By: Rev. Joshua Omolo (Gwara)
All men are spiritual being and spirits don’t work alone. God created men in His likeness and His Image
God; one of the most pronounced image of God which is clearly spelt in the Bible is that God is a
spiritual being and He exists in trinity as God the son and God the Holy Spirit, meaning three in one. The
moral lesson from this example given here therefore means that man will always need the fellowship of
another man for him to function to the optimal level. Human beings can only fulfil their purpose of
existence when we strive to complement one another and when we allow God to direct our values
system according to the dictates of His word. Everyone must learn to reach out to their neighbor and
seek to become a destiny helper to somebody.
Gen 1:27 – So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and
female he created them.
Our God the father of our Lord Jesus Christ loves fellowshipping not only with men but also with himself
in the council of God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit. The identity of trinity in one
qualifies the claim of divine fellowship as a kingdom value in the kingdom of God.
Genesis 3:8-9 – Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the
garden in the cool of the day …………
It is in the power of effective and divine fellowship that God purposed that divine exchange in both
spiritual and physical matters should take place. Empowerment takes place when we interact with other
people from different walks of life and that allows exchange of ideas and knowledge. Apostle Paul is
clear when he is writing in the book of Hebrews 10:24-25 – And let us consider how we may spur one
another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of
doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the day approaching. The above
example is the perfect example of horizontal divine fellowship between men and fellow men with the
objective to glorify God being the center of focus in all the activities here.
Horizontal fellowship
This form of fellowship focuses more on man to man but under the enablement of the power of the
Holy Spirit. God has invested heavily through the platform of fellowship so much so that the author of
the book of Hebrews cautions saints not to embrace the habit of ignoring fellowship. Hebrews 10:25 –
Not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another……
Fellow man is no doubt one of the most important instrument you will need in this life and in the
accomplishment of the call in your ministry. Men are designed and wired to need each other. You are
designed to journey to the place of destiny in every aspect of your life but through another man’s
support. Many people today are hesitant to engage in robust fellowship with men because they have
been disappointed in the past. My word of encouragement to you is to stay put and do not let go the gift
of fellowship no matter the reasons you may hear. We need to remember that there are policies which
God has provided as a guide to every category of fellowship for you to enjoy the benefits that comes
with that cluster of fellowship. The God given protocols of handling effective fellowship is meant to give
birth to good relationship.
Embracing the advantage of home fellowship
The fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom required to run a successful family. Many marriages do
not last long today because God has been locked out of the picture. Home cannot be home if it cannot
offer a conducive environment that can support permanent stay in harmony. The kind of relationship
between you and the immediate family members matters a lot in life.
Oxford Dictionary definition of a home
“The place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household”
When a child is born in a family the parents have the sole responsibility of hosting and taking care of the
child. The home where the child is born must raise the child till he grows to become an adult who can
independently take care of himself. When you come into the world to accomplish your life’s’ mission,
you know no-one and you own nothing, therefore you must be hosted on earth for your residency here
to be legitimate.
Your parents or guardians take this responsibility of giving you legal residency on earth both spiritually
and physically. Your parents will take their tenancy or legal ownership of part of the earth and extend it
to you. You never worked for the inheritance but you are given based on the cordial fellowship of good
relationship existing between you and your parents.
Positive fellowship as a family plays a great role in cultivating a conducive environment fit for moral
upbringing in the life of every child. Home fellowship built on a Godly principles and values which are
coherent to the Christian faith provides a head start for leadership skills. Children are expected to
respect their parents while parents are expected to love and provide the basic needs for their children
and bring them up also in the ways of God.
Parents are supposed to lead by example based on their character on how they behave. Many parents
find it difficult to mentor their children because of having failed to fulfill their promises to their children
in assumption that they were too young to notice the lies. Parents can restore this gap by admitting to
their children the mistake of unfulfilled promises, then start a fresh by committing to fulfill every word
of promise.
