As I write this review of “God’s not Dead, In God We Trust”, my heart cry’s out because the turmoil that has embraced America and so many churches. At the same time I am extremely pleased to see the courage of the writer’s of this movie dive into the very heart of what is happening. The movie exposes the truth of where the two political parties that control our elections are totally opposite when you look strictly at them from a Biblical worldview. “God’s not Dead” demonstrates the struggles that Pastor’s have and the choices they have to make when it comes to politics and the church.

The writers have also masterfully embraced real life situations that churches/pastors face and the consequences if left, “to just take care of themselves”. I love how this movie shows that we must pray but we must also do our part. Young David in the Bible could have said to King Saul, let’s just pray about it. No, he knew God was on his side and said I will go and kill this uncircumcised Philistine, and he did.

“God’s not Dead, In God We Trust” is a message every Pastor needs to see! The second part of the name of the movie, “In God We Trust” may be the real question for each of us. Do we really trust God?

Pastors have been told you can not get involved with politics. If this were true half the Bible would need to be thrown out. (Look how the Apostle Paul was constantly dealing with rulers and government officials, Daniel was an advisor to Kings, Joseph led a nation, every prophet had a message or messages to the government leaders of the time.) You can be rest assured that every congregant you serve is impacted by politics and they talk about it constantly.

The movie opens the door to truth in America in a way that enlightens and encourages each one of us. “God’s not Dead, In God We Trust” is the latest version of the “God’s not Dead” series of movies to hit the big screen. It is in my judgement the single most critical movie of the series given the times we are living. “God’s not Dead” is written in a way to grab your attention from the opening scenes and keep you spellbound as the stories unfold. Pastor David Hill is confronted with challenge after challenge until he is questioning his own faith and God.

The movie opens where a congressional candidate running for office suddenly has died and the opponent Peter Kane gives a statement of grief publicly but steps behind the scenes and says, “religious superstition has no place in influencing our laws and government and so (lifting his glass) years to enlightenment, reason and reshaping our Nations core”.

Pastor David Hill is confronted by Congressman Darrel Smith about running against Senator Peter Kane as the replacement candidate. This is not what Pastor David wants to do, however often God asks us to do the hard impossible things and after much prayer and an unlikely counselor, Pastor David chooses to jump into the election and as a Pastor this opens him up to an onslaught of “separation of church and state”.  His political opponent is the seasoned veteran and knows all the tactics to discredit and wear down Pastor David as a Christian and a Pastor.

The message of “David versus Goliath” above, is truly the story here. It is much more than this, we see characters questioning the existence of God, the struggle of relationships of the past and a situation where the government shuts down (by stopping funding) the Church’s Women’s Center because of a prayer meeting. There are many personal stories within this movie that make it realistic and everyone can relate too. Many of the personal stories that are entwined are exactly what Pastors deal with every day.

This movie takes us on a bumpy ride inside and out of the political left and right. It shows behind the scenes scenarios of how they fight, using words like a prize fighter uses boxing gloves. The movie shows how Pastor David decided to follow God’s way and not the typical political strategy and ultimately to victory. Yes, there are many setbacks for Pastor David and Senator Kane puts up an intimidating fight but David had truth and history on his side.

The quality of script, the cinematic experience and the movie cast make this movie powerful and very engaging. It is beautifully made with great attention to detail. Every word has been carefully written to bring the message to life and make the movie goer feel a part of the movie itself. “God’s not Dead, In God We Trust”, is so compelling you will definitely get charged up!

Pastor, I want to personally invite you to watch this movie and see for yourself. Don’t take my word for any of this and you know, I have never steered you wrong!

“God’s not Dead, In God We Trust” should be seen by every true Christian who believes our freedom to worship is worth saving and we need to bring our country back to God!

Click Here to watch the Trailer: God’s not Dead, In God We Trust

We pray you will watch this and invite your church and all your friends! God gave you a special gift, watch the movie and near its ending you will see what it is and it is very powerful!

We are praying for you!


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