

  As a pastor I have found it very difficult to trust anyone. I have many friends/acquaintances in my church and denomination, but these are people I would never expose my hurts or weaknesses to. There are times that I have questions and frankly I am embarrassed to ask anyone because of what they might think. Other times I get so frustrated I just want to quit, knowing I can’t it just stays inside of me like a sore that keeps festering up. I get so lonely on this island surrounded by people! Where can I go just to talk?

Does this sound familiar? You may have other issues that only you know about. The Champion Table may be the place that over time you build deep rooted trust. The kind of trust that you can say anything and know you are not going to be cast out and burned at the stake. How refreshing to find a place where I can take my “Pastor Suit” off and just be plain old me.  


I wanted to drop you a line to express my joy in our All Pro Pastors Champion Table. We have been meeting since May, 2007 now, and the intimacy level is really growing. We have seen barriers come down, and transparency taking place. Our four pastors have learned to lean on and count on one another. Hardly a week goes by that I don’t receive an email or phone call, giving or asking for encouragement. Every pastor needs a Table like ours.

In Christ,

 Fred Harrold, New life Community Church,USA

All Pro Pastors has helped me as a man, a husband and a Pastor. The impact of Champion Tables in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania is changing the Kingdom of God for all of Africa. My life will never be the same!

Ambassador Peter Simwa, Higher Vision Center, Eldoret, Kenya,   

Our “All Pro Pastors” Champion Table meets every Tuesday morning. I was at a point where I had decided not to add anything else to my weekly calendar. After visiting a couple of weeks I discovered that “All Pro Pastors” was not your normal “meeting type” atmosphere as some would think.  It offered open discussion with likeminded people who share the same type of accomplishments, challenges, and needs.  We share the importance of honoring God as the husbands, fathers, and leaders in our homes.  I now look forward to Tuesday mornings as a priority.   

 Kevin M. Wynne,  FBC Durant, USA

 Getting Started 
  • Find 3 other Pastors who you will agree to meet with every week. These may be Pastors who you are not acquainted with and need to seek out. (4 total is best but you may have to start with less)
  • Establish a place and time that works for all. 
  • Be committed and make attendance a Priority!  
  • The first few meetings is a time of introduction.  Share about your family, personal interests, Salvation Experience, hobbies, where you have lived, etc.   Just get acquainted with one another.
  • Note: Each Champions Table should have someone volunteer to be the Table Champion. This is a commitment to contact each Table member the day before your meeting as a reminder.
  • After your time of introduction share with the Table any current goals that you feel comfortable sharing. (Marriage, Family, Physical, Household, Personal Improvement, Spiritual Growth, Business, Financial, Health, Education, Ministry, etc.) 
  • Share any Personal areas of Improvement that you want to be encouraged to acheive.                                                                                    
  • Examples:  I need to lose 30 pounds, I need to increase my income, I want to write a book, I need to finish school, I need to spend more time with my wife, I need to read more, I need to watch less TV, I need time off/vacation, I have many debts that I need to pay-off. You get the idea.  (Your Table is there to Encourage you, cheer you on, not judge or give unrequested advice.)                                    
  • Review the “Accountability” Questions and discuss how your Table wants to use these. (You may want to add some or revise them). Where do you want to start? How much Accountability does your Table want!? (This will make a big difference in your Table. If you have some who want a high level of accountability and others who do not, be patient. You, who want it, go ahead and lay it out on the table each week. Watch God work. Trust HIM!)
  • The week you decide to start your journey as “Champions” is a very important week. This is the week your decide to embrace the “Accountability Questions  as your Personal Guideline”. You start talking about the good and bad of your week.  You can unload or just listen to one another. Do not talk so much that others do not have a chance.  You can be reserved or let it all out. You must decide personally. Each week is different. Things happen. There is a direct relationship in what you give and what you receive.
  • Each week try to set personal and specific goals. You may have one or many goals. Write them down and share with your group.  This is your “TO DO LIST”.ASK for Accountability and each week give a progress report. This is not a requirement for the Table only a proven way to help you reach goals while building trust and real friendships! 
  • End each week by sharing Prayer needs and close with prayer.

Special Note:   The Table is not a Bible Study Group or Prayer meeting, you should already be doing that. It is Men getting serious about Real Men issues.  (Men meet with Men and Women with Women.)


Weekly “Accountability Points”

(You should use first names and avoid titles. Dr., Bishop, Pastor, etc).

  • How have I done on my weekly “TO DO’S”?
  • Have I spent enough personal time in God’s word and in prayer?
  • Have I had any flirtatious or lustful attitudes, tempting thoughts, wandering eyes or exposed myself to any explicit materials (TV, Internet, Mag. Etc) which would not glorify God?
  • Did anyone in/from my church tempt me (wandering eyes) or approach me in an inappropriate manner?  What did I do?
  • Have I met my wife/children’s need for LOVE each day (Words of encouragement and appreciation; Hugs, touches and intimacy; acts of kindness and service; my personal time and attention; gifts of love? What would they say?
  • Have I prayed with my wife every day?
  • Have I been completely above reproach in my financial dealings? Have I been honest with my wife about my spending?
  • Have I treated my body as God’s Temple? (Health, Exercise, Weight)
  •  ( Have I lied in any of my answers?)

What am I going to do about it this week? 

As you are talking and listening, write down “action items” that jump out as this weeks “To Do’s”. These are specific actions you are planning to do before your next “Table”. You Are asking your fellow Champions to challenge you and encourage you to succeed? You must be Specific! Note, you should have a few items that you have as “To Do’s” that are each and every week in order to start new habits.

 If you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always gotten and you will continue to be what you have always been! It is time to step up and step out. 

Dear Pastor,

In 2003 the Lord clearly spoke to me that Pastors needed to learn to trust one another and to love each other. He also said that we as Pastors need to live” Holy” lives at home and embrace accountability.  This word started my wife and me on a journey to begin a ministry called All Pro Pastors (APP) and now The Champion Table Global Ministries.

The Champion Table is the foundation of APP and these guidelines have helped Pastors throughout the world to experience miracles, start lifelong friendships, save marriages and ministries, and unify the Body for Kingdom building. We are committed to praying for you and encouraging you to stay the course! When we say we love you, we mean it.

Thank you for reading through the Champion Table Guidelines. We are absolutely sure the Holy Spirit has given this to us. Many Pastors want specific guidelines and others already understand the principles to become real Champions through accountability/trust and friendship.

Each Pastor makes the decision as to whether you want a strong “Accountability” table or simply a Fellowship/Friendship table. Both are extremely essential in our life. These are a few specifics that it takes to make a successful “Champions Table”.

(1)          Pastors/Men should meet together with Pastors from different churches/denominations/tribes/etc (if at all possible).  

(2)           4 Pastors are the best number at a Table. 5 or more reduce “Trust Building” genuine intimacy and increases the time needed each week.

 (3)          There are stages “Strong Tables” go through. : Fellowship-Friendship-Honesty-Encouragement-(Commitment)-Trust-Accountability-Acheivement-Success-CHAMPIONSHIP

(4)          Setting Weekly To Do’s give a foundation for commitment, it is the easiest way to learn accountability without the need for deep trust, helps establish Achievable Goals, provides a circle of friends to cheer us on to success each week  

(5)          The Table is not a Bible study. (You should already have this). It is easy for us as Pastors to avoid real issues by using the Bible as a way not to face them.

Again, Please review the attached carefully and discuss with your Table. We love you and this ministry is striving to honor God best by serving you as we serve Him. It is up to each of us.

Your Friend and Servant,