Divine home fellowship is an instrument needed to facilitate inheritance. Every child has a right to
inherit the wealth of the parents. The Bible is categorical that a good man is that who is able to give
inheritance even to the children of his children. Proverbs 13:22 – A good man leaves an inheritance to
his children’s children
Some children however have never enjoyed this advantage of transfer of wealth or empowerment by
parents simply because either parties failed to establish a sustainable good relationship between the
two. God has established clear terms and conditions by which symbiotic relationship can be built in
order to enable this divine exchange to take place in a family based fellowship. Parents have their clear
responsibilities spelt out in the Bible and children equally have their fair share of responsibilities.
Parents must deliberately engage in a process of building their children and raise them in the ways of
God. Intentional mentorship with intensive training the children in the ways of God is a primary
responsibility of parents as prescribed in the Bible
Vertical Fellowship
The most powerful form of divine fellowship is vertical fellowship where the faithfulness of God is
revealed through His call unto fellowship with His son Jesus Christ. (1Corinthians 1:9) God in His wisdom
in this arrangement of fellowship ensures that we are adequately supplied with all forms of spiritual
gifts. Mankind is a spiritual being in need of a spiritual power to solve spiritual challenges. Holy Spirit of
God is the facilitator of all forms of communication for effective dialogue that can lead to enriched
relationship with God.
The pillars of this fellowship are the spiritual gifts given by God to every individual for the purpose of the
edification of the body of Christ which is the Church. Holiness is the main ingredient required to ensure
that all the spiritual faculties in a man is in optimal operation, it is the element which will generate
sufficient power required to defeat every schemes of attacks from the kingdom of darkness.
The reason of persistent attacks aimed at saints by the kingdom of darkness is because the precious gifts
we carry as ambassadors of God. The devil is envious about the gifts God has given to His sons and
daughters, this is so because the gifts from God are operating like the application platform for the
manifestation of the power of God in the lives of believers. Anyone who is gifted by God is anointed and
set apart for a special functionality in the kingdom of God, therefore the church is not expected to lack
any spiritual gift as we eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ (1Cor 1:7). It is very dangerous to do
ministry without knowing the gift of God in you.
The book of Acts 3:2-8 – There at the beautiful gate was a man who had been crippled all his life. Every
day he was carried to the gate to beg, he would ask for money from people going into the temple. The
man saw Peter and John going into the Temple and asked them for money……….. Peter said, but what I
do have give you, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Walk and he walked.
I would like to point out the two strength this man had that made him stand out and experience the
impact of vertical divine fellowship. The first was that he had friends who carried him on daily basis to
the gate. I can imagine that the man could not have been at the gate if he did not have some people
around him who used to carry him on daily basis. In life there will always be some destiny helpers whom
God has prepared to just carry you to the point where you can experience the divine encounter with
God. Once you have reached the place of divine encounter then it is your responsibility to ask God for
what you want. The lame man raised his voice and asked for money. Even though he asked for the
wrong thing still he got the perfect answer by the end of the day.
The biggest failure in life is failure to ask especially when you know that you are in need. God has
always done His part by supplying destiny helpers around us, but many people are always silent because
of ignorance. Majority of those who are silent are dying silently because they are wondering what will
people think of them when they ask probably because of pride. You would rather appear disorderly
because of asking but in the long run you receive what you needed. Let the people around you brand
you any name of their choice because you asked from the Lord but in the long run you will emerge a
head in the perk. It has always been said that every choice has consequences; when you chose to stay
silent or when you chose to ask both will have consequences. I would rather suffer the temporal shame
before men when asking from the Lord for His divine deliverance instead of suffering eternal bondage of
slavery in the kingdom of darkness.
Faith in Jesus Christ as the key to effective fellowship with God
In the book of Romans 1:16 – says, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God
that brings salvation to everyone who believes” The first question you need to ask yourself today is, “Do
you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior of your life?” Without faith it is impossible to please
God. You need power to win every battles in life you are facing today. That thing which has kept you in
the same place and has made you to stagnate in one spot like the lame man at the beautiful gate for so
long can be defeated if only you believe in Christ Jesus as Lord and savior over your life. You simply need
to repent and ask God for forgiveness of your sins and He is faithful and just to forgive all your sins now.
