Dear Pastors,
I am writing to let you know of my concern over how the Covid narrative has taken over our society and divided the church. While I initially wrote a series of articles for, I have recently completed “The Covid Beast: Why We Cannot Give Up Access to Our Bodies.” During times like these, I lean heavily upon the words of Jesus in Luke 21:28. “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near.” The key to this verse is that Jerusalem must no longer be “trodden down by the gentiles.” (v. 24) But since 1967, Israel has been in control of Jerusalem, which means our generation has become the target audience of Jesus.
Indeed, Luke 21:28 reveals the prophetic paradigm of Jesus, which does not require us to predict the future. But we do need to know when our Bibles are happening. The problem is the church isn’t doing that or what Jesus says to do next. We are specifically told to “stand up and lift up our heads.” Standing up does not mean sitting down and being quiet. Our continued silence has become an acquiesce. When pastors are silent, the flock assumes the wolves are gone. Lifting up our heads means we are not to be discouraged. In fact, while other men’s hearts will be “failing them for fear,” (v. 26) our chins will be up because Jesus told us these things ahead of time so that we might have peace and not lose heart. (John 16:33) Sadly, preaching Bible prophecy has become synonymous with preaching fear instead of the encouragement it was intended to be.
Yet, God is the one doing the shaking in order to wake the nations before His return, which is why we are not supposed to hide or insulate people from what is happening. Now more than ever, we need to allow the prophetic words of God to declare that He is still in control, and that He has a plan for our lives. If the Bible is happening, then God’s plan is for us is to stand up, look up, and occupy until He comes. (Luke 19:12-13) Occupying is not giving up any ground. Standing up is what Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did in the face of a mandate. However, like any warning, prophecy must be given before it is too late. Consequently, no matter how controversial, we must stand in obedience to Jesus and speak the truth in love. Unfortunately, the beastly government with its ungodly mandates that require access to our bodies are getting more powerful each day.
Vaccine passports that prevent people from “buying and selling” are being enforced around the globe. Yet, this kind of absolute power over our individual temples of the Holy Spirit is something we cannot let anyone have, let alone Satan. These disturbing developments have caused me to start the Supernatural Junkies Podcast to get the word out about what is happening. Amazingly, in just 9 weeks, we now have 50,000 downloads. This success proves a new generation of lost souls is desperately searching for God’s answers to a world in chaos. In particular, our 10th episode explains the Biblical fulfilment of the rise of a “beast like” government and its corresponding mark. My hope is you get a chance to listen to an episode, or review one of the Covid Beast articles already on
May God Continue to Bless Your Ministry,
Dr. Kevan D. Kruse, D.C.
The above article is by one of our contributor teams. It may be controversial and we respectfully ask that when you read this understand that this ministry tries to provide thought engaging subjects that are simply for you to review and decide for yourself. Our team has many backgrounds and educational achievements and our prayer is that you will see this as simply one possibility.

Dr. Kevan Kruse has been practicing Chiropractic in the Bay area since 1992. Educated at the University of Tampa and Life University, Kevan received a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and a Doctorate of Chiropractic. Kevan was born in Florida, but he was raised with down to earth Midwestern values. These values translate into an office that is dedicated to serving patients in a surprisingly relaxed atmosphere. Each patient is evaluated on an individual basis and treated appropriately.
Dr. Kruse is also open to multi-disciplinary approaches to health care, with his focus being primarily chiropractic and nutritional ways to help solve health problems. His fascination and extensive participation in sports makes his treatment of automobile accidents, work related injuries and sports injuries especially on-target. Dr. Kruse is married to Alexandra and they have two sons named Wiatte and Whestan. Dr. Kruse supports many local charities and attends Bell Shoals Baptist church, where he occasionally teaches classes on various topics.
Why is the church important? The church is where the friends of Jesus meet and grow. It is a hospital for those who admit they are sick and who want to get better. The church is not a building or an organization, it is just people. The church is also part of your spiritual family. Does anyone you know have a perfect family? Good, because that won’t happen in church either. You won’t like all the people there, but you will grow to love many of them. You may have to visit around some to find the right church for you, but if you work at it, you will be better for it. My church friends are one of my greatest sources or encouragement and joy.
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