest speaker was Dr Patrick Morley, founder of Man in the Mirror ministry. He gave us a heart pounding message and a challenge to be “God’s Men” starting at home! Dr Jerry Brandt, Kingdom Life University, started the day with a wake-up call for Pastors and Churches to embrace technology as a powerful tool to share the gospel around the world and to our own congregations. Pastor Nolan Edwards of Champions Church, Winter Haven Florida, closed the day with an invitation to all Pastors to step up and start or join a “Champions Table”. “Church in the Son” has a wonderful staff and made everyone feel loved and appreciated. Their facilities are fabulous and the attention to detail is unmatched by anywhere we have been. Praise God for Pastor’s and Church families who take great pride in providing the very best for Pastors!

Throughout the world there are many one day special celebrations set aside from Presidents Day to Secretaries Day, from Mothers Day to Fathers Day. The list is countless. We are excited that Pastor Joshua Fowler and a team of visionary Pastors and Christian Leaders in Central Florida have been charged by God to start a “God Day” celebration! You may ask, why “God Day”, isn’t every Sunday supposed to be God’s Day? Yes it is, however this “God Day” is a time of bringing unity to the Kingdom Body by demonstrating God’s love.

It stands out as a “Day” for pastors to show everyone in Orlando, Central Florida and the World what can happen when the Body of Christ (the church) works together. This very special day is bringing pastors and churches together to touch their community by putting thousands of shoes on children who are in need. It also is a day of new beginnings, new beginnings of friendship and care that touches these little ones as Jesus tells us to do. Different denominations, races and cultures have come together to minister to the children in Orlando Florida, many of whom have never owned a brand new pair of shoes. A New pair of shoes will be placed on each child’s feet by a local Pastor or Christian volunteer.

We pray that this will be a huge success and Orlando embraces the opportunity to recognize and celebrate our creator and lord, Jesus Christ!

Pastors we applaud you and your obedience to the Holy Spirit who put this on your hearts. Please take this opportunity to embrace one another as God’s leaders and Ambassadors publicly and wholeheartedly and let this unity continue through each and every day.

We are praying for you and that many lost families will be brought to know Jesus and receive His everlasting love!

The “God Day” celebration is officially on December 12th starting with a “Declaration” from 6:00 PM- 9:00 PM.  Followed by a Global Awakening Ministers Congress on Friday the 13th from 9:00 AM-9:00 PM  and Saturday December 14th is the big shoe distribution, a  United Demonstration of The Father’s Love!

To get involved or learn how to plan for your church to get involved contact :

July 25th at the Pastors Power Luncheon Attorney David Gibbs and Pastor Fred Harrold both gave resounding messages. Pastor Fred reviewed many of the issues Pastors face with congregations that can be very demoralizing, however he gave a solution for many to consider, “The Champion Table”. To see this compelling presentation go to our video gallery.

Attorney Gibbs talked squarely to Pastors about real legal issues that can not only create great distress for a church/pastor but could possibly destroy a church. Churches today must be aware of the many satanic attacks that are taking place each day across America within churches. I did say within! Church membership is not something to take lightly these days. Please go to our video gallery and take the time to watch Attorney Gibbs powerful and informative message. Every Pastor and committed Christian leader should watch this!

We are thankful for Attorney Gibbs and Pastor Fred for giving their time to Pastors for this tremendous luncheon. We want to also thank Plant City Church of God for hosting and providing a delicious meal!

If you were unable to attend this luncheon please join us on September 26th at Church at the Mall in Lakeland, Florida to see and hear Attorney Gibbs III. (see events for details)


July 25th is a big day in Plant City Florida! Attorney David Gibbs III (National Center for Life and Liberty) will be sharing about the ways Pastors and Churches have to protect themselves in the United States. Yes that is correct, protecting themselves in the USA. Today the US Government appears to be targeting Churches, Christians and Pastors as potential problems. Attorney Gibbs will be sorting this out and explaining where the need for awareness is and what we can do.

We say this not to be alarmists but to be educators of how the enemy is using anyone and everyone he can to cause disruption and division in the Christian world. Do not be afraid, for this is exactly what satan wants. Be diligent and faithful by being prepared.

We invite all pastors to try and make this powerful luncheon. Go to our events page for details and to register.

In America one does not have to listen very long in conversations to hear the phrase “politically correct.” Sadly, pastors who pursue political correctness often render themselves powerless in their calling to be difference makers.

In the world of ministry, Pastors are the center of attention. All eyes are on the Pastor and every ear is straining to hear what the Pastor is saying. The words Pastors speak carry life-changing power because pastors are called to be the mouthpiece of God.

This huge responsibility is something every Pastor needs to take seriously! The questions each must ask are:

Do I preach God’s message, or

Do I preach what I believe will make people in “my” church happy?

Do I teach God’s Word, or

Do I teach non-challenging politically correct words of compromise?