The book of John 1:12 – But as many as received him, He gave them power to be made the sons of
Forgiveness of sin is one of the many benefits of having faith in Jesus Christ and receiving him as Lord
and savior over your life. The power of forgiveness of sin brings forth the experience of freedom from
guilt. God in His divine plan intended to create a man in his image with all the powers of freedom in life.
Sadly, the freedom of mankind was curtailed after the fall of man in the garden of Eden. The fall brought
about the new beginning of slavery and limitations that still persist till today.
Many things that cause hindrance to freedom in life today are as a result of the fall. Increase in criminal
elements all over the world can be squarely blamed on the sinfulness of the world, many people today
are more attracted to the path of corruption, racism, infidelity, drug abuse, sexual immorality and many
illicit behaviors. Our value system in the world today is totally eroded so much so that a greater
percentage of our population today do not even believe in the existence of God. Our society has no
regard God, instead many have shifted their faith to scientific theories which are grossly limited and
When we believe in Jesus as our personal savior then it comes along with the benefit of life eternity, it is
important for people to know that there is life after death. Life beyond the grave has only two destinies
awaiting which is heaven and hell. Faith in Jesus Christ is a guarantee to eternal place in heaven with
God the father. The point at which we can determine the destiny with God is to start fellowship with
God here on earth when we are still alive. Everyone has the freedom to choose whether to surrender
their life to Jesus or otherwise.
Divine fellowship with God ushers in a season of rest. Many people are leading a life full of controversies
and troubles. Some of the reason behind the troubles in life is because of the sin of rebellion against
God. Mathew 11:28 – “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take
my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your
souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light”. The reason why all mankind needs to discover this
secret of rest in the Lord Jesus Christ is because it was what God intended for all men to experience.
People are searching for rest in the pleasures of the world for instance in riches and wealth of the world
but to no avail. Without God it is impossible to find the true meaning of life. Only effective fellowship
with God can a man find satisfaction in life.
True friendship and a caring community can only be found in having faith in Jesus. God has a new family
tree for those who believe in Him. The dynamic family of God is where we call one other brothers and
sister, we live in unity and manifest the true love of God. God’s family is where the art of sharing is
projected in almost everything we own in life. Go Himself promises that in such fellowship where
brethren dwell together in unity he commands his blessings and life forevermore Amen. Our God can
give you a new family of God which you can trust, only believe in Jesus and you will find a powerful
fellowship of people around you of the same faith in a spiritual church near you and your life will never
remain the same again.
Faith in Christ can give us the opportunity to receive filling of the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit makes us more
like Christ, we are able to regain the lost image of God in our life. Holy Spirit of God guides us in all truth.
Life here on earth can become very frustrating because of the lies and conman ship being peddled by
ungodly people around us. If you ask many ladies how they have been cheated by men that they will
marry them after they engage in sexual activity outside marriage, only to be dumped after they have
been used. The level of betrayal kind of feeling left in such persons is deep and paining. Truthfulness is a
very rare commodity in the world today but it can still be found in Jesus. If you put your trust in him he
will never let you down.
Holy Spirit reveals God’s word to us. The spirit of God knows all truth about the word of God. It is for this
same reason God promised that the Holy Spirit will come to all believers as a helper and guarantee to
the promises of God. The restoration of your lost glory can be guaranteed by the Holy Spirit of God such
that you can believe that everything God has promised shall come to pass.
Purpose driven life can only be achieved by having faith in Jesus. The word of God says in the Bible that
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father apart from Jesus (John 14:6). People
struggle a lot in life to make a statement just to show the world who they are. Some even struggle to
enter Guinness book of records to be seen but still it doesn’t make any impact. The only way we can find
a meaning to this life given to us by God is by having faith in Jesus Christ the son of the living God then
we shall experience purpose driven life in our day to day walk with God. There is no need for you to
struggle for your name to enter Guinness book of records, the best place your name should enter is in
the lamb’s book of life.
