If you haven’t read our first two articles, I do recommend reading them before you push through with this one. For this entire series, we are using the cipher that Jesus gave us for the “end times” in Luke 21. “When you see these things happen, then stand up, and lift up your heads because your redemption draws near.” We are called to know our Bibles and we are called to know what is happening in the world. When these two things converge, then we know that the return of Jesus is near. Thus far we have shown that we are living in the days where:
- Gentiles no longer tread down Jerusalem. Luke 21
- Jerusalem has become a “burdensome stone” for the whole world. Zechariah 12:3
- Persecution of Christians is at unprecedented levels in modern times and they are being beheaded just as Revelations describes. Revelations 20:4
- There is a dramatic increase in pagan and occultic activity just like Jannes and Jambres. 2 Timothy 3:1-9.
- There are more false Christ’s, false religions, false gospels and false prophets than ever before. Matt 7:15, Matt 24:24, Ezekiel 13:9, Jeremiah 23:16, Luke 6:26, Matthew 16:11-12, 2 Timothy 4:3-4, Acts 20:28-30, 2 Peter 3:14-18, 2 Peter 1:12-21, Titus 1:6-16, 2 Peter 2 & Matthew 23:1-29
- There is a great falling away happening in the church. Specifically the church has become politically correct rather than Biblically correct. When it comes to sin, Christians are no different than the rest of the world. See the last article and Revelations 3.
- The Days of Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah are once again in full swing. Luke 17:28
The Days of Noah
The “Days of Noah” are clearly linked by Jesus to His ultimate return. In Matt 24:37-39 it says, “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark.” NKJV
To start with, this article is going to be controversial because we will be talking about an era of human history that we know very little about because the Bible does not actually say that much about it. Not only that, but we are going to be bringing up one of the most controversial chapters in the Bible, which is Genesis the 6th chapter. Before I begin, I want to say that whatever you believe about Genesis the 6th chapter, it probably doesn’t matter unless it was actually happening again. If Genesis 6 is happening again, then the proof is in the pudding. So for this study we are going to work backward. We are going to focus on what is happening in the world right now and you are going to find that there are some strange new creatures that are being created. Then we will reference the Bible to see if something similar can be found in its pages.
Trans-humanism is the technology of changing and blending human DNA to create a bigger, better, stronger and a longer living human being. What most people do not know is that modern technology has just ripped a hole in the fabric of humanity! Genetic engineering is currently used even within our food supply chain. They think that what they are now able to accomplish is something that has have never achieved before, which is to conquer death and our frail, human limitations. In no uncertain terms, the development of Trans-humanism changes everything. In order to accomplish this feat, they are changing DNA by blending human, animal and plant DNA together. They also have the technology to write completely new DNA and to create completely new life forms and in a speedy fashion. Let me be clear, if God does not intervene soon, none of His creations will be left. When I first heard of Trans-humanism, I didn’t believe it was even remotely possible, but unfortunately I was wrong. That we, as children of God, would knowingly proceed forward with irreparably changing humanity it is beyond my comprehension, but that is exactly what this new field of science is doing. They are able to write, rewrite, copy and paste DNA at high speeds with profound affects. To understand just how this is possible, we need to learn a little more about DNA. In it’s simplest form, DNA is just like the letters of the alphabet because it can be used as a language or a code to store sophisticated information. DNA is a storage system that literally forms the “book of life.” (Psalms 139:16) Unfortunately, like any storage system, the information can become corrupted and when this happens the image of God and His temple are corrupted.
There are many debates about the Bible and it’s meanings, but there is no doubt that God himself wrote the message of DNA. This message, though in a fallen state, still bears the resemblance of God Himself. The goal of Trans-humanism is no less than to change the image and the reality of what mankind is, because they view mankind as weak and fatally flawed. If you think mankind’s ultimate problem in the world today is death, then scientists think they are on the verge of solving that problem as well. In 2015, one of the front covers of Time magazine stated “2045 – The Year Man Becomes Immortal.” In the article, they believe the secret to life everlasting is simply replacing parts that they can grow themselves. Scientists in the field have already coined the term for this new version of man and they call them humans 2.0. The problem is humans 3.0 and 4.0 will be coming out very shortly. The idea of blending humans, animals and plants together, as well as writing their own code for brand new life forms, clearly threatens to destroy the world, as we know it. To go along with this new breed of men, they are already talking about a new level of racism that will come with it. This new form of racism will be between those who are modified versus those who are not.
In an effort to try and catch you up on what is really possible, just look at some of the following headlines.
- 12 bizarre examples of genetic engineering – Web-spinning goats – Glow-in-the-dark cats – Venomous cabbage, Fast-growing salmon, Banana vaccines, Less-flatulent cows, Genetically modified trees, Medicinal eggs – Strange new Creatures and Chimeras
- The $100 Genome: Implications for the DOD – 2010 – The first draft sequences of the human genome were published a decade ago at a cost of $300M, now you can accomplish this for less than $100. Recommendation: The DOD should immediately plunge into genetic engineering (create super soldiers). Waiting even two years to initiate this process may place them unrecoverable behind in the race for personal genomics information and applications. Translation? Enhanced human beings or super soldiers are the new arms race!
