January 19th was a great day for Pastors who attended the luncheon at the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Plant City Florida. Fred Harrold gave an inspiring word about how Pastors are like all men. We fight to remain pure with our eyes our hearts and our minds. In this world that wants to walk around with more skin showing and less dress it makes it very challenging. We struggle with managing our budgets with less money with less value and also pride can easily lift its ugly head. When this happens it is easy to say those regrettable things we have to repent for. Pastor Fred did not hold back, “Ladies, skin is not our friend, we need your help”! Modety will only come back when our Women leaders reset the standard. The resounding word was that we as men need each other to hold one another accountable.
The “Champions Table” is the safe place for Pastors to go to for what we call “Encourability” which is encouraging accountability. At the Table we can look each other in the eyes and ask the tough questions that will help us to remain morally pure and blameless before God and our family.
What a tremendous luncheon it was and a special thanks goes to Johnsons Barbeque in Plant City Florida for catering it. Thanks to all the Pastors and wives who attended. We pray that you were truly blessed!!!!
Paul is the Founder and CEO of All Pro Pastors International, a ministry that encourages and challenges Pastors to join together as Kingdom Brothers to develop trust, accountability and unity. It is a ministry that strengthens Pastors marriages, families, and ministries by establishing “Champions Tables”. The “Champions Table” is a safe place where Pastors can meet together and develop genuine relationships. The Champions Table is a pastors “Prayer Fortress!”
Pastor Paul Pickern is married to his wife Linda. They have 5 children (Tony, Stephanie, Dale, Seth, Schyler) and 12 grand children. Their home is in Plant City, Florida between Tampa and Orlando. Paul was born in Belleville, Illinois and Linda was born in Charleston, West Virginia.