
Where every time you turn around predjudice seems to raise its ugly head we would like to announce that many Pastors who have started Champion Tables are breaking these generational attitudes! Pastors of all races, denominations and tribes are meeting each week in groups of (4) for relationship and trust building. These Champion Table Pastors are producing Kingdom Champions and Leaders who are linking arms to destroy the enemy strongholds in their communities!

In Valrico, Florida one Table has brought Southern Baptist, Assembly of God, Seventh Day Adventist and a Messianic Rabbi together to meet every week. In Eldoret, Kenya many Tribal Pastors are now becoming best of friends because of weekly encouraging and holding each other to serious accountabilty.

When people see Pastors loving one another, liking one another and publicly fellowshipping and having fun, the curse of predjudice suffers a huge blow. When Pastors in every city in America follows suit, America will change! Praise God many are!

Pastor, what about you? 



  As a pastor I have found it very difficult to trust anyone. I have many friends/acquaintances in my church and denomination, but these are people I would never expose my hurts or weaknesses to. There are times that I have questions and frankly I am embarrassed to ask anyone because of what they might think. Other times I get so frustrated I just want to quit, knowing I can’t it just stays inside of me like a sore that keeps festering up. I get so lonely on this island surrounded by people! Where can I go just to talk?

Does this sound familiar? You may have other issues that only you know about. The Champion Table may be the place that over time you build deep rooted trust. The kind of trust that you can say anything and know you are not going to be cast out and burned at the stake. How refreshing to find a place where I can take my “Pastor Suit” off and just be plain old me.  


I wanted to drop you a line to express my joy in our All Pro Pastors Champion Table. We have been meeting since May, 2007 now, and the intimacy level is really growing. We have seen barriers come down, and transparency taking place. Our four pastors have learned to lean on and count on one another. Hardly a week goes by that I don’t receive an email or phone call, giving or asking for encouragement. Every pastor needs a Table like ours.

In Christ,

 Fred Harrold, New life Community Church,USA

All Pro Pastors has helped me as a man, a husband and a Pastor. The impact of Champion Tables in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania is changing the Kingdom of God for all of Africa. My life will never be the same!

Ambassador Peter Simwa, Higher Vision Center, Eldoret, Kenya,   

Our “All Pro Pastors” Champion Table meets every Tuesday morning. I was at a point where I had decided not to add anything else to my weekly calendar. After visiting a couple of weeks I discovered that “All Pro Pastors” was not your normal “meeting type” atmosphere as some would think.  It offered open discussion with likeminded people who share the same type of accomplishments, challenges, and needs.  We share the importance of honoring God as the husbands, fathers, and leaders in our homes.  I now look forward to Tuesday mornings as a priority.   

 Kevin M. Wynne,  FBC Durant, USA

 Getting Started 
  • Find 3 other Pastors who you will agree to meet with every week. These may be Pastors who you are not acquainted with and need to seek out. (4 total is best but you may have to start with less)
  • Establish a place and time that works for all. 
  • Be committed and make attendance a Priority!  
  • The first few meetings is a time of introduction.  Share about your family, personal interests, Salvation Experience, hobbies, where you have lived, etc.   Just get acquainted with one another.
  • Note: Each Champions Table should have someone volunteer to be the Table Champion. This is a commitment to contact each Table member the day before your meeting as a reminder.
  • After your time of introduction share with the Table any current goals that you feel comfortable sharing. (Marriage, Family, Physical, Household, Personal Improvement, Spiritual Growth, Business, Financial, Health, Education, Ministry, etc.) 
  • Share any Personal areas of Improvement that you want to be encouraged to acheive.                                                                                    
  • Examples:  I need to lose 30 pounds, I need to increase my income, I want to write a book, I need to finish school, I need to spend more time with my wife, I need to read more, I need to watch less TV, I need time off/vacation, I have many debts that I need to pay-off. You get the idea.  (Your Table is there to Encourage you, cheer you on, not judge or give unrequested advice.)                                    
  • Review the “Accountability” Questions and discuss how your Table wants to use these. (You may want to add some or revise them). Where do you want to start? How much Accountability does your Table want!? (This will make a big difference in your Table. If you have some who want a high level of accountability and others who do not, be patient. You, who want it, go ahead and lay it out on the table each week. Watch God work. Trust HIM!)
  • The week you decide to start your journey as “Champions” is a very important week. This is the week your decide to embrace the “Accountability Questions  as your Personal Guideline”. You start talking about the good and bad of your week.  You can unload or just listen to one another. Do not talk so much that others do not have a chance.  You can be reserved or let it all out. You must decide personally. Each week is different. Things happen. There is a direct relationship in what you give and what you receive.
  • Each week try to set personal and specific goals. You may have one or many goals. Write them down and share with your group.  This is your “TO DO LIST”.ASK for Accountability and each week give a progress report. This is not a requirement for the Table only a proven way to help you reach goals while building trust and real friendships! 
  • End each week by sharing Prayer needs and close with prayer.

