#1 To start an (APPI) All Pro Pastors International “Table of Champions Chapter” you must first start your own Champions Table per the instructions found in this website.
#2 You must Register every member of your Table
#3 You must have been faithfully meeting for a minimum of 7 weeks and following the guidelines and the weekly video message that is posted on YouTube and Facebook each week. Video Messages will be posted every Monday USA time.
#4 During these 7 weeks you should be contacting other Pastors and helping them to establish additional Champion Tables in your area that meet each week per the instructions. These may be pastors who are a part of a local pastors association or prayer group who would like to become involved with APPI.
#5 As soon as you start meeting begin sending updates by email to Champions@allpropastors.org every week. Be sure that every pastor in a Table is registered.
#6 The number of Champion Tables in your Chapter will be determined by population and geographical distance. A Table of Champions Chapter should start with at least 5 established Tables in a given Area.
#7 Each Chapter will be encouraged to meet on a regular basis to pray, fellowship and strategically discuss local challenges and how to reach your community for Jesus.
#8 APPI will be sharing a Zoom Video Link once a month for a live message and sometimes discussion from our Ambassador Leadership Team
#9 Being a part of this organization is strictly voluntary including leadership roles such as Area, State and National Directors.
#10 This is primarily a Pastor to Pastor multi denominational, multicultural and multiethnic ministry.
#11 Communications will be done by E-Mail
#12 Our website is constantly being updated and we suggest that you visit it regularly for educational updates
Special Note: The Person responsible for starting a Chapter will be initially invited to become an “Acting Area Director” for up to one year. The Area Director can expand the initial Area by adding Chapters.