- The Hybrid Age – Tom Horn & Chuck Missler – Trans-humanism promises to redefine what it means to be human. Tran-humanism supports this vision, as does a flourishing list of U.S. military advisors, bioethicists, law professors, and academics, which intend the use of genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and synthetic biology (Grins technologies) as tools that will radically redesign our minds, our memories, our physiology, our offspring, and even perhaps as Joel Garreau, in his bestselling book Radical Evolution, claims—our very souls.
- COMES THE ÜBERMENSCHEN – Hitler’s vision of the superior race is coming true. The former chairman of the President’s Council on Bioethics, Dr. Leon Kass warned: Human nature itself lies on the operating table, ready for alteration, for eugenic and psychic “enhancement,” for wholesale redesign. In leading laboratories, academic and industrial, new creators are confidently amassing their powers and quietly honing their skills, while on the street their evangelists [Tran humanists] are zealously prophesying a post human future. For anyone who cares about preserving our humanity, the time has come for paying attention.
- SCIENTISTS RESURRECT EXTINCT FROG That Gives Birth Through Its Mouth – March 19th, 2013
- First human head transplant could happen in two years – 25 February 2015 by Helen Thomson.
- Citizen Cyborg: Why Democratic Societies Must Respond To The Redesigned Human Of The Future
- The end of extinction? – Mail Online Magazine – By SARAH GRIFFITHS – 9/3/2013
- DARPA’s Next Generation Of Super Zombie Soldiers – Published by Sam Hason on 8/31/ 2015
- In 30 Years People Won’t Have Sex to Make Babies, Stanford Professor Says
- National Geographic – The Next Human.
- Trans-humanist Seeks Eternal Life With Blood of Youth Rather Than Blood of Christ.
- Brave New World: Scientists Bring About ‘Baby Farming’ and The Recreation of The Nephilim.
- Human beings can now be edited … but we may not like the results.
- Babies by Design: The Ethics of Genetic Choice.
- Government to lift moratorium on cross-species, ‘chimera’ research
- Resurrection Technology Is Here
- British scientists granted permission to genetically modify human embryos
Well, you might be saying that it will take years for this to happen, but the truth is that if a controversial military or scientific report is made public, especially when it has measures of national security involved, then the report is probably 10-20 years behind what is actually happening. Once a genetically modified human is released, it only takes 3-4 generations for this change to affect all of humanity. This is why we are told in Leviticus 19:19 that we are not to mix species and this is why Trans-humanism changes everything. What do you mean? When they inserted quail DNA into a chicken, the chicken moved its head like a quail and made sounds like a quail. These are complex memory and behavior patterns. The chicken literally isn’t a chicken anymore! If we do this to humans, we won’t be human anymore either, at least the humans that God created. The ramification of taking the technologies of Trans-humanism any farther is that they could literally destroy the world, as we know it. Not only that, but we are playing God. Think about all of the new creatures they will be creating. Think about how many failures they will have killed before they get one that is adaptively significant. Experimenting on beings that are partly human and killing them as we see fit sounds more like the Devil than any god I have heard. But the genie cannot be put back in the bottle because $100 is all it takes to sequence someone’s DNA. Sure science is doing all of this in the name of curing disease, but really it is to change who and what we are as a species. Mankind sees themselves as imperfect and fragile and in need of a fix and science is now in a position to give it them. They see this as just the next phase of their evolution, but this may be the same forbidden fruit that was in the Garden of Eden.
If the Bible says that we are not to change the words of the Bible (Rev 22:18&19, Deut 4:2 & 12:32) because this is blasphemy, then how can we consider changing the words that God Himself wrote in the “book of life.” DNA is “the instruction book for life” and the literal “words that define His image,” but like any information system, DNA can contain the truth or it can contain lies. The Bible says that the truth will set us free and that lies will enslave us. The most troubling aspects of Trans-Humanism are that we are changing the image that God created. Furthermore, we are changing our DNA to where it is different than Adam and even more importantly, different than Jesus. If our bodies really are the “temple of the Holy Spirit,” then changing one jot or tittle of the temple plan defiles God’s temple. A perfect God cannot inhabit an imperfect temple. If mankind were created in the image of God, then changing our DNA would change that image. If Satan is the god of this world and everywhere he looks all he sees are little images of his arch enemy, then don’t you think it might be his #1 goal to change that? Clearly, Satan would want to change mankind to be in his own image instead. If demonic possession is real, then a demonic spirit can inhabit a human body. This parallels the Holy Spirit, which can also inhabit a human body making it God’s temple. Is it possible that changing the human body could also cause it to become the temple of Satan? These are scary implications and honestly, just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the ramifications of what this new technology of Trans-humanism is doing to our faith.