The power of healing came upon the blind man Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46-52. It was faith in Jesus that
made him to shout the more even when the people around him were telling him to keep silent. Radical
faith in Jesus Christ is necessary sometimes for you to attain extraordinary achievements in life. Do not
be silenced by men’s opinions when you know very clearly that what you are doing is in line with having
faith in Jesus Christ. Some will call you names but keep on trusting in the Lord. Others may call you a day
dreamer the way they called Joseph in the Old Testament, but finally Joseph prevailed and he became
the prime minister in a foreign land where he fed his entire family. You could be experiencing some
serious health challenges; some could be terminal in nature but the Lord says with Him all things are
possible including your divine healing in Jesus name. Do not believe any other report apart from the
report of the Lord. The report of the Lord says that your healing miracle is possible today in Jesus name,
only believe in Jesu Christ and you will receive it now.
The dynamics of vertical and horizontal divine fellowship
Divine fellowship is one of the most neglected things among believers today. Many believers prefer
private and lone ranger approach kind of life style. It is hard to find many who are in the reality of
fellowship. One major strength that cuts across and is commonly shared by many great men of God in
the Bible is the strength of divine fellowship. Vertical fellowship refers to the divine relationship
between man and God while horizontal fellowship refers to the divine relationship between men to
fellow men. Positionally, we all are in his fellowship, but in our daily living, very few of us are in the
reality of fellowship. We may have the matter of fellowship in name, but we may not have it in
David as a young boy was known as an errand boy in their family, he was tasked with the responsibility
to take care of the sheep and he did it faithfully. The historic battle between David and Goliath was
never premeditated but it was until David went to supply food to his brothers who were in the battle
front that is when he stumbled upon the stalemate at the battle front; he looked and saw a great
opportunity to glorify God when he chose to face Goliath and indeed the power of God of divine
fellowship manifested and he defeated the giant Goliath.
We cannot experience vertical and horizontal aspects of divine fellowship if we are not ready to risk our
life or our resources for the sake of the kingdom interest, it’s important to acknowledge that we possess
plus ourselves belongs to God and as such must be used to the glory of God. The push to divine
fellowship sometimes will cost you your wealth or health for instance when God calls you to become a
kingdom financier. David accepted to risk his life when he dared to face off with the war veteran in
order to save his Nation Israel and in return God rewarded him generously when he got promoted from
a shepherd to a king. It is important to know that in every glory there comes a story. Where there is no
pain there is no gain; the price of the pain at the cross is what purchased gain of life eternal with Christ
Vertical and Horizontal Divine fellowship is a command from God
Divine fellowship is not man’s opinion but God’s kingdom principle which he uses to fulfill his kingdom
agenda. Our needs can only be met sufficiently when we appreciate the importance of divine fellowship,
no one can become self-sufficient in life without the other person nor can anyone become self-sufficient
without having fellowship with God. All the blessings God has ordained for men is transferable from one
person to another through divine fellowship.
Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity (Psalm 133:1) It is
encouraging to know that divine fellowship is the instrument that enables the power of unity to hold at
the center. God is affirming the He is pleased with such step of faith among brethren. The modern
church is unfortunately faced with the challenge of drought of divine fellowship. There are many factors
that are opposed to the aspects of divine fellowship. Technology is one of the killer of divine fellowship
in the modern world. Majority of people are more engrossed to having intimacy with their gadgets as
opposed to the fellow human beings around them. Church gatherings are diminishing day by day as far
as the numbers of attendance is concerned. Programs for fellowship is being curtailed in the name of
people are busy hence the need to reduce the time allocated for sermon and worship in general. God is
looking for those remnants who are ready to go against the tide and are willing to deliberately invest
more resources in enabling the growth of fellowship, this calls for quality time with one another and
with God in a physical meeting and virtual meeting as well.
God in His wisdom had apportioned special blessings associated with fellowship alone. The Bible says
that in the environment of divine fellowship characterized with unity in place God will pour His blessings
and life forevermore (Psalms 133:3). The blessings of both spiritual and physical impartations can only
take place in a place of divine fellowship. Many brethren today are time barred in finding their marriage
partners because they skipped the fellowship where God had purposed to create a divine connection
through divine fellowship. We need to allocate quality time to socialize together alongside people we
share faith together. Whenever you see anyone around you just try and go an extra mile and want to
know what they are doing for a living, what their hobbies are and just be kind and be a bit generous.