Special Note:   The Table is not a Bible Study Group or Prayer meeting, you should already be doing that. It is Men getting serious about Real Men issues.  (Men meet with Men and Women with Women.)


Weekly “Accountability Points”

(You should use first names and avoid titles. Dr., Bishop, Pastor, etc).

  • How have I done on my weekly “TO DO’S”?
  • Have I spent enough personal time in God’s word and in prayer?
  • Have I had any flirtatious or lustful attitudes, tempting thoughts, wandering eyes or exposed myself to any explicit materials (TV, Internet, Mag. Etc) which would not glorify God?
  • Did anyone in/from my church tempt me (wandering eyes) or approach me in an inappropriate manner?  What did I do?
  • Have I met my wife/children’s need for LOVE each day (Words of encouragement and appreciation; Hugs, touches and intimacy; acts of kindness and service; my personal time and attention; gifts of love? What would they say?
  • Have I prayed with my wife every day?
  • Have I been completely above reproach in my financial dealings? Have I been honest with my wife about my spending?
  • Have I treated my body as God’s Temple? (Health, Exercise, Weight)
  •  ( Have I lied in any of my answers?)

What am I going to do about it this week? 

As you are talking and listening, write down “action items” that jump out as this weeks “To Do’s”. These are specific actions you are planning to do before your next “Table”. You Are asking your fellow Champions to challenge you and encourage you to succeed? You must be Specific! Note, you should have a few items that you have as “To Do’s” that are each and every week in order to start new habits.

 If you always do what you have always done you will always get what you have always gotten and you will continue to be what you have always been! It is time to step up and step out. 

Dear Pastor,

In 2003 the Lord clearly spoke to me that Pastors needed to learn to trust one another and to love each other. He also said that we as Pastors need to live” Holy” lives at home and embrace accountability.  This word started my wife and me on a journey to begin a ministry called All Pro Pastors (APP) and now The Champion Table Global Ministries.

The Champion Table is the foundation of APP and these guidelines have helped Pastors throughout the world to experience miracles, start lifelong friendships, save marriages and ministries, and unify the Body for Kingdom building. We are committed to praying for you and encouraging you to stay the course! When we say we love you, we mean it.

Thank you for reading through the Champion Table Guidelines. We are absolutely sure the Holy Spirit has given this to us. Many Pastors want specific guidelines and others already understand the principles to become real Champions through accountability/trust and friendship.

Each Pastor makes the decision as to whether you want a strong “Accountability” table or simply a Fellowship/Friendship table. Both are extremely essential in our life. These are a few specifics that it takes to make a successful “Champions Table”.

(1)          Pastors/Men should meet together with Pastors from different churches/denominations/tribes/etc (if at all possible).  

(2)           4 Pastors are the best number at a Table. 5 or more reduce “Trust Building” genuine intimacy and increases the time needed each week.

 (3)          There are stages “Strong Tables” go through. : Fellowship-Friendship-Honesty-Encouragement-(Commitment)-Trust-Accountability-Acheivement-Success-CHAMPIONSHIP

(4)          Setting Weekly To Do’s give a foundation for commitment, it is the easiest way to learn accountability without the need for deep trust, helps establish Achievable Goals, provides a circle of friends to cheer us on to success each week  

(5)          The Table is not a Bible study. (You should already have this). It is easy for us as Pastors to avoid real issues by using the Bible as a way not to face them.

Again, Please review the attached carefully and discuss with your Table. We love you and this ministry is striving to honor God best by serving you as we serve Him. It is up to each of us.

