
Pastor Phil Wade of Trinity Baptist Church in Ocala Florida held a Pastors luncheon on Thursday Feb 2nd for the purpose of bringing the local pastors together in love and kingdom building. Pastor Phil invited All Pro Pastors to introduce how God is using this ministry to bring Pastors together to establish trusted relationships. We were honored to share with about 40 pastors and 4 of their county commisioners. There were 15 Pastors who requested to start/join a Champions Table and 5 others requested more information. Praise God!!!!

On Friday I received an e-mail message from a Hispanic Pastor who had to leave early and had questions about connecting his Hispanic Pastor friends with All Pro Pastors. There are 70 Hispanic Churches in the Ocala area he said.  We pray that they will join together with all other cultures to share the message of Jesus and His saving power. There must be well over 200 churches of all faiths in the area.

Pastor Phil has a real passion to encourage Pastors and to see all denominations, races and cultures come together to unite the body of Christ to save their city and community. Pastor Phil also offered his staff his resources and his church to be available to help any Pastor with any area of need.

It is also time to give PRAISE for his hospitality and his tremendous staff for providing a truly fabulous meal. Their preparation leading up to the luncheon is why he had such a great response and I can not applaud his team effort enough. Phil you are an awesome brother and the real deal!!!

Pastor Don Grant who works closely with Pastor Wade has offered to help bring the Champion Tables together to start building friendships with men who happen to be Pastors.. Please pray for them!!!

We want to give a special thanks to Sam Goss for driving the APP team to Ocala and thanks to Pastors Dwight Edwards from the Champions Church in Winter Haven, Fl. and Bob Stone of Fellowship Baptist in Valrico/Brandon Fl.who  gave personal testimonies that made a huge impact. They shared how being in a Champions Table impacted them and their fellow Pastors.

It is our prayer that this luncheon will be the beginning for the Pastors in Ocala to link together and press forward to take their city, county and region for the Kingdom of God! Finally, if was a blessing to have 4 commissioners there to support Pastors and best of all they are Christians. Pray for them too!!!

We are excited to announce that Bishop Peter Simwa has been asked and he has accepted the role as  our official resident “Ambassador in Africa” Pastor/Bishop Simwa lives in Kenya and travels throughout many countries in Africa working with Pastors throughout the continent. He is married and has 4 children. Last week Pastor Moses Brown from Tampa, Florida USA was the featured speaker to nearly two hundred pastors at a pastors conference in Kenya. He presented All Pro Pastors as part of the conference and many Pastors committed to starting Champion Tables. Pastor Simwa has started his and is moving forward to start others. Praise God!

We have been invited to come to Kenya to meet with Pastors and trust that when the time is right, God will make a way. It is our prayer that these men of God will teach other men how to treat their wife and children according to God’s word and that they will work together to reach the lost. Many of these pastors are struggling for food, shelter and food. There are times that they must go and lead their church in worship and have not eaten nor have their chilren and yet they go with a smile on their face and joy in their heart. Please pray for these Precious Brothers, their wives and their families.

Next week Pastor Simwa travels to Uganda to meet with more Pastors. Pray that his journey is powerful with God’s anointing and that many pastors will start new Champion Tables! This is a big step forward as God stretches All Pro Pastors to reach around the Globe. Pastors touching Pastors, encouraging one another and holding each other accountable is critical for us to stay strong in this war against our enemy. Please pray for God to continue to open doors and to send more “Ambassadors” to carry this message.

Thank you again for your prayers, Linda and I continue to pray for you, in His Name that is above all others!


Dearest Paul and ALL PRO PASTORS,
I want first thank the allmighty  God and  the holy spirit for the conference that we ahd  in Eldoret,Kenya.I also want to thank all of you for praying with us and encouraging us.
Pastor Brown arrived in Eldoret on 23th after i picked  him  fro Kisumu Airport.we drove for 2 hours to to Eldoret and booked Pastor Brown in a Hotel.I came to know of pastor Brown through the Face book and we charted for some time and the Holy spirit bond us together.I invited him to Kenya and he agreed,he said he was looking for an Air ticket,and  by december he had gotten the we i started putting the meeting together for Pastors.
Pastor Brown had introduced me to ALL PRO PASTORS and PAUL PICKERN.Paul send me an email and we also had a to talk through the phone after i called him.
Back to our Pastors meeting,I had invited 200 Pastors  to attend the conference and so we were expecting a good number,Paul send me an email encouraging me to bring together as many Pastors as possible,and by the grace of God and  your prayers we had almost 200 Pastors.
Pastor Brown and myself shared about ALL PRO PASTORS and what it means to be part  of it.the response was positive and also many Pastors are willing to Join in this ministry.Pastor Brown preached and we could feel the flow  of the HOLY  SPIRIT speaking to many.we had a powerful time of prayer, and we so God move in many  lives.

