What is Biblical-Moral Responsible Investing or BRI?

This is the effort of using a “Moral Screen” to screen out any company that either supports or gains from immoral activity.

Are you concerned about the moral decline In our culture? Would you allow yourself to be involved in such items? You may be funding them with your invested portfolio.

You may own stock in a fund or company that supports or gains from exactly what you stand against and/or teach others against because it is immoral. If they knew, what would your family, friends, or followers say?

Deuteronomy 23:18, Romans chapters 13-14, I Timothy 5:22

What is in your IRA, ROTH, 403b, mutual fund, variable annuity, 401k? Sadly most denominational funds are NOT clean. Stewardship involves so much more than just spending money with some discretion then giving an offering to the local church.


God expects us to use the resources He gives us to best carry out our responsibilities. I Corinthians 4:2, “Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.”

It’s time we rethink our perspective on money and possessions. We want to use what God has to say. I have found in my own experience that many American families are within a few short weeks of bankruptcy conditions. On one end of the spectrum families do not save money. On the other end of the financial spectrum many tend to hoard assets as we see in Luke 12:18-21.

Another part to the answer is that most of us have personal convictions and morals. Often times we are outspoken about them. However, when it comes to taking the monies that we have been blessed with, we do not look to see if we are a partner with a company that either supports or gains from immoral items. We may own stock in a company that either supports or gains from exactly what we teach others against because it is immoral.

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