“When You’re Burned Out, Wounded and Overwhelmed”
By Dr. Gregory R. Frizzell ©

When Paul Pickern so graciously asked me to write some articles for All Pro Pastors International, I was deeply humbled and honored. Having just written a research book on pastor’s prayer meetings, I have thoroughly studied today’s global ministries to pastors. There is absolutely no group as crucial as pastors and no ministry more powerful than All Pro Pastors International. They even have a ministry to pray for pastors which I strongly encourage pastors to use.
Because pastors are facing unprecedented pressures, I sense this introductory article should be a testimony of encouragement and practical help. It is the story of how God’s grace transformed my life and ministry at a time of devastating difficulty and impossibility. My earnest hope is that our experience of God’s grace and deliverance will be an encouragement to pastors today. Absolutely nothing is more important than encouraging and strengthening the Lord’s shepherds. Pastors are the enemy’s primary target and God’s primary means for spreading Christ’s kingdom. They and their churches are the spiritual soul and fate of our nation and world. Loving and uplifting pastors is a burning passion of my heart.
Having been blessed to work with persecuted underground pastors, I have witnessed how God gives incredible joy and power in even the darkest places. In today’s intense conditions, it is crucial for pastors to have a joy, passion and power that is truly of the Holy Spirit, not circumstances. We are now far past what academics, personality and programs alone can overcome. But while the early Church and Christian reformers faced even worse challenges than most today, they totally transformed their world for Christ. We too can trust in the risen Lord Who is “the same yesterday, today and forever!” (Hebrews 13:8) I pray this testimony brings glory to God and fresh hope to pastors and their churches.

A Story of God’s Grace in the Fire
“Be Careful What You Pray For”

We often hear the half-joking phrase, “be careful about praying for patience because you know how you get it.” While of course we definitely should pray for this important grace, it is among the more challenging of the spiritual fruits. Shortly after graduation from seminary in 1983, I unwittingly discovered another somewhat risky prayer. It was when I prayed “Lord give me some good experience for growth in ministry.” Well, the Lord definitely answered that prayer, though a lot different than I expected.
Just as I was considering a call to pastor a church with strong growth potential, I got a call from another church. It was to be the Associate Pastor/Minister of Evangelism in a church in a very high crime, declining area. Then shortly after they contacted me, the TV news erupted with a catastrophic scandal involving sex abuse allegations about their church run daycare. In that day, such a thing was virtually unheard of. There was devastating publicity on every TV station and newspaper for a six state radius. I thought “phew,” I am so glad I didn’t go there!
But surprisingly, the embattled church still wanted to proceed in trying to fill their staff position. They asked me if I would at least please pray about coming to be their Associate Pastor of Evangelism. Of course in my most spiritual voice, I told them, “Oh yes, I’ll pray about it.” Frankly, I thought to myself, that’s an easy one — I’m not going into a situation like that. No way! I just knew the Lord would surely have me to go to the much easier church where I could quickly reach more people. But when I actually prayed about it, the Lord definitely led me to go to the church in the intense battle. I wish I could say I was perfectly brave and noble, but I had some very deep concerns. I even told the Lord of many perfectly logical reasons why I shouldn’t go. But somehow, He just wasn’t buying my human reasoning. So, I told the church that I would come.
Ominously, even before I arrived on the church field more allegations erupted and soon brought additional arrests. Legal bills were exploding to shocking levels on top of a major church building debt. The surrounding community was hit with a shocking new crime wave and an even greater stream of people began moving away. But unbelievably, circumstances were about to get even much more intense. After just a few months as associate pastor, the responsibility to become their pastor suddenly fell to me. Though conditions seemed hopeless, the Lord was about to teach me that nothing is too hard for Him. But, it would require me to learn some lessons I really thought I already knew. It would also take five years of almost indescribable pain and battle.

Coming to the End of Our Own Strength

As the church entered into a continuous five year nightmare, the circumstances were far worse than I could ever describe in any article. In the first three years, the battles were so intense my life was actually threatened for trying to help “that” church. A seminary professor told me in forty years of teaching, he had never heard of anything so extreme. He said, it was essentially the “Chernobyl” of the church world. (Not exactly a title you desire.) Yet, the core people of the church truly loved their Lord, their church and their inexperienced young pastor. I owe those dear people an eternal debt of gratitude.
So for five years, we aggressively used the best evangelism, discipleship and growth programs in existence. I sought to faithfully preach the whole counsel of Scripture and we even had weekly church prayer meetings. Toward the end of the fifth year, church decline was bad enough that things were getting really desperate. As a last ditch effort we conducted a massive community-wide visitation campaign to over five thousand households. But with a rapidly declining community and constant negative news coverage, the church continued downward. Even after all of the intense efforts, we were seeing few people saved, rising disunity, very few visitors and continuing decline. Five years earlier we were four to five hundred in attendance, but had dropped to well less than two hundred and fifty.
The church was increasingly discouraged and so was their pastor. Though I could still preach and put on a fairly good face, I was seriously burned out, wounded and dry. I also began to deal with some painful ongoing health issues. Yet, I personally knew some persecuted believers who had incredible joy and evangelistic power in some of the darkest regions of earth. I also realized the early Church and Christian reformers had great joy and power even in the face of horrific torture and martyrdom. So I knew greater strength, joy and closeness with Jesus were definitely possible. Then what was wrong with me? I felt great condemnation and failure over my strong feelings of doubt, frustration and weakness. At that point, I seriously considered leaving the ministry. I actually took the air traffic controller test and passed with a high score. It was God’s grace alone that kept me from leaving. Once I committed to stay, the Lord gave me peace He would do something that would one day encourage other pastors in days of intense battles. With pandemics and growing persecutions, such days are now a reality for millions.

Three Life-Changing Revelations

As I sought the Lord for greater closeness, joy and power, He led me to do a very deep study of John 15:4-16, 1 Corinthians 2:1-4, 2 Corinthians 7:1, Acts 1:4-8, 4:29-34, 5:41 and James 5:16-18. In these texts, it became clear that abundant spiritual fruit and Spirit-empowerment flow only from deep closeness with Jesus, fervent prayer and full yieldedness of heart. As I further researched the leaders of great awakenings and persecuted believers, the Lord opened my eyes to three specific points of inadequacy in my walk with Christ. Though by today’s rushed patterns my prayer life might have seemed above average, it was definitely not sufficient by God’s standards in Scripture and historic awakenings. The Lord graciously helped me see three missing elements that ultimately made a vast difference in my life and church. I pray these insights will help fellow pastors as much as they transformed me.

First, I realized I was focusing so much on God’s love, I was neglecting the reverential fear of His holiness. As a result, I had settled for using some popular heart cleansing/surrender guides that were simply not complete enough to bring specific yielding in all key areas of sin and self. (Psalm 139:23-24; 2 Corinthians 7:1) The Lord helped me see that there were actually around seven areas I needed to yield fully and consistently. (Most cleansing/growth guides deal with only four or five general areas.) I also saw that full surrender to Jesus had to involve a continual yielding of “self, weights of hindrance and heart idols,” not just sin. (Matthew 16:24; Hebrews 12:1-2) I was discovering that Jesus wanted to be Lord of even our motives and secret thoughts. And while of course we are all very much a work in progress, we do have to at least be in serious, intentional progress.
I began to realize being “under grace” in no way meant I could marginalize ever-deeper growth and surrender. If the Apostle Paul needed to continually “press toward the mark” and “perfect holiness in the fear of God,” I surely needed it all the more! But I really didn’t have a clear enough handle on how to walk in that. The Lord was revealing that I needed to more fully revere His awesome holiness. After much prayer and study, the Lord led me to develop a seven category pattern of Scripture to pray through. There were twelve to fourteen Scriptures and issues for each major category. Bear in mind, this was to be a process prayed through over several days, not at one prayer time. It was to be a grace relationship of love and surrender, not a legalistic guilt trip.

Second, the Lord helped me recognize that my personal time in His word and prayer was stopping short of the relational abiding in Christ described in Scripture. (John 15:4-16) I realized many quiet time models either left out or marginalized two or three essential biblical elements of full surrender and empowerment in Christ. Many prayer patterns stopped at general confession (with little emphasis on specific repentance.) Most models further omitted any intentional time to meditate on God’s word and truly listen to His voice.
I also noticed many devotional patterns tended to focus more on personal desires and needs than God’s kingdom and righteousness. They were kind of a reverse of Matthew 6:33. More importantly, I sensed God wanted me to view time in His word and prayer more as truly experiencing a relationship than just doing my prayer and Bible reading. Though the changes did require some additional time, it wasn’t exorbitant, undoable or legalistic. Over the next several weeks I began to experience a major difference in closeness with Jesus.

Third, the Lord helped me more fully understand that all true growth and power flow solely from His grace and Holy Spirit-empowerment, not legalism or religious works. (Galatians 3:1-3, 5:16; Ephesians 2:8-9, 5:18) I knew as I embraced the deeper cleansing and yielding, I had to stay focused on my full acceptance by God’s grace in Christ. It was so freeing to realize God doesn’t convict His children to condemn, but to transform us by His grace and Spirit. So rather than dreading deeper cleansing and yielding, I knew I was to desire it out of love for Christ. (1 John 3:3, 5:3) So with these three biblical principles firmly in my mind, I began a twelve week focused journey of deeper surrender and more complete time in God’s word and prayer. It was the beginning of a relationship journey that would utterly transform my life, ministry and church!

A Wounded, Weary Pastor Renewed and Empowered

During the first few weeks, I slowly prayed through all seven key areas of cleansing and surrender. Those specific areas were: thoughts/heart focus, attitudes, words/social media, all relationships, sins of transgression, sins omission, yielding of self /weights and heart idols. Soon, a much greater revelation of God’s holiness gripped my heart. As the Lord brought deeper brokenness and godly sorrow, a reverential fear of the Lord became much more real. Over just those first weeks, the Lord revealed no less than eleven specific areas for confession, repentance and deeper surrender.
Several issues were things I had no idea were hindering God’s Spirit (i.e. confession without repentance, selfish motives, secret thoughts, people I had not fully forgiven, prideful ambition, desiring the praise of men, self-preservation, etc.) I found when I truly allowed the Lord to deeply search all areas, I saw things I would never have seen with the more brief, general patterns. But praise God, it was about grace, growth and empowerment, not condemnation and guilt! Above all, it was about embracing the life-long journey to ever-more fully know, love and revere the Lord. (John 17:3; Matthew 22:37; Ecclesiastes 12:13)
By the end of about nine weeks, I was becoming a very different person. Though many situations at the church were actually worse and my physical condition more painful, God gave me a joy and peace unlike anything I had ever known. He was teaching me that my peace, joy and love had to be in Jesus alone, not my personal, family or ministry circumstances. Though I have certainly had to re-learn and grow in that truth many times since, it was a huge turning point. My preaching was empowered like never before and God’s word came much more alive to me. Before long, the Lord was revealing some powerful new insights to help my beleaguered church.

Two Essential Principles of Spiritual Power

While I still had (and have) plenty of battles, pain and need for growth, God was opening my eyes to two key principles. First — it is impossible to experience full New Testament-type joy, power and intimacy with Christ without New Testament-type prayer and surrender to Christ’s Lordship. Second — we will never be any more full of the Holy Spirit, than we are willing to be daily emptied of both sin and self. While we experience it all by trusting in God’s grace and Spirit, we must nonetheless choose the continuous growth and yielding. There really isn’t a short cut and none of us ever outgrow the need to be perfecting holiness in both the love and reverence of God. (John 15:9-13; Philippians 2:12-13, 3:10-14) The Lord wants none of us to be in a spiritual coast mode.
As busy pastors, it can be easy to overlook this need and casually assume “oh yes, I’m already doing the cleansing and yielding.” Yet, we may unwittingly be doing a watered-down version rather than one of full biblical completeness and depth. That had definitely happened to me but I didn’t realize it. The truth is, the Lord wants to be taking all of us ever-deeper. No matter how long we’ve served God, there is always more to know of Jesus. (Philippians 3:10-14) In the many verses describing believers’ call to ever-deeper holiness and prayer, there is absolutely no hint that we can be casual or unintentional. (2 Corinthians 7:1; Philippians 2:12-13; Hebrews 12:14) But thank God, His grace and love are with us every step! Growing in Holiness is not a walk of condemnation, legalism or works that we have to endure. Rather, it is a relationship of grace we get to experience for God’s glory! (John 15:9; 1 John 5:3)

A Broken Church Revived and Empowered

As the Lord was transforming my own life, He then revealed the following two truths about my role as pastor. (1) It is impossible for believers to know, love and revere God fully if pastors do not clearly teach both His love and holiness. (2) It is impossible for churches to function in New Testament-type joy and power if pastors do not clearly teach and consistently call them to New Testament-type prayer and surrender. I realized that if I said (or implied) that a brief little devotion is all believers need, then that is all they will likely do. (And most won’t even do that.) In that moment, I knew what God wanted me to teach and preach for the next six months. So using the key Scriptures that had so transformed my life, I taught the more complete biblical patterns of abiding in Christ by His word, prayer and surrender.
First, I started by teaching my members to embrace more complete biblical times in daily prayer and Scripture. Though I was not asking that my peoples’ quiet times be unduly long, they would experience a pattern for deeper surrender, closer listening to God’s voice and prayer that was more Spirit-empowered. The goal was for their time in Scripture and prayer to be more a dialogue of talking and listening to God through His word. So for a few weeks, a core minority of my church transformed their patterns of personal prayer and Scripture. They would also seek to meditate, listen and apply God’s word, not just read it.
Second, I taught my people the seven element pattern for ongoing deep yielding of sin and self. While it was not some magic formula, it did provide a clearer biblical mark toward which we are all to be pressing continually. Indeed, how can people fully yield and daily “press toward the mark” if they really don’t have one that is clear and practical?
We also discovered that the seven elements of cleansings and growth were very practical for ongoing daily use (after the initial deeper focused cleansing.) By being seven categories, a believer could easily focus on one different life area each day. In that pattern, believers freshly surrender and grow in all key areas of life each week. Though it’s certainly not a magic formula, I have never found a better way to help believers continually “press toward the mark” and “perfect holiness in the fear of God.” And for sure, none of us will ever outgrow the seven biblical areas of cleansing and growth.

All God Needs is a Dedicated Remnant

(Judges 7:1-7)

As any pastor surely knows, it is usually just a small minority that will embrace deepest commitment to holiness and prayer. For my first few years of pastoring, I was much troubled that a majority of people seemed somewhat lukewarm about deeper prayer, repentance and soul winning. It was freeing when God revealed to me that He begins His deep working through a dedicated remnant, not the lukewarm majority. Leaders if we are not careful, it is easy to spend so much time catering to the majority, we fail to take the remnant to true New Testament depth and power.
While in my church it was only a remnant that responded to the call to deeper quiet times and surrender, I focused on deepening that remnant. And what God did through that small minority was phenomenal! Within about three months, some of my people were definitely praying both alone (and together) on a new level. The Lord was changing both our personal and corporate prayer patterns. And while answers to prayer often come quite slowly and gradually, in our particularly desperate need the Lord moved with merciful swiftness and power.
Though we had tried all the best growth programs and visited over 5,000 households in six weeks, the church was steadily declining. Yet as people began to pray on a deeper level, the Lord led several to pray specifically that He would “send laborers” into our church body. Some of us sensed God had given a promise from Matthew 9:37-38. Miraculously after a few weeks, several people just suddenly started visiting our church. And this was right in the middle of horrific publicity and a rapidly declining area.
The first Sunday when about seven walked the aisle to join our church, it was like a Red Sea miracle. In fact when the first ones came down the aisle to join, I almost felt like saying, “What do you want?” (I was so out of practice!) And as many more people joined in coming weeks, several literally said, “We want to go to work for God.” Just as He promised, the Lord was sending laborers and tithers into our struggling church! In truth, I think some of my people had more faith than their pastor. While answers to prayer definitely don’t always come fast, the effectual, fervent prayers of yielded hearts still avail much!

A New Passion and Power For Soul Winning

One crucial change was the difference that came to some marriages and family relationships. We also saw some remarkable healing in broken and strained relationships between church members. But an especially powerful change was a new passion to intercede and witness to lost people. Those who had gone deeper in prayer were definitely praying with greater effectiveness, fervency, faith and power. One particularly quiet shy woman began to fast and pray for thirty lost people. And though she had never before led anyone to Christ, she actually went to witness to most of the people on her list. Within six months, I baptized twenty-one of her thirty! For those months, the Lord probably used that unassuming little praying lady more than anyone. But the answers were just beginning.
Though our church had been praying for about sixty lost people for five years, only a very few had been saved. And as people began to pray with much greater power and faith, we saw forty-five of the sixty saved and baptized within nine months! One of our men began fasting and praying for a co-worker who was notoriously rough and violent. That rough co-worker was among those who were gloriously saved and became one of our most faithful witnesses for Jesus.
A Sunday School teacher had long been praying for a son who was drifting. For years there was no change except for the worse. But as her closeness and surrender went to another level, she said “my prayers are just different now. I truly believe God has shown me my son will be saved and become a minister.” A few weeks later, that young man gave his life to Christ. And you guessed it, for many years now he has been an ordained minister in Middle Tennessee.

Deeper Unity and Healed Relationships

As God’s moving increased, many church members at last saw wayward children restored, spouses saved and relationships healed. And though our people still didn’t all enjoy the same worship style or agree on all issues, God gave us a stronger love and unity anyway. And finally the legal and financial answers began to happen.
After five years of an intense legal battle, the Lord brought full court vindication and victory for the church and people acquitted. But then we needed another miracle. We faced over-whelming debt from over five years of legal fees. Once again through intense united prayer, God graciously moved and saved the church. The Lord led eight kind-hearted attorneys to forgive the church close to a million dollar debt. And one of those attorneys came to Jesus!
Dear pastors, while answers definitely don’t always come quick, God can yet move in even the darkest places and times. But, it still requires the effectual, fervent prayers of yielded hearts. (James 5:16) Regardless of new theories, programs, academics or strategies, these can never replace true heart-yieldedness and powerful united prayer. Yet if we are not careful, we can easily wind up placing greater focus and time on everything in the world except the one thing that brings full New Testament power. (Mark 11:17; Acts 1:8; James 5:16-18) And while it is certainly not the intent, a subtle form of spiritual inoculation creeps into our lives and churches. In “inoculation” we embrace a weakened version of something that keeps us from getting the real thing. There is little question this is a major unrecognized hindrance for countless busy leaders and churches.

Overcoming Today’s Spiritual Desensitization and Inoculation

Sadly, many well-meaning believers have unwittingly embraced prayer and surrender patterns that stop short of true biblical abiding in Christ’s fullness and power. Given society’s saturation with impurity and materialism, believers can also become “desensitized” to some common daily patterns that are seriously hindering God’s Spirit. And when the Spirit is hindered, believers are much more vulnerable to marriage and parenting failures. Because we live in a day when so few have seen true biblical revival and awakening, it is easy to become so accustomed to sub-normal patterns, we can begin to think that is all there is. We then fall into the unconscious trap of “measuring ourselves by ourselves” rather than God’s word and Spirit. (2 Corinthians 10:12) There is an important truth in a statement by late revivalist Manley Beasley. “We will generally have about as much of God as we’re willing to settle for.” (Jeremiah 29:13; Hebrews 11:6)
Though today is a sound-bite, cliffs-notes type society, fullest New Testament power and closeness just don’t come from sound-bite prayers and surface confession. Because of well-meaning efforts to give people something brief and simple, believers can quite easily get stuck in below average (or shallow) patterns. Thus with many, their spiritual life is a lot like trying to drive a car at Interstate speeds in first gear. No matter how hard someone might try, no one can travel seventy miles per hour in first gear.
Given the prevalence of overly-quick, surface devotions, it is a virtual certainly that many are experiencing an unintended form of “spiritual inoculation.” While believers will surely experience some joy and strength, it is often not the rivers of living water and powerful prayer Jesus intends for His people. (John 7:38; Mark 11:22-24; James 5:16) When people embrace weakened versions of prayer and surrender, they are hindered from experiencing the full reality of Christ’s fullness and power.
It is crucial for believers to realize there really is a major difference between a little devotional moment and God-seeking, heart yielding prayer times. And though believers may be filled with all kinds of intellectual Bible knowledge, doctrines and new methods, one thing is certain. None of us will ever rise spiritually above the height of our personal prayer life and depth of our heart surrender and closeness to Christ. (John 15:4-13; James 5:16) Yet by God’s great grace, deeper surrender and fullness are definitely not out of reach for even the busiest believers and pastors!

A Word of Grace and Hope for Pastors

In writing this testimony of my first church, I pray one thing is clear. All of the transformation was solely by the incredible grace, mercy and power of God. It certainly wasn’t some eloquent, impressive pastor because they didn’t have one. Though we aggressively tried all the programs and strategies of the day, they were not what turned the tide. And while we certainly “said” a lot of prayers, during the first five years, most were not quite the “effectual, fervent prayers of the righteous that avail much.” But in His marvelous grace, the Lord helped us see that James 5:16 has an opposite truth it is all-too easy to ignore.
Just as the “effectual, fervent prayers of the righteous avails much,” the ineffective, casual prayers of the unyielded avail little. This is almost surely a major reason so many have been “praying for revival” and so few churches have actually seen it. The Bible is clear that just “saying” voluminous prayers does not mean they are necessarily powerful. (Isaiah 58:1-6, 59:1-2) In His grace, the Lord was showing our church that prayers and surrender needed to go higher. Yet with some fairly simple and practical biblical adjustments, the Lord helped a broken, discouraged people move more into the flow of His grace and power. And though we were far from perfect, the Lord did a “surprising work of grace.” If He could move in a setting like ours, there is surely hope for those who now read these words.
More each day, my fervent prayer is to encourage and help pastors in the fiery assaults they now face from every angle. And I very much write as a fellow learner, not some exalted lecturer of others. In sharing my testimony of God’s grace in a broken church, I am mindful of the importance of accuracy and balance. So to be clear, I am definitely not suggesting God led us to some magic formula that guarantees quick answers and continuous growth. The precise timing and number of how God moves is always in His hands, not ours. Neither am I implying if we just pray and surrender enough, everything will be rosy and we’ll see miracles by the minute. That is definitely not the case. We still live in earthen vessels of flesh with persecutions and spiritual warfare ever-increasing. Yet as we cast ourselves on God’s grace, there is great hope in His mercy and strength. The Lord Jesus has not lost His power and can still do “surprising works of grace!”

Christ’s Great Desire to Strengthen Pastors

Above all else, I pray this article brings encouragement and hope to fellow soldiers of the cross. The last thing I desire is for any pastor to feel condemned or discouraged about their difficult settings or lack of growth numbers. Thank the Lord, He does not judge us by church size or growth patterns. In some cases, church members just will not respond to serious calls to deeper prayer and surrender. All we can do is faithfully seek to encourage and equip. The response is ultimately up to them. I am further convinced some of the greatest eternal rewards may well go to pastors who were never called to write a book or privileged to see explosive growth. God most rewards the faithfulness, humility and purity with which we serve in our own appointed places. In fact, among God’s greatest heroes of faith are some of our bi-vocational pastors. Though they may be called “part-time,” there is nothing part-time about the hearts and ministries of so many.
It is also true that some of God’s greatest pastors have at one time or another been viciously attacked, fired, falsely scandalized or abandoned. (Some examples are the Lord Jesus, the Apostle Paul, Jonathan Edwards, etc.) Obviously, none of these were failures! And sometimes, it is the next pastor that gets to see the church grow. Our call there was to plow and deal with hindrances. That too is surely no failure. In truth, plowing and sowing are often harder than reaping. But remember, our gracious Lord definitely notices and rewards “degree of difficulty and sacrifice.” (Mark 12:41-44)
And pastors, even when we have totally blown it and it is all our fault, remember the ignominious failures of several leaders in the Bible. Yet, the Lord still loved them and used many again! Even as I write these words, I have a sense some readers need the encouraging message of Psalm 24:16. “Though a righteous man fall seven times, he will get up.” If the Lord still loved and used Peter, there is hope for us. So please don’t stay down dear pastor! Great are the Lord’s compassions and His mercies are new each morning. (Lamentations 3:22-23) And for pastors who may think “I’m just too far along in my ministry for major changes, God can still restore years locusts have eaten. And think of the key “old men” God picked and used in Scripture. I have seen several ministers of advanced years, experience a remarkable new work of grace.
As shepherds, the most crucial thing any of us can do is make sure we are truly abiding in the fervent prayer and surrender the New Testament describes. Sadly, I must confess there have been times since those early ministry years when I drifted back into what I call the “Martha Syndrome.” (Luke 10:38) And it always negatively impacted my life, family and church. This happens to us when (like well-meaning Martha), we get so busy trying to work for Christ and people, we don’t spend enough time with Him in prayer and total heart surrender. And just like Martha, we inevitably end up frustrated, vulnerable and spiritually powerless. The Lord is always as much (or more) concerned with our relationship with Him and what we are than just going through the outward actions of ministry. All of our works will be judged by what “sort” they are. (1 Corinthians 3:13)

Avoiding the “Martha Syndrome”
Modern Pastors’ Most Subtle Risk

Pastors, whether we are contemporary or traditional, reform or non-reform, charismatic or non-charismatic, the foundations of biblical prayer and surrender are equally non-negotiable for us all. If we are not mindful, the ministry itself can become as something of a false idol and mistress we place above closeness and full surrender to Christ Himself. The Lord is a jealous God who is grieved by over-focus or reliance on anything more than closeness and first love passion for Jesus. For Abraham, the key turning point was when God asked Him to sacrifice Isaac, his greatest love and promise. Pastors if we let them, even “blessings, ministry and outward success” can become heart idols that come ahead of God Himself. But thank the Lord, He is willing to renew us afresh if were turn to Him with all our hearts. (Zechariah 1:3)
Another vital key is for pastors to pray together and be partners, not competitors. That is why ministries like AllProPastors are so crucial. Absolutely none of us are designed to function as lone rangers! (And it would be arrogant to think that we are.) Frankly, I don’t believe I would have made it without a few special pastors who truly be-friended me. I would likely not be alive except for the personal friendship and prayers of Henry Blackably and T. W. Hunt. So as important as are activities, education and innovative programs, they can never replace powerful personal and united prayer with others.
There is actually one sense in which today’s unpresented explosion of education, innovative methods, ready-made sermons and strategies can become a subtle risk. It is the risk of emphasizing and relying more on these than on deep surrender, prayer and Holy Spirit-empowerment. Many pastors are even tricked into thinking “it is alright if my prayer life is kind of average because my main strength is preaching, pastoring, administration, or vision casting.” This is surely among Satan’s most damaging deceptions for today’s shepherds.