Avoid raising too high walls around you, allow certain accessibility into your territory with some
In the book of Hebrews 11:6 – the Bible says, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he
who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him”
this scripture implies that we can only access God by faith. The substance of the things hoped for is
embodied in the faith we have in God. We must believe that Jesus is the son of God and that he came
and lived among men as a man and died and on the third day he resurrected from the dead and now he
is sited at the right hand of God the father.
Fellowship as a kingdom principle
All human beings are created in the likeness and in the image of God, we are therefore spiritual beings
just like God the father. One of the kingdom principle states that spirits do not work alone. Fellowship is
therefore one of the main enabler created by God to facilitate the functionalities of the spiritual beings
here on earth. There is need to appreciate the relevance of the people God has deposited around you.
Everyone is very unique in their form of creation hence the reason why you need them.
The first ever correction God ever made in the garden of Eden during creation time was when God said
that, “it is not good for man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18). Then God in the fellowship of God the father,
son and the Holy Spirit went ahead and decided to create Even as a compliment to Adam. We all agree
that this powerful idea is what brought about the great human population we can see in the world
today. Family foundation began as a result of this till today children are still being born because of the
unique gender created by God.
There is such a divine supernatural power that produces great miraculous power when divine fellowship
is harnessed among brethren of faith. Deuteronomy 32:20 – One shall chase a thousand and two shall
chase ten thousand. The power of two is multiplied beyond what one person can accomplish alone. We
need to learn to appreciate the power of unity created by this kingdom principle of divine fellowship.
The power of trinity is what created everything visible and the invisible.
Fellowship as an image of God
The first introduction we see in Genesis at the time of creation is the identity of a triune God, He is God
the father, son ad Holy Spirit. Where two or three gather in the name of the Lord then the presence of
God comes in automatically. Mathew 18:20 – For where two or three gather together in my name, there
am in the midst of them. Anything that can attract the presence of God is worthy embracing for where
God is there is liberty. God is always happy to associate Himself with gatherings in a fellowship where He
is the subject matter. The nature of God is that He is a God who loves fellowship.
When the presence of God comes down in the midst of the fellowship of His children then it comes with
His glory. The power of sickness and diseases cannot withstand the shekinah glory of God. Healing
power and salvation power will always be found in the midst of the shekinah glory of God. Some of the
chronic illnesses which are stubborn can only be cured by this shekinah glory of God. Family curses that
makes people remain barren in so many areas of their life needs the power of shekinah glory to
neutralize their effects.
The Benefit of Purity in fellowship with God
The permanent cure for loneliness in life is eternal fellowship with God. In Deuteronomy 31:8 – The
Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Going by the
above scripture I can boldly confess that I do not need any other assurance in life about my fellowship
with God. Jehovah Himself is promising that he will never leave you. Friends and colleagues can leave
you during seasons of challenges in your life, your brothers and sisters born together can betray you and
forsake you , but God can never leave you once you put your trust in Him.
John 1:6-7 – “If we claim to have fellowship with him, and yet we walk in darkness, we lie and do not live
out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and
the blood of Jesus, his son, purifies us from all sin.”
When we make a choice to walk in the ways of God through confession of our sins then we receive the
power of forgiveness and we are counted as the righteous of God. Sin breaks fellowship with God hence
we get disconnected from the benefits of the kingdom wealth. Our power of inheritance of God’s
kingdom benefits is solely connected to our walk in purity. The power of grace that allows forgiveness of
sins is the gateway to starting a fresh life of salvation and complete divine fellowship with God.
The ultimate benefit above all the other benefits connected to living a pure life is eternal life in heaven.
The word of God says to all men, “what does it benefit a man to gain the whole world and loose his
soul?” Indeed, the best gift God has given to all mankind is the opportunity to repent so that our sins are
forgiven through the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus Christ.
