The APP luncheon was a tremendous blessing. Many Pastors shared how being in a Champions Group is impacting them. The next Lakeland Florida luncheon is May 27th at Abundant Life Church of God.

The APP / Bay Life Church in Brandon Florida Pastors luncheon was great. There were 56 in attendance at one new Champion Group scheduled a meeting time and place for next week. There are several other Pastors who registered to join or start a Cjhampions Group as well.

The Lakeland “Highland Park Church or they Nazarene” is hosting the April 29th Pastors Luncheon. We want to invite any Pastor in the area to attend.

New Lakeland Florida Champion Groups that have started are impacting several local Pastors lives. They are saying that having a safe place to talk is a brand new experience. Making trusted friends is something they never expected to happen. Thank the Lord!

The next two luncheons will be in Brandon, Florida at the Bay Life Church on Kingsway Rd. on April 21st and in Lakeland Fla. on April 29th. The Lakeland location should be announced within the next few days.

The APP Luncheon that was hosted by 1st Baptist Church at the Mall in Lakeland had about 40 in attendance. The testimonies were very encouraging and new Champion Groups are going to be getting started. The food was catered in by Edward Pagano owner of Opus Catering and everyone loved it. Pastor Kelvin McCree won a vacation.

Thursday March 11th was the birth of two new Champion Groups in Ocala Florida. Praise God!!! Pastor Don Grant has committed to helping Pastors connect and start building real and lasting friendships. Pray for Don as he serves the local Pastors and strives to see many more Champion Groups get started.

We have been blessed by what God is doing within the New Champion Groups in Lakeland, Florida. Many Pastors are coming together to start building genuine trust with encouragement and accountability. Pastors who just weeks ago were strangers have already bonded together in Christian brotherhood. It is this kind of trust that helps us feel the freedom that Jesus gave Himself up for.

Jesus said, I am the truth! In this time where truth is questioned and God’s Word is under attack, we call upon you to stand strong on the Word of God! We are challenged to look within ourselves to see how truthful we have been. Have I compromised my faith by NOT speaking up when I should have. Have I Not spoken up to my Champion Table when I needed them. Have I spent time with people who have a negative , defeatest attitude and not spoke up with a word of victory, hope and faith.

I invite you to make this the year of truth. The truth of Jesus that is alive in His children gives hope and life to the dying and hopeless. Pray for us to have the courage to be an encourager and to speak the truth. Truth can be sharp like a sword and it can be soothing like an ointment, whichever it may require pray that we will share as Jesus expects us to.

Be Blessed!

All Pro Pastors has a Facebook and Twitter presence. We are actively trying to invite everyone who cares about Pastors and their families to become connected with us. We ask that you put words of encouragement in your messages and posts. The challenges that you may be facing have been shared by many and Pastors are no exception.

The wife of a Pastor is often taken for granted and called on by the church to do many things that makes her very uncomfortable. This year try to remember that many of these precious ladies have children who need her undivided love and attention. Being the wife to a Pastor can be very demanding and impact the family in many ways that the body of Christ is often unaware of. They need time to be mom and wife just like all mom’s do.

The life of a Pastor is a special call and challenge that only Pastors/wife’s can grasp. This year help us encourage the Body of Christ to stand behind their “Pastor Family” and give them time as a family that is uninterupted! Insist that they take timeoff to be a family and a couple away from the high activities and demands of the church. 

The refreshing of any family can bring strength and life back in to any relationship. Be Blessed!

All Pro Pastors was blessed by being on WTBN AM radio in Tampa, Florida with Mike and Sherry Moore. Sandi Patty was their call in guest while we were there. Linda and I shared how APP is encouraging Pastors and their families. Being a Pastor can be as trying on their family as it can be rewarding as a servant of God. We ask that you pray for our Pastors and their families. Pastor wife’s often are under a lot of pressure to do things that they are not called to do by the church. We pray also that churches encourage Pastor wife’s and do everything possible to protect and support them as a family.  

We Thank Mike and Sherry and WTBN for inviting us to share about this often forgotten need.