Distractions Bring Powerlessness and Vulnerability

Beyond question, too little time in prayer and surrender leaves pastors vulnerable to pornography, wrong relationships, and all other pitfalls. Fervent prayer also makes a huge difference in withstanding today’s unprecedented pressures upon marriage and parenting. The problem with the “prayer is not my main strength mindset” is that it is the exact opposite of the example and teaching of Jesus, the Apostles and virtually all leaders of historic awakenings. Since fervent prayer and surrender were definitely their priority practices, so too they must be ours! To do less is to do without God’s fullest anointing and power. Regardless of what some may think, we do not have a plan that is better than God’s.
After nearly four decades of researching historic awakenings and missions movements, it has never been more clear that fullest New Testament power and awakening must start with deeply cleansed, revived pastors. (Joel 2:17; Malachi 3:2-4; Acts 6:4; 2 Corinthians 7:1) As few before, our generation must re-learn the essential principle of the apostle Paul. Though he was a brilliant man of learning, he did not rely on high learning, leadership persona or persuasive words of men. His primary reliance was on the “demonstration of the Spirit and power.” (1 Corinthians 2:1-4) He summed it best when he wrote, “The kingdom of God is not in word (or talk), but in (spiritual) power.” (1 Corinthians 4:20) Regardless of the excellent new tools we are blessed to use, New Testament-type power still requires New Testament-type prayer, surrender and Spirit-empowerment. (Zechariah 4:6)

The Testimony From Then to Now

Though my first church never again saw quite the numbers of that initial strong move, God continued to do extraordinary things through deeper prayer and surrender. While we had little extra money, the Lord birthed a multi-state radio ministry and book distribution that ultimately went into many languages. Indeed, all that God has done in my life since, began from His grace in the faithful people of my first church. I will never forget their commitment. Then five years later in 1994, I contracted a devastating case of Lymes disease which was improperly diagnosed and treated. The illness did significant long-term damage. My doctor said I would likely need to go on disability as intense writing, preaching and missions travel would be difficult if not impossible.
As I prayed over this, I was begging God to heal me. And while in many cases He will heal, the Lord spoke through 2 Corinthians 12:9. It was where the Apostle Paul was begging God to deliver him from an incredibly painful thorn. But, the Lord told him “no.” He promised sufficient grace to give Him power in midst of pain and weakness. While I definitely did not want to hear that answer, I knew God could bring greater strength and fruit out of pain. So rather than healing, the Lord’s answer was to call me to still deeper levels of prayer and surrender. (And the truth is, we can always go deeper.) And though at that time I had never written an actual book, the Lord promised grace to write multiple books and spread them over key mission fields worldwide. In spite of many disappointments, battles, discouragements and struggles, God has been faithful to His word!
While, I have lived with pain and periodic bouts of extreme fatigue since 1994, there are now over forty books and resources on many mission fields. Solely by God’s hand, at least one book is printed in more than forty languages. And though doctors said extensive travel would be near impossible, the Lord has sent me nearly three million miles conducting over a thousand church and pastor renewal conferences.

God’s Strength in Our Impossibilities

Though better circumstances and healing can surely bring God glory, His grace can also be very real in our weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:10) If we walk in trust, His grace and joy are stronger than our circumstances. Though I have seen God’s gracious hand in forty years of ministry, I think the greatest joy is seeing the Lord work in prayer/renewal conferences in churches and pastors groups. The joy is actually seeing Christ’s shepherds and people face to face. For churches, our primary conference has been Going Deeper With God. With pastor groups, it is Principles of New Testament, Great Awakening-Type Ministry. And especially when ministering among persecuted underground pastors and churches, I have undoubtedly learned far more from them than they learned from me.
Because my heart passion is to help pastors and churches, I close this article with a mention of two practical books. The two Scripture-filled books are: How to Develop a Powerful Prayer Life and Returning to Holiness, or its later version, Return to Me Says the Lord. The book, Return to Me has appendices that are practical tools for effective daily prayer, full surrender and evangelistic intercession.
As readers might guess, these are the books God birthed from His gracious movement in my first church. The studies are specifically designed to raise believers’ level of prayer and deepen their surrender to Christ’s Lordship. They are about deeper intimacy, joy and power in Jesus. Above all, the studies are about glorifying God’s name and spreading Christ’s kingdom. The books are encouraging and practical for individual, small groups or church-wide growth and renewal. By God’s grace, people have donated nearly two million of these books in strategic mission fields.
In the US and Canada, we sell books for reasonable prices to make it easy for churches to use. The books can be obtained at www.frizzellministries.org for those in North America and Canada. Just go to our website and click on the “Ordering Resources” tab to find the particular books. For those outside North America, go to http://masterdesign.org/frizzellspecial.html. (Some of our other books are distributed only in the mission countries and are therefore not available on our website.)If I can help with information about a book or conference, it would be my deepest joy. Please feel free to contact me at info@frizzellministries.org.
As today’s darkness and persecution intensify, may God encourage, guide and protect all of His shepherds. It is and shall always be the most important calling on earth! As go pastors, so goes our churches. And as go our churches, so goes our cities, nations and the world. Let us determine to ever-abide in Christ and His word in us. In Him, we can “ask whatever we will, walk in joy and bear much fruit to the glory of God’s name!” (John 15:4-13)

To the Glory of God and Christ,

What is “Counting the Omer”?
God’s people have been counting the omer or days from Passover to Pentecost (a.k.a. Shavuot, Feast of Weeks) for a long time. Why do God’s people count the days to Pentecost?
I looked up the phrase “counting the days” and one definition said …
Counting the Days: to wait for something that you want very much to happen.
I also looked up quotes about “counting the days” and several said something like this …
“Roses are read. Violets are blue. I’m counting the days, until I can finally see you.”
People who are engaged to be married count the days until their wedding. When I was a child, several of my teachers counted the days until summer vacation. All throughout history people have counted the days when they have been excited about something that was coming soon. So why have God’s people counted the days from Passover to Pentecost for thousands of years?
(Leviticus 23:15-16, 22) ‘You shall also count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath, from the day when you brought in the sheaf of the wave offering; there shall be seven complete Sabbaths. You shall count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath; then you shall present a new grain offering to the Lord. … When you reap the harvest of your land.
God’s people counted the days from Passover to Pentecost because Pentecost was the time when they reaped the Spring harvest. This was something people were excited about and wanted very much to happen. While they were counting the days, they were counting on God to give them a harvest that would supply all their needs.
After delivering His people from Egypt, God brought them to Mt. Sinai. When you count the days from Passover (or the time Israel left Egypt) you discover that Moses was meeting with God at Mt. Sinai on the day of Pentecost. This is certainly something to get excited about. As we count the days to Pentecost and think about Israel’s time with God at Mt. Sinai, we pray and hope that God will grant us a special revelation of Himself and His Word.
About 2,000 years ago while God’s people were in the Upper Room and counting the days to Pentecost, God again met with them in a very special way by giving them His Spirit. Just like God’s people in the first century, we need a fresh impartation of God’s Spirit.
God gave us His Word and Spirit on the same day because they work together to accomplish God’s purposes in our life. Receiving God’s Word and Spirit are not simply one-time events. When we first receive a revelation of God’s Word and Spirit, we are not complete or perfect. Every day we need more revelation of God’s Word, and a fresh impartation of His Spirit, and since He gave both on the same day, we should expect that this is a special day to pursue more of both.
Receiving more revelation of God’s Word, and a fresh touch of His Spirit is something that should excite us, and we should want to happen so we should be counting the days until Pentecost. We should be confident that God loves us so much that He wants to give us a fresh revelation of His Word, and impartation of His Spirit.
I’m so excited, and I just can’t hide it. I’m about to meet with God and I think I like it.

The following article is by one of our contributor teams. It is very controversial and we respectfully ask that when you read this understand that this ministry tries to provide thought engaging subjects that are simply for you to review and decide for yourself. Our team has many backgrounds and educational achievements and our prayer is that you will see this as simply one possibility.

By Dr Kevan Kruse and Dr Dennis O’Hara

Florida’s governor bans agencies and businesses from requiring ‘vaccine passports.’

**This passport is not to go overseas, it is to get into local stores, businesses, and events.

  • https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/02/us/florida-vaccine-passport-desantis.html

Number of COVID Vaccine Injuries Surpasses 50,000, CDC Data Show

Govt of Norway Indicted for Crimes Against Humanity Over ‘Planned False Pandemic’

A Month Since Texas Governor Lifted Mask Mandate & COVID Cases Continue to Fall

  • https://www.dailywire.com/news/its-been-nearly-a-month-since-texas-governor-lifted-mask-mandate-and-covid-cases-continue-to-fall?fbclid=IwAR0YU6-qV4ujU60viVMjhdk9eDrj-BOin_yuT1M32Au8G9Tij9EqvWf6Ob0

Houston physician warns Pfizer / Moderna vaccines don’t provide immunity against covid

  • https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-03-28-mrna-vaccines-dont-provide-immunity-against-coronavirus.html

Dr. Carrie Madej: The Gene Code Injection – An Experiment on Humanity

**Another source saying this is the vaccine is gene therapy.

Covid Is Surging in Chile Despite High Vaccine Rate — Why the U.S. Should Take Notice

This means the Covid test is inaccurate or the Vaccine doesn’t work, which lie works for you?

NY State Senate Passes Draconian Bill

If New York Governor Cuomo signs this draconian measure into law, those refusing to be jabbed with experimental, unapproved, toxic drugs could be considered the equivalent of a criminal offense. Involuntary/indefinite detention if ordered will become de facto concentration camp imprisonment.

  • https://alethonews.com/2021/04/06/ny-state-senate-passes-draconian-bill/


The Right Hand of Faith

We have come so far in this series of articles, but we have one more mile to go to expose another deception that is coming.  One of the remaining traits of the “Mark of the Beast” that we have yet to discuss has to do with our right hands and our foreheads.  It seems intuitive that we should be marked on our right hand, but the whole idea of being marked on our forehead seems a bit intrusive.


Jack Wellman has a nice article that talks about “What Does the Right Hand Symbolize or Mean in The Bible?  This phrase, “the right hand,” occurs 166 times in the Bible.  What is interesting is that God wants to hold our right hand.  In Isaiah 41:13,  God says, “For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand… Fear not, I am the one who helps you.”  Remember, anything God desires is also something that Satan wants to emulate.  This walking hand in the right hand is reminiscent of walking along with God in the Garden of Eden because it implies a close relationship.

  • https://www.patheos.com/blogs/christiancrier/author/jwellman/

Being in someone’s right hand also implies both authority and protection.  “The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool” (see Luke 20:42-43, but also Luke 22:69)  What is good to note is that God can hold all of us in His right hand, signifying the special place that He holds for all of us in His heart.  But what God holds in love, Satan holds in hate and condemnation.  How fearful it must be to have Satan holding us in his hands and marked by his signet.


The Seat of Our Identity

Typically, no one wants to mark their face as this is the most invasive place I can imagine and impossible to hide.  When we are marked in the face, it could also be a way of saying that our appearance or even our identity has been changed.  Someone with a scared face may no longer be recognizable, and that may be some of what happens.  Taking the Mark of the Beast or MOB makes us unrecognizable as children of God. But when we let go of exactly what kind of mark this is, we can begin to imagine quite a few other possibilities.


The idea of something marking our foreheads is not that foreign in the Bible.  For example, in Revelation 17 there is a woman who has something written on her forehead.  “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” Later, in Revelation 13:6, the deceived children of this same harlot also receive a mark on their foreheads (Rev. 14:9).  One would have to think this is also the MOB.


Things being written in our foreheads could also be referring to the idea that in heaven our minds are an open book, and they can be read just like we read a book.  Nothing can be hidden, (Mark 4:22) so these marks in our forehead are also a sign of what is inside of our minds and our hearts.  Having Satan in complete control of either of these places could also easily correlate with the idea of a seared conscience.  (1 Timothy 4:2)


The Opening of the Abyss

These marks are not necessarily literal or visible in the physical realm, but they are giant flashing billboards in the spiritual world, and they cannot be missed.  For example, God’s children also have something written in their foreheads.  Think of Revelation 14:1 and how it speaks of the 144,000 who have both the name of the Lamb, and the Father written in their foreheads.


These kinds of passages let us know that when we are talking about a mark in our foreheads, we could be talking about symbolism, imagery, or just a physical description of spiritual things.  Now we are coming to what I believe may be one of the top two events in all of the “end times.”  The “opening of the Abyss.”  This opening of the Abyss, found in Revelation 9, is another of my favorite passages that talk about a mark, signet, or seal in our foreheads.

  • Then the fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth, and it was given the key to the pit of the Abyss.  The star opened the pit of the Abyss, and smoke rose out of it like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the pit. And out of the smoke, locusts descended on the earth, and they were given power like that of the scorpions of the earth.  They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads.

This passage is also significant because it represents the moment where the spirit of the Anti-Christ is released upon the world for the second time.  This spirit is the “king” over all the other spirits in the Abyss, but he is also called a (fallen) angel of the bottomless pit.  His name in the “Hebrew tongue is Abaddon but in the Greek tongue his name Apollyon.” (Revelation 9:11)  Now when we think of the Abyss, we have to remember that it’s an underground prison where disobedient spirits or fallen angels were imprisoned for what they did in the “Days of Noah.”

  • (Jesus) went and preached (proclaimed) to the spirits in prison, who disobeyed long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. (1 Peter 3:19-20)

Walking through this imagery, we have to remember that after His resurrection, Jesus went to witness to the spirits in the Abyss.  I believe He witnessed to them that He now holds all power in heaven, on earth, and of the underworld.  Since then, Jesus has been holding the key to the Abyss.  What might be shocking for most of us is that He is going to give it back to Satan one last time.  Satan is then going to open up the Abyss so that he can regain many of his captured troops.


But of all the spirits Satan hopes to retain, it is the spirit of the Anti-Christ that is the most important.  The fact that this spirit comes out of the Abyss means that he has been here before, and was punished for what he did the last time he was here.  This is also true of all the other spirits coming out of the Abyss.  This time they will have 1000’s of years of pent-up rage to unleash upon the world.  Reading all of Revelations 9 reveals that the beings coming out of the Abyss are also human-beast-hybrids.


Unfortunately, they are given great power, but they do not have free reign over the earth.  These creatures also lend credence to the genetic aspirations of Satan, as they are his true spawn.  These weird creatures cannot hurt some things on the earth such as the grass and the trees.  They also cannot kill, but they can torment.  Most importantly, before these spirits are released, an angel puts a seal in the forehead of all God’s children to stop the evil spirits from tormenting them.


This seal in the forehead could also be thought of as a mark or a signet, and it may not be visible to anyone except spiritual beings.  This seal may also be more than a mark because it may present an actual barrier that cannot be opened or crossed.  From my perspective, it cannot be a coincidence that in the end times both Satan and God seal all of their children with a mark or seal in their foreheads.  But it is the description of the opening of the Abyss that helps us understand how each mark or seal works.


Disembodied Spirits

All of this imagery is important because the things that are coming out of the Abyss are evil spirits or demons.  They may not have bodies, which means that they will be looking for a body to take over, inhabit or possess.  Again, if the main goal of God is to inhabit us with His Holy Spirit, then wouldn’t the main goal of a disembodied and disobedient angel be to possess our bodies?  This is what demonic possession is all about.


We also have to remember that being disembodied may not be very comfortable or satisfying.  After all, spirits only have few ways of interacting with the physical world.  The idea that spirits don’t have a body seems consistent with the Bible.  After all, Jesus says ghosts are real. (Luke 24:37)  But having bodies seems to be very important to spiritual beings.  Consequently, this release of ancient spirits is likely to produce the same effect that it did in the Days of Noah.


I have already mentioned how the opening of the Abyss represents the exact point that Satan demonically possesses the man who is Anti-Christ.  Therefore, we know that the MOB must be fully in play by this point.  This means the spirits coming out of the Abyss already have all their targets marked for torment.  As a side note, the identity of the Anti-Christ is revealed as a past king and an old one at that.  Paralleling that to Revelation 17:6-12 where it says, that the Anti-Christ will be one of seven kings, but will someone how also be the eighth king.  That would make this his second appearance here on earth.


This is why the same passage says about the Anti-Christ, “who was, and is not, and who will be.” It says it three times because it is that hard to believe.  This cycle of repeated possession makes sense when we understand why the Bible says the Anti-Christ will be able to heal from a mortal wound.  See Revelation 13:14 where it says,  “the beast that had been wounded by the sword and yet had lived.”  Understanding that a disembodied spirit being released from prison only has certain powers is important, and it may be because they do not have bodies.


This is why the Anti-Christ needs a body to manifest himself to the world, and why the host of demons coming out of the Abyss will be looking to do the same. But does this idea of bodies being separated from spirits hold up?  As it turns out, the same Greek root word (Oikētērion) for the new body we get on resurrection day happens to be the same word for what the fallen angels lost in the heavenly war.  This same word can also refer to the body as a dwelling place for the spirit.  Specifically, 2 Corinthians 5:3 talks about the body that Christians are “earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house, which is from heaven.”


This is contrasted in Jude 1:6 by what the fallen angels seem to have lost in their war against heaven because they “left their own habitation/house.  (Consequently), he hath reserved (them) in everlasting chains under darkness.”  The fact that they have no body may be why they can only torment those without Godly seals in their foreheads. All of this makes me think that demonic possession may be one of the ways they can torment these people.  Most importantly, God’s seal prevents possession, while the other seal or mark of the beast may invite them to enter.


The fact that this gateway to entry by foreign spirits happens in our forehead certainly brings the idea of mind control to the forefront of what might be happening here.  This mark could also be like a spiritual signet, which signifies authority over our mind.  It could also be a seared conscience.  But what exactly is it about God’s seal or mark that keeps the demons out?  I believe it is the Holy Spirit that writes the Name of God Himself in our foreheads.  This is significant because we are told that the Abyss can only be opened when the restrainer is taken out of the way.


While there is much debate as to the identity of this restrainer, I believe the answer is two-fold.  Jesus holds the key, but the HS has been the one who (since the veil inside the Holiest of Holies was rent from top to bottom) has destroyed occultism around the world and allowed for the gospel to gain victory over all the spirits of the earth. Furthermore, once we are inhabited by the HS in our hearts, which makes us the temple of the HS and God, we are told that we are sealed or pledged until the day of redemption.  (2 Corinthians 1:21 Revelation 7:3, Ephesians 1:13 & Ephesians 4:30)


This is the same seal that is now being given to those during the tribulation that will allow them to escape much of the torment that is coming from these disembodied spirits that are full of vengeance and hate.  Unfortunately, many of the saints will be martyred during the tribulation, and that is why their spirits will cry out for God to avenge them.  (Revelations 6:10 & 20:4)


Connecting the Dots

So, let’s summarize what we have learned so far in all 5 parts of this series.  As we will see it is a lesson of “two kinds.” In other words, there are two categories that everything fits in as we head towards the “end times.”  This works much like the sorting room that our Bibles say is coming where God separates the wheat from the chaff and the sheep from the goats.  The following is a chart so we can illustrate how these passages sort out the end times into two people groups.  I believe that they are all connected.


Prophetic Sorting Passages Saved / Worship God Unsaved / Worship Satan
War of the Seed (Genesis 3) God’s Seed or Offspring Satan’s Seed or Offspring
Days of Noah (Genesis 6) Adamic Race – Noah was

Perfect in his Generations

New Seed or Hybrid Humans
Divided Kingdom or Final Kingdom of Daniel 2 Un-mingled Seed Mingled Seed
Mark of the Beast (Rev 13) Unmarked Foreheads / Hands Marked Foreheads/Hands
Opening of the Abyss

(Revelation 9)

Sealed or Closed Foreheads

Inhabited by the HS

Unsealed / Open Foreheads

Inhabited by Demons


The first three prophetic passages seem to indicate that DNA is being changed unless you are prepared to spiritualize the entire narrative.  But spiritualization doesn’t explain two different kinds of people or offspring.  Also, how could they be so different if they didn’t have different DNA?  The next question becomes, is it possible that there is also a genetic connection to the MOB and the sealing or unsealing of our foreheads?  I believe it is.


We are specifically told the “last days” will be like the DON, which means the DON & the MOB are manifesting simultaneously.  I believe that is because they both have a direct connection to genetic manipulation.  After all, the idea of a genetic marker (with its spiritual implications) could fulfill the general parameters of the description of the MOB.  In the last article, we shared how the genetic implications of changing our DNA might also explain why someone cannot be saved if they take this mark.


What we want to explore now is the idea that all of these things are connected.  For example, it would also make sense that upon the release of the demons of the Abyss that they could more easily possess the seed of Satan, than the seed of God.  This means our DNA could have something to do with how or why a Satanically marked forehead cannot later be sealed by God.


We have already detailed how altering our DNA might also alter our perception and change our very nature.  Again, think about how the chickens don’t act like chickens when we blend quail DNA into them.  Consequently, it is not that far-fetched to think that changing us genetically might also literally change our minds and our very nature.  Not only could changing our DNA open us up to perceive things differently, but we might see and experience things that we never have before.


Remember, Balaam’s donkey could see the angel, but Balaam could not.  This genetic difference between Balaam and his donkey could certainly be described as sealed or unsealed concerning what they each perceive in the spiritual realm.  In essence, we have the power to ignore angels, but the donkey did not.  Something about a donkey is more open to the spiritual world than we humans.  All the more reason why a Godly seal or signet is needed to prevent demonic possession after the opening of the Abyss.


Vice versa, a Satanic seal, mark, or signet like the MOB represents being open to Satan and being closed to God.  This is the point where humanity has been sorted and marked as either a sheep or a goat by their respective fathers. A Satanic seal in our foreheads is exactly what the Mark of the Beast appears to be.  This opening to demonic forces would also explain why the people who worship the beast are the ones who take his mark.  After all, the demons in the Abyss have already been worshiping this same king that was over them.


The idea of demonic possession could explain why, if these imprisoned spirits were possessing much of the population of the earth, they would naturally worship their king all over again.  Their foreheads have been opened up to see Satan as God.  In doing so, their conscience has been seared, and they have made their final choice.   The HS can no longer reach them or inhabit them.  Just as we are purchased with a price, so too their souls are claimed by Satan’s rights as a new father and creator.


Opening or Closing the Veil

The idea of a seal could also work like a veil.  The question is whether or not the veil is either open or closed.  Think of the Holiest of Holies in the temple of Jerusalem.  When that veil was rent from top to bottom, it symbolized that God’s dwelling place was once again in our hearts and that we no longer needed an intercessor between God and man.  The barrier was destroyed.  We were once again opened up to God and His HS to dwell inside of us bodily.


This same opening to God and the Holy Spirit also came with a closed veil or seal with regard to certain amounts of demonic influence and tampering.  For the most part, God’s seal or veil presides over the lives of a Christian all the way to salvation, thus preventing complete demonic possession along the way. This does not mean that Christians will not need some deliverance from spiritual oppression as many of us can attest. But the difference is we have been sealed by the HS for redemption.  While Salvation is a done deal, this same seal by the Holy Spirit also helps us recognize the MOB and strengthens us so that we don’t take it.

  • And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. (Ephesians 4:30)

The Mystery of the MOB

Now reverse this principle.  Is there a seal of Satan that can prevent someone from changing their mind about Jesus and repenting?  The Bible says that there is and it is called the MOB.  This mark seals someone to the domain of Satan and prevents God from being able to save them.  Thinking about the imagery of the Abyss, an unsealed forehead does the same thing.  In this way, the MOB and the unsealed forehead are two parts of the same puzzle.


An open, unsealed or unstable mind is why the people who take the MOB are the same people who worship all that is beastly.  Consequently, the MOB and the unsealed forehead are two distinct features of the end times and they appear to be intricately related.  Adding these two ideas to the fact that the “last days” would also see a repeat performance of the Days of Noah (Genesis 3 & 6), and we have a big hint that the MOB and the unsealed mind may have something to do with genetic manipulation.


The “Divided Kingdom” of Daniel 2 also gives testimony about how the last kingdom would have two kinds of people; mingled seed people and unmingled seed people.  These genetic changes or markers could explain why someone who chooses to take this mark could not be saved.  While all of us have the potential to become God’s children, it is our choice whether to follow Jesus that determines our fate. Somehow, choosing to take the MOB is doing the same thing.  This is why God has warned us about turning away from Him and about taking the MOB.


