Our southern border in the USA has been over run by immigrants struggling to come here. Our border agents tirelessly work to give them the care and attention they need as they seek a new home. The numbers are staggering and the misuse of children as a so called “Passport” to enter our nation is now an epidemic. With the overcrowded conditions that exist because of the rise in the illegal immigrants and the lack of supplies, the border agents themselves struggle because they too are parents who have a heart!
On August 16,17th, All Pro Pastors International has been invited to bring 30 pastors/leaders to see first hand how the families are being treated, the care that is administered, the conditions that the agents have to work with, and to speak face to face with the agents regarding this daunting daily task. This behind the scenes visit will take these pastors through the facilities where the public cannot go. They will also go to the border and see how critical it is that we protect it. There will also be a high level briefing that may reveal details that must remain confidential. This is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity.
In addition, the pastors will participate in Operation Border Blessing, a festive day with some of the border agents and their families. This will give everyone an opportunity to talk with these true servants and protectors of our borders.
Overall, this is a mission trip of the highest priority! You will experience first hand why and how the “Church” needs to step in and assist as these families are entering our homeland. There is a tremendous need for them to hear the gospel of Jesus and about personal salvation.
We will be the overnite guests of “Valley Baptist Mission Education Center” who helps process up to 1200 immigrants daily to enter into our society.
We will be flying by “private charter plane” out of Lakeland, Florida.
Please contact us ASAP if you are interested in joining us in this limited number trip.
(Some restrictions apply and everyone will be security screened by our Homeland Security)
For Ticket Package please mail check per instructions.
To Register contact
Earl Burkett (813)380-3921 or Paul Pickern (813)481-8743
Departing Lakeland Linder Airport Friday August 16th 8:30 AM (arrive prior to departure 7:30AM-parking available)
Return Lakeland Airport Saturday August 17th 9:30 PM
Mail Checks to:
All Pro Pastors
1406 E Mimosa Dr.
Plant City, Florida 33563
Checks must be received by August 10th.
Send a notification email with your Name(as it appears on your drivers license and date of birth), Cell Phone Number, Church/Organization: