
The power of prayer has changed the world many times! The Bible has countless examples of men and women who seek God on their face and on their knees and entire nations would crumble or be restored. Prayer is mankind’s expressed way to reach up to God. The children of Israel time and time again when they disobeyed God and strayed away from serving him always found his arms open when they humbled themselves and sought his face and prayed!

Have you ever prayed about something and it seemed that God is nowhere to be found? Does it appear that your prayers sometimes have NO Power at all? It is very easy to assume that all prayers are equal and each of us have the same connection with God, however you and I both know that this is not true. Some people pray for healing and it is done others pray for miracles and they are done and sometimes demonic oppression and possession is cast completely out from someones word/prayer of faith! Why do some people have great power when they pray and others do not? Why are some prayers answered and others are not? Some of this has to do with faith. Some has to do with obedience. Some has to do with intent. Some has to with knowledge. And some of this has to do with relationships! There are many reasons prayers go unanswered and some would say the answer could be NO but when we pray according to God’s Word the outcome is always fairly certain.

Today we are going to focus on one simple way to double your prayer power. Now let’s qualify this. This is for married couples. Married couples at the time of their union become one flesh according to God. The two shall come together and become one. When God says that we become “One” he takes this very seriously. From that moment on we enter into a new relationship with him. He looks at us as a unit or you could say a team of two,  one team called Family. When a husband and wife are at odds with one another, fighting with one another, criticizing each other, and looking for pleasures outside their marriage, God cannot bless their every action or request. Sure God hears you and will answer your cry for help or intercession for another but without oneness and unity in your marriage, which is sin, your prayers will hit a brick wall.

Think about this. If you and your wife make a whole, then when you are divided you are half of what God put together. You are not nearly as powerful in prayer as when you have wholeness in your marriage.

Dear friends, if you have a breakdown anywhere with your wife, if communication is strained or if you have a stagnant marriage your prayer life is suffering and thus your life is suffering. It is your responsibility to make it right, no matter how hard this may be.

Do you want to double your prayer power? Then include your wife and above all be sure that you have given NO place for the devil to reside in your marriage.

Pray together everyday and the enemy will flee and the walls will come down. Guaranteed!!

Thank you Pastor for loving me when I am unlovable. Thank you Pastor for listening when no-one else will. Thank you Pastor for coming to my side at 3:00 AM when I was at my worst. Thank You Pastor for preaching God’s Word without compromise. Thank you Pastor for being a “Man of God” worthy to be followed. Thank you Pastor for picking me up every time I fall. Thank you Pastor for showing me how to love my wife. Thank you Pastor for feeding my family when we have no money. Thank you Pastor for teaching our church how to love one another. Thank you Pastor for teaching me to lead. Thank you Pastor for renewing my vision. Thank you Pastor for giving me hope. Thank you Pastor for encouraging me when you never knew how much it was needed. Thank you Pastor for teaching me how to love my children God’s way! Thank you Pastor for for not quitting when our church gave you a hard time. Thank you most of all for telling us about Jesus and His never-ending Love!

Pastors everywhere,  thank you for working 24/7  tirelessly, always giving, always smiling, always faithful, always strong!

You are our Champion for Jesus!

We love you!

In America one does not have to listen very long in conversations to hear the phrase “politically correct.” Sadly, pastors who pursue political correctness often render themselves powerless in their calling to be difference makers.

In the world of ministry, Pastors are the center of attention. All eyes are on the Pastor and every ear is straining to hear what the Pastor is saying. The words Pastors speak carry life-changing power because pastors are called to be the mouthpiece of God.

This huge responsibility is something every Pastor needs to take seriously! The questions each must ask are:

Do I preach God’s message, or

Do I preach what I believe will make people in “my” church happy?

Do I teach God’s Word, or

Do I teach non-challenging politically correct words of compromise?

During the past five years of this ministry I cannot tell you how many Christians have confided that they wished their Pastor would preach more of God’s Word!

Don’t be shocked.

Our church families are seeing Christianity attacked on every front. Spiritually, America appears to be crumbling before the eyes of the world and our children are the innocent victims.

The “church” as a whole or in part, would seem to any onlooker that we have —

  • invited sexual immorality into our homes (TV, Internet and movies)
  • allowed other religions to infiltrate our schools and colleges without a fight
  • invited sinful compromise into our fellowships in the name of tolerance and acceptance
  • permitted our government (at all levels) to modify laws and regulations which hinder our freedom and ability to minister and share the gospel!

Pastors, it is our responsibility as the Ambassadors and Messengers of God to tell our congregations and family what God says is sin. “Sin” is not a word whose definition you can assume people, and especially young people, fully understand or agree with. When they see people in our churches openly defying God’s word, the word “sin” carries no weight or consequence.

The big issue is that most do not know God’s Word because they are not hearing it, nor seeing it lived in their homes. The “Church” should have open arms to ALL people in order to bring all to the saving grace of Jesus.