There are some plausible ways of thinking about how this could be.  If everything God writes is true, then truth cannot be mingled or mixed, and this could include changing our DNA.  Overwriting what God wrote turns the truth into a lie.  Choosing to change our DNA may have the same effect because we would be choosing to be something different than God created.  While this is hard to understand exactly how a mark could do this, it seems that taking the MOB would essentially be the ultimate way of denying that Jesus is Lord and worshiping Satan.


This is why the Bible has warned us 2000 years in advance of this coming deception.  So, that we would not be caught off guard.  Yet, that is exactly what is happening because no one is talking about this.  Of course, God had to leave some details out about exactly what the MOB is because Satan also reads the Bible and he would just change his strategy.  Unfortunately, Satan is the father of lies and a murderer from the beginning. (John 8:44)  Satan is out to kill and destroy us and the MOB or changing our DNA could be his ultimate plan on how to do that.  Because we now have the technology to change our seed or our DNA, we will be able to change the image of who we are; our very identity.

Changing our genetics could also change who our father is, which might explain why Satan and his demonic kingdom have unfettered access to us that we cannot repent of.  This is the all-in mentality of those who do or do not take the MOB because it seals or unseals them in their relationship with God.  But it still must be their choice.  The problem is that I believe there will be a great deception about what the MOB is.  Either way, it means there will come a day when the last person gets saved.  However, from now until the end of time, we are called to strive to reach each soul until everyone is sealed one way or the other.  Unfortunately, there will come a day when everyone has made their final choice.  So, what I am adding at this point is the idea that changing us genetically unseals something spiritually in our minds, our hearts, and our foreheads.

Opening the Third Eye

I have thought about the implications of being sealed or unsealed against demonic influence and possession for quite some time.  I have also thought about how all of these ideas seem to be connected.  But what I want to expound upon is the idea that the occultic world is working towards the unsealing of our minds and foreheads.  Not surprisingly, demonic possession and influence are clearly the goals of all false religions.


Another connection between an unsealed forehead and genetic manipulation is found in the  Greek word used for the forehead.  The word “metopon,” which is taken from the root word “meta,” is a term that DC comics often use to describe superheroes – AKA – metahumans. The idea of Meta-humans means they have been altered in some way.  But of all the changes that can be made to a human, why can’t our minds be changed the same way.  When we talk about opening up our minds, why couldn’t that be like opening up a portal where foreign entities could come and go?


After all, even our spirit can leave our body, which is why we are told that “when we are absent from our body, we are present with the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 5:8)  From an occultic view, this openness to demonic influence is often referred to as opening our “Third Eye,” which could certainly be thought of as the end game of virtually all of Satan’s schemes.  What most Christians are unaware of is that the occultic world has been using mind-altering drugs, yoga, and eastern styles of meditation to open our third eye for thousands of years.


The Bindi or Tilak Mark

If we are thinking about a mark in our foreheads, it is hard not to notice there is a religion that puts a mark in the middle of the foreheads of its followers.  These marks are part of Hinduism, but can also be in Buddhism and Jainism.  Respectively, the marks for married women are called a Bindi, while the Tilak is usually designated for men.


Both marks represent the point at which creation begins and everything is united, which is similar to a mandala.  Both of these marks also symbolize an awakening or an opening of the “third eye,” which represents the opening of someone’s spiritual eyes.   This is the specific goal of all meditation, but it is also symbolic of something called a “Kundalini Awakening.”


In case you were wondering, the “Kundalini” is a coiled serpent.  The serpent or serpents coils itself around the spine until it bites down on something in our foreheads.  Traditionally, what the serpent bites down on is thought to be the pineal gland.  This is curious because the pineal gland is an endocrine gland responsible for the production of melatonin, which is part of our internal clock governing our sleep.  The pineal gland also helps us sense how dark or light it is.  It may even help us with our sense of direction because of the presence of magnetite.


The only connection between the third eye and the pineal gland I can theorize is that our sleep is certainly connected to our dreams.  We know dreams can get weird as the veil in our consciousness may fluctuate between the physical and spiritual.  Demons also hate the light and love darkness.  The idea of perceiving more darkness might allow for more demonic interaction.


This is not a lot to go on, but there was a fringe experiment that used magnets placed on the forehead to stimulate the pineal gland.  This was done by Dr. Walter Rawls, and it produced some ghostly visions and interactions.  The point I am trying to make is that historically the occultic world has held the same belief system that there is something inside our foreheads that opens or closes us to demonic forces.

  • https://arizonaparanormalresearch.com/2017/11/06/the-pineal-gland-magnet-experiment/

Of course, the most famous “third eye” on the planet is on our one-dollar bill. Knowing that our $1 bill is a masonic trestle board (basically a visual illustration of their ultimate plan), allows us to see that there are a group of people who have been here since the founding of our country that is actively trying to awaken the “third eye” hidden within our foreheads.  Thus is their intention for America, but God still has His purposes that cannot be thwarted.


If we still think there is nothing spiritual about our foreheads, then why do we anoint people on their foreheads when we pray for them?  Symbolically, the oil is thought of as a symbol of the Holy Spirit.  What is it about our foreheads that are central to the entrance of the HS?  Yet, this tradition also sheds light on the idea that our enemy might also have an agenda hidden in our foreheads.


Yoga Opens Doors

This is one of those stories that is difficult to believe, but I received its first hand from a patient of mine.  He and his entire family are from Italy and mostly Catholic.  I can’t remember how we got on the topic of demonic possession, but I remember him saying that he never used to believe in that until he experienced what happened to his brother.  One day his brother was doing yoga and his instructor walked up to him and touched him on his forehead.  What happened next was very reminiscent of someone coming unsealed in their forehead.


His brother called him on the way home and told him that it was like he was spiritually raped.  Later, he found out that his brother cried for hours after he got home.  Thing’s kind of went back to normal for a while.  At least until the summer when their whole family took a vacation/pilgrimage back to Italy.  Once they got there, his brother started acting strange.  Soon, the behavior escalated to the point that the police got involved.  Now, most people know that you do not want to go to prison in Italy.  Luckily, they were able to negotiate a deal with the police.


That’s when this man had to spend 3 days with his brother in a hotel room trying to restrain him from doing things he shouldn’t.  That is when this man realized that his brother wasn’t just having a psychotic break, his brother was demonically possessed.  There was no way to explain the experience of someone you have known your whole life acting and saying the things that his brother did.  But as soon as they got on the plane home, his brother started going back to normal.


Now most of us have come to accept the practice of yoga in our society as it seems harmless enough.  But there is a spiritual side to yoga.  I always used to recommend staying away from the spiritual part of yoga.  This means not participating in any kind of eastern meditation, chanting, or visualizations.  The problem is that even the positions or poses are a form of worship within the Hindu religion because they are creating a submissive posture towards one of their gods.  They can also be physically rehearsing some of the stories or traditions related to the gods of Hinduism.


Portals to Our Minds

Another point to make clear is that while the Bible calls us to meditate on God and His words, this is not what is happening with eastern meditation.  The goal of Eastern meditation is to empty one’s self to connect with nature, themselves, and universal consciousness; whoever that is.  Meditation, like drugs, can put us in an altered state where we can be influenced and changed by the forces that we are opening ourselves up to.  This is the opposite of our call as Christians to memorize scripture, sing songs, pray, and fill ourselves through our relationship and communion with God.

  • Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things. (Philippians 4:8)

Steven Bancarz, who came out of the new age practices, has a great video on YouTube called “Proof Meditation Is Dangerous & Demonic.”  In the video, he has many explosive excerpts from a mindfulness yoga master by the name of Leo.  Leo has a website called actualized.org and he has more than a million followers.  After watching this video myself, what I will tell you is that eastern meditation is the opposite of “thinking about excellent things.”


It doesn’t even fit the idea of mindfulness.  If we experience what Leo says we can experience in meditation, we could be talking about full-on demonic possession.  Meditation is also instrumental in experiencing out-of-body experiences, astral projection, remote viewing, channeling, and remote writing. Here are some excerpts from mindfulness moments with Leo!


“Expect waves of insanity and madness…  Expect depression and meaninglessness…  Expect Suicidal thoughts…  Doing drugs, alcohol…  Expect nightmares… Expect weird dreams: where you have sex with your mother, killing people, or butchering your dog…  You may start to behave like an animal and howl at the moon… You may experience paranormal phenomenon: past lives, seeing the future, out-of-body experiences, see spirits, hear weird voices, see angels and demons standing in front of you…  You may see gods…  giant insects…  Experience: entities, aliens, being abducted or probed…

You may experience a Kundalini awakening…  Feel as if you are losing your mind…

Experience weird energy moving through you…  Like you are being controlled by a puppet master…  Almost like you are being demonically possessed.”

·         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0Sbs0YOGk8

Altered States

But yoga is not the sin of choice to open our spiritual eyes.  But the sins of witchcraft and sorcery are.  In the Bible, the Greek word for this kind of sin is called “Pharmakeia,” which is where we get our English word pharmacy.  Both Shaman and witch doctors have been used mind-altering drugs for millennia to channel thoughts from the mind of Satan and the hearts of demons to their sages, adepts, and illuminated ones.  Could some of the fog that has started to descend upon our world be coming from the same source?


This is what is behind the great push to legalize drugs in our country.  This is especially true of marijuana because it is the first drug that most people use to achieve this kind of altered state of consciousness.  Already, America is in the midst of an opioid epidemic, and one in six Americans is taking some kind of psychiatric drugs, which are mostly antidepressants.  Additionally, 31.9 million Americans are on illicit drugs. Maybe this is why something is happening to the minds of Americans.  Most people are also shocked to know that drugs and churches go together like peas and carrots.  This is why “Legal DMT Churches Are Popping Up Across the United States and Canada.”

DMT (N, N-Dimethyltryptamine) is a recreational psychotropic drug used by various cultures to induces alterations in perception, consciousness, cognition, and behavior.  The reason they are having success in getting this drug legal for their use is that they can make a case that ayahuasca tea, which contains DMT, has been historically used for spiritual development based on sacred texts.  DMT, like other mind-altering drugs, can open a portal to our minds so that we can see or interact with the demonic world.


A Seared Conscience

Why do people watch or record someone in need of help, but they don’t actually help them?  Why do people pull out their phones, but they don’t roll up their sleeves?  I am still dumbfounded by the success of YouTube, Facebook, and taking selfies because people would rather watch than participate.  People would rather be seen doing something rather than just savor the moment.


But this is only one of a million downward trends.  For example, I am personally frightened at how successful horror movies have become generating 413 million dollars in 2012.  People are spending thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours a year watching people being tortured and mutilated for pleasure.  We all know that gore, violence, and sex have taken over the TV and movie industry.  Both of them allow us to live in a virtual or voyeur reality.  People are obsessed with avatars, role-playing games, and video games that allow them to go through the motions of virtually every sin on the planet. The pornography industry is larger than we can imagine and it mostly works the same way.


The point is that something is happening to the conscience of America.  How else can celebrate being able to kill a baby the day before it’s born by lighting up buildings in New York City?  We have no conscience, and there is no outrage at sin.  In fact, it is righteousness that has become outrageous and even illegal.  Saving a child from being killed is still applauded, but stepping between a woman and an abortion clinic is not even though the same thing is happening.


Yet, the battle for what is in our minds and hearts is being tipped toward the doctrine of demons because of all the factors we have been discussing in this part of the series.  These are the schemes of the Devil that we must not be ignorant of and what we must begin to warn people about. Yet, this subject rarely makes it into any sermons.  Furthermore, the opening of the Abyss represents an outpouring of un-holy spirits upon the world, which can only be countered by an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that seals us in our foreheads against the deception that is coming.  This is what the Bible means when it talks about the impossibility of the elect to be deceived.


In our last article, we will discuss how to handle this final return of the pagan age that will be brought on by the opening of the Abyss.  The goal of this outpouring of un-holy spirits that is coming is to mark as many as they can.  This is also our goal and it too will be accomplished by an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the last days. (Acts 2:16-21) Understand,  that God is not willing that any should perish and that is why we must occupy (fighting for each soul that is still left unsealed) until He comes. (2 Peter 3:9, Luke 19:13)   For now, I have decided to end with this part with what I call the “sorting room” because that is what I believe is coming next.


The Sorting Room

  • “Therefore, everyone who will confess in Me before men, I also will confess in him before My Father in the heavens. And whoever shall deny Me before men, I also will deny him before My Father in the heavens. Do not think that I came to bring peace to the earth; I came not to bring peace, but a sword.  For I came to set at variance ‘A man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, and the enemies of the man are his own household.” (Luke 12:49-53)


The message of the Abyss is that spirits are coming to test the faith of everyone on the face of the earth.  We will be sifted and we will be shaken. (Haggai 2:7) This is the sorting room that I believe the Bible says is coming.  Everything I have covered so far has sorted people into two groups.  This is because Jesus is the dividing line of history and the heart.  Consequently, as we see history coming to a close, we have to know that the sheep would be separated from the goats.


While I believe we still need to be peacemakers, there can be no more mincing of words for our enemy is now fully formed and on the loose.  This is only the first of many great “causes” to come and sort the world’s populations.  Yet, the Covid narrative and the gene therapy that is being marketed as a vaccine is the greatest sorting event I have ever witnessed.  Even our last election was a massive sorting event and we got schooled.  It has been painful to read the articles of Christians who supported Biden now saying that he has betrayed them.  The deceived are starting to repent.


But of all the things we have heard this past year that foretells our future was the proposal by some communists, posing as Democrats, that the only thing that could fix our countries problems were “re-education camps.”  Of course, any similarity to concentration camps is just strictly coincidental.  Yet, these are the kinds of things that only a Communist or Nazi could say, and both America and the media tolerated it.  This is the goal of the “New World Order.” The reality of the communist takeover of America cannot be denied unless you were to hear the sermons still being preached across our lands.


Then one would think things are going along just fine, but this is all pretending.  The problem is that the one-world government that the Bible says incoming is consistent with either communism or a dictatorship.  So, whether you agree with me about this being the pre-cursor to the MOB, it is impossible to argue that the Covid narrative is not putting into place all the necessary controls that the “beast” government will one day use to bring about the full version of the MOB.  Therefore, this must be a precursor.


Already, half of Americans are OK with having a vaccine passport even though that would be the end of freedom, democracy, and our rights to our bodies.  The administration of this narrative is also a dividing line between those who believe what is on TV and will comply with the new world order versus the ones who won’t. When I think about sorting people, this story told by a master Mason came to mind.  When they are sorting people for their different degrees, they call them into a room and ask them some simple questions.


The Ultimate Question

Two people are asked to spit on a cross.  Depending on their response, the test giver comes up with a way of justifying what they did.  “I can see by you spitting on this cross that you recognize that on some level this is just a piece of wood.  You can go through door number one.”  Vice versa, “I can see by you refusing to spit on this cross that you are a man that will not compromise on principle.  You can go through door number two.”  This is exactly what is happening in America.  Are you Republican or Democrat?  Are you white or black?  Are you for or against abortion?  Are you willing to be vaccinated or not?  Do you believe in mandates or not?


One of my great opportunities to serve is as president of the board for soilminstries.org.  Serving Others in Love is a pipeline of vision and resources to Honduras, which is the second poorest country in our hemisphere.  Just a few weeks ago we were able to book a doctor for a  medical mission trip.  When we were wrapping up some of the details with the manager, she says, “Oh, one last thing.  Everyone who goes with us must be vaccinated.”  I was shocked.  Vaccines are now literally being used to divide Christians and keep them from even doing charity together.


But if we are Christians, then we cannot be for mandatory vaccinations because they take away our freedom of choice and because they require a person to give up access to their body.  Not only is their body the temple of the Holy Spirit, but a pandemic perfectly fits the “cause” talked about in the Bible as to how the MOB is rolled out upon the world.  Consequently, if we are going to call ourselves pastors or Shepard’s of the flock, then we cannot remain silent about Satan’s schemes even if they are political schemes.  Yet, the time for sorting is here.  Souls will be both won and lost.


Very soon there will be no such thing as a cultural Christian.  Christians will either live by their Bible or they will perish believing what is on television.  The pretending has to stop.  Things are not going back to normal. We can no longer pretend that America is not hostile to both freedom and Christianity.  The Democratic party is full of communists.  They have fully admitted that they plan to add more democratic states and stack the Supreme Court. They are in complete control to the point of eliminating our Constitution.  Consequently, we are losing an unprecedented amount of freedoms at what seems like every other second.


Virtually every media, news source, government institution, company, big business, and internet search engine is in on it.  There is nowhere for any conservative voices of reason to proclaim the truth to our society regarding the error of our ways.  All except for one!  The church is still here, but it won’t be able to do anything unless if we continue to allow the government to close our doors and keep us politically correct.  However, we won’t be able to do anything until we return to preaching the whole of scripture, and that includes Bible prophecy. It is the book called the Bible, sitting in my living room perpetually unchanged for 1000’s of years, that is our only source of truth.


The Bible is what we need to make it through the times that are coming.  I hope you will join me in the next article when we talk about how to differentiate between the host of spirits that will be poured out upon the world.  We will also whittle all of this down to what this all means for us as Christians, and how we can still be a light amid this darkness and salt in light of all this decay.

Note:Dr Dennis O.Hara is a guest contributor/co-author
Dr. Dennis O’Hara was born and raised on Long Island, NY and was an athlete throughout his school years. He fell in love with chiropractic while being helped as a patient for numerous sports injuries. Dr. O’Hara has been in practice since he graduated from National College of Chiropractic in April 1992. Dr. O’Hara continued his education achieving his Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians.

Dr. O’Hara’s clinical emphasis focuses on injuries of the neck and back, Sports injuries, biomechanical and postural correction and rehabilitation. He has worked with amateur and professional athletes and was the chiropractic physician for the Washington DC United MLS soccer team from 1996-1998. Dr. O’Hara had been a ringside physician for amateur MMA from 2009 through 2015 having worked hundreds of hours evaluating fighters before and after fights.

Dr. O’Hara’s continued passion for chiropractic drives his desire to help educate the public on the importance of spinal health and overall wellness.wait to deceive.” We will let people back into the church. We will be the rock upon which God
builds His kingdom, instead of a stepping stone towards Satan’s final agenda. May God prick
our hearts, and may the church begin to wake up, because the time is getting short. Jesus is
coming soon.



Chapter 14 of the Book of Isaiah is absolutely fascinating. It’s long been interpreted as a condemnation of the rebel in the Garden of Eden. It certainly is that; Jerome’s Hebrew-to-Latin translation of the rebel’s name, Helel ben Shachar (literally, “Light-Bringer, son of Dawn”), is the origin of the name “Lucifer.” But this chapter goes much deeper; it probably reveals more about the rebellion of the Fallen, and God’s response to it, than any other single chapter in the Bible.
On the surface, it’s a biting criticism of the king of Babylon. From our perspective, it seems natural that a Hebrew prophet would write such a thing, but we’re looking at these matters with 2,700 years of hindsight. When Isaiah lived and wrote, Babylon was a vassal state of Assyria. It was more than eight centuries after the Amorite founding dynasty of Babylon had been ended by the Kassites, a tribal people from the mountains of what is now western Iran. The Kassites continued many of the religious traditions of the Amorites, but they changed the name of the city to Karduniash. In fact, the Kassites ruled Babylon for more than four hundred years, which means they controlled Babylonia longer than any other people in history.
By the time of the Judges in Israel, about four hundred years before Isaiah, the Kassite kingdom had fallen to the Chaldeans, a Semitic people probably descended from the Amorites. But the Chaldeans never extended their control as far west as the Holy Land in the years leading up to Isaiah. Israel and Judah had more trouble with the Aramaeans, Ammonites, Moabites, Edomites, Midianites, and Philistines.
The Assyrians, based in what is now northern Iraq, emerged after the time of David and Solomon in the tenth century BC as the scourge of the Near East. Assyria destroyed the kingdom of Israel around 722 BC, flattening its capital city, Samaria, and scattering the northern tribes throughout Assyrian territory.
The Assyrians ravaged the southern kingdom, too. In the days of Isaiah and Hezekiah, Sennacherib sent his army to conquer Judah. The invaders overran most of the country, and it was only divine intervention that stopped the Assyrian army outside the walls of Jerusalem. Sennacherib withdrew to his home country, where he was assassinated by his sons. Sometimes it’s not so good to be the king.
At the time of Sennacherib’s invasion of Judah, the rise of Babylon was still more than a century in the future, in the days of Josiah, grandson of Hezekiah. So, Isaiah’s polemic against the king of Babylon, which begins in the thirteenth chapter of Isaiah, appears to be an anachronism, out of sync with the political events of the time.
When the Lord has given you rest from your pain and turmoil and the hard service with which you were made to serve, you will take up this taunt against the king of Babylon: “How the oppressor has ceased, the insolent fury ceased! The Lord has broken the staff of the wicked, the scepter of rulers, that struck the peoples in wrath with unceasing blows, that ruled the nations in anger with unrelenting persecution.” (Isaiah 14:3–6)
This text was unquestionably a prophecy of the future Babylon, an oracle of the destruction of the oppressor before Babylon became Judah’s oppressor. But clues in the chapter, mainly overlooked by Bible teachers, point to other targets of the prophet’s oracle—not just the divine rebel from Eden, but also his colleagues and their minions.
Sheol beneath is stirred up
to meet you when you come;
it rouses the shades to greet you,
all who were leaders of the earth;
it raises from their thrones
all who were kings of the nations. (Isaiah 14:9)
The Hebrew word translated “shades” is rephaim. That’s the mysterious group in Genesis, Deuteronomy, and Joshua identified as tribes east of the Jordan River in the lands of Bashan, Ammon, Moab, and Edom. By the time of the Judges in Israel, the Rephaim were considered the spirits of the “mighty men who were of old”—in other words, “leaders of the earth” and “kings of the nations.” Isaiah’s description is consistent with the depiction of the Rephaim in the texts found at the Amorite kingdom of Ugarit. Whether the Amorite neighbors of ancient Israel knew it or not, they venerated the spirits of the half-breed giants created by the supernatural sons of God, the Watchers. This means that the role of the rebel from Eden takes on new significance.
So, who is Helel Ben Shachar? “Lucifer” is just an Anglicized form of the Latin words lux (“light”) and ferre (“to carry”), an English speaker’s rendering of the Latin translation of the original Hebrew name. But who is this entity, really? Isaiah gives us the information we need:
How you are fallen from heaven,
O Day Star, son of Dawn!
How you are cut down to the ground,
you who laid the nations low!
You said in your heart,
“I will ascend to heaven;
above the stars of God
I will set my throne on high;
I will sit on the mount of assembly
in the far reaches of the north;
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High.” (Isaiah 14:12–14)
“Day Star” is a reference to Venus, from a Hebrew word based on a root that means “to shine.” Scholars who’ve tried to find a similar story in the religions of the ancient Near East have come up empty so far. The closest parallel is the Ugaritic myth of the war-god Attar, the male aspect of Astarte (Ishtar), who found that he was too small for the throne of the king of the gods, the storm-god Baal, who was temporarily dead. (It’s a pagan myth. It doesn’t have to make sense.) The point is that Attar was represented by Venus in the morning; Venus in the evening was believed to represent the goddess of “love,” Astarte.
That doesn’t quite fit the character of the entity we’re looking at. The key bit of evidence is in verse 13. The Hebrew phrase “far reaches of the north,” variously rendered in other English translations as “sides of the north,” “recesses of the north,” “remotest parts of the north,” and simply “the far north,” is yarkete tsaphon. This appears only three times in the Bible, which means we should take note of its other uses.
The other verses where we find yarkete tsaphon are in Psalm 48, where the psalmist compares God’s holy mountain, Zion, with another mountain (Zaphon—although it’s rendered “far north,” which means you have to read between the lines to grasp the wordplay of the verse: har-tziyon, yarkete tsaphon), and Ezekiel 38 and 39, the prophecy of Gog of Magog.
Why is this significant? Because Zaphon (or Saphon, or tsaphon) was the name of the mountain sacred to the storm-god Baal:
Then Valiant Baal said,
“Depart, Kothar-and-Hasis!
Hasten! Build a house indeed;
hasten! Construct a palace!
Hasten! Let them build a house;
Hasten! Let them construct a palace,
in the midst of the uttermost parts of Saphon.”
So, if the mount of assembly of the rebel in Eden is the mountain sacred to Baal, the text of Isaiah 14 can’t have been borrowed from a myth about Baal’s would-be replacement.
Why does this matter? Because Jesus specifically identified Baal the storm-god as Satan. When He was confronted by Pharisees who accused Him of casting out demons by the power of Beelzebul (“Baal the Prince”), Jesus replied, “If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?” And in the Book of Revelation, Jesus told the church at Pergamum, “I know where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is.” That was a reference to the altar of Zeus, who was the Greek incarnation of the storm-god.
That gives us a simple equation: Lucifer = Baal = Satan. And since Gog (the Antichrist) is Satan’s commander-in-chief, it makes sense that he comes from yarkete tsaphon—Mount Zaphon. (That’s in Turkey, by the way. Contrary to what you’ve probably heard, Gog and Magog have nothing to do with Russia.)
But there is more here than just a polemic against Satan. Isaiah gives us enough information to confirm what the Israelites’ pagan neighbors knew about Baal—that the king of their pantheon was also lord of the dead.
This was probably some kind of honor in the minds of Canaanites. The Rephaim spirits were called “warriors of Baal” and “warriors of Anat” (their incredibly violent war-goddess), and some scholars believe that one of Baal’s functions may have been to resurrect them at the ritual meals to which the Rephaim were summoned.
However, the prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel make it very clear that this was a demotion. More on that next month.

