It has been said that pastoring is not a job, it’s a calling – and I could not agree more. One man once said, “If you think that you are called to pastor, but you also think you may desire to do something else, go do the something else.” Why the directness? Because if you are not truly called by God to pastor, as the pressures mount, you will gladly take any exit ramp possible to alleviate and eradicate the pain.

So for those who are truly called by God to this noble, yet servant leadership (John 13) role of pastoring, how do we press on, day in and day out, in the midst of the struggle? The following are 7 keys from God’s Word that I pray will encourage you, embolden you, and stiffen your spine as you valiantly soldier on in obedience to the LORD:

  1. Remind yourself daily Who called you: The old phrase rings true: “If God brought you to it, He will see you through it.” God doesn’t make mistakes and He has a plan for His glory and your good, yes even in the midst of the challenges and pain that you are facing today. The apostle Paul proves how powerful the call of God is when he wrote in 1 Corinthians 9:16, “For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for necessity is laid upon me; yes, woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!” Regardless of what others say about you, remember Who called you.
  2. Remind yourself daily to have calloused knees: The preacher’s power is not from standing in the pulpit, but by helplessly falling on his knees in his prayer closet. Contrary to the world’s thinking, our power is not from ourselves, but when we are on our knees it is of God. If we are not seeking the face of God in all things, we have failed before we have even started. “ 6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:6-7
  3. Remind yourself daily to wash yourself in The Word: If we are not anchored to the Voice of Truth, we will anchor ourselves to the other voices that are jockeying for our allegiance. Therefore, it is crucial that we daily mine the Scriptures, bind the truth around our necks, write God’s wisdom on the tablet of our hearts, and hide His Word deep within the wellspring of our soul. As Psalm 1:1-3 tells us, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; 2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. 3 He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.” Daily bathe in God’s Word and your roots will become deep in the LORD, allowing you to withstand the storms of life.
  4. Remind yourself daily to stay Gospel focused: It the midst of the battle, it is relatively easy to completely lose sight of what we are fighting for. The war is not about physical life, but everlasting life. When this mission is constantly top-of-mind, we are more apt to press through the dry seasons of ministry as we rely through desperate dependence upon God to carry us each step of the way. Because the Gospel is potent beyond human thinking, we must cling to Paul’s words in Romans 1:16 when he declared with confidence and fervency, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.”
  5. Remind yourself daily that suffering for the Gospel is inevitable: Jesus did not mince words when he warned us in John 16:33, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” The key here is that we would recalibrate our hearts and minds to be in Christ (in Me Jesus says) for peace in the midst of the suffering. And yet, as we rest in Christ during the challenges, we must also remind ourselves the cut-to-the-chase promise that Paul gave to young Timothy when he said in 2 Timothy 3:12, “ Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.”
  6. Remind yourself daily that the battle is spiritual: Satan desires for us to be deceived into thinking that we are wrestling against flesh and blood. Why? Because if we are focused on overcoming flesh and blood, we are focused on the wrong enemy as the real enemy will seek, steal, and destroy us. Paul poured this deep truth into the Ephesians 6:10-12 when he said, “ 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Keep your heart in-tune with the reality that Satan is not some little guy in a red suit, with a pitchfork, a goatee, and eyebrows gone wild. No, as the spiritual battle rages on, he masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14) and he prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he
    may devour (1 Peter 5:8).
  7. Remind yourself daily that the battle belongs to The LORD: Praise be to God for this reality, because if it was up to us, we would be in big trouble. At the end of your day, no matter challenges we face, when we are in Christ and under His righteousness, we can and must rest in the soul-satisfying fact that the battle belongs to the LORD. You notice I said that we “should.” Of all the 7 keys to adhere, this is the one that I struggle with the most. Oh wretched man that I
    am, who will deliver from this body of death (Romans 7:24)? God will! As we walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7), may God grant you His perfect peace in the midst of the struggle. “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” – Psalm 20:7

Be encouraged in the battle pastor, and count it all joy when the enemy assaults you with his fiery darts of deception and slander (James 1:2-3). Don’t bend, don’t buckle, don’t break, and don’t waver regarding God’s call on your life. Keep your hand to the plow and don’t look back (Luke 9:62). Drive a stake in the ground today with great resolve that even if God doesn’t go your way, you are still going His way (Daniel 3:16-18). Contend earnestly for the faith (Jude 3), and do not lose heart. Stay in the trench and do not flinch!