So the question becomes, does the Bible talk about Trans humanism or genetic manipulation? Well the Bible says, “what has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9) I believe that this is the case here because Trans-humanism is eerily similar to several passages talked about in the Bible. Remember, if species are left alone, then everything reproduces after its own kind. So we are looking for something that did not follow this pattern. The first clue to this mystery happens to be in the very first prophecy in the Bible, which is found in Genesis the 3rd chapter. I call this chapter “The War of the Seeds”, but you could also call this “The DNA Wars.” Why would I say that? Consider this statement because it was the first thing that God said to Satan and Adam after the fall of mankind. “And I will put enmity between you (Satan) and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; He will crush your head (referring to the Messiah), and you will strike his heel.” What is exciting about this chapter is that it is a prophecy of the coming of Jesus and how He would free us by destroying Satan. But there are some curious things in this passage as well like, what does the Bible mean by seed? As we know today, the most important of seed is the genetic component, which is DNA. If there is a war of the seeds then this could be a DNA war. When did this DNA war happen? Is it happening right now? How can Satan have seed or offspring and when did he have this seed the Bible refers to or is this just figurative? Is seed or DNA one of the actual chess pieces that will be used as this cosmic war comes to an end? Why is the seed or DNA so important? While we may not know all the answers to all of these questions, I do believe that we will be able to answer most of these questions during this study.
If we look for the seed of Satan, there is really only one candidate found in the entire Bible. There is really only one new creature that did not come after its kind. Moreover, this creature was similar to humans, but they were created outside of the 6 days of creation, which means God did not create them. This sole candidate is the Nephilim described in Genesis the 6th chapter and elsewhere. Does the idea of the Nephilim fulfill this verse? How can Satan have seed unless the Biblical account of Gen 6 is true?
Mingling Seed and Tampering with DNA.
In Daniels vision of the statue with the “head of gold,” which is found in chapter 2 verses 43, he mentions that the Final Kingdom before the return of the Messiah would also be the only kingdom that was divided. It was partly iron and partly clay “in that they mingled themselves with the seed of men and the two would not cleave together.” The only other time that the Bible really mentions the idea of mingled seed is in Genesis the 6th chapter, which also happens to be the days of Noah. I believe that what this verse is telling us is that in the last kingdom it will be divided because there will be two types of people in this kingdom. Some will have un-mingled seed and some will have mingled seed and been genetically modified. This last kingdom that will rule the earth before Christ’s return perfectly parallels the last kingdom of Revelations that is described as a “Beast.” Just like the Divided Kingdom, the Beast Kingdom will have two types of people. There are those who have received the mark of the Beast and those who refuse this mark. Maybe this is not a coincidence. Maybe the people who take the mark of the Beast are the very one’s who have tampered with their DNA. Can it also be a coincidence that this technology exists today? How about the fact that Trans-humanism is literally blending mankind with the beasts of the earth? Is this also a coincidence? Maybe this mark is not just a mark, but also a genetic marker that has components of a “beast.”
The Last Divided Kingdom of Daniel and the Beast of Revelations Connection
Last Kingdom | Revelations | Daniel 2 |
Saved | Unmarked | Non-mingled seed |
Unsaved | Marked | Mingled Seed |
Class Warfare & Racism Like Never Before!
One of the major ramifications of Trans-humanism is that it would create a new form of racism. This will happen because there is a huge divide between those who are enhanced and those who are not enhanced. This divide will not just be ethnic and racial, but also in abilities and longevity. Humans 1.0 will simply not be able to compete with humans 2.0. To deal with this issue, the US Government has already paid Case Law School millions of dollars to modify our constitution to include rights for these new modified human beings.
Genesis 6 – Fallen Angels – Why Did God Really Destroy The Earth With A Flood?
If we are living in an age where humanity is being re-written through DNA tampering, then this meets the Bible’s description of the idea of mingled seed described in Daniels divided kingdom. The question is, does the Bible talk about mingling of seed anywhere else. Has there ever been some type of DNA tampering that has happened before? If so, that would clearly explain why & how Satan could have seed or offspring. Searching for these two ideas leads us to what the Bible calls, The Days of Noah.” There is only one thing that happened in the Days of Noah that seems to be completely unique, and that is the strange story found in Genesis the 6th chapter.
- Genesis 6:2 – “The sons of God (benei/1121 & Elohim/430) saw the daughters of Adam, that they were good in the broadest sense (for what?). And they took women (802/not wives) from all those that they chose… 4- The Nephilim (a new creature – 5303) were in the earth in those days, and even afterwards when the benei Elohim (Sons of God) came in to the daughters of Adam, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men (1368 – Powerful Ones) of old (5769 – existed from ancient times), the men of name/renown/legend (OT:8034 – a definite and conspicuous position).