The message of Passover is not simply one about God delivering His people Israel thousands of years ago. It is also about God delivering His people today. The Passover Seder begins looking back (in time) to Pharoah and the pyramids. It begins by celebrating what God did in the past, but after dinner it changes direction.
A person opens the door to see if Elijah is there waiting to join their Seder. If he’s not there, the person calls out, “Come out, come out wherever you are. Elijah you are our special guest of honor. We want you to join us tonight. Look, we’ve made a special cup and your name is written on it. It’s the prettiest cup on the table. We have some horse radish, charoset and matzah waiting for you. We also have a glass of Manischewitz Wine poured for you.” People have always known that a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
Why do we invite Elijah to our Passover Seder? Elijah was not in Egypt during the time of slavery. He didn’t grow up with Moses. Elijah and Moses did not graduate from Pharoah High School together. What’s so special about Elijah?
As I thought about it, it’s not really Elijah people want. It’s what Elijah will do for us. It’s about who Elijah will bring with him. Elijah never died; he was physically taken up to heaven. People want Elijah to come because he will come back to earth, and when he does, he will bring the Messiah.
Once we invite Elijah to our Seder we are no longer looking back in history, but ahead to the future. Then we drink more cups of wine. The cups of wine were added to the Seder to remind us of the promises of God found in Exodus 6.
The fourth of cup reminds us of God’s promise: “I will take you for My people.” The 3rd cup reminded us that God will redeem or purchase us. When He does, we are His possession and belong to Him; He is Adonai our Lord and Master. This is important, but God wants more out of our relationship with Him. He wants to take us to be His bride. God purchased or redeemed Israel so He could marry them at Mt. Sinai.
Then Exodus 6 contains one more promise. This means we need to drink 5 cups (not 4). God’s 5th promise is: “I will bring you into the land.” God did not simply bring Israel out of Egypt. He did not just marry them at Mt. Sinai. God did not have their honeymoon last forever. After “enjoying” a 40-year honeymoon in the wilderness, God brought His bride home to Israel.
Israel was passing through Sinai on their way home. We too are passing through earth on our way home to heaven. We are foreigners and strangers on earth so don’t get too comfortable here. Yeshua is preparing our eternal home. Once it is ready, He will get us to bring us home. We end the Seder declaring, “Next year in Jerusalem.” It’s not just earthly Jerusalem we’re longing for, but the heavenly Jerusalem. Thank God for what He did in the past and look forward to what He promises to do in the near future. May we all be together next year in (the heavenly) Jerusalem!

The following article is by one of our contributor teams. It is very controversial and we respectfully ask that when you read this understand that this ministry tries to provide thought engaging subjects that are simply for you to review and decide for yourself. Our team has many backgrounds and educational achievements and our prayer is that you will see this as simply one possibility.

By Dr Kevan Kruse and Dr Dennis O’Hara

Trans-humanism In the Bible
In our last article, we talked about the Covid vaccines and how they are, at minimum, experimental, and at maximum, the precursor to the Mark of the Beast (MOB) because we are beginning to change our genetic material from what God wrote to something that man wrote. They are changing our creator. But if you are still skeptical, then ask yourself this question. If they have isolated this virus and have an accurate test for Covid, then why are 80% of the people who test positive for Covid asymptomatic?

They also developed a natural “herd” immunity to Covid, which will last for a significant period. So, why are they pushing this vaccine so hard? Now consider that up to 80% of the people who take the vaccine become symptomatic. It becomes obvious, just as 55,000 doctors said in the “Great Barrington Declaration,” that head-to-head natural immunity (God’s way) is way better than man-made immunity.

Given these statistics, why would anyone take this vaccine if they have no risk of dying from Covid? Why are people around the globe losing their jobs and being bullied into taking this vaccine? Especially when here in the USA the “CDC Reports 1,637 Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccinations.” In Europe, many countries have pulled the AstraZeneca vaccine due to complications. None of this makes sense. What is the real agenda?

An Obsession with “Super”
In this current article, we want to explore some of the other temptations to alter our DNA. But the biggest question that we will address is whether the Bible has warned us of this coming genetic revolution. More specifically, did the Bible predict that something like trans-humanism would come along to offer something that Satan has been promising mankind since the Garden of Eden?

It is becoming more obvious that our society is becoming obsessed with “superheroes” or people with superpowers. If we add in aliens, magic, and sorcery, we have the plot of virtually every new movie. Yet, with all of this talk of superheroes, I want to remind us that Jesus is still the greatest superhero of all. Why? Because Jesus had to be born a man, live like a man, and die like a man to redeem all of mankind. Someone who wasn’t a man, with different DNA than ours, could not have achieved this superhuman feat because he wasn’t fully human.

This is the power of the Gospel. Through Christ, we will get a new super body, a new super destiny, a new super identity, a new super home, and new superpowers to boot. This is why the desire for something more is buried so deep within our hearts because this is what we were created to be. Satan knows how tempting this is for us. Consequently, the motivation to take the MOB may be more than just fear. It could simply be linked to our desire to be like God. Isn’t that why we are so fascinated with both superheroes and the supernatural world? Wasn’t this temptation to be super part of Satan’s first spiel? Maybe it wasn’t all fluff. Maybe the MOB will in some way full fill part of Satan’s promise to make us a little more “god-like.”

Altered Perception
What are some of the consequences of changing our DNA? Unfortunately, the consequences could be endless. I have heard Dr. Tom Horn talk many times about how when we transfer quail DNA in chickens, they move their heads like quail and sound like quail. These are complex memories and patterns of behavior that are instantaneously changed. Applying this to human beings could turn them into something that is not fully human. Even Francis Fukuyama, the Nobel peace prize-winning scientist that wrote “What is the world’s most dangerous idea?” did not stop there. He went on to write “Our Posthuman Future: Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution.”

This is where looking at the super-soldier program may be our best illustration of what is possible. What exactly are they looking to change about humans in this program? Some of the scary truth comes out in the article, “DARPA Continues Human Experiments to Create Military Super Soldiers.” In the article, they specifically say they are trying to: “enhance a soldier’s ability to kill without care or remorse, shows no fear, can fight battle after battle without fatigue, and generally behave more like a machine than a man.”

Unfortunately, they have been experimenting on human beings in this way for more than 20 years. But who would call the soldier they are describing human? More importantly, who would want to sign up for that? Honestly, that description could easily be a description of your average demon. If you are still struggling with understanding how unlocking and sequencing DNA is changing mankind, then here are some movies to watch that might help to get a handle on just what is possible.
“Human Nature” & “Unnatural Selection” on Netflix – Detailing CRISPR technology
Originally trans-humanism was changing our DNA and combining or splicing it with other species, but with the invention of CRISPR technology, it is possible to sequence our own designer DNA instead of using pre-existing DNA strands and splicing them together. What people fail to understand is that the fundamental tenet of transhumanism is to re-make mankind into a new image, and one of our own (or someone else’s) choosing. We have the technology to combine plants, animals, and humans to make human-hybrids that are stronger, smarter, less violent, and live much longer. This is the supposedly positive side of altering our DNA, but the super-soldiers sound more like demons more than men.

Nonetheless, if the promises of trans-humanism come true, which is to make a better man than God did, then how might this also be another kind of “cause” that motivates the whole world to take this marker? Who doesn’t want to look better, live longer, and have superpowers? Unfortunately, no matter what your narrative is, changing our DNA would be the extinction of the human race, at least the one that God created. God simply can not say that He created the kinds of changes that are being proposed. This is the point where we would stop being what God created and become something else.

This is why trans-humanism is the world’s most dangerous idea because it is the end of the human race and the beginning of another race. After all, from their perspective, we are just evolving. The problem is we are starting to evolve into beings who think they are gods. This is also why I believe trans-humanism is connected to the MOB. Certainly, the MOB would have to be considered the single most dangerous threat to salvation that mankind will ever see. Consequently, genetic manipulation of the human genome is the game-changer that the church is completely unaware of. But where their plan converges on our Bibles is that they need access to our bodies to execute their plan.

As we speak most of us are even now focused on some kind of outrageous assault on our freedoms because there are too many “causes” destroying our country to even count. Wouldn’t now be the perfect time to slip the world’s most dangerous agenda into play. Certainly, it could be argued that taking a vaccine is one of the main narratives of the COVID-19 deception. This elimination of the original genome that God wrote Himself could easily be the reason why God tells us that He has to return otherwise no one would be left. (Matthew 24:22)

Maybe, God is talking about His children. The ones who have His DNA, and the ones who bear His image. But none of this is possible unless they get access to our bodies. Even now they are getting us comfortable with their template and things like DNA and RNA. But the question is: did the Bible give us some huge hints that there might be a genetic component to the MOB?

For now, understand that trans-humanism is asking a question that has been raging in our minds since the temptation in the Garden of Eden. Do we want to be God’s children, or do we want to be something of our own making? Do we want to be a god? Now we must look deep within ourselves and decide what we wish to become. This has always been Satan’s agenda, to have a seed that looks like him.

While technology is getting better every day, there are still some glitches in the plan. They are not ready to roll out the MOB, but this cannot be a coincidence that these are the first vaccines to have mRNA. The mistake would be to think that these vaccines aren’t going to do anything, even though they won’t cause us to lose our salvation. Yet the fact remains that genetic codes are being sent into our bodies to re-write our God-given RNA, which in turn will make our bodies begin to do unnatural things. They are saying that these codes are only temporary, but that was not what happened when they tried this same technology on mice. That was not what Tal Zaks, chief medical officer of Moderna said was happening. So, my advice is don’t change anything God did.

The Precursor to MOB
The mistake would be to think that just because the first rocket didn’t put a man on the moon, that it didn’t go anywhere. Likewise, it would be a mistake to think that changing our RNA is harmless. More importantly, we could be looking for a treatment plan instead of a “one and done” deal. Rolling things out in stages would certainly avoid the obvious objections to the gross undeniable change that the MOB seems to cause.

A better way to roll this out simply means turning up the heat slowly. In other words, small genetic changes could produce smaller behavioral or spiritual changes that somehow change our perceptions and/or our ability to connect with God. In other words, our conscience may be the most important tool we have to remain in a good relationship with God. It is also true, that changing what we can see could also change us. What am I talking about? In the same way that Balaam’s donkey could see the angel and Balaam couldn’t, changing our DNA could change the world that we think we live in. A veil could be opened or closed. Here is an example that happened in one of the trials by AstraZeneca.
“They’ve Killed God; I Can’t Feel God Anymore – My Soul Is Dead” After the Vaccine.
Not only can eyes be opened or closed, but certainly, splicing reptilian or wolf DNA into a human being would allow them to be able to kill more easily and with less remorse. This is why opening up our DNA for anyone to tamper with becomes the “pandora’s box” that should not be opened. The fact that they are using mRNA is a sign that they are now going to try and use genetic therapy to accomplish their goals from here on out.

The Covid deception is the greatest deception we have seen in our lifetime. It has also provided the “chaos” that the world’s governments have needed to require access to our bodies so that they can tamper with our genetic material? How is that not at least putting an engine on a frame with wheels? Surely, they are trying to make a car. Surely, this is at least a crime against humanity, and how can we as the church, keep silent for those that will hear?

The Great Deception
The problem that I have with most everyone in the field of Bible prophecy is that they are always telling us what is going to happen. Everyone is so sure that they know what the MOB that they aren’t even looking for it. I will be the first to tell you that I do not know what is going to happen, or even what it will all look like when it happens. This is why I believe we must speculate on the few things the Bible gives us based upon what we are seeing happen right now. (Luke 21) I believe this chaos, deception, governmental mandates, loss of freedom, and now experimental vaccines with RNA inside them are clearly saying that now is the season and Jesus is coming soon.

But what exactly are the churches standing up for? Mostly what I see is business as usual. Just continuing to preach their next sermon series and trying to stay away from anything political. Unfortunately, most people shut down this line of inquiry before I can even get started. That is why none of this is going to convince some people. I’ve had friends of mine that will tell me, “I’m sorry Kevan, you’re never going be able to convince me that the Mark of the Beast has anything to do with vaccines.” But honestly, this only proves my point that vaccines would be the perfect way to start a pattern of needing access to our bodies. People aren’t looking for it.

They have had many vaccines before and they didn’t turn into green-eyed monsters. But Christians are not the only ones to be alarmed at the idea of changing any of our genetic codes. Like it or not, changing our DNA is the world’s most dangerous idea. Not only is that idea here, but it is also now being partially executed through a vaccine that is surrounded by chaos.

Genetic Manipulation in the Bible.
There are many troubling passages in the Bible, but Genesis the third chapter is certainly one of them. This is the chapter that gives us the first prophecy in the Bible, and it is called the “War of the Seeds.” The key part of what God says to Adam, Eve, and Satan is “I will put enmity (make enemies, open hostility, war) between you and the woman, and between your seed (offspring) and her Seed; He shall [fatally] bruise your head, and you shall [only] bruise His heel.” AMP This is prophetic of the coming of the Messiah who is the “seed or offspring” of a woman, which was fulfilled through the virgin birth.

The problem is that most people do not look at this verse as the template or strategy for how Satan plans on defeating God and His children. Satan is looking to have children himself. There is almost nothing that God does that Satan does not want to emulate. It would also seem to wage this war against God that Satan needs a lot of help. Remember, he only took one-third of the angels in heaven with him, so he is hopelessly outnumbered. (Revelations 12:4) Not only does Satan need children, but he also wants them, and the more they look like him the better.

Certainly, Satan’s desire to also take everything of God’s is why we are in a battle for souls of humanity, but does someone giving their soul to Satan fulfill this passage? I don’t believe that it does. This passage says that Satan’s greatest plan is to create offspring that will help him wage this war against God’s children. The problem is where is Satan’s seed or offspring? An even more fundamental question is how could Satan alter the DNA necessary to make his dreams come alive?

The Days of Noah
How this could happen, we are not able to answer because we have no way of knowing how much technology Satan knows. The mistake would be to think that Satan isn’t actively exploring any avenue that will help him win the war. Either way, Genesis 3 should be considered to be the backdrop for Genesis 6:6, which is the strangest story in the Bible. However, if we were already looking for the appearance of a new creature that was not created in the first 6 days of creation, then it becomes just a little less strange.

Of all the questions surrounding Genesis 6, we have to remember that the end result was the creation of the Nephilim. The Nephilim are the only real candidates for the literal “seed (offspring) of Satan” in the entire Bible. The problem is that “how this happened” is still controversial even to this day. Now I am not here to tell us that I know whether disobedient angels can have sex with women, but I am not sure that is absolutely what the text says. More importantly, if I can take a swab of anyone’s DNA and have a baby with them, no matter what sex they are, then how is Satan less technologically advanced than we are?
What I get from the passage is quite simple. Human women were taken by fallen angels, but they were also punished for what they did in the Days of Noah. (2 Peter 2:4 & Jude 1:6) The “Sons of God” did not marry these women and there was no wedding. They did not seem to keep them for very long either. When they came back, they were pregnant. When they delivered these children, they were different in every way, which means that they had different DNA. What could have changed their DNA?
While the Nephilim were different, they could still breed with humans, which means they were human hybrids. Again, if left unchecked, these genetic manipulations would have destroyed all of God’s creation by contaminating His seed or offspring. Considering that the Messiah was to come from the “seed of the woman” this was not something God could overlook. This would certainly be considered an act of war by anyone’s standards. Consequently, God had to intervene to keep the Messianic lineage uncorrupted.
Genetic integrity is also why Noah was chosen because he was “perfect in his generations.” (Genesis 6:9) The Bible goes on to tell us that God destroyed the world with a flood because all flesh had become corrupt. (Genesis 6:12) Taking that passage literally could certainly mean that their DNA had become corrupt. All of the “Days of Noah” narrative fits the Genesis 3 template. If the Nephilim or giants were indeed Satan’s genetically modified offspring, then the only question left to ask is, “were they at war with humans?

The Bible teaches that these two people groups were at war with each other. While the flood took care of most of the issue, the Nephilim continued on the earth for some time after the flood, but that was not to last. That is because the Bible commanded that they were to be killed everywhere they were found. (Deuteronomy 2:10-11, 2:21, and 3:11) These specific passages have become notorious with critics of the Bible because they have allowed them to say that God of the Bible could not possibly be a God of love to do such things.

But if we understand what God said would happen immediately after the fall of mankind (the war between the two seeds or offspring), then all of this starts to make sense. Different seed, different offspring, and their differing genetic codes are important themes from the very beginnings of our faith, but only in modern times have we been able to understand the genetic implications of these passages.

The DNA Wars
Why is all of this important? Jesus specifically tells us that just before He returns it would be just like the “Days of Noah. (DON) (Matthew 24:37) No matter what really happened in Genesis 6, the Nephilim narrative becomes the distinguishing feature of the DON. Can it then be a coincidence that in modern terms, genetic manipulation in the form of trans-humanism is once again producing a new offspring with a different seed or DNA? Their mistake the first time was to make these hybrids too different. Keep this in mind for the next phase of their age-old war. The difference this time is that God will once again have to intervene.

So, the obvious question is: if one of the major indicators that we are in the end times is that we see a new kind of hybrid human being, then maybe the Days of Noah are once again upon us. Combine this with the “super sign,” which is the mere existence of Israel and the controversy that has caused around the world, then everything necessary seems to be in play for the “end times.” (Zechariah 12:3) So, why can’t the MOB start to show its head?

Especially if there is a connection between the seed of Satan, the DON, and the MOB. Yet, there is yet another passage that speaks of two kinds of seed that is directly applicable to the people groups living in the last days. I am talking about the “Divided Kingdom” found in Daniel the 2nd chapter. Recall we are talking about the image with the head of gold followed by silver, bronze, iron, and then a unique or “divided kingdom” because it has two distinct kinds of people. Partly iron and partly clay, in that “they” mingled themselves with the seed of men, and the two would not mix.” (Daniel 2:43)

Who are the “they” being referenced here? One would have to say that the best candidate would have to be the same beings that pulled off the same feet previously. This would be the “Sons of God” or disobedient angels who were punished for what they did in the Days of Noah. Again, thinking back to the only hybrid people with mixed, mingled, or with a different seed certainly causes Genesis 3 & 6 to come to mind. Again, the Nephilim are the only clear candidates.

So, Daniel is giving us some great information reminiscent of the DON. Here is what I hear Daniel saying. In the “last days,” there are two kinds of people. Those with mingled or mixed seed, and those with unmingled or unmixed seed. But the two do not get along. Again, the seed we are talking about here in modern terms is DNA, which certainly produces two different kinds of people or offspring.

True to history, the idea of putting these two people groups together again would certainly be like trying to mix oil and vinegar. It is not going to work and everyone knows it. This is why the National Institutes of Health granted $773,000 to Case Law School to help determine “ethically acceptable rules” for how to integrate hybrids into our society. When this comes out, a new level of racism is going to immerge between those who have human DNA versus those with trans-human DNA.
Of course, the biggest complaint against some of the narratives involving the Nephilim is the lack of physical evidence. This is where I believe there is a provable cover-up. Some of this cover-up is detailed in the movie, “A Race of Giants.” The movie is not from a religious point of view. Nonetheless, the movie documents that in America alone there have been over 1,500 newspaper accounts that have referenced 3,781 skeletons of a race of blond-haired giants (7-12 feet tall).

Recently, LA Marzulli has documented many of the elongated skulls, and shown how they have different DNA than we have. (See the Watcher Series: Expert Analysis: DNA results) I go further into this argument in my “Days of Noah” series on prophecydays.com. There you will find a video link, an MP3 audio file, and a download of my notes. At this point, the fundamental question for many of us is why is changing our genetic codes a big problem.

Kinsman Redeemer Idea
For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins. (Hebrews 10:4)
Animals cannot redeem humans, but Jesus can because he is related to us. Jesus is our kinsman. This is why Jesus had to be born a man, live like a man, and die like a man to redeem mankind. Jesus would be the first one redeemed to heaven, which is a higher reality of love, holiness, and joy unspeakable. Even though that higher reality has been watching over us, and cheering for us, there was no way that we could ever redeem ourselves. Vice versa, heaven could not compromise itself and allow evil to enter back in. (Revelation 21:27) No man was good enough until Jesus.

That is why Jesus’s disciples called him “good.” (Mark 10:18) Because Jesus was God, He was able to be the unblemished lamb and redeem the sins of the whole world. He redeemed our race because He was of the same race. Even more glorious, Jesus now sits on the throne of heaven. What people forget (and what Dr. Michel Heiser points out) is that there is a government in heaven that includes divine courts and counsels. The point is that the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus destroyed the legal obstacles that were preventing the reinstatement of our birthright as children of God.

That being said, if we were to argue the rights of a father to his son here on earth, most likely the court would order a DNA test. If the father has no common alleles, then that father would have no paternal rights to the child. Why do we do that? Because in some sense the father is also partly the creator of the child, but only if part of the father is also in his child. Now, I am not trying to say that our DNA saves us, but it is part of who we are and why we look like our Father.

On the other hand, we are not just spiritual beings, even though it is being “born again” of the spirit that ultimately saves our souls and our bodies. The great news is that this rebirth of the spirit will one day also give us back a new physical body. Not surprisingly, all of the saints who have gone on before us are waiting expectantly for the day when they get their bodies back. (Romans 8:23) The mistake is to think of our bodies as only a box we live in as if they do not affect who we are. The reason the Saints groaned is that without their bodies they were incomplete. Our bodies give us input, they affect our identity, and they give us a way to connect and express ourselves in the physical world. Part of us is in our bodies.

God Wrote Our DNA
If the word of God is sharper than any sword, then what is it about God’s words that makes them so powerful? There are many components to this answer, but part of the answer is that words relay information. If they come from God, they communicate correct information or truth. As we know from scripture, it is the truth that sets us free from the lies of Satan. More importantly, the right words or truth are more powerful at creating a right relationship with God than any other commodity.

Here is the parallel. Just like words, DNA is an information system. But unlike words, DNA also has the ability to change the physical reality of the user. This is why God has specifically commanded that we not mix species. (Leviticus 19:198) If we change DNA in any species, then we are changing what God created, which means we are playing God. We are also changing the image from something that God had previously called “good.” But are we capable of making something better than God?

When I think about changing anything God did or said, I like to remember that if God said something different, then all of reality would change. This is why God never changes because if He did, He would be less Holy, righteous, and loving. This is also why changing any part of what God created is wrong in general. However, when it is directed at changing our DNA, I believe it is blasphemy. After all, changing the words of the Bible has the same effect. (Revelation 22:18-19)

What I am asserting is that if God wrote our DNA, then our DNA is relaying correct information. However, if we change our DNA, then we are changing the truth of God’s creation into a lie. We are choosing to change our very identity at a fundamental level. If we change our DNA, then whose children would we be? If Satan has been planning on how to have more children since Genesis 3, how far do you think he has gotten since then? More importantly, how far can we go and still be human? How far can we go and still be related to Adam or Jesus? Only the courts of heaven could ever know, and I don’t intend on finding out.

Blaspheming the Temple of the Holy Spirit

While it is common for Christians to teach that our bodies are “the temple of the Holy Spirit,” it is not common for them to realize that every measurement of that temple is determined by the information found in our DNA. Historically, changing the dimensions or any part of the temple, Holy of Holies or the “Ark of the Covenant” would all be considered blasphemy. Now consider that the other unforgivable sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit, which essentially comes down to denying the ultimate truth, “Jesus is Lord.”
“He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. (John 3:16-18)
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. (Revelation 13:8; also see 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)
Vice versa, all of the people who worship the beast obviously do not believe Jesus is the Son of God. This is a deal-breaker for all of heaven. After all, three simple words, “Jesus is Lord,” are the most important and utterly undeniable facts of the universe. However, this information is still something that only the Holy Spirit (HS) can reveal to us. If we deny the truth of Jesus, it is difficult to understand how someone can be saved because they have repeatedly blasphemed the witness of the HS. Keep in mind just how important the Holy Spirit is in our lives because Jesus said that it was better for Him to leave so that the Holy Spirit could come and live inside of us.

If that Holy Spirit cannot come inside us, then we have blasphemed the HS’s message. On the other hand, it is through the power of the Holy Spirit that we can walk and talk with God every day in the garden of our hearts. However, no matter how much God loves us, not following instructions or correct information is what caused Adam and Eve to sin in the first place. The same is also true for Cain. Not following the instructions for the measurements of the temple could cause God to refuse to inhabit it. It is dangerous to destroy God’s temple because God promises to destroy anyone who dares to do that.
Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple. (1 Corinthians 3:16-17)
If God refused to inhabit a temple that was not what He instructed or designed, then why wouldn’t this also apply to our bodies? Can a Holy God inhabit an un-holy temple constructed in direct disobedience? Can a holy God inhabit the unholy seed or offspring of Satan who is created in Satan’s image? Remember, God hates sin, lies, and hate. So, how could God love or inhabit a being created based on lies, sin, and hate?

This is why I believe the first unforgivable sin is connected to the second unforgivable sin, which is the MOB. I believe the MOB is also blaspheming the Holy Spirit because it defiles or destroys the temple of the Holy Spirit and making the person uninhabitable. Vice versa, Satan also wants to make a person that he or his demons can inhabit because most of them are disembodied spirits, which means they are looking for a body to inhabit and to express themselves into the world.

