A Pastor’s Testimony of Renewed Joy and Power
“When You’re Burned Out, Wounded and Overwhelmed” By Dr. Gregory R. Frizzell © When Paul Pickern so graciously asked me to write some articles for All Pro Pastors International, I […]

Dr. Gregory Frizzell is the founder and president of Gregory Frizzell Prayer and Renewal Ministries, Inc. He served fifteen years as the Prayer & Spiritual Awakening Specialist for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma and North American Mission Board. He has served as a pastor for 20 years, and is a well-known author and conference leader, both nationally and internationally. In America and other nations, Dr. Frizzell has conducted over a thousand prayer and region-wide renewal conferences in some of world’s largest churches.
Dr. Frizzell has written over 40 books and hundreds of published articles on prayer, church renewal, evangelism, leadership and spiritual awakening. His book, Returning to Holiness, has been translated into forty languages and is approaching two million copies. Dr. Frizzell served as an appointed missionary with the North American Mission Board. His responsibilities included church and region-wide prayer and renewal. He also hosted three multi-state radio programs and founded a prison ministry.
Dr. Frizzell holds a Master of Divinity from Southwestern Seminary and a Doctorate from New Orleans Seminary. His burning heart passion is to see believers strengthened, churches revived, evangelism explode and God alone receive glory and praise! In 2016, Gregory Frizzell Prayer and Renewal Ministries, Inc. has embrace Global Missions/Revival Initiative. This initiative targets 300,000 pastors for spiritual awakening and sweeping evangelism in strategic nations.