Your Friend and Servant,


Praise God, Pastor Peter Simwa from Eldoret Kenya did an outstanding job preparing the way for APP to come and share with over 200 pastors in three days of conference. His efforts and prayers were rewarded by a mighty move of God. Many Pastors were encouraged and connected together in the Body/ Kingdom of God with renewed harmony and unity. Several Bishops, Apostles, Dr.s and other leaders met with us and have embraced the mission of All Pro Pastors as a vital part of their ministry to reach Kenya, Africa and the World for Jesus Christ.

Peter Simwa was commissioned and anointed/appointed as the Chief Ambassador for Africa and specifically the Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania region. Pastor Patrick Ogoda APP Ambassador for Uganda and Pastor Bosco Odongo traveled for two days to be with us in Eldoret. Pastor Joseph Chai stepped up in a big way to help our team while in Eldoret. Pastor Peter Simwa’s Champion Table brothers Wycliffe Masika has a Pastors Training School and had several students at the conference and Pastor John and his wife treated us to lunch each day in their home. It was wonderful! There were many Pastors who treated us with great honor and we were humbled by their outpouring of love and compassion.

We must also point out that APP also appointed a new Ambassador to Tanzania while in Eldoret. Pastor Patroba Ammolo has been pastoring for 6 years and the Saturday after our conference he graduated and received his ministerial degree. Praise God.

When we arrived in Nairobi, the first day, we were greeted by a host of Pastors from Neno Evangelism Center, a great church in Niarobi led by Apostle James Maina. He has founded a church of over 20,000 in Niarobi with 300 plus churches throughout Kenya. Pastor Simon Njenga a Kenyan now from America made the introductions and they treated the team as royalty. (Pastor Njenga was a gift from God!) He took great care for us and became a vital part of our ministry team.  Our team led Pastor conferences in Kitegela (thanks to pastor Simon Obunga’s fine preparations) and preached in several outdoor crusade meetings. Many were healed, delivered and SAVED.

We were each blessed as we poured ourselves out each day for Jesus. It seemed that every day each one of us became exhausted physically because the power of God flowed through us to so many different people and in new ways. Many thousands of lives were touched and God smiled upon this ministry. The Kenyan people are very loving people and have a hunger for God. They are heart broken by how America has appeared to step away from the Christian heritage that our country was founded upon. The past several years they have actively sent powerful men of God to America as Evangelists and Pastors to start new work. They have a sincere burden for the USA. (WE may discuss this further at a later date)

As we close out this news, let us say how thankful we are to our many partners who have joined this ministry to reach out to Pastors throughout the world. The impact of Saving Pastors stretches for greater than a Pastor and his family. It reaches the congregation, the orphans, the hungry, the hurting, the poor, the shoeless, the naked, the sick, the dieing, and the homeless. This Ministry called All Pro Pastors is reaching more people for the Kingdom of God than we will ever know. I Praise God that we can say, this mission to Africa was a great success and at the same time it is just a beginning. We have been asked to return and to have conferences (teaching, preaching, saving, healing, delivering and empowering) next time to thousands of Pastors. The fire that was started is believed to be the FIRE of GOD that can reach all of Kenya and Africa for Jesus. The coming together of the Pastors in unity has never happened before. It is a Miracle!

Please pray for us as we answer this great call and commission to go back to Africa and to all parts of the world who are crying out for the Kingdom of God to come together and save them. We love you!


Eldoret All Pro Pastors


Pastors in Florida USA are coming together in Champion Tables and seeing miracles  and many prayers answered. Pastors are giving testimonies each week how God is using the TABLE to strengthen encourage and sometimes save them! Praise God.

In August a packed house of Pastors from all denominations joined hearts and minds together for an All Pro Pastors luncheon at “The River” church which is pastored by Dr Rodney Howard-Browne in Tampa Florida. Baptist, Assembly of God, Methodist, Church of God, Four Square, Non-denominational, and many others came to be encouraged and embraced by the Kingdom love of God. The River demonstrated the love of God by opening their arms of love to all that came. We were blessed by their love and servants heart.

New Hope church and Pastor Dennis Gibson in Winter Haven Florida just weeks later hosted a Luncheon and again Pastors came together across all barriers and walls of divide to embrace each other and start many new friendships. Champion Tables continue to spring from this Pastor/spouse luncheon. It was an awesome time!!

September 27th the 1st Baptist Church at the Mall in Lakeland Florida hosted an All Pro Pastors luncheon and there was standing room only when all had arrived. Many Pastors started their journey to become Champions that day. Lives were changed, re-commitments were  made, pastors stated that from that day forward they were changing  things in their life!  Praise GOD!!