There are many issues that we need to address here, so let’s look at some of the key words and see who we are talking about and what they did? The Strongs’s word definitions are as follows:
- OT: 1121 ben (bane); from OT:1129; a son (as a builder of the family name), in the widest sense (of literal and figurative relationship, including grandson, subject, nation, quality or condition, etc., [like OT:1, OT:251, etc.]):
- OT:430 ‘elohiym (el-o-heem’); plural of OT:433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used of the supreme God (in the plural thus, especially with the article); occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative:
- OT:802 ‘ishshah (ish-shaw’); feminine of OT:376 or OT:582; irregular plural, nashiym (naw-sheem’); a woman (used in the same wide sense as OT:582):
Before we break down exactly whom the perpetrator of this event was and what resulted from it, I want to address one of the first questions that most everyone has. Typically this is some version of what I might hear. “You mean to tell me that you believe that fallen angels married human women that resulted in children that were giants.” “How can angels have sex with human women?” The first thing I like to point out to people is that the text doesn’t actually say that this is what happened. What the text says is that the “Sons of God” took women in the general sense. They did not marry them as suggested in several translations. The text does not say that they had sex with them either. They certainly did not have a wedding and a honeymoon either. It just says that they took them. Obviously, the idea of being abducted is actually a more accurate description of what happened. However, this introduces an entirely new connotation that I am not ready to make yet. What I am saying is that women were taken and when they were returned they were pregnant. If you look at the technology that is available today, it is easy to do the same thing. All you have to do is take a DNA swab from someone and you can have a baby with him or her. We are also implanting foreign fetuses into wombs around the world and delivering babies that have no common DNA with their mother. I hope this reality pops a bubble inside your brain revealing to us that what God can do through the power of His word, Satan may seek to accomplish through technology. Without the knowledge that this could be accomplished through technology, we too may have translated this passage just the way that it was. The obvious truth here is that how can Satan or his fallen angels are less advanced with regard to technology than we are? If the unseen world really is on a higher level than we are, than how could they not be capable of this? Once we rid ourselves of our connotations of what this passage does not say, then I believe we can move forward and take an honest look at what is being communicated here. So just who are the perpetrators here?
Who Are The “Sons of God”? The 3 Views
- Some in Orthodox Judaism say they were the religious nobles.
- Some say this is when the Godly sons of Seth married the evil daughters of Cain.
- Fallen Angels?
Religious Nobles?
There is nothing that hints in scripture that would lead us to believe these are nobles or magistrates. How does religious nobles marrying the bad daughters of men get YHVH mad enough to destroy the world? How do giants come from such a marriage?
Sons of Seth Theory
The problem is that YHVH said that only Noah and his sons were righteous and they were the only ones on the ark. Seth didn’t make it, so how did the Nephilim occur after the flood? How can Seth’s sons be godly and marry the bad daughters of Cain at the same time? If the issue was mixed marriages, then the problem should have been confined between Seth’s sons and their wives. How do superhuman giants come from such a marriage? Historically, Seth’s sons aren’t good. Josephus says about Seth’s sons, “but in the process of time they were perverted, and forsook the practices of their forefathers; and did neither pay those honor to God which were appointed them, nor had they any concern to do justice towards men.”
The “Sons of God” (Benei Elohim) Is Used Five Other Times In The Old Testament
- Job 1:6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them. (The heavenly hosts we gathered)
- Job2: 1 Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord,
- Job 38:6 whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? Or who laid the cornerstone thereof; 7 when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
- “Yet the Israelites will be like the sand on the seashore, which cannot be measured or counted. In the place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people,’ they will be called ‘sons/children of the living God.‘ (Hosea 1:10) Refers to the future of God’s people.
In the Old Testament all of these instances where the term “Sons of God” has been used, it always refers to angels except for one of them. The one reference that doesn’t exactly match the idea of referring to an angel actually refers to what the future of those humans who trust in God shall be, which is a “Child of God.” I will explore this connection between the similarities of humans and angels in just a minute, but for now let’s move on.
“Sons of God” In The New Testament
- Believers are called “sons of God” in a spiritual sense because they are “born again” of YHVH.
- Adam is also called a “Son of God” because his origination was from God, but his descendants were called sons of Adam.
In the entire Bible, only angels, the messiah, Adam and in the future “born again” or resurrected believers are called the “Sons of God”. This is also how these verses have been interpreted historically. Historian Philo of Alexandria, who was a deeply religious man in the first century, wrote a brief treatise about this subject, called “Concerning the Giants.” Based on the Greek version of the Bible, he renders it as “Angels of God.” Josephus also records, “For the tradition is that these men did what resembled the acts of those men the Grecians called giants – aka Titans.” Josephus also added that Noah remonstrated with these offspring of the angels for their villainy.
What Is The Biggest Issue Here?
The issue is what was created by fallen angels was so drastically different than the rest of mankind! These differences clearly produced something that was not after it’s own kind and so the question of genetic modification clearly comes into play. Not only does the size, strength and, longevity come into question, but how can someone have six fingers and toes and not be genetically modified?
- Genesis 6:4- The Nephilim (5303) were in the earth in those days, and even afterwards when the benei Elohim came in to the daughters of Adam, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men (1368 – they were Powerful Ones) of old (5769 – which existed from ancient times), the men of name/renown (OT:8034 – definite and conspicuous position).
Looking at the key words in this passage here is what comes out:
- OT:5303 – nephiyl (nef-eel’); or nephil (nef-eel’); from OT:5307; properly, “fallen ones”, a feller, i.e. a bully or tyrant: Greek Septuagint = Giants, Titans
- OT:5307 naphal (naw-fal’); a primitive root; to fall away, in a great variety of applications (intransitive or causative, literal or figurative): desert, be cast down.
- OT:1368 gibbowr (ghib-bore’); intensive from the same as OT:1397; powerful; by implication, warrior, tyrant: KJV – champion, chief, excel, giant, man, mighty (man, one), strong (man), valiant man.
- OT:5769 `owlam (o-lawm’) from OT:5956; properly, concealed, i.e. the vanishing point; generally, time out of mind (past or future), i.e. (practically) eternity; repeated or recurrent action or state, adverbial (especially with prepositional prefix) always: KJV – always, ancient (time), any more, continuance, eternal, (for, [n-]) ever (-lasting, -more, of old), lasting, long (time), (of) old (time), perpetual, at any time, (beginning of the) world (+without end). Compare OT:5331, OT:5703.