We did lounch the ALL PRO PASTORS AFRICA,and we want it to start in kenya  then other countries in Africa will join us.We are so excited with what the LORD is about to do as many Pastors in kenya are passing through many things and they need to be encouraged and  encourage each other.
We believe the CHAMPIONS TABLE is  going to bring great changes and healing in many Pastors lives.
I have always have a burden for Pastors and God  has  Just connected me to you for this purpose.
As we sarted the seminar I was expecting Pastor  Brown to help me to surport the Pastors with meals as they were  going  to be staying in the meeting the whole  day  and we also had some  who came from from as far as 100 miles and others 50 miles.Pastor Brown said he  had no money and he came by  faith.Let me  tell you    PAUL, God is a God of Mirracles,he provided for me  for the three days.

We have already started with three Pastors and we are going to move a  head and bring in others who have already shown interest in joining the CHAMPIONS TABLE.

I very much need your prayers to have this ministry  move forward,pray for my family,the church and provision and wisdom from God.

hope to hear from you,

My  Adress,



January 19th was a great day for Pastors who attended the luncheon at the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Plant City Florida. Fred Harrold gave an inspiring word about how Pastors are like all men. We fight to remain pure with our eyes our hearts and our minds. In this world that wants to walk around with more skin showing and less dress it makes it very challenging. We struggle with managing our budgets with less money with less value and also pride can easily lift its ugly head. When this happens it is easy to say those regrettable things we have to repent for. Pastor Fred did not hold back, “Ladies, skin is not our friend, we need your help”! Modety will only come back when our Women leaders reset the standard.  The resounding word was that we as men need each other to hold one another accountable.

The “Champions Table” is the safe place for Pastors to go to for what we call “Encourability” which is encouraging accountability. At the Table we can look each other in the eyes and ask the tough questions that will help us to remain morally pure and blameless before God and our family.

What a tremendous luncheon it was and a special thanks goes to Johnsons Barbeque in Plant City Florida for catering it. Thanks to all the Pastors and wives who attended. We pray that you were truly blessed!!!!

Pastor Moses Brown is heading to Kenya, Africa for a three day Pastors Conference from January 24-26. Pastor Peter Simwa has invited Pastor Moses to come to encourage and challenge their Pastors. Pastor Simwa called me to learn more about All Pro Pastors and to tell me that he had printed the “Champion Table” guidelines for each of the 200 plus Pastors they are expecting. Pastor Brown joined a Champions Table in 2009 and has stayed a faithful advocate for All Pro Pastors to other Pastors all over the world. We are honored to have Pastor Brown go as our Ambassador to Kenya.

Pastor Brown has extensive experience in presenting the gospel all over the world and serving mankind in many ways for Jesus. Please pray for this conference to bless these Pastors and to give them what they need to charge ahead as Champions. Please pray for Pastor Moses to have the hand of God upon him and His favor. Thank you for your prayers as we pray that many Pastors will soon be in Champion Tables in Kenya.

Thank you goes to Abundant Life Church of God in Lakeland for hosting the 2011 Pastors Summit and Expo. It was by far the best we have seen. The Mission Possible team were truly amazing. The Planning team headed up by Travis and Rob were nothing short of remarkable. While we are giving out compliments we must identify Chuck, “H”, Lew, Everette, Tony, Marie, Ed, Dudley, Jessie, Rhonda, Curt, Pierre, and many others for all their time effort and prayers. A BIG Thank you goes to Pastor Ron for allowing us to use the event center. (We Highly Recommend This To Anyone For Their Next Event!)

The Pastor and Wives luncheon was far more inspiring than anyone expected. The atmosphere was created to bring our pastors and wives the feeling of true elegance! All of the beautiful decor and arrangements were done by “Zorita” and Marie!!! The food presentation from chef Ed demonstrated his artistic gift. Tony Ponceti was the perfect Host and the words of encouragement from Nolan and Kathy moved the hearts of all of us.

The EXPO brought many visitors from the community and a lot of introductions were made. The vendors met many potential customers because of the hard work and team work of the planning team. Having the EXPO this year for the first time on Saturday allowed many more people to attend. The Kids Midway offered lots of fun including free face painting and cotton candy. It was lots of fun. Thank you again to Mission Possible!!(This is a special group of young adults from Abundant Life who are committed to serving others, and they did a super job!)

It was a real community effort with churches joining together to promote this as a community event. Having Mayor Gow Fields Speak during the Expo and at the Pastors and Wives Luncheon was a great highlight and tribute!

We thank God for His provision and bringing this event together. Thank you for coming to all the guests, vendors, pastors and volunteers. Praise God!!! Next year will be even bigger and better. Thank You Again!

