God has blessed us humans with a marvelous ability to think—to reason, to “search out a matter,” which the Bible tells us “is the glory of kings.” Jesus even told us that we are to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, souls, and minds. Yet far too many Christians settle for two out of three, happily swallowing strange ideas based on nothing more than the unsubstantiated claims of dynamic leaders.
We all have a right to believe whatever we want. Just remember that some bad choices have eternal consequences.
God—YHWH, the God of the Bible—made sure that He left behind evidence for the hope we have in Jesus: eyewitness testimonies, archaeologists’ discoveries, and even the activities of demons themselves argue for the truth of the gospel.
Over the centuries, the principalities and powers Paul warned us about have played a long game, cultivating philosophies and doctrines opposed to their Creator. As human understanding of science grew, the Enemy shifted from portraying themselves as the true creators and masters of humanity to convincing the world, especially in the scientific West, that there are no gods, only highly advanced extraterrestrials. And since, per science-fiction author Arthur C. Clarke’s Third Law, “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic,” those so-called ETIs have become, by definition, the gods we thought we knew.
Let’s give credit where it’s due: This strategy is brilliant. It appeals to our human vanity. If our gods are gods only because they have better gizmos, then we, too, can someday be as gods.
The principalities and powers, rather than compelling us to accept them as our masters at the point of a sword (or a ray gun), have spooled out line over the centuries, patiently waiting while more and more of us took their bait. Through spiritualists like Swedenborg and the Fox sisters, modern gnostics like Blavatsky and Bailey, occultists like Crowley and Grant, and storytellers from Lovecraft to Roddenberry (and we can add von Däniken and Sitchin to that category), a compelling message has been spread throughout the technologically advanced Western world: The spirit realm is real; we know who created you and where you go when you die; and your mission until then is to “work in the light.”
In other words, the spirits behind this movement have created a science-fiction religion. How do we know this? It’s a faith that promises to answer the Big Questions: Where do we come from, why are we here, and what happens to us when we die?
Remember, people who believe ETIs are visiting the earth outnumber truly biblical Christians in America three-to-one. The Enemy’s deception is working.
So, the recent fascination with “official disclosure” of the existence of extraterrestrials is something Christians must be prepared to address. The fact that we are not is a testimony to the lack of discernment among the Church today. Not only do we fail to recognize the Enemy, but most Christians in America don’t also even acknowledge the Enemy’s existence.
Knowingly or otherwise, the Enemy’s plans have been aided and abetted by the United States government, or at least by elements within it. The intelligence community’s use of UFOs as a convenient cover story is a matter of public record. Evidence for the IC’s role in famous cases like the Roswell crash or the non-existent underground base at Dulce, New Mexico (the Paul Bennewitz affair), to pick the most obvious, and the highly improbable links between people connected to early UFO sightings and the assassination of John F. Kennedy make it clear that critical thinkers should ask whether “official disclosure” might also be a intelligence op. Especially since we know that the U.S. military command specifically tasked with creating convincing deceptions, Joint Security Control, has been positively linked to the UFO phenomenon.
Next, we should ask why the UFO investigation community has been hijacked by hoaxers and New Agers. Why have serious researchers been pushed out of the way by those who don’t even try to hide their pro-ETI bias?
The big question, of course, is cui bono—who benefits? Who wins when the public buys into the idea that our gods are ETIs and that they’re coming back, if not here already?
If you have a supernatural worldview, which you should if you’re a Christian, the answer to that question should be obvious.
The issue here is that the ETIs aren’t coming back. They’re already here. They never left. The UFO research community, which has a black hole where critical thinking should be, more or less accepts the existence of aliens as a good thing. Why? The Age of Discovery, which was named by Europeans who did the discovering, didn’t work out well for the native peoples who were discovered. Why should we expect first contact to be like E.T. when it might be more like War of the Worlds or Independence Day?
For that matter, why do contactees believe what they’re told by these so-called ETIs? Assuming the channelers in touch with The Nine, Ashtar Command, and Ramtha the Enlightened One are hearing from something and not just playing us for fools, why do they think these entities are telling the truth? If they are hostile, would they tell us?
And if they’re friendly, why are they so coy? They’ve allegedly crossed interstellar space to get here. Don’t they have a radio? Webcam? Flare gun? Can’t they flash their headlights at us? Why do those who eagerly await “official disclosure” ignore basic, common-sense questions?
As Christians, we are commanded to test the spirits. Given the motives of the rebellious denizens of the unseen realm, the “spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places,” then a PSYOP like this is exactly the kind of thing we should expect. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
Beware, you “lightworkers” who serve the Ashtar Command. You know not what you do.
This gets to the heart of the matter. When we look at the evolution of ideas that form the core doctrines of the people pushing for official disclosure, the picture that emerges is much darker than they realize. For all their claims to spiritual enlightenment, the New Agers who dominate the official disclosure movement are mostly ignorant of the roots of their doctrines, a condition one scholar calls “source amnesia.”
It is no accident that the communications contactees have received from alleged ETIs have come through channelers instead of radios, telephones, or video screens. It is not a coincidence that the accounts of “alien” abductees are very similar to those of victims of satanic ritual abuse.
