Preparing the Church for the End Times
Baghdad, Iraq, 2005. Victory Base Chapel. Early morning.
I watch Soldiers who are just now entering chapel for services. They look weary, most have been up all night either on a mission or pulling guard duty. They bring their weapons with them and drop them on the floor, and then they lift their hands in worship. After service is over, they pick up their firearms and continue their mission. There is no respite in combat.
I want you to get this picture: Soldiers never leave their weapons unattended, even in chapel services at Victory Base, Baghdad, Iraq. They have those weapons beside them just in case of an enemy attack. They are ready for combat at all times.
If we did that here in America, it would be a strange sight indeed, but not in a war zone, not in combat. The interesting thing to note is we are at war in America!
What war, you ask?
There are dark spiritual forces at war with believers here in America and around the world. Make no mistake about it; we are in combat every day with the unseen enemy. Ephesians 6:12 tells us: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
What do we need to do to combat the forces of darkness? Be ready and prepared! The Lord, in these last days, is preparing His Army for spiritual hand to hand combat.
Look at Matthew 25:1-5, the parable of the ten virgins: “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.
The ten virgins’ job was to provide light, and some of them, according to John Piper, had “lamps without oil, candles without wicks, torches without fire, light bulbs without electricity. They had the outward form of religion and no internal power. They liked their position; otherwise, they would have left. But they did not have a passion for using the necessary means to fulfill the point of their position.”[1]
Five were ready, and five were not. Those five were distracted, too busy with politics or shopping or sports or whatever. They probably relished the excellent church services, loved the sermons, enjoyed fellowship feasts, and were very busy with the details of the day, yet the Bible tells us they were asleep! They were not ready for the coming of their Lord.
I want to share with you the secret of the US Army’s success. The number one priority is READINESS! There is no other number one priority. If the Army was not adequately trained, equipped, manned, and supplied, what do you think will happen in the next conflict? We lose. Period.
The five virgins who were ready had oil, and they had their lamps, they prepared for the return of the groom. Are You ready?
Here are some ways to start getting ready:
1. Take a good hard look at your life right now: are you focused and doing all that Christ has asked of you? How do you spend your time?
2. Start by repenting! Just start. When the Army throws you into boot camp, on day one you are now a Soldier, not a civilian. No looking back.
3. Determine to follow Christ every moment of every day by putting to death the flesh, that part of me that doesn’t relate to Christ. In the Army, you follow the orders of those who are over you. Throw out all idols in your life, those things that are higher priority than God.
4. Fill your lamp with oil, which is the power of the Holy Spirit. We need power packed disciples. Listening to Him every moment of every day.
5. Read and live the Word every day.
How shall we live in 2021 and beyond? Keep your weapons by you at all times.
David J Giammona

Chaplain (COL) David Giammona, U.S. Army Ret., is an end-time expert, scholar, author, writer, and speaker. He retired from the Army in June 2018 after 32 years of military service in the Army. His last assignment was the Installation Management Command (IMCOM) in San Antonio, Texas, where he was responsible for religious support on all 75 Army installations worldwide. He had oversight and administrative responsibility for over 1,000 chaplains and others, along with several thousand volunteers.
Giammona was the strategic advisor to a 3-Star Commanding General and the chief executor for the Chief of Chaplains to deliver world-class spiritual support services. Upon his retirement, President Donald Trump, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, Pastor Rick Warren, New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado, and others sent him letters to express their appreciation for his service to his country.
An ordained Assemblies of God minister since 1988, the Colonel, has dedicated his life in retirement to writing and speaking with a focus on preparing the church and warning the world about the end times.
His education includes a Master of Divinity, Golden Gate Baptist Seminary, Master of Science in Counseling – Marriage/Family Therapy, Columbus State University, and a Master of Strategic Studies (MSS) at the Army War College.
His Army assignments include four years in the Pentagon as the Personal Assignments Officer for the Chief of Chaplains, three tours of combat duty in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia, and extensive travel throughout the world as a trainer, mentor, and coach to the military.
Generals and fellow chaplains and colonels who served with Giammona describe him as a “heavy hitter” with “gravitas,” a “servant leader” who could “help lead through tough situations,” and a chaplain and Colonel chosen for this position because of his “compassion, his skills, and his love of God and country.” “He was well-liked and very well respected among people at IMCOM,” says retired U.S. Army Major. Gen Warren Patterson. “IMCOM was the headquarters of about 600-700 people, and he reached out to them. He had the utmost respect of everybody there. His staff absolutely loved him because he cared about them.
His awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service Commendation Medal, Global War on Terror Service Medal, and Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal. Giammona is a native of Sacramento, California. He and his wife Esther have been married for 39 years and have three adult children: Micah, Catarina, and Melissa. They are married and serving Christ. Giammona and Esther also have three grandchildren: Isaac, Michael, and Eva. Col. Giammona and Esther live at their home on the 46-acre Warrior Refuge near Columbus, Georgia.
In his free time, the world-class motivational speaker enjoys playing the saxophone, working out, hunting, and reading. He has an extensive background in music and graduated with a degree in saxophone performance from Sacramento State University. He performs at churches and other venues.
David J Giammona
Cell: 931-249-9206
US Army Colonel, Retired
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