As Pastors we often separate ourselves from having TRUST for anyone! WE put ourselves on an island guarded by a moat of hungry sheep! Sometimes our spouse and family are farther away than the sheep. The enemies SATAN and FLESH has caused many to buy into a culture of division! Pastors compete with each other so often while our enemies wreak havoc! Please continue. 


In America there are more than 250 Denominations recognized by the IRS(The World has many thousands). Throughout the “Church” in America the differences of Denomination, Doctrine, Race, Culture and Social Status has caused great division. According to the many Pastors as a group and particularly within the same denomination do not Trust one another. Sadly the Body and “Pastors” also still struggle with Racial Prejudice and Segregation. As Pastors we are taught how to build a “Castle”, more commonly called the Local Church.

IMG_3034.JPGThe Simple Solution:

Diligently Strive to Transform our Differences into Wholeness in the Body! (One Body with many parts working together to grow the Kingdom) Develop a “Kingdom Culture”! This is the culture when Pastors in a community agree to attack the enemy as one Army and one Body in love, trust and power! It is the mindset of bringing the Lost to the Kingdom and allowing the Holy Spirit to direct them to the right “Church Fellowship”. Pastors Need each other! We must find Pastors to establish True Relationships of Trust, Accountability and Encouragement across all barriers and walls. We suggest that every Pastor make a commitment to find Three other Pastors-different denomination, race, and culture “if possible” and meet with them EVERY WEEK for about 1-2 hours to talk as real men about real issues.                                                                                                                                    20 If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen. 1 John 4:20 NAS

The Results: The Body is quickly Healed! More lost will be brought into the Kingdom of God. Communities will see what being “Christian” really means. Your “Church Fellowship” will benefit because you get refreshed and re-fired every week. Many Pastors say that their “Messages” become more powerful. Your Wife will be Thrilled because she will be spending more time with her Husband and not her Pastor. You will develop trusted friendships to share things that only another Pastor can understand. You will finally have a place to unload without fear of betrayal. You will personally grow because you have embraced accountability. You will learn more about the “Body”…… a lot more! As we build these Friendships with Trust and Encouraging Accountability the Body also comes together and is held tightly together by this bonding also! The community will become shaken. When Pastor’s come together publicly and regularly in love and relationship it overflows to congregations and communities. Note: Pastor’s Marriages, Ministries, and Lives have been saved by starting these weekly Champion Tables! (Just ask Me)                  

How do we treat God's Gifts?Dear Pastor,

A few years ago God put a strong word in me about the struggles Pastors have with sex, money and power. As people that are human we have the same driving issues that every other person has. The flesh that we live in has hungers that if not “Disciplined” will ruin our lives our families and our ministries! Sex has been made to be a dirty word by many pastors and churches because the world has been very abusive and seductive in its portrayal of it, however the beautiful union between a man and a woman was given to us by God. God set this special gift aside to be between a man and his wife as a Holy Union that demonstrates the oneness of marriage. Our challenge to you today is to ask yourself, am I seeking to be like the world or am I seeking to be like God. In other words, am I treating sex as “Holy Intimacy” as a gift or am I treating it as a flesh satisfying action where God is forgotten?

Pastors, we must not allow ourselves to stay in the trap of the enemy filling our eyes, mind and actions with sexual fantasies. This is a sure way to total failure and perhaps eternity in the pit of hell. Yes, we said hell! Let us say this very truthful statement, “Your Actions and Words Identify Whose you really are!”  The only way to defeat the enemy in this arena is to (1) Be “full” of God’s word (2) Obey the Holy Spirit (3) Put NOTHING before your eyes that cause temptation (4) If Married- Have Holiness in your intimacy and make your bed an altar before God (5) Engage in weekly Accountability The Bible teaches that the love of Money is the root of all kinds of evil. Having Money or lacking Money is definitely a driving force in peoples lives today.

As Pastors we must have Money for ministry. We must have money for survival. We must answer the question that if we serve an all powerful and loving God why are so many Christians struggling to eat and pay bills. These are questions that we face constantly. The wealthy Pastor versus the poor Pastor is a very difficult challenge. What we know is very clear, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven”! “Where your heart is there is also your treasure!” These are just two of the truths of God’s word. As Pastors we volunteer to give up our lives to serve the Lord. Money is the defining tool God uses to determine where your heart is. God may choose to bless one greatly and another not. He looks at the heart. But be aware, the enemy can pour money and earthly treasures on you as well giving you the choice, who are you going to serve?