It is also relevant that Aleister Crowley, his successor Kenneth Grant, and the Round Table of CIA asset Andrija Puharich believed they were hearing from gods worshipped in Egypt three thousand years ago—and specifically, in the case of Crowley and Grant, the Egyptian god of chaos, Set.
Consider this: The gods of the ancient world are real. That’s not a guess, that’s biblical—and they’re under a death sentence. God has also decreed that those who put their faith in Jesus Christ will one day judge the angels. The only thing left for the rebellious elohim, the fallen angels who dared to rebel against their Creator, is to drag as much of His creation as they can into the Lake of Fire with them when they go.
And the conflict between the Creator and Chaos has been ongoing since before the creation of the Garden of Eden. Genesis 1:2 tells us the Spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters—waters that contained “the deep,” the abyss, tehom, or Tiamat, the Sumerian chaos-dragon. That’s the entity named Leviathan in the Bible.
Remember that occultist Kenneth Grant believed the god he channeled was Set, Egypt’s dark lord of chaos. Set was called Typhon by the Greeks, hence Grant’s religion, the Typhonian Order.
Grant further believed that horror author H. P. Lovecraft had tapped into that same spirit. And as bizarre as it sounds, it was Lovecraft’s fiction, and thus the spirit(s) behind it, that inspired Erich von Däniken to write the book that launched the Ancient Astronaut Theory, Chariots of the Gods.
In short, our culture’s fascination with ancient aliens may be a supernatural PSYOP in the long war between the god of chaos, Leviathan, and the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
While YHWH defeated Leviathan before creating humanity by crushing its heads, it is not dead. Its future destruction is guaranteed, however. On the Day of the Lord, “He will slay the dragon that is in the sea” and when He creates the new heaven and the new earth, the sea—chaos—will be no more.
Here’s the takeaway: Our God spoke the universe into existence and all that is in it, including the small-G gods who rage and plot against Him and His creation—meaning us. We shouldn’t be afraid to address the question of whether we’re being visited by ETIs or how to respond to a future announcement that aliens have just landed in front of the United Nations building.
Based on the evidence that’s been made public, and the chain of ideas leading from ancient Greek philosophers to the modern UFO/UAP phenomenon, we don’t believe ET has come calling. Ever. True believers in the existence of ETIs have been duped by smoke and shadows, buying into a spiritual deception wrapped in a pseudoscientific veneer.
It’s a pity. They’ve sided with the JV team. Our God not only created them, He created the stuff He made them with. That’s the God who captains our army. And you, dear reader, were created as His “imager”—His moral agent on Earth. And no matter what happens to you or to the world, that’s a job title you never lose, even if a genuine ETI lands a spaceship on the White House lawn.
Ancient astronaut theorists, New Agers, and atheists longing for answers to the Big Questions that don’t involve the God of the Bible will keep pushing the governments of the world to disclose what they know about extraterrestrial intelligences. The principalities and powers behind the thrones of this world may oblige them someday with an event that looks like official disclosure.
Just remember: You are created in the image of God. You are His image bearer on Earth. That’s a specific set of attributes inherent in, unique to, and inseparable from the human race. The arrival of something claiming to be from Zeta Reticuli does not change your status. It does not change the need for a Savior or the plan of salvation. It doesn’t change who Jesus is or why he died, and it sure doesn’t change the established historical fact of his resurrection and the victory it achieved over the Fallen.
In short, although we don’t think this will ever happen, the legitimate discovery of an extraterrestrial intelligence should have no impact whatsoever on your Christian faith.
The disclosure of ETIs, ancient astronaut theory, and the old lie that is the New Age are just tactics by the small-G gods to lure unsuspecting and undiscerning humans to destruction. They deny the authority, identity, or existence of God, and offer instead the false promise they first rolled out in the Garden: Ye shall be as gods.
So, when you encounter the topic of Official Disclosure, please remember: We follow the One who created everything. Christian doctrine, and your worldview, is big enough to handle the “what ifs.”
After all, God gave us the definitive Book on the supernatural. The answers are in there if we just look.

Derek Gilbert Bio
Derek P. Gilbert hosts SkyWatchTV, a Christian television program that airs on several national networks, the long-running interview podcast A View from the Bunker, and co-hosts SciFriday, a weekly television program that analyzes science news with his wife, author Sharon K. Gilbert.
Before joining SkyWatchTV in 2015, his secular broadcasting career spanned more than 25 years with stops at radio stations in Philadelphia, Saint Louis, Little Rock, and suburban Chicago.
Derek is a Christian, a husband and a father. He’s been a regular speaker at Bible prophecy conferences in recent years. Derek’s most recent book is The Great Inception: Satan’s PSYOPs from Eden to Armageddon. He has also published the novels The God Conspiracy and Iron Dragons, and he’s a contributing author to the nonfiction anthologies God’s Ghostbusters, Blood on the Altar, I Predict: What 12 Global Experts Believe You Will See by 2025, and When Once We Were a Nation.
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