The Pastors Summit, Saturday November 5th will include a RSVP only Luncheon/Dinner from 11:30-1:30 that will be exclusive for Pastors and their wife. This is going to be a very fine “Chef” prepared full course meal. There will be special guests and music. This is limited because of seating and it is Primarily for Senior Pastors. (Associates may get on the waiting list.) Again, this complimentary, but we need to have your RSVP to assure your seating.

The Pastors Summit will have other luncheon options for anyone who does not RSVP. Please share this with all Pastors.


Mark November 5th on your calendar as a special day. That Saturday will be our first Pastors Summit. It will be in Lakeland Florida at the Abundant Life Church of God from 9:00AM – 3:00PM. We have scheduled guests to come and teach on a variety of topics and a Pastors and Wives luncheon as well. This is a FREE event and everyone is invited to attend.

We also will be having our 4th Annual Christian Community Expo  that day as well. This huge event brings Christian Businesses together for the surrounding area to meet and have a lot of fun too. Children are welcome. Please make plans to attend.

Special Announcement: Reverend Rogatien Q Nze is headed to Libreville Gabon Africa and has scheduled an All Pro Pastors meeting for August 24th at 10:00AM. Pastor Nze is our Ambassador to Gabon. We want to thank him in advance for his commitment to this ministry and for his passion to encourage Pastors worldwide.

We look forward to having Pastor Nze with Apostle Mathew Kalu who is the Vice President of the Libreville Missionary Pastors Association, work together to introduce All Pro Pastors and Champion Tables to the many great Pastors in Gabon.  We believe that every Pastor should be a part of a Champions Table and the meeting on the 24th will give everyone that is able to attend the opportunity to hear how Champion Tables are strengthening and encouraging Pastors and their families.

Please be in prayer for them.


Around 100 pastors and wives and others in ministry took part in the ‘All Pro Pastors “Day of Play” last Saturday June 18th! It was a true day of play and relaxation. Praise God !!!! We pray that everyone had a fun filled day with lots of laughs. The Golf tournament was full of excitment and many new friendships. One pastor tried for a Million Dollars hole in one. The ladies had a fabulous time getting acquainted while playing games and building houses. (See Facebook)

We want to thank all our friends who helped to make this a great event. Pastors are often left behind but Saturday they were not forgotten!!!!

We want to thank our many event sponsors who made this a tremendous day!!! We especially thank Randy Knapp who started this event last year by offering Schalamar Creek in Lakeland to All Pro Pastors as a place to host and treat our Pastors! We want to extend a special thankyou to Paul Frantzis of Merrill Lynch for being our Platinum Sponsor Plus this year!!! Also, Thank you Tom Wheary PGA Pro and extraordinary host who has a crew second to none!

The planning commitee was a gift from God. Travis, Sam, “H”, and Terry led a super group of Christian  business leaders and others who want to see Pastors encouraged and strengthened. Linda and I are so very blessed by these faithful men and women who love Pastors! Thank you again, we love you!!!

Thank you Pastors for coming out. We love you and pray that you will continue to be blessed, and please make it a point to take time to laugh every day and have a little fun. You will live longer and better!

On June 18,2011 starting at 7:00AM we are having an event for pastors, wives and women in ministry called the “Day of Play“. It is a golf tournament at Schalamar Creek Golf club in Lakeland Florida and a day of other fun activities for wives and women who are non-golfers.

This event is primarily for Pastors and their wives (if married) to have a day of fun and relaxation. In fact many pastors last year who played said that it was their first time ever playing GOLF. The women who came were treated like royalty!

Please Note: It is not for Church Staff, it is for Pastors and for their spouse who need a day away of fun and relaxation. 

To register please send to:                           Include  Names, Church, Address, E-MAIL and Phone Number, specific pastoral position and name of spouses if attending.  

In a recent e-mail message from Bishop Ebenezer Sefah in Ghana-Africa, he writes “I would like to inform you we have started the Champion Group in Ghana-Africa and its really helping the Pastors here. Thank you for introducing me to this idea. It really helps!”  He later wrote, ” It’s really working here. Ghana-Africa says Thank You.”

Praise God!! What a blessing to hear from a Pastor and Leader who attended a Luncheon in Bartow Florida and took it back to his country. It is our prayer to see every man called Pastor, Bishop, Dr., Apostle, etc. connected through Champion Tables and serving God as men of God arm in arm! 

Please pray for Africa!!! We love you!!!

On May 12th from 11:30 -1:00 there will be a Pastor and Spouse luncheon at the Kings Ave Baptist Church in Brandon, Florida. This is for all Pastors and Spouses from all Christian Denominations.

There will be great words of encouragement and great food. Come and meet some fellow warriors for Christ.

We Pray that you can make it. RSVP’s requested


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