The questions you may need to also ask is, do I have any idols in my closet? Would you be willing to sell all to follow Jesus? If the answer is No, then perhaps you need to examine your heart and see if Jesus lives there. If the answer is yes then you need to live like it! Treat everything you have as if it were Jesus’ and he expects you to return it to him. Having Money is a good thing as long as it doesn’t own you! Power and Glory are battles that all Pastors face. They are either inward or outward. Being in control as the Shepherd is a genuine responsibility that must be taken seriously. Falling into the deception that we are to control and dictate has caused the destruction of many great Pastors. Leading as a Bold servant of God who understands the authority you operate under is critical to having a highly blessed/successful ministry. Power struggles in church leadership, pastoral staffs and congregational leaders continue to be one of the primary tools satan uses to destroy churches and pastors.

Self center attitudes by pastors breeds destructive tendencies as well. Being in charge is a constant battle and it often stems from home life. The worlds way says, “it’s all about me”! The idea of being a humble servant is not very appealing based on worldly standards however Jesus humbled himself to become a man. The fact is that when you truly know who you are in Jesus and you know how to live under his authority then being humble is a necessity. Why? Because you walk in His Power and Authority, not your own. You walk in the fullness of Holy Spirit and are confident! Pastor, I pray that you will examine yourself today and get with your fellow Champions and review these three major battle grounds for Christians/Pastors. Dissect them, search the scriptures establish a checks and balance/accountability. It is our prayer that this brief letter will bring things to your attention that will cause you to stretch to a higher calling and a higher walk with the lord Jesus. We also pray that you will become the leader and pastor that God called you to be by humbling yourself and praying daily more fervently than ever before. We love you and continue to pray for you. Your Servant, paul        

Recently at one of our lunches the guest speaker used the term “Man of God” as he was telling a story about someone. Immediately the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “Man of God is what you and every man should be striving to be called”. When people see you they should think of you as a “Man of God” before anything else!

The “Holy Spirit” further went on to say that being a Pastor is a position, but being a “Man of God” is a description of who you really are. It describes your character and testifies of who you are on the inside.  Many of us work hard to earn degrees and attain many great titles and this can be well and good, however Holy Spirit said to me the most important title (if we can call it that) is “Man of God”.   Who are you, really? Who am I? Does our title tell the world who we really are? I have been called many things: Pastor, Dr., Bishop, Apostle, Executive Director, Reverend, etc. some of these are not accurate about me and others were spoken just for respect, but none of these are true reflections of who I am as a follower and servant of Jesus!

Did my wife marry a Pastor or a man? She married a “Man”. She is more interested in me being a man seeking God with my whole heart and mind than she is that I may be a Pastor or Minister. Who we are is much more important than what we do as a calling or position. How important is it to our church families and fellowships to know that they can trust and count on us as men of integrity and godly character?   Our positions can change and be forgotten our relationships are what is remembered and has the longest lasting impact.

Now for the kicker. When we truly are a “Man of God” all of these things mentioned become easier to do and with lasting affect! Being a Pastor is easy when you know that you are walking in the Power and Wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Being a husband and Father is much easier when your wife sincerely sees you as a Man of God! Being a leader of a ministry or business breeds much success because people want to be led by great “Men of God”!

Now the question remains, am I a “Man of God”? Are you a “Man of God”? What are we going to do about this?

I pray that this will make us think about how people really see us, starting at home. As you meet with your Champions Table this week discuss the importance of why it is critically important that as Pastors and Ministers that all people see you as a “Man of God”

We are praying for you!!

On Thursday May 29, 2014 All Pro Pastors had a Powerful luncheon with Pastors from many denominations and races at the “Church in the Son” Orlando Florida. Our very special guest speaker was Dr Patrick Morley, founder of Man in the Mirror ministry. He gave us a heart pounding message and a challenge to be “God’s Men” starting at home! Dr Jerry Brandt, Kingdom Life University, started the day with a wake-up call for Pastors and Churches to embrace technology as a powerful tool to share the gospel around the world and to our own congregations. Pastor Nolan Edwards of Champions Church, Winter Haven Florida, closed the day with an invitation to all Pastors to step up and start or join a “Champions Table”. “Church in the Son” has a wonderful staff and made everyone feel loved and appreciated. Their facilities are fabulous and the attention to detail is unmatched by anywhere we have been. Praise God for Pastor’s and Church families who take great pride in providing the very best for Pastors!