Historically, the Septuagint, which is older than the Masoretic text, translates the word “mighty men” or “gibbowr” as giants. The Septuagint provides a clear historical context for how giants and the Nephilim have been interpreted in antiquity. More importantly, the Greek word that they use to translate this is the word “Titans.” The Greek mythology surrounding the Titans also parallels the Genesis 6 account. The “Titans” were the half-breed offspring of the gods. They were created when the gods came down and had sexual relations with human women. This scenario is what created the offspring that are still legendary for their abilities to this day. These Titans rebelled against the gods and were put into Tartarus, which is an underground prison that is actually mentioned by the apostle Peter. Looking to find the Nephilim throughout the rest of the Bible is a bit of a goose chase. Some of this is because, while the stories remain the same for future generations, the names change quite frequently because of the confounding of language that occured at the “Tower of Babel.” These are a list of some other possible names that seem to trace back to the lineage of the Nephilim.
Nephilim Are Also Called:
- Rephaim – is used to comprehend all the gigantic races of the Canaanite
- Anakim – race of Giants – Num 13:33 – descendants of the Nephilim
- Emim – the proud deserters, terrors, race of giants Gen 14:5
- Zuzim – the evil ones. Gen 14:5
- Zamzummims – evil plotters, Deut 2:20
- Zophim – watchers, descended angels Num 23
Just like it says in Genesis 6, there would be Nephilim in those days and also after the flood. The most famous giant after the flood is Goliath who was killed by King David. The other major place where giants dominate the story line is when the children of Israel refused to enter into the Promised Land. Clearly, the Bible gives many examples of how the people that lived there were called giants. How big were they? They were big enough that even after all the miracles that God performed getting them out of Egypt and through the desert, Israel was still too scared to enter the Promised Land because of these giants. Maybe this wasn’t just because they were just a bunch of weak-minded people. Maybe it was because giants were real and they were “powerful ones.” To conquer a giant you need to be a spiritual giant. If you consider that Genesis 3 speaks of a literal war between two genetically different kinds of people, then this would explain why the children of Israel were commanded to wipe out every man, woman and child when they encountered one of these groups. This genocide is also why many atheists have abandoned the God of the Bible as un-loving and evil God. This also explains why Israel was not allowed to mix or marry the other people groups in Canaan for the same reason. Scoffing at the giants or simply misunderstanding the true reasons for these commands may still be the basis for how racism has crept into church even to this day.
Genesis 6 Explains The Flood
Whatever happened in Genesis the 6th chapter, it was probably the biggest reason that YHVH destroyed the world with a flood. It is also difficult to believe that “eating and drinking” was the real reason why God destroyed the earth with a flood. Certainly a genetic perversion of the messianic line could have thwarted the plan of salvation for all of humanity. So, a flood makes perfect sense because you cannot rewrite DNA once the seed has been mingled. Just like any amount of leaven added to a loaf of bread, it leavens the whole lump. Partially corrupt DNA corrupts the whole organism. So why did God choose Noah? The Bible says, “He was perfect in his generations.” Generations could literally be translated as genes. Noah had a perfect genetic connection to the first Adam. Why did God destroy the earth? “All flesh had become corrupt.”
- Genesis 6:9-12 – This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations (genes). Noah walked with God. 10 And Noah begot three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. 11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. 12 So God looked upon the earth, and indeed it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth. NKJV
In order for someone to be perfect in his generations, they would have to have some form of pure genetic connection to what God intended mankind to be. Noah’s DNA can also be traced directly back to Adam, who was perfect prior to the fall of mankind. The idea that the flesh could literally become corrupt is difficult to imagine unless the DNA had also become corrupt or tampered with. The fact that this applied to all flesh may mean that the same thing was being done to the animals. I do find it interesting that God specifically called certain animals to the ark. Tampering with animal DNA creating many forms of hybrid or mixed of species is also recorded in the Apocryphal book of Jasher, chapter 4. The Bible even speaks of some of these hybrid animals such as a satyr as if they were real.
Before we move on, there is an obvious parallel between the modern notion of Atlantis and the Days of Noah. The ancient city of Atlantis, which was supposedly advanced beyond what man has accomplished today, was also destroyed in a flood. This also parallels the story of the Titans and how they were punished and imprisoned around this time. Is there really a group of people that are looking to go back to the “Days of Noah and Atlantis? The esoteric and occult bodies that helped found America commonly referred to America as the “New Atlantis.” The complete lack of our ability to construct these ancient megalithic structures even to this day, with the Great Pyramid being the best example, can only lead someone to one conclusion. There must have been an ancient society that was more technologically advanced than we are. No, you heard me right! Not only can we not build the pyramid today, but also the idea that someone built the pyramid with copper tools is ludicrous. This also destroys the gist of evolution theories as well, because just after the cave man emerges from the caves, he builds a brand new Mercedes, only to go back to the Stone Age.
Nephilim After The Flood
- Num 13:33 – And there we saw the giants (Nephilim), the sons of Anak, which come from the giants (Nephilim); and we were in or own sight as grass hoppers, and so we were in their sight.
