Every year Tampa has a huge Leadership Breakfast in the spring. The truth about this event is it’s an outreach to bring men to Jesus. Each year a highly successful and very recognizable guest speaker is brought in to speak. These men are the kind of men like Coach Tony Dungy, Coach Joe Gibbs, Danny Weurfell, Truett Cathy, Bobby Bowden, Darryl Strawberry, etc. who will draw men in who normally will not visit a church but will go to a generic venue to see and hear these famous men. This year we have a truly remarkable speaker, Todd Hopkins, CEO and founder of Office Pride.

Brother, you may have a very strong men’s ministry but let’s face it, many of your women wish their husband or boyfriend would get saved, but they just will not come to church. This gives you an opportunity to bring every one of them to hear first hand the message of Jesus and the gospel in a “safe” non threatening place. This event also is an opportunity for everyone of your men to bring that buddy or lost family member to hear a real “Success” story they can relate too. Todd Hopkins is the kind of man you want all your businessmen to be like and every other man will be encouraged by.
Finally, let me say, does your men’s ministry need a boost? Could you use a few motivated “men of God”? On April 4th, we have partnered with CBMC for their 49th Annual Tampa Leadership Breakfast and I want to ask that you seriously consider this and make it a major outreach of your own!
The entire events primary purpose is to
#1 Bring lost men to Christ
#2 Bring the fallen-ones back to Christ
#3 Prepare men for serious discipleship
#4 Provide the local church/pastors an event they can use to reach men (theirs and others) and get them motivated or saved
We are praying that as a passionate leader of men and a hunger to see men saved that you will embrace this as special opportunity to reach men for Jesus!
Please follow the links below for the details. We have been and still are faithfully praying for you.
Your Servant,
For Details Click: https://tinyurl.com/ y2body3r
Location and Directions: https:// tampabayprayer.com/venue/