I have just returned from a Pastors conference in Matagalpa Nicaragua with Pastors Nolan Edwards and Willie Bolden. Pastor Edwards invited me to join him and Pastor Bolden on this Pastors Conference sponsored by Champions Church in Winter Haven, Florida, with my sole purpose to share about All Pro Pastors and what we are doing worldwide in Pastors lives and their communities. On three different days I had the honor to speak to a new group of Pastors and it was truly amazing at the response. The Holy Spirit moved in a powerful way and the Pastors embraced the “Champions Table” as possibly a way for Pastors to come together for the very first time. It looked like 100% of the Pastors stood to join a “Table”. Pastor Luis Corea, one of the Pastor Associations main leaders, has volunteered to lead the All Pro Pastors movement in Matagalpa. Pastor Corea is now our Ambassador and he is very committed to taking this to the 120 plus Pastors in his city. Pastor Corea has a very strong church and is on Television weekly. Pray for him as he moves forward. Pastor Adonay Gonzales is a Pastor who had come over from Honduras to assist Pastor Nolan with an outreach to Pastors and many special events and to help with the conference. He also asked to become an Ambassador for APP and to take the “Champions Table” to Honduras. He is a leader in the GERAZIN church group which has 200 churches in Honduras. He helps to open new churches in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. We look forward to working with him to help start All Pro Pastor Chapters throughout his region of ministry. He is a great man of God. We left on Sunday May 18th and returned Saturday May 24th. As part of a team we had several worship services to speak at and ministered to many people each night. Pastor Nolan Edwards is planning a city wide Crusade with the local Pastors. Getting them together to work together and develop relationships is why All Pro Pastors was invited to join the team. Pastor Edwards has been in a Champions Table for over two years and he has seen how it is bringing the Body of Christ (The Church ) together in a transforming way. The Pastors in Nicaragua have caught the vision too. Please pray for us as we work to facilitate and supply the needed information and supplies that they need in the Central American Spanish language. Praise God that Pastor Tony Ponceti from Lakeland, Florida  is an Ambassador with APP and is bi-lingual. He has agreed to help and already travels often to Honduras. I also want to thank Pastor Edwards for inviting us to be a part of His great work in Nicaragua and to also ask for you to pray for him as he  diligently strives to minister the wonderful people of Nicaragua.

Every year when we come to February many churches and individuals have just completed a 21 day Daniel Fast (or other fast), started new diets/exercise, started praying with your spouse daily, and are on your way to  reaching Newly established Resolutions. February is a critical point in this new year journey because statistics demonstrate that most people are now fighting hard to stay on track.

The enemy wants you to give up. He whispers, quit getting up early for that intimate time with God. He wants you to give in to that sweet tooth. Missing a day of exercise won’t hurt and praying with your spouse daily is to hard to do EVERY day. He tells you your goals are to big and unreachable. He tempts you by planting doubts and negative thoughts such as; you have always been overweight and people still like you, you have tried to quit dozens of times its just too hard, why get up early God is awake 24/7 you can pray anytime, let your wife sleep in she doesn’t need prayer this morning, you may want to adjust that goal before you get to much egg on your face.

The ENEMY wants you to fail, period! Remember, he is a liar and a thief. He wants to steal your joy and distract you away from being ALL God has for you. He wants you to fail and to miss God’s Destiny for you.

Praise the Lord Jesus. you are an overcomer! Our God is much bigger than satan’s lies and the world’s statistics. Did you know that the enemy cannot touch or harm you (Christians) without permission? He can bring about temptation but as Christians we can rebuke, flee and stand firm with God’s Word in our heart and on our lips. As Ambassadors of Christ, you are a personal representative for Jesus. You are under His authority and have Him standing behind you. (remember the Roman Centurian) When we accept the mantle of being a Christian, we are accepting a position in the army of God. This includes many wonderful benefits that include equipping to overcome the enemy!

Today let us encourage you to Stand Firm against doubt and discouragement. Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty Power! When you feel the temptation to order a dessert, skip a day of exercise, sleep in and miss your private time with God, etc., speak to your mind and the temptation in Jesus name to leave. Rebuke the enemy in Jesus name! Declare that you are going to stand firm! Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty Hand! Amen

We are praying for you

Have you taken the time to write down all the events, activities, ministry opportunities, acts of kindness, etc  that you have gone to or been a part of this year? Let me suggest that you start a list right away. You will be amazed at how much that could be. Include everything. Men often volunteer to coach or help in sports. Some are Deacons or Elders. Pastors, you preach 2-3 times a week or more. Women go to conferences, help at nursing homes, many lead youth activities, visit hospitals, teach Sunday School, etc. How much travel have you done? Special times with your spouse. How about date nights!!!! You might be surprised how much you did. Write it all!

