There is a pastoral crisis… There is a pastoral cure…
When Pastors succeed, churches succeed. When churches succeed, families succeed. When families succeed, communities succeed. The glorious message of the gospel rises or falls in direct proportion to the health of the local pastor.
A recent church leadership survey reported that 27% of pastors had no one to turn to if they were facing a crisis, 35% were battling depression on a daily basis, 50% would abandon ministry if they had another job option and 70% say they do not have a close trusted friend. All Pro Pastors partners with pastors to change that.
The same survey announced that 90% of pastors believe they inadequately manage the demands of their job, and 53% felt their seminary training did not equip them for today’s church ministry. All Pro Pastors International offers real world training resources to pastors where they are.
From medical help, mentoring, or the use of a vacation home for a sabbatical, APPI works to connect Christian business professionals who are willing to help pastors succeed in their personal world. All Pro Pastors is a pastors friend.
Based on the simple example of Jesus, the APPI Champions Table brings strength, encouragement, and restoration to pastors. A Champions Table consists of four strategically placed pastors partnering together for the growth of each other, their marriage and family, and the growth of their church. Best of all… IT WORKS.
A one hour weekly investment in yourself, your church, and your family through a Champions Table will transform your future. Please invest in your own personal emotional and spiritual foundation as a pastor. Then you will be able to stand for the long haul and be glad you did.
From ChurchLeadership. org & ChristianityToday. org Survey of Pastors:
Only 35% feel beloved or cared for by their church
46% have seriously considered leaving the ministry or are looking to do that right now
and 22% of pastors would not be a pastor if they had to do it all over again.
50% are so discouraged you would abandon ministry if you had another job option
44% of pastors do not like their church
28% are spiritually undernourished and 9% are burnt-out
23% are still distant to their families
57% are not receiving a livable wage
34% of pastors battle discouragement on a regular basis
35% battle depression and fear of inadequacy
27% can’t find 30 minutes a day to study the word for their own personal growth
81% have been tempted to have an inappropriate liaison with a church member
14% admit they currently struggle with using pornography
27% of pastors say they have no one to turn to if they are facing a crisis
90% of pastors feel they inadequately manage the demands of their job
53% say Seminary did not equip them for church ministry
44% of pastors claim the biggest challenge they have is recruiting or developing volunteers
78% of Pastors feel that their congregation is not tithing to their potential
89% have projects that could be accomplished if they had more funding too
This is why we need Paul Pickern and All Pro Pastors!