I have just read this powerful and informative book by Rick Scarborough and Steve Feazel and I honestly couldn’t put it down. (Oh, forgive me for shortening the title slightly for this article/blog.)

Over the years we have read many books that are compelling and we suggest, but I must say to every Pastor, Ministry Leader and all Christ Followers, this book is one that you need to keep on your desk.

Rick and Steve have done the research. They have compiled the facts for us. Now we have No Excuse for pleading ignorance and innocence.

America in the Balance, reveals what is behind the woke agenda, the history of taking over our education system to indoctrinate our children. It gets into the facts about planned Racial manipulation. This book was eye opening to me and I consider myself someone on top of most of the issues we are facing! As I dove into it page by page the depth of research was staggering and compelling. They reveal how Climate Change and Covid are just 2 of the ways to control the population using fear and lies. They identify the global players seeking a biblical prophesied takeover.

You will see for yourself what is going on with our children and the Gender confusion that is a specific strategy to divide families, destroy churches and rid the world of God almighty!

Pastors and friends I could go on and on about this book but I would rather simply say, get this book for yourself! My people perish for lack of knowledge! Don’t stand before God and say I didn’t know! It has been said that Knowledge is Powerful. Let me say, knowledge is powerful when heeded and shared, when utilized to develop strategies to conquer the enemy. It is powerful when motivated to action! I challenge you to be the leader God called you and created you to be.

“America in the Balance” will educate and equip you to stand strong against the enemy that so easily besets you and will empower you to destroy that enemy in Jesus Mighty name!

With this said, Pastor as a Shepherd appointed by God and anointed to protect, educate, feed, and lead His sheep, let me submit strongly again that you get this book, study it and share it’s content with your sheep. With the information you share with them along with God’s Word you will be preparing them for the unknown future that we have on this earth.

I very strongly endorse this book and want to thank Rick Scarborough and Steve Feazel for taking your many hours of study and sleepless nights to put such a deep rich work together. I pray that this will touch many lives and open many eyes to the truth and move each one to action!

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