During the past five years of this ministry I cannot tell you how many Christians have confided that they wished their Pastor would preach more of God’s Word!

Don’t be shocked.

Our church families are seeing Christianity attacked on every front. Spiritually, America appears to be crumbling before the eyes of the world and our children are the innocent victims.

The “church” as a whole or in part, would seem to any onlooker that we have —

  • invited sexual immorality into our homes (TV, Internet and movies)
  • allowed other religions to infiltrate our schools and colleges without a fight
  • invited sinful compromise into our fellowships in the name of tolerance and acceptance
  • permitted our government (at all levels) to modify laws and regulations which hinder our freedom and ability to minister and share the gospel!

Pastors, it is our responsibility as the Ambassadors and Messengers of God to tell our congregations and family what God says is sin. “Sin” is not a word whose definition you can assume people, and especially young people, fully understand or agree with. When they see people in our churches openly defying God’s word, the word “sin” carries no weight or consequence.

The big issue is that most do not know God’s Word because they are not hearing it, nor seeing it lived in their homes. The “Church” should have open arms to ALL people in order to bring all to the saving grace of Jesus.

The “Church” should be:

  • A living body that is constantly growing
  • Helping people rid themselves of sinful ways (must be taught)
  • Alert to the attacks of the enemy and be acting upon those
  • Learning and teaching people how to be like Jesus
  • Embracing the Holy Spirit as our Helper, Teacher, and Power
  • Proactive as God’s army to make disciples on the earth

As Pastors we need to be aware of what the enemy is doing. The Bible says “satan” is roaming around like a hungry lion seeking whom he can devour. As a man of God, are you aware of what the enemy is doing in your community and city? Do you understand that this enemy is trying to keep you silent and alone! It is our job to protect the sheep and lead with all diligence. You are not alone! (I pray for you to be bold!)

Let us go just a little deeper.

  • Do you believe that as Pastors we need to keep quiet and ignore Islamic teachings that threaten our religious freedoms?
  • Do you really know what their writings say and instruct about Christians?
  • Should we keep silent about homosexuality and its obvious political agenda in America to destroy the traditional perceptions of home and marriage?
  • Should we say nothing of the fornication and adultery running rampant in many church families?
  • Should we seemingly approve by silence the pornography plague that has gripped men and women alike by the tens of thousands?

Politicians are all about getting votes. They will say anything to anybody to get their approval. They will do almost anything, if they believe you will donate to their cause! With politicians money is king. (Note: There are a very few good politicians the previous statements were made to me by one of them who loves the Lord Jesus.)

What would people say about you as a Pastor? Are you more about giving or more about getting? Are you —

  • Pastor or Politician?
  • Leader or People Pleaser?
  • Army General or Civilian?
  • Visionary or Status Quo?

The souls of America and your church family are at stake!

Pastor, I pray that you will take this post seriously. The enemy “satan” is working overtime to divide the Body of Christ and to keep us from sounding the alarm. He is distracting us from telling people they are lost and headed for Hell without Jesus!

Jesus is still the only way to Heaven!  He is still Lord!

I pray that you will become aware of what is happening in your city, community and country. Listen to the opposition and to a variety of Christian leaders on the radio and television. Listen, watch and study across denominational, racial and cultural lines. Become acquainted with fellow Pastors in your neighborhood. Take a couple of Pastors in your city to breakfast and become friends and allies in order to impact your local culture for Christ.

We need to be All-Proactive Pastors who rightly divide the Word of Truth.

We love you and are praying for you. May God shower His grace and blessings upon you and may you faithfully carry HIS Word in your mouth!






Around 100 pastors and wives and others in ministry took part in the ‘All Pro Pastors “Day of Play” last Saturday June 18th! It was a true day of play and relaxation. Praise God !!!! We pray that everyone had a fun filled day with lots of laughs. The Golf tournament was full of excitment and many new friendships. One pastor tried for a Million Dollars hole in one. The ladies had a fabulous time getting acquainted while playing games and building houses. (See Facebook)

We want to thank all our friends who helped to make this a great event. Pastors are often left behind but Saturday they were not forgotten!!!!

We want to thank our many event sponsors who made this a tremendous day!!! We especially thank Randy Knapp who started this event last year by offering Schalamar Creek in Lakeland to All Pro Pastors as a place to host and treat our Pastors! We want to extend a special thankyou to Paul Frantzis of Merrill Lynch for being our Platinum Sponsor Plus this year!!! Also, Thank you Tom Wheary PGA Pro and extraordinary host who has a crew second to none!

The planning commitee was a gift from God. Travis, Sam, “H”, and Terry led a super group of Christian  business leaders and others who want to see Pastors encouraged and strengthened. Linda and I are so very blessed by these faithful men and women who love Pastors! Thank you again, we love you!!!

Thank you Pastors for coming out. We love you and pray that you will continue to be blessed, and please make it a point to take time to laugh every day and have a little fun. You will live longer and better!


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