This is why we cannot worship God and Satan. There is a choice that has to be made, and that is why people must choose the MOB for it to work at all. The problem is that if they do, then they have defiled the temple of God, which is their own body by corrupting the image that they were made in. They are also permanently changing who’s seed or offspring they are. At best, it would seem difficult to imagine how the HS could inhabit the children of Satan. Yet, this is the promise of trans-humanism, to remake mankind into a new image and one of our choosing.

Now consider the Covid “cause” and the effect that it is having on our governments. Now the thing that we have to take to let things go back to normal requires taking something that has never been proposed in human history. The genetic material in the form of messenger RNA is now sending new messages into our bodies and rewriting God’s instructions. Who in their right mind would want to do that, but it is happening right now because of the great deception? Unfortunately, both political parties are pushing it as the solution to the problem. The only difference is that some of them are saying it should be mandatory.

Here is an article that details recombinant DNA and CRISPR technology, and how we can incorporate new information into human beings to make them better.
Role of Recombinant DNA Technology to Improve Life. – https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijg/2016/2405954/
Enter the Alien Agenda
As if I haven’t pushed the envelope enough, I am still going there because there is an obvious connection. Few are willing to talk about it, but I am going to point out how this phenomenon is manifesting some of the exact narratives of these articles. More importantly, why aren’t we talking about aliens? After all, more Americans now believe in aliens more than God. (see below) That statistic alone should be a strong indicator as to how the Anti-Christ might best present himself to the world as its true savior. So, how can we not talk about that? After all, the things we don’t talk about are the very things that the world only hears one side of the story.
Not only is the TV show “Ancient Aliens” popular, but much of it can also be easily debunked. (see below) However, even some basic investigation of the alien hypothesis can yield some startling intersections with Biblical themes. For instance, there is a movie on amazon prime called, Extraordinary: The Seeding. Not only does this movie have multiple accounts of women being abducted by aliens and coming back pregnant, but the name of it is “The Seeding,” which is the same word our Bibles uses talking about what Satan will one day have.

These same women are abducted again before giving birth, and this time the baby is taken. Later, some of these women are abducted and met their children. Ok, so what does that sound like? This is almost the same scenario talked about in Genesis 6. The difference seems to be that they have learned a few things since then. Meaning, they don’t let the baby be born because that might make world news.

Whether we believe in alien abduction or not, they have several connection points with some of the supernatural things found in the Bible. One example is when angels helped Peter escape prison. Like the cuffs falling off, people can pass through other solid objects. Just like Peter’s guards, people can be paralyzed so they are helpless. The shocking thing is that the people in the UFO community teach that once an abduction starts, it cannot be stopped. But this isn’t true.

A man by the name of Joe Jordan, a MUFON certified investigator, has documented hundreds of cases where the name of Jesus stopped those aliens’ abductions in their tracks. Now, what does that sound like? It sounds like we should be teaching that from every pulpit in the country. Through this discovery, Joe not only became a Christian, but he now helps people see the connection between the alien agenda and demons. He also sees a connection between Satan’s desire to have a seed or modern Nephilim, and the alien agenda.
https://youtu.be/NuMajWp_EzA & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOC7K3L86TM
But Joe Jordan is not the only one. Dr. David Jacobs is the author of “UFO Controversy in America,” “Secret Life: Firsthand Accounts of UFO Abductions,” and “The Threat.” Dr. Jacobs has been studying alien abductions for longer than anyone (30+ years). In an interview, Dr. Jacobs was asked what alien abductions have in common. He said it was their “obsession with genetic material.” When asked what he made of that he replied, they have their “own breeding program.” Now, what does that sound like? The only thing that stops these entities is the name of Jesus, and they are obsessed with genetic material probably because they have a breeding program.

Could this be why the world is going so crazy so fast? We always talk about how we are in spiritual warfare with spiritual powers and principalities, but could there be a literal seed of Satan already among us? Could this same seed be a way for disembodied demons to manifest themselves into our world and take up the age-old “War of the Seeds?” Again, I cannot say whether this is all true, but I can say that the alien phenomenon clearly has intersections with Biblical narratives like the “Days of Noah” and demonology.

The last thing I am going to mention about the alien agenda is something that Pastor Billy Crone has brought out in some of his alien studies that can be found on YouTube. Billy is a Baptist minister, but he came out of the new age movement. Consequently, he is familiar with remote viewing, astral projection, and out-of-body experiences. But one of my favorite sermons was about how aliens act like demons. Billy also does a great job at showing how many of the new age authors are channeling or remote writing for spirits who identify themselves as aliens.

Coincidentally, they are always from specific constellations that are historically occultic. This fact alone should make all of us consider the possibility that when the Abyss is opened, and the spirits who have been in prison are released, one of the obvious ways they may present themselves to the world is an alien race. Now that would certainly be quite the deception, especially when more people now believe in aliens than God.

The War of the Seeds
Just as God desires to have children, Satan also wants to do the same, but he needs them for a far more sinister purpose; to wage war against the children of God. Satan himself was a child of God and he wants to recruit us in his cause against God. But I also believe that Satan also wants to be the father and creator to a new category of beings. He can do this by remaking mankind into his image. This fundamental change is possible through trans-humanism and modern science.

If we consider the Bible to be true, then it is possible that the “war of the seeds” may be upon us just as it was in the “Days of Noah.” Unfortunately, it may be one of the major backdrops for the turmoil of the “end times.” Breakthroughs like CRISPR mean that people will be able to change their race or even create a new race of beings. I also believe that the current mRNA vaccines mark the beginning of genetic experimentation on the masses.

Unfortunately, the worldwide “cause” has blinded some people. Yet, none of this deception would be possible if we had not failed to see the connection of our body and our spirit. Our bodies are more than just our habitation (earthly house, tent, or tabernacle). (2 Corinthians 5:2) Our bodies and our DNA are why we look like God. (1 John 3:2) Dr. Michael Heiser summarizes much of the whole Bible into a drama surrounding God’s “divine family.” Dr. Heiser also calls us God’s “imagers,” meaning that we look exactly like God. This also makes sense because Jesus looks like us.

The Politically Correct Church
When we see Jesus face to face, we will look like Him and we will be like Him. (1 John 3:2) How would that meeting go if we didn’t look like Him? If DNA determines how we look, then how can anyone claim that overwriting (what God wrote) our natural RNA or possibly our DNA is somehow godly? This vaccine, by all appearances, is the start of changing what God wrote into our genes, which is why I believe this is the precursor to the MOB.

Consequently, we have no idea what kinds of doors we are opening up. There is little room to debate that we are not officially messing with the code of life, which is a form of playing God. Unfortunately, churches see this subject as a medical or political issue, so they are steering clear of it as if it will go away. But not all churches are being silent. Some are speaking truth, which is that something more than fishy is going on here.
Black leaders dare to tell the truth about vaccine depopulation GENOCIDE – https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-03-04-situation-update-mar-4th-black-leaders-tell-the-truth-vaccine-depopulation-genocide.html
There is a world-wide assault on all of our freedoms. But of all the freedoms we are losing, (speech, guns, family, marriage, boys, girls, to show our face, travel, work, liberty, and privacy), losing the rights to our own body would be the ultimate loss of freedom. Anything that comes against this right or even has the potential to change our DNA, should be avoided at all costs. One thing we know, there is a mark that is coming, but we don’t know exactly what it is except that it changes us in some way. Not only can we not be saved, but we worship the Anti-Christ whether we want to or not.

The only way we can be safe is to come out from among them. We can no longer afford to be neutral. We must defy our government and its mandates peacefully. Remember, Jesus was killed for many reasons, but one of them was political. How can we expect anything different in the end times? Our society has broken with its Christian heritage. Consequently, there is coming a day very soon, where people will no longer be able to believe what they see on TV or hear in the media and still be Christian. The false Covid narrative has already emptied our churches, and the next great “cause” will be even worse.
We who are mature in the Lord must begin to prepare those we can for this break with our society. We are now only a sub-culture or counter-culture. While we can still strive for peace, there is a war that is coming and we cannot shrink back because we are carrying the truth down to our DNA. We must continue to stand up for the Great Commission of our Lord. Just with one small change. Beware of the Mark of the Beast! Do not give up access to your body lightly. If we heed His commands, we have a promise from the Lord. He will be with us “always, even unto the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20)

I hope you will join me in the coming weeks for our final article. I believe it promises to be yet another eye-opening experience as we explore the mystery of what is hidden in our foreheads, and its connection to the MOB. This is only one of the great schemes of the Devil that we hope to expose in our next article. May God grant us all the strength to be a light on a hill and a lamp for those who are looking where to step in these difficult times.

Note:Dr Dennis O.Hara is a guest contributor/co-author
Dr. Dennis O’Hara was born and raised on Long Island, NY and was an athlete throughout his school years. He fell in love with chiropractic while being helped as a patient for numerous sports injuries. Dr. O’Hara has been in practice since he graduated from National College of Chiropractic in April 1992. Dr. O’Hara continued his education achieving his Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians.

Dr. O’Hara’s clinical emphasis focuses on injuries of the neck and back, Sports injuries, biomechanical and postural correction and rehabilitation. He has worked with amateur and professional athletes and was the chiropractic physician for the Washington DC United MLS soccer team from 1996-1998. Dr. O’Hara had been a ringside physician for amateur MMA from 2009 through 2015 having worked hundreds of hours evaluating fighters before and after fights.

Dr. O’Hara’s continued passion for chiropractic drives his desire to help educate the public on the importance of spinal health and overall wellness.wait to deceive.” We will let people back into the church. We will be the rock upon which God
builds His kingdom, instead of a stepping stone towards Satan’s final agenda. May God prick
our hearts, and may the church begin to wake up, because the time is getting short. Jesus is

The following article is by one of our contributor teams. It is very controversial and we respectfully ask that when you read this understand that this ministry tries to provide thought engaging subjects that are simply for you to review and decide for yourself. Our team has many backgrounds and educational achievements and our prayer is that you will see this as simply one possibility.

By Dr Kevan Kruse and Dr Dennis O’Hara

In the first part of this article, we have been debunking the Covid narrative and laying the groundwork to understand the ethical problems with vaccines. This part of the article will show us how vaccines may be a part of a larger deception. In the end, we will show there is a direct connection between the Covid agenda and the “Mark of the Beast” or MOB.

Before we get going too far, I want to say a few things to put my readers at ease. First, we are still living in the age of grace and there is still time to right the ship. All of salvation is still available to us, but it is time to wake up. It is also time for the church to stop being “Lukewarm” because the world is in travail and the nations are being shaken as we speak.

Second, I do not believe this supposed vaccine is the real MOB. But I do believe that this is (at best) a crime against humanity or (at worst) a precursor to the MOB. I will define what I mean by a precursor shortly. More importantly, before we are finished, I believe you will agree with me that something is afoot.

Third, there are some key components of this article that will require speculation on my part, because the Bible simply doesn’t tell us everything. There are gaping holes that must be filled in as we get closer to when the MOB is rolled out on humanity. However, what I can say is that by the time we get to part 3 and part 4 of these articles, I believe we will all be challenged with some new possibilities of how Satan plans on deceiving us all. So, please don’t get offended, we are just having a conversation about the “Brave New World” we are living in.
Lest Satan should get an advantage over us. For we are not ignorant of his devices. (2 Corinthians 2:11)

That being said, we have to go back and lay the groundwork for the basics of Satan’s mark to see what the issues are. So, let me ask you a question. What is Satan‘s ultimate goal? Most people would probably say that it is to steal our souls. Of course, we are all aware of how Satan has been accomplishing this goal for thousands of years. Yet, no matter what we have done in this life, and as long as we are alive, God can still conquer every sin through the gospel of Christ.

The next question is: does Satan come up with a way of changing that equation? Can Satan fool some of us into choosing to do something that keeps us from being saved? Remember, the fooling part is the normal operating procedure. After all, Adam and Eve were fooled into eating the forbidden fruit even though God forewarned them not to eat of it. Unfortunately, the Bible does say that Satan comes up with a way to nullify the gospel, but only if someone chooses to take the Mark of the Beast. This makes the “MOB” the ultimate deception and true agenda behind the greatest conspiracy Satan has ever crafted against God and His children.

The MOB doesn’t mean that Satan wins because God has told us about this situation over 2000 years ago. God is also not getting outsmarted because He has warned us, the same way He warned Adam and Eve ahead of time about what Satan was planning. The problem is an equation of disobedience versus deception. The other problem is the church isn’t hearing or sharing the warning. The question becomes, who are we trusting? Are we going to believe what God says or will we believe the cunning and crafty deception that Satan is about to spring upon the world? Even scarier is that most of this world has never heard this warning because the church doesn’t talk about the MOB anymore. In my heart, if this article accomplishes nothing more than getting us all talking about the MOB, then I believe that millions could be saved because of it.

Now, if you are wondering how the MOB could do something like this, join the club. I have also had the same question about exactly how “eating a fruit” could start this whole mess. But my understanding of God, heaven, His “divine council,” and the courts of heaven are more than limited enough to know that some things are above my pay grade. This is why I recommend learning to accept the explicit directions of God when it comes to this area instead of our own reasoning.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:9)

Unfortunately, I have personally learned how disobedience of certain laws tends to get us in more trouble than we can fathom whether we know about these laws or not. Now is not the time to start trusting human reasoning, our governments, or technology. Now is the time to trust and obey the One who has brought us this far, and is fully able to complete what we have entrusted to Him, and take us home for eternity. (2 Timothy 1:12)

All of this is why I believe the MOB represents the greatest mystery in the entire Bible because we cannot be saved once we have taken it. It’s game over. The MOB is the one thing that we cannot repent of or change once we have taken it! Consequently, let’s just take a moment and review some of the key passages in the Bible talking about the MOB and why God gave us this stern warning.

Revelation 13:16-18 – And he causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.
Revelation 14:9-11 – And another angel, a third, followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or his hand, he also will drink the wine of God’s wrath, poured full strength into the cup of his anger, and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night, these worshipers of the beast and its image, and whoever receives the mark of its name.”
Revelation 20:4 – Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom the authority to judge was committed. Also, I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.
Revelation 19:20 – But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.
Now would also be a good time to review the two articles I wrote on the Mark of the Beast for allpropastors.org.

There are not a lot of verses to go on. Consequently, while there are a few things we know about the Mark of the Beast, there is more we don’t know than we know. Here are a few of the things that stand out.
We know that everyone who gets the MOB is motivated by some unknown situation or “cause.” Every cause has an effect, and the effect of this cause is the MOB. The cause could produce anything from fear to pride or even envy. Either way, the whole situation produces the greatest peer pressure situation in human history. The cause appears to be universal and it drives everyone to its mark.
We know that there is a beast government that is coming that is going to need access to our bodies, and it will eventually be mandatory.
We know that they are going to mark us in some way. The mark could be spiritual or invisible for all we know. It could be that they are putting something in our bodies or on our bodies. Either way, this mark changes us in some way. This could be anything from a chip, to an invisible tattoo, a bar code, implanted nanotechnology, or even some kind of genetic marker.
There will be consequences to not taking this mark, but we have to choose it. At first, we will not be able to buy or sell. How democratic right? But later, some souls were beheaded for not taking this mark.
If we take this mark, then we cannot be saved, and God’s wrath is poured out on those who take it.
The mark has something to do with our right hand and/or our forehead.
There may be a connection of this mark to the number of man, which is the number 666.
The people who take this mark will also worship the beast and its image.
In the end, we will win! The beast and the false prophet will be thrown into the lake of fire. Those who did not take the mark will reign with Christ for 1000 years.

Our Attitude Moving Forward
While I have stated that I believe the MOB is Satan’s master plan, I have often wondered why he didn’t do it sooner. The best explanation I have come up with has to do with the grand “opening of the abyss” or a significant breakthrough in technology. If Satan hasn’t been given back the key to the abyss or if the technology was not sufficiently developed, then that would certainly explain why Satan has not been able to spring the MOB on humanity much earlier.

What we must keep in mind is that Bible prophecy is purposely cryptic because the purpose of prophecy is not to predict the future. After all, God doesn’t want to give away all of His plans to the Devil either. The purpose of Bible prophecy is to warn us ahead of time and to let us know that God is in complete control of the future. Studying Bible prophecy is a faith and trust-building experience that we have with God until we come to a point where we believe that God knows our future for all eternity.

This is why my cipher and my attitude for interpreting Bible prophecy are found in Luke 21:28. “Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” It will be when we see these things happening that we wake up the sleeping virgins, and begin to sound the alarm that Jesus is coming soon. What I am saying in this article is that these things are “beginning” to happen. We cannot sound the alarm after something happens, we must sound the alarm at the beginning and not the end.

Satan’s Master Plan
Satan’s master plan is going to be executed by some type of “cause,” chaos, or problem. This turmoil will create the fear necessary to drive the masses to the solution the beast government has prescribed, which in this case is giving the government access to our bodies. What could cause an entire population to give up access to their bodies willingly? This is where the idea of “order out of chaos” can certainly explain some things. After all, it is the chaos that creates the fear necessary to create a “herd mentality,” which, in essence, funnels us towards the solution that is prescribed to solve the problem that they created.

What is this cause? For as long as I can remember, prophecy people have thought that a pandemic may very well be this infamous cause leading to the Mark of the Beast. Create the disease and then magically come up with the cure. This probable scenario is why most of the people in our family have typically never been vaccinated. Now 15 months into Covid-19, the entire narrative fits this idea perfectly. More importantly, people who have no risk of dying are lined up (in some cases fighting) to give access to their bodies to take an experimental vaccine that is for emergency use only. The question is, what will we line up for next?

In astonishing ways, the Covid narrative has accomplished what no other narrative ever has. It has produced a world-wide phenomenon that could make Satan‘s master plan a reality. Satan may now have the access to our bodies that he needs to administer the MOB, and everyone seems to be in on it. This is why I don’t trust any government or politicians. In case you haven’t studied world history, every government has done to the people what it was designed to protect them against. The only one I do trust in is God, and God has warned me about situations like these.

More importantly, my body is His temple, and I will not allow anyone to have access to it without my full consent, and for very good reason. The idea that our government should have access to our bodies, to inject whatever it wants, whenever it wants, is the ultimate loss of personal freedom. But as it looks, those who oppose this agenda are made out to be some kind of crazy conspiracy theorists or someone so ignorant that they need to be sent to some kind of re-education (concentration) camp.

The Threat
The next thing we know about the MOB is that it will become mandatory. Then there is the curious ultimatum if we do not comply with the mandate. They could’ve just said, “do this, or we kill you.” They could just hold us all down and force it on us, but they don’t. Why?? Interestingly enough, taking this mark has some kind of unwritten rule that it must be our choice, and even the beast government follows this rule.

I could never understand why they don’t just brand us. Why do they need us to choose it? Almost like they are democratic or something. Almost like they realize that every person has to choose it for it to work. Why? Because Satan can’t take our soul unless we choose to give it. That seems to be the unwritten rule that even this master plan of Satan still has to follow.

While they can’t force us to take it, they can lie, manipulate, deceive, and threaten us with all kinds of horrible consequences. Biden hadn’t even become president yet when suddenly both he and Dr. Fauci started saying that mandatory vaccinations were now on the table. The penalty for not taking the vaccine is that you will not be allowed to work. Already we have seen the New York Bar pass a mandatory vaccination recommendation with no exceptions to be given. This means this vaccination is mandatory even if people object to it for “religious, philosophical or personal reasons.”
The mandate may pass on to lawyers first, but certainly, it could also be enforced on all health care workers next. The penalty would mean that professionals could lose their license to work. This means that we would no longer have any Christian lawyers or doctors. Already they are saying that there will be a travel ban, and many people travel for work. They too would have to take the MOB or lose their job. If you lose your job or cannot work, then you are not being “allowed to buy or sell.” This means that the penalty that is being proposed for defying the Covid narrative is “at least” partially or “at best” exactly the same as the penalty being described for not taking the Mark of the Beast.

All of this is very unlikely to be a coincidence. This is why my prophetic radar has gone off and I believe it is time to blow the alarm because things are starting to line up. Clearly, there is some kind of connection between this current narrative and Satan’s final narrative because it seems to be a world-wide effort to enforce this final part of the Covid agenda, which is access to our bodies for something that isn’t even a vaccine. As Christians, we must resist these kinds of controls, manipulations, and nefarious agendas. However, as we learned from scripture, this soft-sell side of the mandate will eventually become a hard sell. Meaning, later in the tribulation, many people will be beheaded because they did not take the MOB. (Revelations 20:4)

So, here is what we have so far. We have a worldwide pandemic that isn’t killing more people than last year in our country even in the at-risk group. We have our government that now has miraculously come up with a cure. Now they are saying we can’t go back to normal until we all take it. The problem is that we have to give them access to our bodies to do it. But the vaccine isn’t a vaccine (as we will see) and it isn’t even FDA approved.

Not only that, but it is labeled for emergency use, which means it’s experimental. Now, remember, they are manipulating us all to do this even if we have no actual risk of dying from Covid. If most of us are only at risk of being mildly sick for a few days, then why should any of us take this? Why are they pushing this so hard?

All of this is why my MOB alarm has gone off, and I will not remain silent any longer. The rise of a systemic cause that has been pushing 24/7 fear for over a year, along with the distinct fulfillment of key components of the MOB scenario should have all of us on alert. Still, there remains only one final question that needs to be answered. Just what is the MOB, and how could this vaccine be connected to it?

Warning: this is the part of the article where we begin some speculation to ask ourselves, “is something prophetic happening or not?”

What Is the Mark?
Before I get into the connections of the MOB, and the current Covid vaccine, I want to explore the MOB, in general, to see if we can narrow things down just a bit. The problem is that this is tough to do. For most of us, the idea of speculation sounds pointless, but this is what we are forced to do. When the Bible tells us very little, but then also tells us this is the one sin the gospel can’t redeem, then God is forcing us to speculate heavily.

In fact, this mark may very well be the greatest mystery of the Bible. This is why the identity of the MOB is extremely important, and if we could get ahead of this, millions could be saved. Consequently, please take the rest of this article with a grain of salt because there is going to be some speculation on my part, but I believe it will be worth it.

I am not trying to say that I know what the MOB is, but I am also pointing out that you probably don’t either. Nonetheless, here are some of my initial thoughts on what we could be talking about. The idea that we cannot buy or sell hints that the MOB is not just some kind of physical mark or some sort of branding or tattoo. This mark also seems to be able to identify us, as well as virtually keep track of our bank accounts.

Normally money in our hands would allow us to at least buy something. This is true for most of history. However, in this case, the mark itself allows us to buy or sell, which means it may know how much money we have, and can even add or deduct from our accounts. What does that sound like? Our chipped visa cards.

On the other hand, not being able to sell sounds like we don’t have a license to sell our goods or our services. This would mean that the government has placed some kind of sanctions specifically against us because we won’t take the mark. The MOB also seems to be used everywhere goods and services are sold. So, it would seem that all the other buyers and sellers use this system. These components could easily be accomplished by implanting some kind of RFID chip, nanotechnology, or other special bio-identifiable ingredients that not only track us virtually but also verify the money in our accounts. It could also verify that we have taken the vaccines they have prescribed.

Unfortunately, even my pre-conceived ideas about the MOB could end up being part of the deception if I am wrong. This is why we do not assume anything. The closer we get to the actual mark, the closer we will be to knowing what the MOB is. The point is that none of us should get confused by thinking we actually know exactly what the MOB is. It doesn’t have to be a chip or a bar code. Those are so yesterday, but they do have to have access to our bodies. The problem is there may be no visible mark when they are done marking us and that alone may be putting us on the wrong trail. Needing access to our bodies proves that there has to be a physical component to it, but clearly, there is also a grave spiritual outcome.

Yet, the biggest problem I run into when I talk to people about the MOB is that they think it will be obvious. They don’t believe there will be any deception surrounding the MOB. I hope they are right. Unfortunately, I see no Biblical case to be made that during the greatest deception in human history, there will be absolutely no deception surrounding the one thing that will accomplish Satan’s ultimate goal. I’m sorry, but I just don’t believe the MOB will be labeled “Mark of the Beast,” but that is literally how many Christians I have talked to feel.

Again, I hope they are right, but the purpose of the rest of these articles is to question everything so that we are not deceived. I realize that I might be describing a worst-case scenario. But my default philosophy on things like this is as follows: “hope for the best and plan for the worst.” That being said, the truth between the best case and the worst case may lie somewhere in the middle. The good news is that you get to decide what that is.

Another curious thing that has struck me about the verses above is it seems only people who worship the beast and his image are those who took his mark. (Revelations 19:20) This correlation is going to be important later, but it has challenged some of the order by which I see end-times events unfolding. For example, we keep thinking that it is the beast government, and the Anti-Christ (AC) that bring about the MOB, but what if it is the other way around? What if the precursors to the MOB change us in some way. These changes could then be partially responsible for the formation of the beast government and the worship of the AC?

In fact, what could be in a mark that would cause modern people to worship anyone? How did they not only lose their souls but also their minds as well? Yet, what is coming is something that seems to go all together. The mark is entangled or connected to the other developments in the last days of human history. It seems probable that the beast government is the one that institutes the final version of the MOB, but is there earlier versions that lay the groundwork for it? Reversing this order means that the one-world government and the AC rise after the release of the precursors to the MOB. Keep in mind, I am not saying that this is the case, but it is food for thought. And when we are finished, you will understand why I might give this scenario some credence.