Hundreds of Pastors in central Florida are reaching across the broken divide to focus on the Kingdom and bringing the lost to the Savior.


AFRICA ,AFRICA ,AFRICA praise God that Pastor Moses Brown went to Kenya in February 2012 and introduced many Pastors to All Pro Pastors. Bishop Peter Simwa in Eldoret  caught the vision that Pastors need each other and he started a movement of All Pro Pastors that is reaching throughout the whole Continent. From October 15-29 APP has a team of 4 pastors invited to hold Pastor conferences and participate in crusades in Nairobi, Kitengela and Eldoret.  These two weeks we are honored to go and serve the many pastors and people of Kenya for our Lord Jesus. Please Pray for the power of God to fall on Kenya and for His servants to hear clearly His message and to obediently share these life-giving words. Please pray that many Pastors will start new Champion Tables.

Thank you for being a part of this ministry with your support and prayers. We love you and pray for you.

We received this e-mail message from Bishop Peter Simwa from Kenya. He is our resident Ambassador to Africa for All Pro Pastors. We have copied his message exactly as it was in order for you to feel his heart.

(He is seated in the middle of his Champions Table.)

Dear Paul and All Pro Pastors.

Am writting this note from my heart and know that you will be encouraged and touched by what the Lord is doing in Africa through  All propastors Champions Table.We already have  sixteen Tables in Kenya and Uganda.The Lord Jesus is annointing  us  to  manage this tables with the knowledge that  we did not start them,but  he Jesus is  the  author  and the finisher of  these great ministry that has the sole purpose of bringing men of God  to  seat  together and share their  hearts  confidently to each other.

Barriers are being broken,bounderies are being expanded,relationships are being birthed,brotherhood and  friendship is becoming strong,Churches are being made  strong  as the discouraged are  encouraged,all this is  as result of Gods divine connection to All  propastors.

God is speaking to the pastors through this  Tables that Unity is what is needed  for the Church  of Christ   to be strong and make  an impact to the world.God  is   connecting  us  from every tribe, color,race and nation to be one  as we move  in this last days to Establish  his Kingdom on earth before he comes back for his glorious Church.

Testimonies are being shared everytime we meet,and  men of God are realising that we need  each other in the ministry.

As we serve the congregation we also realize thhat  we need someone to serve  us  and talk to us,we need encouragement,we neeed prayers,we need to be loved,we need someone to pour  our heart  to and  the Champions Table has brought that to us,praise the Lord!!!

Am planning to have a Pastors luncheon the first week of may on thursday so that we can review and see how far we have gone and also introduce other pastors  to the Champins table.In june am  going to Uganda to meet with Pastors and  those  who have  already  joined the Champions table,Pastor patrick  is asking me to  come  to Uganda and have a Luncheon with them.I want to  appeal to you all,first to pray for this missions and the  provision to have the Lucheon succeed and  two, to make it  to Uganda and have the same ministry.please keep me in prayers as  an Ambasador that the Lord will grant me wisdom and knowledge to be the Joshua that will take this Jesus ordained ministry to the  ends  of Africa.

We look  forward to being the Christ Ambasador together  to make Champions of  Christ.

may the Lord bless all the Champions as you serve in his kingdom,our labour iis  not in vain.

Bishop Peter Simwa.African  Ambasador,All propastors.

We are excited to announce that Bishop Peter Simwa has been asked and he has accepted the role as  our official resident “Ambassador in Africa” Pastor/Bishop Simwa lives in Kenya and travels throughout many countries in Africa working with Pastors throughout the continent. He is married and has 4 children. Last week Pastor Moses Brown from Tampa, Florida USA was the featured speaker to nearly two hundred pastors at a pastors conference in Kenya. He presented All Pro Pastors as part of the conference and many Pastors committed to starting Champion Tables. Pastor Simwa has started his and is moving forward to start others. Praise God!

We have been invited to come to Kenya to meet with Pastors and trust that when the time is right, God will make a way. It is our prayer that these men of God will teach other men how to treat their wife and children according to God’s word and that they will work together to reach the lost. Many of these pastors are struggling for food, shelter and food. There are times that they must go and lead their church in worship and have not eaten nor have their chilren and yet they go with a smile on their face and joy in their heart. Please pray for these Precious Brothers, their wives and their families.

