The “Pastor’s Prayer Center” is the central location from where All Pro Pastors International actively prays “for” pastors every day of the week. It is virtual and global!
Welcome to our “ Pastor’s Prayer Center“. Prayer is the foundation and life blood of this ministry. We call it the Pastor’s Prayer Center simply because it is the home from which Pastors and Leaders from around the world join hearts and voices in Prayer and Praise for almighty God. It is also where our Prayer Warriors engage in spiritual warfare for all of our ministries, countries and leaders to follow Jesus Christ and to use the Bible when making “all” decisions. It is the safe place where Pastor’s and Ministry Leaders can expect to be prayed for every single day of the year.
The Prayer Center is made up of our prayer partners throughout the world in many countries who are praying for the Body of Christ and our Pastors 24 hours per day and 365 days per year but that is not all. There are pastors and churches who are committed to faithfully pray every week for their neighboring churches regardless of their denomination and specifically for the pastors by name.
At the present time we have commitments from 168 pastors in India who are praying an hour a week at specific hours of the day for Pastors and Nations around the world! This is a 24 hour 7 day a week commitment! When you click on India you can view where many of these Pastors live who are praying for you!
The Pastors Prayer Initiative takes II Chronicles 7:14 to its fullest meaning and also, for us to “pray without ceasing” I Thessalonians 5:17.
We prayerfully request that you join with us in our Prayer Initiative.