Like the rapture, we don’t know the timing of the MOB for a certainty. This mark or its precursors may come before the tribulation? Yet, many people who study Bible prophecy believe the MOB will come during the tribulation and before the rapture. Don’t get me wrong, I hope that they are right, but what if they are wrong? What if the precursors or protocols of the MOB are part of what changes us in some way, thereby hastening all of the other end-time events?

Allowing some fluidity to end-time events is critical so that we do not lock ourselves into some kind of paradigm, and end up missing the most crucial elements. For myself, the two most important events in the end times are the opening of the abyss and the advent of the MOB, and I believe the two are connected as we will soon see. Obviously, many other key end-time components are still in their preliminary stages and this appears to be true of the MOB.

One of these final ingredients to the “end times” is the “Beast” government of Revelation or “Divided Kingdom” of Daniel. I believe this government is already here as well, just not in its final form. This is what I mean by a pre-curser. In my other articles, I have talked about how the United Nations will probably become the beast government once it is empowered. After all, the UN has divided the world into ten regions, just like the ten horns of the beast government found in Revelations 12, 13, and 17, and the ten toes of the “divided kingdom” found in the second chapter of Daniel.

It stands to reasons, that if we see some of the end times world stage beginning to take shape, then why is it impossible that the MOB is also not starting to take shape in at least a preliminary form? When I say the precursor or preliminary form, I mean this may be the model T version of the MOB. Remember, the first rocket we built did not get someone on the moon, and this may be true of the MOB. But before we are through, it will be hard to deny that something just went up in the air.

This precursor may be nothing more than a template getting us in the habit of complying with the mandates of our governments and their sudden need for access to our bodies. However, just because this isn’t the MOB doesn’t mean it isn’t a crime against humanity or that it doesn’t do anything. It could be “one small step for mankind” before the giant leap that causes us to lose our humanity. If the MOB is technology-related, then keep in mind virtually no technology has ever rolled out in its perfected state. Just implementing these mandates could allow them to strip every Christian of their job or profession, effectively removing them from power and influence in our society.

Another question I have is, why isn’t the MOB considered the pinnacle of Satan’s deception since it accomplishes his ultimate goal, which is obtaining the soul of everyone who takes it? At that point, isn’t forming a beast kingdom, taking complete control, and being worshiped just formalities after that? For my money, not recognizing the rise of the one world “beast” government, and its charismatic leader (the AC) is like missing the advent of both the Roman Empire and Caesar at the same time. Definitely hard to do. This is why identifying the MOB is the puzzle within the puzzle piece.

Nonetheless, I believe the precedent we can set for Christians is that we should be wary of world-wide “causes” or dilemmas that allow big governments and their leaders to mandate their need to have access to our bodies in any way. The MOB is coming, and with it, I believe there is a fundamental change in how we are going to have to preach the gospel.

The MOB is the Unforgivable Sin
Why did I say that the MOB will change the gospel we are called to preach? The answer is that the Bible clearly says that if you take the MOB, then you cannot be saved. Suddenly, the gospel doesn’t work. What Jesus did on the cross was previously able to redeem all the sins of all humanity. Yet, for some reason, salvation no longer applies to them. What could possibly do something like this? What has changed so drastically?

Clearly, the Bible is saying that if you cannot be saved once you take the Mark of the beast it is also saying that the gospel will not work for them. In other words, in the “end-times” the gospel we preach must have a new component. Not just repentance, but also being left unmarked and unchanged. Consequently, we must begin to preach against the MOB. Otherwise, we could soon be in a situation where the gospel will not work. What I am trying to say is that the game has changed. We may still be playing football, but Satan has just driven a tank out onto the field.

The idea that the MOB destroys the ability of the gospel to save people is shocking. Especially when previously, no matter what a human does in his lifetime, God can still redeem him if he repents and turns to Christ. But there is one exception to this, and that is something called “blaspheming the Holy Spirit.” Later we will explore if there is a connection between the MOB and blaspheming the Holy Spirit.
“Truly I say to you, all sins shall be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”— because they were saying, “He has an unclean spirit.” (Mark 3:28-30)
Remember, all that is needed for the power of the gospel to work is for us to confirm the testimony of Christ, and repent. This is how our spirit bears witness with the Holy Spirit to bring us into alinement with Him. Now the H.S. can begin to intercede for us. In the process, we receive a new revelation of our citizenship in heaven, and all because we have a new relationship with God Himself. Exactly, what could thwart this?

Again, technology is one of the best explanations of why Satan doesn’t pull out this trump card much earlier. Consequently, we will be discussing a lot of technology in the next few phases of this article. Maybe the MOB just wasn’t possible before this point in human history. One of the last things that I will say about the imminent need for preaching about the MOB has to do with the rapture. Just because some of us will be gone, at some point in time, does not mean that there will be no one left behind. This probably means billions of people. What we preach now will be all they have to go on.

Even the timing of the rapture is not 100% in stone for most of us. Yet, no one has ever told us that we could all one day be in a situation where we have to say no to something that isn’t even labeled “Mark of the Beast.” These issues in timing could be setting people up for failure. Again, part of my premise is there could be more deception about the MOB than anything else in history. Consequences could be grave, as many will be forced to have to give up their lives or at least their ability to buy and sell, in order to avoid this mark. This is the kind of information that God wants us to get out ahead of time so that fewer people will perish.
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you as My priests. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children. (Hosea 4:6)
The end-times represent some of the greatest peer pressure situations in history, and we need to prepare as many people as possible for it. My favorite strategy for dealing with peer pressure is given by Dr. James Dobson. Dr. Dobson lays out a situation that most of us have already been through. We get into a car where everyone is smoking, drinking, or taking drugs. Dr. Dobson says that your child will take whatever it is unless two things have already happened. First, he has been told that one day he will be offered one of these things. Second, the child must have decided ahead of time what they will say when that happens. Today, it is not a matter of if.

This is also true for the MOB and depending on the timing of the rapture. I realize the issue is complicated, complex, and even politically charged, but we have to address the elephant in the room. Taking or not taking this supposed vaccine or any vaccine in the future has the potential to have spiritual implications. These are the Biblical facts. We don’t have to be dogmatic about when, where, and how, but the basics of the scenario we are all going through with the Covid narrative are strikingly similar to details surrounding the MOB found in our Bibles.

Remember, talking about this doesn’t mean we are forcing people to not take a vaccine. In a free and open society, we should all be allowed to have conversations like this without everyone getting offended, and leaving the church. After all, there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ. At the same time, ignoring that there is a new “cause” in the world, and the fear effect that it has had is not something we can ignore much longer. After all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave are not being allowed to go to church either.

It also so happens that they are being asked to roll up their sleeves and give access to their bodies by their governments. Now mandates are coming into play with the exact kind of threats that the Bible warned us about. Isn’t this, in and of itself, enough for us to have a conversation with our families, our friends, and our congregations about how scripture is happening as we speak.

I realize this is a lot, but we are only getting started. Next week, we will reveal even more, and it will be explosive as we examine the possibilities of what the MOB or its precursors really could be. There are still many more reasons why we need to question the Covid narrative, as well as, both the current and any future supposed vaccines. No matter what, our attitude and our mantra should be, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7) If we pray and cast our cares upon the Lord, God will give us the peace we need to look at the situation through spiritual eyes; knowing that once again “God is fully in control.”

Click to Continue to Part 3 

Note:Dr Dennis O.Hara is a guest contributor/co-author
Dr. Dennis O’Hara was born and raised on Long Island, NY and was an athlete throughout his school years. He fell in love with chiropractic while being helped as a patient for numerous sports injuries. Dr. O’Hara has been in practice since he graduated from National College of Chiropractic in April 1992. Dr. O’Hara continued his education achieving his Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians.

Dr. O’Hara’s clinical emphasis focuses on injuries of the neck and back, Sports injuries, biomechanical and postural correction and rehabilitation. He has worked with amateur and professional athletes and was the chiropractic physician for the Washington DC United MLS soccer team from 1996-1998. Dr. O’Hara had been a ringside physician for amateur MMA from 2009 through 2015 having worked hundreds of hours evaluating fighters before and after fights.

Dr. O’Hara’s continued passion for chiropractic drives his desire to help educate the public on the importance of spinal health and overall wellness.wait to deceive.” We will let people back into the church. We will be the rock upon which God
builds His kingdom, instead of a stepping stone towards Satan’s final agenda. May God prick
our hearts, and may the church begin to wake up, because the time is getting short. Jesus is
coming soon.

The following article is by one of our contributor teams. It is very controversial and we respectfully ask that when you read this understand that this ministry tries to provide thought engaging subjects that are simply for you to review and decide for yourself. Our team has many backgrounds and educational achievements and our prayer is that you will see this as simply one possibility.

By: Dr Kevan Kruse and Dr Dennis O’Hara
There is an elephant in the room and the church is refusing to talk about it. However, if we do not address it soon, the church will become increasingly irrelevant because we are failing to talk about what really matters. Of course, most of us would like to go back to pretending that things will return to normal, but this is unlikely to be the case because, whether we like it or not, there is a hard decision that is coming. A fork in the road that may forever change our fate and our destiny. This decision is about whether to take the Covid vaccine or not.

Unfortunately, our entire society has been held hostage for almost a year due to the COVID-19 narrative. Now we are being told that things cannot go back to normal unless we are all vaccinated. Yet, the COVID-19 narrative and agenda are false with respect to being different than the flu and associated pneumonia. This deception is exactly what we covered in our two-part article entitled, “Only COVID-19 Lives Matter.” To fully understand the deception, we cannot compare COVID-19 to only the flu or pneumonia. That is because the flu and pneumonia are inseparable. Consequently, they are the perfect candidates for comparison. In fact, even the CDC no longer differentiates between COVID-19, influenza, and pneumonia.

Since our last article, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US-CDC), the World Health Organization, and global health partners have increased the number of annual deaths associated due to respiratory diseases such as seasonal influenza/flu up to 650,000. This marks an increase on the previous global estimate of 250 000 – 500 000, which dates from over ten years ago and covered all influenza-related deaths, including cardiovascular disease or diabetes. The new figures of 290 000 – 650 000 deaths are based on more recent data from a larger, more diverse group of countries, including lower-middle-income countries, and exclude deaths from non-respiratory diseases
• (https://www.who.int/news/item/13-12-2017-up-to-650-000-people-die-of-respiratory-diseases-linked-to-seasonal-flu-each-year)

When we combine these new figures with the deaths from pneumonia in years like the 2017-2018 flu season, which was 2.54 million, the total death count from the flu and pneumonia is approximately 3.1 million people. In comparison to COVID-19 (as of February 2nd, 2021) worldometers.info says 2.3 million people have died of Covid-19. Not only did the flu and pneumonia kill more people, but it also happened in a significantly shorter period of time. After all, Covid has been around now for over a year, while the flu season usually lasts 6-8 months. Ironically, in the 2017-2018 flu season, we never shut down the world, gave 24/7 TV coverage, wore masks, or did anything significantly different.
• (source: https://ourworldindata.org/pneumonia)
• https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2017/p1213-flu-death-estimate.html
The final nail in the coffin for the fallacy of the Covid narrative came when John’s Hopkins critically analyzed the effect of COVID-19 on U.S. deaths using data from the CDC. “Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups… In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same.”

We have been hearing for quite some time that the 2020 death rate remained the same when compared to the previous year. However, now that the death rate of the “at-risk group” has remained the same, we can definitively say that there was no pandemic. Is Covid-19 real? Yes, but is it statistically different than the flu and pneumonia. No, it isn’t. Now let that sink in.

Not only are the COVID-19 deaths not statistically different than other flu/pneumonia seasons, but the tests for COVID-19 are also inaccurate. For example, the RT-PCR test being used for Covid-19 is non-specific and cannot differentiate between an active and an inactive virus. The RT-PCR test is also unable to tell between other RNA viruses such as the flu. More on this later.

Interestingly, the WHO or World Health Organization (AKA – The privately-owned for-profit company controlled by Bill Gates) changed the guidelines on COVID-19 testing one hour after President Biden was elected. Now they require two positive tests and a clinical diagnosis. What does this admit about the accuracy of the test? What will having two positive tests correlated with an actual clinical exam do to the total number of COVID-19 infections? I believe that with these changes COVID-19 could literally go away.
• Link: https://rairfoundation.com/pandemic-numbers-faked-to-blame-trump-the-who-changes-guidelines-on-covid-tests-an-hour-after-biden-inauguration/
Now, let’s ask ourselves some serious questions. If the COVID-19 test is flawed and shows false positives for many of the other Covid’s, then how do we know how many people actually have it? If health insurance companies gave significantly more money for a COVID-19 diagnosis and hospitals retooled their entire billing department to take advantage of COVID-19 money, then what do you think that did to the over-all COVID-19 numbers. Even the CDC director admitted that the COVID-19 numbers were increased because of financial incentives. (See the last article)

All of this has led me to the inextricable conclusion that the COVID-19 narrative is completely false (to the point of being manufactured) with respect to being statistically different than the flu and pneumonia. Now the question is who is in on it. If Joe Biden, Donald Trump, every conservative, every liberal, every TV station, every news source, every internet company, every health insurance company, every hospital, and every internet search engine is complicit with the Covid narrative, then what are we up against? Are you starting to get the picture? My only conclusion, in times like these, the Bible is our only source of absolute truth!

Still, it is the COVID-19 narrative that overturned an incumbent president, forcible closed our churches and schools, allowed for mail-in ballots, added 7 trillion-plus to the national debt, divided our people, and destroyed the greatest economy the USA had ever seen. Most importantly, COVID-19 has significantly damaged the church and the faith of those who were attending. Like it or not, COVID-19 is dividing the church and people are questioning their faith more than ever before.

Furthermore, the COVID-19 narrative has also produced legislation that has destroyed many of our religious freedoms in this country. In unprecedented fashion, churches and even home Bible studies were shut down, and citizens were fined if they attended. Churches in California had to declare themselves temporary “strip clubs” because strip clubs were considered essential and they were not. In Covid times, God and our faith are not essential?

Yet, God did not leave us without a warning to be on guard for a massive deception that is to be played out upon us all in the end times. In fact, the Bible says that a delusion is coming that is so powerful and so persuasive, that if it was possible, it would deceive the very elect of God’s children.
• The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. For this reason, God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-11, but read the whole chapter.)
• For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Matthew 24:24
The COVID-19 narrative has put churches and ministers in a difficult place because of the political pressure associated with defying the COVID-19 agendas. It has divided the church in many ways. Unfortunately, some people are true believers in the COVID-19 narrative. Unfortunately, we can’t even talk to some people about this without triggering some kind of overreaction. Still, many people have walked out of the church and they may never come back.

The disinformation warfare surrounding the Covid narrative has created a fear of bringing up what is boiling under the surface for all of us. I pray for our ministers who are trying to speak the truth in love, while still trying to be the peacemakers. Big churches are especially at risk because most people are still worried about gathering in big groups.

My admonition for those of you who are called to be a pastor or in ministry is to tell you that you were born for a time like this. More importantly, you are called to fight for the minds and hearts of God’s children, and this means we can’t remain neutral any longer. The wolf is leading the sheep astray as we speak.

The COVID-19 Agenda
Like any deception, the COVID-19 agenda has predictably followed the rules of performing magic. A magician always distracts us with his one hand, when he is doing all the real work of deception with the other hand. The fact that everyone is in on the Covid narrative tells us that Covid-19 (not all of the other political and social issues most of us are ranting about) is what is accomplishing Satan’s real agenda. We can no longer be fooled by this good cop and bad cop routine. We must fight what has been dividing and destroying our freedoms since the founding of our country.

America is important in one sense because America is the biggest obstacle to a one-world government that the Bible says is coming. The way to destroy any country is to divide the people and to destroy their financial resources. The financial part of this agenda was laid out by the World Economic Forum in their plan for the Great Reset. Letting no crisis go to waste the plan is to reset the world economies for sustainability. This will specifically weaken the economic power of America.
• (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/01/davos-agenda-2021-society-and-the-future-of-work-skills-gap-jobs-of-tomorrow-diversity-inclusion-worker-well-being/)

In “Only Covid Lives Matter,” I mentioned two tried and true ways of manipulating whole societies. One is “order out of chaos,” and the other is an application of the Hegelian Dialectic. Each of them involves actively creating a problem that allows for the implementation of their solution to accomplish their true goals, which is control. Unfortunately, fear is Covid’s only prescription, but in Christ, we are told that “perfect love casts out fear.” This is important because we have officially entered a time when other “men’s hearts are failing them for fear.” (1 John 4:18 & Luke 21:26) Now is the time to let the world know the hope that still lies within us.

Disinformation & Desensitization

Since the advent of COVID-19, look at how people have been dehumanized and desensitized just by becoming masked entities instead of people full of joy and wearing contagious smiles. The Covid narrative is purposely trying to destroy our personal social network and familial ties to isolate us leaving us with nothing but our TV set. With Covid, we cannot afford to get too close to anyone. Suddenly, everyone needs their personal space and people will let you know it. We are told to have a virtual Thanksgiving and give virtual high-fives. Do not meet in person, and do not go on vacation. This is all intentional. Every day is an all-out assault on our sensibilities and on our reason.

This is why the practice of disinformation, or the art of telling lies, remains the number one way to disrupt and control entire societies. Remember, Satan is the father of lies. Now, these lies are being played out on us right here at home. For example, CNN has a Covid score sheet on its main screen much of the time. We are simply not allowed to stop thinking about Covid 24/7. We are still forced to wear masks, even though they do not work. Whether we like it or not, we are being forced to capitulate with the narrative.

Surprisingly, a simple thing like a mask is dividing us as we speak. Why? Because people do not know who to believe. They trust what is on TV more than they trust 55,000 doctors or the CDC. For some, the panic is palpable. People are living with so much fear that they feel like they must do something even though it does not work. I can show someone the research revealing that the mask they are wearing is only able to filter something 800 times bigger than this virus, but they usually just clutch it more tightly or they just get mad.
• Previously referenced in “Only Covid Lives Matter,” based on an article by the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons.

Shockingly, there are no face masks on the market that can filter something this small. Then, in mind-numbing dribble, Dr. Fauci comes out and tells us to wear three of them, and then only to change his mind within a week. To date, there is no peer-reviewed research that supports the effectiveness of wearing a mask to prevent COVID-19, and yet, we are forced to capitulate with the lies. How rude or ignorant we are made to feel if we dare question such things.

But questioning the mask mandate reveals the opposite. Masks are not effective in reducing the contamination of influenza. The following is a quote from the article listed below found in the British Medical Journal.
• “A systematic review published on 6 April 2020 examined whether wearing a face mask or other barrier (goggles, shield, veil) prevents transmission of respiratory illness such as coronavirus, rhinovirus, tuberculosis, or influenza. It identified 31 eligible studies, including 12 randomized controlled trials. The authors found that overall, mask-wearing both in general and by infected members within households seemed to produce small but statistically non-significant reductions in infection rates. The authors concluded that “The evidence is not sufficiently strong to support the widespread use of facemasks as a protective measure against covid-19…”
In the same article, they also reviewed non-pharmaceutical measures for the prevention of influenza. They identified 10 randomized controlled trials published between 1946 and 2018 that tested the efficacy of face masks for preventing laboratory-confirmed influenza. This “pooled meta-analysis found no significant reduction in influenza transmission. They also identified seven studies conducted in households: four provided masks for all household members, one for the sick member-only, and two for household contacts only. None showed a significant reduction in laboratory-confirmed influenza in the face mask arm.”

While the article was still recommending caution, the authors of the research they were referencing concluded: “randomized controlled trials of [face masks] did not support a substantial effect on the transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.” It is research like this that was used by the Canadian nurses’ union to win their dispute with the hospitals that were requiring them to both vaccinate and wear masks. This is also why virtually no one was recommending the use of masks when Covid first started. Precedent had already been set. Masks don’t work.

The Covid-19 PCR Test
The Covid test itself is also part of the disinformation warfare that they are using. This is how they have changed the narrative from the number of deaths to the number of cases. There was suspicion back in May of 2020 that the CDC numbers regarding the number of persons dying from COVID-19 were skewed for financial reasons. (see the last article) Since the beginning of the Pandemic hospitals were instructed to count all deaths suspected of Covid-19 whether they had tested positive or not.

In fact, hospitals were given financial incentives for the diagnosis of Covid-19 patients (approximately $13,000 per diagnosis), and, if the patient had to be intubated, there was a $40,000 per patient payment. Most of these patients were diagnosed via the symptoms they presented with and some were diagnosed utilizing the Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain reaction test or RT-PCR. This test was developed by Kary Mullis back in 1983 while working at Cetus Corporation. The test effectively takes a small part of DNA and amplifies it through thermal cycles for identification. This amplification is fundamental in genetic testing for both biomedical research and criminal forensics.

However, most experts state the cycling should not exceed 30 cycles otherwise false identification can occur. How does this apply to COVID-19, more specially SARs CV-2 testing? Since the virus is an RNA virus, they were cycling upwards of 35-40 cycles effectively giving a 70%-90% false-positive identification. Too many cycles make the testing procedure ineffective. The other problem with the test is it cannot differentiate between a live virus and an attenuated (non-infectious) virus. This is how they have effectively INCREASED the CASE NUMBERS to drive the Pandemic narrative.

Yet, knowing the truth always sets us free. Truth is the only way to see through the stream of disinformation, the veil of chaos, and the mask mandates. Truth exposes the larger COVID-19 agenda, which is to divide and destroy America the same way the Russians divided their country between the haves and the have not’s. Racial division and financial ruin are also a major part of this agenda. Yet, I have now come to believe that there is an even greater agenda that has finally been revealed. Enter the Covid vaccine, which will soon be mandatory!

The Covid Vaccine
While I am constantly asked if I am taking the vaccine, most of us have never heard any kind of actual discussion about it. That is because the magician has been distracting us with all of the other drama going on in our society with his off-hand. Vaccines also have a staunch history in this country and most of us are accustomed to their mandatory nature. However, the first question any of us should ask ourselves is if we are at risk of dying from Covid. If you are not aware of your risk level, we covered some of the co-morbidities or pre-existing conditions that make us at risk in “Only Covid Lives Matter.”

For most of us, if we have no risk of dying, then why would we be worried about getting sick for a few days. Besides, many epidemiologists and doctors regard these kinds of common illnesses as essential to the development of a healthy immune system. Do not believe it! Check out the “The Great Barrington Declaration,” these are the 55,000 doctors and scientists that I previously referred to that are recommending that we open our society back up. This includes letting the people who are not at risk catch COVID-19 because we will obtain herd immunity in a shorter period of time.

This approach will allow Covid to pass through our society much quicker. Plus, we will not have to protect the at-risk population for as long. In the end, fewer people will end up dying this way. Again, 55,000 of the world’s most educated people are providing a completely different narrative than what is being propagated by the news media and our government. Instead, Dr. Fauci has been their man and he has never used one peer-reviewed article for any of his opinions.

Here are some other facts to consider about taking the Covid vaccine. First, this is an experimental vaccine. It has not even been approved by the FDA for regular usage, because it does not meet the FDA’s rigorous scientific standards. Furthermore, the description of the vaccine says that it is for “emergency use.” This actually happened through an executive order. The emergency designation only happens when testing facilities allow shots to be given to certain people while studies of safety and effectiveness are still ongoing. In other words, safety and effectiveness are still up in the air – i.e., experimental.
• FDA does not approve Covid vaccine – https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/covid-19-vaccines

Furthermore, the vaccine does not protect you from catching Covid nor does it prevent you from spreading Covid. According to the research trials, the vaccine only is effective in reducing the symptoms of Covid if you are infected. That is why they are stating that even if you are vaccinated you will still need to continue to wear a mask and social distance.
Fetal Tissue
Fetal tissue is also a big issue when it comes to vaccines. Yet, most people are surprised that vaccines typically have any fetal tissue in them at all. Obviously, this is a huge issue for us as Christians and one we need to continue to take before the court of public opinion. One of the reasons I believe we should do this is not just that it is the only moral path forward, but because most people are clearly sympathetic to the plight of the unborn child.
• CDC admits that vaccines have fetal tissue: https://www.cga.ct.gov/2020/phdata/tmy/2020HB-05044-R000219-Wrinn%2015,%20Chris-TMY.PDF
Unfortunately, some articles will deny the use of fetal tissue in vaccines. The worst one I found asks the question and then tells us that it is a big no. Then the next line admits that vaccines use fetal tissue that is 60 years old. Now, how is 60-year-old fetal tissue not still fetal tissue? They also go on to say that this fetal tissue was legally and electively aborted in the early 1960s. Do you see the denial? This is why one of the greatest strategies for us as Christians to break the deception is to continue to represent the interest of “all lives.” “For God so loved the whole world…” Plain and simple.

While I do not want to get sidetracked on abortion, I do want to give enough pause to list why I believe this is a crucial issue. First, child sacrifice was clearly a part of the worship of false pagan gods. When Stevie Nicks, not to single her out, tells us that if she hadn’t had her abortions, then we wouldn’t have had Fleetwood Mac. What that tells me is that Stevie worships the false gods of money, fame, and career. They are more important than children, and this is exactly how we have parented our generation.

Second, we have politicians who are throwing parties and lighting up buildings in NY city to celebrate the ability to kill an infant the day before their due date. This is one of the most horrifying things I can imagine. They also support partial-birth abortions, which are the most barbaric thing still done on the planet. I don’t know anyone who could actually sit through watching the procedure, let alone perform one. There really are monsters among us. All of this makes me believe that a crystal-clear line has been crossed and consciousness about such evil has been permanently seared.