- Goliath – Goliath had 4 other brothers: 2 Sam 21:16-22 and 1 Chron 20:4-8.
- Goliath’s brother had a spearhead that weighed 7 pounds and one had 6 fingers and 6 toes.
- Deut 3:11 – The Giant King – “For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of the giants. Indeed his bedstead was an iron bedstead. (Is it not in Rabbah of the people of Ammon?) Nine cubits is its length and four cubits its width, according to the standard cubit. NKJV This means Og’s bed was 15-17 feet long.
In the Bible two uses of this term are discernible. The first is as a tribe or nation (e.g., Gen. 14:5; 15:20; Deut. 2:11) or referring to a people distinguished by their enormous stature. Especially singled out are Og king of Bashan (Deut. 3:11) and the powerful adversaries of David’s heroes (II Sam. 21:16, 18, 20). The biblical authors trace their designation to an apparently human eponym/name giver Rapha (h) (e.g., II Sam. 21:16, 18, 20;I Chron. 20:8). The Bible’s emphasis on the size and might of the Rephaim is responsible for the Septuagint’s renderings gig antes and titans (titans). The fact that they were called Rephaim also seems to indicate that they had an ability to heal that was extra-ordinary.
rapha’ – OT:7497 (raw-faw’); or raphah (raw-faw’); from OT:7495 in the sense of invigorating; a giant: KJV – giant, Rapha, Rephaim (-s). See also OT:1051.
rapha’ – OT:7495 rapha’ (raw-faw’); or raphah (raw-faw’); a primitive root; properly, to mend (by stitching), i.e. (figuratively) to cure: KJV – cure, (cause to) heal, physician, repair, thoroughly, make whole. See OT:7503.
Ancient Jewish Writings
“The wicked emperor Hadrian, who conquered Jerusalem, boasted, ‘I have conquered Jerusalem with great power.’ Rabbi Johanan ben Zakkai said to him, ‘Do not boast. Had it not been the will of heaven, you would not have conquered it.’ Rabbi Johanan then took Hadrian into a cave and showed him the bodies of the Amorites, whose bodies were buried there. One of them measured eighteen cubits (approx. 30 feet) in height. He said, ‘When we were deserving, such men were defeated by us, but now, because of our sins, you have defeated us.’” Quoted Judaism p155-156, N.Y. 1962.
Occult Tradition
The occult tradition holds that both now and then that a Nephalim spirit can incarnate in human form.
Angels In General
- Appear in human form: Sodom & Gomorrah, resurrection & ascension, spoke, took men by the hand and ate meals with them.
- Capable of Direct physical contact: i.e. – Passover in Egypt, killed 185,000 Syrians
- According to Jesus, Angels don’t marry in heaven. However, Gen 6 does not say that they did marry the women or that Fallen Angles obey this Godly mandate not to have relations with human women.
- Fallen Angels can be worshipped: Acts 7:41-42 And they made a calf in those days, offered sacrifices to the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their own hands. 42 Then God turned and gave them up to worship the host of heaven (i.e.- fallen ones), NKJV
Fallen Angels
- Jude 1:5-7 – But I want to remind you, though you once knew this, that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe. 6 And the angels who did not keep their proper domain/first estate, but left their own abode/habitation/Oiketerion, (i.e.- fallen angels) He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness (the Abyss a prison of darkness) for the judgment of the great day; 7 as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. NKJV
This passage gives us several direct connections that we need to make. The first is that there is a direct comparison of what the disobedient angels did and what Sodom did in that they both ‘”went after strange flesh.” This seems to be a clear reference to something that happened after the disobedient angels were kicked out of heaven because there is no strange flesh in heaven. This verse is also a reason that many believe that what was happening in Sodom may have been similar to Genesis 6. Still, Sodom does have a clear reputation for sexual immorality and this is certainly similar to the Genesis 6 account as well. Furthermore, as we will see in a minute, there was an additional punishment that was given to these disobedient angels because of the magnitude of their sin. These fallen angels were put in a prison of darkness that the Bible later refers to as the Abyss and Peter refers to in the Greek as Tartarus, which we will look at shortly. (2 Peter 2:4)
The other connection that I want us to make is that what these disobedient angels in heaven left is exactly the same thing that we as Christians hope to one day be blessed with. Why do we say that? The issue is the word translated “habitation or clothing” because it is the same word found in 2 Corinthians 5:1-8.
- For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 2 For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation (Oiketerion), which is from heaven, 3 if indeed, having been clothed, we shall not be found naked. 4 For we who are in this tent groan, being burdened, not because we want to be unclothed, but further clothed, that mortality might be swallowed up by life. 5 Now He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given us the Spirit as a guarantee. So we are always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord. For we walk by faith, not by sight. We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.
- Oiketerion – NT:3613 (oy-kay-tay’-ree-on); neuter of a presumed derivative of NT:3611 (equivalent to NT:3612); a residence (literally or figuratively):
The take away here is that the same heavenly body / Oiketerion that some of the fallen angels gave up is the same heavenly body we will receive from God when we are resurrected. This explains the idea of a ghost or demonic spirit. It is likely that there are disembodied fallen angels, who are also called demons, running around looking for those whom they can communicate with and or later inhabit or possess? Once you understand that these disobedient angels lost their heavenly bodies, and then you can understand how there may be a great many evil spirits (AKA- fallen disembodied angels) seeking to find something or someone to inhabit or devour. Maybe it is very uncomfortable to be disembodied. More importantly, without a body there may be no way for them to express themselves or interact with the world that they find themselves trapped in.
