Entries by Derek Gilbert

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Lord of the Gates of Hell

Over the centuries, tomb robbers have removed most of the useful evidence from the dolmens of the Jordan River valley. The few bones left behind in burial chambers don’t show […]


Rephaim, Anakim, Emim, Zamzummim, and the like!?

One of the most interesting and overlooked parallels in Scripture is the location of the Israelite camp just before the conquest of Canaan and what appears to be the route […]


Among the Spirits of the Dead

One of the giants killed by David and his men during Israel’s war with the Philistines carried the unusual name Ishbi-benob. It’s usually taken to mean “his dwelling is in […]


Sodom, Baal-Peor, and the Cult of the Dead

During the Exodus, one of the more unusual confrontations between the Hebrews faithful to Yahweh and those who preferred a more tolerant view of the pagan religions they encountered occurred […]


Son of the Cup

You are no doubt familiar with the basic outline of the story of Father Abraham: He faithfully followed God’s call and left his home in northern Mesopotamia, near Harran (it’s […]

The Pourer of Water

  Derek GilbertDerek Gilbert Bio Derek P. Gilbert hosts SkyWatchTV, a Christian television program that airs on several national networks, the long-running interview podcast A View from the Bunker, and […]


The Gods of the Abyss

The Greeks and Romans shared a good deal of their religion. The names were different (with the notable exception of Apollo), but the gods were pretty much the same. Zeus […]


The Loathed Dead God

Satan is the entity called Baal by the ancient Canaanites. Jesus confirmed that identity in Matthew 12:24 by linking Satan to Beelzebul (“Baal the prince”). In Canaanite religion, Baal was […]

Unmasking the Rebel in Eden

Chapter 14 of the Book of Isaiah is absolutely fascinating. It’s long been interpreted as a condemnation of the rebel in the Garden of Eden. It certainly is that; Jerome’s […]

The Nephilim and the sons of God

If the Bible’s condemnation of an ancient race of giants and the supernatural entities who created them—in other words, the Nephilim and the “sons of God” from Genesis 6—was unique […]

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The Mighty Men Who were of Old

The Mighty Men Who Were of Old Once upon a time, giants roamed the earth. That sounds like the beginning of a fairy tale. Most Christians have never been taught […]


In the Beginning….Alpha and Omega

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. —Revelation 1:8 *** In the […]