At the very least, a new holocaust is taking place on our watch. Now they want to make abortion part of national health care to make us all accomplices. The question now becomes how can God not judge us for it. Furthermore, according to the CDC, there were 619,591 abortions in the United States in 2018, that is 11,915 abortions per week! How can anyone claim to care about 2000-3000 people dying per week from Covid when nearly 5 times as many lives are being taken through abortions? Have they suddenly become pro-life or is it that only certain lives matter? Could it be that their political agenda is designed to relieve us of our liberties?

The next question is why is it a problem to inject fetal tissue into our bodies? Hang with me for a second. The Passover is one of the most important festivals in the Bible because it was part of the Old Testament plan of salvation. Part of the Passover involved killing a lamb and applying its blood to the doorpost of your house so that the angel of death would Passover. Later, when Jesus met John the Baptist, he exclaimed, “behold the Lamb of God.”

Then, at the Passover supper, Jesus takes communion with His disciples. Jesus breaks the bread and passes around the wine and asks them to eat. By doing this, they are symbolically applying the body and the blood of Christ to their lives. So, what is happening when we take actual fetal tissue into our bodies? How are we not participating in some kind of unholy communion? This means that we have literally taken some of these slain infants’ blood and body into our bodies. If the “blood of the Lamb” contains testimony that overcomes all of our accusations, does not the blood of this slain child also carry testimony? (See Revelations 12:11)) So, in some sense, we became an accomplice and a participant in the shedding of this child’s innocent life.

We could also say that we were marked because something was physically applied to our lives. If it is the testimony of the blood of the lamb that we must apply to our lives, then how is this not the opposite. Remember the Catholics believe that when they take communion it literally becomes the blood and body of Jesus Christ. Shockingly, this too is literally the blood and body of a cloned fetus from the 1960s.

How does any of this apply to the Covid vaccine in particular? Back in June of 2020, I was reading about the vaccines, and they were reported as having fetal tissue. However, more recent research is saying the Covid vaccines do not actually contain fetal tissue. Of course, this is a relief. However, while Pfizer and Moderna claim there are no actual fetal cells in the vaccine, they did use fetal tissue in testing the vaccines.

These are called fetal cell lines, and they don’t consider them to be fetal tissue. They consider them to be immortalized cells, which just means they are using cloned fetal tissue. For myself, it is a relief that the vaccine does not have actual fetal tissue inside it. However, they are still using fetal tissue to their benefit, and that is more than enough to say no for many of us.

We will continue this article and post an explosive look at how the Covid Vaccine and the Mark of the Beast are related. It promises to be eye-opening, thought-provoking, and in line with the prophetic warnings of the “End Times.”

The CDC Changed the Rules

Dr. Andrew Kaufman explains how the CDC, after more than 50 years, suddenly changed the rules about how a death certificate was filled out. This happened as soon as Covid was declared a public health crisis.  The CDC did this by issuing a guidance change.  Specifically, they were told that if there was a suspicion of Covid, then you should put Covid as the cause of death.  In other words, all they needed was suspicion to create this whole mess.  Suspicion alone would not normally be something that they would use to determine a cause of death.

The other major change that was made had to do with giving an immediate Covid diagnosis preference over obvious underlying conditions.  This change alone has allowed them to perpetuate the idea that normal healthy people are dying of Covid, but this is not the case.  Normally, if someone has cancer as the underlying condition, you do not say they died of an infection, the flu, or cold because normal people do not die of these things even though they are the immediate condition.

  • Dr. Andrew Kaufman interview:  https://www.bitchute.com/video/FGCjXTR7kUO2/
  • The immediate cause of death, which is the disease or condition that directly preceded death and is not necessarily the underlying cause of death (UCOD), should be reported on line a. (Source: same as above)

Heart disease and cancer are the leading causes of death in America for a reason.  But taking these changes too far could certainly wipe out cancer and heart disease.  Another strange change was that they prevented autopsies of Covid deaths.  Now, just in case you were wondering, they did still keep track of comorbidities or underlying conditions.  This is why we can still somewhat see what would have happened if they hadn’t changed anything.   This old analysis versus the new analysis is why the CDC later admitted that 94% of the people that died of Covid had other comorbidities, which means that only 6% of the deaths were due to only Covid and no other conditions.

Depending on which analysis they used is why we see some of the change in the CDC numbers.  In this case, the CDC is being truthful, so that we can see the way it would have been if they hadn’t change the rules.  So, why did they change the rules and their analysis just for Covid?  The fact remains that if they hadn’t changed the rules about how to fill out a death certificate, then they would have never been able to produce sufficient deaths to declare a pandemic to the public.

Without these changes, we could be looking at something around 30,000 total Covid only deaths. Not something that would have changed the world.  The other reason why the numbers for Covid are increased was because of the significant financial incentives offered for a Covid diagnosis compared to other similar conditions or treatments.  Again, the CDC director admitted this was also happening.  (see our last article, “Only Covid Lives Matter”)

Again, from their counter perspective, they believe the data doesn’t indicate that 94% of deaths were caused by other conditions, but rather, that 94% of people who died from COVID-19 had at least one other health condition when they died.  But the truth is they changed the rules and that probably means that Covid caused closer to 6% of deaths than the 100% they are claiming as the real amount.


Note:Dr Dennis O.Hara is a guest contributor/co-author
Dr. Dennis O’Hara was born and raised on Long Island, NY and was an athlete throughout his school years. He fell in love with chiropractic while being helped as a patient for numerous sports injuries. Dr. O’Hara has been in practice since he graduated from National College of Chiropractic in April 1992. Dr. O’Hara continued his education achieving his Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians.

Dr. O’Hara’s clinical emphasis focuses on injuries of the neck and back, Sports injuries, biomechanical and postural correction and rehabilitation. He has worked with amateur and professional athletes and was the chiropractic physician for the Washington DC United MLS soccer team from 1996-1998. Dr. O’Hara had been a ringside physician for amateur MMA from 2009 through 2015 having worked hundreds of hours evaluating fighters before and after fights.

Dr. O’Hara’s continued passion for chiropractic drives his desire to help educate the public on the importance of spinal health and overall wellness.

The Mighty Men Who Were of Old

Once upon a time, giants roamed the earth.
That sounds like the beginning of a fairy tale. Most Christians have never been taught that a similar story is told in the Book of Genesis, and in very similar language: “The Nephilim (or giants) were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.”
Pastors, priests, and Sunday school teachers tend to skip the first four verses of Genesis 6 and go right to the story of Noah because—well, the verses are weird. They contradict the scientific consensus. They’re hard to understand.
Please remember this: God didn’t inspire the prophets and apostles to write filler. Moses was not assigned a minimum word count. If it’s in the Bible, it’s relevant—and if it’s weird, it’s important.
The reason we’re writing this book is that it’s become clear to us that the episode described in Genesis 6:1–4, and expanded upon in the non-canonical Book of 1 Enoch, is far more important to human history and biblical theology than we realized.
We are Bible-believing, blood-bought Christians, so let’s put to bed right now any concerns you might have that this book is going off the theological rails to add something to the salvation story. If you don’t accept the evidence we’ll present here, that’s fine; as long as we agree that salvation comes only through grace by faith in Jesus Christ, we’re good. The purpose of this study is to show you how viciously and for how long the Fallen have been waging war against our Creator. Their ultimate objectives are control of God’s mount of assembly, Zion, and authority over your eternal soul.
So, what role did the giants play in the biblical narrative?
First, we need to establish that the children of human women to the “sons of God” were literally angel-human hybrids. This is consistent with similar stories from the ancient world of gods commingling with humans to produce demigods such as Gilgamesh, who claimed to be two-thirds god and one-third human, and Hercules, the son of Zeus by the mortal woman Alcmene.
Obviously, researchers can’t produce DNA from pre-Flood human remains that will support this theory. However, it’s worth noting that for all of the faith placed by science in Darwinian evolution, only two hundred specimens of “pre-human” fossils have ever been found. If humanity has been around for ten thousand years, where are all the skeletons? But we digress.
It’s important to note that the phrase translated “sons of God” in the Old Testament, Hebrew bǝnê hāʾĕlōhîm, always means supernatural beings—angels, if you like. It does not refer to human men.
Yes, there are references in the New Testament to “sons of God” that do mean humans, but those passages are translated from Greek into English, and the context is different. The arc of history is all about restoring humanity to the garden, like the prodigal son returning home and being restored to the family as a co-heir. Someday, we will once again be “sons (and daughters)” of God in the Old Testament sense. That’s why Jesus went to the cross.
At the risk of beating a horse that’s already on life support, let me repeat: “Sons of God” in Genesis 6:4 refers to spirit beings, supernatural entities who rebelled against the Father—fallen angels who spawned an evil race of giants mingling the bloodlines of angels with humans. The “sons of God” were not evil human rulers or men from the line of Cain, or any other naturalistic explanation that’s been put forward since Augustine decided he couldn’t believe it in the early fifth century AD. Casting the “sons of God” as evil human men simply ignores the linguistic and cultural foundation of the Book of Genesis. To interpret the Nephilim as fully human means mistranslating the Hebrew and ignoring the way the very same phrase was used by the cultures around ancient Israel that spoke and wrote similar languages.
Besides, the apostles believed it. And we dare say their theology teacher was better than ours.
For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment; if he did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness, with seven others, when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly; if by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them to extinction, making them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; and if he rescued righteous Lot, greatly distressed by the sensual conduct of the wicked (for as that righteous man lived among them day after day, he was tormenting his righteous soul over their lawless deeds that he saw and heard); then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment, and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority. (2 Peter 2:4–10)
The only place in Scripture where we know of angels who sinned (Satan excluded) is Genesis 6. By connecting the rebellious angels to Sodom and Gomorrah, Peter made it clear that the sin of the angels was sexual—a point he reinforced in verse 10. Like the “angels who sinned,” the wicked would be kept under punishment until the Judgment—“especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority,” exactly the sin of the sons of God in Genesis 6.
The apostle Jude was even more explicit:
And the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day—just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire. (Jude 6–7, emphasis added)
It could not be clearer: By connecting Genesis 6 to the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah, Jude made it clear that the sin of the angels was sexual. (It also indicates that the sin of Sodom wasn’t just homosexuality; it was the desire to cross the boundary between species. Physical relations between angel and human was just as “unnatural” as between human and animal.)
Interestingly, just a few verses later, Jude quotes the Book of 1 Enoch, which suggests that we might learn something from Enoch even though it’s not in the Bible.
When the sons of men had multiplied, in those days, beautiful and comely daughters were born to them. And the watchers, the sons of heaven, saw them and desired them. And they said to one another, “Come, let us choose for ourselves wives from the daughters of men, and let us beget children for ourselves.”…
These and all the others with them took for themselves wives from among them such as they chose. And they began to go in to them, and to defile themselves through them, and to teach them sorcery and charms, and to reveal to them the cutting of roots and plants. And they conceived from them and bore to them great giants. And the giants begot Nephilim, and to the Nephilim were born Elioud [“gods of glory”]. And they were growing in accordance with their greatness. They were devouring the labor of all the sons of men, and men were not able to supply them. And the giants began to kill men and to devour them. And they began to sin against the birds and beasts and creeping things and the fish, and to devour one another’s flesh. And they drank the blood.
Dr. Michael Heiser makes a convincing case in his book Reversing Hermon that a key aspect of the mission of Jesus was to reverse the evil of the Watchers. It’s obvious in 1 Enoch that the impact of the Watchers went well beyond producing monstrous hybrid offspring. Besides sorcery and potions, the fallen angels of the Hermon rebellion taught humanity the arts of divination, cosmetic enhancement, metalworking, fashioning weapons, making “hate-inducing charms,” and “the eternal mysteries that are in heaven,” which clearly were things man was not meant to know. In short, because of the forbidden knowledge passed from the Watchers to humans, the earth became filled with sex and violence.
For this, as Peter noted, God imprisoned the rebels in the abyss. While most English Bibles translate 2 Peter 2:4 as “cast them into hell,” the Greek word, tartaroō, literally means “thrust down to Tartarus.” That’s different from Hades, the word most commonly used to designate the underworld home of the evil dead. In Greek cosmology, Tartarus was as far below Hades as the earth is below heaven. It was a special prison reserved for supernatural threats to the divine order—basically, Hell for supernatural beings.
This is the only place in the New Testament where tartaroō is used, which means it’s important. It referred to a unique event, but one with which Peter’s readers were obviously familiar—the famous story of the Watchers who attempted to corrupt humanity physically and spiritually.

The most starling thing about Covid-19 since its beginning in 2020 is the disconnections between what we see on TV and a basic search for the facts.  Now before we continue to show how only Covid-19 lives, matter, I must first show that the total number of deaths, especially here in America, have been inflated and virtually manufactured.  These are bold claims, but honestly all we have to do is to look at two basic statements by the CDC, which is the Center for Disease Control here in America.  The CDC would certainly be most people’s go to source for actual facts on Covid, so listen closely.  The first piece of evidence came when the director of the CDC agrees that hospitals have a monetary incentive to inflate COVID-19 data or deaths.  He also went on to say that inflated numbers of certain diagnoses has already happened in the past with HIV / AIDS.  


Unfortunately, there are lots of reasons why this inflation has happened.  The first is that Covid shutdowns resulted in hospitals that were more than half empty.  On top of that, all elective procedures were canceled.  I have had two billing specialists for different hospitals that both confirmed that billing is down 70-80%.  Now imagine that your business is running on fumes, but there is the new diagnosis that pays at least $10,000 more than anything else.  Now imagine that there aren’t even enough tests to confirm this diagnosis, which makes a Covid-19 diagnosis less objective and more about subjective symptoms.  


Maybe this is why for a while it seemed that Covid was responsible for some new problem almost every day.  Almost like it had a literal mind of its own.  It should also be kept in mind that the validity of the testing itself has also been in question since day one, and that the current test we use was not the one we started with that took weeks to get results.  I had a nurse, who works in a contagious disease practice, say that they do not do Covid testing because the test is not accurate.  I have had nurses tell me that they have tested positive for two weeks, negative for the next week, and they go back to positive again a few weeks later. I have had several patients tell me that they received their Covid-19 test results when they were never even tested at all.  


All of these instances are why we have all heard how audits of Covid-19 deaths have revealed things like someone dying from a car accident, but still being listed as dying from Covid.  I have multiple patients report that the hospital specifically asked if they could diagnose the death of their loved one as Covid-19.  One patient says that their family was offered $5000 by the hospital to let them diagnose the patient with Covid.  These stories explain why routine audits of Covid deaths can have somewhere between 30-50% inaccuracy.  Here is one such article on the accuracy of Covid deaths, including deaths that had already been counted previously.

  • https://www.tri-cityherald.com/news/coronavirus/article246326410.html


Let’s look at the next piece of information to consider that also corresponds with the financial incentive to diagnose someone with Covid.  The CDC released the fact that 94% of COVID-19 deaths had underlying health problems, while only 6% died of the virus alone.  My first question was, well then if there was something else going on, then why did they diagnose them with Covid at all?  Unfortunately, we already answered why.  Money.  What also becomes obvious is that unless we have some pre-existing conditions, most of us have very little risk of dying from Covid.  


So, why didn’t they say what they really died from?  This is important because it allows us to make a differential diagnosis of the risk rate of each individual based on their pre-existing conditions, which we will detail shortly.  Unfortunately, we have a one size fits all prognosis for Covid, which is 100% fear, 100% of the time, and for 100% of us.  But as we will see, this is just not true.  So, we should already be asking ourselves, why are they trying to scare everyone?  What do they have to gain, and what is the hidden agenda?

  • https://www.christianpost.com/news/94-of-covid-19-deaths-had-underlying-health-problems-6-died-of-virus-alone-cdc-238680/?fbclid=IwAR0LkPG-WoKNBkm0pFEiF0U5r9DwTT4TM_5PLqafJhqf2MzWbpN9lb9nekQ


Certainly, death is scary enough without someone giving 24 /7 coverage of it, but how exactly does Covid fit into the bigger picture of death as a whole.  Whose deaths are we not being told about?  Obviously, we all die, but what I was shocked to discover is that not all lives are valued the same.  In fact, the following statistics reveal a startling truth, “that Only Covid lives matter.” (See worldometers.com as of 10/28/20) 


  • 1,011,981 Deaths due to Corona virus. 
  • 6,750,000 have died of hunger. (Based on around 9 million people die of hunger, according to the international relief agency Mercy Corps. That’s more than the death toll of AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined) 
  • 300,000 – 650,000 – Flu typically kills – https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2017/p1213-flu-death-estimate.html
  • 2.56 million people died from pneumonia in 2017 (Remember the best way to prevent pneumonia is to prevent the flu) – (source:  https://ourworldindata.org/pneumonia)
  • 629,427 – Deaths caused by contaminated water  
  • 31,807,452 – Abortions 
  • 733,156 – Deaths caused by malaria 
  • 801,522 – Suicides  
  • 1,008,976 – Road traffic accident fatalities 


These are the facts of what people are dying from and it is astonishing to think that suddenly, only “Covid-19 lives matter.” After all, there are much more significant killers that have shockingly simple and cost-effective solutions.  Now follow the money.  We have spent more than 6 trillion dollars just on a stimulus package to shut things down for 12 weeks.  Not to mention the economic impact of such a decision. This is a massive amount of money to spend just to delay the Covid-19 phenomenon.  When it comes to death, it is hard to talk about bang for the buck, but that certainly should be a part of the equation when it comes to helping people.  Let me give some examples of what I mean. For a few million dollars, we could eliminate anyone dying from Malaria, since there is already a cure that costs a few dollars per person.  


For hundreds of millions of dollars, we could have provided clean water to drink for every person on the planet.  For billions of dollars, we could have saved more than 6 times as many people from dying of hunger.  If we just stopped abortion, then 31 times as many lives could have been saved.  But what should be obvious at this point is that some lives don’t matter. In fact, some would say unborn babies aren’t even alive the day before their due date. Furthermore, if all lives matter, then why does no one care about the people that commit suicide?  The fact remains, that when we value one life over another in a general way, we are actually practicing some kind of hypocrisy or racism.


Now for the next bit of deception.  Remember, the flu and pneumonia are impossible to separate, so much so that the CDC now lumps them altogether with Covid-19. Of course, lots of people are jumping up and down and saying, “But Covid-19 is so much worse than the flu!”  This is true.  But this is all just word play, because the flu is the main reason someone gets pneumonia.  Pneumonia alone has killed 2.5 times as many people than Covid during the 2017-2018 pneumonia season.  So, between the two of them, (see the numbers above) they can easily kill close to 3 million people world-wide. This is almost three times as many people as Covid at the time this article was written.


So, these deaths are not unprecedented, then why does Covid take priority over every other disease we have seen in the modern era?  Why has no disease previously had 24/7 TV coverage, closed down the whole world, or caused us to alter our lives with masks and social distancing.  Yet, these same things can be argued to be appropriate for people who might catch the flu or pneumonia. This is clearly a double standard because it is saying that the only lives that matter are “Covid lives,” even though similar diseases kill more people.  These facts are why I am convinced that at worst, there is a dark deception being played upon the world. At best, hysteria has gotten completely out of control.  


Sadly, politicians, “never let a good crisis go to waste.”  It has not been a coincidence that all of the cities, counties, and states controlled by socialist leaders must be kept closed until after the election.  This is why when I mention these facts, I am usually met with the comment, “it is an election year.”  What this means is that America has become so divided that there is a group of people who would rather destroy America than to let the other party win. They are OK with lying, cheating and stealing to get what they want.  Unfortunately, they have succeeded at what their true goal is, which is dividing America.  Unfortunately, both parties are playing their part in the larger picture.


Why do I say that division is the main goal?  Because the old saying goes, “United we stand and divided we fall.”  As Christians, we hate to see America become divided, completely embroiled in bickering, and embracing hate or violence.  However, we still have the greatest freedoms and privileges of any citizens in world history.  Of course, we do have a host of problems, but division and hate are not how we move forward.  


Covid-19, like any other problem, must not be approached emotionally and irrationally.   Dividing us will only make things worse if not out-right destroy us.  This is the point where we have to fault the media.  They are the ones who need to be defunded for putting out a false message aimed at dividing us.  If there is anything that is negative or would destroy and divide America, they will cover it 24 / 7.  Unfortunately, the traditional media is not the only one that is involved.  


The movie, “The Social Dilemma,” provides us with a shocking possibility.  The movie perfectly portrays how individual tracking of everything we do is being collected by artificial intelligence, and used to control us.  AI’s continue to feed us only the polarizing things that we gravitate to and hold our attention. Determining what comes up in a search for each of us individually means that we are being manipulated without our knowledge. This is why the “fake news” has taken such a hold on America.  The final conclusion of the movie is that this kind of manipulation will eventually cause a civil war in America.  


While the writers of that film believed this to be an accident, I don’t believe that for a minute.  Foreign powers are also at play.  It has also been well documented the sudden influx of world-wide input on social media regarding our election.  By now, the situation should seem obvious, someone or something is trying to destroy America.  Who would like to destroy or divide America?  Some obvious possibilities are China, Russia, or the New World Order.  With China being the new #1 in the world, current political trends are saying that America must join a united Europe to balance that kind of power.  Thus far it would seem that Covid-19 is playing its part by bringing about division and financial ruin wherever it goes in the free world.


So, how do we fight this deception?  We fight this deception by adding the perspective of the cross, which is that all lives matter and are precious to God.  Obviously, people are dying every day, but people don’t actually know why or how we can help.  We have the opportunity to save lives and to show God’s love.  We cannot save everyone, but we can make strategic decisions about how to save the most lives we can.  Only focusing on Covid-19 lives has caused us to lose sight of the bigger picture.  We need to break this deception by representing those who have no voice in the media.  This is what Jesus would do because “God so loved the whole world.”  So, what is the bigger picture of our reaction to Covid?


Recently, thousands of doctors have written a letter to Trump to end the lock downs.  This is because 150,000 people are diagnosed with cancer each month.  Not getting that timely diagnosis will lead to their death. I recently had to go on blood pressure meds because I could not go to the gym during Covid shutdowns.  Even skipping routine dental care can lead to increased strokes and heart attacks. Virtually no one is talking about depression, alcohol abuse, drug abuse as some of the negative effects of Covid shutdowns. Some people didn’t even go outside.  This deprived them of vitamin D, which is one of the best nutritional preventions for Covid.  While this is the tip of the iceberg, it starts to become easier to see that we may be killing more people in one month than Covid has killed in 8 months.


If you still think you have been hearing the truth about what other doctors besides Dr. Anthony Fauci think, then ask yourself why you haven’t heard of the “Great Barrington Declaration,” This document was initially authored by doctors and epidemiologists from Oxford, Harvard and Princeton.  Since its inception, tis declaration has been signed by more than 35,000 medical doctors and health scientists from around the world.  The petition is to end lockdowns because they are causing “irreparable damage.”  They have specifically listed some of their reasoning to include: “lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings, and deteriorating mental health.  


All of these are leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden.” They also went on to say that “Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice,” because “We know that vulnerability to death from COVID-19 is more than a thousand-fold higher in the old and infirm than the young.” What is also shocking is that they also maintain that, “For children, COVID-19 is less dangerous than many other harms, including influenza.”  I’m still speechless that no one knows this.  What they are recommending is an approach they call “Focused Protection” because they believe that eventually the populations will eventually reach herd immunity.  


They recommend allowing those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally so that immunity to the virus is developed as part of natural infection.  This will allow Covid to pass through a population in a shorter period of time, thereby lowering some of the risks to everyone.  Of course, we do need to take some significant protective measures for those who are at highest risk of dying from Covid-19.  So, the question is, “Why is it that these doctors’ opinions don’t matter?”  What am I really trying to say?  I am saying that the Covid cure is worse than the disease.  I am saying that only Fauci’s opinion matters, even though there are thousands of doctors that disagree with him. 


But keeping people from seeing their doctors is not the only way that we are killing more than we save.  Look at the increase in the cost of food since the onset of Covid.  Food prices have gone up at least 25-30%.  Now remember that 6-7 times as many people die of hunger than Covid-19.  Even the UN is not recommending more shutdowns for Covid because millions more are going to starve this year than usual.  Winning the battle against Covid is causing us to lose the war against world hunger. Currently, hunger is killing 7-9 times as many people than Covid-19.  Unfortunately, we are not allowed to talk about this.


Now think about how this verse, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6)  This is clearly the case here with Covid-19.  The truth is that no one in America has heard there are other possibilities with how to respond to Covid.  For example, Sweden never did shut down, and they did better than we did with much less death and economic impact.  Of course, Sweden did not take away all of the business away from the hospitals or  give a lot more money for a Covid diagnosis either.  Everyone was too quick to take a stimulus, as if there is such a thing as free money.  Once the option of a stimulus was announced, 9 out of my 13 therapists in my office decided to stay home because they can make more money. So, even the stimulus has bought most of us off and kept us from making too much of a fuss about the plan.


Borrowing from our children has also delayed the financial consequences of shutting down, but like all debt, it will be a bitter pill to swallow for our children.  But much of the goal with the Covid deception is aimed at destroying the world economy and specifically America.  People are losing their jobs, their businesses, their houses, and their cars even though they have no risk of dying from Covid-19.  They are literally being forced into bankruptcy because they aren’t allowed to work.  But the facts are that that most people under 40 have virtually a zero percent risk of dying from Covid-19, while people over 65 comprise 80% of Covid deaths.  