You probably have had a fabulous year and didn’t realize it. Today so many people talk about only troubles, problems and bad news. When we add up the good it far outweighs the bad! Take a minute and start a list right now and see for yourself what a great year you have had!


P.S. This week we started writing down all of the many things All Pro Pastors Ministry as well as Linda and myself have been a part of. As we started writing the list got longer and longer. When we took a break we were amazed at just how much we were a part of. In fact as of this writing December 20th the list is still growing. Sometime in the next few days we will be putting our year end newsletter together that will highlight some of these. Hope you will take the time to read it.

We are praying for you!

Throughout the world there are many one day special celebrations set aside from Presidents Day to Secretaries Day, from Mothers Day to Fathers Day. The list is countless. We are excited that Pastor Joshua Fowler and a team of visionary Pastors and Christian Leaders in Central Florida have been charged by God to start a “God Day” celebration! You may ask, why “God Day”, isn’t every Sunday supposed to be God’s Day? Yes it is, however this “God Day” is a time of bringing unity to the Kingdom Body by demonstrating God’s love.

It stands out as a “Day” for pastors to show everyone in Orlando, Central Florida and the World what can happen when the Body of Christ (the church) works together. This very special day is bringing pastors and churches together to touch their community by putting thousands of shoes on children who are in need. It also is a day of new beginnings, new beginnings of friendship and care that touches these little ones as Jesus tells us to do. Different denominations, races and cultures have come together to minister to the children in Orlando Florida, many of whom have never owned a brand new pair of shoes. A New pair of shoes will be placed on each child’s feet by a local Pastor or Christian volunteer.

We pray that this will be a huge success and Orlando embraces the opportunity to recognize and celebrate our creator and lord, Jesus Christ!

Pastors we applaud you and your obedience to the Holy Spirit who put this on your hearts. Please take this opportunity to embrace one another as God’s leaders and Ambassadors publicly and wholeheartedly and let this unity continue through each and every day.

We are praying for you and that many lost families will be brought to know Jesus and receive His everlasting love!

The “God Day” celebration is officially on December 12th starting with a “Declaration” from 6:00 PM- 9:00 PM.  Followed by a Global Awakening Ministers Congress on Friday the 13th from 9:00 AM-9:00 PM  and Saturday December 14th is the big shoe distribution, a  United Demonstration of The Father’s Love!

To get involved or learn how to plan for your church to get involved contact :


Pastors Enjoying Lunch


All Pro Pastors in Florida has set a high standard in the USA with three Pastor Luncheons. Lakeland, Winter Haven and Plant City Chapters each held luncheons inviting all local pastors and their spouses for a complimentary lunch with many gifts and door prizes. Ambassadors Tony Ponceti-Lakeland; Dwight Edwards, Kevin Clark-Winter Haven; and Dan Middlebrooks, Joe Kelley-Plant City are all mighty men of God and passionate about encouraging fellow Pastors. These men organized and hosted three different luncheon events which gave pastors a powerful and detailed pictured of how APP Champions Tables are making a big impact in their lives and community.



Pastors Fred Harrold and Dick Moore

Pastor Mark Epperson from Medulla Baptist church in Lakeland was a great host. This was his first APP Luncheon and he became excited about getting involved. The Oasis Church and Pastor Kevin Clark hosted their second luncheon. Pastor Kevin has been in a Champions Table for three years and he has a dynamite testimony about why the  “Champions Table” can be life changing foe every pastor. Pastor Fred Harrold and Pastor Dick Moore from Parkway Baptist hosted the Plant City luncheon. They featured special guest Dr Keith Johnson, America’s Number 1 Confidence Builder and Pastor Leadership Trainer.


“H” and Ralph always ready to serve

Each Luncheon had special guests that Pastors heard from. These guests speak on a host of subjects that most Pastors do not hear yet nearly all need! When planning Chapter Luncheons we pray that the Pastor “Take Away’s” are added value and create the attitude of “when is the next luncheon”.


We applaud the great work these Chapters are doing! Pastors we are Praying for you!!




