We have been invited to Wake Forest to help get an All Pro Pastors Chapter Started. Boe and Connie Ellis have been a big part of this ministry from Day One and have been in Seminary for the past year in Wake Forest NC. In January we hope to go for a Pastors Luncheon there and help kick off our first US chapter outside of Florida. If you know any Pastors in that area please have them contact us for more infomation.

Praise you Lord for everything that you do. Praise you for giving us  great friends and Christian family. Praise you for your Word to teach us more about you. Praise you for giving us yourself  “Jesus” as the ultimate sacrifice of love for our sin. Praise you for coming as a baby and growing up in a fleshly body so that we may have an example for life. Praise you for loving us so much. We love you back “Jesus”!!

Praise your Holy name!!!!!

November 11th is a very special day for All Pro Pastors. We will be joining the 3rd Annual Shepherds Guide and Moody Radio Church Business Trade show this year as the honored ministry host. This event brings Christian businesses together and Churches together for an unprecedented gathering of the Kingdom. For years there has been a struggle for many Churches to know how to embrace Christian businesses within their own congregation and community. Many times a Pastor is not even aware of who is in business within his own church. On the eleventh Polk County Christian business owners will have an opportunity to showcase their business for their local church leaders to see. We invite everyone who is interested to come and join us in this effort.(For more information go to the events section and click on the link)

A very special Pastors and Wives luncheon is going to take place right in the middle of this event and we are thankful that Lakeland, Florida Mayor  Gow Fields will be our special guest. Every Pastor who is a veteran will recieve special recognition and a gift. This event will be at the Highland Park Nazarene Church from 9AM-2PM. Pastors and Staff are encouraged to attend!!!

Blessings to All!

Thank you Bart Azzarelli for treating the Pastors in Temple Terrace to a great Luncheon  and Golf Touranament. Your commitment to pastors is remarkable. Thank You!!!

Praise God!!! Thursday Sept 30th was a terrific luncheon at Grace Church in Lakeland Florida. Pastor Ken Lash and his staff treated the Pastors to a meal worthy of royalty! Perhaps he realizes that they are worthy and sometimes need a little pampering.

Thank you Ken and Tony Poncetti as well for making it very special for your local Pastors and wives.

The Temple Terrace Luncheon will be Monday October 18 instead of the 20th.

Please note that the Temple Terrace Pastor Appreciation Lunch has been changed from Oct.19th to the 20th. This will be on a Wednesday.

Thank you David and Karen Spiecher for helping to make the Pastors luncheon a wonderful blessing. Two pastors joined Champion Groups that  day and others soon to follow. The lasagna was fabulous!!!! Many blessings upon you!

Jesus was completely humble and yet had all the power on earth and in heaven as given to him by His Father God in Heaven. The world today does not understand what great power there is when we are completely humbled to the Lord God and yielded to the Holy Spirit. The Word teaches that the very smallest amount of FAITH can move mountains, heal the sick, raise the dead and make the blind to see. When we fully believe that God is, and that He is who He says He is and we embrace his Word as truth, we are able to walk in great faith which produces humility with complete confidence. “When you know that you know”, you begin to walk in victory even through  life’s struggles. We walk in the assurance that when we seek the Father He hears us and our prayers are powerful.

Jesus is our perfect example. He knew He had ALL power and restrained himself (Humbled himself). His humility was not weakness but strength under control.

Today many of us need to exercise humility and restaint instead of flexing our muscles. This does not mean to be passive, quite the contrary. We should demonstrate the power in the Name of Jesus openly starting at home with humility and compassion. 

Try humility and see how powerful it is. Trust Jesus and many blessings will follow.

The “Day of Play” was a phenomenal success! The guys and gals called Pastors and wives had a day of fun filled with great food and plenty of laughs.

Thank you Randy Knapp of Schalamar Creek Golf Club of Lakeland Florida for making this possible. Another thanks goes to Travis Avery as Chairman of the event co-Chairman Lynn Briedenback and special assistance of Terry Tucker, Sam Goss, Curt Patterson and a host of others. Praise God for helping make this a very special day.

The wives kicked off the “Hey Girl” minstry for Pastor’s wives. There were about 5o ladies who started this new movement for these often forgotten women. They had special guests to pamper and entertain them as they got acquainted. Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves.

We had 75 men and one lady playing in the golf tournament, which was all about fun!!! Three pastors had an oppotunity for a hole in one to win $25,000, a new car, and One Million Dollars. (Unfortunately they did not make it). 

The meal from Grandpa Johnsons Barbeque was provided by Scalamar Creek and it was delicious. Travel by Horizon gave away several Vacations. There were gifts and prizes for all who attended, even 2 bicycles were given away.

A very special painting was done on stage by Christian Artist Keith Goodson. It left everyone in awe!!!

We were also blessed to have as our Platinum Sponsor Dallas 1 Corporation/Faith Tampa Bay Ministries. Our good friend Bart Azzarelli worked with us to make every Pastor welcome.

We again thank Randy Knapp for his heart to give and bless this ministry and the Pastors we serve. We believe that this will be the first of many events with Randy Knapp and Schalamar Creek

Thank you to Pastor Wayne Blackburn and Victory Church for hosting last weeks Pastors luncheon. We had over 60 in attendance and many Pastors requested to start or join a Champions Group.

The food Provided by Opus catering/ Brother Eddie was superb!!!!

 Thank you for your continued prayers.

Thank you Pastor Hal and Denise Sexton for preparing a great luncheon for Thursdays Pastor’s luncheon. You certainly demonstrated a servant’s heart with your actions. Everyone was blessed!!

We were also blessed by the testimonies from Pastors Robert Venable, Bill Gibson and Fred Harrold. Bill’s wife Sherry added words of confirmation about how Bill’s “Champion Group” has impacted him/them.

Thank You very much!!!