  • https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extra-precautions/older-adults.html


This one size fits all is not the way medicine is usually practiced. Imagine if we had to treat all patients like we did our elderly patients? Yeah, I am sure you get the point. In fact, it is this differential diagnosis that keeps a doctor from being charged with malpractice.  Besides age, the other big risk factors are issues with breathing or auto-immune disorders.  Being overweight, having diabetes, or heart disease are also factors. Age considering, if you don’t have one of these risk factors, then you virtually have a zero percent chance of dying from Covid-19.  So, why would the media be making 100% of us afraid, when less than 1% of us are going to die?  


Why would we destroy America or borrow money from our children over something with such a small risk for most of us?  Why is there so much disinformation about Covid-19?  Why is the media lying to us and why are both political parties capitulating with it?  Why are we being blinded from both science and the facts? Why are most people completely wrong about what their personal risk level really is?  This deception is exactly what is addressed in the following article that people are needlessly living in fear. Of course, we also need to keep in mind that there really are some who are at risk, and they too must be informed about this risk because their lives also matter.

  • https://www.franklintempletonnordic.com/investor/article?contentPath=html%2Fftthinks%2Fcommon%2Fcio-views%2Fon-my-mind-they-blinded-us-from-science.html&fbclid=IwAR0FOF0ED1H600UkjTl5OHj8bIlqIrVRBBQoGWuRDaxQ_ugHRbYoyjoPRuY 

Not only are lies the source of this conspiracy, but this is exactly what the Bible means when it says, “they have traded the truth for a lie.”  (Romans 1:25)  Disinformation has always  been one of the key techniques used by everyone from communists to Satanists to destroy America.  This is exactly what the movie “Disinformation:  The Secret Strategy to Destroy the West” brought out back in the late 80’s.  Russia’s plan to destroy the west involved starting all kinds of non-profit world groups aimed at putting out false information to under mind freedom, faith, and capitalism.  


Currently, General H.R. McMaster, who is the former National Security Advisor, has written a book called Battlegrounds, in which he affirms that the US is actually at war.  Not a direct war, but an information or cyber war driven by social media /operatives, and the internet.  His final message: America needs to wake up, catch up, and stop being so narcissistic.   What is also notable is that while he is not a fan of Trump, he refuses to talk about it because he recognizes that this is exactly what is dividing and destroying America.  It doesn’t stop there either because division is also what is destroying the American church.  There is a spiritual war for the truth!  Most Christians in the world are already experiencing heavy persecution and tribulation.  Unfortunately, the doctrine of the rapture has been used to teach the idea that Christians will never see any tribulation, but recent events rule this possibility out.


Even though there is going to be an escape (Luke 21:36) or rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:17) because Christians were not appointed to wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9), it is time to realize that Americans are likely to experience some kind of tribulation.  We also have to face the fact that there is a growing population of Americans that actually hate their own country.  What is also obvious is that these complainers could easily go somewhere else where their ideal government already exists.  The reason they don’t is because none of these countries hold a candle to ours. Still, Americans at large are acting like we have no enemies, when we are actually the last of our kind. Unfortunately, no one in the free world has dared to even challenge the Covid narrative or even check the facts. 


Yet, with all of the deception, most of us still don’t actually believe it.  Just watch what happens when masks become optional.  Still, the financial damage has been done, and this alone is one of the best ways to destroy us.  As Christians who believe our Bibles, we have to know that America has to be severely hampered in order for the beast government to be formed at all.  In fact, the only reason the world is not fully communist right now is the United States of America.  Not one other country could stop Russia or China from invading them.  This is why the world as we know it is at total risk, and why Covid is a deception that is meant to keep us from focusing on what really matters.


How do you know that Covid-19 is a deception?  The first part of that answer is because the powers that be have engineered inflation of the Covid deaths by offering more money.  The second is that we are not being told about any other deaths except Covid-19.  The last is that 94% of the Covid deaths did not die of Covid.  But the greatest proof is how the average person has over estimated their risk of dying from Covid to a shocking extent. The following article shows how we are being blinded to the truth with regard to people understanding what their personal risk really is.  The study found that this deception is worse for democrats, partisanship (those who are biased for their own cause such as their dislike for the current president), and for people on social media. Read it.


  • On average, Americans believe that people aged 55 and older account for just over half of total COVID-19 deaths; the actual figure is 92%.
  • Americans believe that people aged 44 and younger account for about 30% of total deaths; the actual figure is 2.7%.
  • Americans overestimate the risk of death from COVID-19 for people aged 24 and younger by a factor of 50; and they think the risk for people aged 65 and older is half of what it actually is (40% vs 80%).


Source:  They Blinded Us from Science:  How Americans misperceive the risks of death from COVID-19 to a shocking extent.  

More Stunning Headlines


The 1% conundrum: How a simple but flawed math prediction by US Covid-19 experts caused the world to panic and order lockdowns.


Buried lead: New WHO estimate downgrades COVID-19 death rate by 3.8-7.7X

World Health Organization said Monday the agency’s “best estimates” indicate roughly 1 in 10 people worldwide may have been infected by the coronavirus — more than 20 times the number of confirmed cases, which is how they got to their 10% of the world population number.  


In America, 80,000 died of flu in winter of 2017-2018, but suddenly the number of flu deaths in the U.S. as of October 3, 2020 is only 6714. Why is that?  Did the flu suddenly stop killing people or were some of these Covid deaths actually due to the flu.

  • https://www.statista.com/statistics/1113051/number-reported-deaths-from-covid-pneumonia-and-flu-us/


Issues & Insights – The Big Surge in Coronavirus Deaths Is A Media-Fed Myth

“The grim milestones come quickly in the Sunshine State,” CNN reported. “The Florida Department of Health reported 156 new coronavirus-related deaths on Thursday, the most yet in a 24-hour period.”  Yet, Florida’s health department reports only 68 deaths that day. The most deaths occurring in a single day in the state is 101.  


Gateway Pundit – Coronavirus Study Confirms, with Exception of New York and New Jersey, Overall Mortality Not Much Different Than a Bad Flu Season.  

These two states accounted for up to 40% of the total deaths in the country.  This is because these other states aren’t sending COVID-19 patients into nursing homes.  Yet, if there was one thing we learned from Italy, since they are one of the oldest populations in the world, it was that old people are at risk of Covid.  So, who was responsible for making the decisions that led to this unprecedented loss of life?  The same people jumping up and down about how everything is the president’s fault.  I personally supported our president when he decided that Covid is not a one size fits all solution, which allowed for states, governors, cities, and counties to make their own decisions about how to respond based on their individual situations. The problem is that some states made their decisions, and then blamed it on the president.


‘Rather die from COVID than loneliness’: Seniors protest against coronavirus lockdowns

No one asked the senior what they wanted.  How many people died alone because someone wouldn’t let a loved one in to see them?


Masks are yet another part of the intrusion into our freedoms, and they too are dividing this country.  One of the first things I remember hearing about Covid-19 on TV was by a doctor who said, “There is nothing so silly as all these people wearing masks.”  Suddenly, everyone, including Fauci, changed their minds and gave in.  Of course, there are not enough medical grade masks to go around, so we are all just left wearing a piece of cloth.  Still, when I see someone wearing a mask out in the middle of nowhere or by themselves in a car, I cannot help but chuckle to myself because they are the “true believers.”  On the other hand, if you are the only person in the Wawa station not wearing a mask, you are going to get more dirty looks in 5 minutes then you will usually get all year. 


Unfortunately, trying to figure out how, when, and where to wear a mask is confusing because it changes everywhere, we go.  The sign on the gym says, “No Mask, No Entry, No Exceptions.”  Yet, once you scan your key card, everyone takes their mask off and works out like normal.  This is the same for restaurants that require you to wear the mask to the table, but then you can take it off.  One of the reasons we have enjoyed lots of water parks during Covid is because you can’t wear masks in the water.  However, the same dry theme park next door literally has hecklers throughout the park reminding everyone to pull their masks up over their nose. 


What is also interesting is that the actual laws requiring masks all seem to have clear exceptions, but that doesn’t seem to matter because most places do not allow for any exceptions.  This literally means many places are discriminating against people with health conditions.  Even more sinister is that we are quietly developing a Gestapo or “Secret Police” mentality.  Then there are the face shields, which are particularly useless because there is simply no filtration at all.  On the other hand, no one will give you a problem about a face shield because this is all part of the psychological warfare in making us become a faceless society.  A new world order is being imposed on us and our freedoms are being taken away.  I could have posted hundreds of articles about masks, but here are a few that speak to the situation.


Union says Ontario nurses can’t be forced to wear masks in flu season?

The question is, how did the nurses win this law suit? The answer is with overwhelming evidence.


New CDC Study Finds Majority of Those Infected with COVID-19 ‘Always’ Wore Masks

People diagnosed with Covid-19 were asked about their use of masks 14 days prior to catching Covid.  Here are their answers:  Never – 3.9%, Rarely – 3.9%, Always – 70.6% 

  • https://californiaglobe.com/section-2/new-cdc-study-finds-majority-of-those-infected-with-covid-19-always-wore-masks/


Mask Facts – By the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons

COVID-19 is as politically-charged as it is infectious. Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, the WHO, the CDC and NIH’s Dr. Anthony Fauci discouraged wearing masks as not useful for non-health care workers. Now they recommend wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are hard to do (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies). The recommendation was published without a single scientific paper or other information provided to support that cloth masks actually provide any respiratory protection. Let’s look at the data, and their conclusions?  

  • The preponderance of scientific evidence supports that aerosols play a critical role in the transmission of Covid 19.  If anything gets through, you will become infected.  Therefore, a mask must provide a high level of filtration and fit to be highly effective.  
  • A COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) particle is 0.125 micrometers/microns (μm); influenza virus size is 0.08 – 0.12 μm; a human hair is about 150 μm.  
  • All of this means that this virus is too small.  Surgical masks are loose-fitting devices and they aren’t effective at blocking particles smaller than 100 μm. 
  • Even a properly fitted N95 will only block particles down to 0.3 μm, but this thing is 0.125 μm. 
  • Consequently, there is virtually no mask on the market that can filter Covid-19.
  • Public health authorities define a significant exposure to COVID-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic COVID-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes).
  • The chance of catching COVID-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal.
  • Source:  https://aapsonline.org/mask-facts/


A cluster randomized trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers.

Conclusion:  cloth or non-medical masks increase risk of infection, which is what we are all wearing.


These 12 Graphs Show Masks Do Nothing to Stop Covid

  • https://thefederalist.com/2020/10/29/these-12-graphs-show-mask-mandates-do-nothing-to-stop-covid/


The Real Reason for Covid-19?

If Covid-19 is not worse than the flu / pneumonia was in the 20`7-2018 flu season, then what is really going on here?  If we really could save more lives by opening up and encouraging people to see their doctors, then why are we closed down?  If 94% of people who died of Covid didn’t die of only Covid, then why isn’t the main dialog here about what else did most of those people have?  If we are really interested in just saving lives, then why don’t we save the lives that we easily save for just a few million dollars? The answer to all of these questions is because Covid is not about saving lives, it is about creating fear and chaos. The question then becomes, why chaos?  This is where I would like to introduce the idea of “Order out of Chaos” or as it is said in Latin, “Ordo ab Chao.”  


This is a motto directly attributed to the Masons, who also happen to call themselves an order.  Specifically, the Thirty-third Degree of the supreme council of the Scottish Rite of Free Masons. Whether it is the Masons, the Bilderberg’s, the Illuminati, or the New World Order, most people have to accept the fact that there is a group of people in the world that believe humanity is going to destroy itself if they don’t intervene.  There is too much global warming, weapons of mass destruction, and tampering with mother earth, so we must all be controlled.  These are the same 62 people in the world that Bernie Sanders referred to in the 2016 election as having more money than 3.6 million of us.  


What Bernie forgot to mention is that he works for those people.  In fact, the only people that these super rich people actually fear is the American middle and upper class.  That is why wiping out classes of people is exactly what socialism and communism are all about.  The Hegelian Dialectic is another form of manipulation that can be used to accomplish an agenda.  In its simplest form, the Hegelian Dialectic simply says, “if you want to do something, create a problem where the natural solution to the problem is exactly what you wanted to do in the first place.” 


If we are a Christian, looking for signs of the return of Jesus, then we should all be looking for the development of a one world government.  The Bible calls this government the Beast in Revelation and the Divided Kingdom in Daniel.  In each case, this government has ten horns or ten toes. Curiously, the United Nations has divided the world into ten regions.  This New World Order appears to be developing around ancient Europe in the form of the EU.  This is also important because according to Daniel, the last Kingdom is supposed to have iron, which was thought to be some type of revival of the old Roman Empire.  However, what should be obvious is that the biggest obstacle to a one world government is the United States of America.  


One must admit, after looking at this final beast government, that it is very similar to communism, with the exception of a deep state religion.  Again, the only reason the world is not communist right now is the USA.  No other countries can actually defend themselves against Russia or China.  Sadly, millennials and now generation Z are quite open to socialism, which is a form of communism.  Yet, the reality is that communism is the greatest evil the world has ever seen because it has killed over 100 million people that we know of.  (A good movie to watch about the dangers of the socialist agenda is by Dinesh D’Souza called Trump Card)  So, why do we not hear of this evil?  Why do we hear more about the Holocaust, slavery, or how we wiped out the Native American’s?  


While America has tried to spread freedom and capitalism around the world, it really hasn’t worked.  We really are one of a kind. Yet, the biggest delusion of most Americans is that we do not know we are not number one in the world anymore. Who did we borrow money from when we needed money? It was China. Beijing has 21 times as many skyscrapers as New York City. How much longer are the entitled people of America going to continue to say, “in the richest country in the world, why can’t we afford to do _____?”  Yet, no country can spend more than it makes. No country can continue to have massive trade deficits forever.  No, one day, the Prodigal child will run out of their fathers’ money, and this is what is going to happen to America.  


The only great hope that we have is that when this happens, America will remember its’ spiritual Father.  Unfortunately, the idea of nationalism or loving our country has turned into an insult, when it used to be a cry to arms.  Yet, the entire world is dependent upon us for its freedoms. Think about how rich America would be if we didn’t have to defend ourselves.  Think about what the world would be like if China played by the rules, and didn’t steal everyone’s technology.


A Recipe for Destruction

There are two main ways to destroy any country without ever going to war. The first is to divide the people within it, and the second is to destroy it financially. Both of these can be accomplished with chaos, and that is why they are both happening simultaneously as we speak. We have never seen a more intense and violent divide between Americans. We have never seen such large-scale riots and destruction of whole cities in America. They are using the same strategy as the communists who divided the people based on the “haves versus the have nots.” The only difference is that now they are using racism as well.  They have 24/7 coverage by 95% of the media all saying the same thing.  


Even the police have become a target. Not only is our society being divided, but our national debt is out of control.  What most people do not know is that our national deficit is held by the Federal Reserve, which is actually privately owned.  This is extremely disturbing because I have never told myself that I owned my house until I paid it off.  So, we don’t own our country anymore. In fact, the more debt we have, the less of it we own.  These same people own the IMF or International Monetary Fund.  They are also the same people that own the mortgages on our houses or our cars.  The other great uncertainty is who are these people, and what do they want in return?

Chaos and Control 

It is very clear that we are in chaos, and now we can see the new level of control that our government now requires.  We have been forced to borrow 6-7 trillion dollars, shut down our businesses, stay home, wear masks, can’t go to church, can’t sing in church, keep away from everyone, and for sure don’t touch anyone.  This is the tip of the iceberg with what the New World Order wants.  The next level of control involves being penetrated and marked.  They want access to our bodies so that they can monitor and control everything we do:  what we can buy or sell, how much currency is in our accounts, and even what our DNA looks like.  

You heard that last one right. I have been saying now for over 12 years, that the Mark of the Beast is not just going to be a computer chip or tattoo, but a genetic marker that changes our DNA.  I first got this idea after listening to a Bible prophecy series by Thomas Horn.  The scariest thing about changing our DNA is that it would change the image in which we were created, and the dimensions of God’s temple. What must be obvious to all of us is that God was the one who wrote our DNA, and then He called it good.  Changing what God wrote is blasphemy according to our Bibles.  Changing our DNA is changing whos’ son we are and who our Father is.  It changes our seed, our very identity, and who we are related to.  

PART 2 COMING Thanksgiving Day November 26th !



Every so often, someone asks why I spend so much time studying the giants mentioned in the Bible. The implication is that the giants, variously called Anakim, Rephaim, and Nephilim, are “fringe,” and thus irrelevant. Isn’t Jesus enough?

Yes, of course he is. But contrary to what’s being taught in seminaries, the “mighty men who were of old” are not “fringe”; they are, in fact, woven through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. The prophets and apostles knew about them, and texts from pagan kingdoms around ancient Israel, some of which have only been translated within the last forty years, are helping us put these characters into their proper context.

In the Canaanite Rephaim Texts, “Travelers” are spirits who “travel” or “cross over” from one plane of existence to another, from the realm of the dead to the land of the living—in other words, demons, the spirits of the Nephilim destroyed in the days of Noah. It’s significant because “Traveler” can be interpreted as a divine name in Ezekiel’s prophecy of the Gog-Magog war.

On that day I will give to Gog a place for burial in Israel, the Valley of the Travelers, east of the sea. It will block the travelers, for there Gog and all his multitude will be buried. It will be called the Valley of Hamon-gog.

Ezekiel 39:11, ESV (emphasis added)

These Travelers, the Rephaim, were also called “warriors of Baal” in the Rephaim Texts. The reference to the Travelers in Ezekiel 39 is not just significant, it’s critical. The pagan Amorites of Canaan venerated spirits of the dead for centuries before Israel arrived. That’s why God prohibited consulting with mediums and necromancers, and why He sent a plague against Israel, before the people crossed the Jordan to march around Jericho, for eating sacrifices offered to the dead.

Ezekiel places the Valley of the Travelers east of the Dead Sea, an area where the veil between the worlds was believed to be thin. Place names along the Exodus route in Moab include Oboth (“Spirits of the Dead”), Peor (“cleft” or “gap,” which in this context refers to the entrance to the netherworld), and Iye-Abarim (“Ruins of the Travelers”). Mount Nebo, across the Jordan from Jericho, is called the “mountain of the Abarim (Travelers).”

Archaeologists working at Tall el-Hammam, a site about seven and a half miles northeast of the Dead Sea, have uncovered physical evidence that strongly suggests it was the site of Sodom. A thriving city with massive defensive walls appears to have been leveled around 1700 BC in a single, cataclysmic event that left it and the fertile plain around it uninhabited for the next six to seven hundred years, about the time of Saul, David, and Solomon. Just southeast of the city is a cluster of about five hundred dolmens, megalithic funerary monuments that scholars date to the Early Bronze Age, possibly as old as 3300 BC. It’s estimated that as many as fifteen hundred once stood there, along with menhirs (standing stones), henges, and stone circles, the largest such collection of megalithic structures in the Levant.

The site rises 75 to 150 feet above the plain. So, the stone monuments and the ruined, still-deserted city would have been easily visible to the Israelites who camped on the plains of Moab. It’s even possible that their stop at Iye-Abarim, “Ruins of the Travelers,” was among the rubble of the city that God destroyed with fire from the sky.

Dr. Phillip Silvia, the director of scientific analysis for the Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project, told me in a 2019 interview that the dolmens, unlike some others in the Jordan valley, don’t appear to be aligned with any astronomical features. Instead, they appear to be oriented toward what project archaeologists believe was the temple of Tall el-Hammam.

We’re eagerly waiting to see what the ongoing dig turns up, but this is a tantalizing bit of information. Consider: The east side of the Jordan valley is where the Bible places the Rephaim tribes in the days of Abraham. Some twenty-five thousand dolmens have been found along the Jordan from the Golan Heights (ancient Bashan) to the Dead Sea, with the largest concentration of them just outside the walls of Sodom—the largest and most influential city in the Transjordan until the time of Abraham and Lot. Scholars date the construction of the dolmens to time of the Rephaim, the Early and Middle Bronze Ages (roughly 3300–1800 BC), which coincides almost exactly with the period that Sodom dominated the region. Those dolmens apparently faced the city’s temple.

That begs the question: Who or what was worshiped in that temple? Why was God compelled to destroy the city and those around it? In my view, His judgment was about more than just the Sodomites’ choice of lifestyle.

The Hebrew prophets, especially Isaiah and Ezekiel, were clearly familiar with the pagan cult of the dead. References to the Rephaim are there in the original Hebrew, but they’ve been obscured by translators who may not have understood the historical and religious milieu of the ancient Near East.

Let’s start with Ezekiel, who prophesied the return of the Nephilim at Armageddon. The spirits of the Rephaim are the Travelers, the demon warriors of Baal (Satan) who make up the army of Gog (Antichrist) at the final battle for Zion.

That may sound crazy, but consider: Since this happens on the Day of the Lord, the day of His terrible judgment on the world, the church won’t be here. We are not destined to suffer His wrath. With Christians gone, those still on the earth will not be protected by the Holy Spirit from this demonic army. What the people of Jerusalem face in that final battle is an attacking force possessed by the Travelers—demonic spirits of the “mighty men who were of old,” the Nephilim, following their spirit fathers into battle for one final assault on the holy mountain of God.

It will quite literally be an army of the evil dead.

This brings us to Isaiah 14, where we find the Rephaim, translated into English as “shades,” welcoming the divine rebel upon his fall from Eden.

Sheol beneath is stirred up 

to meet you when you come; 

it rouses the shades [Rephaim] to greet you, 

all who were leaders of the earth; 

it raises from their thrones 

all who were kings of the nations. (Isaiah 14:9, ESV)

The description by Isaiah matches the sense of the term in the pagan Rephaim Texts from five hundred years earlier: The Rephaim were dead kings of old who now inhabit the netherworld. The main difference is that the Amorites believed those spirits of the dead would bless and protect their kings, while Isaiah described them as “weak,” sleeping beneath worms on a bed of maggots. 

Isaiah 14 is, without a doubt, one of the most important chapters in the Bible for understanding this long supernatural war in which you and I are deployed. It tells us about the divine rebel, Day Star (Lucifer), son of Dawn, and his fall from Eden. The five “I wills” that illustrate his destructive pride and ambition. But Isaiah’s report on Lucifer’s fall is even more fascinating that we’ve been taught.

First, because Isaiah identified Lucifer’s mount of assembly as Mount Zaphon, the mountain sacred to Baal (whom Jesus identified as Satan), we can be pretty sure that Satan is in view here.

Second, the prophet, who is known for his love of wordplay, employed an Egyptian loanword to reveal more about the final destiny of the rebel god.

All the kings of the nations lie in glory,

each in his own tomb;

but you are cast out, away from your grave,

like a loathed branch,

clothed with the slain, those pierced by the sword,

who go down to the stones of the pit,

like a dead body trampled underfoot.

Isaiah 14:18–19, ESV (emphasis added)

What did Isaiah mean by calling Satan “a loathed branch?”

Most English translations agree that the Hebrew word netser means “branch.” The range of adjectives chosen by translators includes “loathed,” “repulsive,” “rejected,” “worthless,” and “abominable,” but they convey the same sense—something utterly detestable. The adjective translated “abhorred” or “abominable,” Hebrew taʿab, is significant. It modifies the noun netser, which would normally have a positive connotation. In this context, taʿab means something like “unclean” or “ritually impure.”

Still, even allowing for differences in cultures over the last twenty-seven hundred years, calling someone an “unclean branch” is puzzling. But there is an explanation: Isaiah meant something other than “branch” because the Hebrew netser wasn’t the word he used at all.

[The] term is best explained as a loanword from the common Egyptian noun nṯr. Nṯr is generally translated “god,” but is commonly used of the divinized dead and their physical remains. It originally came into Hebrew as a noun referring to the putatively divinized corpse of a dead king, which is closely related to the Egyptian usage. (Emphasis added)

“Divinized dead” describes perfectly the Rephaim, the Nephilim spirits venerated by the Amorites of Canaan, whom the prophet mentioned above, in verse 9. Isaiah used an Egyptian word that sounds like the Hebrew word for “branch” to connect the rebel from Eden to the Rephaim by calling Satan an abhorrent dead god.

This definition fits. Satan was thrown down from Eden to the netherworld and demoted from “an anointed guardian cherub” to become the unclean, repugnant, eternally cursed lord of the dead.

What humiliation.

Current project is to help over 200+ churches in Honduras.

Providing assistance to the people in their area, to keep them safe at home and productive for their families.

(SOIL Ministry is a ministry partner of All Pro Pastors International)


• Church Administration – Video & Internet Series

• Master Life – The Disciples Personality

• Bible Training Center for Pastors (10 course pack)

• G.O.A.L.S. Mentoring – 13 week course

• Experiencing God – Knowing and Doing the Will of God

• Project – Saturate Honduras

• Love Is A Hunger Designed by God – Marriage Seminar


• English as a Second Language – ESL

Church Wide Studies

• CIVICS (Honduran & USA)

• HISTORY (Honduran & USA)

MEDICAL MISSIONS – Surgical Teams last conducted in Tocoa, Colon

If you have some time in your schedule I would love to talk about joining this effort. A great way to spread Goodwill while assisting the USA with the immigration issues, while doing it with compassion.


Anthony Ponceti, Th.D.
Global Goodwill Ambassador
Soil Ministry Honduras
All Pro Pastors International
(863) 370-1080