The “Church” should be:

  • A living body that is constantly growing
  • Helping people rid themselves of sinful ways (must be taught)
  • Alert to the attacks of the enemy and be acting upon those
  • Learning and teaching people how to be like Jesus
  • Embracing the Holy Spirit as our Helper, Teacher, and Power
  • Proactive as God’s army to make disciples on the earth

As Pastors we need to be aware of what the enemy is doing. The Bible says “satan” is roaming around like a hungry lion seeking whom he can devour. As a man of God, are you aware of what the enemy is doing in your community and city? Do you understand that this enemy is trying to keep you silent and alone! It is our job to protect the sheep and lead with all diligence. You are not alone! (I pray for you to be bold!)

Let us go just a little deeper.

  • Do you believe that as Pastors we need to keep quiet and ignore Islamic teachings that threaten our religious freedoms?
  • Do you really know what their writings say and instruct about Christians?
  • Should we keep silent about homosexuality and its obvious political agenda in America to destroy the traditional perceptions of home and marriage?
  • Should we say nothing of the fornication and adultery running rampant in many church families?
  • Should we seemingly approve by silence the pornography plague that has gripped men and women alike by the tens of thousands?

Politicians are all about getting votes. They will say anything to anybody to get their approval. They will do almost anything, if they believe you will donate to their cause! With politicians money is king. (Note: There are a very few good politicians the previous statements were made to me by one of them who loves the Lord Jesus.)

What would people say about you as a Pastor? Are you more about giving or more about getting? Are you —

  • Pastor or Politician?
  • Leader or People Pleaser?
  • Army General or Civilian?
  • Visionary or Status Quo?

The souls of America and your church family are at stake!

Pastor, I pray that you will take this post seriously. The enemy “satan” is working overtime to divide the Body of Christ and to keep us from sounding the alarm. He is distracting us from telling people they are lost and headed for Hell without Jesus!

Jesus is still the only way to Heaven!  He is still Lord!

I pray that you will become aware of what is happening in your city, community and country. Listen to the opposition and to a variety of Christian leaders on the radio and television. Listen, watch and study across denominational, racial and cultural lines. Become acquainted with fellow Pastors in your neighborhood. Take a couple of Pastors in your city to breakfast and become friends and allies in order to impact your local culture for Christ.

We need to be All-Proactive Pastors who rightly divide the Word of Truth.

We love you and are praying for you. May God shower His grace and blessings upon you and may you faithfully carry HIS Word in your mouth!






Pastor Fred challenged the men and women who attended today’s luncheon at the Hawthorne Inn  in Lakeland Florida to stay focused on Christ as they focused on their spouses. It is true that we have wandering eyes that are built in but these eyes do not have to thirst with lust and immoral desires. As men we must admit that looking is what men do but what happens next is where the battles are often the hardest fought. We need to hold each other accountable to stay true to our wives and strong in our passion for God’s Word. The lust of the eyes has been the starting place for many who fall. Admitting that it is a real battle is where many men need to start. It is easy to say that you don’t look but we doubt your honesty with your self. Looking is normal. God built that into to us, but fighting off the temptation that follows strengthens us to stand strong when tougher battles confront us. How good it is to surround ourselves with Champion brothers to help us stand firm. Praise God!

Fred also shared about how our desires for possessions can destroy lives, marriages and churches. Our lust for the things of this earth can easily become our next IDOL! Financial honesty is critical in every marriage! Secrets are the road to trouble. Keep it open and honest even if it hurts.

Power struggles are common as Pastors, from boards at the church to that long time member who thinks they own the church. It can also be a struggle at home when a husband and wife allow the church to be their “playing field for arguments”. Men you need to date your wife every day. Treat her with loving compassion as Christ certainly treats you. Wives need to respect and support your husband even allowing him to fail. As long as he is trying support his efforts. Husbands need to realize that your wife wants you to succeed and probably has good ideas if you will ask and listen. She loves you! It is up to you to fight off the attacks of the enemy by showing kindness and respect for one another!

Above all, pray together hand in hands!!!! Every Day!!!! Do not pray at one another. Let’s face it, we are in WARFARE and it is our responsibility to utilize the armor and the weapons God has given us. Men, today you were charged to step up as real men of God and be a “CHAMPION”. Joining a Champions Table may be your next step. Being honest at your Table may be where you are?! Some may need to take good counsel and apply it. It may save your marriage, family, children, and possibly your church. One Pastor’s wife said today that the Champions Table has saved their marriage “for now“, but there is more work to do! The Champions Table is a safe place and it can also be the place that fuels your life with the wisdom and energy you thirst for!

Now, what are you going to do about it????


Jesus said, I am the truth! In this time where truth is questioned and God’s Word is under attack, we call upon you to stand strong on the Word of God! We are challenged to look within ourselves to see how truthful we have been. Have I compromised my faith by NOT speaking up when I should have. Have I Not spoken up to my Champion Table when I needed them. Have I spent time with people who have a negative , defeatest attitude and not spoke up with a word of victory, hope and faith.

I invite you to make this the year of truth. The truth of Jesus that is alive in His children gives hope and life to the dying and hopeless. Pray for us to have the courage to be an encourager and to speak the truth. Truth can be sharp like a sword and it can be soothing like an ointment, whichever it may require pray that we will share as Jesus expects us to.

Be Blessed!


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