Just as a side note, the term inaugurate, which is the name of the ceremony performed in order to make them our president, is in keeping with the occultic tradition of a human being becoming inhabited by a spirit or god in order to rule over a kingdom. For example, Egyptians did not believe that their Pharaohs were God, they believed that they were simply the vessel that was inhabited by their god. Interestingly enough inaugurate literally means to bore into or install or possess, which links this ancient idea to what we do here in America. What is even more interesting it that the same alchemical arrangement where this ancient ceremony was held in Egypt is exactly the same alchemical arrangement found in Washington, D.C? For more information on this idea see our study on “Mystery Babylon” or read Tom Horns’ book “Zenith 2016.”
Tartarus & The Abyss
- 2 Peter 2: 4 For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell (Tartarus), putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment; 5 If he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others;
So as I promised, here is a passage that ties many of our subject matters together. Again, we have a situation where the angels have sinned and because of the uniqueness of what they did, they were punished severely and completely imprisoned. The timing of this event happened in the “Days of Noah.” Peter uses the Greek term Tartarus, which is a term used for a dark place of woe, a pit or an underground prison of darkness in the unseen world. Tartarus is clearly linked to the mythology surrounding the Titans as we have already covered. The Titans were part heavenly and part earthly because they were the offspring of the god’s breeding with mortal women. Does any of this sound familiar? The word Titan also equals 666. In Greek, Titans means ‘gray, whitish, or chalky gray. In fact, the story of giants appearing on earth as a result of “gods” (fallen angels) intermingling with humans and animals is retold in the history of every major civilization of the ancient world. At one time in American theaters, I counted 4 movies that had the son of some other god saving mankind. Don’t you think that this is exactly what Satan would want? Could these “myths” from cultures such as Egypt and Greece been a crude reference to their knowledge of an earlier time when so-called gods, demigods & “heroes” actually walked the earth, giving birth to giants and men of legend and renown?
Quotes from Josephus Concerning Giants
- “This notion, that the fallen angels were, in some sense, the fathers of the old giants, was the constant opinion of antiquity. The Sons of God accompanied with women, and begat sons that proved unjust, and despisers of all that was good, on account of the confidence they had in their own strength; for the tradition is, that these men did what resembled the acts of those whom the Grecians call giants (titans).”
- “These kings had laid waste all Syria, and overthrown the offspring of the giants. And when they were come over against Sodom . . .” “They told them also, that they found at Hebron the posterity of the giants. Accordingly these spies, who had seen the land of Canaan, when they perceived that all these difficulties were greater there than they had met with since they came out of Egypt, they were affrighted at them themselves, and endeavored to affright the multitude also.”
- “For which reason they removed their camp to Hebron; and when they had taken it, they slew all the inhabitants. There were till then left the race of giants, who had bodies so large, and countenances so entirely different from other men, that they were surprising to the sight, and terrible to the hearing. The bones of these men are still shown to this very day, unlike to any credible relations of other men. Now they gave this city to the Levites as an extraordinary reward. . “
Giants In America
The truth is that there is a lot of proof for giants right here in America. There are many accounts of them even in Native American culture. One of the most famous ones is by the Native American Pawnee tribe in the autobiography of the famous Buffalo Bill.
- The North American Native Americans believed that the first race of human beings were giants. In the autobiography of William “Buffalo Bill” Cody, Cody writes that while camping on the South Platte, a member of the Pawnee came into the camp with what the army surgeon pronounced to be a giant thigh bone of a human being. When Cody asked about where such a bone might have come from, the Pawnee replied …that long ago a race of giants had lived in the area. This race of men had been three times larger than normal men and able to out-run a buffalo and even carry it in one hand.
Another definitive resource about giants in America is the book by Fritz Zimmerman called “The Encyclopedia of Ancient Giants In North America.” I also like the book, “Ancient Giants In America” by Richard Dewhurst.
The Big Cover Up
There is no doubt that when we think about Giants being on the earth, we have to ask ourselves where are they? How could someone cover this up if they really were out there? The books I have mentioned will help you to understand this, but there is also a documentary movie called, “A Race Of Giants” that covers this exact question. Yes, legends speak of Giants that once walked the earth. In America alone there have been over 1,500 newspaper articles that specifically address the existence of 3,781 skeletons of a race of giants who were somewhere between 7-12 feet tall. Tape measures just haven’t changed that much in the past few hundred years, so where did the evidence go? Did the Smithsonian Institution cover it up? Obviously, they aren’t going to tell us.
We Can’t Excavate These Sites
Why can’t we find some new ones? It turns out that between the government, the universities and the Smithsonian, they control all of the information and access to the dig sites where these skeletons were found. Only their archaeologists are allowed to go to the different sites, much less excavate to see what is there. L.A. Marzulli documents this in his book, “On The Trail of the Nephalim 1 & 2.” There are pictures that show giants with six fingers, just like the Bible records that Goliath’s brothers had. L.A. has also documented that the elongated skulls of South America are not human because the do not have human DNA. See some of the later parts of the “Watcher” series movies after video 9.