David was counted by God as a man after God’s own heart not because he was flawless but because
David mastered the art of humility mixed with repentance. A broken heart and a contrite spirit God
cannot despise. Whenever we approach the throne room of God we don’t need to argue our position,
instead we need to demonstrate brokenness before God and high level humility in prayer of repentance
and the Lord is faithful and just to forgive all our sins.
1John 1:9 – “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from
all unrighteousness.”
This the true meaning of being in fellowship with God. To stay in fellowship, we need to ask for
forgiveness when we sin. This is the way he has given us to get back in right standing with Him. Through
forgiveness of sins we become sons of God and are counted together with Christ Jesus as co-worker
with God. There is no other greater assurance of salvation apart from the being borne again in the Lord.
We become fruitful in fellowship with God
Barrenness is one of the weapon Satan is using to frustrate many people in the world today. Many
organizations aren’t experiencing growth because of this same challenge of spiritual barrenness.
Businesses can remain stagnant without growth due to the same problem no matter how hard you
Jesus is very clear in the book of John 15:4-5 – Remain in me as I also remain in you. No branch can bear
fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. “I am the
vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you
can do nothing.”
The word of Jesus himself is confirming here that when we engage in divine fellowship with him we will
not only have the capacity to bear fruit but also we will bear much fruit. It is such a great thing in life to
move from just being fruitful to bearing much fruit, this depicts of being in a state of experiencing
The life God has given us requires that we need to access a state of much fruitfulness, this is the state of
abundant living. Only effective fellowship with God can empower believers to experience abundant life
in Christ Jesus. There are things around us that requires capacity to increase abundantly for us to
recover the years that the cancer worms and the crawling worms have eaten. Your blessing will start
flowing to you in double portions and in triplets. When the time for Elisha to pick the mantle from Elijah
had come he needed a double portion and he got the double portion.
The secret which was applied by Elisha was simply to leverage on the divine fellowship with God and
the servant of God Elijah. One powerful word Elijah told Elisha was that, “even though you have asked
for a hard thing nevertheless make sure that you stay around, if you see me taken away by the horses of
fire then the mantle will fall upon you” Elisha could not have seen Elijah being taken away if they didn’t
have a close fellowship. Elisha served Elijah faithfully till the end and finally God honored his prayer and
fulfilled his dream of a double portion.
God can make you to experience a supernatural increase if you can make a choice to work on your
fellowship with Jesus. It does not matter how long you have been waiting on God, the same God is able
to turn around your story, He can turn your test into testimony and your scars into stars if you can draw
closer to him. You can prayerfully seek his face and purpose to become an effective member of a
spiritual church near you and become an active member to that fellowship because God uses people.
Let the word of God dwell in you richly by meditating on the word day and night. Then determine
yourself to do all that which is written in the word of God. Trust in the word of God and let the word
dictate the value system in your life. Let every decision you make in life be guided by the word of God.
Some of your close acquaintances will reject you when you make these radical decisions, my
encouragement is that the space created by those who leave will be filled by more genuine friends who
will add value to your life.
Victorious life through fellowship with God.
When we enter into covenant with God through salvation then our battles are taken over by God. Every
opposition that we face in life now belongs to God. All those who put their trust in the Lord through the
divine fellowship are given veto power to undo every demonic and evil scripts in the spiritual realm.
Some of the challenges you are currently facing is determined by scripts which were authored in hell,
your issues and matters around your life are always hitting a snag just when you are at the edge of
breakthrough and you wonder what is not happening.
In the book of Luke 10:19 – the Bible says, “Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and
scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you” God is simply
giving assurance of sweeping powers over every powers of darkness to those who believe and trust
upon his name here. The hard things we face in life are spiritually based including sicknesses of which
some are strange in nature, hence the need to counter them from the spiritual perspective. You need
God for you to overcome that challenge of fear.
Some people live in fear of even of the unknown. Whenever they go to bed they have a feeling like they
will not wake up the following day. The challenge of persistent fear has made you not to trust anybody
around you. God is promising that you can have power and authority to live a victorious life if only you
believe in Jesus. Your faith in Jesus will grant you access to have reliable and sustainable fellowship with
God where your security can be guaranteed.

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