As a ministry to Pastors by Pastors, we are ready to serve you and help you plan a Pastors luncheon. We are also looking to start APP Chapters in every community.


Pastor James Lewis Sr. a Champion for Three Years

If you are a ministry or minister who serves Pastors or you are part of a Pastors Organization we would be happy to assist you in organizing a Great Pastors Event or start an APP  Chapter. Please contact us today.


Dr Jerry Brandt, Kingdom Life University Speaks at Lakeland Luncheon


Rhonda and”H” serving Pastors at Medulla Luncheon


Director of Ambassadors faithful servant leader in Lakeland. W F Floyd


Pastors serving Pastors


Champions Table Pastor couples enjoying Luncheon in Lakeland


Pastor Mark welcomes all to Medulla in Lakeland

Pastors never need a day to rest, right. Being a Pastor or a Pastor’s wife is so easy, you just work on Sunday and go out to eat with people to talk. No one bothers you or criticizes you, never complains or calls you out at 2:00AM. You are expected to survive on as little as possible and never drive the finest cars. The Pastor must never make a mistake and have perfect kids. The Pastor’s wife must either be a great singer or play a keyboard and surely be at all the women’s prayer groups. The Pastor never grows weary and never ever gets grumpy!

As you know this is what many people believe and sadly drive Pastors to give up. Pastor please stay the course and let us encourage you! You are not alone.

We at All Pro Pastors are prepared to share with your congregation how to treat their Pastor and family! Some congregations need to know what the Shepherd’s responsibilities are and equally important what the Sheep’s responsibilities are, according to God’s Word! We are prepared to help you meet other Pastors to develop relationships. We are prepared to connect you to Pastors who can relate to the struggles, challenges, heartaches and joys of being a Pastor.

Each week thousands of Pastors meet at Champion Tables throughout the world. These Tables give us a place to go and pour ourselves out in complete confidentiallity and trust. It is a place of refreshing and refilling. It is also a place to laugh out loud and cry when needed.

Pastor we are just like you. Men who have given their lives to serve our Lord Jesus and to bring people to His saving Grace and Comforting Love!  It is what we signed on for when we said yes to His “Call!” As men, sometimes we fall, we fail, we mess up and we feel inadequate and except for His Grace, Protection and Holy Spirit we would quit!

Praise God we do not have to walk in despair, defeat and rejection. As Men of God we can(and should) walk in Power, Victory and Success! This does not mean to say we do not need encouragers and friends. Moses had Aaron, Hur and Joshua and even Jesus had Peter, James and John. We all need brothers to pick us up when we fall, counsel us when we are faced with tough decisions, push us when we are ready to quit, hold our arms up when we are in the heat of battle.

And Pastor, you need to be the best husband and father in your fellowship. Men need to see a man who outwardly demonstrates love to his wife and children. We need to pray daily with our wife in unity and harmony. Our children should know that our family comes before all others including the “Church”. This is part of our instructions from God. The Champion Table constantly challenges me to be a living example not just a mouthpiece for God!

Pastor you are anointed to carry the battle to the enemy! Let us encourage you walk in strength and holiness, in power and victory, boldness and humility and with love and mercy. Do not wait for the enemy to attack! Take the battle to him. Share the gospel of Jesus daily, pray with people everywhere you go, pray for those as the Spirit guides, and smile smile smile.

Pastor we are praying for you!!!!


July 25th at the Pastors Power Luncheon Attorney David Gibbs and Pastor Fred Harrold both gave resounding messages. Pastor Fred reviewed many of the issues Pastors face with congregations that can be very demoralizing, however he gave a solution for many to consider, “The Champion Table”. To see this compelling presentation go to our video gallery.

Attorney Gibbs talked squarely to Pastors about real legal issues that can not only create great distress for a church/pastor but could possibly destroy a church. Churches today must be aware of the many satanic attacks that are taking place each day across America within churches. I did say within! Church membership is not something to take lightly these days. Please go to our video gallery and take the time to watch Attorney Gibbs powerful and informative message. Every Pastor and committed Christian leader should watch this!

We are thankful for Attorney Gibbs and Pastor Fred for giving their time to Pastors for this tremendous luncheon. We want to also thank Plant City Church of God for hosting and providing a delicious meal!

If you were unable to attend this luncheon please join us on September 26th at Church at the Mall in Lakeland, Florida to see and hear Attorney Gibbs III. (see events for details)