Next week Pastor Simwa travels to Uganda to meet with more Pastors. Pray that his journey is powerful with God’s anointing and that many pastors will start new Champion Tables! This is a big step forward as God stretches All Pro Pastors to reach around the Globe. Pastors touching Pastors, encouraging one another and holding each other accountable is critical for us to stay strong in this war against our enemy. Please pray for God to continue to open doors and to send more “Ambassadors” to carry this message.

Thank you again for your prayers, Linda and I continue to pray for you, in His Name that is above all others!


Dearest Paul and ALL PRO PASTORS,
I want first thank the allmighty  God and  the holy spirit for the conference that we ahd  in Eldoret,Kenya.I also want to thank all of you for praying with us and encouraging us.
Pastor Brown arrived in Eldoret on 23th after i picked  him  fro Kisumu Airport.we drove for 2 hours to to Eldoret and booked Pastor Brown in a Hotel.I came to know of pastor Brown through the Face book and we charted for some time and the Holy spirit bond us together.I invited him to Kenya and he agreed,he said he was looking for an Air ticket,and  by december he had gotten the we i started putting the meeting together for Pastors.
Pastor Brown had introduced me to ALL PRO PASTORS and PAUL PICKERN.Paul send me an email and we also had a to talk through the phone after i called him.
Back to our Pastors meeting,I had invited 200 Pastors  to attend the conference and so we were expecting a good number,Paul send me an email encouraging me to bring together as many Pastors as possible,and by the grace of God and  your prayers we had almost 200 Pastors.
Pastor Brown and myself shared about ALL PRO PASTORS and what it means to be part  of it.the response was positive and also many Pastors are willing to Join in this ministry.Pastor Brown preached and we could feel the flow  of the HOLY  SPIRIT speaking to many.we had a powerful time of prayer, and we so God move in many  lives.

We did lounch the ALL PRO PASTORS AFRICA,and we want it to start in kenya  then other countries in Africa will join us.We are so excited with what the LORD is about to do as many Pastors in kenya are passing through many things and they need to be encouraged and  encourage each other.
We believe the CHAMPIONS TABLE is  going to bring great changes and healing in many Pastors lives.
I have always have a burden for Pastors and God  has  Just connected me to you for this purpose.
As we sarted the seminar I was expecting Pastor  Brown to help me to surport the Pastors with meals as they were  going  to be staying in the meeting the whole  day  and we also had some  who came from from as far as 100 miles and others 50 miles.Pastor Brown said he  had no money and he came by  faith.Let me  tell you    PAUL, God is a God of Mirracles,he provided for me  for the three days.

We have already started with three Pastors and we are going to move a  head and bring in others who have already shown interest in joining the CHAMPIONS TABLE.

I very much need your prayers to have this ministry  move forward,pray for my family,the church and provision and wisdom from God.

hope to hear from you,

My  Adress,



Pastor Moses Brown is heading to Kenya, Africa for a three day Pastors Conference from January 24-26. Pastor Peter Simwa has invited Pastor Moses to come to encourage and challenge their Pastors. Pastor Simwa called me to learn more about All Pro Pastors and to tell me that he had printed the “Champion Table” guidelines for each of the 200 plus Pastors they are expecting. Pastor Brown joined a Champions Table in 2009 and has stayed a faithful advocate for All Pro Pastors to other Pastors all over the world. We are honored to have Pastor Brown go as our Ambassador to Kenya.

Pastor Brown has extensive experience in presenting the gospel all over the world and serving mankind in many ways for Jesus. Please pray for this conference to bless these Pastors and to give them what they need to charge ahead as Champions. Please pray for Pastor Moses to have the hand of God upon him and His favor. Thank you for your prayers as we pray that many Pastors will soon be in Champion Tables in Kenya.

Pastor Peter Simwa from Kenya, Africa has scheduled a Pastors Conference from January 24 to January 26. The keynote speaker is Pastor Moses Brown from Tampa, Florida who has been a part of the All Pro Pastors ministry for three years . He has been involved as a Champion in a Pastors Table and now will act as an Ambassador for this ministry. I recently spoke with Pastor Simwa and he said that he is looking forward to getting “Champion Tables” started in Africa. He said that they have many needs as Pastors that are very much like every other Pastor however when I heard his testimony it was clear that he suffered much more hardship than American Pastors. Pastor Brown will be encouraging between 200 – 300 pastors. Please pray for Pastor Moses and Pastor Peter Simwa!


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