Noah Preached, But No One Repented
As we move on from talking about giants and the “Days of Noah,” one more thing occurred to me. Have you ever asked yourself how Noah preached for 120 years to humanity before the flood and yet no one ever repented or got onboard? This is an interesting idea because Jesus says that His sheep know His voice and follow Him. How could Noah preach for 120 years and yet no one heard the call of God to repent? This would make him the world’s most un-successful preacher. Maybe the reason that no one got saved from the flood except those who were born to Noah was because there was something that was only present in the genes of Noah’s family that made them part of God’s family and God’s sheep. Maybe the reason for why those who take the “Mark of the Beast” cannot be saved is for the same reason. These are legitimate questions, but here is where I want to go from here.
How Can Fallen Angles Have Offspring?
Once you get past your own preconceived ideas about Genesis 6, the obvious truth here is that with the technology of today, I could have a baby with you and never touch you with anything but a swab. All I need is a little bit of your DNA and we can blend you with anything. If we have this technology today, how can we assume that we are more advanced than Satan? Most people aren’t willing to say that they are smarter than Satan, but that is what you are doing if you don’t think that Satan is not more technologically advanced than we are. Of course, God doesn’t need technology, but Satan does in order to pull off many key parts of what will happen in the “last days.” Many of these “Beast” technologies we are going to uncover in one of our future articles. I believe that after we cover these emerging technologies and how they will help Satan accomplish his goals, one must consider the real possibility that Satan is actually the one behind their development. Satanically inspired technology will be necessary in order to pull off not just the world’s greatest deception, but also to control all the people of the world.
Question: How Were There Nephilim After The Flood?
There are several possibilities.
- The same way they happened the first time in Genesis 6.
- Maybe, the wives of Noah’s sons were not pure.
- Nimrod was born one thing and he began to be something else – a giborum, a giant, Nephilim? Genesis 10:8
Recombinant DNA & Viruses?
While changing the human race through breeding is an obvious choice for Satan, the real question is how can someone be born one thing and still become another? The story of Nimrod in the Bible gives an example that somehow this actually appears to happen. This along with repeating what happened in Genesis 6 is probably the most likely explanation as to how there were Nephilim after the flood. Today we would most likely say that this kind of change could take place through what is called recombinant DNA. Recombinant DNA is formed in the laboratory by bringing together genetic material from multiple sources to create something new. This is possible because DNA molecules all share the same chemical structure in all of God’s creatures. They only differ in their sequence. CRISPR is another tool that edits DNA and is already being used to wipe out undesirable traits in humans, but can easily be used to produce designer humans. A virus may be what scientists actually use to deliver this payload of foreign DNA to every cell in someone’s body. Without going into detail, I have heard it said that evolution can be debunked based on the existence of viruses alone because there is no evolutionary method that can explain their development. I am not the first one to ask ponder exactly why viruses were created and for what purpose.
The Race of Giants Explain
- The real reason the Flood was necessary.
- The Existence of the Nephilim.
- Many of the Extreme Judgments of God.
- Why the children of Israel were so scared to go into the Promised Land.
- Why Israel in some instances was ordered to kill every last man woman and child of certain races.
- The Nephilim was also why they were not supposed to marry from people from any of the other tribes in the Promised Land.
- How and why racism can be wrongly interpreted in the Bible.
The Trail Doesn’t End There
While I believe that I have made a strong case that Trans-humanism has happened back in the “Days of Noah”, I do not believe that the trail of evidence ends there. What if I scrap the analogies of the mingling of seed described in Genesis 3 & 6, and the “Divided Kingdom” of Daniel 2 or the presence of giants throughout much of the Bible? What if we just look at what the religion of Trans-humanism is saying and see how it’s message compares to what the Bible says? The following are some of the direct contradictions of Trans-humanism with the message of the Bible.

Dr. Kevan Kruse has been practicing Chiropractic in the Bay area since 1992. Educated at the University of Tampa and Life University, Kevan received a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and a Doctorate of Chiropractic. Kevan was born in Florida, but he was raised with down to earth Midwestern values. These values translate into an office that is dedicated to serving patients in a surprisingly relaxed atmosphere. Each patient is evaluated on an individual basis and treated appropriately.
Dr. Kruse is also open to multi-disciplinary approaches to health care, with his focus being primarily chiropractic and nutritional ways to help solve health problems. His fascination and extensive participation in sports makes his treatment of automobile accidents, work related injuries and sports injuries especially on-target. Dr. Kruse is married to Alexandra and they have two sons named Wiatte and Whestan. Dr. Kruse supports many local charities and attends Bell Shoals Baptist church, where he occasionally teaches classes on various topics.
Why is the church important? The church is where the friends of Jesus meet and grow. It is a hospital for those who admit they are sick and who want to get better. The church is not a building or an organization, it is just people. The church is also part of your spiritual family. Does anyone you know have a perfect family? Good, because that won’t happen in church either. You won’t like all the people there, but you will grow to love many of them. You may have to visit around some to find the right church for you, but if you work at it, you will be better for it. My church friends are one of my greatest sources or encouragement and joy.
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